Tank in the trap! With Dc young fly Karlous Miller and Clayton English

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need some r b pimping today what's your r b [Music] turn that down a little bit adjust the levels you gotta make the guests feel welcome today [Music] [Music] [Music] your favorite singer's favorite song cuz classics that will be remembered forever yeah matter of fact he is also part of black history because at some point of your black man life you're gonna have to play his music ladies and gentlemen it's honoring the privilege to have any travels none other than hey [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] man welcome back to the 85 yes sir the number one black show in the black community yeah man let's talk some [ __ ] with tate for a minute album you just dropped the r b money yeah let's talk about that first before we even go back to the history and all that good [ __ ] man it's been a good run bro it's been a good run i think i think that um you know here's here's you know a bar to go with it you know losing my hearing and and getting vertigo all that [ __ ] kind of kind of made me readjust my timeline you know what i'm saying because at one point i was losing hearing the hearing in both my ears um the right one completely went and then my left one came back so you know that was the blessing but it also made me you know think about time differently you know that happened over a span of three days only oh yeah you know i got [ __ ] off in three days so it's like you start asking questions like so how much time how much time do i have left with my other year like what the [ __ ] right and with all the other things that i want to do [ __ ] i'm not gonna be able to [ __ ] hear it right so like i've always wanted to build the greatest r b label of all times i've always wanted to you know build a platform where rmb artists could come talk about their experiences in the business share it share their um information and knowledge with other r b singers here we are with the podcast i've always you know wanted to build a form you know or an award for r b artists and singers and songwriters to be appreciated just for just for doing r b and nothing else you know i've always wanted to do i've always wanted to be denzel junior jr right you know what i'm saying they say i look like them sometimes you know i'm saying what i do no okay so i've always wanted to do and be those things but the artist thing being under those lights and them screaming when i come on stage and pulling my titties out like all of that was just pulling your teeth yeah my titties these yeah oh yeah she said she's a girl today yeah [Applause] she did [Applause] we know that's a woman yeah um but i know that it just it just it just made me realize my timeline and get to those things just a lot faster and then it's like you know everybody always tries to tackle these things you know when they've been sent out to pasture you know what i'm saying when when the heat is gone and it's it's all over and then what we gonna do now and i don't want that to be the case i want it to be while while my voice matters while people picking up my phone calls while people are racing to call me back and i can make a difference for people i want to use that while i have like right now you know what i'm saying like i'm yeah i'm at the top of the r b food chain but they're like but i can i can i can serve better with that than just serving myself right the wisdom the what i'm saying i got information man and it's not i can't take it with me right so what kind of information are you sharing with the up and coming artists well i mean the first thing that i teach artists or ask artists is do you love it like why are you doing this [ __ ] because if you don't love it in my experience nothing else is going to sustain you right anybody told you nah i don't love you you ever got that here yeah i mean some people just in it for the bread some people in it for the bag and they got good talent too yeah good talent they just trying to get to the bag i'm like but just what's true to your heart man [ __ ] what's true to my heart [ __ ] what's selling right yeah and you got to respect it right right but money gonna come and go [ __ ] is gonna come and go right you know what i'm saying like imagine being being a hot [ __ ] and needing security and then the security that you used to hire not letting you in the club god damn real [ __ ] yeah that was deep so that you ain't on the payroll [ __ ] hit me with the arm up my [ __ ] is that you shut up it's me [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] imagine you know having you know having a rental vehicle you know what i'm saying a town car and and disappearing with that [ __ ] because you don't have a car and then you know feeling that [ __ ] [ __ ] gas tank would would change from the ashtray you know what i'm saying like if you don't love this [ __ ] when you get to those moments [ __ ] you either you're either gonna quit or you're gonna take a penitentiary chance right i just love music too much to do anything else like i had to get to the point to where you know my ego was no longer involved like i called a guy by the name of jeremy fox and said hey man ain't you going out on tour yeah i'm about to go tc what's happening you know what i'm saying i said do you need a background singer what the [ __ ] are you talking about do you need a background singer i need a job i said man yeah if you want to do it and i went on the road and i sang backgrounds behind the microphone behind the background microphones it wasn't a featured artist it's tank would hit records i'll sit behind that microphone and sing my [ __ ] part right make sure i get paid but i love music that much i don't care what it is you need me to play piano that's what i do sing a background got it i don't care what it takes so when you love something like that when you go through moments like that it won't shake you you know what i'm saying you'll be down about the bank account you'll be down at the halls ain't chasing you like they used to but when you love it you feel like