Jamie Foxx • R&B Money Podcast • Episode 001

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to the army money podcast yeah yeah this is jake y'all know what it is this is jamie mother hey first of all i want to thank you for letting me come here but i think the champagne is great okay but i think we need to go further i think we this is this is you know how to hit the bottle against the chip mm-hmm you got the bottle right there you're okay all right i think we need to start right there you want to okay you want to go van alden you want to go no you you ready to go there you say veto yeah that's that's where it all started going back [ __ ] that don't know oh my god let's do it i thought i heard the cops like it outside just now when he said life changing van allen was like life changing you know what it was about that house banana yellow yeah i mean that's that's what i remember about that but as soon as you pull up you see this yellow bentley outside and it was terrible for l.a where's carter hold on because everybody knew everybody yeah yeah but here's the thing you know when i first got to l.a i drove down beverly hills and i saw bijan and i said bijan you said is that a big job bro that your bentley used to be parked outside of bijan and i be i have no money i just think man when i get on i'm getting that [ __ ] i'm a yo what have you said somebody see i'm a leo right here i'm gonna get that [ __ ] and the next thing you know i got on and it was came up for sale i said i need that so that's the one that used to sit on rodeo drive yes sit on roads right everybody that and then then it moved then it was on uh melrose he got something on melrose that he's that he got he's rich as [ __ ] no but yeah but i got the car when it had definitely depreciated fox it wasn't it wasn't a bad time um and the money god damn it then all that's the biggest shout out to van gaal all right thank you thank you guys for tuning in let's go back to van gaal i've been walking into a club i've been walking into a club it might have been the gate wow walking into the gate tank you're going there right now and i'm walking in and there's the gate at what was that the gate on las vegas i'm walking in the gate yeah and when i'm walking in i think brother wendell's with me walking in the walking in the gate rob russell saw my brother and um i hear somebody say hey tank and i'm like who the [ __ ] is yelling my name tank and i turn around and it's jamie foxx i'm like oh y'all the way i was introduced to you is that somebody said somebody in your lane dog says what because i was trying to sing and they said it's this dude named tank y'all sound similar to him [ __ ] [ __ ] with me [ __ ] that but i'm getting ready to go do ali and the girl i'm dating at the time we flying to africa to africa so we stopped at the record store for all y'all don't understand this is when you go buy records i'll go on the record store i say hey let's get some records so i can listen as we on this long ass fight and i said they told me about some [ __ ] name tank supposed to be in my lane but let me go see so i'm going to get my cds and then i get to your [ __ ] cd and first of all you got your shirt off that's all yeah my titties it's not like the first five albums so your shirt is off and i look and immediately i looked at my girl to see if she saw because i'm definitely hiding this i said oh [ __ ] it then i pulled the [ __ ] out i saw no no we're not going to see that so i got all my cds and i put them on the table to buy but i put you at the bottom no disrespect no but we don't need to see all that and this is a walkman days right so i didn't have no batteries i said damn i gotta get batteries for my walkman so i go to get my wagon by the time i got back my girl had slept with you she basically uh mentally [ __ ] you because when i get back not only is your cd out but it's on top and opened all the way up she's smoking a cigarette i said it was i said did you just [ __ ] this i just was just look i just got damn it so so it goes from that to being on the plane flying for 18 hours to get to africa and listening to your music and i said wow i said wow absolutely amazing never heard a voice the song you're freaking i know my show freaking they told me they told me it was a freak yeah i'm [Music] but here's the thing i heard your music i said man why let's do this this dude is extremely talented and i let my me and my girl we had the we had the twin i had no money so we had the twin walkman so we could both both here at the same time we holding hands like go ahead let this [ __ ] just get us in the mood you know we're gonna go we ain't gonna take what we're doing on the plane anyway yeah okay but when we landed i felt compelled because i see all my african brothers and i didn't have a way to play your music out i literally would say you have to hear this kid named tank and i would put it i said tim who is this tink because we was in mozambique who is tink i said you have to hear it and i put it on the ears and you will see her as a oh it is good it is it and they passed it around the whole damn near the whole village and that's how much you impacted me and everybody know me man i think that we all as artists grow when we see other artists there are that are exceptional yeah because when you're coming up your dream is singular to you you are the most talented in the region of where you are but when you get here you see that wow there's a lot of guys and girls that god has touched and have exceptional abilities so when i saw you i freaked out because i was like wow that's the dude that pretty much was the soundtrack of me doing ali me and my girl we was just like i couldn't believe it and then to go further i was having a house party event all day and then i came well yeah and somebody said go take i said and then the [ __ ] who i said that's not fair you can't hoop and sound like that fight i said this is [ __ ] but but but i but you know i i i don't ever hate it was just like i could not believe that your voice sounded like that and that dude that you wrote like that and then we went on to write you know you know fantastic the the the crazy parallel to that is as as you were yelling at me screaming like man i've been looking for you at that point i was looking for a way out yeah and i didn't you know what i mean for us to come together at that time was necessary because like i'm in your kitchen yeah you know what i'm saying at a few points after that saying i'm done and that's what blew my mind because jay you know like this like our business i'm just an artist so i didn't really understand music business music