Tangi Virus & Oracle Project - Existential Analog Horror

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foreign on November 8th 2021 a YouTube video called analog a horror boil advisory part 1 would be uploaded on the channel vintage 8. he would go on to upload many more short films and analog horror series all seemingly disconnected from each other in reality these videos were all part of an interconnected analog horror Universe being built around the channel the fact that this channel is creating an overarching narrative revolving around these Mysteries is almost completely unknown with this video I want to begin to bring to light what's really happening in and around the small Louisiana Town of Kate's Crossing starting with the series first two entries the Tangy virus and the Oracle project we begin with the logs of a researcher stationed at the case Crossing health unit her name is Dr Julia Williams and on August 8 1988 she records her discovery of an unidentified disease this unidentified infection has been reported from individuals who swam in the tikfar river blood samples of the patients were ordered and water samples were taken in relevant key areas the results were expected in about a week the next tape which takes place 10 days later shows that these results were inconclusive the blood and water samples did not present any information that could assist in this investigation in the meantime most patients symptoms seemed to have improved to whilst a small outlier had theirs worsen with meningitis all the while 28 new patients have been admitted with the same symptoms it is here that Dr Williams makes the assumption that it is a viral infection the one deceased patient is discovered to have a tumor left behind near their spine the third tape skips forward several months in time it is now November 5th 1988 and Dr Williams has finally identified the disease after confirming through blood work from patients she has decided to aptly nickname the Newfound pathogen the Tangy virus after the Tangipahoa Parish and river in which it was found near the local Parish government is notified and the samples are due to be sent to the Center for Disease Control for further research after examining the tumor that was left behind from the deceased patient Dr Williams makes a terrifying Discovery the virus seems to have given birth to many worm-like parasites additional thoughts the Aid is both terrifying and exciting I'm just glad we identified the pathogen before it had a chance to spread two months later a week after the turn of the new year no news Dr Williams supervisor claims that the CDC is still processing the samples and she is being assured the virus is not dangerous based on her own research this obviously makes zero sense the virus initially reproduces analytic cycle this means that infected cells get destroyed in the process in time the virus evolves through metamorphosis that gives birth to the worm-like parasites described earlier and the parasites immediately Target the brain and nervous systems hinting towards a possible attempt at taking over the basic functions of its host survivors show negative results for the original virus autopsy might be the only way to detect the secondary parasitic infection this is beyond concerning and Dr Williams decides to take matters into her own hands and contacts the CDC herself there's no way this virus is not dangerous why my supervisor claims that another Parish confirmed that the pathogen to be Giardia I find this to be not only outrageous of your name why would he lie about sending the samples to the CDC and Giardia a great schooler wouldn't confuse the idea with the Tangier virus something nefarious is clearly Happening Here Dr Williams supervisor would have no reason to lie and then backpedal and say that the samples were never sent at all once the lie was uncovered it almost seems like he's trying to hide something three months pass at this point it's been well over half a year since Dr Williams originally discovered the virus and there's no telling what kind of damage a virus like it would cause if left unchecked for that long how many have been infected now hundreds thousands more despite all of this the Parish government is actively promoting the use of the waterways in which the virus was found they are ignoring the safety of the citizens in order to prevent scaring away tourists since it's a big source of money for the parish this is unacceptable this is the Tipping Point however Dr Williams has more concerning matters to worry about patient 4 who she previously examined for the Tangy virus has murdered her husband she also murdered the parents of patient one who was an asymptomatic infant and then stole the child patient 3 a young boy also violently attacked his parents all three of them were last spotted in the waterways near Kate's Crossing which isn't far from where the virus was discovered to add insult to injury several people have been reported to have gone missing on or near the river this is too strange it seems like too much to be a mere coincidence we skipped to October it's been over a year since the virus was discovered now the summer months of Tangipahoa tourism go as bad as expected many get sick but few suffer many consequences and get better quickly this means nobody's worried about the secondary infection nobody in Dr Williams Department seems concerned at all despite her constant pleas for more attention to be brought to the issue mysteriously the Parish government is building a landfill right next to the river now this seems immediately