Sitdown with Andrew Tate | Michael Franzese

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hey everyone welcome to another sit down with Michael Frances hope everybody's doing well all is very good very blessed on this end as always I give all the praise honor glory and Thanksgiving to God for that well as you can see I'm in a different place different surrounding you don't see the canvas up on the wall I'm actually at the compound I would call it of Andrew and Tristan Tate I've been trying to get here for a long time some of you know I had a little issue with the passport we got that resolved and um I've been in touch with the Tates for quite some time now you know I've been a big supporter of what's going on with them in Romania and uh you know there's a lot of back and forth about this but uh I am of the belief people that you are innocent until proven guilty I happen to know things a little bit differently than most people online and I'm hoping this is going to work out the way it should and uh all this gets cleared up in court for both of these young men and uh very excited to sit down with Andrew you know some people have said to me because I've been talking about this you know Michael why would you sit down with Andrew and my response to that well why would Andrew sit down with me I mean we both have our things in our past we both have allegations and uh you know I have a 30-year history now that I think PE things have been resolved Andrew is a lot younger than I am uh we happen to uh think a lot uh alike about a lot of things and I think what you're going to find out in this conversation we're going to talk about things all this misogyny stuff you know there's a lot of allegations out there but people you need to remember something allegations are just that until there's proof until something happens until there's a conviction and even then may not be right you know we live in a world today where unfortunately you know um you're guilty until proven innocent and I'm sorry but I don't ascribe to that I mean I've been through it in my life and I'm not saying that people don't deserve to have consequences um if they do something wrong we agree with that but um you know I like to listen and I judge people after hearing everything and knowing them myself and we have a lot of things we're going to talk about Andrew is never at a loss for words and uh you're going to probably see me listen because I want to hear some of the things that he has to say about a lot of different issues but uh I can say I'm excited to be here excited to sit down with both Andrew and Tristan today and I know a lot of people have been waiting for this a lot of my followers have been saying Michael when is it going to happen well it's going to happen now so looking forward to it and Andrew doesn't need any int uction I think he's the um most watched Guy the biggest influencer or one of the biggest influence certainly right at the top on all of social media and there he's there for a reason people and I think you're going to find through this conversation that there's a lot of misgivings about him that are just not true just not true and uh that's why I chose to be here so you know without getting any further I'm sure there going to be uh this is going to be probably two or three parts because neither of us uh have a lack for words but uh here we go my guest Andrew Tate so Andrew I uh I honestly didn't think I was going to make it here this time you know to use your phrase the The Matrix uh got me for a while you told me something happened what happened you know it's it's unbel I got this tour going on in the UK we're going in March and uh because I was coming to Dubai first I had to have six months left on my passport Y and my passport actually expired in June so Ella's telling me go get your passport done I said I'll do it when I get back she said says you got to do it right away you can't get an appointment there I make a connection I get an appointment on a Monday I'm leaving Tuesday Tuesday night right go there Monday give him the money go through the computer everything's fine I go back Tuesday Mr Francis we're sorry we can't give you a passport I said why not Department of Treasury has put a hold on it I said Department of Treasury so they said you got to call them up I said call the Department of Treasury this is you it take 6 months to even get through to them long story short what I find out is somebody puts a fraudulent tax return filed a fraudulent tax return for 2023 wasn't even due yet and I never file on time anyway I'm always right four months late and uh claimed I made $4,000 and I needed a $100 uh return right so the IRS looks at it and said this is fraudulent they don't process it but they post it so overnight when I go to try to get my passport goes over the computer whatever they stop me right so when I find this out I saidwell who posted this you know who filed it you can file it e file they said we can't tell you because it's under investigation they said but you're fortunate you got to thank us they said thank you for what had we processed it they would have put a warrant out for your arrest and locked you up at the passport office this is what they tell me right so right now I still can't get a copy of it they won't give it to me they say it's under investigation somebody did it yeah somebody just put it in there but normally it would take four to 6 months to get this done fortunately I was able to get done in a month otherwise I wouldn't be here well the really interesting question is the person who did this do they even have a passport are they even a citizen who knows anymore we've entered a new era of insanity where these kind of things can happen and we don't even know who did it they may not have a Social Security number this recently in London there was a I can't remember if it was a stabbing or an acid attack something heinous happened in London only a month or a month and a half ago to a little girl and they were talking about how they couldn't find the guy and London has the most CCTV in the world and as much as I believe UK is a failed Society the Met police are pretty good at wrapping up the violent people pretty quickly they they do respond and find them it's unfortunate they only come after the event you'll get stabbed but they they might catch the guy once you're dead which is kind of nice but they couldn't find this person who did this extremely heinous crime and I made the very obvious point the only reason they cannot find somebody who did something so heinous in the middle of the day in the middle of a city like London is because they have no idea who this person is he has no social media no passport no bank cards no footprint he came on a boat he turned up he murdered a native and he's vanished cuz cuz who knows who is he you have a grainy CCTV image and absolutely nothing else so I mean maybe I'm a not maybe I've been called it a few times it must be semi- true conspiracy theorist but when you tell me things like this just it sounds like people trying to game the system and who are these people do they even have American passports or citizenships or any interest in the country at all or are they just there to exploit whatever they can exploit who knows you know but uh I don't I don't know how the immigration system is here I know it's pretty bad in in the UK but you got to see how it is in America we have we have probably 15 million people that have come into the country and you know I spoke recently to uh 850 border patrol agents in Texas Y and they told me Michael you have no idea we have no idea who's coming into this country we don't know how many have gotten away we don't know how much drugs is coming in they have no idea how much human trafficking is taking place human trafficking the whole bit yeah it's it's it's scary and it's scary one because of the situation but it's really scary when you understand it's by Design I don't believe it's an accident I don't you don't have to be have any degree of a functioning brain to understand that a nation requires a border you can't sit and believe you have a nation without a ber it's not a nation at that it's not a nation anymore so these people must be doing it by Design you must then you have to go deeper down the rabbit hole why are they trying to do this and I I see these little hints in the media you see things and they say you know Trump might lose the election because of the undocumented voters and I sit and think are these people really busting their way into America and then urgently trying to find a way to vote or are they just letting them in so they can use that as a scam make up the votes themselves don't put me in jail but they'll just say oh this the undocumented vote and they'll just they'll just print it and write it themselves and they'll just blame them these people probably don't even need to vote they're just the scapegoat for the scamming of the election that's what I think they're doing it for I've been saying this for months there's only one reason and this is totally political they're letting them into the country and that's to influence the voting that's it they want to turn the entire country blue the entire country Progressive they never want to get out of power it's so funny because you look at the world and my recent stint has me looking at the world quite hard right because when you go to a jail or when you go to a court or legal process in a country that's not your native country you you start to feel extremely patriotic it's weird because I left the UK 10 years ago and I've been in Romania for a very long time but when you're standing in a Romanian court and there's a Romanian national anthem and a Romanian symbol and everyone's talking in Romanian and you're just standing there like I don't stand you speak Rani no I don't speak Rani I don't have a clue what's being said it's just like jail you're like right what so you kind of feel patriotic and then I'm looking at my host Nations and I'm trying to find or looking at the world and trying to find somewhere I can feel home again because I felt home here until this happened to me we can go deeper down the rabbit hole as to whether America actually did this to me vi proxy that's another question but you're looking at things and I I see countries like Russia or I see countries where people can be proud of their leadership and proud of their nation and I'm truly jealous I'm heartbroken when I see young Russian men who believe in Putin and believe in Russia and believe in the country that must be such a beautiful feeling I can't be patriotic like I want to be because our leadership is garbage they're throwing the country down the drain they're doing it on purpose and you have to look at who you can't criti because I don't truly believe freedom of speech exists anywhere this is idea that America has freedom of speech that's a lie nowhere in the world has freedom of speech there's always a class of people you cannot criticize you can't go to Russia and criticize Putin you can't live in Saudi and criticize the king or Islam in America you can't criticize trans George Floyd all this other garbage and I'm like well if every single country on Earth is going to have these taboo subjects at least if you're not criticizing the leader who you believe has a national interest in improving the that's okay you may not agree with everything Your Leader does but if you know he's trying to help the country you can be like okay but what are the what are the lgbtq and George Floyd doing to benefit America these are the people who are off limits to criticism I'm not allowed to say I don't believe they're acting the right way otherwise I'm going to be punished in some way and they don't benefit the country in any way at all ever not only do they not benefit the country but they're in such a minority and yet our leadership now panders to them like they're the most important people in the world yep I don't get it I really don't get it that's you know and I try to understand what their motive is on this I I can't understand it I think their motive is primarily to just damage Society at every level I think and once again not to be pessimistic and not to be a conspiracy theorist but I believe they've come to the conclusion that the American experiment is on its way out the Empire is falling across the next 50 to 60 years they want to enrich themselves as much as possible like a typical crypto pump and dump or stock Ponzi and they're trying to divide Society to the point where we don't realize what they're doing and demasculinize as many men as possible so we don't resist what they're doing and they find any agenda they can to purport which will damage our capability of resisting it so they're going to come along and and do all this garbage I I did a a podcast recently I was talking about trans swimmers in female sports and we were talking about how ridiculous it all is and after about an hour in I was like the truly upsetting thing is that they've managed to convince some of the smartest most eloquent most interesting people in the planet who have podcasts to sit down and discuss whether a a man should be allowed to swim with women we're not talking about the fact that the fiat currency is a scam that the judicial system's a scam that the elections are a scam we're talking about some swimmer with with with with a male genitalia destroying female swimmers that's what they want because they've put up such a smoke screen of garbage that we're sitting here trying to go through the garbage and the only reason we have to do that is because there is a proportion of the population who are so slavem minded they're slave minded they will believe anything they are told anything they are said so you end up having to argue against like you said this very vocal minority of 15% of whoever they are who truly believe that a man with a wig is a woman and while we do that they just plunder plunder plunder until it all explodes and it's it's it's the Patriot In Me Is heartbroken it really makes me sad well I agree and you know the hypocrisy and all of that is we have a country that's supposed to be standing strongly for women's rights yeah until you get a trans involved and then you don't hear anything about the women anymore absolutely and it's so absurd a man cannot compete with a woman y you know I mean shouldn't compete with a woman a woman can't compete with him in sports like that it's a known fact but yet they're forcing it on everybody there and it's h you know what gets me Andrew more than anything listen I was on the street I was a gangster for 20 years I make no bones about it that's who I was but that's who I was I admit to it that's who I was the hypocrisy in these people right now is what gets me more than anything there's such frauds and there's such Liars they get up there and you know what get me politicians get up there now daily a daily basis they had a thing uh I read an article in 17 minutes 17 minutes Biden got on the air and lied 15 times they fact check him 15 lies in 17 minutes and you talk to people about that and they say Well it's politics I said it's not politics it's lying if your partner lies to you once maybe twice ah third time fourth time you're done 100% these guys lie to you every single day and you support it you say it's politics it's not it's lying and the worst part about it they lie to the detriment of the people that they're supposed to be benefiting Y and that's why I've been ranting and raving about it you know I almost lost my tour in uh in um United Kingdom because of this whole thing I have to believe that I've been very vocal like you you know speaking up for what we think is right and uh and they're coming after you for it that's the bottom line well absolutely because your ability to speak freely is directly correlated to your insignificance yeah you can talk if nobody listens people start to listen you have to be careful what you say exactly and then they'll come along and say oh this is a free country yeah you can say what you want and then they'll attack you anyway if you say things they don't like the Free Speech scop well it's very interesting what you said about lying in politics I want to talk about that in a second but the free speech scop is interesting because America as a country is Unified by two things one is money and two is this idea of freedom which doesn't truly exist I believe but other nations may be unified by a language or a color or a flag or a national interest whatever but America is Unified by the idea that most people believe they can get rich one day and they're unified by this idea that they are Freer than everybody else so I think to keep this scam alive they have to allow people to do stupid things they can't do in other places because you can't truly criticize from a vocal platform the leadership without getting wrecked that's the same in every country in the world America's no better so to pretend they're better than a country like Saudi or Russia they'll say ah but you can change your name and put a wig on so we're free yeah so they'll allow you to do insignificant garbage but they won't allow you to stand up and do anything that's important and then they'll say ah but we're free because look at this garbage you can do that nobody wants to do anyway unless they're scoped into it it's really interesting what you said about politics and Liars that's the ultimate slave mind when you say people go a it's politics they've got us to a point now where we think it's perfectly acceptable and perfectly normal for the people that we hire to represent us to just lie the entire time exactly and I mean that's fraud isn't it I I don't I don't know you're you're representing my constituency and you vote against our interests every single time 100% fraud 100% listen you know and and again some people say well Michael you were in a mob I said exactly but I didn't pretend to be you know fighting for the people we were fighting for ourselves at that point time however I will tell you this we treated people better than they treat us 100% 100% our communities were safe our neighborhoods were safe we didn't pray on innocent people these people okay they lie they get on a campaign they say this and that they get into office they totally reverse themselves to the detriment of the people that put him in office and to me there's nothing worse than that Andrew nothing worse I I agree and then the only way this makes sense is if you look at the political landscape and you understand who they actually work for because people say why are they doing this I hear often people say oh politicians well they're just stupid if they're so stupid how come they're in charge of you yeah they're not stupid they're not stupid you think they work for you that's your confusion you think they represent you and you're like why are they doing all these things that's against my interest because you're not their concerned they work for somebody else and they're passing laws for their interest the people who make the rules make rules to benefit the people who make the rules they don't make the rules to benefit the common average person you know I I catch myself doing this a lot of the things I talk about in the world and how I view things and I'd really be interested in your input on this because I came from absolutely nothing and now I have a little bit of money and I occasionally catch myself being elitist I catch myself being elitist like if I meet somebody who I went to school with and we grew up in the same area and we've had the same amount of minutes of life and I managed to be monumentally successful and they can't pay their bills because they were too busy smoking weed I don't feel sorry for them very much I'm actually like well you're an idiot you could have found a way out you could have tried harder there's always a way you didn't try hard enough and if you extrapolate that out I'm somebody who was only poor 10 years ago imagine you're born into a banking Dynasty imagine you're born into a lineage of people who have always been Rich imagine how you're going to view the Common Man mhm they don't they think we're cockroaches They Don't Care About Us they don't they have no concern for us on any level because they believe they're completely different they're in a different class they don't believe in nation states cuz they're globalists they're above us in every way they print the thing that we all slave around and run around for money so of course they have no concern for for us so when they get a politician in power and they get him to pass laws that are to our detriment it doesn't cross their mind that that's not what they should do for the same reason I'll make a law or I'll make a decision in my house that will be detriment to the ants outside I don't care it's my house and it's their world and this is the reality of it and I don't know I'm very interested how that ties into your story with the mob and getting big and getting rich and getting famous did you ever get to a point where you're just like you know what you common people I don't want to talk to you anymore you get to that point not that you don't want to talk to them but you know listen we have a a tendency to to pity people feel sorry for people in our country everybody has an opportunity to do something there's no question about it and you got to look at somebody's past if like you said they're laying around and they're waiting for somebody to do something for them and expecting something to happen depending upon the government well I don't have any pity for that you know I don't I have I I see so many people like yourself that started with nothing and made themselves successful but they worked hard yeah and they took advantage of the system when they could which is what you're supposed to do so yeah I mean look it's natural you know you good I had to check myself there no you're okay there and another thing I think that's getting scary about the world which is also an interesting thing and perhaps this is a modern thing I don't know but I see a lot of these crimes and a lot of things happening and I I I particularly pay attention to into British crime cuz I I feel more British than America I spent most of my time there and you see stabbings on trains and all of these crazy things happening every single day shootings and London's getting really bad and I was talking to someone and I said we're at the point now where you almost just have to avoid broke people and I'm not saying that in a horrible way I'm saying you can't get on a train because there's someone on that train who can't pay their bills and is on the edge that's just the reality of it you can see it someone bumps into them and they just pull a blade and start stabbing people you can't walk around in crowds you can't go where there's huge Gatherings because there ends up being a murder or a stabbing or a riot it's getting to the point where you become more elitists because you're saying well I just need to avoid all of the people who don't have a lot of money and I can avoid 99.9% of the world's problems besides the government CU then they come for you yeah but it's getting that way and I don't feel like you'll know better than me that the world used to be that way the common man would be a good person and everything was fine and they loved their family and they had a degree of respect but in certain towns in England especially now if you try and go