business was treacherous but when you said you was going to leave the music because i said what the [ __ ] are you saying there's no way we could survive without having your voice in the music business so you said and i didn't you know i don't i don't know what gang i don't know the gangster i don't know i didn't know this [ __ ] was a gay i didn't know he's the light skinned gangster first of all look at his skin this [ __ ] has six in my business he has 16 year old skin every time i see j valentine i just wanna go come here and let me feel this he has the greatest skin but i didn't realize that music was that gangster and you were like basically without saying anything it's like you know it was like other elements that was keeping you away from your dream and i said bro no [ __ ] way i said you stay in my house i had a studio in the back of the crib i said you stay in my house and you do what you need to do uh to make sure that that light don't get put out because if if it did what would we be like i mean like bro think about this where would we be as drink today where would we be without tank wow god damn it my girl you keep the seat because we lost her while we making love she'll keep the cd over here you lost her she keep the cd over here i said you got this the craziest thing about that though fox is that how many artists actually have that story right that at some point all roads led to jamie foxx which is very interesting man this is from a from female to male artist that you have been just uh i don't even i don't even know what to call it man like a yes a godsend for so many young and older artists yeah right to just at some point that couch yeah that studio that party yeah you know what i mean and you're just having a good time right but those parties so many people have met each other so many people have connected with each other so many people have you know have linked up through just you being like you know what i'm just here to have a good time on some old like southern yeah but yeah i mean like in l.a which is it was it was a good time for a reason though because i feel like everybody want to come to a party but i would have the i would have the the every other list every element i would have the weirdos but i would also have the talent like tank when you walked in the whole party went like this because we were like damn this dude does something that we can't do this dude whenever you see someone who's talented that does something that you can't do you go like oh and i would study you so i would always say when it came to the artist it's a way for me to stay refreshed it's away from it's a way for me to stay inspired but look at all of us man at those on those days i remember john b was playing the piano at a party while mystical yeah was rapping while john b played his songs unplugged singing backstreet boys songs i remember brian mcknight playing a song uh and you know brian is you know brian is very you know very himself very okay i said this [ __ ] one time brian i was like man everybody here is saying i don't do that i said [ __ ] i don't do that i told everybody i said we was at a club we would go back to my house brian gonna be there brian go sing and the [ __ ] shined on me he was like hold up let me help let me further that story one day brian calls me to the studio to do it to do a verse on the record and i'm like oh [ __ ] right brian mcknight called me to be on his brimey night i've been singing all of his songs all my life right i go there and do my verse and i'm like he going crazy while i'm doing my first and we gotta come out the booth and we just talk and we just start kind of walking and i'm like man i got this i got a bunch of tracks man i wanna let you hear a couple song ideas like it'd be really dope you know what i'm saying he's like his man i'd love to do that man he opened this door and i'm thinking maybe we're about to go into a lounge or something he was walking me out he wants you out i would love this man hey your car's parked good luck with your luck with that the [ __ ] hit you with your ubers waiting man cause you know what you found out about brian is that he's a competitive guy competitive brian you shoot the like a [ __ ] yeah that's that's eddie cole and he goes he called everything is across back to the right so we get the jump rope oh y'all trying to be friends my bad no you're good nothing no we are not he can't go to his [ __ ] left he couldn't we're not cutting nothing oh you look if you if you look in a in a dictionary and you look for berkeley school of music wow it's brian mcknight yeah right and he had what that is and he shined on me one time that was so amazing he showed of my house in the ferrari and i didn't i would i said what kind of car is it get in the passenger seat you know how that [ __ ] just he just make you feel like yeah there was so much arrogance on everything you ain't seen nothing this is nice [ __ ] took off in my neck almost bro well brian brian right that's a brian brian right he's the greatest greatest greatest so i come to your house me and brother wendell and we in the pool room and while we're in the pool room you're like yeah i'm getting ready to work on this movie and you you break into ray charles yeah right in front of us yeah like on some like talking [ __ ] to rachel talking crazy like yeah i'm about to go do this movie you know what i'm saying we're gonna try that you know we just yeah and me and brother window saying ladies yeah what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is actually scary no it's scary this [ __ ] is scary bro and just like he was asking you before i wanted which of what i wanted to have it you know on camera is how the [ __ ] do you do that well tank you could do it too i can do it but you do it like you did me pause [Laughter] he's standing there like he was standing he said tank be doing this and he went into a full tank thing and i'm looking at him like this right you could do that right because you do nuances like what it was as a kid my grandmother god bless her estelle tally yeah she had a nursery school for 30 years right so the government gave her money to have things like televisions of record players and things like so i would always listen to music five years old six years old she would make me go into where she takes care of kids and it was this big box cabinet television and all the shows would come on sammy davis jr uh um uh it is not unusual to be loved who's that uh one tom jones tom johnson yeah flip wilson but i would watch these shows and i would watch people like rich little if you get a chance whoever's watching google rich little