A Chef Reviews Crowd Funded Kitchen Gadgets | SORTEDfood

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- [Narrator] We are Sorted. A group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food. From cooking battles to gadget reviews - That is so epic! - [Narrator] and cookbook challenges, to a mid-week meal Packs app. - [Chef] Crack your eggs, bake. - [Narrator] We uncover the tools that'll help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community where everything we do starts with you. - Hello everyone, I'm Mike, this is Ben, welcome to Fridge Cam. - Now you guys have asked for some more kitchen gadgets and this time we've gone out and got some crowdfunded kitchen gadgets, and they appear to be a pretty big deal. - Or are they? (logo reverberating) (door slam) - Two great advantages of being friends with a chef is one, sometimes they're cooking great food, and number two, when you're a Normal and you're looking to find something for your kitchen, you can get their advice. - James, first question, have you ever backed anything that's been crowdfunded? - No, I don't think I have. - You tight stereotype of a Scot. (James laughing) Do you want to lift the cloche? - Sure Jamie. Wow, coffee. Tea, it's tea. What do you call it? Caddys? (laughing) I always thought that would work out. - Wanna play the pitch video? - [Video Announcer] Making a great tasting cup of tea is never easy, that's why we've created Qi Aerista. - Simplicity. - [James Reading] Qi Aerista comes with six preset brewing programs. Begin brewing with as little as one button press. - Enchanting. - [James Reading] Enjoy your strong brew tea hassle free. Qi Aerista will brew your tea- - Effortlessly. - [James Reading] Would you like to make a cup of tea? I would actually, I'm quite eager to make a cup of tea. - K, James, in front of you, you've got everything you need to make us, and yourself, a delicious cup of tea. - Remove the lid and infuser, right, done. (reading) Fill the pot with clean drinking water. K, I filled it up to two cups. (reading) place tea leaves inside the infuser and turn on the brewer by long pressing Brew for two seconds. Press Type to toggle the desired tea type selection. Then I press Brew. That was actually easier than I expected it. - Is it changing the brew length and the temperature of the water? - Definitely temperature. You don't want to boil a kettle then put 100 degree water over tea. - Don't you? - No, cus it burns the tea, doesn't it? - [Barry] Does it? - Same with coffee, it burns the coffee. - So this looks like it's for people that are trying to get the best tea experience in a more convenient way. - I'm still not 100% sure how it works. - Condensation and then just... - No please, carry on. - What? (James laughing) - James is looking for your scientific explanation of how it's working. Just the steam and the ... - The steam - Yeah. - Condensates and then percolates. - That's a lot of words that Barry said. - Oh, what is your problem? (Jamie laughs) - To serve, remove the pot from the base and never put your hand under the spout. (laughing) - [Jamie] So that is a nice cup of tea. - There's a lot of variables that it's not controlling. Like if you're making black tea, it's not controlling how much milk you want. - So for people who love their tea, how much do you reckon they would pay to back this? - 50 quid? - Okay, so it had 1180 backers, including us, you're welcome. They had a 60,000 pound goal, and actually they achieved 132,000 pounds, so they absolutely smashed it. - Is this, just over 100 pounds? - 110 pounds. (cash register ding) - I'd expect something that looks a little bit smarter. - I agree, it doesn't feel premium, but I think a lot of things that are backed on Kickstarter and other crowdfunded websites, the final result never quite feels like you'd expect. Because it had to be made quickly and cheaply as well. - But then I always see those types of things as being the first step in a much larger process. I think that will only get better from that point onwards. - I can imagine the people that backed this, they're pretty happy with what it does. 110 pounds just seems like a lot. - Well mate, big question for you. - I thought we were past this. - For you, is it an Indie go go, or an Indie no no? - Uh, oh, it's not a black and white one, but I'll say Indie go go. (drumbeat music) - Turn yourself around. - I knew it wouldn't fit. Whoa, what on Earth is that? Oh, oh, oh, oh, what is it? It's got containers and it's got little cups. It's got some graters. - You could be here all day, so why don't you play the video? - [Video Announcer] We love to take pride in the meals we cook. But cooking at home can be a lot of work. The mess, the time, and the endless search for the right kitchen tool can be frustrating. Meet Prepdeck. Your complete meal preparation system. - What are you thinking? - What is this? No, oh is that a cutting board? - It's a cutting board and a cover. - Oh, this is high quality of a product. - So whilst we could stand here and look at it all, we thought, actually, let's just get on and use it. So what