anywhere and people aren't affluent they've they've lost all sense of morality they just think oh okay well it just becomes a free-for-all and it's dangerous it's getting more and more dangerous to be around or or just do a common thing or a normal thing public transport malls anything it's getting crazy out there let me ask you a question is that in your view because there are no consequences for these people I think or they've been minimized to a degree where they can get away with it that's that's certainly part of it but I do believe that humans are intrinsically good at and I think that as we're divided further and further down the scale which is what's happening we just end up finding an enemy of some kind I believe that when you remove the homogeny of society whether it be race religion anything when you have nothing at all to unify or bind people anymore you add on the pressure of people not being able to pay their bills you add on the pressure of people slowly realizing how unfair this world is and how unfair all the systems we're supposed to believe in are I think there's just a lot of pressure on people to just I think a lot of people can take pressure you can talk from jail we can talk about our jail there's a lot of people who wake up and they say let's take it this way if you're an immigrant let's let's say and I don't know this I'm just guessing because I try and put myself in other people's positions right I try and pretend I'm them if I was an immigrant and I grew up in a strictly Islamic country in a war zone I'm going to be battle hardened because I've seen terrible things happen and I'm going to have this view of the West as this Utopia of beautiful women and money and all this other garbage right and I'm going to leave my land I'm going to go to England and I'm going to realize that one I don't have really very much money other people may have some money but I don't two nobody really wants to give me a job because I don't have the work ethic they expect of me three the women don't look at me as anything so all these women who I have a bad view of I view them as promiscuous because that's what I've seen in the music videos and I go up to them and I'm like hey and they're like go away from me that that that that offends me what do you mean go away why are you telling me to go away because I have this promiscuous view in my mind you put me with 10 other guys who have no job and we stand around on the corner all day like how is this going to end anything other than crime how is this going to end any other way because you get to a point especially when you tell them the punishment for what happens to them is probably better than how they lived at home you're going to say well get rich or die trying and that's inside of every single man anyway so when you add in the war zone and these other societal levels and these other psychological levels they just don't care anymore and and how can you police that how can you stop that it's it's scary because the police come afterwards they don't they can't it's the police come afterwards that's the problem with all of this well you know what in America now they don't even want the police to come I mean it's gotten so bad and you know people have said to me they had this whole movement I don't know if you remember one it was defunding the police and genius idea you know I said to them I said let me ask you a question you know Michael what do you think about it you know you you don't like the police just stop for a minute let me ask you a question I'm on the street again right I'm doing what I'm doing Rudy J everybody knows him he comes to me Michael don't worry about it you know if we lock you up on a RICO case you're going to get out right away we're not going to give you any Bell no problem you know and don't worry about it maybe we'll give you a year in jail do you think I'm going to become a better person when I hear that when I'm I'm a criminal to begin with of course not when there's no consequences to your actions you're going to go wild Y and that's what people that's what they don't understand you need Law and Order and I think you believe that also got to have Law and Order there's no question about it and when we're talking about this and Andrew I want to be clear with people we're we're saying these things because we see something going wrong and we want to fix it you know when I go on a rant about our government because I see them lying and I see him doing it to the detriment of the people and that's why I get upset cuz I happen to love my country y you know I was born and raised there hey you know I did what I did but I understand when I went to jail I deserve to go to jail back then you know different than you y I deserved it when I went to jail but I love my country I got you know I got seven kids I got seven grandkids I want the country to be right absolutely and when I see these people doing what they're doing and destroying our United States is going down I'm going to tell you something if we get another four years of this Biden Progressive stuff we're in a lot of tell everybody the last chance it's it I'm telling you it's over it's the last chance and it's really actually very interesting argument because I completely agree with Law and Order and I completely agree with you what you're saying when I got out of jail I was analyzing because I'm enjoying I'm a very lucky person God has blessed me with the experience of the Romanian judicial system so I'm trying to understand other Judicial Systems around the world and I was like well where is fair and you start to like go down the rabbit hole a bit and you see that there's a lot of countries that have completely different ethoses when it comes to justice so the American idea and the British idea the Western idea of justice is innocent until proven guilty that's the basic idea of Justice in countries like Romania it's more everyone goes to jail for a while everybody if you're even remotely suspected of anything everybody goes to jail for a while and then we'll let you out and then in the end unless you've really done something you're probably going to go home so theirs is more scatter gun it's more ah you looked in a car window well you didn't break in but you're looking in and there was a car break in yesterday tough it might be you yeah that that's how they work now that obviously comes with detriment because you end up in jail with a bunch of people who perhaps don't belong in jail but then I look at the society here we're in the poorest country in Europe I walk around with a million watch I had a $5 million buatti I'd park it on the street women walk home alone at night it's so ridiculously safe because everyone fears the law so perhaps it's detrimental yes and when you're in the cell you're like why am I here but if you're not emotional about the fact you got caught up in it and you look around you're like well Society does function people always talk about Japan and say Japan's so safe Japan's so great Japan's amazing yeah cuz there a 99% conviction rate yeah do you telling me that innocent people aren't going to jail with a 99% convic what's the even point of the Court the court doesn't exist you turn up I did yeah yeah jail yeah yeah yeah jail same what happened to me I went there and I said Tik Tok how can you human traffic someone on Tik Tok Tik Tok doesn't even make money yeah yeah jail they don't care so you either fear the law or you have to fear the criminals in the worst countries on Earth and perhaps we could say this is America currently you have to fear both because the law will come for you if you're too big and you're telling too much truth and the criminals will come after you if you're too rich so you're living there with two enemies right you know that's the worst position to be in at least in a country like Japan you know as long as I don't upset the law I'll probably be okay right let let me tell you what happened to you it's the same way that guys in organized crime same thing happens I'll tell you what happened normally a crime is committed and they go out and investigate and find out who the perpetrators are right when you get to be somebody like yourself there isn't a crime they're investigating you trying to figure out if you did anything wrong it goes the opposite way that's what they did with guys like us okay he's a bad guy let's figure out what he did so they start investigating surveillance all that until they can nail you with something that's what happened to you and I've said this to many people I said you don't understand it you don't know the system whether you're Romania us or it's the same thing when you get high-profile like that this is what they do 100% they do not get a crime and try and find the name they get a name and try and find the crime exactly and and most people no idea how all of these things work they have no idea how ridiculous the legal code is in every country you don't know the law you can live in America your whole life you don't know the law you may think you know the law but you don't and when you go to a court it's all subjective they can have a a page of Law and they can have someone in there at 10:00 a.m. who goes home and they can have someone in there at 11:00 a.m. who goes to jail and he can go to jail for two years and the next guy in at midday he goes to jail for four years it's all subjective exactly and and that's what's so scary about it they tried to pin a bunch of crimes on us they tried the financial route they tried this they tried that they ended up going for what they went for because it's actually very uniquely human trafficking is one of the only crimes in the world where the victim can say they're not a victim so with human trafficking what they can do is come along and get a man and his wife say you've human trafficked this woman because you for financial gain have convinced her to do something and With Me It's The Lover Boy method by being nice not by physical ceron not by beating they're not even saying that they're saying he used nice words to convince this girl to do something for financial gain which I guess is every single employee boss relationship in the world then when I say I didn't do it when the girl herself says I didn't she he didn't do it they can still the state can come after you so you have a victim defending me me defending myself both of us on the same side of the stand and the state trying to wreck you anyway no matter what the victim says human trafficking is a unique crime in that regard and I guess they're doing it because they're saying that women can be brainwashed or whatever whatever I don't know how they came up with this idea which is another interesting argument you know what as I go through this it's so interesting because I try and highlight the hypocrisies in these things I say well I have daughters and maybe I'm crazy but they're going to listen to me and I'm going to have a a big influence in their life but we're now living in society in the west where we're saying women shouldn't have to listen to their fathers women shouldn't have to listen to their boyfriend women are sovereign individuals who can come to all all their own conclusions cuz they're adults fine I agree with that but if that's true you can't then say that they're so stupid that they'll do anything a man tells them to like this and that they can't tell their own point of view in court and that they're just Lemmings which one is it it's one or the other it's one or the other so they're trying to push all of this feminism thing but the second a woman a second there's a man they don't like they turn around and say ah women are not sovereign women are stupid you they call me a misogynist the courtroom is misogynistic I'm sitting in a courtroom where a girl is saying he's never done anything to me I asked asked him how to get famous on Tik Tok because he was famous on Tik Tok they put this whole case together based on garbage and stupid YouTube videos he made and they're trying to take him down he's never hurt me I have no problem with him I don't want this case I'm saying the same thing and they're saying no she she doesn't know what she's saying who's the misogynist the state so let me this goes in front of a jury here also how does it work goes in front of a single judge oh yep yep welcome to the judicial system who does the judge work for well that's right I mean I who who who selected this judge and and this is another thing I find so interesting because people let me how's he been so far because he did eventually let you out right yeah so the Romanian judicial system is effectively you have a tribunal judge you have a singular judge and then you go to an appeal and the appeal which is whether I win if I win they appeal if they win I appeal so you always go to appeal which has three judges and they're all supposed to be randomly selected I kept running into the same ones F funny funny that right um but it's all supposed to be randomly selected and they basically have the final call there's no jury at all and anything and they just decide everything and and this is what's interesting that people at home are so ignorant that they believe that a case which is large enough let look at your case your case and what happened to you and your people will affect the streets of New York it will affect 20 million people mhm you think they're going to leave that up to some with the law degree do you think there's going to leave it up to some guy with a gown who studied in a book or do you think they're going to say you know what there's 20 million lives at stake so let's just do what has to be done to just just fix this right you know that's how the system works I'm in the very lucky fortunate position where my case affects the reputations of a nation and they can say oh it's only Romania only Romania Romania is the fastest growing economy in Europe it's an EU nation state it they it's not as poor as people think it is you'll drive around Lamborghinis Ferraris you see pen houses it's a very it's a real place it's richer Bucharest is richer than Madrid Rome Berlin really per capita it's a real country and their reputation's on the line do they leave that up to some judge just some judge fairly just some judge who read a book or do they do someone come along and go you know what even even if he didn't do it just say guilty just a couple years just we're going to look bad if he walks we're going to look bad if he walks I mean there's some people are naive enough to sit and go no there conversations don't happen but those people haven't been in rooms like you and I have been because if you've been in the right rooms you understand those are the exact conversations that happen that's that's that's the whole world exactly the whole world it's really as simple as people walking into rooms and saying things that's what government is that's what education is that's what the mob is that's what business is there people walking into rooms and saying yeah you do this I'll do this what benefits us we just talked earlier about how the the the elite establishment and how they make rules to benefit themselves I I would be flabbergasted in fact I would bet my life it is impossible that politicians in Romania have not sat down and go how are we going to play this out because this has become a big mess 100% of course 100% all this backdoor stuff that goes on you know it it's similar to Trump one of Trump's cases one of the guy's got so many between criminal and civil I've never seen anything like it but you know he sat in a civil case where he was supposedly defrauded a bank and the bankers got on the witness stand said he paid us every single penny he paid us faster than the loan was due and we would lend him money again yep lend him money again Y and they actually uh filed a suit against the guy he lost the this is what people don't understand your government I I I've seen some some examples of it there's a few people I can't remember the name I'd love to remember the name but there was a guy who lived on a farm and he was raided by the FBI in the 90s for a illegal firearm or something they killed his wife and all this inan I don't think people realize just how crazily dictatorial and evil a government can be and it's a system it's it's like a faceless system you're grinding against this faceless system and that's what's been also so interesting about my case because I'm sure Trump has the same thing I guarantee when Trump walks into that courtroom the police officer who walks him in there is like sorry you know like the judge may be against it but everyone else involved in the whole thing or probably maybe not in New York I don't know but in my circumstance it was very interesting the cops who arrested me were like sorry bro the guy's in jail sorry the the guy taking me to court sorry the police around sorry it's just part of a system they know it's a setup they know that's why they know it's a set up but but it's part of everyone's a cog in this big huge machine and nobody can really save you and you're going in and out of jail and every single person you meet is shouldn't be here I'm like what it's it's insane and and and yeah well you know and it's it's it's it's crazy how dangerous it all is and and they're coming for Trump now and this is the thing you don't know the law and the law is so ridiculously subjective they can get anybody for anything at any time 100% that's what people don't realize I have so the most ignorant thing you can say is well just follow the law just follow what you haven't read the law how are you going to follow a book you've never read you don't know what the law is and if they want you and they pick you up you're going to learn very quickly that you've been breaking laws the whole time every single person I guarantee there's nobody who's lived a full year inside of the United States stat so hasn't broken some law I don't think there's anybody that goes through a day without breaking some there's so many laws on the books that are Antiquated but they're still there there's still laws and you bre they're ridiculous if you read if you if you ever read some of these statute you'd laugh you'd say no this was probably 200 years ago but it's still law on the books that's right but you know I tell you this when when and and people need to understand this and I I know this about you Andrew because I've been following closely we're not ranting because we just you know we're revolutionaries we're not revolutionaries we see something going wrong we happen to care about people okay care about our families and we want to make it right and that's the only thing with that's what this is all about you know there's two things that you always have to worry about in a country and it's happening in the United States Big Time number one when the party in power starts weaponizing Department of Justice the legal system and law enforcement to go after their political enemies or the enemies that just don't agree with their ideology and like yourself we're vocal about it that's very dangerous number one and number two whenever the media goes along and doesn't report the news but plays cover for the people in power because then people don't really know what's going on they don't know what's going on Y and you know you look at social media i' I've had I can't tell you how many people why are you sitting down with Andrew I said well why is Andrew sitting down with me I was a former gangster he could say I don't want to bother with you I said why do you ask such a dumb question you know I tell him we sitting down because we're having a conversation because there's something there to be talked about and what do you care what I'm sitting you know I I got to tell you you know this too social media has exposed the lunacy in the world Absolut there's no question about it me some of the things you hear the problem is people judge you from what they're what they see or what they hear from someone else on social media Y and it gets into their brain and you can't get it out and this is the ultimate position of the slave mind because there are people who have a visceral reaction ction of anger towards me or towards you or towards anyone you can name and they feel an emotion right and emotion's a real thing anger is a real thing they'll feel a visceral emotion for a person they've never met based on an edited News segment from a propaganda organization they're going to sit there and go well this propagandist has told me this and now I feel rage towards this person I've never met they haven't investigated anything they haven't dived down the rabbit hole they don't care they just instantly comply and believe if they can make feel emotions with a short edited clip well then you are the enemy of Freedom you are the exact type of people they want so they can play Clips on the news you get angry and do whatever they tell you to do you're the worst person in the world and another thing that people just lack so much brain if if if you if they were to come to me and say Michael's got a new case he's back on the street Crim Crime Boss they put it all over the news and tell you're past and you're a Crime Boss and they say look here's an indictment I'm going say so wait the police wrote this and the media wrote that so I don't care about any of it it's all a lie it's all a scam cuz it's one-sided story people are going to be full grown adults and not understand that one-sided stories always end one way you can't ask the media or the police anything about anybody and then the scary thing about all of this is what we were talking about earlier if you actually do a crime like a bad heinous thing you rob a grandma they seem to let you off they don't seem to punish you like they used to no and and that's a really big Rabbit Hole to go down as to why they're doing that and why they're trying to make Society so unsafe perhaps it's because the only thing the human mind will accept the reduction in Freedom for is safety the only thing that will make you say okay take my freedom but make me safe so the worst things get the more dangerous it becomes to leave your house you might end up agreeing to being locked in your house and okay you deliver my food you deliver my bugs and I'll stay home because it's it's dangerous out there that's the only thing we'll give up freedom for is safety you're right so that's why it's getting more and more crazy by the day El the president of El Salvador has proved you can fix any mess he he he cleaned it all up are there some innocent people in jail like we were talking earlier about Romania Japan Etc probably but he's fixed it I don't know you ever watched have you ever watched his speeches no oh he's he's El Salvador went from the most dangerous country in the Western Hemisphere to the safest and how and what length of time a year year and a half he just turned up built a mega prison said if you have a tattoo or you're related to a gangster or you're in a house with a gangster you're all going to jail and he just locked up everyone head to toe everybody and now it's the safest country and he's saying now they're going through the judicial process they're going to do some jail and some people who are innocent are going to eventually get out and everyone tells me that I violated human rights that's fine what about the human rights of the people who are getting murdered on the streets we had the highest homicide rate in the world everyone was dying