he was this white guy who mimicked everybody he could do all the different mimics now here's the thing later that night the only the only room that had a television was my room where i would sleep my grandma said stay asleep but johnny carson the original host of the tonight show which is what jimmy fallon does right now he would have these great artists come on franklin the jai steve allen who was a white comedian who would do jokes from the piano and so when i watched rich little i would watch him mimic these people rich little did a joke about jimmy carter jimmy carter was our president in 1976 but he had a brother who liked to drink a lot so his joke was uh jimmy carter was singing you light up my life and jimmy hi i'm jimmy carter uh so many nights me and my brother billy would sit on the porch waiting for somebody to bring some peanuts and beer that was the biggest joke at that time in the 70s because everybody knew that his brother was a little bit saucy but to hear him sing you lied at my that's what i wanted to be so i started perfecting the impersonation not for it to be my main thing but just if i needed it like and how old are you at this point i was bro i was 1976 i was 10 years old you guys weren't here i was i just got here which hurts my feelings i wasn't no i just got here i was in i was i was a newborn the valentine had alright i was born january first born yesterday couple years later i was here so so so i would watch that and say hey i don't know where i'm going but wherever i get i want to do that so when i got to la doing jokes in the clubs i would do the mimics like when i first got to la i was the only black guy doing an impersonation of ronald reagan now at that time ronald reagan sounded like this well [Laughter] well as a matter of fact well there you go again and so and it's it's a singers yeah you know as singers we catch the tongue oh yeah you get something yeah and now we do the manners and ronald reagan he would he had a little bit of this and then it was the temp oh well well well yeah well that's the tone but then we just put them in well as a matter of fact there you go again so it was all that mike tyson mike tyson had it was almost like without cheapening what it was when i would watch daffy duck or these animated characters [Music] daffy duck had a lisp right so mike tyson had that you know mike it's a mike tyson i was boxing champion so and then it was a matter of listening to them and so then then it was mike tyson this might happen first of all you might talk to him away back that's when he's young yeah but now when i call mike now older everything all of the life that he's lived the ups and the downs i call mike how are you doing mike i'll pray just to allow my brother i'm just happy why because i don't have any money anymore so i get nobody could take anything from me because out there no more vultures no more creatures around me i'm just happy how are you my good brother so it's matching the tone and then grabbing the mannerism it's right it's it's donald trump uh the people you could shine light and korean versus china china was one who did it she's a very good person china chinese very good people i don't know she's very uh yeah you know so that's a mannerism when you say you know when they asked him about the lady that was with with the f-signals i don't know she seems to be good people she's very good people you know i don't know personally but she seems to be good people i wish her the best she's good [ __ ] so it's a matter of grabbing that tone and then you know you know it just jay-z jay-z that just that yeah it's crazy i i think i think that i think that like you you simplify it because it's way more interesting but it's way more intricate from the outside looking in because sitting next to [Music] ray charles's family and them not knowing the difference between you and him is different well that's what you have to do it's like you have to go beyond the impersonation yeah ray charles hey tell everybody ray charles in time got a dollar no quarter rather clown that's more the impersonation but when we were doing ray charles is how does he order his food how does he talk to his kid what's the quiet moment yeah because if you do the impersonation now you're now you're a sitcom but to do the real person it's it's the quiet moment you know what and when i met ray charles i met him as the older ray charles he comes in i said mr charles i'm just trying to do the best i can to do your do your do your story and he goes hey what if you could play the blues man you could do anything can you play the blues and we sat down and it was music first wow so we were playing the blues you know i'm hanging trying to hang and then he moved into thelonious monk which you know that's that's intricate [ __ ] and he hits a note and i hit a rona he said hey you know why why would you do that why do you hit them don't hit the wrong notes man that's what life is baby taking time to hit the right notes so [ __ ] that's a bar girl that's a bar rachel's taking time taking time [Music] bottles of patron magic city no no king of diamonds for sure and then this [ __ ] will sing yeah i can't make you love me record it still dropped that's the third song of the day circle house studio shout out to circle house circle house the greatest tank talk about that talk for me that that's different bro that's different talk about your instrument talk about where that came from jesus came from yes yeah hallelujah i remember i remember national baptist convention or state baptist convention with my grandmother um and i wanted to sing in the choir so bad you're going fast yeah he's trying to poke jamie back up let me get a shot of tequila cocaine rim where i'm from they call it a salty dog i just like how it smells [Laughter] [Music] it's the shots we shouldn't be drinking champagne another shot no jay valentine i want to see you get mad and whoop somebody else first time i met jay valentine he was playing basketball i brought him to your backyard about to whoop somebody else no i brought him to your backyard first bro bro bro but we went to the studio and did a song and we went to go play in some little backyard court and a switch was flipped and i was like oh my god i don't know who i'm with it's like he's like he's like the walking black version of the incredible hulk you know look the funniest part about that is that thing i mean my father called me yeah it got to my father yeah we had to jay i i've never seen oh so that's what happened is this [ __ ] flash on somebody that was so crazy i was like i said we can't do that think about your life he's a [ __ ] you