there's always a chance and you got a fighting chance so i always had i thought i had a fighting chance because i loved it and if you love it i promise you if you love it you'll see no other way i don't have a plan b i play sports but i stopped growing in 10th grade my arms kept growing my feet kept growing but i didn't get i didn't get any talk right you know what i'm saying i went to college for like two months on a full scholarship and they wanted me to turn in math and english homework i was like where they do that at i'm out i didn't have a plan b it was music or nothing that's the i mean that's kind of the case for a lot of artists like that for me with comedy yeah you know [ __ ] around it's like hey this this anything i can do in the field of comedy i'm gonna [ __ ] with i'm gonna focus on writing i'm trying to direct some [ __ ] trying to get there yeah it's so many positions to play outside of just being a star music music it's a gang of [ __ ] you can do know what i learned you know what i'm saying and so like if i'm uh of course i want to assign people who love who love who love the art who have the gift but i'm also i'm also enamored by people who work [ __ ] hard right yeah let me tell you something some hard-working [ __ ] out there would have to talent little trump some really gifted people every time a trump some really gifted people you have rarities where there's hard work and and and just you know gift out of this world usher you know what i'm saying chris brown beyonce like you you have that right you know what i'm saying but that's a lot more rare like that's a rare that you got work ethic and right gift out of this world they give normally those what you ride off that's what you never had to work hard you can always lean on it you know you know the hoopers in the hood it was just always good you know what i'm saying get you know where i just always get you pick first that's it just get you on the playground and then when the real coach come in and send you through them suicides and send you through them drills other [ __ ] you gonna look like oh you ain't number one no more you number 14 hit first and drafted not drafted at all facts you don't even get called to the draft you're in church leaders so many that's why draft night be hurting [ __ ] bro what [ __ ] be knowing that cold i'm in an average 31 this season at itt tech these people don't even know you in the draft [ __ ] because because because when you go to them workouts you get around dogs who who may not have all the gift that you have but they're not going to play with opportunities without that that that dog that work ethic they going balls to the wall every time every every whistle every time everything they got every time you say i ain't doing all that it's a [ __ ] that i ain't gonna die for all the loose balls i ain't doing all that yeah it's a [ __ ] that's gonna stretch out every time he's gonna break his collarbone no cap so that's you know moving into the label the executive space is what i'm looking for i'm looking for i'm looking for hard workers so when did you ever think that you were like all right i got over that hump like here we go i knew it first taste of success type [ __ ] well maybe i deserved was my first taste of success my first taste of it of you for you for me right because we knew of you yeah i deserved it was like oh yeah so and it's and it's funny because you know i didn't know anything about writing hit records i didn't know anything about producing hit records right i was just writing and producing what i love and what i knew what i was experiencing right so maybe i deserved this record you know i'm sitting at the restaurant the time and i just took my woman you know to this uh to this outlet mall and took her shopping right well you know because i [ __ ] up yeah no no i was born i had about three hundred dollars on me oh [ __ ] three hundred [ __ ] chicks is okay it's been fun getting in with y'all but we bout to pack this [ __ ] up and we going on the road now we're going up to new york bro it's time for us to go back to new york so look don't take it no kind of way when we leave what are we doing oh [ __ ] all that son yo september 4th b you already know what the [ __ ] time it is yo brooklyn we coming through son you already know what it is you [ __ ] stupid are you stupid you heard we coming loose at the king brooklyn new york son yeah we don't know kd coming back but we coming you already know september 4 son [ __ ] is [ __ ] crazy we coming son you are worth my [ __ ] kiss b you already know what it is [Music] september 4th huh brother in new york you already know what time it is ghetto legends tour number two brooklyn baby you already know what it is [Applause] [Music] september 20th i will be in greensboro north carolina man if you rock with your boy come on even if you don't rock with your boy come out and check me out man what's up what you was known for ah you brought the fifth grade up now we're gonna ask well since y'all in choir i i played scrooge in our christmas play you did a good job yeah so did this you do a good job bro excellent job my teacher told me then she said i don't know what you want to do like career-wise but you're a star your teacher told you that what's the teacher's name miss gang look at the camera give her something thank you miss and look at me now what greensboro north carolina september 20th push up on and i took her shopping cause i [ __ ] up i did i caught [ __ ] up and and while we sitting there taking on this massive shopping spree we got bags and we sit in this little restaurant eating and she just go into this funk cause you know women it only take them a split second to have a thought that'll send them somewhere else right split second yeah right and i'm just like we slash back what's wrong we just was having a great time she's like no i'm just i'm just thinking about how you just get to get away with this you know i was like she's like i just feel like you know you don't truly understand like you deserve for for this to happen to you you deserve for me to do all of these things to you know hold the [ __ ] up um thought right now she said what are you doing this is a [ __ ] tune right right right and what else do i deserve and so i go back to my to my unfinished basement at my mama house where i got my little equipment set up my mpc my xp-80 and i just make this little track and write this little song let the homies hear what y'all think about that is like it's cool let's go hoop man wait wait no michael i got no outlet what no you know what i'm saying soundcloud or no [ __ ] like that no just just another song right so i'm about to sell this song to dave hollister call the label hey man i've got this batch of songs i sent y'all y'all wasn't really [ __ ] made of myself today he's like alright cool sell it to him check was it was a day late called ben alexander yeah bernard what what a check at my [ __ ] like what's happening right here like it was it was a mix up and and and business affairs jack will be there day after morning where we tank we got you next day i got a call from black round i said tank if you sell that song we're going to kill you i say who from who black black brown black one records that's it i said like kill me cam yeah we're like yeah we're gonna kill you kid damn it's like damn i said but what about what about dave hollis they supposed to send me the check we'll deal with that so maybe i deserve became my song i still don't know what a hit song is they say you're not a hit producer so we're going to get producers to reproduce this track for you do what you do absolutely we're gonna get j dub you know what i'm saying we're gonna get uh uh fort knox we're gonna get butter we're gonna get all we need five six different producers to re to try and reproduce this track none of it worked they said you know what we just gonna put out your song [ __ ] it we'll see what happens so they could recreate nothing to nothing it didn't make sense right they ain't right because well because it wasn't a great track to them no in real life it wasn't a great track it wasn't me a melody that reinvented the will it wasn't a story that you hadn't heard before but what it was was the marriage of all of those simple things together we're just magic man that [ __ ] was so believable though come on like ain't no way you could've just made i ain't never like just hearing you talking about it [ __ ] i thought this [ __ ] really had happened no it didn't happen okay no i really she really did say you deserve she really did go out on a date look at this yeah she went crazy at the end a lot of people didn't catch the man grab your neck chase you down the street i'm so glad that record came out of two maps [Laughter] [Applause] hilarious where you gonna go you live 20 minutes away you're gonna walk it's a wrap you know ran 20 minutes i thought i died so i got this record and it started changing my life when did they really pick up 2 000 into 2000 going into 2001. i started watching the venues go from 100 200 people three four five thousand two thousand to finally get the summer jams and i'm co-headlining with nelly or cole headlining with ludacris co-headlining with j jar rule it was a thing how long did it take for the record to actually because you know some people mm-hmm six seven months yeah six seven eight months catch all the way up i was catching a brick on my first record so that was going bad but then this record came in and so it's like now you had album before there's a nope just single no this is this is a singles yeah and mind you i just spent all this money you know what i'm saying i'm in the red like a [ __ ] over a million in the ring damn for sure you know what i'm saying and so this record is going and it goes and you know i'm tank and my first birthday party shaq shows up like the the championship shack yes that's crazy shaq at my birthday right so this is me getting a taste of it i think i've arrived right slowly comes out i still think i've arrived i'm wearing two-piece leather suits performing are you really in your bag right in my bag well the black man started wearing leather come out the lights i brought some leather pants with me they had at the hotel that was around um and and then after my the this album comes out doing well middle of it you know kind of doing well elia passes so that those you know that kind of really sets us all back sends everything into limbo um and we're trying to recover from that um during all of that we get my one-man album together and we put that out doesn't do well um and we get to a christmas time where you know i'm old like 750 000 i got 1500 in the bank [ __ ] record company won't give it to me you know i i start i decide i'm gonna take matters into my own hands you know i'm not a killer but don't push period so that cost me 2002-2007 but in between that time i just started writing and producing for everybody [ __ ] it working with underdogs all of that making great records but i didn't feel like i had arrived somewhere i didn't feel like that i was doing something until 2007. please don't go six of the pain that's when i said oh [ __ ] i'm somebody we beat we we beat every record company our indie record comes beat every every major record label how did he [ __ ] do that i watched that record climb from three spins to three thousands but i watched it every day and i was back i said now i'm that [ __ ] right i'm here that's my real first taste of success going back home to dc and headlining howard homecoming that was my first taste of success you know what i'm saying for those who don't know who's watching tell them oh spins are basically how many songs how many times your song gets played on the radio and so you know depending on the number you know let's let's let's set the number at 5000 for the number one record you know i'm saying every every record spins are falling below that you know what i'm saying so i watch my record climb from three spins right to if the top is 5 000 to plus 5 000 spins over and hold number one for 15 weeks but i heard i heard you say independent labels so a lot of people don't know you went you had an independent label you beat all the other records all the majors how so