everyone talks about human rights and the BBC and everyone wants to come along and ask me about human rights I fix human rights because people can walk around with their children now so he's a he's he took drastic measures to get something done I'm not saying America should do that but I'm saying I'm sure with the Monumental resource they have and the amount of time they spend going after Bitcoin millionaires like Roger ver or and trying to convince the Romanian Embassy to put me in jail for talking online or keeping an eye on every single person who's a trump supporter perhaps they could I don't know stop Grandma's getting murdered if they wanted to all they need to do is go back to the way it was and enforce the law that's it they don't have to do anything real drastic they have to stop minimizing what they're doing now yeah you know it's amazing you get a guy in organized I have to keep going back to this they'll investigating for 10 years for shaking down somebody for some money yeah not beating them just shaking them down or you know for gambling that the government is running now anyway you know so many so many of my friends went to jail for gambling and the government is now is in the biggest business of gambling that there you know all they have to do is enforce the laws the way they used to they don't have to do anything drastic that's it and they won't do it yeah they won't do it and it's it's it has to be purposeful and that's what's scary when I have to tell my daughters you know I have to give them pepper spray to carry around when I tell them when you go into the parking lot make sure you look around you because people are waiting you know buy your car to grab you and and either kidnap you human trafficking that's real human trafficking 100% when they throw you in the car and drive you away in your car and that's happening in affluent neighborhoods in uh in California where I live it's happening it's it's you know what's crazy about this I think this is one of the reasons why they've been so determined to detriment the country contribution of masculinity to society because maybe maybe I'm paranoid maybe I'm crazy but I think true masculinity I see danger everywhere if I walk from my car to the restaurant my heart beats a little bit like if I get out of my car I'm the same way I could totally relate to I've got guards with guns I've got security with me I can't carry a weapon I'm on bail but I have three men with guns and I still get out the car and I'm that's how I am if you have that healthy degree of fear and protectiv ISM inside of a society inside of the societal mechanism for making laws you're going to be a lot more careful about opening a border a lot more careful about letting someone off and not ba and not giving them a or giving them a cheap bail when they've done x amount of violent crime you're going to be the kind of person who's like no Safety First we're going to protect this but when you add in all this subjectivism and this garbage and this feminism and this racial oh it's not his fault or it's not her fault or it's not this they didn't do it it's this it's that human rights bunch of garbage you're removing the masculine capability to just protect what it cares about I I get the I think one of the largest smear campaigns against me is I get called hateful all the time the BBC who hate me the BBC hate me they're the propaganda arm of the British government and the British members of parliament stand around in Parliament it's the only time I watch those clowns and they sit around talking about me Andrew Tate's the worst thing that ever happened to this country not the stabbing not the drugs not the open borders no Andrew Tate said go to the gym oh he's worth a 2 hour conversation only time I've watched them clowns in a long time so the BBC is after me right and they say Andrew there hateful ideologies there's no such thing as a hateful ideology if you love something you're not hateful if you say I love America and I don't want those people to come here you hate immigrants no no I love America there's no light without dark there's no equal equal and opposite forces if you love anything on the planet you'll be called hateful against something else the only people who aren't hateful are people who don't love anything and don't stand up for anything the people who are just empty vessels waiting for the slave mind programming to convince them to be mad at us M if you love anything you're a hateful person against something else they'll call you hateful because they'll weaponize it and they'll try and take away the love aspect I don't hate anybody or anything I did a I think it was with peers when I said that my uh my girlfriend doesn't work it's like why don't you want why don't you want to work I said she could work if she wants but she doesn't have to why CU I'm rich M you're a misogynist how does that made me a misogynist I'm a misogynist she's in Chanel and get a facial I I love her and I take care of her but that's it no I I hate women now this is how they spin the narrative I'm I'm going to tell you what's going on there is a thought process out there now that if you're telling a man to be a man and we can talk about the qualities of manhood that it's demeaning to women yeah and I said no if you're telling a man to be a man and teaching him how that's a benefit to women absolutely and they don't get it people don't get it it's like you're taking a woman's rights away by being her man y you know look I'm married 39 years yesterday actually 39 years congratulations thank you thank you and my wife could work if she wants to do I want her to no I don't want her to work she doesn't have to work I don't want her to work but if she wanted to and she's real okay you can work you know she does all my video work so she works for me you know I just don't want anybody else telling her what to do that's just how I feel 100% my wife I don't want another man or anybody else telling her what to do okay is that a misogynist most people would say yes why there's a large proportion of the population who would try and say you're a bad person yeah why and and and they do this because they're pitting us against each other that's why they're trying to attack masculinity to the point where they will say if you're remotely masculine you are harming and hurting women which of course is false but they try and keep the genders divided that's what they want to do because genders being united when you're two different parts of a perfect hole That's the basis of society in the first place we can talk about government we can talk about all these things but it starts with a man loving a woman having a child and then they decide to buy a house if they can buy a house Asos opposed to what's currently happening because they can't afford any of them if they can buy a house they're now interested in the schools they're interested in the roads they're interested in the town they'll go to the local County Fair the town can be extrapolated out to the state to the city to the government Etc it starts with that they've broken us at the nucleus of the cell men and women no longer get along because we have completely different ideas and I you can blame either gender but truthfully it's a race to the bottom for both genders I think gender Dynamics are now so fundamentally broken in Western societies that how can you build a society on the top of it how can you build a society on the top of women who don't want to listen to their man ever men who don't want to marry a woman because she's either going to financially wreck him or he's not going to feel like the king of his own household which is what a man wants why would you marry a woman who says I'm not going to listen to you well then why am I marrying you what's the point in any of this now you go down the rabbit hole of hedonistic insanity this hedonistic sex and garbage this is why we're in the position we're in in the west right because you can also tie that in with the broken gender Dynamic which you have you tie that into the female empowerment telling them that they're better than men at everything you also tie that into everything that happens to them is a man's fault somehow cuz they're permanent victims and that's this is where you have all these fake rape charges and fake claims how can this possibly be fixed when you have millions and millions of people having hedonistic empty sex on on drugs and alcohol right telling me and then telling the woman if they regret it at any point further on in their life it's the man's fault at the same time she's better than the men in every single possible way and these people are scoped By Sex in the City and the internet and other garbage how of course you're going to have millions and millions of fake rape claims and fake kidnapping all this garbage all these crazy things I said this to the mother of my child I said listen I love my daughter with all my heart if somebody hurts her I'll go to jail I don't care I'll go to jail of course but if if my daughter comes to me and says I was raped what happened I I went out with a guy and I got drunk and I was drunk with him and I went to his house and we kept drinking and then I went in his bed drinking and and I took my clothes off and then H and then I had sex with him but now I think cuz he ain't in me I don't want to like I can't I can't in good conscience kill this man what do you want me to do now and this is all this subjective garbage has come by the basic breakdown of even gender Dynamics now so we have masculinity under attack on every single level I I said this to Tristan some guy old friend of mine me and him were joking because since I got this human trafficking charge I get all these beautiful women around the world saying you can human traffic me like it they they send me messages and he's like that must be fun I was like I don't meet anybody I don't trust any of it because there's no there's no longer even consent in the western world for a man if she gives you consent and can post retract then you never had it right so you you can't even have relations now if you're famous really it's gotten to that point it's gotten to that point where that she can go yeah we're in love we're do that and you can you can be together for three whole months and enjoy each other's company for 3 months and be together every single night and then two years later she can change her mind and retract all the consent and okay will you be found guilty or not well that depends on the evidence in your phone and her phone but you're still going to need a lawyer you're still going to go to court you're still going to get arrested you're going to be punished by the process so you can't even have consent in the West in any regard anymore so how can you even have familiar relationships when you can't even have consent and that makes men of certain status extremely scared I also think this is a pretty elaborate conspiracy theory but I'm interested on your thoughts I think another reason the Western world is so riddled the leadership the elites is so riddled with this insanity and this disgusting pedophilia and all these Satanic rituals because I don't think in other countries they have the issues with the things we're talking about if you're a Russian billionaire you have your four girlfriends or whatever and nobody cares it is what it is you're you're a rich guy you have your girlfriends that is is what it is we have these Elites in Western World who know that they can't ever truly have consent from a woman or they don't want to be seen with a woman or whatever whatever and they go to these private meetings what do we say the room is just people the world's just people going to rooms and talking to each other and they say hey there's an island where you can have fun and nobody will know and don't worry about the consent thing we got under control it's this island you know they're beautiful they're younger and they end up going down this rabbit hole because they don't have any because Society is now so broken you can't even be a rich man and just have a girlfriend you can't even have a girlfriend they they'll take your money they'll wreck you they'll come out in the Press they'll accuse you you'll go to court these have got to be linked these two these two different scenarios I mean they've schooled women to to do that now oh yeah to take men out yeah and you know I I have five daughters Andrew and I tell them listen okay they're very independent every single one of them okay but I tell them listen you get a guy if number one he can't support you he can't protect you and you you don't look up to him like he's somebody special and respect him what are you doing with him 100% you know now some people think well what do you mean you know I'm a woman I can take care of myself well yeah you can take care of yourself but that has nothing to do with what I just said yeah you know you want a man to be a man yeah it's not demeaning to you it's not saying that he's better than you he's a man he's different he has a different role in life absolutely and people can't accept it that's misogyny to that's being misogynistic to certain people oh completely I don't have to rely on a man well why not what's wrong with that it's it's it's so interesting because I have sons and daughters and they're being raised in such different ways but uh my son is having a hard life because life's hard right right I I walk past him he's three I push him over gets up he like that's life son one day you're going to go to jail get up you know but uh my daughters are are princesses right like my daughter's three and she's saying I only want to fly private and all this garbage right she at three she's a nightmare but I'm doing this on purpose because she gets to a certain age I'm going to say look the gravy train ends the second you get a man MH so you've lived a very nice life you have all the things you want and you have your bags and your cars and your private jets and you're very very rich but the second you get a boyfriend the gravy train ends if he can't pay for what you're used to that's your decision and you can't go back you have to make a good call now because I'll take care of you until another man comes then then it's his job you better make sure he has my kind of budgets because you're used to a certain lifestyle this is my plan I I have the same I the same thing and she's standing right over there that's the plan yeah because the sun is a completely different you know they're they're from different mothers and it's kind of unfair cuz the mother of my son's like if I had a girl my life would be so much easier cuz they're on Jets and stuff and you're like I don't want him on a jet no I don't want him on a jet no I don't want him on a jet I want him to stand in line right and it's amazing how different the upbringings between the two can be and how my upbringing was I often try and talk about how my dad raised me and in the modern world people will say that's crazy that's abusive he was nuts I really believe I had the best dad on the planet I don't regret a single time I had had my ass whooped I don't regret it ever I probably deserved it if I think back I don't I I deserved it and it's crazy to me that we built the whole world with discipline in children we've built the whole world with it the pyramids were built when kids couldn't talk back to parents the Napoleonic Wars Mozart the cathedrals every single thing you see that was created less than 30 years ago more than 30 years ago was created with discipline in children and now we're coming along saying oh you can't discipline a child I know you can't tell them to be quiet and sit down my dad used to say this all the time he had a saying he said I don't negotiate with children he he'd come in and he'd changed the channel I say oh Dad I was watching that I don't negotiate with children we're not having a conversation there's no negotiation be quiet or face to repercussion it's like yes sir okay then I guess I'm watching this you know so the world's gone nuts and I was saying this the other day I saw some thing on TV about mental illness because I think a lot of the mental illness is overprescribed and I'm not talking about PTSD and and even when I got out of jail I had nightmares Romanian jail is a unique experience I'm not talking about that I'm talking about the overprescribed mental illnesses because everybody every kid in the world is mental illness now right and they're talking about OCD and ADHD Etc and there was this kid who was walking down the stairs and he had OCD and if he didn't walk down the stairs in a particular pattern he'd like Skip One stair turn around go up a stair then do a hop and do a jump some weird stair thing and his two parents standing there going if he doesn't go down the stairs in a particular way and we put him in the car he has a mental breakdown he starts screaming we have to turn the car around and let him go down the stairs and he has OCD and the doctor's like yeah he has OCD and needs this medicine to I'm sitting there and I'm saying I've never seen an African kid walking for water 10 miles turn around and do it again because they missed a step ever ever this is not a disease this is a brat with idiot parents who are enabling this kid if that was my kid I would drag his ass to the car tell him to shut up and I'd fix it in a day and we're sitting here with Doctors TV shows pills the kid like the world's lost his [ __ ] mind absolutely absolutely it's the same with ADHD they say oh my kid can't concentrate well I wonder why your child has video games iPads it's enjoying this very fun life it goes to school and has to sit down with a boring book of math and doesn't want to duh that's not ADHD that's lack of discipline that's lack of discipline well you said something very interesting that people wouldn't think would come out of your mouth because you're a misogynist you just said you treat your daughters like a princess absolutely okay so what's wrong with that well I guess they're going to come along and somehow get the mothers don't have to work so I guess that makes me a terrible person somehow I don't know it's all this weaponized virtue it's truly insane people think you see people will turn that around to say that's demeaning to women because we're we we're lowering their stature in life because we have to take care of them do you know I can tell you this since I'm married since I'm married I don't think my wife filled her car with gas 10 times unless I was in jail they had to do all the time I just want to fill her car with gas absolutely is she capable of doing it of course would she do it on her own of course it's just I'm a man and I feel that these are the things that I have to do for my for the women for my wife you know I do it for my daughters too what's wrong with that but if you say that you're a misogynist oh yeah and and they're trying to and this is how they break down the gender role and this is how they do it because that's how they fundamentally break down society and I was in Miami last time I was in America was three or four years ago I was in Miami I was with a friend of mine from Saudi Arabia and we were in the club and I was saying you we were talking about how there's no real clubs in Saudi Arabia there's clubs in Miami da d d and he he looked at me and he goes yeah there's no clubs in Saudi Arabia but there's wives there's no wives here and I just looked around and I was like yeah there's girls there's no wives you know it's like that's that's am Society now that's the Western society and and it's going down this degradation the thing I think a lot of people don't understand I have this especially because I come from a very low-income background and I still know a lot of the people I grew up with and when they go if I had your kind of money I'd do this or if I had your kind of money I'd do that Hedonism is a black hole M That Never Ends you can only get so drunk so many times until you want to take a drug and you do that so many times until you want to do both at the same time or whatever you end up on a pedo Island whatever it is headism is a spiral to Nowhere right true happiness in life is actually doing I believe and this is where we can talk about masoni I feel happiest when I do the things I'm supposed to do because I'm supposed to do them just as you said putting gas in the car putting gas in my woman's car will make me feel happier than doing something insane or or garbage maybe I've become boring in my old age I think I'm not quite as old as you but I'm getting there but now you're half my age but like don't rub it in if I can clear all my emails right I've had a good day like maybe it's getting that way I know when you're younger you're a bit more Reckless and these kind of things but a lot of young people a lot of men say to me especially like what's fun and I'm saying doing what you're supposed to do and fulfilling your duty and being proud of yourself is fun that's the only fun you need you don't need the fun of trying to chase all this garbage and this headism and this black hole that that doesn't lead anywhere did you do that for a while for a while yeah certainly so did I you have to until you get to a point where you realize okay this is never going to end am I going to continue to go down this path or am I going to turn around and just skip it all right because it it only ends badly and I think that's also one of the problems with Western Society where the youth are obsessed with fun if you look at other societies the youth are not so obsessed with what's fun today what's fun now I need fun now I'm bored I want fun you know they're over stimulated whatever it is they're all selfish they're all self-obsessed with how they feel this teaching a a a whole society and teaching a large contingent of the youth that how they feel plays Paramount over the world if you feel sad that's all that matters not well I feel sad but it doesn't matter because I'm doing the right thing I feel depressed or I feel stressed but it doesn't matter because I'm dedicating myself no no no no what matters is how you feel right now which means they only want to be happy all the time and if you're going to only Chase happiness and you don't have any particular skills you're going to end up just chasing headism and this is where you end up and it's Insanity I think one of the largest tenants of masculinity for the largest period of human time is ignoring how you feel and doing what you're supposed to do because you're supposed to do it we feel things but jobs must be done whether we are happy or sad and and this is also disappearing from the world I'm I'm stressed probably six days a week I'm pissed off six days a week but things need to be done right so you just have to do them and when you have a whole contingent of the youth obsessed with only being happy I think this is a large this is one of the largest reasons they can s up them so easily into doing insanity and I I guess it never used to be that way no it was never that way without getting into the cause I don't know if you know what's going on in the United States a lot of protesting going on at universities without getting into the cause these kids are protesting okay staying breaking into the building staying there and then demanding that food be brought into them blankets be brought into them and I'm saying are these kids so entitled that they think they can they can you know