know who we [ __ ] about i said i know i don't know who you are that [ __ ] flash on somebody i don't know who it was oh man good times you got a call here somebody got drive me home [ __ ] i'll drive you home and keep the truck oh my god to rolls royces that's going to take you out so so i'm a gift that's going to take you guys that's going to take you out i was going to tell you i want to sing at this national about the convention so bad because it's all the churches right all the church my grandmother's the dean acquires the choir of all choirs in the state i'm practicing lead the whole week for jesus you to sinner my joy wow and the required director's like yeah you good i got you you will be all right i'm rehearsing i'm rehearsing all my runs at home i'm getting my runs together i'm in sixth grade sixth grade i got it sixth grade i'm ready i know i had a record deal by the end friday came data performed he says you know what we're going to let these two the two two older guys sing the lead you just gotta throw a fit all right that's [ __ ] i'm like y'all can't do that to me my grandmother's the team wow what's wrong grandson i said they won't let me sing the league no more they said i'm not singing league nobody's been practicing all week my grandmother walked in my grandmother fiery my grandmother is like sure and then played a whole bunch gang she walked in there just so i heard i saw her doing them we're in church in the name of jesus i whip your [ __ ] yeah came back he said all right you good so i get up there and it's time for me to sing my league and i'm singing my lead and i can look and look back at it retrospect and and it was really quiet while i was singing my league and one of the one of the ladies from my church she said take your time darrell oh my god it was a take your time in church black church where someone said explain that to secular people to me when they when they when they say take your time that means you [ __ ] up because right now the lord apparently is not using it and you need to get into his usage exactly so they say take your time exactly um and so by the time the song was at the vamp i noticed i had been boxed out from the microphone by the two older guys and they were ad-libbing and i was ad-libbing to their shoulders i didn't know i just kept singing okay we're walking now going to the cars monty betty who's the choir director for our junior choir she's she's big in the city too i'll say auntie betty how'd i do oh my god you was off baby you was real off she said you was up off oh my god real lost that's tough for a kid shout out to um keep in mind thousand they've been keeping a thousand my whole life one thousand thousand i was like and it didn't hit me like i was a failure it hit me like i got work to do that because if auntie betty wasn't impressed i got more work to do right right and so i started fine tuning sharpening it made me want to be the best right citizen in the john p key you don't want to tell me about that you didn't want to sink to shoulders anymore i discovered this i discovered john p key i discovered daryl coley i discovered commission i discovered the whinings give me some other uh give me something uh i knew you was gonna go there shut up that's my guy you go easy [Music] mitchell jones go keep ordinary just one dude i need someone i need someone there's someone in you that song [Music] favorite thing of all time sean stockman yes absolutely it drove me to be i wanted to since i had messed up my runs then it drove me to be the best runner right drove me to be an olympic star of all times and that and so i'm i'm going to cut forward because at this point i'm in a group i'm a runner i'm the in a group i'm in a group called psalms we're a gospel group i'm the runner if there was a run to as nasty as you i could do you're in a group cause i was a church kid i hadn't graduated to the nasa yeah that you know at this point and nasty came later okay so i'm the runner i'm the run the killer runner so i got this i got this girl that i'm trying to impress and i sing a song to over the phone that i wrote and she was like you know what you sound really good but i just can't understand what you're saying without them yes really i was like these runs are magnificent what do you mean that's what you told her i was like this is this is i'm killing this [ __ ] the humble thing you gotta you gotta chill right and for a year i didn't do no runs i studied fred hammond and i sang straight and i studied keith state and i think so women made you great and so it started with i'm betty it started once you better and then it was and then it and then it was whoever this girl is that we eventually got tickets folk to a concert it was founded with women with girls it was founded without screaming in ninth grade wow that's where it was founded let's ask this question guys for us is is just guys like is that the is that the factor that yeah that when we are we are when we are peacocking yes it's it's how it's it's the admiration of a woman not that we want to sleep with all the women it's just to have to see the smile unless they're from minnesota so six one two shotgun was that a thing for you though because when i hear your music and when i hear jay's music it's so specifically to women is that is that a deciding factor for us is that a is that a motivating factor it took me a minute to dial into that being the only motivating factor right because initially i just wanted to be able to walk into a room full of singers and musicians right and they all look at me and say you're the bad one yeah i make that makes a lot of sense and so that's why that's why a lot of my music suffered in the beginning because i was trying to outdo singers yeah and musicians who don't buy music who don't buy them [ __ ] they don't like it then we just think he's trying to go up to the label and figure out how to get the free cd you know what i'm saying and so i it took me a minute to learn me and me and him trying to learn the balance between being really creative but also being able to take the consumer along for the ride right yeah right and i think what ended up working for us as a team with r b money was i come from the bay area right and the bay area was based on independent rap and simplified music right it was everything for us in the bay is strictly a feeling it's nothing else like people be like something is off yeah uh you know i mean this is tweaked wrong it ain't mixed it ain't massive it matters like we live on this island right yeah so me and this guy actually were the perfect storm because he was everything right he said to set the dynamic up though