Chefs Vs Normals Taste Testing Pretentious Ingredients Vol. 6 | SORTEDfood

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Might get this if they still have it in stock come next year. won't open until we win the champions league.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Fyesta 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Check it out! Pretty cool, £99 though. Also they have an 30 year old 89’ Whiskey as well.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/wvgunner 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

I bought a bottle for my husband. The gin is decent, but the bottle is nothing special. Plus I know they just tossed a couple blades of grass in there, but its hard not to think about the spit and sweat upon trampled turf in your glass.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NotKateBush 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

If only the gin was priced the same as the vodka

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MiniMagne 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
( upbeat music) - We are Sorted, a group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (laughing) We've got chefs, we've got normal, (beep) and a whole world of stuff for you to explore, but everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) Hello everyone, I'm Mike. This is Ben. - And today, we're going back to those pretentious ingredients. Please don't check my internet browsing history. (upbeat music) - You look so smug. - We've just been shopping, and we've bought some ingredients off of the interwebs that we thought might be interesting to discuss. - A bit like your shirt. - [Ben] Interesting to discuss. - Interesting. That's what I was aiming for, interesting. - [Jaime] The chains are a bit much, aren't they? - They are a bit much, aren't they? ♪ Are you ready ♪ ♪ Are you ready for fun ♪ ♪ Turn around ♪ - Ooh. - [Ben] It's the sticky thing you're judging. - Oh, okay, the gooseberries, they're pretty pretentious. - [Ben] No, they're just seasonal. - Is it honeycomb? - I usually have manuka honey purely for medicinal reasons. It's my first go. I go for manuka honey before I go for the headache tablets or anything else. - Here we go. Nectar & Hive red gum 100% unpasteurized. It comes from hives that haven't been anywhere near any chemicals or pesticides or even much in the way of transportation. It should be as pure as it comes. This particular honey comes with scientific lab reports to prove its purity and to prove its total activity, which is its antibacterial properties. - Okay, right, ah, this is, I hate myself so much. - He has got his own. - I have a hamlet at home, but when you put that in front of me straightaway, and the packaging has caught my attention. - Mm, that's delicious. - Tastes delicious. That's what I like, having a block of honey you can chew through. - Mm, I'm gonna eat all of this. - How much would you pay? - About 40 quid. - 50 pounds. I know that's crazy. - That is pretty crazy. - James, that 300 grams worth of honeycomb is 125 pounds. - Whoa, whoa. - [Ben] Delicious right? - Whoa. - You've just nailed about 20 quids worth of honey there. - Why? I can't believe that. 120, that is insane. - And pretentious or not? - Honeycomb in itself is not necessarily pretentious 'cause it tastes great, but it is really expensive. - Terribly overpriced. It's delicious, it looks great. I will be taking this home. And it's definitely pretentious. - It will be a race to the end of the day. You've gotta fight Barry for it. Giving your marshal arts belts, I think you have the upper- hand. - Yeah, I'll just hold his head like that. - 10 pound, 20 pound, 30 pound, 40 pound. - I think you're gonna like this one. - We're winning already. Sourdough bread, sourdough toast. - Nope, ciabatta, but close. - Oh, crap. You're right, it is. - Truffle. - [Ben] Porcini mushroom dip of some sort. - [Barry] It's a bit pasty. - What if you took the word, paste, and then you minus the S and added an accent? - Or two. - Yeah, or two actually, yeah. - Pate. - Pate. - [Jaime] So this is a white truffle pate. Savini Tartufi have been gathering them in the rolling hills of Tuscany since the 1920s. Here, they've blended them into pate with a rich earthy flavor ready to spread over toasty ciabattas, a quick and easy canopy or add to your scrambled egg mix in the morning to up your breakfast game. - Bloody hell. - I'm worried why it's served in such a small jar. It's quite rich. That already says that's pretentious and very expensive. - I've been truffle hunting in Tuscany. - Pretentious or not? Yes. - I feel like sometimes I have a craving personally for truffle. - It's been several hours since I've had my manuka . I think I've now got a craving for truffle. - I hate myself! - I've got a craving for truffle. - Very, very rarely, I'll have a craving, and it hits the spot. - How much do you think that is? - I've never bought truffle. - Prices fluctuate. I once had a wobbly knee moment with a truffle. - Oh. - Yeah, we used it so good. It makes you wobble a little bit in the knees. - Right, okay. - Yeah. - I would give that 20 quid, which is an extortionate for the amount you get. - More than nine pounds, 95 pounds. - Correct. Would