you say your independent label so you signed yourself not me black ground was independent right so black round was only getting distribution from motown and but all our staff was in-house radio promo everything was in-house we employed our own people we didn't use none of their staff we y'all didn't use another motown no all black rock all black line yeah that's what we do at the 85th south shore we ran it up that's it we ran that hole up did i have a campaign strategy oh they were just like we just had a record we just had a hit we just just straight good music we just had a hellified record and we were in a position to where we couldn't lose we had already we had already lost baby girl you know what i'm saying so we couldn't lose so we were fighting for we were fighting for a bunch of things right right and that record that record did it right yeah well you know people always got to respect your longevity how did you make yourself last this long in the game where you know the season changed and everybody be gone he was like whatever happened to an r b especially the way you see this because we were just talking so like it was hundreds of r b singers everybody saying nice the raffle gonna took the thing and melanie i'm a competitor first right you know i'm saying i'm a i'm you know i want i competed everything basketball football we used to we used to wrestle in milwaukee like wrestling was like you know it was like playing tag or something you know i'm saying you see a stranger walking down the street or you see two [ __ ] rising like [ __ ] can i get in yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] random wrestler random wrestling that's pretty that's pretty that was before the world ended yeah whatever you i'm talking about all this [ __ ] is fake on wwf yeah [ __ ] was real in the grass i've been atomic drop i've been suplexed i've been ddt i mean i got i got i got grass marks in my forehead in real life dirty we grew up fighting [ __ ] a [ __ ] trying to hit you with a chair you on your way home man we laughing but it's a [ __ ] with permanent injuries from childhood wrestling bro yeah bro that's how we you know so i'm a competitor first like i'm always watching young [ __ ] i'm always watching who producing the [ __ ] who writing the [ __ ] who's singing this [ __ ] i'm watching everybody you know what i'm saying because because i got to compete at the highest level and i don't want to be behind i want to either be in it or step ahead of it right you know what i'm saying that my gift allowed me to be that but the competitor in me allowed me to stay in it and understand it right what most people don't understand is the business of music is to understand the landscape of music i was just about to ask you like what's your creative process when it comes down to it's anything i can make i can make music anyway just like he turned on the beat we make music no beat at all i'll make music the thought coming my man 805. [ __ ] 805 805. yeah that's the song we'll rap about what we'll sing about what was going on at 805. you know what i'm saying like it's unlimited and and and i was blessed to not have a a way i don't need a thing in order to create i don't i'm not addicted to anything i'm not just turn the mic on let's work that's my creative process that's hard cause y'all really overcame everything and all the extra [ __ ] yeah yeah burn the business the business is the killer right because the business the business if you don't know how to navigate it that'll that'll kill your spirit you know what i'm saying because the business is designed to make money right the business is not designed to give a [ __ ] about you thanks right you notice the difference like i said when you're making money with money coming in man them calls is answered like a [ __ ] pick up the first ring matter of fact call you first man how's your day you good all right just checking in on you you need anything [ __ ] you go dry i couldn't get a [ __ ] on the phone for five years that's crazy literally damn and so i had to reprogram my thinking like i'm taking it personally i'm going to go like i'm going to kill me a [ __ ] but then i'm i'm learning as i'm learning as i'm working with all these different producers and i'm working on all these different artists and just learning more and learning more i'm like ah so i got to figure out on my own how to make these [ __ ] pay attention to me i got to figure that part out how to make them want to spend an extra 100 000 in market money i got to figure that out you know you say some way you recorded the whole album at fox crib i recorded probably two albums at jamie [ __ ] up that was when i was quitting i was quitting because i was like you know after the one man i was like man this [ __ ] is [ __ ] i'm better than him him her i'm looking at the charts like i'm better than all these [ __ ] this [ __ ] is political i want to do this [ __ ] no more [ __ ] jamie was like what you mean you ain't gonna do this [ __ ] to myself i'm out i'm just mean jamie he's a [ __ ] you're not going nowhere cause if you leave what i'm gonna do i said what do you what do you mean by that [ __ ] i listen to you what i'm a what i'ma draw from what i'ma pull from and the sister looking at me she thought now she's like yeah [ __ ] thug [ __ ] ain't going no [ __ ] weird [ __ ] yeah and i'm like okay well he said you're going to stay at my house and you're going to use my studio until you figure it out right that's where i went into my producing and writing mode and i started making records and started making noise oh for marion naked for marcus houston um um fantasia uh reuben studdard uh tyrese the list goes on and on and on and all that was from fox crew no no all the stuff i did at fox trip is still at his house he won't he won't let her go he he won't let that out that was just all me that's that's his planet he be [ __ ] the tank he's got a full unreleased everything in new song some of the songs go on his album and he just like some sometimes he said [ __ ] sometimes i just put on the robe and take a glass of wine and i just you know just go in there