you are for him and you are together what is because you guys do it incredible because you're artists as well so it's like it's an interesting thing to see you guys work together because i listen to your music as well so y'all you know him yeah so i mean i mean people i don't know if people all everybody knows that no a lot of people don't a lot of people don't because i've done business for so long like you're just two great looking [ __ ] like who are these two good looking [ __ ] what the [ __ ] do they do it's unfair and i'll say it so i'm gonna tell you what's an interesting story the fact you guys have hair it [ __ ] me up go ahead baby i'm trying to keep this [ __ ] hair going buddy keep his hair going baby i can't get in the butt i was at a i was at an event and i was on a like i was always on the cusp of like am i willing to do everything i need to do to be a very successful artist right um and but i was you know and we we've talked about this before where i was always on the fence of how much business do i want to do right and how much artistry do i want to do and that's a very fine line because just like you said when you start doing the business side of music it gets it gets grimy it's the trenches right so it's very hard to to to be in the trenches on the business side and still have the freedom of mind to do the creative side and to really love it and to do it for the women yeah and to do it for you know what i mean because you ain't even really doing it for the money you're really doing it for the women and for the fame and for all the other you know ancillary things that come along with that side right so for me it was more so of like like i said i was i was at a i was at a i was at an event with with one of my best friends with ethiopia who's the head of motown and my guy who used to manage um steve harvey wow what's his name yeah yeah yeah yeah so rashawn where's sean sean richard mcdonald yeah so i'm i i never met him i didn't know who he was i'm sitting there and i'm sitting in the crowd and i'm watching him talk and he's like yeah you know steve couldn't be here because you know this ain't for steve and he talked big [ __ ] yeah he thought [ __ ] this ain't for steven you know i see what y'all got for me over here but i don't even know if i can fit this on my plane tell a story where he was very humble he he starts off very like i appreciate pompous and and arrogant in a plane and i can't fit this on this strong man and and he says what i realized when i seen steve is that he needed me well he was like because i was a comedian he was like i was a comedian but i realized i wanted to do business right and when i saw steve harvey i looked at it as i can do everything i want to do from a business side and get all the all the success that i ever wanted from the comedian side helping him become the biggest comedian that i possibly could i love it and the first thing that popped in my head was my best friend wow it was a very selfless thing for me where i was just like that's me and tank oh cause i have been going it was like it was like a sign yeah and i don't even know if i ever really told you the story never told me that but i'm sitting there and i'm like your first time first time here yeah do you guys want to hug you two shots on camera is look at me do not run up on this light-skinned good-looking [ __ ] he will lay you out i don't know i will say this though me looking at you guys is so beautiful man because you are keeping r b alive and in the sense of where we actually need it because you know art is going to go everywhere it goes yes it goes everywhere it goes but when i hear your music and there's this one song tank that i listen to and it brings tears to my eyes every time i hear it and i can't get beyond that song and what i mean is every musician understands this you'll listen to a song and you say i can't get beyond i can't get enough of the feeling that i'm feeling when you sing that song i i know we're going all over the place but just talk about this song which i [ __ ] up i want to be on the song but i'm kind of scared too that's the whole thing like i won't be able to match yeah well you you you you you'd be able to match but but you understand i know exactly what and i know i'm reaching but you guys are so important for us as as content in the 60s when we were going through a struggle like black people were going through a struggle in the 60s and the beautiful music that came out of that 70s with partying it's it's studio 54 80s it's a whole different thing but now at this moment when i listen to what you bring to the table artistically i go like wow man imagine if van alden wouldn't happen imagine if those days wouldn't have happened when i said yo stay in my career and now you have this song that i play she's look she knows look she knows how long how much do i play that song i play all the [ __ ] time bro well [ __ ] i'm out the loop what [ __ ] song take me away because i'm drunk at this point listen [ __ ] take me talk about some [ __ ] i don't know what i like when i put ashley who i need to call the publisher no no it's the song take me away takes me away and i i i appreciate you in a on a bigger level it's bigger than these cameras it's bigger than what we talk about it's something that in hollywood we live a different life we live a life of where things is it's just i don't know how to explain it it's different from where our homies are yeah but when you did that song man tank i'll be riding on my boat you know what [ __ ] [ __ ] you all the words which i love that song and i got some friends who know all of the [ __ ] choreography but when i play that song man my little one annelise everybody we stop talk about how that song i know this is crazy talk about how song came back i really was just in a zone and i wasn't even going to do a mixtape nothing so jay calls me jail always called me in the morning with with id i call it we've dubbed it idea overload idea overload i'm ron newton he's a thinker news when i say thinker this nigga's a thinker and he'll call me in the morning with 27 ideas listen let's get to it [ __ ] 27 [ __ ] he's like [ __ ] you're doing the mixtape and then i was like i'm not doing a mixtape i'm not doing about jay i'll call you back and when we get off that call i go and i start playing the piano and i come up with like four different vibes incredible and i'm like shoot i think i might have a mixtape i called him back i said you know what you're right we're doing a mixtape and i do this but what about the other 26 names [ __ ] i'm doing a mixtape and i put the first one out launch it beautiful fans asked