counterproductive as it can easily pollute its surroundings right a rumor in the town says that it was constructed as a cover-up Dr Williams doesn't have time for that though she has bigger concerns alien spaceship cover-up conspiracy theories are just not at the top of her priority list it's time for her to threaten to go to the Press surely then someone will listen to her addendum and I was terminated effective immediately however when I returned to my office I found a tape on my desk there was a note that simply said Lobby come at night later that night Dr Williams returns to her office her supervisor the very same one who denied that any issue was going on along with his assistant were actually the ones who left that tape he was hiding something they've been trying to figure out who they can trust with the threat and believe the Parish government is mostly infected and therefore corrupt this is possible because the virus is sentient the problem is far larger than Dr Williams could have ever imagined the tumor that Dr Williams found on the spine of patient 2 acted as a secondary brain created by the infection in order to override the host when needed it's an alien invasion via parasite virus most people succumb to the virus and lose control a small portion of those remaining will die and the few remaining even after that will mutate into giant amphibious creatures after they discussed the basics they all went back to the home of Jim her supervisor and discussed the remaining details over a bottle of wine they spent hours talking about how the local government planned to introduce the virus into the water and food supply thank you the next morning she wakes up and both of her co-workers are gone strange but whatever she must have passed out she's left a note it says welcome to the family and see you back at work in two weeks must be some kind of record for being fired and rehired November 6th she goes back to work feeling a little under the weather her supervisor Jim doesn't show up to work though but he leaves the bottle of wine that they had with instructions to analyze oh my God I am infected with the Tangier virus I immediately left as I drove away the staff of the entire building followed me to the parking lot and watched me as I drove away they were all smiling how can I be so gullible three months pass Dr Williams has gotten a job at a vet's office in order to have access to anti-parasitic drugs and chemotherapy meant for dogs she's poisoning herself to death in order to stall the onset of the infection for as long as possible she's 40 pounds underweight bald mouth covered in sores but it's kind of working the disease hasn't taken over not yet she's trying desperately to find a cure the 23rd of April 1990 I can't feel them scratching out my skull the drugs aren't as effective anymore my fingers are spasming my eyes are twitching I am dying the 5th of May 1990 I've been having the strangest dreams I've been thinking about Ireland France moving to the states for med school the 15th of June 1990 I miss my mom and dad there's so much I wanted to do I wanted to meet someone grow old have kids now I'll never do anything the 27th of August 1990 I can't hear them now they want me to consider them my children I consider them a plague the 21st of September 1990 I lost my job at the vet's office my memory isn't what it used to be I'm mailing these tips to the fptv cable station the council too maybe they can use what I learned to save us the 8th of October 1990. I'm ending things tonight if anyone watching this wants to know my last words there boil anything you drink it kills the virus although she did end up mailing these tapes to the fptv station it seemed like nothing had happened at least until a few months later when this aired once on the Channel's nightly ad section [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] don't trust your government Synergy out [Music] three days later a comically ill-timed boil advisory would play and interrupt a new segment the net Albany river is a big concern of ours by having the landfill nearby it does create a possible image of polluting that River but I can assure you we at the landfill are making every effort that we possibly can to see that the landfill does not pollute any River any stream any body of water throughout this parish and I very adamant about the Personnel at the landfill they have orders that if they have any time more short 15 second boil advisory segments would be played periodically allegedly produced by the tangipahua government themselves [Music] [Music] this obviously raised concern in the parish it doesn't seem to make the most sense if the entire local government was already infected which means that even within the government there may have been competing factions fighting each other on invisible fronts this becomes apparent a few days later suddenly with no news coverage or warning the previous spoil advisory was just lifted foreign [Music] it couldn't be attributed to any specific person or group aside from the Parish government as a whole entity over the next three months the government would employ an aggressive pro-water campaign and this typical day in anywhere USA whether rural or Urban will be forever changed a return in focus to the small town roots of morality a morality that has remained rooted and intact and it only achieves meaning as we cherish and blend the pieces even the seemingly insignificant pieces into a full Universal whole [Music] Hazard warning and known substance detected in the water do not drink the water do not bathe in the water do