we'd like you to do is make the Baked Eggs recipe from our Packs app, and see how you get on. - I believe I've got all my ingredients. I'm gonna go for it, we'll see in a bit. It's Mike! - [Video] It's Mike. - Cue the oven. - (whispering) I really like this recipe. - Do you? - You really like that? - [Jamie] It's one of my favorites. - This is your kind of recipe, isn't it? - It's my go to. - I'm just gonna put, all in my rubbish bin. I don't appreciate the fact that he suggested keeping knives in there, cus that will definitely ruin them. Why don't I just put these in here? - So all you've got so far is one utensil, which is a knife, and our own chopping board. Hey, wait, James, you've got a garlic crusher. - So (laughs) so my garlic's done. You know what, I don't want to waste a spot, so I'll just put it in there. - [Jamie] Oh, yes. - This is for people who get as much satisfaction out of organizing as they do cooking. - Yeah, he's not using the slicer. - Well, technically I'm dicing. There, tiny, tiny one, my chile. Usually if I'm cooking at home, I just separate it on the board. Or I'll have a pan on, and I'll put it into the pan as I go, but I'm trying to specifically test this. Oven free frying pan? - [Speaker Voice] Place an oven free frying pan over a high heat and add one tablespoon of oil, the onion, and pepper. - [James] Adding my chile and garlic. - [Speaker Voice] Drain one tin of black beans and give them a good rinse to remove the liquid, then chuck them into the pan with one tablespoon of cumin, and one tablespoon of smoked paprika, tossing everything together. Dollop in one tablespoon of tomato puree, stirring well, then add 200 milliliters of water, and half a tin of chopped tomato. We'll use the other half in a pasta dish this week. - [James] Got a very clean kitchen. - It does force you to stay organized and be clean, doesn't it? - See my impression is that you've actually made as much if not more mess than you would have done without it, but all of the mess is encapsulated- - Organized. - Yeah, it's encapsulated within the deck. - Organized mess, yeah. That's an interesting point. Maybe if we get it for you guys because you're forced to organize your mess. (techno music) - Whilst your eggs are baking in the oven, let's have a chat about the gadget. How did you get on with it? - It made life more difficult. - Oh. - Oh. - Just being honest. - Have you used anything like it before? - It closely resembles what you might find in any professional kitchen where you've got a load of stuff lined up, ready for service. - So when you're cooking at home, when is that useful? - Containing your mess. - I mean, all of those parts are dishwasher safe, apart from the cutting board and the workstation itself. - Yep, I do like saving a mess. I do like chucking stuff in from a tin, filling the tin up with water, and then chucking the water in, if that's something I need to do in a recipe. - Cus they had a goal of 20,000, and they got 5,469 backers, with a total of 657,430 pounds raised. - Wow, that's crazy. That's a lot of people spending a lot of money. Can you do the math? - I think it might be over 100 pounds. - Bear in mind that when this was backed, we were guessing it for a bargain at 46% off. We got it for 122 pounds. (cash register dings) - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. This is, this is retailing for just under 250 pounds? - 227 pounds. - (whispers) That's crazy. - As a Normal, I can completely relate to the problem that it's trying to solve. Being more organized in the kitchen is something that I need to do when I'm cooking. I'm not 100% sure I agree with the solution, but that does take the thinking out of everything. James, I've got a big question for you. - Oh no. - Oh no. - Crowd fund or crowd shunned? - Personally for me, I do like an organized kitchen, but I don't think it's helping me in the kitchen. It's slowing me down, so it's crowd shunned. My Packs are ready, I've got notification. - Now I know that your baked eggs are ready, and you want to dig in, but before you dig in, shall we get another gadget? - Well be quick, cus the yolks are not gonna be runny. (guys laughing) (horn music) - Mate, your baked eggs are out, looking, smelling great. Funny, I could cook them at home for a cheap monthly subscription of four pounds, 99 so I can get hold of the Packs app, the Eat app, the Works app. We can poke cost, I mean, that sounds like a great deal, doesn't it? Maybe you should check out the link in the description box below, hmm? Wouldn't you like it through, if you had something to help you eat those baked eggs? - [James] What can help me eat the eggs? - Outlery - [Jamie] Or? - Cutlery, that you bring with you when you're outside. - He's got it! - Yes! - Thanks for giving a fork. Okay, this feels a lot more premium than- Look, this is what I meant. Do something small and simple, and do it like you meant to do it. What have we got in here? I've got a knife, a fork, and a spoon. - Why don't you play the video? - [Video Announcer] This is John, and John is a good person, but when it comes to eating with plastic