for four more i said okay i can't do this one without my girl i said i need something that feels like right commission wow wow i need something that gives me the feeling the same feeling that i got when i heard or the commission ever heard did they do they ever have young ladies on that record no who commissioned nobody no features let me ask you a question you got me what's this what's up what's the worst you got me you you're me vibing you have me vibing nobody trying too hard to ignite please take me away [Music] away away you see what i'm saying like it's free we had a moment when we went to and i know we're just jumping around but we had a moment when we went to the front lines of the black lives matter yeah yeah and there's a moment and i have this footage of when i'm filming you and we're on a plane by the way iris thank you for giving us that plane so we could get to it thank you iris iris thank you so much yes but i remember playing that song man and i remember saying like this is our moment and i watched you i know you watched me watch you i said i said you are some incredible you're on an incredible trajectory and i know i i know i know i was scared to sing on that song i told lonnie too i said my god the song was so great i get on i messed it up but how does it feel having this career and that now doing the music that you do being on stage with you yeah i i i i i want to know like when you sit down just for our for our musicians what is going through your mind every time you do a record when you say you got to do the mixtape what is it it does it mean the world to you yeah like because i think to me you know i call you i said everything means the world to you does it mean the world to you yeah and it and and it's just a feeling like i mean some from my from my church world would call it the anointing some would call it you know some would call it just some you know good energy or you know what i'm saying some or organic cosmic thing that you know that you just feel right you know what i'm saying and and it's like some days some days i feel it and some days i don't i watch you on instagram it went up i watched you on the screen you [ __ ] every [ __ ] up they ever thought that they could make it look good on your piano some [ __ ] i said if a [ __ ] thought they were great they stopped no no no no so what happened if i send that to a girl in the dm i watch you on it i watch your instagram and you do some [ __ ] i say if every [ __ ] was was trying to make it he just turned his [ __ ] he turned all his equipment off because i'm i'm different i'm just i'm different so you know what so so i'm different i know what i am yeah i am inspiration hmm you [ __ ] yeah yeah so you like a [ __ ] buying a new rolls royce and putting it on the ground i'm in i mean you know i think of learned that i learned that i learned that from being with you and from being with chris brown wow and shout out to chris brown i work not too i work with you you know what shop for christmas mom christmas hold on wonder listen we're gonna celebrate oh lord so so i was with you you got me back you know how down i was you were you were you i'm let's talk about you talk about giving let's talk about a little bit because that's the important part of the r b money podcast right because everybody thinks this [ __ ] is just rolls royces and mansions talk about oxford's giving me money talk about that whip fox was giving me money from his walk-throughs just like you need some there you go and he would just break me off cash and what people don't understand is that we're talking about an artist who had already already had it platinum albums absolutely but was in a space where he didn't have the freedom to continue to to feed himself and his family down like where he was handcuffed and this is the side of the music business that we talked about right so i get i i'm i'm i'm building back up and jamie calls me out of the blue it's like i need you to come to miami we're finishing this album oh that's it what i'm on the way we're talking about the unpredictable ridiculous mommy advice bad movie but i still watch that movie to this day that's like that's why you do that to yourself i don't feel like michael is like my uncle don't do that to me anyway i don't want you to anyway i'm just telling you i watch it every time you come on i watch i'll applaud you but don't do that you get views from anyway um calls me called me to miami and says we're finishing the album and i go to miami and we do i help them finish an unpredictable album and we do damn this 700 000 records the first week and i'm back and i'm like and i'm like they're like everybody's i'm here and they're like that sound like you on that album i said tank it was you and tank here's the thing you wrote i didn't write a lot i wrote no no wait oh that was the next album that was the next album my bad that wasn't we'll cut it and maybe get make six keep falling keep falling we'll cut it play as [ __ ] pimps ain't perfect so listen you do 700 and i'm sitting and i'm like damn how do you do that and then i meet a kid named chris brown oh my god and in fact we're working and hooping together i'm like well you can be cold come on man i study everything you do incredible and he goes millions and millions and then i meet a kid named trey songz who i've been on the road with sagittarius waiting for it you know he'd been waiting for his moment he was like bro i said a whole summer and listen to sex love and pain every day that's why i'm thinking do you know who the [ __ ] you are and i was like and i said i got it that's wow and i stopped chasing i stopped chasing the monetary validation and i started accepting my inspirational gift i said i'm here i'm here today justin timberlake [ __ ] with you i'm here to give yeah exactly but just did you hear what i just said i'm just talking about a very popular white star huh and he's the only one who [ __ ] tank to me the toast is to take wow and white stars that love you the white man loves you so tell me this though fox because i paid attention to your music career like i [ __ ] with all the early [ __ ] i'm saying like no [ __ ] yeah like i really [ __ ] with the early [ __ ] so tell me how do you go from your first album um you break as a comedian yeah right and then you say i'm going to try it again i'm going to tell you what happened this little black [ __ ] that y'all know come on there's a little girl look at there you go there's a little dark skin with the guys [ __ ] with the cane going out from the basement this [ __ ] here right here [ __ ] that i've actually had a fight with yeah yeah yeah at the usher