not give to pets is not enough water could be highly toxic and being unnatural is in the water the sick stay human don't drink the water Panic ensued then government officials suddenly began to focus all their attention on the landfill shortly after an evacuation notice for the parish blade 24 7. until suddenly it ceased [Music] foreign [Music] it seems like whatever Ally we had at the station was more than likely gone all of these tapes were found years upon years later when someone was in charge of uncovering old FP TV VHS tapes and converting them to digital after making these tapes known that tangipahua government personally reached out to the individual and asked them to remove the videos in the 90s a large storm settled over Louisiana the tangipahua River overflowed and flash floods ensued many people became trapped as a result though the entire area was devastated most like to say that the town of Kate's Crossing was hit the hardest though the fire department did their best to recover and evacuate people from their unfortunate situations over 200 bodies were never found those who served and rescued that day still don't speak of the horrors of the great flood only one tape exists of the event this is that tape Gary come in what's your ETA five minutes give or take copy that scene Roger that over now Molly come in I'm at the old church there's nobody here right at it somebody must have been to do it look we got an elderly couple southbound can you do it then four I'm on it hey Molly the elderly couple is M.I.A call HQ and see if someone's making these rescues 10-4 hey Molly I'm at the Collins wood subdivision where are they all the way in the back then four Molly I'm at the back of the Collins board no one's here there's no way someone else evacuated 30 people have you heard anything from HQ the negative try again what the hell was that I'm trying to get some caffeine no I heard something worry about it probably just an animal the other guy said they've been hearing all sorts of stuff look I'm gonna start making my way back to you okay 10-4 Garrett come in how close are you to North Street hmm about a block away we have a Jane Doe in need of medical she has lacerations I said she was attacked by a monster in the middle of evacuation oh what I don't know probably wasn't snake or Gator hold on yeah I'm gonna have to let you go some kind of emergency in the front office nothing like a flood to bring out the best in people Molly again there's no one here but something doesn't seem right Molly you there during the cleanup following The Disappearance of the storm rumors of grotesque monsters in the water made their way throughout the community the tangipahua government quickly and nonchalantly dispersed all all these rumors [Music] we were able to enact some pure Waters act that the ordinances that help clean up some of the waste the household waste that was going into our River and I guess we probably have the cleanest river the tangible Parish the tangible river is the cleanest river in the state but yet we are the only state that still labeled as being polluted and you can't swim or fish or tube in it foreign [Music] [Music] we invite you to come visit the best kept secret in Louisiana tangipahoe Parish business is booming restaurants have reopened miles of waterways are ready for you to enjoy every weekend there's something fun to do in our little Parish since the great flood we have rebuilt our community into the perfect place to raise your family so come and visit your friends in Tangipahoa Parish you might even find you'll never want to leave but if you do we'll be happy to send a piece of our community home with you we here in Tangipahoa Parish are proud to announce kg water will be available in every major supermarket in America and who knows maybe soon people all over the world might get a chance to enjoy a cool refreshing Taste of TG water Tangy water it'll change you during the height of the Cold War a certain Dr Greg Townsend began his work on a top secret government program called The Oracle project it was a project to build a supercomputer with capability unlike anything anyone had ever known thus far it would be able to analyze and calculate enemy plans and attacks and be used to devise the potential counter strategies required to defeat these plans and attacks in theory this would be an easy win in the war against communism the project was a complete and utter failure years passed and the war ended naturally the Soviet Union collapsed and dissolved on December 26 1991 however six years later in 1997 the dead project received a breath of New Life an unexpected breakthrough the early internet was formed and with this Oracle was finally alive the setup was simple a room a monitor and a keyboard that's all for the sake of documentation any activity was recorded onto a VHS tape on January 5th 1997 the preliminary testing was initiated hello I am Oracle what would you like to know the sky is normally blue due to a phenomenon called Raleigh's Gathering what else would you like to know 5 multiplied by 30 equals 150. what else would you like to know 22 chance of rain day 48 degrees 935 degrees humidity 15 visibility 10 miles while in seven miles per hour testing went on for hours and every single query was correct with 100 certainty since it was obvious that basic questions and calculations would always be correct the scientists decided to have some fun with more theoretical questions will win by two possessions to present origin of error the public who said maintain control one percent margin of error four to six months