Taste Testing the Latest Food Trend Products Vol. 4

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- We are sorted. A group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food. From cooking battles to gadget reviews. - That is not worth it. - And cook book challenges to a mid week meal Packs app. - Crack your eggs and bake. - We uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community where everything we do starts with you. Hello I'm Barry and this is Ben. - And today we're gonna explore a few more food trends and to see if they're actually worth the fuss or not. - And I warn you, this episode does contain Benuendoes. - (mumbles) (upbeat music) - Feeling trendy? - I'm feeling on trend, there's a difference. - Keep my eye. - Lift the cloche. (upbeat music) - Oh, what have you done to that salmon? And my milkshake? (laughing) - Have a sniff, by all means, have a taste and then see if you can identify flavors and perhaps, something that links the two. - I'm gonna go for this first. I hope it's not salmon that links the two. (laughing) Smells like peanut butter. - It's nice, whatever it is. It's just the right level of sweetness as well. - I think it is nice. I'm gonna stick, I'm getting like nut butter flavor. - I, honestly, haven't got a clue what this is. - [Ben] So this is definitely a bit more of a curve ball. Different flavor, same product. - Can I lick the fish, is that weird? - Do what you like, mate. - I don't want anyone watching me doing this. (upbeat music) No, tastes of nothing. (laughing) Tastes of nothing. - This is an Australian brand offering vegan friendly powders for awesome lattes. Two different flavors, one is roasted tea and one is black sesame. So think like beetroot latte, turmeric latte, matcha latte. These are two different latte blends. - I don't have a problem with these claims, no added dairy, vegan friendly, caffeine free and gluten free. - When speaking to the developers of it, they basically said it's also quite good in ice creams, cake frostings. - I'd quite like to try that in my ice cream. - What do you think this product has been invented to do? - Alternative hot drinks for coffee shops that don't have the caffeine but I think they play, especially these two, which is why I picked them, so more of the kind of, the Asian flavors that are becoming increasingly popular over in London and the US. These are only sold wholesale to coffee shops. How long before, if at all, will it reach down into us as normals being able to buy it for our home. - You are not a normal. - Well. - You are not a normal, you're a consumer and you're not normal. - I don't own a coffee shop. - I like a classic latte. I'm not a fan of these fancy colored ones. - Sounds like such an old man. - Sounds like my Nan. (laughing) - Oh yeah, no. I'll take that as a compliment. - His fancy latte. - I'll stand by that the sesame one tastes like a nut butter. Which is a good thing. - Is this the new hipster fix or just a bag of unnecessary tricks? - Oh. - It's the new hipster fix. - A new hipster fix is quite a statement. And it's not that. That's a statement that I would not be willing to make. (upbeat music) - Good day so far, James. - [James] Mhm. - Lift the cloche carefully. - Shhwing! Oh. - Fizzy drink, a spritz you might say. - Maybe. I will say that cause clearly it is. - You gave it away too early. - I think it's a spritz. (laughing) - Shut up! - Smells sweet. It's clean, it's refreshing. - No idea what the flavor is. - It is a fruit. - Plum? - Watermelon? - This is Meloni, invented in 2014. So it's a relatively new product, they wanted to tap into the vast expansion of the wine market. Translated from the site, so take this with a pinch of salt. Thanks to my special red color, I'm already a real eye catcher when serving in a glass. For this reason alone, the girls appreciate me. The first sip reveals why I'm also popular with men. Bleugh! - Okay. Lively, smart and refreshing. That's how guest who have tried me describe me. No wonder my inventors, the Melonists worked on me for a long time and created a top class wine cocktail with the best white wine from Austria and the fruity tart melon component. - What they don't claim is that you can just drink it straight. - They definitely claim it as a wine cocktail. - Oh, think I prefer it straight. It's intense. - I would put this in a very similar bracket to Aperol, in the sense it's one of those things, you wouldn't drink Aperol neat, you serve it as a spritz with other things. - That on a summers day, replacing a jug of Pimms. - You'd choose that over both of those? - Yes. - Wow, okay. (laughing) - I've got an inflatable, massive watermelon as a lilo and I can see myself now, floating round the pool, drinking - Meloni. - This straight from the bottle going, yep, yep, I'm a millennial. (laughing) - No, you're a Melonial. (laughing) Am I right? - As a spritz, I liked it, liked it less and less as you read out all the branding. - Price wise, what do you reckon? Again, it's kind of