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Howdy folks how is it going welcome to my virgin kitchen today we are tasting some more treats from around the world that you guys have been sending me, I want to thank Kasra & Catherine for sending me some treats from good old Canada cannot do the accent but just go with it! Mrs Barry and I have actually been to Canada, we went to Montreal and got this drawing done we also went to Niagara falls which is on the American / Canadian border the American side was a bit boring there was just a hard rock caf� but we could see the Canadian side it was wild they were having a right party over there so when we were in the boat between the two countries officially we were in Kevin Costners waterworld country but it was pretty fun. Now Bryan Adams is also from Canada I was supposed to go on a massive tv show here in the UK and make bryan adams a giant marshmallow but but he actually wanted to eat it and they only told me last minute that he was a vegetarian / vegan and obviously using beef gelatine he would not have liked that so it did not work out there is much more story to tell you on that if you want me to tell you more. And also one of my most favourite actors in the World, a guy called Mike Myers he did the voice of shrek �donkey� and used the exact same voice in Austin powers you know the guy in that who says �I am dead sexy look at my Canadian treats� the same voice, what a genius, also he did Austin Powers �sexy Canadian treats baby yeah� hang on I am English and cannot do Austin Powers �Yeah baby but that is a bit better it needs a bit of work, and also one of my most favourite characters he has ever done was Wayne from Waynes World schwing schwing, yeah. So to pay true homage to mike myers we are dressing up waynes world style today we have a lot to get through and will start off with some Swedish berries which is kind of weird because we are in Canada and they are Swedish berries but they actually look like raspberries on the front that is kind of like calling toast, French toast � who would do that?! Wow they are kind of tough, firm but hopefully firm but fair give them a chew oooh they are hard there, but very soft and chewy. It certainly is fruity it tastes like a gooey, gummy, fruity sponge that is the only way I can describe it � schwing, next up! Right so next up is something called brown cows which appear to have one of the moodiest cows on the front cover he is saying �you are going to eat me?� you cannot do that you do not really see an angry cow do you it is just really a bland facial expression like just chewing grass sometimes so here it is toffee with chocolate in the middle of it it is quite role reversal quite popular here is some chocolate ones with toffee in the middle I see what you have done there Canada, good work! Here we go hmm my hair maybe they call them cows because when you eat them you are kind of going like a cow kind of face, they are nice and firm kind of like a fudgy texture I think I was not in the mooooood for toffee but a pat on the back Canada those are good. Next up is something called Ritz snak paks now you guys know that I hate ritz crackers and hate cheese but as you guys are so nice to send me stuff it is only polite that I at least try it and hopefully Canadian cheese may taste like chicken lets find out. Ooh I did rip that kind of good then here we go, ooh they are actually only mini ones so it is not too bad, only the size of a coin something like that so it is two crackers with well that is quite orange cheese in the middle yeah it stinks. If I eat It fast, urgh my eyes are watering that for me was a horrifying nastiness that I do not like you horrible Canadian people how could you do that to me I can see why people would like that I just hate cheese and ritz crackers in general so that was pretty much hell, lets have some pleasure. So speaking of pleasure next up is Mr Big by Cadbury it is fully branded spiderman 2 style to the point that I do not actually know what it is. It says x 2 so there are two bits in there but it does sound like a bad guy from a james bond film there is a mr big in james bond is there sure of it. We always do sean connery impressions in most of these videos so it is pretty much like �miss money penny mr big is being a naughty boy again� lets get into Mr Big, that sounds so wrong. Oh my goodness look at that, it is like a rib on it but no that is just the packaging so I can just take this out Mr big is suddenly mr half big right here we go there is a lot of stuff today so will just have a little nibble. Oh! Not sure if you can see that but my hand is shaking being overcome by mr big it has got like rice and caramel and wafer and chocolate all around it we are looking for the r Kelly moment today we may have found it and peaked too soon, but by the cat stroke of a mr big james bond bad style guy that was good. Right so next up are supreme feuille derable now to me that sounds like something a Canadian farmer would say