concert well four on the floor is playing two nights [Applause] prescott breon prescott shout out me as the artist is different because i always wanted to do music but i started out with stand-up ended up doing these sort of like serious movies but the thing that was just out of reach was music i would listen to you and marvel so i run into brian prescott and we met playing basketball we had a 404 uh championship that we would do at my house um every every every holiday and him and jason one of these toughest [ __ ] under five nine yeah is he tough i keep it funky tough that [ __ ] that [ __ ] tough he's a tough guard and he's he's also a tough guard he's also a tough music music [ __ ] [ __ ] he's crazy brienne came to me and said fox you should do music but stop being stop being funny i said what stop being funny he said just sing the record he said you're joking too much so what happens is when you joke too much people will start to say like oh he's not really serious about the music so what he did was he was able to find the songs he says i want your song to be a hit before they see who you are he says because i know that there's something there and he gave me his resume and i was like okay that's that's that was fantastic you know uh he worked with maxwell and and and other stuff angie stone but he says i want you to just just sing the record and so i did and so by doing that with um under brionne saw the tutelage here we are at the van alden house and people don't understand that i did the parties for a reason i did a party so people could come to the house and uh at one party it was a party for puff pa puff is there and uh there was a young guy by the name of uh there was a young lady by the name of missy elliott she had a room puff had a room and it was a guy standing on on the wall nobody knew his name was jay-z i said what's up it's crazy this part is this part is crazy it's like it's all the time it's crazy so yeah it's great then it was a young guy standing out in the garage smaller guy he says yo yo bees parties like this all the time is here who are you says we're the neptunes my name is pharrell i said wow during that time brian brought over this kid bars kanye west yeah he said this is a new guy and kanye comes over and i challenge him i said well when people come over and you got you know you got talent let's hear what you do he freestyled something that was amazing brian says [ __ ] all that so what he said there's that song tell them about the song so we went in the back where my studio was and we did this song kanye said the song goes like she says she wants some marvin gaye some nude evangels so look i said i got it i got it so i started singing she said she wants some marvin gaye he's like yo and kanye was like yo what the [ __ ] you doing he said just sing like you're supposed to be brienne says yo yo [ __ ] sing the song like he says this is whack it's never gonna work so i do sing it the way he said it i go off and do a bad movie i'll come back and brian is like he loves saying how many bad movies you got he loves saying that but did you but i got friends but i got friends that would be like five dudes i got five girlfriends will say when the movie's [ __ ] up tank will say boss i see you where you was trying to go with that i see where you were trying to go i enjoyed it [ __ ] do another [ __ ] shot right now do another [ __ ] shot if you're really about it i'm biased if you really a [ __ ] man if you're really a [ __ ] man if you're really alpha do that [ __ ] shot right now it's gonna be happening we'll have enough liquor for everybody what do you have whatever the [ __ ] do that [ __ ] right the [ __ ] now we're in this [ __ ] together and jay valentine i'm going to see you fighting i got bail money in my pocket oh bro i got bail money because i know jay valentine's going to turn up this light skin [ __ ] it's so dark skinned no listen listen let me tell you it's looking for the hand let me tell you this story we at we're at oh hold up to to light skin until i see it light skin violence [ __ ] we're in the bay can you drive me um we're in the bay during all stars super bowl doing super bowl are you strong no no no no no no no listen we're in the bay during super bowl yeah every club he takes me to oh yeah my cousin he's running he's doing the whole thing every club we're getting there it's like 15 cousins i'm like this is what we did we did these [ __ ] deep in the street deep in the streets so we get to one club right we settled in [ __ ] us chris brown everybody's up barack obama everybody steph curry right there steph curry all the likes again great guys by this time he got the oil in him he said tank tell steph come over here take a picture with us if he want to keep being safe in these streets i said what the [ __ ] i said why i gotta tell him dog had too much hennessy i said do i gotta tell him the whole thing can i tell them stop bring your own life skills i got to send a piece up let's just say steph we like we love that's how you vote yeah that's why we love to all get a photo with you that's how you pose after he said after he said that wait did i say cb don't throw up the [ __ ] gang size neither [ __ ] we gotta step in the picture don't throw up no gangster and there's a picture with all of us and stuff like this why stop looking like this [ __ ] called me the next morning like man why did you he was out of control did you do that he turned me into the henchmen tell that [ __ ] take this picture or if you want to be safe out here i said i i can't tell him that i don't want to tell him that anyway so it's not a proud moment that's not you have fox you have been at you have been at the pinnacle of everything as we close this out you've been at the pinnacle from grammys to oscars to enemies to everything what's next teasing i'm gonna be honest with you living living my life the way i live it it's like you and jay there's a certain there's a certain thing whatever whatever whatever is next is do they like it i constantly go like and i've had a cup can i be honest with you yeah i've had a couple of bumps when when i do some [ __ ] and y'all go like [ __ ] i remember like not knowing this is gonna sound so random to you but you remember when we was talking about these nuts yeah and i didn't do the joke right yeah remember that you said uh fox that's nice that that has haunted me y'all was doing a joke so great and i tried to do it and he was like are you [ __ ] kidding me everything i love bro oh everything i love or everything i love let's be honest about everything i love i did the joke wrong and i didn't know that it was wrong and you