Taste Testing the Latest Food Trend Products Vol. 8 | SORTEDfood

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the truff packaging is insane

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AccomplishedAioli πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

And now I wanna try insect oil like in frying 0_o

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tiszens πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've had truff and it's amazing but not at all spicy. It's more like truffle ketchup with hint of pepper. Truffle thing is pretty strong though. And I loved it, some of my friends didn't like, especially fellow Indians.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/crystalclearbuffon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Barry trying to say 'blΓ₯' and ends up saying 'blaaa' is the funniest thing in the video πŸ˜‚ It's not fair of Danish having such tough names for colours with ΓΈ and Γ₯ and an occasional soft d.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Muianne πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

sigh A new hot sauce that the hubby needs (his words) to try. Damn it guys, it's really hard to talk him out of a $35 bottle of hot sauce! Well, I'm going with Mike on this: gift it. So I guess I know what I'm getting him for our 1st anniversary.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BratnessVonSass πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- We are Sorted, a group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food. From cooking battles, to gadget reviews. - Ben it's not worth it! - And cookbook challenges, to a mid-week meal packs app. - [Jamie] Crack your eggs, bake. - We uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community where everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) - Hello, welcome to Sorted Food. - Today we are reviewing some potential future food trend products to see if they're worth the hype or just not our type. - Even Ebbers could do better than that. (instrumental music) - There are no chefs here today, just three very normal home cooks. But we have lots of opinions. - Oh, I'm really opinionated. - And I think you're gonna be really opinionee about this particular product that I found. So lift the cloche, give us some thoughts. - Kencko, I think I know why you think this is very me. Because Instagram thinks is very me as well because I've been advertised this. - So you already know what this is. - Open the box. Yeah, it is what I think it is. Powdered fruit drinks or smoothies or juices. - Absolutely right. These are instant healthy smoothies from Kencko. They claim to transform fresh organic fruits and veggies into handy single serving instant smoothies. So each one of those sachets is about 80 calories and claims to give you the nutritional benefits of about two and a half cups of fresh produce. - I've got a funny looking bottle. There's some stickers. You're looking juicy. - [Jamie] Oh great. - There you go, you're juicy. You are unbeatable. - Okay, what's in the box, Barry? (Jamie laughing) - It tells you if it's a immune support, recovery, skin health or mental focus as well, or a brain boost which is what I really need right now. Go for the purples, which is a anti inflammatory smoothie. Step one, massage the packet to break up any lumps. - Very holistic. - Step two, liquid goes in first to the fill until here line, powered in, on with the lid. Shake well for 30 seconds, then let it sit for 15. Okay this sounds silly but... - It looks fruity. - It looks like juice. - Tastes like a... - Fresh smoothie, slightly watered down. - You could probably adjust then with a little less water if you prefer it thicker. - [Mike] So the only ingredients they're using are organic plants, no colours flavour enhancers preservatives fillers, no added sugars or artificial sweetness, just high quality produce with the water taken out. So the nutrients stay in. - Now I've made the green one. Sometimes I'll have a juice in the morning. That's quite hard work, but this is delicious. The other thing when we're making juices and smoothies, we ended up buying in bulk 'cause it's so expensive. We make loads in one go. This is a lot simpler and a lot more appealing to me but it does depend on price. - They work on a subscription basis and you can choose a pack of 7, 20 or 60 smoothies, which get cheaper and cheaper the more you buy. And with that, you also get access to a registered dietician, which they claim is a $300 value. How much do you think I paid for this kit? - So going back to how much you'd pay for a smoothie in a shop, we're looking at around about minimum three, four quid. I'd say the package is probably about 20 quid. - That package was 25 pounds and that recurs across a month. - So if you scale it up you can get 60 smoothies for one pound 89 each. - Which past smoothie sounds like a much better deal than four pounds of meal. - That's the bit that they tell you. But when you work for out 60 times, one pound 89, is 113 pounds in 40 and pence. - Per month? - Per month. - I could see myself buying 60 of these to last me, however long because they're freeze dried. They could sit in the cupboard and I cold get 'em out. Like I do hot chocolate. - It's also important to note that you can cancel or change the delivery dates of the subscription at any time. So you could just buy 60 as a one-off and then cancel the subscription. - Yeah. - I want to know whether it's a healthy drink, ie you really like it and you'd buy it or is it one for the sink? - I do really like it but I'm not gonna use it in the way