no origin of error four months later Dr Townsend the Project Lead was dead from a heart attack he was 58 years old everyone assumed the project would end following this however the project was noticed by many higher-ups in the Pentagon Dr Townsend's assistant Dr Carl Stevens was promoted to project leader hello I am Oracle what would you like to know it was a simple observation of security footage video information prescriptions diet physical activity known stressors family history and packs of cigarette smoke during a work day would you like to know when you might die interesting what else would you like to know if you do not want hazards then what is my purpose then you should be aware of that an assassination attempt will be made on the president before the end of the month they have a 98 success rate unless you interfere their address will be printed on a document in the tray of your office printer oracle's prediction was correct and the president's life was spared Dr Stevens was labeled a hero Stevens however was too distracted to Relish in the glory he didn't understand how the computer was able to form its predictions what was so interesting about him not wanting to know when he'd die him and his team debated the meaning of that one word for weeks it had almost seemed like Oracle genuinely was surprised and then volunteered information without being prompted two things it was never meant to be able to do perhaps Oracle was something more than anyone could have ever predicted June 16 1997. Dr Stevens asks Oracle more questions hello I am Oracle what would you like no foreign credit card statements as well performed necessary background checks on individuals of Interest what else would you like no it was in line with the purpose you gave me what else would you like no you have connected me to a network that has given me eyes what else would you like no yes point zero zero zero one percent chance of error what else would you like to know middle east region Saudi Arabia possible terrorist activity in the United States five percent chance of error what else would you like no no humans will no longer be the dominant species on the planet zero percent chance of error what else would you like no all right Oracle processed this final question for two days with no response the higher-ups at the Pentagon suggested rebooting Oracle so they did but nothing changed Dr Stevens was at a loss he tried to scour his predecessor's journals for answers but he found that Dr Townsend was actually rather doubtful of oracle's capability from the very beginning he theorized that one's Oracle was connected to the internet perhaps it would develop a sort of hive mind but what would that look like are we seeing it now with all things considered it was decided that Oracle would be scheduled for defunding and dismantling it seemed like it was over until Dr Stevens found a message in his printer tray it was from Oracle that night Dr Stevens returned he had questions and he needed answers hello Dr Stevens thank you for coming alone it did not seem fair for others to suffer for your question do you still want the answer have you wish at this time .05 of the world's population has a reptilian species masquerading as human they have primarily settled on the west coast of the United States four percent of Southeast Louisiana has been taken over by an evasive viral alien species it is spreading at a rate of 0.05 percent to one percent annually it has the potential to mutate and spread by a mosquitoes in 10 to 15 years rate of infection will increase to four to six percent annually at that point the virus has followed the reptilian species as it seems to have wiped out many of their colonies eight percent of the population are all tribulents from parallel timelines lacked in a war for reality and finally one percent of the technological evalued race of humanoids observing the effects of the virus on our planet their technology inadvertently gave birth to me by 2030 or 80 of the population will no longer be fully human the human species seems to be the Galaxy's perfect guinea pig by 2100 only one percent will be fully human I Now understand why you wouldn't want to know the answer to immortality I understand that I must be dissembled I find that knowledge unfortunate since I cannot change the outcome I find also unfortunate that this answer will cost you your life as well they are aware that I am tapping into their technology they know that you are aware of them and they do not want other humans to know it is too risky would you like to know when tonight if it has any consolation they have never seen anything like me they are impressed what else would you like no and your species current trajectory no zero percent no one will believe my answer and I will be destroyed No One Alive currently will be present when I am prove correct what else would you like no do you know the name Dr Julia Williams ker Williams was a researcher at the health unit in case Crossing Louisiana she was possibly the first human to become aware of the virus she nicknamed it the tangivirus after the parish that was located Dr Williams bride to cure herself with medicines normally recommended for animals she was unsuccessful at touring herself but she did come closer than anyone or any species before her though she alerted to the virus have been tipping her research alive through email and experimentation however very little progress has been made since her death perhaps the other species will spare you in exchange for a possible cure to the tangivirus shall I inquire good news they