and listen to tank songs by myself right but that sent me into that and then and then um shout out to my og flint and shout out to southwest t from bmf right they decided to get in business together since my record label wasn't picking up the phone and invest money into my project he said let's make a tank project shout out to harvey mason jr who out of the blue said one day we should make a tank album i was like why the [ __ ] would we do that all right so let's just do it see what happens in comes fast and then comes bmf and now we got money to work and play and all of this is starting to get back to the label hey what the [ __ ] is going on over there with our artists i'm your artist now yeah you goddamn right you are artists you know that turns into whatever unfolded from that turns into sex love and pain and you know again that's where i felt like i was the guy but then also even in the in the story i'm listening to it takes some friends to believe in you too though yeah yeah like you got a strong neighborhood [ __ ] like hey [ __ ] [ __ ] what you talking about man science music song imagine a jamie foxx who i don't know like that right he's already he's he's saying he [ __ ] like he's about it he's like at this point he was like he was like getting a million every three pages or some [ __ ] like that in the script every three every three or four pages in my country like and then in the movie he was shooting they added scenes so it was more painful the movement right right right and he looked he's looking out for broke broke blew me you know i'm saying like nah nah i gotta help you little fella right and so you know there started that journey right and learning from him and and and picking up you know picking up invaluables that i didn't know i would need in 2022 how to work the room my comedic timing oh come on you know what i'm saying acting at is fine it's really studying characters and really understanding nuances like all that from fox stole all of it when i said it i sit at the piano and do all my comedy bits from the piano it's jamie fine man we brought a keyboard for you they stole that yeah we definitely did give me that yeah we brought one for you was that ever a song you gave away with you like i want that [ __ ] well you just was like [ __ ] that [ __ ] good nope your little head because i don't make songs for me right make it further i make it for the artist like i don't have a somebody called me the other day like i know you got something sitting in the vault no actually i don't i don't i don't have songs sitting in the vault i make songs when it's time to make records do you listen to music just cause you're in the game cause i'll be doing this now i can hear or if uh influence from another artist you be like oh yeah which car wrote this oh what you call wrote this like if you hear a song from a particular artist can you tell the writers behind it i used to be able to right but it's so many writers now it's so many producers now and and and people do a lot of camps now you know what i mean so it's a lot of collaboration it's way more collab producing than there's ever been because you got guys now that'll send the guitar pack and then guys that'll send the keyboard pack and then guys that'll snatch from the guitar pack and snaps from the keyboard pack and do all the drums around that and then so you got three different [ __ ] already right on one track because it's digital so now [ __ ] is your sending [ __ ] oh what you need some string package i'm gonna send that to you right now bro put that and didn't put the drums on it before you know it's old it's four five [ __ ] so you don't know who's doing what the fans we think is the artist and the producer right in the studio so yeah i used back in the day i used to be able to pick out a jimmy jam and terry lewis i used to be able to pick out a baby face right you know what i'm saying like guys who have a thing you can pick out pharrell right you can pick out timberland you know i'm saying you can pick out uh who else you used to better pick out track masters um you can pick out the underdogs you can pick out manny fresh what about what about me missy [ __ ] be sleeping on me missy is probably one of the coldest creators of creatives of all time i wish she answered me back on twitter man she ain't answering me back too i know her she has good friends i don't feel bad i don't feel bad no [ __ ] baby i feel excellent hey bro missy missy man well i love this [ __ ] you gotta catch us somewhere in the club at an event or something just show up hey i'm scared i'm when i see her cause i ain't gonna bear to stop myself from from doing what i'm saying is you're from [ __ ] i love music bro yeah everybody do yeah yeah she's one of the most creative like in between her and buster rhymes that's probably enough creativity to light up the entire world to light up the entire world to give electricity tell you the entire that's that's right that's that's all that's a art somebody who's an artist yeah i need to draw that for real oh that'd be crazy that'd be dope missing bust they used to collab a lot they got a few am i them like in two in terms of creatives right my two favorite who did you study like who did you study when you just go before you go to the to the yo or anything who would you just listen to i studied in church i was in church in in high school i was a professional in gospel i was signing in gospel in high school so that's my hold up a professional that's what he said i was signed oh yeah i was assigned artist and god sang with a choir so once you get signed you're not considered a professional consider the pro it's like going to the league babe you as a professional got it because i ain't going now you're a pro bro i wanted to go to a game i got signed back then when you get a deal right you're pro okay you right that's different okay but once you get signed you you're probably okay professional gospel singing you're a pro and so you know for me it was ken burrell reverend john p key commissioned uh you know all of those people daryl coley right studying all of that um and then when i