protest and and wreck the school for other people that can't get to class and then they're demanding food and blankets and all these crazy things I'm saying this world has gone upside down yeah it wouldn't it wouldn't last in most other places and and the closer that it's actually interesting because I think humans or maybe this is just me coping maybe this is cope but I think we're we're designed to struggle a bit because the closer you are to struggle the more sensible you are and gender roles all fix themselves in struggle right if you have 10 men and 10 women and they crash on a deserted island the men do the man stuff the women do the woman's stuff there's no discussion about gender roles because you're going to die so the men have to go hunting the women are going to try and sew a blanket whatever because we're going to die now so we don't have time to talk about whose jobs what right also if you meet somebody who's had a hard life they seem to be pretty wise it's difficult to find someone who's had a hard life a total idiot when you speak to these liberals or these morons they've had very easy soft lives so I think humans are supposed to struggle a bit absolutely and in the western world it's the ageold adage I know it's overused but hard times create good men good men create good times and the good times create a bunch of weaklings and they mess everything up yeah it goes it it goes to a point then it goes the opposite it goes the opposite way these these people have had two easy lives for too long and you can apply this to nearly any of the problem any of the societal ills apply to the Western World people have had it too easy for too long and none of them know any struggle at all I mean I don't know about you honest with you like I I can almost crash my car 10 times and I only slow down when I hit the tree that's just how I am like I think that inside of inside of the human psyche sometimes you need to be shocked you need to be hammered with something that's just how it goes because until then you're like ah maybe I I'll keep it in mind yeah well I got away with it you keep going but when you finally learn your lesson right but there's a lot of these people out there who aren't being taught any lessons at all and they're going to destroy Society on mass because they have never had any kind of difficulty in their life and what it what is life without difficulty in the first place what is life what is the point of life without difficulty I one of the things that's comforted me in all my garbage is actually I watched one of your videos and I was watching one of your videos a couple years ago and it I remembered it in jail because perhaps I'm wrong you can correct me but I don't think you regret any of the bad things that happened to you not at all cuz it makes you who you are yeah not at all so when people say Andrew what are you gonna do if they lock you up for 10 years in rova the worst jail in Europe I say well that's going to be a story that's going to be fun maybe I'm crazy let me let me ask you a how much time are you facing if all this nonsense goes down 8 to 10 and what do you do on that yeah so 8 to 10 years in Romania that probably be around five or six years it's like 2/3 and uh rova jail is the worst jail in Europe so yeah it's it's overpopulated and Romanian jail is is interesting because I wouldn't actually say it's as violent as a Western jail perhaps I'm wrong but you see the Western jails is very race segregated and there's drugs and there's violence State jails yeah State jails but Romania doesn't have that because everyone's Romanian so there's not really a race problem and they don't really have a problem with foreigners in general and they know know me and my brother inside out so they know exactly who we are and we're accepted as one of them so that's not a problem the problem with Romanian jail is two things is that one there's a lot of mental illness because they don't have a segregation between mental illness and crime in poorer countries the poorer a country is the closer it is to your weird jail they don't have time to deal with the other side of it all it's very expensive and it's very complicated Jail jail yeah oh you did this but you're mentally ill I don't care you did it ch right so you have a lot of mental illness and then there's a lot of problem with just the general cleanliness these jails were built in the Communist era they're infected with cockroaches they've never been fumigated in any way there's there's insects there's bed bugs it's just it's filthy this is the big problem with it was the filth if it wasn't so filthy it wouldn't be so bad but this is what bothered me the most is finding cockroaches in your food and this kind of thing but then if I had to choose would I choose a more violent scenario to avoid the filth I don't know you get stabbed you're going to wish you didn't I mean I slept pretty good in there people knew who I was and people had a degree of respect were you segregated most of the time your own cell or uh for the at the beginning it was me and my brother we were in separate cells with other people but then eventually they put us in together cuz they tapped ourselves so they put us in together to try and find get us talking um and then it became a little bit easier but I'm looking at 8 to 10 years but I maybe I'm nuts maybe I'm nuts but in a world where everyone's chasing comfort and I'm chasing challenges I really do think that that would be a it'll be a story I mean if okay if I don't go to I'm I'm going to try my very best to not go to jail and I'm in fine of course of course and maybe this is cope I'm just talking out loud so people can understand my thought process if you were to ask me in 5 years from now let's say I catch three years bid or I don't five years from now what did you do I flew around in private jets I went to Italy I went to Dubai I drove my fast cars and blah blah blah blah if I go to jail the story's different I maybe I'm crazy I don't know maybe I'm nuts but the story is different but I don't think you need to tell that one and and and I'm not and I'm not wishing for it to happen just trying to explain to people who don't understand why I'm not afraid because I know that retrospectively I won't regret it at the time I may suffer I may suffer for a while afterwards but I like to think and I hope you can confirm this for me that you wake up one day and you think back on it and go yeah I'm kind of glad that happened yeah well honestly I spent uh 29 months in solitary out of my eight years wow and it was probably the best thing that happened to me yeah I mean that Andrew best thing that happened to me because things became very clear when you're in isolation and you're alone you can go either way you can either go crazy like I saw a lot of guys do and I don't demean them because isolation is tough y those lights go out at night sometimes guys can't handle it you saw a lot of bad stuff I get it it's tough I'm dead set against isolation for young people yeah they're young it's going to be tough for them to survive but I came out of there a lot clearer on who I wanted to be and what I wanted to to do y and so that time worked for me you got to make it work for you you could go either way of course and for me it worked yeah and I I guess perhaps that's just a general mindset in general like if if if life gives you lemons make lemonade right right I mean that's there's there's two ways you can do it I also think we're talking about the tenants of masculinity I think one of the core tenants of masculinity and me personally I blame myself for everything everything's my fault it's my fault if I go to jail even though I'm innocent it's still my fault I ran my mouth of the Internet it's my fault I could have I could have learned Romanian and defended myself better in court I didn't it's my fault I got to tell you something I say this all the time okay people ask me Michael what's some of your secrets I said somebody secret one of my main Secrets is this everything that goes wrong in my life I take full responsibility for it because number one if it was somebody else that did it I should have known better I should have seen it I should have not let it happen when you do that's a man Andrew when you can take everything on yourself so that the next time you don't make it happen it's such a benefit and people don't get it oh you know this guy did me wrong he did yeah he did why did you let him do you wrong 100% my fault I should have seen it I'm smart enough I should have known this I've been through this if you always take responsibility yourself you're you're 100% better in life you can't learn lessons if you're blaming everybody else for what happens to you exactly that's another thing I tell I I I just cannot stand about our president the guy never cops to anything everything is somebody else's fault it's this it's that it wasn't my fault I did everything everything right these are all I just can't take that in somebody even with my kids my son well Dad it wasn't my fault yes it was yep yes it was even if it wasn't it's your fault cuz that's how you learn and prevent it right and and if you have that mentality it also makes you stronger mentally I think to deal with the difficult things in life because if you go to jail and you believe and you were set up and a lot of people have and you're like oh the system's wrong this is wrong this person lied I'm a victim poor me I don't think that's the right position of strength I think I think you go into jail and go okay that's all garbage yes it's Matrix attack XY Z however I could have done this this and this and now it's my chance to do this this and this so I don't waste the next few years of my life and I'm going to come out and I'm going to do my very best to be the person I know I can be and it gives you a degree of fearlessness yeah it gives you a degree of fearlessness and that's probably one of the largest problems with society today is that a lot of men have become cowards they're afraid to talk I even us we talk it gets us in trouble right but every time they mess with us they damag themselves one of the overviews one of the contingents to holding power is that people have to trust you with it power the only guarantee of power someone said this to me once and I keep saying I love it the only guarantee of power is that one day you're going to lose it if you have power over a woman and she listens to every word you say one day she'll stop listening might be the same in the mob world you control the streets one day you just don't control that street anymore when you have power people get power and they never think of this the only guarantee of it is that one day it's going to be gone and you have to prep prepare for that and one of the quickest ways to lose power is when you can't be trusted with power we give our governments and these institutions power because we trust them right the whole world is based on the trust of these systems as soon as people stop trusting them they can't do their job anymore so every single time they do some two-tier policing garbage every single time they attack somebody purely for their views like Trump like you like I we're like a poison frog and they eat us and they teach us a lesson and we do some jail that's fine but they get a little bit of poison in them because they instill distrust amongst the populace it gets to a point where once nobody trusts them at all then it's over right nobody's going to sit there and go oh we'll go to court or I'll wait for court once no once everyone knows it's a scam yeah then it's done so it's kind of like how do you beat the Matrix how do you defeat the Matrix well I'm sitting here running my mouth they put me in jail for it I'm now currently on bail and I've been told not to run my mouth and I continue to run my mouth and they'll probably put me in jail it's like and may maybe I'm Maring myself but you have to it does damage them do you have a gag order on you I don't have a gag order I have no official gag order however my legal council was like look you should be careful what you say about Romanian jail and Romania and you're inside Romania and you should be very respectful and I like I am going to be respectful but I'm also going to tell the truth and they have to damage themselves to do what they're doing and when people lose faith in these institutions that's when they're gonna have to come along and be honest again because right now they don't have to be honest at all because there's still a huge percentage of the population you probably heard this saying and it's a saying that angers me a lot why don't you get a lawyer you ever hear that one it's like oh I never thought of trying a lawyer oh a lawyer ah okay I'll get a lawyer and the law oh fine I'll go home it's no problem it's gone now it's not how it works it's not how it works and once people realize that's not how it works on mass then we're going to have to come into a new system which I'm hoping we do because the amount of dishonesty that we're operating under now is truly scary and God's truth is light and sunlight is a disinfectant but it's it's actually kind of scary I think this is one of the reason why as well men are cowards it's scary to wake up and realize that every single thing you're supposed to believe in is a scam the educational system's a scam the financial systems a scam the judicial system's a scam the medical systems a scam all the wars we went to are scams when you start to realize oh this is all a lie well then then you need bravery right so it's easier just to be an ostrich and stick your head in the sand and then you're going to accept the slave programming because it makes you feel better and that's just cowardice and this is what I think we're suffering from massively we are and you know another problem Andrew I I always said this it's not strong people you have to worry about it's weak people that all of a sudden get power the weak people that that get power and don't understand how to use it and it just it Puffs them up and they think okay I'm God now I'm Godzilla I can do anything I want and that's those are the people that you have to worry about it's like a drug they're not used to exactly if you're a powerful person you go through life and you've always been treated with the degree of respect and you have a degree of respect back but if you're the kind of person who's never been respected and you get some power you're evil you're evil you you literally become a psychopath you're evil you cannot trust weak people with power absolutely and that's what's so scary because I guess in the hierarchies of old up until very modern times it would be extremely difficult for a weak person to obtain power no but now we have these hierarchies where everything's so messed up and turned on its head where the only people in power are weak well that's it because we we have a generation of weak people that are now getting power and that's the problem and also when a weak man can be see anyone who does not understand that they're attacking Trump because he's a good guy has a mental deficiency that it's very simple you don't have to agree with all of his policies there's some things he says I don't personally agree with fine who cares of course he's you don't have to agree with everything the point is they're attacking him because he's on the good team because the reason they like weak people in power is cu weak people can be intimidated and scared which is why they want them to be in power so when they go to these backdoor meetings people walking into rooms and saying things they comply with the true Masters and they work for the person they're supposed to work for which is to globalize finance and not their contingency that not their constituency that's what they want so having weak leaders is dangerous because weak people do the most evil because they're too scared to stand up they're too scared to stand up and fight against evil it's really interesting that the world is so brutally simple and truthfully a lot of it comes down to the capability or at least the propensity or at least a lack of fear of violence I was having a conversation with uh a girl and she was saying that you know oh men like Wars men go to Wars I like oh yeah it's all men's fault men go to Wars okay you don't understand the world very much but the world is war Everything Is War and the reason you get to drive around in your little Mercedes and live in a peaceful Society is because there's an underpinning of violence everywhere everyone understands that if they do certain things eventually will end up in a violent scenario if you speed on the highway and they give you a ticket and you don't pay the ticket and they add more money and you don't pay it and they tell you go to court and you don't go and then they come and say come to go to court and you say no they'll come to arrest you and you say I don't want to be arrested and then eventually violence we have all this paperwork on top and we have all this nice facade but when it gets down to it it ends up in violence it doesn't matter if it's a legal system or your life I'm sure you try and talk to somebody and I don't get in trouble yeah it all ends up in violence this is the underpinning and when you have men who are afraid of violence then they're always going to have the opinion they're told to have they'll say 2 plus 2 is five and if you say it's four we're going to fight if you're scared of a fight well then 2 plus two is five and a fight doesn't mean win means fight fight means fight right I can't win when the police raid my house I mean I could try and win and getting a shoe out and die if that would be beneficial to me in any way but I'm not scared of getting my ass kicked maybe I'm maybe that's the difference come put me in jail then and if you have enough people who aren't scared of even just losing a fight you can win the fight but we have so many people who are scared of fighting at all the number of people who were staying covid yeah I know it's a scam but why is there a but you know it's that's that's it you know it's a scam that's the beginning and end to me and and I was perhaps now I think back I was perhaps too risky during that period because I was nuts from day one before we even knew it was a scam I was ready if it was real I'd be dead I'd be the first guy to have died number one I got on a plane here in an empty airport on an empty plane the last plane out of Romania and flew to Sweden which was wide open they never closed nothing and I'm running around Swedish nightclubs with champagne like an idiot so if it was real I'd be dead on the ground i' be the Dead first Dead Guy luckily it turned out to be a scam so I look like a genius so perhaps I was too brave perhaps I should have waited a while but for three years they got away with that cuz a bunch of people were like yeah you know but I don't want to lose my job or I don't want to get in trouble or what if the police knock on my door or what if what if what if what if let them let them show their hypocrisy if enough of you stand up and make them they can't arrest everybody they can't they can't do it to everybody if there has to come a point in society where you sit and say we know this is garbage and this is what's actually most scary about America now because I think America this year is going to be telling for it's going to go down in history as a pivotal point in America in in the Empire of America because Empire is raised and Empire's fall they they brutalized the January Sixers they got wrecked in courts they brutalized them there's people in jail now they haven't even been charged yet oh yeah yeah you're a grandma sitting in there for 3 years yeah you're a grandma and you turn up with a flag at your own capital building you don't even go inside and you don't even hear about it because the news won't report it news report there's people in jail there that haven't even been charged with a crime for three years correct they've been brutalized brutalized did nothing did nothing and they're showing ah if you try and complain when we rig an election this is what's going to happen to you well that to me shows intent to rig elections perhaps I'm crazy it's a pretty logical explanation pretty logical conclusion and we're getting there now and they're trying everything they can do so what happens this is what's going to be interesting this is going to go down in future when they discuss societal reactions right everybody knows if they rigged this election everybody knows if Trump doesn't win it's rigged they also know if you go on the street you're in trouble are you going to do it or you going to let him have it they're going to let him have it and that's the end of the American Empire that's right and that this is it the cow cardice is all they need they've done their bit they've shown their lesson and there's not enough people who say [ __ ] it lock me up you can't lock us all up you can't lock up a million of us people are too scared so they're going to go away they're going to get it and then you know what you're going to see this is going to break my heart you're going to see a whole bunch of tough talk on Twitter from yes buch yeah bunch of words see a bunch of Republicans I'm G to go to the house and I'm going to make this bill and we're going to investigate and then nothing happens blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah nothing happens yeah remember this whole impeachment of Biden oh yeah all of a sudden you don't hear last six weeks I've had three racketeering cases three two Federal one state the evidence that's been brought about already on both Biden's him and his son that's a racketeering indictment without a doubt 100% without a doubt there isn't even a doubt y now whether he gets convicted or not that's all I always believe you're innocent till proven guilty you get your day in court but can he be indicted 1,000% a close call of course you got suspicious bank records you got $20 million going into his family's accounts what product did they sell what service did they provide nothing it was influence pedaling 100% this guy's a Trader he's treasonous he's a Trader and he's the president of my country and this is what's getting me and people don't see it they don't see it 47 years this guy's been living off the taxpayer money never had a job in his life wealthy guy robbing from everybody which okay you want to Rob money go ahead Rob money do do what you got to do but now get out of here yeah you're destroying our country you're destroying the whole world y this world is CA in chaos because of our president yep I I there would be no Wars if Trump was there there would be no Wars we wouldn't have problem in the Middle East we have problem anyway I guarantee it well this this is the thing because Trump people respect and this also ties back it's kind of amazing how you can tie anything from a governmental level just to the the basics of life I didn't have to fight in jail CU they knew I could fight done exactly just you 100% you just said it Trump no one wants to smoke Biden's weak so that's why the world's a mess D santis in you know Dan santis in Florida you know they're having trouble with with colleges all over the country he said very simple we're not going to have it here you do that you're going to jail yep end of it fixed it that's it done y this doesn't take years it doesn't take any amount of Brilliance just fix it