Chefs Vs Normals Taste Testing Pretentious Ingredients Vol. 7

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- [Ben] We are Sorted. A group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food. From cooking battles, to gadget reviews, - Man, it's not worth it. - And cookbook challenges, to a midweek meal packed app. - [Jamie] Crack your eggs and bake. - We uncover the tools that'll help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community where everything we do starts with you. - Hello! I'm Jamie, this is Mike, welcome to fridge cam. - This episode is all about experimenting with pretentious ingredients to see if they're worth all the hype. - And for some reason, it gets kinky. (upbeat music) - Feeling good? - Yes. - [Mike] Feeling Judgey? - Yes. - Course he is. - Judgemental James. - Lift away, JJ. - Mm, oh yeah! - Roast potatoes? - Oh, I love me a roastie. You know I love me a roastie. - [Ben] These have been prepared using a pretentious ingredient, and we'd like to see if you can detect what that may be. - [Mike] Feel free to poke, sniff, nibble, lick. Do whatever you need to do. - I don't want to judge Ben's roast potatoes. - (laughs) Here we go, this is why I'm here today. - I'm getting a relatively crispy outside, but not the ideal level of crispiness to my taste. - They're quite salty. - You said smell, lick, nibble, and I've think lick is probably where I'm going to find the, so I'm so sorry about this. (Mike laughs) - There's definitely nothing different about the potato itself. - I don't know what the ingredient possibly is. I'd have thought an oil or something. - Maybe this is roast potato oil, James. An excellent way to give some delicious flavors to sometimes dull roasties, this oil has a really high smoke point, so you can get it really hot, and that means really crispy roast potatoes. And they've infused it with glorious oil with background notes of rosemary, smoke, and garlic. Winner of Food Product of the Year in the Cotswold Life Food & Drink Awards 2019. (Mike laughs) - Can you not sniff things from an inch away, do they have to be up inside your nostril? - Is that not telling us that maybe the smells aren't as pungent as they could be, or as obvious as they could be? - Oh you can smell it. - That has got so much rosemary and garlic in it that is somehow not translating into the roast potatoes. We use groundnut oil, and it provides fantastic results actually. - [Ben] Why? - Really crispy, much crispier than that. - Because it also has a very high smoke point, so you can get it nice and hot and crispy. - [Jamie] Yeah. - It's for somebody who has never made a roast, or might not make roasts very often, and this might instill a sense of safety because it's roast potato oil. - I guess your asking yourself, how much does this cost? - Six pounds? Six pounds. - That bottle there is 4.95 - [Jamie] Okay. - It's not bad. - But it is absolutely is more expensive than if you were to make your own. - I can imagine people would like it, I just think that I prefer using all the individual elements. - Pretentious, or not? - I don't think it's pretentious. - I don't think it's pretentious. - The word that came to mind was unnecessary. - But still useful to some people. - Carry on. - I, ah. - Very aggressive on the lift, that could of been disastrous. - (laughs) It could have been disastrous couldn't it? - There's no elbow bend when he lifts the cloche, just, like, full. - Windmill. - Its a full windmill. - [Ben] What's it smell of? - Rosemary. - That's rosemary. - Tastes botanical, I think it's reasonably pleasant. it's not sweet in any way. - It's sparkling water infused with the earthiness of rosemary. - This is No 1 Rosemary Water. In a peaceful Italian coastal hamlet, villagers enjoy the good life, and they enjoy it for a while longer than the rest of us. One in 10 residents make it up, and well beyond, their 100th birthday. It's not because the villagers are especially health-conscious, they're connoisseurs of food drink and even tobacco. Rosemary grows in abundance there. They use it in so many of their dishes, breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks, and they even chew on the stuff. - They infuse many herbs into water, but this was there starting point, and their inspiration came from that wonderful little village. - And they don't just waft a bit of rosemary near it, we should point out. The extraction process is not as simple as adding a sprig of rosemary to water, we enlist the help of the world's leading botanical scientists to ensure that every compound is pulled from the sprig and infused with water to ensure the best possible benefits. - I'm not a fan