Missing 411 | Did an Unknown Predator Kill Bart Schleyer?

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this is one of those stories that just has a grisly ending I made Mattis and welcome back to the Warlock [Music] this is one of the more interesting missing 401 cases that we've ever covered not necessarily because of what happened at the end which is still weird but more because we have a lot more information about the person who went missing than we usually do which means I can actually tell his story before getting to the part where he disappeared and his story is important to the way in which he disappeared and the presumed manner of death this is the story of Bart schleier now here's a guy who spent his entire life learning about animals studying animals not just for the sake of hunting them but also a deeper understanding this is a guy who worked for the government who worked for himself who went off and tracked Siberian tigers and speaking of understanding I was at a loss trying to understand how I could get compensation after my Bigfoot attack I was injured and I did not know where to start but with Morgan and Morgan it was so simple after being picked up and thrown into a tree like a possessed Raggedy Ann doll I was unable to move for several weeks but with Morgan and Morgan you can submit a claim without ever leaving the couch that's right in eight clicks or less you can submit a claim to Morgan and Morgan if you're ever in an accident Bigfoot related or not you can check out Morgan and Morgan you can go to forthepeople.com or dial pound law that's pound 529 from your cell phone barkschlier was born to Otis and Lula schleier in 1955 in Cheyenne Wyoming Otis was a physician but more importantly for this story Otis was an avid Hunter he took his son on normal hunts as well as African safaris in Mozambique so throughout the entire early part of Bart's life his father was helping Foster This Love of Animals something that later on he wouldn't love the result of which was that Bart spent his life as kind of a traveler and a nomad and didn't really settle down in the way his family expected him to but for the time being his father was perfectly happy to teach him about animals take him out in the wilderness and Foster a growing love of artistry within his son Bart and because they grew up in Wyoming where they're you know hunting is kind of a normal thing to do for fun he and his friend Glenn garton got very accustomed to going out in the woods on their own they would go out on hunting trips fishing trips and simple camping trips and over time they both became absolute Experts of The Craft as a Child and Adolescent Bart was hunting with guns but when his older sister started dating a man named Jim he was introduced to Bow Hunting he simply fell in love with the sport of archery to the extent that it became his preferred method of hunting Jim taught Bart on recurve bows and if you've never fired a recurve bow it's kind of a middle ground between a composite simple horse archery bow or something like that but you're gonna look at it's gonna be smaller and a full-sized Longbow these are mid-strength bows very very simple to use and a really decent archery tool it's probably my favorite to shoot with personally because the draw weight isn't hard enough to really cause problems you know a Longboat was very very difficult to draw they're very heavy a recurve manages to mix the be power with the ease of draw and that's a reason why they've remained so popular at one point Jim and Bart did try using compound bows to hunt but while aiming at an elk Jim's bow actually snapped and caused several lacerations on his hands and rips so as you can understand they went back to the safer Recurve Bows one thing that everybody who ever hunted with Bart said was that he had an incredible talent for the outdoors and for hunting he was a once in a generation kind of guy and part of that was that they said he could almost talk to the animals and that I don't appreciate the irony of that timing one thing people said was that Bart could talk to animals that is uncanny how what is going on with him you're doing it on purpose how do you know that I don't know what to do there Bart's hunting companions said that it was as if he could talk to animals and this came not just from a love of hunting and a natural instinct for it but because Bart was a scientific mind who genuinely cared about studying what he was doing not just doing things by feel Jim remarked on an occasion where while hunting it became so foggy that he and Bart actually couldn't see where they were going they could not navigate their way back to safety so they just sat down and not willing to waste the trip Bart started making elk calls after a short time of Bart you know making the sound of a female elk a bull just wandered up to them straight out of the Mist stared at them from a little ways away and then meandered out a few and if you're wondering why they didn't shoot it well what would you do if an elk just appeared out of the Mist stared at you kind of gave you a sup and left second only to his skill for hunting was Bart skill for pranks in fact his sister Claudia referred to his sense of humor as being essential to his personality Bart loved practical jokes and sent funny