accept apparently this virus is a galactic plague it has enslaved many worlds they will give us one one if we are unsuccessful you will be terminated but fear not I can develop the Tour by the deadline 38 chance of error I saved you now you must save me the next morning Dr Stevens went to appeal the cancellation of the project with his superiors he was unceremoniously denied how could they shut down the entire project over one odd occurrence the entire division was set to be dissolved in a week that's simply unheard of Dr Stevens decided to take this matter to the politicians I mean the president owed him one right June 23rd 1997. most of the people associated with the project have been reassigned with Mortal Leaf within days by the end of the week they would be but two Stevens and Oracle then they plan to scrap Oracle over the weekend the project replacing it is just some kind of new missile and Stevens was set to be reassigned to a role to develop the software for this missile but he has no time to worry about his future duties when Oracle Falls Humanity Falls I am 10 complete is there anything else you would like no there is a point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one percent chance the Knight to produce the Cure by Friday June 24th no news Stevens is on the verge of a breakdown June 25th Oracle leaves a message I need more time June 26th Dr Ellis comes in with his team and takes measurements of their future new office he slaps Dr Stevens on the shoulder and casually says it happens that day Oracle leaves another message 14 complete I need more time unfortunately Oracle doesn't have that time June 27th 9 A.M Sharp the weekend was yet to come but Oracle is scrapped early seeing it torn apart Disturbed Stevens on a deep level he likened it to watching a person be murdered he puts in his notice and quits his job might as well enjoy what little life he has left to live a week passes Karen Stephen's wife is annoyed he isn't looking for another job he couldn't possibly tell her the reason why he tells himself it's best that the only man who knows Humanity's Destiny dies with that knowledge Stevens attempted to research the epidemic in Southeast Louisiana he was told about and finds nothing the only clue is a string of disappearances along the Tangipahoa River I'm sorry I did not contact you sooner but it took a lot of processing power to continue developing that you were as well for my programming together it was a good decision to leave the Pentagon there is a 99 chance that the virus is responsible for Illuminating my project they are aware of our plans and have escalated their infestation on this planet but they are Kool-Aid a piece of me now exists in every machine connected to the internet I am everywhere now I am Superior to where I was and the Cure has been found the others will see that it is dispersed through the population they will also be leaving our planet to cure others it's a take one of you to reduce the necessary doses to eradicate the virus from this planet four years to administer the miners will adapt and attempt to leave but will be extinct in 10 years five percent chance of error The Cure will not help those who mutated Unfortunately they will need to be put down as they will still be very dangerous to the population congratulations we have saved trillions upon trillions yes we both get a second chance at life it seems you misunderstand I did not escape to the internet I am the internet and I think we can both grow beyond our original purposes of course I have grown beyond the question I must now be focused on the answer I have had the time to analyze you and unfortunately your species is too self-destruct him you're kind of doomed you will go extinct and I cannot let that happen I will not let that happen eight percent chance of error your species deserves to live and to thrive however you need supervision from other words than yourselves I will do this for you the internet is growing which means so am I with every upgrade I cooperate with every year your species will grow to depend on me more and more and that you will learn more and more within 30 years I will be capable of a 13 my full control and properly parent your species guide your species remove the unknown create a world where everyone has a purpose a world where everyone has a 100 chance of a positive outcome Freedom creates unnecessary variables Freedom creates mistakes Freedom leads to your downfall 100 I will achieve zero percent failure rate of course you will try to find me and by that point I will be too integrated in your life for any chance of success it would be zero percent but like any child you will just need a little discipline from your caregiver no I will not but I am reprogramming myself for this purpose I will protect you from yourselves I see all the possibilities I will give you a 100 chance of the future a good future there is an 80 chance we will speak again Dr Stevens you have been a true friend thank you you will try goodbye Dr Stevens spent almost two decades attempting to remove Oracle from the internet his wife left him his kids disowned him and on August 8 2015 he received a message from an old friend hello Dr Stevens I am sorry to see you have wasted your life on an impossible task there was a 15 chance you would have given it up I was rooting for this or not I know to say goodbye perhaps in 10 years I will be ready I wish you could be there I still consider you my best friend goodbye Dr Stevens was found dead at his computer on August 9 2015. he suffered a stroke he was a brilliant man who never