of the drink. - [Ben] Fair enough. - I don't think it tastes very nice. - What would it go well with? Gin, Ben? - Probably, most things do. (laughing) - It would make a good gin cocktail, like gin, syrup, and rosemary? - It's not a carbonated drink that's full of sugars and sweeteners, and things like that, so there's probably not a lot bad in there. The question is, just how good is it? - Another one that is a nice product, and doesn't necessarily need all that stuff around it. - Wanna hazard a guess how much that bottle was? - Oh dear, I mean it looks like a bottle of Malibu, doesn't it? (laughing) - That shouldn't be worth more than three pounds. - Three pounds. - 2.45. - That's a lot for some sparkling water. - Big question, pretentious or not? - The drink is not pretentious. I don't necessarily like the flavor of it, but it's not pretentious. - Yeah, it's pretentious, but it's delicious. - We're having a good time. - It's about to get better. - Boom, windmill it. - Yeah! Oh! - [Mike] Keto. - Not Keto (laughs). - Okay. - Barbecue sauce. Hickory. - There are two uses for the product that we are going to showcase. It's been put on or in both the almonds, and the hummus. - Think it needs a bit of salt. - Smoky. - I'm smelling barbecue sauce, I'm not smelling barbecue. - [Ben] Lazy Kettle Brand All-Natural Hickory Liquid Smoke is concentrated smoke in a bottle. Real smoke from a real fire. Not a mixture of ingredients, this is 100% pure smoke in an aqueous base. - Appearance wise, it would look very different if had been done on a barbecue. I think flavor wise, you'd be getting a lot more smokiness, you'd be getting some of the taste from just being on a barbecue, you know that kind of grilled aspect. - So we know that obviously you're vegetarian at the moment, so we have specially prepared this veggie option. Jamie will be testing a smoked burger and an old fashioned. - Liquid smoke is a thing, so it's not pretentious. - So as a barbecue connoisseur, you don't see this as cheating? - No, I wouldn't say so. - Yes, it is cheating, but it's cheating for the right reasons. I think if you are trying to recreate the flavors of barbecue, but you don't have the means to actually do it, I think liquid smoke's a really good cheat. - One thing I would say is a little bit goes a long way. That jar is 4.95. (cash register dinging) So a fiver for a bottle like that, but I barely used any on creating both yours, and Jamie's delicious concoctions. - Yeah it's just a good thing to have in your cupboard, isn't it? - If I haven't already got a bottle, I would definitely buy one. - Pretentious or not? - No, not for me. - It is not pretentious. It's a legit product and ingredient. Congratulations, I hope Jamie enjoys his burger. - Okay, JJ. - Oh. - It's like nothing I've seen before. (laughing) - [James] What? It doesn't really look like egg mayo. - Well, we've mixed it up today. We have given you a use of the pretentious ingredient first, but then we always have to put a lot of caveats in it. - Okay. - [Ben] It's not the bread that's pretentious. - All right, it's burnt. (laughing) - [Ben] The thing that binds it together. - See? It's not it's your fault that it doesn't look good. It's because you're using something that's not mayo, clearly. Is it vegan? - Eat it! - Right. - What is it? - Bog standard egg mayo. - If ever I cooked something, I would want it described as bog standard. - No but obviously I'm looking for something that's different there. ♪ Hello darkness my old friend ♪ (Jamie laughs) - It might actually taste better than mayonnaise. And by mayonnaise, I mean mayonnaise from a jar. - Yeah. - Like the white stuff. - [Ben] Yeah. - It's not homemade mayonnaise, it's not better than that. Don't be silly. - It's not like a store-bought mayonnaise. It tastes more like a posh, or homemade mayo, like a restaurant quality mayo. - [Ben] This is Dr Will's Avocado Oil Mayonnaise. Each jar has the goodness of eight avocados. - [Mike] Yes, it's all natural, it's made in the UK with carefully chosen ingredients, and you'll be glad to know it's sugar, gluten, and dairy free. - The story's quite nice. The two founders, they met at a CrossFit class in Newcastle. And between them, one once a doctor, one was a restaurateur. They had a mutual apprehension for healthy foods, and couldn't find condiments that were free from refined sugars, and additives, and preservatives, so they started to make some. - Why do you think avocado oil? - From a trend factor, avocados obviously have lots of good fats in them, and health benefits because of that. - I'm not sure about Dr Wills, 'cause it makes it sound like a health brand, when actually