postcards and pictures around to his family and friends and while most other Hunters would typically you know pack as little as possible Bart would lug around all sorts of props including costumes for his hunts so that when he got a particularly you know interesting kill he could stand there in a clown costume Bart was also known for bringing along his cat Sparky basically everywhere he went and of course he had found Sparky huddled up behind a furnace when it was younger and you know decided to rescue this little cat and just keep it by his side now the thing about Sparky is that he was a dead mummified cat most people found this rather morbid but Bart thought it was hilarious and furthermore everybody who talked about bart would just gush about his kindness his generosity and his humility this was not a man who was out bragging about what he was doing or trying to make himself seem special he was just at peace out in the wild and loved the art of hunting Bart was also to a state champion wrestler in high school and ended up getting a scholarship to Sheridan College as a result there he earned his associate's degree studying art and Wildlife before heading on to the larger Montana State University and in college you can imagine that Bart was a total party animal except it was not so much partying as sorts of odd tests of sheer mental will he underwent something called the coyote test and the coyote test was exactly what it sounds like a competition in which people brought just weird gross pieces of meat to eat and the goal I assume based on the limited information available was to just pass the test by eating the weird meat and Bart's version of passing the test was to eat raw skunk the man was simply an apex predator with absolutely no time for squeamishness exploits like his hunting activities and eating raw skunk during the coyote test earned him the nickname of Wolverine while he was at Sheridan and his friends would go on to say that this Behavior this ability to simply survive on the bear Essentials and not need the Comforts of modern life was a huge Aid to Bart as a hunter it was something he took with him everywhere he went whether that was Yellowstone Alaska or Russia he took trips and hunts that for most hunters would require a great deal of courage and made them with confidence because he knew he was going to be fine at Montana State Bart earned his bachelor's and his Masters and one Professor a Dan Collins remarked that Bart was a student who stood out even amongst the over 42 thousand who had come through his man and the environment class also it was Don Collins not Dan Collins my apologies Don remarked that it was as if Bart had prepared his whole life for this career in this profession that he was studying to get into adding that Bart was superbly suited for the demands of that job and as a master's student Bart would write his thesis on the movement patterns of grizzly bears and upon reading the thesis Don remarked that Bart would have made a fantastic grad school Professor partially because he lacked the ego that often comes along with high-level University professors often you need a certain degree of narcissism to enjoy that kind of job and feel like you should be doing it but Bart didn't have any of that and maybe that's why he didn't go into teaching but rather went into wildlife conservation and study out of college Bart took a job working for fish and wildlife and also took part in the interagency grizzly bear study team which is composed of Agents from the Department of the Interior the National Park Service the U.S Geological Survey fish and wildlife and the forest service along with Shoshone Arapahoe and state level agencies so this is a very very very intertwined organization of people studying grizzly bears in case you're wondering what somebody at the interagency grizzly bear study team does they literally put radio tracking collars on grizzly bears and those are grizzly bears not to be confused with the far less dangerous Glizzy bear or the far more dangerous gritty bear in case you're wondering exactly how dangerous an adult male grizzly is let me run you some uh some statistics here they're about eight feet tall on their hind legs which is usually something they don't stand on unless they're curious about something and they weigh up to 800 pounds and most importantly they can run very fast faster than you the good news is grizzly bears are not going to just see you across a field and charge at you typically they'll only attack you if you find a mother with her Cubs or if you bother them now that said a starving Grizzly will absolutely charge an EU so it's good to not you know get too close to them but you don't need to worry if you just see one from afar that said if you approach a grizzly bear and try to put a collar on it and it's not properly tranquilized it will kill you so Bart's line of work kind of introduced him to the most dangerous form of hunting which is hunting something very deadly without the intention of killing it and he honed his skills by hunting with his friends after school he met Paul Schaefer who during college was absolutely nothing like Bart he was an arrogant jock type but as the two became friends and knew each other better and hunted together everyone said that