said that's not how you do this i said i went like no that's not but you were so gracious with me like this old [ __ ] this older [ __ ] just didn't know what the [ __ ] it was i feel like i embarrassed myself a lot in front of you i'm a safe place what you are safe place i remember even at your wedding i think i maybe i i divorced too much [Applause] my daughter's mother was like did he really say that i did i think i [ __ ] up i said i [ __ ] up i [ __ ] up you know he lies i mean it was cool i think i i embarrassed myself i didn't no but i didn't say it the right way i wasn't saying that i wanted to hit that nintendo game he got the jump that's what i said i'm like okay okay pretty much that's all right that's how it's down it's fine i was embarrassed but listen but here's the thing before you finish before you finish right i went far too no i wait no i didn't you didn't go as far as i did [Laughter] that's just hot talking his mom and grandma was there you know what i said i said i'm not the only one [ __ ] up right now because the valentine saved me i dis for whatever reason i think about this all the time for some reason i do slip a little bit when i'm around you you have to go stay with us so so i didn't make that mistake but i wasn't saying i wanted your wife but you understand what i'm saying it was like understand you and people trying but i didn't say it the right way and listen me knowing you i disagree because i know you i know but what i'm saying people outside looking when i got back to my dates yeah guys it was yeah yeah and we was like it was it was like turn on blame it yeah like where it's fine yeah i left i was embarrassed look here's the thing but you were like well i got back in my day she was like i said but why would you i said no it wasn't that i was trying to listen and all i remember was dancing on the dance floor and girls being like why won't she come out the corner oh my god look don't know they're doing this oh it was so [ __ ] up but at the same time i was with family and a taste of in the tofu so we had a good time so what's next i spilt some of this [ __ ] you're gonna you you're gonna figure out you're going to always have something next we have a part of our we have a part of our show we like to end our podcast yes with this i'll let you do it he made this up this is this is this is why are you saying that he made it up no no no i did i did you know and that's what that's what we're about man we you know we give credit i think it's beautiful so the the part of the show is called i ain't saying no names okay let's go i'm ready [ __ ] you're all the goddamn you no no let me denzel washington he was there no no kanye west listen listen i'm gonna say everybody don't say nobody that live in a gated community i don't give a [ __ ] get out your gated community [ __ ] that's what's going wrong with these [ __ ] right now they in the gated community and forgot what the [ __ ] is really going on i'm gonna say it [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] this title i'm gonna say michelle obama [ __ ] cause i made a mistake no [ __ ] that was worse this show no thanks right [ __ ] i did how about she got chips michelle got cheeks but it wasn't it wasn't also disrespectful what you would have to catch my one i wish you would bro what happened what happened was michelle obama wore it just stop oh get out of there i'm gonna get out we don't go back there because it's it's look it's voter type so i'll stay out you're out um it's don't say no names box oh the segment is called the segment is called i'm gonna say it oh no no no no no i know for all of our gated community people they were like oh my god that's the [ __ ] tell the story no names so this is no the segment is called i ain't saying no no but the name of the segment okay and the story can be funny or [ __ ] up okay here we go industry story got it you want me to start it it's your story it's your story i ain't saying no names but i was in the hotel room with a very prominent actress and she was doing cocaine i wasn't i wasn't i wasn't what i was not doing because i don't believe in her because of my authenticity i don't do that because of my religious belief but she does the cocaine she says i'm a bad mother she's a bad mother and then she goes wow i didn't think i would be in this room doing cocaine with rick fox she thought i was rich the whole [ __ ] night bro [Laughter] she thought i was rick fox i was like i'm not light skinned with good hair like this [ __ ] hey whatever this young lady all night bro from 7 30. think about what i'm telling you 7 30 is where you get dressed listen what i'm saying when you get dressed to hang out with somebody at 7 7 30. tank 7 30 is a date in hollywood 7 30 is very early we'll meet at 7 30. i met her at 7 30. she's up she's already high as [ __ ] we hang out wait she came high what it's hollywood that's what we're supposed to do i've never lived that life that's what we're supposed to do i don't know i don't do it we're hanging out she's [ __ ] going nuts she's going [ __ ] nuts we're in a hotel room at this very prominent hotel she's going oh my god hey you can shout out the hotel she's just i'm a bad mom was it the bel air hotel no bro it was a llama tide is this i'm pulling up in my in my limo she jumps in my limo thinking to somebody else's oh [ __ ] i'm like [ __ ] god what am i doing i said i don't know i can't believe you in here are you [ __ ] serious i don't know let's just hang so we just rolled up and down sunset boulevard oh [ __ ] she gets to and then when we get back to our place i cannot [ __ ] believe i'm with rick fox he's like yeah that's all i'm telling you she thought i was rick fox ladies and gentlemen shout out to rick fox my light-skinned friend ladies and gentlemen you better air it on [ __ ] this has been an rv money problem don't you run from it this is jay valentine all right okay this is james all right all these [ __ ] but cases oh no i'm putting cases on all you put kids on you [ __ ] shoot program [ __ ] she literally said i'm hanging with rick fox i said wow that's amazing the aftermath of jamie foxx empty bottle with ballet one more bottle oh yeah yeah aftermath of jamie foxx the greatest army podcast the greatest entertainer of all times [ __ ] [Music] you
Channel: R&B Money Podcast
Views: 1,495,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jvalentine, tank, jamiefoxx, rnb, r&b, money, podcast, business, entertainment
Id: 2JqLCJuPmqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 16sec (4036 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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