Popcorn Chicken Recipe

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(bright music) (dog barks, growls, then whines) - Hello everyone, it's Barry, here. Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen. I hope you, you, yes, you, are well. I want to start off this video with a question. I want to know where you live in the world, alright? Not just Australia, America. I want to know where you live. I don't want to know your address. I don't want to know your PIN number, or anything crazy like that. But just tell me about your town, and like maybe your state, and then your country. I really want to know where you are, like this is cool. Because you have to understand it from my point of view. All I tend to see sometimes is usernames where you might mention where you're from and I'm just a guy in the kitchen just talking to some glass. So that's kinda what I'd like to know today. Last week, I did a recipe for butter chicken, served in bread bowls. (Barry sings angelically) So good, if you have not tried that out, please do. Extremely easy when you serve it in the bread bowl so you get to eat the bread. Num, num, num, num, num, num, num, num. As I'm filming this recipe, I put that video up last night, and already overnight, I've had three requests for popcorn chicken. Now, that's very unusual to get three requests, overnight, for the same sort of recipe. Thinking about it, it could just be one of you guys being quite smart and just changing your email or something. But either way, I absolutely love that idea. So today, we're going to be making some homemade popcorn chicken, SHA-TON-KING and we're going to do some barbecue sauce, homemade barbecue sauce, too. To make super delicious popcorn chicken or just big fat chicken nuggets, chicken goujons, whatever you wanna do, there is a secret ingredient. That my friends is buttermilk. Buttermilk, oh my gosh Barry, like got buttermilk? This has got lactic acid in it, and there's something in that, the acid thing, that gets into your chicken. Ideally, if you could let it marinate overnight, this would be even better. In fact, if you try this recipe, which I hope you do, yours will taste better than mine. But we're going to do ours for about an hour, which is pretty much the minimum. But whilst it's doing that, we can make the barbecue sauce. Let's go. So what I've got here is three chicken breasts, alright? And all we want to do is grab a knife, and chop them, roughly, into even size chunks. So what I tend to find when I slice up a chicken breast, is I take it sort of length-wise, like that, and then, it kinda helps you get even sized chunks. But don't worry if you get a little bit, like that, because to me, like the whole thing with popcorn chicken is sometimes you get those cheeky little bits, as well. So I might just do that, a couple of bits I'm just going to make them small. It doesn't matter. I mean it's all going to go in your belly, right? And then kinda like cube-y chunks, cube-y chunks, that sounds like a TV show. Now just while I'm finishing off this last chicken breast, I wanna let you guys know about a playlist that I'm going to be starting. Once the new kitchen is fitted in about a week and a half, it's going to take a week to do it, hence why I'm doing this video so far in advance. I'm starting a roast dinner playlist. That could mean a video every day, but just short and punchy ones. It will be chicken, how to roast a chicken, how to roast beef, pork, lamb. We'd do a veggie one, as well. All the sauces, gravies, vegetables and we'll stick it in one massive playlist. So hopefully, overtime, that could be a really cool resource for you. Not going to be doing anything too flashy, it will just be really basic, but hopefully, give you some inspiration. It's something I've been wanting to do for a while, and then we'll start going to other cuisines, like I don't know, like homemade takeaways, and stuff like that. Then the cheese making and cool stuff like that. Alright so, popcorn chicken, there's nothing yet, but we're going to push our chunks in like so, okay? I always get told, did my Alexa just go off? Yeah, I always get told to scrape with the blunt side of that; you guys taught me that. Use that side. Ooh and make a noise if you want. (knife clinks twice against glass bowl) Now, I've just realised I've got chicken on my counter, and I'm going to have to wipe it down. I just washed my hands, as well, after handling raw meat, of course. So let's bring in the buttermilk. I'm just going to press it down with a wooden spoon, a little bit, the chicken. We have got a little guest down there, just out of our eye-sought. Eye-sought? Eyeshot. Oh, now we've got two of you. Good, you need to learn, alright? You can cook this for me sometime. Alrighty then, so there is the buttermilk going right on top of the chicken. This is a pot of about 300 mL. So I'm just going to let it work and find