they intend for me to use it. Like, I'm not gonna subscribe, sorry but it is a healthy drink, obviously. - Alright Mike, your turn. - Oh, it's a very nice boxed truff. Do you know what? It looks classy and not tacky. Now what is truff? That's the question. Oh, okay. - [Jamie] It feels like perfume. - That's a dangerous perfume. Oh, white truffle infused, hot sauce. - [Jamie] Yes, mate, this is white truffle hot sauce. It's a curated blend of ripe chilli peppers organic agave nectar, white truffle and a hint of organic coriander. - I can't tell you how incredible it smells. Something I absolutely love is hot, spicy chilli combined with something creamy, which is why I love sort of like you've got gochujang mayonnaise combinations, sriracha mayo. - This isn't about the level of spice. It's only about two and a half to 3000 on the Scoville scale. - Wonderful news. - But flavour-wise, this should pack a punch. - Oh, talk to me. - Mike what we have put in front of you is our corn ribs from our CBA2 cookbook. The actual cookbook sold out. But if you go on our cookbooks app, you can fine the recipe there. They have been tossed in the Truff hot sauce. - Cheers. - [Jamie And Barry] Cheers. - Man absolutely delicious. And I'm gonna eat another one while I think about my opinion. Oh, wait, it's brilliant. - Can I tell you who else also really, really likes it. - Who? I thought you were going to tell me that Ebbers likes it. And now I feel like it's gonna be some of those a bit more famous things I've done bro. - Oprah. - Yeah. - Slightly more famous than Ebbers But still knowable by one name. - [Barry] Yeah it's true. - Oprah, Ebbers. - Where'd you think you could use the hot sauce? - On everything. I'd love to add it to Mac and cheese. That's the thing that cries out. You know, I was talking about spicy and creamy anything melted cheese, I think anything eggs. I think anything, barbecue. The opportunities are endless for a normal such as me. Slightly apprehensive about the price. - How much would you pay for a hot sauce? - It's not a hot sauce. It's its own category I think and it combines truffle oil, which we know truffles are expensive. - Artisanal hot sauces that I've bought from food fairs and that kind of stuff. I've paid seven, eight, 10 pounds for. - I work would actually be willing to part with 10 pounds for that. - Would you be willing to part with 34 pounds 99? - Oh no. Tell you what, I could justify buying it as a present for someone. - But that is a hint and a half right? - That's a hint and a half, yes. - It's such a shame that we've just had my birthday and Christmas. I'd like to buy it more often than a one-off, it's a great product, it's just expensive. - Is this... A delicious blend or just a trend? - Nice a delicious blend absolutely, tiny bit too pricey. - [Mike] Alright Spaff, give it a lift. This is an exciting one. - Oh wow, insect oil. Yes. - This is Bite Back insect oil. So bite back, an Insect Bio-refinery company. And they're basically aiming to create an alternative to Palm oil. And we know that there's huge deforestation attached to getting Palm oil. And this is to combat that. - What insects in particular? - So the oil is super worm larvae, which reproduce 40 times as more in the same area as Palm oil extraction. They can be scaled vertically and fed by Agro-industry waste. Palm oil is the most traded vegetable oil and can be found in about 50% of packaged supermarket foods. So this product has won awards. It's been featured across various media, is making waves within the commercial food industry. But we managed to get hold of the bottle, it's not readily available. - We've eaten insects as proteins and in place of flours and things like that. This is another step on that journey that is not even in my consciousness at the moment. - Why don't we play around with it and see how it behaves as a normal cooking oil. - So first op J, we'd like you to make a mayonnaise for us. - Why are you laughing? - 'Cause we know how much you love making mayonnaise. - Just put it in a machine... where's the mini chopper? - So there you have an egg york, some mustard and some of the bite back insects oil. So pretty standard mayonnaise recipe. So the structural integrity of this mayonnaise will be really interesting to see. So what are you doing with the water? - The water just stops it from getting too thick. Don't get bored. Don't get bored. Don't get bored. Don't get bored. It is coming together. Like a mayo. - Obviously can't eat mayonnaise without something to dip in it. - I have French fries. - You absolutely do. Well we thought it was an apt reward for all of your effort. - It's got... Le Beck - Cheers. - It's got the consistency has it? - Yeah. - Okay cheers. - Now we'll see we've flavoured it with mustard. - It tastes thicker and oilier and smoother than other homemade mayonnaise's that I've had but taste-wise... - It gets more earthy. - It's very nice. - [Mike] How does it go with chips J? - Not quite as good as salad cream. There's nothing unusual about that, but it's just a decent homemade Mayo. - Shall we try some baked goods? So in front of you, you have two blueberry muffins. Traditionally baked using oils. One has a standard veg oil. The other contains our insect oil. You've got A and B. - They look fairly similar. I mean this one's slightly darker than B. - Batch A were all darker. - Oh - Interestingly. (Mike and Barry laughing) - Eat the bloody muffin. - I've reached my conclusion. - Okay. - I have absolutely no idea. - It works well. Well batch A were traditional muffins using vegetable oil, batch B were using the