done fast and and this is the problem with with with cowardice and with weakness and it's kind of interesting cuz I study the fall and R the rise and fall of Empires and no Empire lasts forever and there before the American Empire was the British Empire and before that was the Dutch Empire and they all kind of end the same way yeah the Roman Empire is one that everyone studied and understands and you look at the fall of the Roman Empire and it's not that complicated that the the population became decadent the men didn't want to fight anymore when The Barbarians would come they'd say ah we don't want to fight fight you we'll let you in you can be Roman too everyone got addicted to this idea of just getting slaves whether sexual slaves or slaves they sit around and do nothing so they just let the Barbarians in and hired them as slaves cheap workers they inflated the currency and eventually it just all collapses on itself it can't last for long sounding familiar right now it sounds pretty it sounds pretty familiar and and and this is the thing that people don't understand when they look at you know if I had to be optimistic let me try and be optimistic for once in my life so are you pessimistic guy I don't think I'm a pessimistic person but I am a realist and if you're realistic I'm a realist you know I I had a tweet that I put up a while ago and I said if if I if I walked into a room and someone gave me a million dollars I wouldn't smile or get happy or laugh I'd wonder if I can get to the car park alive that's just my brain I'd be like a million dollar thank you why oh we really like you Andrew like okay I like you too h may maybe I'm a pessimist even a million dollars will make me worry I don't know but um when you when you if you want if I want to be optimistic I think if you want to try and explain the Matrix or why these things are happening to the lay person I don't think they understand that if you get enough money and enough Capital you're no longer tied geographically to anywhere you can go anywhere I'm in Romania I'm not Romanian and I can live on any country in the world I can go to Philippines or Japan tomorrow I can pay a lawyer to get me my residency and I can buy a nice big house and I can live there m so you don't have the same vested interest in a local area right so if if you have a decision to make which will allow you to make forever profit but it may detriment a certain area for it allows you to make 5% more profit but it'll increase the crime rate in a certain town by not. 6% because people are coming in who no one knows who they are you may not be evil but you're kind of just like I get to make more money and I don't live in that town anyway and if I don't do it my competitor is going to do it and we're trying to compete with China and we need the cheap workers and ah okay and it's a lot of that going on as well people just a bunch of small decisions compounding on top of each other and before you know it you have towns or states or districts or areas that are completely wrecked by people making decisions to benefit themselves to make money and they just simply move and leave if you don't have geographical freedom in the world today and to have geographical Freedom you need to that Financial Freedom you're in trouble because you're living in an area that you don't have any control or influence over and there's a whole bunch of people trying to extract as much money as possible from that area they don't consider your point of view they don't consider your life it doesn't matter to them how can I make as much money as possible if Ford can make a bunch of money building its cars in China it will do exactly that and Detroit will suffer they don't care you're stuck in Detroit that's your problem right so you need to have geographical freedom and you need to have Financial Freedom and I I tell these things and people say to me but not everyone can do that correct that's what's even harder about the world not everybody can pull it off it becomes even more difficult and this is the situation we're in and then you the answer of course is politics to elect somebody who cares about you and we've been down the path of where that leads find somebody yeah we done done the path where that leads so the American experiment is interesting there was also a book by a Scottish doctor I've not read the whole book and I can't remember his name so I can't credit him but he talked about the rise and fall of democracies and very simply to the rise and fall of Empires he said that you have a king and you have a good one and you build a strong nation and then you have a king and he's an idiot and then you don't want him anymore and you want the people to have a decision so you start a democracy and then people vote in somebody who's probably good the first time around and over time democracy becomes decadent and all becomes corrupt and financially LED and it gets to the end of democracy and then people want a king again anyone with a functioning brain would allow would say Trump forever president sure do a Putin stay stay in charge as long as you can anyone with a brain would say that right now everybody would we'd all go back to a King tomorrow exactly so the Democracy Falls and you try and go back to a King and eventually another king comes no one likes him goes back to the Democracy the world is so cyclical and I guess with an understanding of this you can also understand the beauty of life because good times don't last forever neither do the bad times it's all good it's going to come it's going to go and you just have to be ready to ride the storm and enjoy it for what it is and and maybe when you go truly crazy you can enjoy the bad times as much as you can enjoy the good times because there's no light without dark I I don't know about you but my brother and I our best stories or being broke in fact being rich has only has any value at all because we were broke if I buy a Lamborghini I don't care but if I buy a Lamborghini and then laugh about how I didn't have a car now I want the car there's no light without dark there's no there's no joy without pain I can't the sooner or later 10 years 15 years 20 years tomorrow who knows I'm going to be free from this place and I'm going to enjoy my freedom again when I was free yeah that's the beauty of life isn't it yeah no you're right and and and and I think with that understanding you no longer fear the bad things and then when you don't fear bad things you can find something to stand up for and Something to Believe In And if men would do that it would fix a lot of the problems I blame all of society's problems on men I'm a misogynist but I blame the men personally call me a misogynist but I think it's all the men's fault because the men are the protectors and you're supposed to protect a society and prevent this [ __ ] from happening by hook or by crook so I was in mova which is the country next door to here they have an interesting history they were uh a communist St communist state and then the USSR fell and it's a small country and they had a war in 1992 or something a small War trying to decide if they want to be more Romanian influenced or more Russian influenced nobody talks about this war but they speak Russian and Romanian they're kind of stuck between the two countries but it's a very poor Nation Moldova and I was there five or six years ago and my brother and I were there and we're in a nightclub and we're having fun we're partying whatever whatever what I was doing in there I don't even know I think back it was very immature very very very silly of me how old are you 32 31 so I'm not even that not even that young I was I was old enough to know better it's a dangerous place and we're there and we're partying and whatever and we had these three or four girls we met and we left the club with them and we were walking down the street and then these 10 Russian guys started screaming in Russian at the girls and we're like what are they saying and the girls started running their mouths back in Russian and me and trist are standing there saying what's going on the guys start walking towards us me and T look at each other like okay we're in a bit of trouble here we're going yeah and the guy comes up and he goes uh you come for bang bang you come for bang bang I'm like what and throws a punch and smacks Tristan clean in the face and then the other guy goes to punch me I move I grab him by the jacket and I'm holding this one guy and the other nine are running over and Tristan wobbles but he's okay and I I pushed him back and we both ran off in the other direction we were outnumbered 15 to one May 15 to2 it was crazy the girls started screaming with we only backed up we didn't run far we ran like five or six meters and we stood there now and we're facing all 15 of these men and my brother who must be insane says girls he still wants the girls and the girls walk over and these guys are all talking and russan and arguing with us whatever the girls come we go get in the taxi that was the end of the whole story and I said to the girls in the taxi like what was that about what happened and she's like oh they were screaming and russing they were calling us names they were saying we're [ __ ] and we're hores I was like why because we're with foreign men and they say that you're that we're only with you cuz you're rich and you only came here for beautiful women I mean trist we're like the the thing is the point I'm trying to make is I actually as crazy as sounds although they just hit my brother hit me I understood them I know that sounds nuts but the nationalistic view of them was there's no reason for American men to be here and those women like his money so why they why is this even happening I earn 200 bucks a month no now that's too extreme that's why mova is a poor country that's why foreigners can't go there fine that's too extreme but the point I'm trying to make the meta point is the masculine imperative inside of them thought this is bad for society this is my country what is going on here they're chasing his money he wants the beautiful women what is this going on why why is this happening here what is all of this they were drunk they were angry and something happened we don't want that of course that's not the point I'm making the point I'm making is that the general masculine theme is protection and protectiveness but you can't be protective anymore because if you are protective they hit you with a weaponized virtue if you're protective of your children you're homophobic if you're protective of your nation you're racist if you're protective of your religion I don't even know what they're going to call you there must be some ISM for that if you try and do anything if you love anything you're hateful this is the scop and people are scared of being called hateful all the time they're scared of it I guess I think one of the reasons they're so angry with me is because I lean into it they're like you're a misogynist yep I'm done arguing with these clowns because they refuse to listen to reason and anyone with the brain knows the truth and anyone who's stupid is going to believe what they say anyway I'm like yeah I'm the worst misologist in the world I'm a terrible person next well let me ask you a question you got a a legion of young men that are following you now and you're teaching them basically how to be men yeah right you think this is what they're after you for I I think that's primarily why they're after me yes I think that's what they're afraid of I would argue that if I was in charge of a government my number one concern would be scoping the masculine youth because that's the revolution if women get angry that's fine but it's eventually going to come down to men being angry because the world comes down to violence so they have to try very hard to S up the masculine youth to one not cause a revolution and two the masculine youth have the worst life I would argue that young men today have a worse life than even young women and they have all of their own problems I'm not saying their problems don't exist but for the average young man today women expect him to be a millionaire at 20 which he isn't nobody gives a [ __ ] about his opinion at all he can kill himself nobody cares he isn't born with any innate value because he's not beautiful like a woman is so he has to build himself from the ground up he has no teachers in any way no one really to teach him there's people like us on the internet fine but everyone around him is going to convince him that we're bad people everything he's being told in regards to his natural feelings his Natural Instincts and inclinations he's being told makes him a bad person makes him toxic for feeling like a man in any way it's very hard to be a young man today and they feel disenfranchised with the system so they find Solutions the the human mind looks for solutions they start listening to me and they go oh I feel better if I do this I feel better if I go to the gym I feel better if I start to take responsibility and take accountability and I I feel better if I'm not afraid of pain anymore I feel better if I'm not afraid of suffering I feel better if I understand that I'm supposed to suffer that that's what's going to make me the best person that I could possibly be that my youth is supposed to be spent doing difficult things so that I have the light and the dark they find me and they start to feel a certain way about it and then they reject the Matrix programming and before you know it which was even a surprise to me what I said earlier on today I'm being discussed in Parliament as a national security threat because I because the the masculine youth don't want to listen to the garbage they're being told anymore and it's all my fault and and then you get down to a really really crazy level a real scary level because once you're a national security threat I'll all bets are off at that point when I was in jail there was a huge protest organized 200,000 people were going to protest in London and from my Jail phone I said don't don't do it because if they start breaking Windows if they start doing I never getting out I'm they're going to keep me there because they're GNA say look what Andrew Tate did and and this is again how unfair the system is right because when you're large online millions of people listen to you millions of people listen to me but they make you respond responsible for every single person who's ever listened especially if that person does something wrong if if I speak and 10 million people listen and one of them's an idiot one of them's a [ __ ] and goes and does something stupid they're gonna say I made do itame they're gonna blame me now if if I listen to a Taylor Swift CD and then kill myself they're not going to say Taylor Swift made me kill myself no of course because she's on their team but if you're not on their team you're responsible for everything bad that's ever happened with your name even remotely connotated I've had people tweet at me saying a found this guy and he killed his girlfriend and he followed you on Twitter only like 9.1 million people follow me on Twitter and I don't know who they are what does that have to do with me am I responsible now and they want you to self-censor they want you to be so afraid of this attack that you don't say anything which could ever possibly be misconstrued the truth is about speech and human language is that everything can be misconstrued drink water it's good for you if you don't you'll die drink too much you drown if I say drink water and someone drowns it's my fault I'm a bad person you can't win this game you can't win this game and this is how they attack and I think that a lot of My World Views a lot of my I I do think that the human mind finds cope I do think the human mind adopts a framework which allows them to exist inside of their reality most comfortably but a lot of my Frameworks and a lot of the reason I come to the conclusions I come to when I say like life is constant and endless Wars because I believe there's nothing I can do that's going to make any of these people happy besides die or shut up and then you have to make the decision if you're going to do that is there anything they could do to make you shut up no and you've reached that point now where there's nothing nothing you could do that's going to change anybody at this point nothing and and and and even if they were to come to you right now I mean I don't know how they could possibly try if they were to come to you and say Michael please keep doing your podcast but don't don't talk about the presidency and is there anything they could do that would make you shut up Andrew I'll tell you uh six years ago I wrote a book it was a business book I owed the I owed my publisher another book book did well yeah so I go there they say we want you to do a political book I said okay so what are you going to call it I said just like this what are you going to call it I didn't even think I said Mafia democracy what do you mean I said government is a mafia now you guys cleaned it up off the street now they're in Washington 100% okay great they give me a big advance I go home I start writing a book I get into like four chapters five chapters I turn to my wife I say why am I doing this they're not bothering me they're leaving me alone I says this is real stuff people going to get upset with me I went back to my publisher I gave him back the advance I said not doing this right cut to two years ago I said I have a responsibility to do this I can't shut up I see what these people are doing they're Liars they're thieves they're Hypocrites I can't do it I go and write the book I call it Mafia democracy Andrew lay everything out exactly how I could see in a second exactly what they it's all about money and power yeah I see what they're doing right I write the book books a huge success people coming now we see it now we get it now we understand what they're doing and I'm going right down the middle Democratic Republican this is the system that we've created now you got a bunch of w weak people in office that are bleeding you dry you know but people don't understand they're raising taxes what do you mean raising taxes everything we do is taxed right everything from the clothes we wear to the food we eat to the car we drive to the insurance we get to our health everything is taxed don't you understand this they're rais it all they do is tax us but this is the system now but they don't live the same way these people are wealthy they don't know that you're going to the grocery store and paying 20 30 40 50% more because they don't do that and they don't care and they don't care about you you think they care and if they're paying they're paying you with your own money they're charging you more and then trying you don't even understand the system yep you know so what's the cure vote these people out of office get rid of them don't let them lie to you did you know how many people die listen I'm saying it's I get in trouble our president has blood on his hands yeah Andrew if you know human trafficking is coming over the Border real human trafficking not the BS with you real human traffic is coming over that border opioids and Fentanyl coming over the Border you know I was at the I saw the border patrol agents they showed me a fentanyl a block of fentol maybe three times the size of this they said Michael this can kill the entire world population it's coming over the border and we can't stop it you know this you're the president of the United States you know this and you don't close the border immediately I had a kid dropped dead in my house he had a bit of fentanyl this big like a a drop of a pin a pin head within 10 minutes dead in my house insan you know this is happening and you don't put a stop to it you know there's human trafficking you're in charge of this whole country the welfare of people that trust you and put you in office you don't stop it immediately what more evidence do you need and this and and this is where the whole conversation gets spiritual because but you see you see but then they get mad at us for talking about it because it's the truth and they can't accept that that's right you know they want to shoot the messenger no yeah you know but how do you how do you just sit there and say well you know what my life is good I'm just going to keep quiet I can't do it because you'd have to be soulless to do I can't do it and and this is where the whole conversation gets spiritual because when when I say the people in charge are demonic they're demonic they they they worship Satan whether they whether they admit it or recognize it or not they do it's absolutely demonic there and people say oh you're crazy what do you mean bunch of Satan worshippers the the scenario you just described could only be accepted by a Satan worshiper someone who has no concern for anything but themselves and if you look at the satanic Church a lot of it is down to just absolute selfishness the satanic church will teach you all that matters is you and how you feel and no you don't have to care about anyone else if it makes you happy that's fine which is we can tie back to our earlier conversation about headism and people being obsessed and self-obsessed this is why they push certain things they push this is the reason why they try and convince the whole population they're depressed depression is a low energy State you're not going to go to Revolution if you're depressed if you're depressed you're obsessed only with how you feel you're self-obsessed now you're a depressed person you don't want to go outside you don't want to do anything you don't care about the world you only care about you you're worshiping Satan if you're going to sit there depressed I I don't care if depressed I have things to do and I am not going to allow people I care about to be at detriment it doesn't matter it doesn't matter I'm a full-grown man I have things to do so they're trying to push all of this and it is demonic and it's satanic and once you go down this rabbit hole it's amazing you can start with fiat currency or you can start with the false democracy you can start with all these things it has to end up at God because there has to be an equal and opposite Force there's so much evil in the world there has to be an equal and opposite Force which is God and the only thing that can actually fix this society and maintain a society is the belief in something bigger and more powerful than a government or money is God and this is why you look at this the countries who have thrown God away how quickly they're declining as opposed to the countries who still have God and still believe in God and and this is why it's such an important it's a spiritual battle it truly is spirit it's good against evil it's that simple 100% it's it's good people against evil people and another thing that's always given me Comfort is you understand that truthfully all you own is your soul anyway I mean I I can tell you from experience and you probably know better than me you don't own that car you don't own that house you don't own the money in that bank piss off the government and you will see how quickly you don't own a thing a judge who you've never heard of will stamp a piece of paper you've never read and you are on your ass that's it you don't own anything besides how you feel when you look in the mirror that's all you own the rest of it is garbage you own your body perhaps if you don't let