to his co worker �hey jon can you go feuille derable thanks man� I know that is a really bad accent it is not supposed to be Canadian or American it is just an accent guys please do not take it the wrong way, thanks disclaimer. Anyhow these maple biscuit things they look the shape of a maple leaf in fact maple leaves are they what adam and eve used to cover their skin it is that shape right and I love maple syrup so hopefully I will love these as they are cream filled, so lets get into them shall we, swing! This is the thing with these biscuits I get sent these huge packs and some of you ask what I do with them generally I give them all away I give them away to chums in fact a gym I go to I will just leave them there so they can work out and exercise then eat loads of food so kind of break the reason for going there. Anyhow, oh my goodness that is maple tastic I think I am going to love these now this is a true story when I was in Canada I did not actually eat Canada I would probably get arrested for that anyway although I think it is physically impossible to eat a portion of a country but that to me just resembles Canada in a bite, it is maple tastic by the summer of 69, it is nice it is really nice! Next up is some maple walnut fudge now as you just found out I absolutely love maple syrup. In fact I could open that cupboard right now and shower in it �my mind is telling me no� etc I am not going to do that right now, I may take some time out in a minute and turn the camera off you will never realise it happened but, we are going to try some of this, I think Catherine put this sticker on there that says was frozen �let it go, let it go� when I put it in the box now that is very true it probably would have been but due to air mail and all that stuff it thawed out so we will not beat around that bush I have not bothered to freeze it we will eat it as it is I nearly bit into it then and there was this sneaky bit of card on there �ooh I do not like it, it tastes a bit like card� but anyhow wow, I want to get some nuts obviously. No, not like that oooh you naughty thing what a stonker, that my friends is a pocket sized punch of Canadian loving right there, that is very very addictive I am not going to eat you no no that is so so good, extremely sweet though, extremely sweet. Right next up one word for you � pretzel M & M s now I am going to do this one quite quick as we can probably get these somewhere in the UK like London as they have a huge M & M�s store they do not have that where I live it is just farms and stuff but anyhow wow look at the size of that it is like a big ball oh my gosh I have got to go I cannot stop eating these they are like salted chocolate pretzel hmm of loving so so good, if we can get those in the UK I am going there right now even though there are some down there but I am still going to get some more. Next up is something quite comically called whoppers but if you think that is funny wait until you see the next treat videos coming up, there are some real whoppers in there but these are malted chocolate candy things kind of like maltesers here in the uk a very light chocolate and with those you can put them in your mouth and blow them they sort of levitate by the air so lets try that first of all then have a little munch shall we. Right so I have just got a couple of balls out what we will do is grab one and try and go like this, hang on can you see it, and my wig has just fallen off brilliant. Ok so I have just lost one of my whoppers under my washing machine so I will have to get that after the video but I still have one left there is hair everywhere I feel like an overgrown dog sort of thing. I will just go like that, is that how people with long hair have to eat food? Crikey! I was like steve Irwin then crikey there is a heck of a crunch on it, the chocolate is not quite as good if I am being honest about it I am a little disappointed because I love maltesers and nearly cracked a homemade recipe for that they are kind of like semi skimmed maltesers and Canadians you can have those, stick to our maltesers alright. Next up is our only savoury thing today ketchup potato chips which is a terrible name for it guys these are crisps ketchup flavour crisps by lays I agree lays is a much cooler name than walkers which is what lays are here in the uk but ketchup flavour crisps potato chips are potatoes that are not cooked and are just cut up into chip shapes and just chipped them there�s a chip, this is a crisp I put ketchup on everything I am going to love these so so much do you put ketchup on everything? Like everything � I do. Crikey that was like sticking my nose not on the outside of a ketchup bottle but on the inside and inhaling a little bit do not do that, here we go wow look at the colour of them it is like radiation oh my goodness they are good like a crunchy Canadian crispy calamity that was all c�s did you see how I did that really really good in fact you can get them here in the uk but I do not think I have