Paul actually became more mild-mannered more humble more generous a better person just from being around Bart at the same time Paul was a very skilled Bow Hunter and even a bower he actually built his own bows and he taught Bart how to hunt with much higher draw weight bows he made Bart a bow with a 90 pound draw weight in case you're wondering exactly how heavy that is Medieval longbows range from 150 to 180 pounds draw weight shot 450 to a thousand yards and would punch through metal armor so while a 90-pound draw weight bow isn't quite that Hefty it's still quite a bit Paul and Bart would also go on to spend years teaching each other they went with each other on hunts camp together went over the best practices and procedures and in 1992 when Bart scored a very highly coveted Kodiak Island Bear Tag Paul supported him on that hunting trip and for those concerned that this seems like trophy hunting it it's really not you have to go to these places and make sure that you actually call the herds so if you leave too many wild animals of any sort whether it's deer with no natural Predators or bear with too many deer they will overeat overpopulate and go into a cycle where there's a crash because everybody starves so every year a limited number of people are allowed to go and hunt bear and deer and other creatures and critters on Kodiak Island and in other places like this where the balance of nature might be a little bit off Paul came along that trip as did two friends Brad and Jeff Brad and Jeff were planning to primarily be hunting deer but also be back up just in case it was needed whereas Paul would be Bart's real backup the guy that was up next to him with a bow to take the shot in case Bart missed and got charged by a bear they spent several days tracking and at a certain point Jeff who had to leave earlier than everybody else went off on his own to hunt deer but Brad stuck around with Paul and Bart and eventually they came across some tracks that suggested they were looking at a 10 foot tall grizzly bear now Kodiak Grizzlies are especially large for grizzly bears so this was completely possible it wasn't like they were looking at something giant but keep in mind the average man is five nine five ten in the United States and Canada which means that they were still looking at something almost twice their size eventually they did manage to come to a spot where they figured they could make the approach and actually take their shots Brad could have come along up to the you know the actual location where they would shoot but instead he stayed back to film The Hunt and also act as backup if necessary as Brad sat down to film Paul and Bart took off their boots so that they could move more quietly and with you know better purchase on the ground and crept within 20 yards of the bear Bart lined up Drew back and took a perfect shot right into the bear's chest however the bear was you know a bear and the arrow didn't properly stick the bear was actually able to grab it bite it and pull it out and then run off into the woods as it retreated Bart not wanting to let the animal get away took a couple more shots but they missed now you might think that Bart was really upset that he had not managed to kill the animal and you're correct if you think that but not for the reasons that he felt that he had missed out on some sort of trophy or some great achievement rather he was worried that he had injured the bear and that it was going to live a long time in pain so they set off into the woods to track it hoping to put it out of its misery typically Hunters of the sort that Bart is try to take out an animal as quickly and painlessly as possible the goal is to get your kill because you're going to use the meat and the Pelt and all of that without causing the animal undue pain when you're talking about you know people who hunt for a living that they do this to survive they're typically very respectful of the wildlife it's not about you know getting one over and proving that you're the superior Predator it's about respecting the animal and providing for your own needs and thankfully this bear which was an older female actually didn't make it all that far into the woods it was only 20 to 50 yards in when they managed to find the body and she turned out to be smaller than expected it but was still a staggering eight feet nine inches tall and after recording this kill and handling it they just went off back to hunt deer with their buddies unfortunately the early 90s would kind of be the high point of the 90s for Bart because over the next couple of years he would suffer some pretty significant hardships on January 18 1993 Paul being the Daredevil that he was died in a skiing accident this is a little bit tragic because just a few months before Paul's death Bart had taken an interest in becoming a Bowyer himself he wanted to go on making his own bows and Paul was going to be a great resource for that not that there wasn't anybody else bar could learn from but Paul was one of his close friends and learning from your close friends is always a great experience and bark got a really interesting opportunity when it came to making his own bows because a little bit after Paul's death Bart was invited to Siberia to study Tigers Dr Maurice hornocker was putting