you enjoy that for 75 pounds for the jar? I think you've just you've about 30 quids worth. - 30 quids worth? - [Ben] You've had half a jar. - Half a jar. - [Ben] Give or take. - No way. - It's not good enough. You could buy a truffle for that much. - On par. - It is delicious, and it delivers a lovely, smooth, rich truffle flavor. But you get the same effect from a little bit of truffle oil. - It's fine, it's nice, I'm going back for more, mainly 'cause I really enjoy just eating money. (laughing) What a unique position to be in. - That is true. How often do you get the privilege of experiencing something that we've all said would be out of our personal budgets? - [James] Exactly. - We do this purely for the conversation. Pretentious or not? - Truffle isn't pretentious at all. But when it's sold like that, that much, then I'm afraid that is pretentious. - I'm gonna say pretentious because you can get truffle oil that really has truffle flavor for nothing. - Okey dokey, lemon smokey, turn around and have a pokey. That went weird. - That went weird. - [Jaime] Yeah, it did, didn't it? - Are we gonna keep that? - [Jaime] Yeah. - Yes, keep that. - Pasta. - Yes! - [Ben] Well, that's attractive for everyone. - So I take it you haven't dressed anything? - That has a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. - Usually, pasta is a vehicle for flavor. They're packed full of flavor into that pasta, and I don't know how. - This pasta with flex through it. Just same as what you always talk about, but I can't taste it. - [Jaime] Can you not? - No. - [Jaime] Mkay. - [Barry] Ha. - Is it familiar? - Yes, it's very familiar. - Is it? (laughs) - [Barry] Is it not? Is it not familiar then? - How familiar would you say it is? - [Ben] Do you think it's something you've tried in the last 32 years? - Is it truffle? - Is it something you've tried in the last 32 seconds? - It is truffle. Truffle pasta. - [Ben] So this is black truffle. Different to white truffle, this is black truffle fettuccine. We bought it dry, so it's a dried pasta, made with the highest quality ingredients, and it's 2% black truffle. - Fantastic little touch. - You know what, if you say you taste truffle in that, you're lying. Tell me you can taste truffle in that. Maybe I'm not a chef anymore. - [Jaime] I'm no truffle expert. - It didn't smell of truffle as much as, I'm so. Does it? - No no. - No. - [Jaime] No. - Lovely packaging. - How much would you pay for a box of four portions of dried black truffle pasta? - I will start at 40 but then come down to 30 pounds. - [Jaime] For the box? - For the box, 30 pounds for a box of pasta. - 10 pounds. - It's actually six pounds, 99. - An absolute bargain. Imagine if it tasted of truffle. I'd love it. - [Ben] Less than two pound a portion. - Yeah, that's a good little meal. - Would you buy it? - No. - Do you think it's pretentious? - I think the packaging is pretentious. I don't think the product is pretentious. - Not pretentious. But that is brilliant, love that. - All right, Tay Tay. - Ta-da. - We haven't had one of these for a little while. - [Barry] Unidentified brown stuff. - That is something I don't wanna try. - [Jaime] Right, I've got a list of ingredients here. Bes, how many you gonna get? - [Ben] We don't typically eat it like that. We will prepare one for you in a second, but what kind of thing are you getting? - Tamarind. - [Jaime] Ooh. - Interesting you've gone straight into that. It's not. (all laughing) - I was gonna say, I was just looking through these notes here and going, nope, nope. - Good reaction, though. That's what I thought, God, I nailed that. - [Jaime] Nailed it. - Ginger? - Cardamon? Cinnamon. - Cinnamon. - Chai? - It is a plant-based chai latte. - [Jaime] It's called Kuji. And each jar is encoded with the intention to inspire a conscious in shift in your life. From Earth to creation, every step in the making of this is anchored by kindness, integrity, and care for your higher good. - Oh no. - You'd add a teaspoon to 135 mil of relatively hot, 75 to 85 degrees of mineral spring water blend. And that's it. - Why does he look like he hates it? - As long as I'm buying this now forever more. It looks more like the sort of thing you'd blot, a face mask that's from a jar, not something you'd eat. It's like, I don't know why I know that, either. Shut up, Aaron. - It looks like a candle. - [Jaime] Does it taste like a candle? - Yeah. - [Jaime] Tastes like a candle. - A little bit like a candle. - That was just with water? - Just with water, so it's vegan as well. Splattered almonds, coconut cream, coconut nectar-- - So creamy. - Coconut oil, black tea, and you'll notice no sugar. Coconut nectar is the only sweet ingredient. - That's one of the nicest glasses of chai I've had. - In fan I stir it, like it's a great froth, and it's milky, considering it's vegan. - How much for the jar then? - Oh no. - Oh yes, 16 servings. - Say one six? - One six. - One teaspoon. - That's it? This is about 20 quid. - 20 pounds? - That jar there is 35 pounds. Now, you weren't far off when you said proportion. That makes that two pound, 20 a portion. So it's on par with the kind of price you'd pay in a London coffee shop, is similar. - That's nicer than chais I've had in