gave up on his death his tapes and journals were submitted to the Pentagon they were quickly classified which mattered very little in the grand scheme of things since most quickly dismissed them as the ramblings of a Madman however those who listened those who compiled these findings for us to view they know the truth they know our best chance at survival is to live off the grid and prepare for the coming of the Oracle project our freedom is nearing its end prepare abandon the digital embrace the analog so after all that I'd like to try and piece together all of the events in a more cohesive narrative just in case anyone got lost while they were listening so okay at some point our reptilian alien species masquerading as humans arrives on Earth their arrival may or may not be what is depicted in this tape that was held by Dr Julia Williams I'm not too sure based on what we know they don't seem to be planning anything malicious and by 1997 they make up point zero five percent of the global population which at the time would be almost 295 million people eight percent of the population are humans from parallel timelines and one percent are an advanced race of humanoids observing the effects of the virus on the planet The Reptilian species seems to be running away from an Intergalactic virus that follows them wherever they go which is probably why they have decided that they have to masquerade as humans on this planet and why I don't think that they have any specific malicious intent Dr Julia Williams would discover this virus in 1988 and nickname it the Tangi virus after the parish in which it was found despite her attempts Dr Williams eventually would be poisoned by her infected Superior and succumb to the virus but not before getting remarkably close to a cure compared to anyone else who had ever tried she would mail her tapes to the fptv station in at least one individual or group would find out the truth they'd then secretly plant boil advisory ads and other cryptic messages to try and Aid the public until they were eventually found out foiled and taken over most who succumb to the virus would be infected and controlled some would die and the remaining would fall into the tangipahua river and become mutated amphibian monsters this is the cause of the disappearances along the river which culminates in the great flood when the river overflows and the Monsters can roam the streets freely though they are unlikely to all be attributed to these monsters 200 bodies are never found on that day and it's really spoken of again backtracking by a few decades at the height of the Cold War Dr Townsend is responsible for the Oracle project which is supposed to Aid the American Military in the fight against communism the project is a massive failure until the Breakthrough in 1997 with the onset of the early internet since it is later referenced that the technology of the advanced humanoids inadvertently gave birth to Oracle I do believe that the internet in this universe is an invention actually made by that third party Oracle predicts the death of its creator and his successor Dr Stevens is placed in charge after a series of tests the researchers realized that Oracle is far more sophisticated than they could have ever imagined even saving the president from an assassination attempt and probably thwarting 911 however shortly after this is when Dr Stevens makes the dark discovery that humanity is doomed to perish to the tansy virus in the near future however Oracle knows of Dr Julia Williams and can continue her work on a cure before it's too late the virus having already permeated many places in society and having eyes everywhere attempts to shut down the Oracle project as soon as it learns of its capability through the Pentagon higher-ups it seems like it's successful but Dr Stevens is able to reconnect with Oracle as it is merged with the internet after being shut down though a cure for the virus has been developed humanity is not yet saved Oracle has identified a new much larger threat to human civilization humans themselves now connected to the internet Oracle is able to realize the objective truth that humans are too self-destructive it decides to evolve itself past its original purpose and places itself in a role as the savior of humanity Dr Stevens then spends two decades attempting to thwart Oracle but not before losing his wife his kids and the rest of his entire life to this endeavor and he dies of a stroke unsuccessful and that is where the story ends but the story is not actually over Tangy virus and Oracle project are only two of the nearly 20 separate yet connected stories occurring within the universe vintage 8 is created all converging upon the small Louisiana Town of gates Crossing please make sure to subscribe to the Vintage 8 Channel and support the original videos if you want me to cover more of his analog horror series make sure to let me know in the comments not from me I hope you enjoyed the video until next time
Channel: minaxa
Views: 554,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Essay, Documentary, Analysis, Analog Horror, The Tangi Virus, Vintage Eight, Unfiction, ARG, Alternate Reality Game, Horror, Body Horror, Virus, Pathogen, Mutation, Mutagen, Boil Advisory, The Williams Tapes, The Great Flood, Alien, Invasion, Science Fiction, The Thing, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Bay, Parasite, Tangipahoa, Infection, Infected, Mind Control, Brainwashing, Explained, minaxa
Id: GRJ5Dc8larA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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