seen them looking that kind of colour but crunch tastic love these, love these! Next up is something called Quattro which is incidently the same name as the razor I use when I decide to shave now this says cr�me arable on the front and also pomme now I speak a little bit of Spanish and am thinking in the middle these look a little bit like jammy dodgers here in the uk which has got like a strawberry jam filling and a nice bit of cream too but the pomme could mean apple, I do know that pomme de terre means potato so could it be apple biscuits with a potato filling, that would be disgusting only one way to find out. Look guys another rack of Canadian treats so I will take the one and take the others to the gym with me, they smell maple I am excited this is my excited face with a wig on ok thanks. Ok so here we go I am going to try and get my teeth through every little bit. Hmmmm chewy, sensual, loving, by the cheeky smile sorry I am getting a little emotional right now by the cheeky smile of ryan Reynolds these are really good and I am not even being paid to say that. Next up are some more biscuits or should I be calling them cookies It says biscuits on the packaging but I know over the pond you guys say cookies generally like �oh my goodness look at those cookies right there� these are strawberry filled rough cookies rough kind of like someone who has been chewing on a wasp, that face you make they also kind of look like eyes so lets try these in terms of the Canadian accent or American accent it is like all my accents guys I was told to do a Canadian I need to express that accent a little bit more like �oh my gosh I got some strawberry turnovers right there� absolutely terrible, sorry. I love everyone in the world it is just my attempt to do impressions. Right guys I have just taken it out of the pack and look they have kind of wedged well I hope that is not one because that would be like argghh big old size together they wedge together in transit which is fine so I am just going to try and peel one off now ok I have divided it in half maybe we will go for a double wammy right now but that roughness is just the texture it feels quite squidgy it does look like the terminator �jenny get down� but I know that is the wrong film come with me if you want to live that is a bit better, here we go oooh hair does not really help the taste but guys it is pretty fair to say this is darn sensational indeed it is soft and oaty and tender I am really liking it, did you know micheal j fox is Canadian but if he was eating these doc would be in the corner getting jealous going marty I need fuel and marty would be like ok there you go and doc would just be like arghhgh and eat them all, kind of cool. Speaking of back to the future this is my lego delorean look it has the doors and everything that I got for my birthday and I have like a little marty and a little doc there we go lets keep eating some more food. Guys I need some fruit right now I have had quite a lot of sugar right now so need to have fruit not like doc give me some fuel I need fruit. So fruit source 100% fruit bar is up next now that is a bit of a sceptical thing 100% fruit kind of like 100 percent apple juice when you buy it in the shops it says 100 percent then made from concentrate in little letters don�t you just love that anyhow lets try them. Oh my goodness look at this thing, I am not even going to fully take it out of the wrapper it is kind of like one of those sticky things that people at gyms kind of work out with oh my god five thousand and two and all that stuff that could actually be 100 percent fruit because it does just taste of fruit it is like the texture of a confused rubbery fruity chewing gum I want to chew it but then it disappears it is kind of tough but do not know what to do with it, kind of sticky and tacky I feel like a rabbit, yeah. So next up are some real fruit gummies now these ones on the front cover do not say 100 percent fruit they are saying �look I know we are not 100 percent fruit, but we taste good� lets have a little taste and see what we think that is exactly what I am going to do right now. Amazing so there should be strawberry, raspberry, passion fruit, kiwi all those flavours in there I do not know which one I am going to get but as a rule never take the black one out of the package do you ever find that it is the last one left the black one, nobody has the black one. Oooh I think that is papaya so tropical I am like flaying I want to get some sort of flowered necklace thing on and go with the hula and the hula good, gummy that tasted more fruity than the last one, I am sure there are a lot more chemicals in this though � lets carry on. Right so next up from cadburys is kind of like a pirate phrase crispy crunch and I know it is not x 2 it is times 2 again because there is two in the bar now it does look like kind of cool, kind of crazy I cannot actually tell from the packaging this is what I am finding out with all of this so far you do not actually