restaurants and coffee shops. - That price doesn't even phase me anymore. Obviously, I wouldn't buy it. It's ridiculously expensive. - Pretentious or not? - Oh, I think it's the hottest one yet. - It's so pretentious. I like it. - Still a lot of money, but it's not pretentious. - Infinite harmony providing chai latte is not pretentious for 35 pounds. Great, I think our job here is done. - I think that perhaps the marketing and the copy is pretentious. I don't think the product is. It's quality is well-sourced, it's delicious. - Ignore all that stuff. It tastes lovely. - [Jaime] Okay. - Just put that on the label. - [Both] It tastes lovely. (all laughing) - Cross out infinite harmony. - Tastes lovely. - It tastes lovely. - [Barry] Yeah. - Fair. - 35 pounds please. - [Ben] This is your last one, enjoy it. - I handpicked this for you. - You handpicked it for me? - [Jaime] I handpicked this for you. - [Barry] Is it gin tea? Looks like a gin tea. - [James] It's very sweet. - Can I give you some tasting notes? - Okay. - Juniper on the nose, followed by fresh orange, which brings a sherbet-like feel, and coriander, which brings warmth. - You'll also note, when sometimes you try wine, some white wines, they'll give almost like a grassy note to them. - Yeah, you got that. Did you pick up any grassy notes? - I'm sensing a lot of (bleep) here. I tell you what, so I'm not a massive gin fan. You know that, I'm a rum person, so why the hell would you put gin in front of me and say this is. - [Ben] This is a limited edition. (laughs) - No. - [Ben] It is the Arsenal Football Club Gin, limited edition. And one of the botanicals is grass from the pitch. - What pitch? - [Jaime] The Emirates pitch. - The Emirates, it's not even bloody Highbury, okay. - [Ben] Would you like to see the bottle? - [James] Wow. - This is the perfect party in a bottle, crowning itself as a theater of taste. Can be enjoyed neat on the rocks, but also add a little color to your G and Ts. Exactly what's missing. Mini umbrella and streamers optional. - Where did you get this? - This was purchased off of the interwebs. And I actually can't take credit for it. Izzy found this one and said, "That looks amazing. "Shall we get one for James?" - Thanks, Izzy. - [Izzy] You're welcome. - Do you like it? - It's all right, it's a bit sweet for me. - That is absolute rubbish. purely down to the fact that doesn't matter what badge you put there. Arsenal is a football team. You can put the badge on scarves, hats, socks, shoes, baby clothes, I will buy it 'cause I'm a supporter of Arsenal. And this is where they go too far. If that is the same price as a normal bottle of gin, I'd say it's worth it for the sake of keeping the bottle afterwards. - Well, how much do you think it is? How much do you think that sells for? - I think it probably sells for 30 quid. - Pretty spot-on, 35. - 25 pound, 20 pounds. - [Jaime] 20 pounds. - Guys, that's 99 pounds. - No! How many did they make? Is is a limited edition? - It is limited edition. I don't know how many they made. - So, I mean, that's my point. It's a collector's item. It's a story, it's got grass from the pitch, which is what I want in all my gins. - Wait a minute. Ask me a question. - Pretentious or not? - No, it's a football brand. Football is not, is the least pretentious thing in the world. - Novelty. - [Jaime] Novelty. - It's a novelty category. You're not paying for the gin, you're just paying for having that on your shelf. - The reaction when you whip it out at a party, right? - Yeah, not pretentious as a brand, which really I find hard when they stick it on the front of that, which is a very pretentious product. The product is pretentious, Arsenal is not. - He loves Arsenal so much. - The ho, why would you do that to me? - If you enjoy these videos, we certainly do, please let us know by giving the video a like, commenting below with any pretentious ingredients you found, and we'll get a hold of 'em. - And then, we will see you in the same place same time, every week, Wednesday and Sunday at 4 p.m. - See you later. - Bye-bye. - [Mike] As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos. We fill the Sorted Club, where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in a few days. - One of my favorite things about pretentious ingredients, filming these, is the fact we have some left over afterwards, and I once caught Jamie buy the crappiest little salad from the supermarket around the corner. And he decided to put on the balsamic vinegar glaze, which was worth 90 pounds for a tiny part. - It was amazing.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,460,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitchen gadgets, chefs review, chefs review kitchen gadgets, sortedfood gadgets, useful kitchen gadgets, useless kitchen gadgets, useless or not, pretentious ingredients, pretentious ingredients sorted, pretentious ingredients sortedfood, chefs vs normals, chefs vs normals sorted, pretentious ingredient review, pretentious ingredient challenge, chefs vs normals taste testing pretentious ingredients vol. 6, chefs vs normals taste testing pretentious ingredients playlist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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