them inject you with anything and you own your soul if you get to stand up for what you believe and what you say I get to look in the mirror and go yeah maybe I got myself in trouble but I meant what I said I meant every word I have ever said even if now I retrospectively disagree with some of the things I've said because I've grown as a person at the time I meant it and I meant what I said and I said it it is what it is you can take my cars you can take my house you take all my money doesn't matter because that's what you truly own they have people so obsessed with this idea of owning this garbage they don't own anyway that and that's the thing because that's how they force you to comply right if you tell too much truth on Twitter you lose your job lose your job you lose your mortgage can't pay the house lose everything right so they have people self-obsessed with all of these unimportant things that they don't even really even own yeah you're right and this is where spirituality is so important I find it heartbreaking that America which is supposed to be the largest and most powerful Christian country Christian right you will get more respect for George Floyd than Jesus Christ I find it heartbreaking that you can mock Jesus in the open yeah I find I find it yeah free speech blah blah blah there's Free Speech but no I don't think you should be walking around insulting the god of the country you live in you can't do that in Islamic country you can't do that in in nearly any religions country only in these first world Christian nations are they're going to allow their prophets to be mocked and say ah well no oops they'll put up satanic statues in churches they did this and the guy a Christian destroyed the statue he got charged yeah he got charged Andrew it's happening every day in America every you could tell you God forbid you say something against a transsexual oh oh yeah that's that's the that's the real religion absolutely but talk about Jesus talk about God nobody cares that's right the real religion are is is LGBT you can't destroy that flagy you can't you can't talk bad about that that's become a religion you're right it is they they make it sacred it absolutely you have your priests and priestesses you have your religious Doctrine and they're trying to convince everybody to join you know I don't know why anybody thinks this is controversial and I'm sure this is going to get me canceled for the 58th time but luckily I do not care anymore so do it when they say the the the gays are after your kids no we're not of course they are because they can't have their own so how do they have a future of a movement unless they get your kids they need you as a straight man to dedicate his life to a woman to have children to raise those children to pay for those children to protect those children to provide for those children to be responsible for those children all those years so that they can come along and scop those kids into ending your genetic bloodline and doing whatever they want they want your kids of course they do there's no other kids to take of course they want your kids and the reason they try and get the kids is because their ideology is such [ __ ] that they have to go after the young impressionable minds they can't go after a 30-year-old who's lived in a normal world no they have to go after a child yeah and you're not allowed to once again tell your children to not adhere to these things no you're not allow that's that's a crime they're going to send your kid to a school which is effectively an indoctrination camp now and they're going to indoctrinate them with this garbage I saw a video on YouTube and it was a dad trying to argue with his uh two daughters about LGBT rights or something what they learned in school and he was trying to fix them and I guess he thought the video was a wholesome video because he was fixing their minds and you know look this is what we have to dude that uh it it pissed me off and it wasn't even me I was like they've poisoned your kids brains you're sitting here trying to fix it why fix it why is this happening I wouldn't I'd take them out of school the same [ __ ] the same day it's insane and you're even having to sit there and do this I'd be in jail already 100% it's crazy and they're starting in in the fifth grade no I'm sorry I'm sorry they're starting when they're 5 or six years old they're putting this trash in public schools teaching them about LGB Q or whatever the heck they call it gays and everything and they're even talking about sex when the kids are 5 years old that's right that's right 5 years old I I I can't you know Andrew drives me crazy I mean I've seen a lot of garbage on the street but I've never seen anything like this this is just this is more demonic this is this is demonic and this is more evil than anything you see on the street on the street there's a guy involved in some business he's involved with bad guys he's a bad guy something happens whatever kids kids children trying to learn about math it's it's it's truly demonic the agenda is completely demonic and satanic and it's anti-human the reason they push this LGBT stuff so hard it's because it's antihuman it will reduce the population people won't have kids it will divide the genders further it will attack masculinity it takes a lot of boxes for them what they want is they want machines in charge of everything they want AI to come along they want robots in charge they want a slave class of people below the robots and they want to tell the robots what to do things are bad enough now imagine when the police force is robotic yeah now what are you going to do then Terminator it's coming it's it's going to be over for Humanity we're in a large last period where people can stand up and say we will not accept and they're still sitting there going ah maybe it'll be okay it's not going to be okay if you don't do anything about it it's funny because you talk about God one of the guys I live with is a very devout Christian we talk which which you once were right well I I was an atheist okay and then I I educated myself and then I was a Christian for a while but I think I reverted to that cuz I was raised Christian so I was like I believe in God again so I'm a Christian MH and then I read the Bible and then I read the Quran and then I found Infinity with Islam and it's very interesting conversation because in a lot of ways they're a lot more similar Than People realize they're actually very similar but I don't feel qualified to discuss is LAM like that because it's a very complicated religion and I'm a revert I'm only two years in and I'm learning but one of the guys who lives with me is a devout Christian we often have these conversations and we talk about these things and your brother's a Christian my brother's a Christian that's right and he says when we talk about these things he goes ah Jesus is coming back it's fine Jesus is coming back so I'm like but Christian nations need to stand up for themselves and you need to do something you need to fight he goes ah but Jesus is coming back and I said I don't prescribe to that particular mentality and it reminds me of a story from my dad well let me ask you a question when you say you don't prescribe to that mentality do you not believe Jesus is coming back or you just don't believe in that mentality you just described I I do believe let's say I believe Jesus was coming back that wouldn't mean I don't take action that wouldn't mean I just wait I agree with that I don't agree with the it's going to be fine it'll be fixed by Jesus I'll give you a quick example my my father was a world class chess player a professional chess player I used to go with him to chess tournaments we were at a chess tournament I think we were in Chicago Illinois and I must have been about eight years old and uh a aerian Grandmaster turned up and he looked visibly shaken and it's he's from aeran so he was not used to driving on ice and he came in and he looked shaking and my dad and his friends are standing there all the chess players and he's said what's the matter and he goes God just saved my life God just saved my life and we're were like what happened he said I was driving on the bridge and I lost control on the ice and I was heading towards the edge of the bridge and I the car wasn't responding and I just closed my eyes and I prayed to God and I opened my eyes and I stopped just before I went off the bridge I I I broke the barrier I nearly went off the bridge God saved my life God saved my life and I remember my dad said maybe God saved your life but I wouldn't have taken my hand off the wheel mhm and that was his mental and and and I remember him saying I was only eight I remember him saying that and walking off and I talked to him about it on the way home what does that mean he goes well God has a plan that's great but I'm going to do my very best while I'm here and God will allow me to either succeed or he won't so we could sit here and say Jesus is coming back to save Christian nations yeah perhaps perhaps you should stop letting yourself get punked all day and stand up and do something perhaps I don't know maybe I'm wrong but it truly breaks my heart when these things are happening well no you're right because faith without works is not it's meaningless but let me ask you very interesting because you said you believe Jesus is coming back yeah and yet you're ISL so does Islam they do yeah so they believe that Jesus is the son of God yeah okay they believe he was a messenger they don't believe he's a Son of God I have to be I I I don't want to say anything incorrect because if I say anything incorrect the the Muslim World jumps all over me but they do believe he was a messenger they believe he was a prophet mhm along with Muhammad and along with Moses they believe in a lot of the same things I guess the very simplistic way to understand or explain Islam is they believe in the Bible they believe in all of it they just wrote one more book afterwards by one more messenger Muhammad peace be upon him and in his book he said Christians are right everything's right but there's also this part that's the very simplistic view of it it's I don't think the problem is Islam versus Christian I don't think the problem is God versus God I think the main problem with the world today is Godless versus Believers I think if you have somebody who believes in God all the religions have a basic tenant of look after your family do the right thing God Is Watching there is sin there are some things more important than money you know like in Islam we don't have uh ursery for example there's no interest allowed it says in the Quran if you have a society based on interest and based on debt and based on Bank you're going to be controlled by evil says in the Quran the 14th century so like there's certain it has you have spiritual beliefs and if you don't have any spiritual belief you're only going to worship money there's nowhere else to go right and if you worship money you're corruptible so I think that people who are spiritual as opposed to people who are atheistic is the main problem because the atheists aren't even atheistic they worship LGBT money government feminism abortion whatever Insanity they have their religions they're just evil so there's no such thing as an atheist anyway they just have complete insane religions right I believe that people who believe in God versus people who don't is the main problem I think a lot of the confusion though about Islam is a lot of the problems in the western world are from migrants perhaps or from people who are from Islamic countries so people have a problem with Islam which I can understand but I would argue that the problem there is not Islam the problem is third worlders versus first worlders some of the first world Islamic nations are the most beautiful places on Earth Bahrain Kuwait Dubai United Arab Emirates these are gorgeous places with no crime and and you're going to see with no tax and the tallest buildings in the world perfect roads 0% tax rate no tax yeah no explain that government and they built these beautiful places and everyone's safe and Society functions and everything's gorgeous obviously you have third world Islamic nations with problems you can go to Africa and find Third World Christian nations abut and and you will see how they treat women people say oh Islam's bad to women we'll see how they treat women in Africa and Christian nations so it's it's third world versus first world let me ask you is there a reason you were drawn more to Islam than Christianity I don't I read both books I don't know if it was my time inside of as in Islamic countries I felt God I felt it I don't know how else to say it I felt I felt it I felt it more when I went to the mosque I felt it when I was in an Islamic country I felt it and and I've analyzed this about myself heavily because I believe that feedback is how you get good at anything practice is people think practice makes perfect that's a lie feedback makes perfect and I was actually discussing this with somebody who was talking about my podcast he says oh your podcasts are very good and how do you talk so well and I said well he goes you must be practicing I said I don't practice because I'm 37 you're 42 you've been practicing longer than me so how come I can speak better than you can cuz I watch myself back and I analyze I learn new words I feedback feedback is how you get good at something so I try to analyze my own state of mind all the time and I try and work out why did I feel like an Islamic society was closer to God than a Christian Society is it because of what's in the book or is it because of the society I'm in is it because of the society maybe and I'm just being perfectly brutally honest here maybe when I look at religion I say well if a relig what's the primary goal of a religion is it to save Souls yes but also wouldn't you argue the primary goal of religion is to preserve a society to a degree if even is if Islam can preserve Islam societies if women are women if men are men if even in war zones even even you can look at the worst countries on the planet today they Islamic countries if they're still all praying they're still all with their wives they're still all feeding God is the only thing they've got they don't have anything else they're not afraid to die for what they believe in God is all they've got left you know what's interesting someone said to me they said imagine when you look at movies and you see a post-apocalyptic Christian country like you know something's happened you see riots you see uh looting you see all these things right he goes there's a bunch of Islamic countries right now that are already postapocalyptic you don't see any of that because they believe in God maybe it's that maybe it's just I felt it hold Society together and and I'm I'm not going to sit here and argue that I'm right I'm not going to argue against Christianity at all I respect Christianity I was raised Christian I have absolute respect for Christians my brother's a Christian I'm not going to sit and say that I'm right and anyone else is wrong I'm just saying perhaps it's as simple as if I send my children to school in Dubai 99% of the problems we've talked about I don't have to worry about anymore maybe it's that simple it's like okay boom let let me tell you the one the one thing that separates Christianity that's scary to everything else on Earth in my view if Christians are right and the only way to get to heaven which I know you believe in we believe in heaven and hell is through Jesus Christ y then every other religion could be good there's no question about that but the separation is that if you don't believe Jesus is the son of God that's right then you don't get to heaven that's right and that's scary yeah and you know when I was in the hole um I I was um I kind of challenged God at that moment you know CU my wife was Christian my mother-in-law Christian they were telling me and I didn't have time for that but now I'm getting in there and you know what I developed Andrew I developed a healthy fear of hell yeah you're in the hole if this is it if this is the rest of Eternity like this only a million times worse and even if it isn't worse this is it I'm here alone by myself separated from everyone I love and this is it Eternal nothing I said I need to find out what's true and at that point in time I had my Bible in there I had my wife send me every book you can imagine Christian faith Hindu Muslim everything I was reading everything and for me the separation was okay all of this makes sense but if Jesus is the only way to heaven and I reject that then no matter how good I am no matter what else I do I'm going nowhere this is going to be Eternity for me right so this is the separation and I think people have to make that choice it's it's a super interesting conversation and I'm I can't wait I'd love for us to do a podcast in a couple more years when I've read them both a couple more times and uh I know I have more to learn this is on one subject where I'm 100% a student but remember this the only thing I want to tell you I'm sure your brother told you this oh yeah every day every day everything everything could be right 100% million good people the countryes are good everything and you know what you know you're more safe in a in a country the United States not safe anymore there's a lot of Christians there a lot of people that profess to be Christians but really aren't Christians because you can say you're a Christian but if you're living in a pattern of sin if you're not living like a Christian you're not a Christian doesn't matter but that's the one separation I understand and that's important and that's that's something you really need to figure out and think about because if he is the only way to heaven no matter how good you are no matter what how great the country doesn't matter how religious is the mob how what how religious is the mob you know the funny thing guys used to go to church I grew up a Catholic from kindergarten right through high school I was an alter Boy the whole bit but for me Christian I mean Catholicism was like a subject in school you know a lot of rules a lot of regulations you're going to hell you don't do this it was like okay I got it okay but don't bother me with it right now you know but yet you see guys that you know maybe last night they had to kill somebody and then on Ash Wednesday they got ashes on that head I always thought that was kind of ironic but you saw a lot of that you know do they believe did they truly believe they believed in God yeah they believed in God no question about it but did they act that way no how did they reconcile that how did they put the two together I'll tell you how we reconcile it you know Halloween night 1975 I take a Blood Oath you know and I devote my life to uh to the Mafia caus an ostra and when you take that oath you say this no matter what this comes first before anything else in my life if your mother is sick and dying you're at her bedside we call you you got to leave your mother and go there that's the commitment you're making right okay so you're told straight out you make a mistake we have policy in that life you never mess with anybody's wife daughter sister mother death yeah you sell drugs right now you're going to die during my era you weren't allowed to deal with drugs it's a great rule couldn't do it right what guy doing it on his side sneaking around yeah but you couldn't do it right and they tell you straight out you break a rule your best friend may walk you into a room and you don't walk out again because you can't violate the rules y okay so that's what you live by and you get it so that you justify certain things well this guy broke the rule I'll tell you what happened to me one night Andrew in that life you're always going to be put on a spot at some point in time so there was a without getting into the whole story because I've said it so many times I was walked into a room one night didn't know if I was going to walk out again was I scared you bet cuz I knew the experience I was a captain at that point I was scared people said why didn't you cut and run it was robotic at that point hey if this is it this is it you know going to die I'm going to die I had to walk down the stairs into a basement apartment when that door opened I knew the setup I said this might be my last breath I don't know how I didn't faint I'm going to be honest with you and I'm not a scary guy I could live up to things but but anyway I'm here it worked out but I get in the car with the guy that drove me there who was my best friend good friend I knew him my whole life and when I got in the car he had driven me there and I was getting I was ready to blast him I was saying you didn't prepare me for any of this right and he said Mike stop before you say anything he said this could have been real serious you held yourself in there really well tonight could have been a problem now he says that to me I said you knew knew that you're driving me possibly to my death you're my good friend I know you're my whole life you do that to me and he turned around he looked at me he said if it was the other way around would you have told me and I said no he said it's the life we lead right so but that's you you're so programmed that even if your best friend violates something you're going to you're going to take that guy out and you but you justify it well he knew the rules shouldn't have broke the rules I knew the rules tried to get away with it didn't get away with it the problem is there's a lot of treachery in that life people die for other reasons Politics the whole bit you know a lot of stuff happens but you know you justify what you're doing so even if you're a Catholic okay well listen we both played by the rules this guy knew it that guy so what I did wasn't bad yeah we're disciplined Society We're Men We act like men we're not supposed to break the rules so you you justify it even though the 10 command murder is murder well my case it's okay can't justify it but you do so were guys religious I mean they still could have killed somebody and still believe they were religious because he broke the rule yeah it's interesting I know I know exactly what you're saying I know exactly what you're talking about I have some questions I don't know if you can answer them sure but I want to ask what did you do with all that money what did you spend it on why is that one of the first questions I get asked all I'm just curious you're making all that money it's it's the ' 880s '90s whatever it is what do you what do you spend it on I don't know what do you even buy well you know I had three homes and I had a house in Florida a house in New York a house in California I had my own Jet Plane you're familiar with that I had a helicopter I had three boats you know so I I spent money you know I did at that time but I was young and I was enjoying it but uh listen you know how they exaggerate and they lie all right there was a story out in I think it was the Long Island press said that I I made $2 billion you know that we defrauded the government out of $2 billion and all this stuff wasn't that much had a lot of money but it wasn't that much but you know listen everybody believes you know they wrote a book about an investigator that tried to find where I had my money buried or I shouldn't say buried but in different banks around the world and they couldn't find it and