sole trade so they only sell it by the six bottle case. - Oh, a fiver? - It's about 10 euros 50, so it's about nine quid probably. - Maybe the story I was telling myself when you first said watermelon wine was like, a high quality product that somebody's innovating with, making wine out of watermelon whereas it's, what it tastes like is bad white wine with watermelon in it, that you have to water down with something. - James has spoken. (laughing) - Was that too harsh? (laughing) - In that case, is this a delicious drink or one for the sink? - It's delicious. - I think it's one for the sink. (upbeat music) - All right, mate. Lift away. - Oh! - What? Are you expecting me to eat these? - I love mushrooms and if they're snacking mushrooms, even better. - They don't look very appetizing. They are rock solid. They smell mushroomy, funnily enough. - They look great, they're crunchy. (crunching) - They taste sweet. Is it like honey or maple or something on the outside? - It's not intense, not overpowering and it's unbelievably moreish. - These are crunchy Shittake mushrooms. This is a revolution in savory snacking. Other Foods mushroom snacks have all the taste and texture of natural, slow baked mushrooms. The earthy Umami taste of mushrooms is one that few consumers can resist, combined with just a pinch of Himalayan salt to heighten the organaleptic experience. - All right, well here's a good talking point. You lied to me. - Oh. - Because it's got Maltose in it, which is sweet. (laughing) It's basically sugar, come on. Vegan, Paleo-friendly, 80% less fat than potato chips, high in fiber, one of your five a day and 100 calories per serving. That bag is two servings. - So you're opening that packet and you're just having half of the packet. - Probably, yeah. Cause they're actually quite strong. - Okay. - If I liked them, I'd definitely nail this. (laughing) - Okay, right so that's revealing. - Still unsure about whether I like, I'm still eating them though. - Yeah. - Moreish, they're definitely moreish. - What I do like is on the packet, you've got serving suggestions and one of them is trying them in a soup or stir fry. Which I really like but they've also got topping for salad, which would be like croutons so both of those, I like the idea of. - I think crunchy mushrooms could take off. In snack form or in cooking. - I can imagine they're quite expensive. - So how much for those? - I'm gonna say £1.50? - Three quid, probably? - Why? - Shittake mushrooms are more expensive than potatoes. And it's new and innovative and supposedly trending so whack on a couple more pennies. - £2.29 so they are three times more expensive than your potato chip. All right then. - Oh, oh no. - Fun mushroom snacking or not mushroom for fun in this snacking? - Is this all you do now a days? (laughing) - Fun mushroom snacking. - They're the fun one, the fun one. (upbeat music) - Give it a lift. - Oh. - What are you? - Pumpkin seeds but I'm guessing they're not pumpkin seeds? - Bloody hell. (crunching) - Wow. - They look like pumpkin seeds, they taste like a Jager Bomb. (laughing) - Sweet soy sauce or something? - He's good. - It's his job. - They taste delicious. But the eating of it is not very pleasant. - If it's a snack, it's a punchy snack. And if you don't like aniseseed and you don't like Jagermeister then you're gonna really struggle with these. - These are watermelon seeds. Soy sauce flavor. Healthy snacking and a clever use of the bi-product, which would otherwise normally be thrown away. When they are sprouted and shelled, they become pretty nutritious because all of that nutrient is bio-available. So you can't just eat them straight out of a watermelon, they're not actually that good for you. But once they've been processed, sprouted and shelled and in this case flavored, they're good for you. (crunching) - Yummy, yum, yum. (crunching) - Having never eaten these before and seeing you eat one, I thought they'd be so crunchy and bitty and actually you get an initial crunch when you bite through them and then it's just chewy. And then you get a delicious flavor which then turns into liquorice for me. - Wow, great palette. - Why? - There's liquorice in it. - Oh, yes! I found my place amongst the chefs. - I can't imagine these being expensive. - They are on par with most other seeds, you know £5 for a 500 gram bag. In that case, a tasty seed or is it best used as bird feed. - Oh, I wouldn't use that as bird feed. I think they'd struggle. (laughing) - So is it a tasty seed? - Well, no, no. It's not that either. (laughing) - That Ben, is a tasty seed. - Suck it and spit it. - Okay. - You get all the flavor, without the texture. (laughing) (upbeat music) - Okay, Basil. (upbeat music) - Vines. Wine. Something, something wine. - So why can it not be wine? - Well it's too thin for a bottle of wine but it could be a pouch of wine. - I've seen this before and I thought it was flowers but when I opened it, I was even happier. (upbeat music) Yeah! (rustling) - Oh, it's wine in a bottle. Weird, it's plastic. What is going on? - This is letterbox wine. - This is ridiculous. (laughing) - A flat bottle of wine. Which is genius, yeah cause you can send it in the post. (laughing) - This bottle is made (laughing) This bottle is made from 100% recycled pet. - What? - P E T. - Pet. It says pet. (laughing) - This is letterbox wine. The founders were on the hunt to find an alternative to the inconvenience of having to wait in for delivery from a wine club and they wanted something that was practical and particularly, environmentally friendly. 