know what is in it, it is just like crispy crunch you are either going to love me or going to hate me. It could look possibly like a dime bar or honeycomb bar oh my look at that very cadburys style and sleek lets smell it it is not smelling like cadburys I am used to here in the UK but it does smell like the stuff you guys get around the world which I have said before is not as good, it is very nice, but a little bit not as good. Just a little bit not as good, yeah. Spank my hiney and call me Seth Rogen that tastes so good but the chocolate not as good chocolate as we have discussed already surrounded by a crunchy toffee but a very flaky toffee but in the middle it is lined with peanut butter it is laced with it is so so good it kind of took me by surprise because I did not know what was in it by the name so I do not think it is R Kelly, it might be Bryan Adams but oh that is good. So next up I got sent a load of these icy squares now with a name like that should they be frozen? Let it go, let it go! Sorry but I am a little bit confused I do not know much about them it does not tell me much on there I am more confused than a cat with a moustache so lets just open it up and have a look it is like a little chocolatey square it is quite warm in my kitchen so looks like it may have melted a bit but there does appear to be some ancient markings on it in fact you probably cannot see that too well, they are just lines but lets have a taste what was that?! I do not know! It is so soft and tender as I say it may have melted in my kitchen but it is kind of like a fudge texture I do not know if it is fudge, but that my friends, again it is mystical so I cannot really call you R Kelly or even bryan adams but you are good. Whoo two more to go so next up is caramilk when I look at that I think of the detective columbo so caramilk could be the modern day detective hey caramilk you solved that case yet you schmuck I do not even know what schmuck means let me know down below what it does mean please be clean and all that what does it mean like you pencil head is it quite a casual insult you nose face anyhow caramilk this does look good and it says like barre on the front bar and a half, lets give it a go! Oh my goodness just going to break it off into chunks, something about this makes me want to put it into my mouth right now! That my friends is R Kelly in a packet �my mind is telling me no, but my body is telling me yes� I am so away with detective caramilk right there solve the case make it happen, wherever you are in the world go and get some of that caramilk wow that was good. Last up my friends is a coffee crisp not kasra and Catherine these must be good right because you both sent me one in fact mrs barry has gone to work today with one of these in her lunchbox and could hopefully be the envy of all of her work colleagues whereas I just get to eat this to myself with just the walls and a camera on my own, it is alright. Oh look at you the great Canadian shaft of chocolate loving look at that, whoooo. It smells just like a starbucks or your coffee shop of choice completely up to you I think I am just going to eat it, here we go�.. *Sings Bryan adams* This is amazing guys chocolate covered wafer covered mocha there is like laser beams of coffee being injected through it I do not know where I am going with this but it tastes so good like an edible Frappuccino so so good and the crunch listen to this� hmmm amazing. It has got to be said guys that was pretty full on today that was a lot of Canadian treats and you Canadians really do know your stuff when it comes to that I have so many more packages left to do right now I have Kuwait, Sweden, Denmark, Hawaii, and this box from Thailand has literally just arrived whilst I was doing this video I just had to answer the door in between dressed like Wayne I did not even think about it so that made me look pretty silly. If you want to send me treats from your country use the contact form on my website myvirginkitchen.com get in touch via me there and it is not just treats if you want to send me anything random I am pretty open to that so just get in touch with me and I will get back to you but if you enjoyed this video do not forget to give it a thumbs up share subscribe and comment, check out the other tasting treat videos I have done think there are about twelve but who know I may be able to get a little map and go around the world eventually and get a fat. Cheers guys, I am on my own now.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 281,751
Rating: 4.71491 out of 5
Keywords: tasting some canadian treats, canada, canadian, maple syrup, taste test, taste, test, food, haul, food haul, sweets, candy, treats, confectionary, Chocolate, Cookies, eating, reaction, eat, Recipe, MyVirginKitchen, My Virgin Kitchen, Barry Lewis, Video recipe, easy recipes, simple cooking, uk, cooking
Id: QR1e_X7qiis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 28 2014
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