they actually wrote a book in the investigator that hired them I mean they got a bunch they got you know probably 50 60 million from me you know but uh I'm not going to answer anymore I I understand completely you got about as much out of me as you're going to get I understand completely I I completely understand it I know exactly what you're saying I understand you sir I understand I understand yeah it's uh it's actually it's kind of I don't know the reason I asked that question is I don't know if the world was easier then than it is now but if you have any money now trying to keep hold of it I don't trust I don't trust the banks I don't listen what happens in America just what happened two years ago Thursday afternoon I forget the name of the bank I didn't have any money in that bank everything everything is fine the bank manager gets on the CEO of the bank on Thursday afternoon don't worry about it these are all nonsense not your money is safe 100% Friday morning the bank goes under yep they lie to you you can't trust these people y stock market the same thing I know I mean I had guys you know that we were doing things with penny stocks and everything back then so I don't trust these people I'm not saying you know you don't want to throw the blanket over everybody but does stuff go you know that does stuff go online that are these people dishonest 100% y why do you want to trust them it's true and it's getting harder and harder to the reason I asked the money question is because 80s 90s might have been a different game but in the world today especially if you make any money it's very difficult to get hold of you can't hide it it's very difficult you can't hide it that's right and if they want to get it they can find the right piece of paper to take off you 100% and plus the paper money today in our country it's it it could be worthless tomorrow morning that's right you could be putting money in your basement it could be worthless tomorrow morning we're not far off no I think the American dollar has lost 25% of its purchasing power since 2020 and they're just printing printing printing printing that's their answer to everything is just to print more money for this endless yeah and there's nothing to back it up that's right endless war around the world the only thing they have is violence and threats [ __ ] that's right everything comes back down to violence and threats yeah the world's a certainly interesting place where do you think we're going you I'm the opposite of you okay in in that I'm a very optimistic guy someone has to do it my wife gets mad at me you know how we going to don't worry about it I'm going to handle it it's all going to be okay it's my famous word she said don't ever tell me don't worry about it because you said that to me the day before they locked you up and I didn't see you for eight years yeah yeah I told him I said I get it but I am extremely pessimistic about my country yeah I think number one I think it's biblical y I think we're I don't want to say we're in the end times the end times could to be a thousand years away from now but I think my country is in a lot of trouble I really mean it and especially if this election doesn't turn out right yep I I we're going downhill fast Andrew how do you get out from under $34 trillion worth of debt you don't you can't you can't it's impossible there has to be a crash at some point in time they're printing money like it's water y the money really doesn't have any value it's it's it's a it's an imaginary value at this point time y you know so how do you get out from under it you don't and they have no intention of fixing it they don't know how to fix they don't want to fix it because it doesn't affect them yep so what are you going to do you know you hate to say people have asked me you know Michael would you trust Trump with your daughter I said what a stupid question why do I have to trust him with my daughter what does that have to do with him being a president of the United States and doing a job for my country y well you know 15 years ago he got this guy who do what do I care what he did 15 years you're going to hotel with a woman but this but this is you've just put you've just absolutely nailed it because this is the the true conversation and this is the true split in society now you have logical arguments and people who believe in logic in common sense what you said is absolutely logical he can be the president of the United States and he can fix the country and has nothing to do because he's doesn't have to meet my daughter and you have emotional arguments and emotional arguments are absolutely subjective and they throw everything out the water and you ignore all of the general rules of life and exceptions disprove rules and it's all Insanity with emotional arguments and that's what they do this is why they try and Destroy masculinity which is logical and push all of these constant emotional arguments with nearly every scop let's look at a scop climate change whether climate change is true or not isn't even the conversation we need to have because when they pass legislation regarding climate change it's a trojan horse for a bunch of things that have nothing to do with the climate absolutely nothing nothing they want to raise taxes raise your raise their wages destroy your ability to go anywhere take away your freedom all for the climate and if you sit down and logically say please explain to me how me paying more taxes will stop the Sun from being hot they'll answer and say oh but don't you care about trees emotional argument oh you like you like trees right well yeah oh go the trees so you don't care about trees how do you feel about trees it's all emotional they throw all logic out the window so when someone says that stupid asinine when someone asks you that asinine question yeah it's emotionality they're they're thinking with their emotional side of their brain they're not being logical know and let me tell you why it's so scary now you had Trump has a record he spent four years as president he has a record yeah the other guy has a record okay it should be cut and shot compare the two records you sit down with somebody and say tell me why you hate Donald Trump they really can't answer you what did this guy do did he murder somebody in your family did he rape your wife what did he do that this unreal hatred is out there for them I don't get it they can't answer you because there is no answer the guy has a record he was a good president forget anything else he did in his life well you know he was involved with the mom so what y if he was first of all he wasn't I know that for a fact he and I had the same attorney at one time Roy Cohen I met Donald once for five minutes and a club said hello he didn't do anything with them M people think if you if you know somebody that all of a sudden you're connected and you're doing all these bad things you never did any do you know what they did to me this was in uh when they were doing the Mueller investigation right back in 80 the early ' 80s 82 or 83 I had a Russian partner best partner I ever had by the way great we were in gas business stealing tax money okay it was great but they were good partners we spent we B we uh paid $6 million for a couple of uh condos in Trump Towers right ni he had a KGB uh relative or something do you know that during the Muller investigation now this is in the early 80s they came to me and said we know you and Baton spent $6 million at Trump Towers I had 1982 it's like 30 something years ago what about it well what was the connection between you know you and Donald and uh and this Russian guy I says wait a second Russian Mueller investigation are you trying to say that because we bought uh condos and Trump Towers in the early 80s that there was some kind of Russian connection because I had a Russian partner that had nothing to do with Trump I said do me a favor subpoena me I want to go in front of the mother investigation talk about this I said you people are insane absolutely insane that's how far they stretch another thing they have these laws they pass Friday night they get a bill you know 1,200 Pages Saturday morning they're voting on it y they didn't even read it of course not how could you trust these people and I try to have this argument I said listen I'm all for you I'm for your family I'm for this country you have to be able to see what's going on here and don't let them pull the wool over your eyes that's right but and but the primary weapon they use to dispute that perfect logic is an emot argument they'll say oh yeah but some people who cross the border are good people we never said they weren't that has nothing to do with nothing at all security that's nothing to do with it no they they they try and inject this emotionality because emotionality allows them to pull off their sofs most easily which is why they're so afraid of masculinity because masculinity we reject the emotional side of our brains if we know we have a a larger purpose emotionally we want to get off the Titanic but logically we know it's not our job we're not supposed to we have to stay on the the Titanic that's the masculine mind the female mind is more prone to call me a misogynist emotionality which is their superpower that's what they're good at but but it's true and we need them for it yeah I mean that's the way it is why reject it it's true absolutely but if they can in if they can get a whole society because we're two halves of the perfect hole if they can get a whole society thinking emotionally well then they can manipulate us on mass right because they can come along with fear or with uh empathy with some emotion they can put together a nice Fancy video they did it in Europe I don't know if you follow European politics but when the boats started arriving after Hillary decided to destroy Libya because they didn't want to use the dollar anymore and after they decid to destroy Syria and because there's no IMF Bank blah blah blah after they started all these wars and killed all these millions of people while Obama was getting the Nobel Peace Prize or after they did all of this when they started getting on boats migrating to Europe because their countries were destroyed I said yeah what's happened to them is unfair yeah we did it but no don't let them in maybe that makes me insensitive maybe it makes me a bad person but I know how it ends for European Society so don't let them in don't let them in they started letting them in everyone was talking about it they put on the news some kid which drowned terrible four-year-old kid drowned terrible it was the only clip they played for six months and by the end of it everyone was saying oh put the kids put the children put the kids put the kids oh the kids the kids the kids emotional arguments I was saying they show you one kid there's millions of military age males who we just discussed earlier how their life path's going to turn out why it's going to involve violence at some point or crime at some point you're talking about one child they put on the news who says that child now I'm at the point I'm so crazy who says that child even drowned there who says that what didn't happen back in Libya who where did they even get this clip from it's all a scop it's all a scam and this is why you have to be able to reject your emotionality and think logically and think well what's the best move on the chessboard but this is why they try and push emotional arguments into everything all this LGBT crap is emotional arguments I'm sorry that that individual has a penis that's a man oh but they feel like a girl I don't care how they feel it doesn't it doesn't matter it doesn't matter but the people who adhere to it are like ah but the feelings the feelings hold Paramount the feelings don't hold Paramount there's right and there's wrong and there's true and there's false insanity and it's insanity and this is the society they want that's completely emotionally LED because once they have everybody absolutely emotional then what they're going to do is come along and scare us which is what they always do they proved it during Co a severe winter of illness and death be afraid be afraid that's coming again now now it's bird flu oh yeah bir they're already they're already starting to you know plant those seeds getting people nervous about it or climate change CL there's people standing in roads right now saying we're all going to die in 10 years they said that 10 years ago why do they pass these laws saying that for climate change XYZ put up their wages and buy beachfront property if they're so scared of the ocean how does that work they're closest to the ocean they're building how come the banks have no problem doing 100e leases 100y year mortgages or 100e loans for beach front condos right they don't seem to be scared the ocean's coming if it's gone in 12 years the whole thing is the biggest scop scam and and we're now at a point with government and Authority it's actually kind of scary where you can't trust them to make a law on anything because every single law they pass is Trojan HED every single one is scoped there's not a single law they'll pass about anything that if you were to read those 12200 Pages you wouldn't start going wait wait wait what's this why is this in here what's this garbage they do it with absolutely everything every single bill they pass every single dollar they print there's a whole bunch of junk in there we've completely lost control of the democratic process nobody even knows what laws are path nobody knows anything anymore they're having a clue and what they're doing too Andrew most of the people okay are are trying to feed their families they don't have time to look at all of this you and I we have the luxury we can watch the news we can talk to we can see we can do that right these people don't have a clue that's right they don't have a clue and you you know what you can't blame them they're trying to put food on their table they're trying to pay for their mortgage getting harder and harder it's getting harder and harder so they're not paying attention so somebody gets up there and says oh I'm going to do this that that that oh okay you got my vote they believe they're distracted by the permanent Rat Race yeah I don't even know how most people are surviving anymore I remember I don't get it I don't know and I've looked at a bunch of statistics about the oncoming financial crash and they saying that most people aren't most bills are unpaid credit card debts higher than ever yeah car defaults higher than ever mortgage default higher than ever it's all about to blow up like 2008 but I think back to when I was say 21 or 22 my brother had a job I had a job both low-income jobs we both made about a thousand a month we had 2,000 we had a car between us we had an apartment we had food we went to training every day we had clothes and we survived I I don't even know how much I spend now because I know I've lost touch with reality but it to have a nice car in a nice house and to pay your bills and pay your taxes and to be able to go on a few holidays and to have some clothes and to put gas in your cars and have a little bit spare for emergencies you need 15 20 25,000 a month easy to ju to just to live the most basic normal life it's insane nobody can make this money no at one time that was a lot of money oh you'd be a very rich man on 20 grand a month you're surviving now on that it's it's absolutely crazy how quickly that's happening I know and and it's good to a point I met uh I wanted to see this is about a year ago which is when I totally realized I've lost all touch with money and it was about no it about two maybe two two and a half years ago Dan ban I knew him from before he's he's actually a very nice guy he was in he was in France and I'm here in Romania and he said I'll come over and say hi I said all right so I got a jet from here to France and then there was six of us we all got a festar hotel in six different hotel rooms and then we had a security team with us cuz I go security everywhere and then we ate out a couple times and then we were with Dan at his place for five minutes and we did a a video game thing and then we uh decided to drive back to Romania so we we shipped some cars from here there and we took a 4-day road trip through Italy back through France all the way back to Romania and I sat down and I said Tristan goes what and I said by the time we flew in and out on Jets and got Security in six festar hotel rooms and eight and moved the Lambos and drove the Lambos and gasted we just spent like $350,000 in four days saying hi to a friend mhm that's how ridiculously expensive the world's become and and then we can always tie everything back right it's super interesting because now all of that's on Instagram so you have young women sitting there going that's the kind of boyfriend I want and it's like okay well there there's like 10 of them yeah good luck so everyone's chasing this lifestyle men feel we talk about male depression male suicide well men feel happy when they're respected a lot of men don't feel respected because the world's obsessed with this fantasy of that I'm living fantasy but it's it's Unique it's rare right women want that and only that which is fine that's what I'm raising my daughter to do I don't want to have anything else but we talk again about broken gender Dynamics and how this all ties in we've never had a period in in human history where you were constantly spying on everyone else's life and not just their life you're only spying on the highlights of their life all of the time right so how does that affect the human psyche I think about me as a person I was I'm at the weird age where when I was 13 there was no B off phones and when I was 16 everyone had a mobile phone in school it's like it went from nothing to like MSM messenger in school and so I remember the the transition between the two and the amount of Gossip the amount of bullying the amount the world changed when MSM messenger came out was massive right right the the so the whole thing changed within two years I can't imagine being 12 or 13 now you got Instagram and Twitter you're seeing murder all over the news and you're seeing these girls who are on boats at 18 and you see the guys living this crazy life like I do with money and you're sitting there and you're try and get a job and it's 25,000 a year and like everyone's minds must just be a mess everything's messed up and and and then and then you look at the the mentality of a lot of these people and I talk about this from my perspective because I I primarily talk to younger guys and and they've gotten to a point where they're just apathetic and they're just gamblers they're like well I'll just gamble on crypto or I'll gamble on the stock market I don't stand a chance of getting out with hard work I don't stand a chance of out with education I don't stand a chance of having a woman who loves me without without money so I'm just just going to just gamble just gamble on Meme coins or just gamble on the stock market and if I lose I'll just sit in my bedroom and play video games I give up they're just giving up on the system giving up on society they're no longer waking up saying if I work hard and train hard and be a good person I can build a good society and that's what you're teach them and that's what I'm trying to teach them to do because they've just given up they they they just don't care anymore at a young age at a very young age cuz they're seeing too much too early and I can't even imagine myself at age 12 seeing all this how would I end up it it's weird cuz they're saying themselves I'm never going to be in that position you know where spending all that kind of money and doing so they give up they give up and and also not just they give up but they they sit and they think well that's all that I that's all that matters that's all I want that's all that success is I don't care about and I try and make it very hard that's why I always mention I was broke for the longest time and that's when I actually became the person I am I don't think money changes you I think money amplifies you I think if you're a real man and you get rich you're a good man like Trump or like us if you're a [ __ ] and you get rich you become worse than ever you become like we talked a weak dictatorial insane insane evil person wish surrounded by them un that's right so you need the you need all of the character building bad times being broke you need all that before you're rich the worst thing that can happen to you is you get rich at 19 imagine a 19-year-old boy who Filthy Rich he going be an idiot so but but society's just got them all messed up now and I feel like they've lost vested interest in the future of themselves and society which probably ties back into why people are getting away with what they're getting away with because they look at the politicians they go it's a scam anyway it's all IO who cares it's all [ __ ] I give up I don't stand a chance anyway I give up I give up I give up I don't care let all burn let's make memes and make fun of it burn you SE a lot of that I that's all you see there's like the world is burning and instead of trying to put it out let's just laugh at it burn it's all just one big joke ha it's all burning oh well oops who cares there's a a lot of that and then you look at it from a Global Perspective how can a Western Country compete when its youth thinks that compared to a country whose youth don't believe that a country whose youth believe no we're going to work hard and we're going to dedicate ourselves and our nation's going to take over because it's easy to become champ it's hard to stay champ Y and and and that's the problem with America now you're trying to stay champ well there's people coming for your belt Rocky and you know Mr T's training and he's built different cuz he's hungry and we don't have that hunger in our society anymore it's all gone so how long can we truly possibly compete you go down deeper down the rabbit hole you realize the only reason we're still competing is because we can print the dollar and we can game the financial system and we can lie and cheat and we can print these dollars because we're the global Reserve currency how long's that going to last who knows but I guess the scary thing the thing that's interesting to me is and I'd be interested in your point of view on this how does American Social and societal collapse look because in other countries when Society collapses is I feel like they have something to a degree that unifies them even if it's just the homog the homogeny of their race or their color I give it a very quick example when I first moved to Romania eight years ago I said there was two girls walking to the park at 3 in the morning I was way home from the nightclub and I was talking to tax driver and I said in London girls don't walk alone at night but is it normal here for girls to walk alone at night and he said those are Romanian girls a Romanian man wouldn't hurt a Romanian girl won't see that in America W well hear that in America you won't hear that in America or the West anywhere cuz we're so divided now right so how does societal collapse in America even look because in other countries I feel like if it collapses there's still a degree of sanctity let's look at Russia Ukraine my opinion on that is semi-rs I totally understand why Putin did what he did they try and say he's a bad guy they always do that on the news