finally got into r b you know i started with safe songs you know i'm saying the songs i could sing you know what i'm saying i would i would study babyface because if the girls asked me to sing something his was clean right so i was saying babyface you know i'm saying i would study his production that [ __ ] was him it had to work and it you know but it i it i wasn't trying to do nothing with it i was a church kid i was trying to abstain at the time oh yeah and the troubles of the world i was trying to abstain that that was the devil i'm trying to you know i'm saying i had one little girlfriend and i was just i mean i was thinking everything genuine it was this one and then and then once i got into r b then geodesy was introduced to me jesus game changer yeah game changer and then you know of course i used to always sing a wedding so brian mcknight was in the in in the in in the role you know i'm saying he was in the lineup when did you learn piano though i was baby sorry i started five i started five drums at five piano five i was a kid yeah one thing i don't know i'm so musically inclined that's [ __ ] it's like the black keys once i start going up to the black key you get different from different for me just don't [ __ ] with me it's it's it's really not giving up right until you're playing what you want to hear right right and it's frustrating right it's hell right but i started at five again so you got years of learning you know what i'm saying how do you i'm 30. you're 30 right and you smoke weed yeah yeah yeah so and the books do not work all right put c f sharp no no that don't work man it's a different muscle to try and you know what the week you got to do with the piano slow you down i'm going to find out piano player y'all hear that weed smokers they trying to challenge you no no no no i got to do this for the fans uh play the piano hat challenge 85 percent actually gonna be out you know they can play but they ain't learned somebody didn't learn to play you was already having to learn i'm gonna find the next high [ __ ] pianist america's highest pianist and then robert oh so like robert so that was a combination of babyface brian mcknight and r kelly damn enjoy the c and boys to men all that was my studies i knew jodeci was serious about r b when they wore leather in the desert listen i saw jodeci as little cedric and the haley singers little cedric lil cedric in the hayley centers that's the case that was their name at first that was a core tech group it was gospel first little cedric and the hailey singers you ought to be born again ought to be born again [Music] that was the thing before cocaine i don't give a [ __ ] but we're gonna learn how to sing yeah you're gonna get that slick [ __ ] y'all [Music] but you know it's that evolution like now we're like in a place where we're like we're kind of creating we're kind of almost missing something you know what i'm saying because back then like you said it took time right [ __ ] [ __ ] in the hallways school hallways rehearsing right and you know in chorus class and all of these things and then church and all these places perfecting their craft think showmanship just like how you said like it's no you don't see the the ones that's putting that effort into it like i sit back and study too you know what i'm saying i get frustrated just because i know for a fact they can't see me fully reach my peak with the music because of the way my scheduling is like i know what's missing it's you like you said it's the usher and the chris brown and then who who is willing to put in that work to go up there and really give these folks a show besides just yeah they know your song and you want the people to sing which you like and walk side to side on the stage on a [ __ ] show and and and and i put it on the consumer stop settling for that [ __ ] yeah they they they settling for it they packing the buildings out to see a walker when [ __ ] walk side to side on the stage right packing the clubs out to see a [ __ ] stand in one place right they're doing it they're not demanding more because they're still eating so it's like you want to require and demand more but because it's showing up now there is a difference you can tell the difference in the venues from the [ __ ] that do that [ __ ] you go to a chris brown venue you know the difference [ __ ] give me the chill when you go to a drake venue you go to a beyonce venue you go see usher in vegas that's the show you'll see the difference so it pays off right but even before you get to that level there's still a lot of money where people are getting paid to do damn nothing facts you know what i'm saying like you're an entertainer and if you ever like just stop and took the time to really develop your [ __ ] you you'll be a problem because you you naturally entertain it's just your gift right [ __ ] before anything [ __ ] as soon as you start talking [ __ ] just listening what this [ __ ] getting ready you got him right here i mean you throw up you throw a hit record along with that that's a wrap hmm better beat you i know you hell on the road on the tour with these [ __ ] on the comedy tour i know you're hell tough to deal with boy that [ __ ] crazy i know it's hell not real trying to follow you man hell you're an entertainer [ __ ] you got some [ __ ] are just born with something different you know what i'm saying like you look at a will pharaoh like as soon as you look at him like man we both will pharaoh was standing at the free-throw line shooting free throws and we were just laughing he was just shooting free throws but the gift of will pharaoh was just it was just oozing out of him right we had to laugh at him while he was shooting free throws it was just funny as [ __ ] we're just waiting to hear what the [ __ ] you getting ready to say or what kind of noise you're getting ready to make like this [ __ ] different what are you about to do you got you got it got [ __ ] listening and waiting i talked to dude all about you man i [ __ ] with that [ __ ] that [ __ ] right there that little [ __ ] fearless [ __ ] with that [ __ ] you cup you you you put a record with