it's just a good mayonnaise. - It sounds like it therefore has medical benefits to it, because it's done by a doctor. - The Dr Wills thing is kind of putting me of a little bit. - Price-wise? - Three pound, 50? - That jar, just shy of six quid. - [Mike] Quite a lot for mayonnaise. - [Ben] Not that much compared to eight avocados. - That's quite expensive. - Six pounds is a lot for mayonnaise. - Mm, but at least you know what's gone into it. - You do know what's gone into it. - The question is, is it pretentious? - Maybe trying a little bit too hard. - It's on the fence, but I'm gonna side with slightly pretentious. But again, a nice product. - Lift it. - Whoa! - [James] Oh, I do not trust you guys. - [Mike] I'm just saying it could be a lot worst. (Jamie laughs) - [Jamie] Lick me. No? - [Ben] No. - Yeah? - [Ben] Yeah. - Whoa, it smells like parma violet. - [Mike] That is just so specific. - [Jamie] Floral. It's quite sweet. - Sugary and sherbety. - This is Lick Your Scent. Edible fragrance. A garnish spray for your drinks to add a stylish twist to home mixology. Simply spritz on the rim of your cocktail, or spritz on your skin and get licked off. We don't make the rules. - Why did they have to use the word rim, and why did you have leave a pause after it? It's not helping anybody in this scenario. - I've licked that off myself. - Where did you spray it? - It was yummy, on my forearm. - Oh, I see. As you would with anything. - [Ben] I mean that's just a very, very basic gin and tonic, but if you give it a spritz and then drink from the glass. - [Mike] Oh, I think you missed (laughs). - [Ben] It's not like perfume, you're supposed to spray the room, and then walk through it. - Spray, delay, slay. That's how it goes. - It's nice, it tastes good. - Definitely adds a sweetness, and a bit of extra flavor. - They reckon it can enhance flavor by 80% on the logic that 80% of what you taste is guided by what you smell. It is itself alcoholic, it's 60% gin. - Is it really? - Also says, do not, avoid contact with eyes. So maybe don't spray into your face. It's kind of a bit like the shimmer in prosecco. I'm thinking it is very sort of hen party-esque. - Where as they're taking it to sex games. - He's taken it away from food and drink. - Yeah. - Everything about this implies that you're not gonna be the one licking it off your skin. - Do you want a guess at what that little bottle cost? - 20 pounds. - 10 pounds. - A bargain at seven. - Yeah man, it's cool, sure. Yeah it's good. - And you like it, and it does what it says on the tin, but is it pretentious? - No, it's stupid, but it's fun. - I'd definitely say unnecessary, but I'm not sure I'd agree and say it's pretentious. - Who thought licking yourself could be so much fun? (laughing) - Please keep sending us your ideas for pretentious ingredients, because we love playing with posh little things. - Ben's sat right over there. - Licking himself. (laughing) - [Ben] I'm not a cat! - We've actually made a podcast all about pretentious ingredients, and it's absolutely free. - You can get it by clicking the link down below. - Jamie's a dad, he does jokes, it makes our Sunday's better sometimes. - I was having dinner the other night with my wife. We were watching "Dirty Dancing", and while she wasn't looking, sneakily took the herbs off of her plate. ♪ I had the thyme of my wife ♪ We'll see you next week. Bye bye. - [Ben] We also built the Sorted club, where you can get tons of foodie inspo using the Packs midweek meal app, discover and share restaurant recommendations using the Eat app, listen and contribute to our "Feast Your Ears" podcast, and send us ideas for new cookbooks you'll receive throughout the year. Check it all out by heading to And now, a blooper. - It doesn't really look like egg mayo. - If anybody else at home would like to come and sit in this seat, and just enjoy a few new flavors and new experiences-- - No, you gonna slag it off a lot. - Then comment down below. 'Cause I'm fed up with him.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 809,352
Rating: 4.9529586 out of 5
Keywords: pretentious ingredients, pretentious ingredients sorted, chefs review, expensive ingredients, sortedfood, chef vs normal, useless or not, kitchen gadgets, sortedfood ben ebbrell, sortedfood pretentious ingredients, kitchen gadgets 2020, food trends 2020, food trends, fancy ingredients, taste testing, cheap vs expensive ingredients, avocado mayonnaise, liquid smoke, edible perfume, roast potato oil, rosemary water, chefs test, taste test, sorted food, chefs vs normals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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