together a team of international scientists trackers and other Associated degrees in fields to go out into the Siberian Wilderness and track the endangered Siberian tiger there's a very very small population of them and it was important that they track breeding patterns and monitor the health of kittens and things like that so Bart went out there and as he was tracking Siberian tigers he of course came across Siberian tiger kills and what he would do was take the sinew from those boar and you know other various animals and used that to back his bows so the kills of Siberian tigers became an integral part of the bows he was constructing one of the most interesting parts of Bart's job as a Siberian tiger tracker was that while the Tigers were out and about hunting he got to crawl into their dens and just check out the kittens hold them weigh them take pictures make sure they were doing all right now of course if you are checking out a Siberian Tiger's child and it comes back you're going to be going toe-to-toe with an 11 foot long big cat and again for those who don't use Freedom Units that's about 3.3 meters and earlier I mentioned grizzly bears were about eight feet tall that's slightly under two meters and if you thought the tiger being 11 feet long was a problem in itself it's also about 700 pounds so even just knocking into you what's going to hurt you but Bart managed to use his skills as a grizzly bear tracker track one of the most dangerous animals alive and do it without ever getting hurt also while working with this team in Siberia Bart met a woman named Tatiana and with her he had a son named archion but while having a family really excited Bart he was starting to feel as though his family life and his career and his personal interests were all starting to tear him in different directions and he no longer really had time for all of it to make matters worse he suffered yet another hardship in 1995 while on a hunting trip that he had put together in Memorial of Paul with Brad and Jeff Jeff left early because he had to go meet up with his wife to do some hunting further north unfortunately Jeff's plane crashed the plane he was piloting himself now Bart and Brad actually wouldn't find out about the crash until days later when they made it home Jeff died two years and eight months to the day after Paul Shaffer a little bit later Brad and Bart would go off together on their own ceremonial hunting trip in honor and Jeff so why did I just tell you all of this information about Bart's life and background we don't usually do that it's because it makes this next part really weird on September 14 2004 Bart hopped onto a chartered float plane to head out to Reed lakes in the Yukon territory in Canada at the time he was living in White Horse Yukon which is about 175 miles Southeast of Reed Lakes Reed Lake sits deep within the heart of the Yukon Territory between the lands of the I'm going to try my best here the nacho and Yak dun and Selkirk First Nations the plan was to stay in the area for about two weeks with a pickup on September 27th now I looked up the weather data for this time period and it's pretty mild when he arrived the average temperature was 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 degrees Celsius with a high of 63 and a low of 30 9. during those two weeks it would range from an average temperature of 26 degrees all the way up to 63 degrees and this is an important detail when it comes to some later stuff it was clear skies the entire time there was about 0.1 inches of precipitation so these were essentially perfect conditions and furthermore Bart was well equipped he had three Rubbermaid action Packer containers the first of which contained food mostly canned the second clothes and the third camping gear he had packed enough food to last him that whole two weeks and of course the plan was that he would be hunting which meant that he would be able to acquire more food on top of that he had a tent his sleeping bag his bows and an inflatable boat to get around the lake the first things he did when he got there were set up his tent inflate his boat and eat a meal and the problem is that is all we know because on September 27th when that pilot returned Bart was not there his tent was there his gear was there the boat was half a mile down the lake somewhere but no Bart immediately Upon returning V pilot reported him missing and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police set out a team of six men to the location of Bart's Camp to look for him they arrived on the 29th and spent the day poking around they found the boat and went to check that out but there was really nothing there all they noticed was that it was tied up on both ends so it seemed like Bart had secured it himself and was most likely wherever the boat was they also determined that he had prepared one meal but no fire had ever been lit which would imply that Bart never made it back to that campsite after just even the first few hours wherever he put that boat he did not come back now it is assumed that Bart is the one who actually paddled the boat over to where it was found it was tied off securely on both ends he was nowhere to be found his bows were nowhere to be found there was really no reason to believe that anybody else would have