cutlery, he just doesn't give a fork. We created the best cutlery in the world, then created this tiny box. Summoning the powers of the Gods to somehow fit this in this. Introducing Outlery. (choir humming) World's first collapsible, portable, and plastic re-cutlery and chopsticks. - [Jamie] Oh, and this is something that we've talked about in videos before, whether it's about using wooden cutlery, bamboo cutlery, that kind of thing. What do you think, does it solve that problem? - It does appear to, yeah. - [Jamie] Yeah. - [Barry] Yeah. - I can't see myself taking them out with me all the time. - You wouldn't leave the house in the morning and be like, "Right, phone, wallet, keys, cutlery." - No, no. - [Jamie] Right. - Well, do you want to test them? - Yes, I do. What, with this? - Yeah. - (Both Jamie And James) How convenient. - Okay, this is real cutlery, it's just cutlery. (techno music) Mmmm, I'm such a good chef, and even if I wasn't, I could have got the same results cus the recipe was great. (horn music) - And the key thing is, the fork and the spoon don't impart any extra flavor, unwanted flavor into it. - Okay, I need a knife. - [Barry] Funny little knife though, isn't it? - It feels like it could have been longer. I'm okay with it though, works nicely. - I'm really interested in the knife because looking at it, it reminds me quite a lot of the type of knife you get in an airport. Sharp enough to help you cut, I don't know, warm butter, (Barry laughing) but not sharp enough to hurt someone or do the job that it's supposed to do with real food. - The eggs cut very well, although they are similar (laughs) consistency to one bite. But it's a good knife. (guys laughing) It's light, it feels good. In any situation where you're offered plastic or wooden knives, then these would be 10 times better. - They had a goal of 4,200 to get this thing moving. Now already, they got 21,145 backers behind this. - Wow. - They raised a total of 1,183,109. - Wow, so they're quite expensive. - Well forget the money, that shows there is an unbelievable demand for these. - It's easy to understand, it's a little bit of chips to get involved, so. - Cost wise, what do you reckon? - 50 pounds. - Do a few different versions so you can just get knife, fork, spoon, or just get chopsticks, or this is the full set. - This comes at 40 pounds. - I mean, that's quite a lot. - It does feel like quite a lot of money, but also, I feel like this is something to aspire to, that you're gonna stop using plastic cutlery, and you're taking positive steps forward to help that. - Yep - Okay, well shall I ask you the big question? - Go on, you've been thinking about this for a long time. - Is this a kick starter or a non starter? - I like the simplicity, I like the way it looks and feels, so it's a kick starter. - You could've done kick starter, or you could've done kick staller, couldn't you cus it stalled like a car? - We're just ... - Now, if you been watching us for a while, you may have noticed that our kitchen is, at times, a little bit of a hindrance. (board falling) - Ow! (pots clanging) (fun horn music) - Oh gosh. - I didn't pour water down there, it fell down there. - It's a fake sink. (crashing) - Oh no! - So we thought, perhaps it's time for a renovation. - We are gonna build the ultimate smart kitchen, and if you'd like to see that process, then you need to give the video a like. - If we get over 50,000 likes, then we're gonna film the entire process and release the journey on our You Tube channel. - How exciting, but for now ... (horn music) I woke up and there was a handwritten note on the fridge from my other half. It simply read, 'it's not working, bye.' Which was weird, cus when I opened the fridge, the light seemed to be doing just fine. (laughing) The Packs app is just one of the tools being used as part of the Sorted Club. Members are also discovering and sharing restaurant recommendations using the Eat app, Listening and contributing to our Feast Your Ears Podcast, and giving us inspiration for new cookbooks received throughout the year. It's all included, so check out Sorted membership by heading to sorted.club. And now a blooper. (beep) - That's such- (slow violin music) (ding) - Oh, that's just great. (Ben yelling in background) He doesn't realize that his headphones aren't working. It's just great. You hurt? - [Ben] Oh, it's not coming through my headphones! (guys laughing)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,456,673
Rating: 4.9577971 out of 5
Keywords: kitchen gadgets, chefs review kitchen gadgets, tea maker, disposable cutlery, gadget review, useful kitchen gadgets, reviewing kitchen gadgets, testing kitchen gadgets rosanna pansino, kitchen gadgets review, kitchen gadgets crazy russian hacker, best kitchen gadgets on amazon, gadget reviews, kickstarter, meal prep review, testing kitchen gadgets, cool gadgets, best kitchen gadgets, useless kitchen gadgets, A Chef Reviews Crowd Funded Kitchen Gadgets, Sorted, Sortedfood
Id: 8noFUrxHAJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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