if you actually look at the history of it he defended Russia he may have attacked first but he was defending himself blah blah blah Ukraine is being getting hammered with these missiles and they've lost electricity and they' be getting destroyed and they're losing this war and they're never going to win in a million years everyone knows it they're an Nao puppet we're sending their men to die to try and influence Russia blah blah it's a whole different argument has Ukraine had any Mass riots any Mass looting they're at War the the soci there's no police force everyone's standing in line with their hyperinflated currency buying food in line there's civil law and order because they're unified by God and they're unified by their belief and love for Ukraine in America if there's a tornado or a flood or anything what what ends up happening loting within five minutes within five minutes it's just like oh crime straight back to crime like we don't we America can't handle America's so fragile societally it can't handle any struggle it's falling apart with privilege how's it going to survive with struggle the eclipse that just happened a month ago or whatever I saw on Twitter they're saying the eclipse there's a a warning stay in your house because of the eclipse and I said Tristan isn't it crazy that a country has to warn people that if it gets dark for two minutes crime might happen yes if the sun goes down crime will happen it happens every day but if it happens at a different time of day Society will break down that doesn't happen anywhere else do you think when there's an eclipse over Thailand or Russia they all start panicking and putting the military on the street it doesn't matter it's an eclipse okay cool back to back to work back to life America's so fragile that I'm I'm very interested in what your view on what the implosion will look like because I think it's going to be worse than nearly anything we've ever seen I I you know there's unfortunately we have forces in America now that hate America just hate America and they're very vocal about it nothing happens to them you can say it you you know let let me tell you for me we are becoming a Godless society and when God has taken out of anywhere and there's no belief in there the country falls apart that's what's happening now he's being chased out yeah you can't talk to about him you can't mention him if you go out and protest in front of an an abortion clinic you get locked up and when I mean protest just sit there and read the Bible to somebody yep you go to jail for that yep they lock you up for that with free speech in a free country free speech in a free country Christian country yeah yet you can you know you can protest you can do anything your lgbq you can you know at the parade we had we had a parade do you know that they're walking around the lgbq I don't even know the number the alphabet right do you know that they're in drag with practically no clothes on this is a parade with families there and they're doing all of this stuff right out in the open and it's okay if you say anything wrong about it you get in trouble for it oh it's a troan horse it's a trojan horse for sexual perversion yeah so it's happening the country is just there's nothing there holding it together anymore there's really no national pride and if there is national pride they're fighting against those that have no national pride so you see these two forces so what's it going to look like it's going to be a total collapse I I think so it's total collapse and this is this is why Trump's win is so important because it's not just about it's not just about the laws he'll pass it's about the culture it's about people believing in America again it's about people believing in americanism it's about people saying USA USA USA it's about them believing in their it's the culture that we need back people to be proud of America again Trump can bring that he can bring that because now the other side is demonizing those people that voted for Trump this is half the country yeah you're dividing half the country instead of trying to bring people together you know I always had two things on the on the street you learn something I learned this you know the best way to defeat your enemies is to make them your friends people don't understand this mentality okay and obviously you know keep your friends close but your enemies close so if your enemies that you still know your enemies if they think you're their friend well then you can you can watch them you could be careful you could be on the alert with them these people are not even smart enough to know that instead of demonizing half the country calling out magga people calling them deplorable call this is half the country that you're in control of you know they don't want to bring people together they want division I'm telling you this election I'm I'm concerned that there's going to be a violent eruption whoever wins y because I just went on Rumble recently it was a good experience because you can speak your mind on there absolutely you can say whatever you want to say but if you see the comments first of all the comments are this long yeah okay people are really aware of what's going on on Rumble there lunatics too but for the most part they're aware and if you see the anger oh my gosh the anger against the other side you know and it goes both ways whatever happens in this election there's going to be an eruption somewhere there's no question just too angry and too divided and and can you blame them no no they have a right to feel that way and but they want division the people at the top want division they don't want Unity that's right they want it that's the problem because you're right people are justified in their anger but they want anger because they want us against each other there has to be if we had to solve the world and we come back to God because it's easy answer but there has to be something to unify people because there used to even just be the unity of everyone you used to be able to say something simple like having children is beautiful love your children something as simple as that will get you backlash now you can sit and say women should want to find a man they love and have children that try and say that online you're a misogynist they'll go nuts they'll go nuts that's misogyny you can't even I really truly believe and this is one of the things I find most interesting about American politics it's the only country in the world where I've seen the subject of abortion so heavily politicized whether in other countries it's legal or illegal whatever but there are people marching around demanding the ability to murder their own kids and whether you believe in abortion or not it's not even the argument I'm saying there are people who will decide who leads their country economically militarily the leader of their Nation all based on whether someone in some other state can kill their own kid or not who like this is insanity to me how have they managed to come along with something like this and sop to the point where everyone's screaming about murdering babies as opposed to I don't know the inflation rate it's completely it's completely insane I have members of my family who were super liberal super pro Biden and and even they have admitted that Biden's messed up and everything was better under Trump and last time I spoke to one of them they said yeah Biden messed up everything's better under Trump but I can't vote for Trump because a r versus Wade I'm like who cares what does have to do with anything cares grow up like you haven't even had any abortions what is this like on what planet are these people operating pure emotional argument garbage maybe world could go to hell inflation could be through the roof there could be Wars all over the place you're losing your house you don't have a car to drive anymore but I'm worried about abortion I never had one I may never have one but that's what I'm going to worry about and and the way they managed to S off the populace into this constant and endless Obsession to women running around screaming about how proud they are they have one or how mad they are they can't have one you know what really upsets me most about what's so insane about it is it's not like getting pregnant is like catching cancer where you can't help you can stop yourself getting pregnant of course a lot of different ways very easy is it just a oops I don't want to ever have to take responsibility for my actions thing is it just is it just a a a metaphor for the mentality that allows you to say no matter what stupid things I do I don't have to be responsible for anything I've ever done I don't know what it is Maybe also people wouldn't be so obsessed with killing their own kids that they could afford to have them maybe if you fix the inflation rate and you fix the fact that people can't buy homes and you fix the country people might be more interested in keeping their own children I don't know maybe plus the big lie is that it's a women's health issue why is it a woman's health issue I've had seven kids yeah the the health of the mother was never an issue yeah they say it's Woman's Health has nothing to do now if there is a case when you know and this is rare when it's the mother's life or the child's life okay but normal rational people will deal with that in a rational way okay you know if that were the case I want my wife to live you know we understand that but every abortion issue is not a women's health issue but that's what they keep that's the center point Women's Health Women's Health has nothing to do with Women's Health of course it has to do with I want the kid or I don't want the kid period and that's the final point of of the Demonic mindset right we talked earlier about selfishness they're convincing young women to be so selfish so self-obsessed that they are proud of murdering their own children that they created that they could have prevented even beginning to grow and then putting on a t-shirt look what I did I'm a good person like the absolute end state of the slave mind the absolute end state of demonic When I See This Insanity it's only in America in any other country in the world that abortion is legal in it's never celebrated no matter how Fallen some of these other countries are even America even even uh maybe UK I'm not sure but if you were to go to Italy France or anything other Western Nations if a woman has an abortion it's a very unfortunate unhappy event and that's it there's none of this celebration of it there's none of this happy look what I did it's crazy how far the scop has gotten in this is another thing that might get me in a little bit of trouble but this is where I think men have failed Society so much because evolutionarily I don't know if you ever read the book War Brides but it was about it was about French women who ended up marrying German soldiers and it was saying that the Germans kicked the French they beat them and across three or four years the French women even though the Germans had killed their husbands the Germans had money they had provision they were the power structure they were respected they were feared they had wages the French men didn't have anything if they were alive and all the French women ended up going with the the German men it's talking about how the power of these men were attractive and no matter how much they were resentful for the fact they killed their husband over time women are more likely to just adhere to power structures because they can't defend themselves so their self-preservation strategy is to adhere to a power structure their self-preservation strategy is well I can't fight I mean obviously exceptions don't disprove the rules there were women who were part of the French Resistance of course but in general like well I can't fight these guys are here they have the guns they won the war they killed my husband they're strong ah okay and that's how they kind of Bend towards thing and it talked about going all the way back to tribal tribalism when tribes would go and kill another tribe they'd kill all the men who can fight and they'd take the women and the women can either Bend to the rules of the new tribe or get killed so it's like well Bend to the rules of the tribe so anyway when you read this book what he kind of concludes he says at the end is that women are going to adhere whether they like it or not in general to the power structure they see as most fearsome and have the most respect for if that's their father they'll adhere to their father if that's their husband they'll adhere to their husband if that's society if that's Sex in the City and abortion and all this garbage and feminism whatever then they'll adhere to that so when I say men have failed I'm not attacking women here I'm saying men have failed because I believe you raise a daughter well she doesn't want to scream about having abortions I believe if you raise a daughter well and you do your job as a man she doesn't want to watch sex in the city and be a [ __ ] I don't think she wants to do that I think if you're a good father these things won't happen so I think men are failing I can even say now you can call me a misogynist they'll cut this up and call me a horrible person if my girlfriend put something on TV she wouldn't ever but let's say she put Sex in the City on I say turn that crap off why cuz it's crap and I don't want to see it and you're not going to watch it turn it off it's my job to protect your mind to protect you physically and mentally it's my job to protect that's my job I'm protecting you from all the garbage and that's what I'm going to do we agree on that I I 100% why do you want to put trashing in somebody's mind just because somebody produces something that doesn't mean we have to accept it or say it's great yeah bring it into my house I love it but see you say that and people oh you know you're a male chauvinist you know you're trying to control your woman mind no I'm not trying to get trash out of her head the same way she might say that to me why you watching that turn it off absolutely we care we care about each other if you love anything they call you hateful so when you see this abortion stuff and you see all this insane feminism you say see all this LGBT crap that this is the failure of men you're a man stand up and prevent anyone you care about being poisoned by this do whatever it takes and your has to become a point where you don't lazy about it I I watched that guy tried to reprogram his daughters in his car on YouTube okay okay you did a good job trying to reproduce reprogram them why are they going to that school why don't they move school oh well you know it's hard for them to move school it's a long drive then drive them then then do what it takes there's a degree of apathy and laziness there's a degree of fear of being called a bad name there's a degree of fear of being a coward there's a degree of fear of their wife telling them off I don't know what it is but they're allowing this these huge power structures these these dominant forces which you see all over the internet all in the educational system all in the media all over Netflix to get control of the women they care about and send them insane and they're sitting there and watching it happen most men aren't raising their kids the school and internet is raising their kids YouTube raises your children the iPad raises your children what's on the internet well a lot of stuff good and bad yeah you can't police all of it right you're busy like you said working your ass off for a dollar trying to pay the bills it's getting harder and harder but I still think this is the failure of men I'd really like to talk to one of these women if I ever get free from this and I ever do go to America I can't wait to go to a feminist r and uh and and ask I'll just ask him the question I'll say why are you so happy to murder children yeah well what's so do you know who your father is like like let's just talk yeah I hate to say but well I don't want to go there I'll get in trouble if I say what I was going to say but I I want to get back to one thing because this is important to me and we're we're establishing a relationship now I want to go back to religion for a minute sure just for a minute sure and I know you have your brother and I'm sure you you've had very indepth discussions about it but when I when I came to Christ for me everything is about evidence y everything Andrew I don't take things that everything is about evidence you got to prove it to me Y and when I did my search without getting to all this now I really found out that the Bible is so supported by evidence yeah it's a fact Jesus rose from the dead it's a fact and what separates everything else from me is if I want to enjoy eternity and be in heaven then I have to accept Christ yep and that's all I want to say that's the bottom line so when you do when you study Islam and you get there in two years just remember it could be a great Rel I have a lot of Islamic friends I have so many people online trying to trying to convert Islam I bet you do yeah and you know what they're so nice about it I mean just really we've had in-depth discussions and I tell them the same thing I respect you know so many of you I respect so many I met in prison they carry themselves best in prison they really and Christians Doo but they carry themselves well all the time uh I said but there's a separator for me either I believe in Jesus or I don't either I get into heaven or I don't it's that's it and for me I'm convinced and I tell people listen I'm by far not the best Christian out there you know I still have you know old thoughts in mind and sometimes I I act on them sometimes I don't but my faith is Rock Solid yeah and it's rock solid built on evidence I want to leave you with that okay and and you know that's a perfect way to end because uh like I said Bailey who I live with is a devout Christian my brother as well they're trying to say the same things and uh I'm I'm open to learning I don't want to have be a closed-minded I I'm I will come to my conclusions and God will lead me where he leads me and I'm I'm open to it and I love to hear it and and I have absolute respect for Christianity I really do thank you friend thank you sir thank you all right so there you have it like I said Andrew is never in a loss for words and I hope you really listen to what he has to say I mean he makes so much sense about so many things when you talk about manhood what is Andrew doing he's teaching men how to be men and how often have I said this you know there's a thought process out there now you know especially in America that if you're teaching men to be men that it's demeaning to women and it's just the opposite if you're teaching men how to be men you're teaching them how to be providers you're teaching them how to be protectors you're teaching them how to be husbands you're teaching them how to raise their children the right way you're actually benefiting women you're not demeaning women in any way and Andrew doesn't do that listen to what he had to say okay without forming opinions or listening to somebody else or those people out there that feel threatened when men are men that's not the right way to exist in this world we need men to be men we need women to be women they're equal in many ways they just have different roles that's just the way it is and Andrew has said nothing wrong in this uh conversation as a matter of fact I agree with everything that he said we talk about a lot of different things we talk about government he's been through the system so have I is it always bad no but if you get on the wrong side of people it's happening in America it's happening here in Romania at times you get on the wrong side of people your ideology is different you speak up you become important people start to listen to you your voice matters what happens you become a Target I tried to tell people in America America I'm warning you all listen to me I'm not a prophet I just see things happening I've been through it I understand when the people in power start to weaponize the Department of Justice law enforcement federal agencies to go after their political enemies we are in a very dangerous place Donald Trump I don't care if you hate the man it's not about Donald Trump it's about what they're doing to somebody who they're in fear of that's the bottom line they in fear of this guy they don't want him to be president they can't beat him the right way they feel they can't so what do they do okay four cases unheard of this is unprecedented in the history of our country but it's not about Trump at this point it's about weaponizing agencies in the government to go after people that disagree with you or that you fear that's number one number two the media communist countries control the media that's propaganda that's how they tell you to believe or think what they want you to think or what they want you to believe it's dangerous we have that happening here in America Andrew points this out it's true and I relate to that I understand it is everybody bad of course not we're not saying that okay but when you have the the the party in power that's controlling you to this point we are in trouble and that's why I say as a nation we still have power vote the right people in office vote the wrong people out of office and this whole conversation I think leads to that men being men people doing the right thing in life standing up fors there's nothing wrong with any of this people it's the right way to be taught and forget all this misogynist you can't you're not a misogynist if you're trying to do the right thing and be strong in your life that's not misogyny you know they throw that word around now like it's candy all right I hope you really listen to this conversation and if you didn't catch it go back and listen to it again it'll be in two or three parts all right listen to it again it's important that's it for today my friends how do I always leave you same way be safe people in the streets today when I have to tell my daughters and my wife to carry pepper spray in an affluent neighborhood be safe because things are happening okay we're not making this up it's real it's happening ladies be safe be careful you know it's preach this all the time be healthy take care of yourself you only got One Life to Live may as well do it the right way okay you're gone for a long time enjoy while you can keep yourself uh healthy be safe be healthy and I mean this when I say it people it's just the words out there okay God bless each and every one of you and your families and yes I'll see you next time take care one time the cameras are gone the guards fall asleep it doesn't happen when I was in there they were watching me 20
Channel: Michael Franzese
Views: 2,184,786
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Keywords: michael, franzese, michael franzese, mafia, mob, mobster, mob boss, mafia boss, caporegime, colombo, john gotti, american mafia, italian mafia, sonny franzese, sitdown with michael franzese, andrew tate, andrew tate motivation, andrewtatejail, andrewtatemichaelfranzese, tate brothers, tate brothers in jail, tate franzese, franzese and tates, andrew tate sitdown with Michael Franzese, Andrew Tate Romania imprisonment
Id: 88ibAvTtWLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 11sec (9911 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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