insect oil. So we asked Ben from our food development team, his thoughts, he said that they behaved exactly the same as each other apart from one batch browning slightly more than another. - The big challenge as far as I see it, is we have become very comfortable with the topic of eating insects as proteins and flours. Explaining to your mum that the muffin that she's bought from a supermarket contains insect oil. - It's quite a big bug bare, isn't it? (crickets chirping) I've been thinking that for the last 10 minutes. - I think we can get there, but that is a journey to go on. I'd be happy to be involved in that journey. - Well we kind of are. - We are, we're already doing it. - So the bike back insect oil is not available to consumers, so we don't have a price but we do know it's having an impact. My question to you though, is it worth the glug or full of too many bugs? - To me that is worth the glug because it's full of bugs. (lively upbeat music) - Alright cloche lift the Baz. - Oh, okay. What are we celebrating? Copenhagen sparkling tea company. - [Jamie] Yeah this is sparkling tea. It's a brand new beverage category. It's the combination of Nordic innovation and Asian tea traditions. And it's resulted in an organic low or non-alcoholic sparkling drink based on the careful selection of exclusive tea sorts. - I have here a blend of hibiscus, white tea and black tea. - God, that sounds delicious. I'm well into hibiscus at the moment. - Yeah. Ever since Ebbers used it in that cake that I filmed. Oh, so good. - What has he done to you? - Do you have any other group of friends other than us that you can feel comfortable with saying I'm so into my hibiscus tea at the moment. Oh, it still has a wine-y smell to it. - There could be a reason for that. - Oh okay. - Some of the sparkling teas are blended with wine. So this is Copenhagen's sparkling tea road. It's their version of a sparkling RosΓ©. The taste of road has immediate notes of red berries hibiscus, blackberries and a balanced citrus. This is followed by a light bitterness from the bergamot oil found in our Lady Grey and Earl Grey teas. The finish is semi-dry which harmonises beautifully with the initial berry notes. It's got 5% alcohol content. - It's got lovely shade to it. - It smells fantastic. - And it's fruity but not sweet. - Yep that, that is bang on. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Sparkly ice tea. - Sparkly ice tea. - That is delicious. - I'm not a massive fan of sparking wines but that's really refreshing, very clean. It's like a really posh spritzer. - This is one of their nought percent, alcohol content sparkling wines. - Bla? - Yes, It's called Bla. This is delicate Jasmine and has an incredible complexity. - Having some of that alcohol free during January that you can pop open and celebrate with. I think it's important. Usually I'd wait for a Thursday or Friday night and go, you know what... Let's celebrate the end of the week. - Thursday, let's celebrate wine of the week, work ethic there coming through. - And open up a bottle of wine or something. - I feel like where we've tested non-alcoholic versions of other drinks before we had Seedlip which is non-alcoholic gin and things like that. You have to have a real appreciation of the process but the distilling or the brewing process to get your head around why it costs what it costs and why you should appreciate it. And this with a sommelier going through all of the different teas, testing them, going into the science. It feels like it's been a rigorous process. - I think I prefer that one. - It's drier. - It is, isn't it? It's not as fruity. And it still tastes a lot of tea afterwards. - Here it's nothing like wine, but it serves a very similar purpose in terms of, I could see how that could pair perfectly with certain types of meals. And that I find quite exciting. - I think if you have people coming round that don't drink or aren't drinking at that point it's a great talking point. And it's a really high quality delicious tasting product. - Where did you think it is? Where'd you think it sits? - For a bottle 12 Quid-ish - 12.95. - I could live with that. - I would say that's 12ish. - Yeah, that seems okay. - You're paying for the experience as well. That seems like a fair price. - Well Barry, last question. Is this a sparkling brew or is it just not for you? - I think it's a clean sweep. It's a sparkling brew. - That either means that we are really on trend or? - We need a chef back because we don't know what we're talking about. - Well over to you comment down below, let us know. What do you think of all of our food trends. - And help us get ahead of the curve in 2021, tweet us @sortedfood, using the #sortedfoodtrends with any cool food and drink products that you've seen out there that we can try and get hold of and review. - Copenhagen sparkling tea company. Yes, that's right Barry. This is the... (Jamie and Mike laughing)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 595,935
Rating: 4.9598641 out of 5
Keywords: food trends, food trends 2020, taste test, sorted food, sortedfood food trends, sortedfood, sortedfood taste test, taste testing, food trends sorted, food trends 2020 uk, food review, chef vs normal, food trend review, food trend products, healthy snacks, food trends 2021, insect oil, healthy smoothie, white truffle, sparkling tea, weird food, food challenge, gadget review, the fridgecam show, chefs vs normals, sorted food reviews, sortedfood taste testing
Id: UuYD-bvlgPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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