that that's why it's so easy not easy but when i go into comedy and and i do stand up it's easier for me mm-hmm because i know how to entertain you i know how to do this you got to laugh at every joke that's not going to rattle me they don't scream on every song i'm used to that right but i know how to entertain it's part of my repertoire still keep doing my [ __ ] right i'm gonna get you with one of these [ __ ] right i'm gonna just stay on the path when you start doing stand up [ __ ] about three four years ago that's crazy yeah you know you know [ __ ] crazy i've been on stage it's all over huh being in the coming club i've been improv miami uh uh get this shirt off [Applause] so i went with cisco duran right word and and and carlos mencia okay okay mancilla and i was open you was out there with mencia absolutely you see this and i was opening in rooms where people didn't know who i was and i didn't know that the comedy rooms were different from the music rooms i had no idea i'm thinking i can't tell him everything bro i'm thinking about to get some you know a little tank love no and it was like yes it meant give it up for tank comedy crowds love your real name bro i'm thinking tank is the name that's going to work and give me something some type of sympathy last night [ __ ] they know what the [ __ ] i was it was one girl the audience was like uh i know you got to have two names in a comedy game even if it's two nicknames yeah chucky ducky marty lawrence kevin hart the [ __ ] you gotta be real i don't think the real bad i'm here to get him out of jail you know his name no is there something about comedy and having two names you got to have at least tank the tank the tank i just say it twice little tank tank tank now if you were a comedian [Applause] i was doing all of you know i had on the night shirts i was doing it i was doing all this [ __ ] and i was like i don't want that huh did you have a piano like that yeah the piano okay okay okay i got a piano kick the ass [ __ ] up to this [ __ ] jumping at me you say damn but my gauge was my gauge was naive nyam was my gauge hey why are you gonna you're gonna find me time time tank works man i'm telling you guys man don't be tanking that that's that's what's up so the real baptist is a real night roberts that's how i knew that i was gonna be i was doing the right thing because if i was gonna cry like you know i'm like but yeah hey you know the scary part about this [ __ ] it's a comedian so well i always named the tank tank and when you see this take my [ __ ] you gonna get me in let me say [Music] syracuse new york syracuse ghetto legends and the upstate medical do you want to first i know we're going to the hospital we're at the upstate medical university arena in syria right there upstate medical university arena fast don't go to the hospital we're gonna get the arena [ __ ] yeah [Music] north carolina what's going on man september 21st i will be in your city if you rock with me come put even if you don't rock with me come push up on me man and come get these jokes man it's going up anytime a [ __ ] starts breathing hard when is his turn to read that paragraph giving the [ __ ] up god damn man man you gave me the harder one god damn do you want mine right here you sure i got the second paragraph the the the decent tried again trevor the the dancing remember your short ian your lonely man i'm like it's the decision slow-ass [ __ ] you seen me on the 85 shot show you might have seen me in coming to america too for a little bit and if you like them shift leader skits man push up on me man at the comedy zone september 21st hey man welcome back to the 85 sound show [Music] but this was nominated for the black people image award for show of the year nice number one show that black women get their hair done too yeah yeah the number one show amongst black truck drivers with internet in their truck y'all didn't know that dude i think we got in there i just know that anything that got to do with some black people we associated with it yeah especially in the neighborhood if you're like predominantly black this is the official part what we're doing double acp um which is the coach coaches the culture can be manipulated they be trying to repackage that [ __ ] and see that [ __ ] okay gmo code right culture with additives and preservatives you see what i'm saying that why we gotta have antioxidants well you just today make sure you check out some of that music i made awesome new music on the site you might have heard [Applause] oh [Music] our shows and do some comedy there okay we got to bring you out somewhere if you gotta give us five minutes of coming to the piano [ __ ] we brought piano y'all ass ain't even playing man y'all bro y'all brought a keyboard y'all ain't bringing a piano oh hold up now i know you ain't gonna judge i can't blew up here all the [ __ ] you just said you had to overcome don't say trouble let's bring that around you that's your stance is that cool then you said you had to record in the basement half finish yeah my keyboard was better than better than this one though damn this [ __ ] we gonna make music we're not in the music i love the music you don't love music i love [Laughter] [Music] turn the [ __ ] on god damn it make some sound play this [ __ ] okay all right [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] as only he could he's five might be a perfect time to do a little devotion before we depart come on bible says that if there will be one one or two gathered [Music] uncle charles yo [Music] and he shouldn't be gone he shouldn't be gone [Music] [Applause] he don't want you to change anyhow he just wants you to be willing to change put down the weed that ain't what he wants what he wants looking wild with it he's asking what he wants but jesus passed it to me that ain't what he want and now when he turned water to wine exactly he did something you know why he did that because they didn't ever run out of weed he didn't have to turn weed into nothing because they brought enough they made sure it was in abundance and they shared with their neighbor that's why it's called [Music] [Music] people don't appreciate [ __ ] you made jesus didn't turn their water in the wind and somebody walked right over there until they went like what kind of what kind of wine is that is that merlot oh you ain't making a fight oh ain't no zipping damn i only drink ziffendale i'm only 13. it's always there one person you turn it back in the water you ain't got no sleeping deal all i drink is sipping them that's all i drink jesus [Music] i don't [Music] let's be trippin online [Music] [ __ ] y'all [Music] [Music] that's what it told [Music] which one is it [Music] [Applause] [Music] ain't done [Music] [Music] nothing to nobody [Music] [Applause] i smoked some wheat and i got myself back together what [Music] [Applause] a lot of y'all just came outside and you don't remember that great whole drought pole drought went on for wing didn't cause she was six dogs six dollars so you can just know what year that was 2002 i remember when wings didn't even get expensive until you got up to a 20 piece oh talk that tall and then we thought they was true because they wanted 22 dollars for 20 weeks you know what 20 wings cost you now 672 shits have got expensive talk about it i put so much gas in my truck i thought i missed the goddamn hole i said some of this [ __ ] got to be going on the ground [Music] [Music] [ __ ] too i think the middle gas and the cheap gas is the same game three gas truck pull up they put it all in one saw the same truck but that's with the guys with the guys with the guys [Music] [Music] they come at the same pump so if somebody who pumped their gas before me get some 89 and i come behind them and get some 87 how much 89 do i get that with left over so if i switch my 87 bills to 89 what i i don't know what the [ __ ] is going on see pumping gas is some freaky ass [ __ ] cause i know i ain't the only one that'll fill my tank up then shake it like i just took a piss to make sure i get all my gas i shake it before i pump it i want whatever level i think we do that as a habit yeah i need him always shaking some there's some freaky [ __ ] you putting a big ass [ __ ] gas pump in a little hole that hole looked like it ain't did nothing to nobody even got a little flap on it so i like the store in my life yep got a little cap on putting up yeah got a little cap on here and a little flap on him hold it see you can't see down in that hole it's a little flat they covered up like huh come on freaking [ __ ] no don't have me [Music] one more time and that's what's gonna happen every time you stop through the trap yeah i know this is your first time hey man don't let it be your life don't let it be your last chance we wanted you to come over here cause we [ __ ] with your music man and big salute and keep doing your things unless you plan to stream these songs 1500 times i need a pure purchase from you 9.99 hit that itunes store you want the hard copy hit that amazon.com you understand what i'm saying at walmart.com they're sending you a hard copy 1500 spins is equal nine ninety nine nine nine nine fifteen hundred million fifteen hundred yeah dying oh they working oh they working this yeah [ __ ] don't be knowing how much money they really getting paid they just getting that's right anything working us fifty they get to listen to your song how many times your album how many times over before you get a pure album set come on [ __ ] time bro come on a [ __ ] gonna play a good cd about a good thousand it did go back to it we need pure sales right that's gonna help the conversation when people say r b is dead the way we fix that conversation is we affect the bottom line by people going out and supporting it right and showing up in big numbers to celebrate our music that's how we change we're making it right right just support it and thank you all for the opportunity you know what i'm saying to come over here yeah come and wear my nice pants and [ __ ] yeah you know what i'm saying [ __ ] man and i don't even i don't even smoke man i think i'm high you probably aren't done did you hit yourself you were yelling he was angry [Music] oh yes screaming i was screaming i'm screaming [Applause] we can do it just like this ladies and gentlemen [Music] okay [Music] uh [Music] [Music] you know celebrating my brothers [Music] millions all over the world and i've been blessed to come onto their beautiful platform and uh and just share my information and share my army money these two i had two favorite parts about being on the show one was finding the nickname you know i'm saying i think i think we sell it on a little tank tank so a little tank tank might be my new comedy comedy name my stage name and uh and you know just getting ready just just getting into the vibe with the piano you know what i'm saying and getting our pre-chunk and our sing-off that was i think we took things up enough [Music] hey [Music] if i could add one thing to the trash it would be it would be a felt painting of a jaguar and like and like a black couple on the jaguar that that was in every hood house and then right there in that door opening i would ask some bees there was bees there was beads in every every every house and then like the walkway you know what i'm saying you remember the little plastic walkway to share with your grandma's house the plastic walkway did connect it you know what i'm saying and overlap and by the living room in the kitchen i had we'd have that and then i put some plastic on this [ __ ] wrapped this couch up in [ __ ] plastic you know i'm saying to preserve the integrity of the couch because black people the couch had to last for at least four generations before they got rid of that [ __ ] the way it did is it wrapped it in plastic that's all that's all after the trap maybe a trash can there's a lot of [ __ ] on the floor you know i'm saying [Music] catch a real one and see what i'm talking about
Channel: The 85 South Comedy Show
Views: 1,220,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RV9y1DzNcDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 49sec (4549 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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