8.4 times less energy to produce one of those bottles than a glass bottle. 40% more spatially efficient when packing onto transporters so for example 100 lorries full of wine suddenly become 60. Each bottle weighs 63 grams when it's empty which is 87% lighter and with all that in mind each bottle saves half a kilo of CO2 emission. - I have a flat bottle of wine. That is the same size as a normal bottle of wine. - Isn't that deceptive? - It is deceptive, yeah. I had to look at that. It's won lots of awards, packaging awards not wine awards. - I think the conversation is around packaging and distribution although obviously help yourself to a glass. - I'm not loving the wine personally but I don't know if we can judge the wine. You could decanter. - You get more wine in your fridge. - My house is tiny and space is really valuable and I haven't got space to put a wine rack so therefore, I've got wine bottles on my shelves and with a kid on the scene, he likes to pull things off shelves and glass is lethal. So when I saw this, that was a major problem solved. Knowing that I could put these alongside my cook books. (laughing) - If you're ordering wine, if you're part of a wine club, you're gonna get between six and twelve wines in your pack. Therefore, are you gonna get six flat boxes of wine delivered? Cause you wouldn't get one wine, that's just silly. - I envisage that the solution to multiple bottles of wine being delivered at a time is just, one of those boxes but just really long. (laughing) - Yeah. - So the postman comes through your letterbox and just - Like with a javelin? (laughing) I guess the problem that they probably have is getting good wines into this bottle because I would presume that most vineyards, wine makers, would have the same reactions I did and not want to put their wine in here because people probably won't buy it. - It's all perception because I have absolutely no problem with pouring milk, juice, water, cordials from plastic bottles but there is a snootiness about a plastic bottle of wine. - If I was giving someone a gift, I'd get them a glass bottle cause it feels more of a gesture. - What's cool though, is the fact that it's innovative and it's the start and in two, three, four years time, we could all be picking our wine off the shelf in plastic bottles shaped like that. - Yeah. - And that's great, that's why I really like it. - Would you quaff it back or post it back? - I'd quaff it back. - Quaff it, quaff it. Look at me now embracing these. Quaff it back. - You've changed. (laughing) - I've had a wine and a Meloni. (laughing) I think it's called? - (mumbles). - Meloni. (laughing) - If you enjoyed that, don't forget, if you're out and about and see food trend products, comment down below so we can feature them. - And if you'd liked this video, I'll tell you what, we'll do a deal. Like this video and we'll make more videos. - Simple as that. - Deal? - We'll see you every Wednesday and every Sunday. We've also built the Sorted Club, where you can get tones of foodie inspo using the Packs midweek meal app, discover and share restaurant recommendations using the Eat app, listen and contribute to our Feast your ears podcast and send us ideas for new cook books you'll receive throughout the year. Check it all out by heading to sorted.club. (upbeat music) And now a blooper. (beep) - James's haircut has made it onto the front page on searches for hipster haircuts, or something. Hasn't it? - I haven't, I don't know. People just keep - (mumbles) (laughing) - I like the way he's taking credit for that despite the fact he's just sat there, somebody else did it to him. (laughing) - Yeah it's honestly nothing to do with me. - Well there you go. - Spotted. - Trend setter, not for food, for haircuts.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 814,778
Rating: 4.9504414 out of 5
Keywords: Sorted, Sortedfood, sorted food, Food trend products 2020, chefs review, taste test, pretentious ingredients, expensive ingredients, pretentious ingredients sorted, food trends, Taste Testing the Latest Food Trend Products, sortedfood food trends, Normals taste test food trend products, Sorted food ben ebbrell, Black Sesame power latte, Hojicha power latte, Urban Barista, Meloni, wine cocktail, Crunchy shiitake mushrooms, Soy Sauce Watermelon seeds, Letterbox wine
Id: Hxl2nycwTT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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