it's way. Don't push it too much, but just let it go to the bottom so it's completely coating all of our chicken. So that's it; sometimes people season it at this stage, but I'm not going to do that. We're just going to leave it like this. Buttermilk, yeah, I think it's the acid. It's just going to do its thing. Let's cover this. Oh yes. Eh, my clingfilm wrapping skills are getting better. The Wrapmaster 3000 is in the garage somewhere since the house move. We're going to find it soon. Right, fridge time. So in it goes, now as I say, one hour is the absolute minimum. Don't know if you can hear me then, one hour is the minimum, ideally overnight. We need this chicken tender, baby. Just like you. (Barry laughs) So right now, I have an hour to kill so we are going to make the barbecue sauce, but the barbecue sauce takes like five minutes max, to make. It's a really nice homemade sauce. But of course, you don't have to do a homemade sauce. I mean just off the top of my head, you could use ketchup, normal barbecue sauce. Why am I making my own? 'Cause it's good. Mustard, mango chutney, salsa, mayonnaise, mix it with that and you kinda get like a poor man's burger sauce thing, Nando's Peri-Peri sauce, not sponsored, but maybe one day, be quite cool, wouldn't it? Hummus, sour cream, Dijon mustard, salad cream, ugh. Just a few ideas for you. You can see I'm trying to kill this hour, can't you? Anyhow, this sauce is so easy. Get yourself a saucepan, that I think Mrs. Barry has scratched the heck out of that. Look at that. Going to have to get some new pans. Whilst my dog laps water, you see him over there. First thing we're going to add in is a crushed garlic clove. Alright, get that in there. 125 grammes of ketchup. Tablespoon of vinegar, white wine vinegar, that is. One, two tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce. You're going to like this one. A dachshund of salt, out of his bum. To say that maybe like half a teaspoon. One, two tablespoons of lite brown sugar. Like half a teaspoon of smoked paprika. Now that is everything you need for an awesome homemade barbecue sauce. You can use it as a glaze or dip. We just need to cook it. (Barry sings and snaps) You're going to have to take my word for it, but this smells amazing already. Actually no, you're not going to take my word for it, because right now, you're going to be cooking along with me, at the same time, right? Until they invent Smell-O-Vision, you guys are going to have to join in, alright? So there we go, it's only taking a couple more minutes. Look at all the sugar content in there it's going to caramelise quite quickly, if you don't keep stirring it from time to time. Smelling gorgeous; what we want to do is keep it on this sort of steady simmer like this, stirring for maybe four or five minutes, and then you can either have it hot, if you want it hot, or just let it cool down. And just like Boston, we're going to put this sauce somewhere to chill and relax. As you know, I like to make cooking quite fun, so what I thought we'd do, when it comes to making our coating for the chicken, of course, you can mix it in a bowl, and just stir it like that, but let's have some fun. If you've got a tub with a lid, or a bowl with a lid, that's fine, or clingfilm. Just put clingfilm on a bowl, that would do it. Lots of ways to seal things in, isn't there? We're going to put our coating ingredients into a plastic tub and shake it off, Taylor Swift style. ♪ That's what people say, mmm mmm ♪ 130 grammes of plain flour. If you use self-raising flour instead, that would give it even more of like a bubbly effect. It's up to you, but we are putting baking powder in. And there it is, baking powder, one teaspoon. Teaspoon of smoked paprika, teaspoon of oregano. Smoked garlic powder, you can get normal garlic powder, but I'm here for the smoky vibe, which instantly just went everywhere a minute ago, but I'll tidy that up. So they're all teaspoon amounts. This is cayenne pepper, add a bit more of that if you want to blow your socks off. Spoiler alert, it won't actually blow your socks off. If food actually did do that, that would be an amazing invention. And this is just a teaspoon of onion powder. Lid goes on, seal it just to be sure. And now we shake it up. And just to make it interesting, I'm going to shake mine up by the tree over there. Beautiful. As I walked back in, the tang, the smell of that barbecue sauce in the air, in the words of "Anchorman", "it stings the nostrils" and all that stuff. Ah, try it. This is all good and ready for our chicken. Right, the time is six hairs past two spots, so I think I've got about 20 minutes left until my marinades had an hour, and that is the minimum, as I say. So I'm going to do one of those clock transitions right now whilst we wait for that. Okay, I've had some more caffeine and it's about 20 minutes later. Wok and roll; down there is a wok, with 1 litre of vegetable oil in there. I'm just starting to warm that up. It's going to take a little while. We're not going to get it to a specific temperature. We'll test it by putting some of the flour in, but it's time to get the chicken into the flour mix. Alright, so there is our seasoned flour awaiting. In terms of what you can do with the leftover buttermilk, I haven't got that many ideas right now, but I'll think of some, but if you've got any, do let me know. But what you could do, because the raw meats been in it, take this chicken out, and then put some more in. So it could be like a ever evolving marinade for your chicken. So I'm just taking this out. In fact, to be honest, that's enough. So I'm going to wrap that, and put that back in the fridge overnight, and I will legitimately make some more tomorrow that have the overnight marinade, but it's all about this right now. So on goes our lid again. You can just shake it up again so the flour will completely coat that chicken. Sorry, I like going to that tree 'cause we actually got a frog in it, but look. You can see it's all nice and coated, and got that sort of popcorn chicken effect on it. I don't want to touch it. I don't want to wash my hands again. So we'll wait for our oil to be hot enough, and we'll know by sticking in a little bit of this flour, and if it sizzles, we're good to go. So I brought my mix in now, nice and close, and just to the right, we've got a little station, well chopping board, complex name for a station, with some kitchen towels to drain it off. So we're going to stick all of our chicken in now. I've just fried a random piece of flour. So I'm going to try to be a quick as I can because I want them to try to cook roughly the same time, same colour, same temperature. I don't care what you say. If you do these things in batches, especially if you're not using a fryer, it's ends up being different colours and stuff. You can see how it's got that nice bubbly effect on it. I have some of the shards that have come off, which is completely natural like this. Obviously, you can do it more delicately. They look like little Rice Krispie cereal, but don't worry about that. The big bits will just come out like this. But try not to push them around too much. You don't want to damage it until you got a real nice coating on there, okay? So I've just turned this off the heat. Letting it cool down in the oil, but it is time to lift it out, carefully, with a slotted spoon. There we go, check that out. Before serving up, make sure to slice one in half and make sure the chicken is fully cooked through, okay? No one likes medium-rare chicken. Mmmm. Okey-doke, so it's just going to give us a little bit more time for the chicken to cool down because it is hot, and that batter will be a tiny bit loose, if you try to pick it up straight away. So just for the moment, let's push this barbecue sauce in. The little chunks of garlic remind me of like chilli seeds or pepper seeds. Totally add that in there, roast them, oh yeah. There we go; that looks great. Now, I'm just going to load up a jam jar. I don't know why I'm using a jam jar. I just wanted it to be a bit creative. Oh no, it steams up the jar. (Barry laughs) Oh, I better let it cool down a little bit more. There we go; check that out, homemade popcorn chicken. They smell amazing; I can't wait to see what they taste like. Alright, here we go. I don't know if I've got the focus tight enough, but you might be able to see some of the herbs in there, as well. Ooooh this is a good thing, this is a good thing. Before I do taste this, please make sure you are subscribed and have the bell button pressed to be notified of new uploads. Please let me know down below or on social media @myvirginkitchen any recipe ideas you've got, as well. This is how this came about, and most of all, if I've inspired you to try this or any other recipe, please do tag me in your pictures. I love that. Mmmm mmmm shiver me timbers, that is schtonking. I've changed it now; it's schtonking, with a S-C-H-T, alright? I feel like a pug and a unicorn, riding a T-rex. So from Amy and I (Barry laughs) Goodbye; try this recipe. Put your paw on the lens. I say bye like that, bye, bye. Sorry mate, sorry. (Barry kisses dog)
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 299,001
Rating: 4.9085302 out of 5
Keywords: Popcorn Chicken Recipe, popcorn chicken, homemade popcorn chicken, chicken nuggets, fast and easy popcorn chicken, fried chicken, kfc fried chicken, chicken recipe, easy recipe, popcorn nuggets, chicken, buttermilk, copycat kfc, how to make kfc, buttermilk fried chicken, recipe, what is popcorn chicken, diy, instructions, tutorial, recipes, cooking, my virgin kitchen, myvirginkitchen, virgin kitchen, barry lewis, bbq sauce, homemade bbq sauce
Id: 9Ss39FOlUic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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