moved the boat the spot he chose is a little odd because there was really no Shoreline he had to actually secure the boat just to some brush but Bart was a Woodsman he probably didn't really think much of it but what's weird here among many other things is that but the police determined that you know what they were just going to do an aerial survey they couldn't really figure out what was going on and anyway you know the weather was deteriorating except the weather wasn't deteriorating we have the records and clear skies not really that cold or hot and very little precipitation so why did they leave so early and that was a question that was on the mind of a lot of Yukon residents because the police basically just said ah yeah well maybe he just wandered off towards the highway or something and then they went home now his friends said that if Bart had just wandered off towards the highway and gotten away safely he would have called them and that seems likely Bart was very communicative with his friends and family and his friends were simply not satisfied with the rcmp's answers so one of them a dib Williams called up a pilot buddy of his a Wayne Curry and the two made their own trip by floatplane out to Reed Lakes they found very little the first day but his tent had been knocked down and what they did find of his belongings was his backpack his knife an aircraft radio and his bear spray they flew home and then came back the next day where they planned to investigate the boat and it didn't take them all that long to find things about 60 yards back into the woods from where the boat was they found his bow his quiver of arrows and a dry bag that had an indentation making it seem as though Bart had been sitting on it the bag the bow and the arrows were next to a Thicket of spruce and willow trees that any Archer could use as a spot to kind of watch Game come and go this was actually a perfect spot for BART to be because he was trying to hunt Moose and he needed to be in an area where not only could they not see him but more importantly could not charge him mussar absurdly large feeling that they had found probably the best evidence they could they decided to search the nearby area and it did not take dib and Wane very long to find more evidence they discovered a camouflage face mask with blood and hair on it and that was all they needed to call the RCMP and tell them that you know what you all need to get back out here but the problem is the RCMP use that as an excuse to Halt the search and at this point there's a very big difference in reporting that crops up because the the halt happened on the 3rd of October which makes it pretty clear that the Canadian police just decided Bart was dead they weren't even going to look and see if they could find him alive they were leaving him to die and interestingly enough in White Horse on the 8th in the White Horse Daily Star there's a series of statements of fact most of them are wrong including the date on which parts belongings were found uh the fact that the police said they had suspended the search due to weather conditions and something that a lot of residents pointed out that was odd they decided to do an aerial search in one of the most densely wooded parts of the planet the reporting that I've given that corrects these errors if we're being generous has all been from the Anchorage Daily News over in Alaska and since everybody could kind of see that there was very little transparency going on here that the story didn't really line up and that nobody seemed to be trying trying to find Bart the community of white horse started asking questions questions like why would they choose an aerial search in dense forest and against the advice of local residents was the decision to not do a ground search cost related would efforts be more robust if more than one person was missing why bother training Rangers if they weren't going to do their jobs why did the department not communicate with Bart's friends when they're the ones that found all of the evidence if he was believed to be alive would the search be more intensive now Deb Williams and Wayne Curry discovered all of their discoveries on the 2nd of October that means that their search began and found more a week after a week after the RCMP said ah there's nothing here and coincidentally the RCMP restarted their search on October 3rd with questions mounting and the new evidence from Williams and Curry the RCMP had no choice they had to get back in there and investigate because if they didn't then um well I don't know everything had already been figured out I guess they couldn't claim credit a dozen researchers including mounties conservation officers and volunteers went up to Reed Lakes to look for Bart's remains they initially found nothing but wolf and bear scat which told them that there were wolves and bears in the area but absolutely nothing else eventually they did spot a baseball cap which led them towards his bow and arrows and his dry bag which of course the other guys already knew about so I'm not sure why they didn't just start there in the first place but as we learned in our nahani Valley video the RCMP not great at investigating Wilderness stuff however they did find some more stuff that had not been caught by Williams and Curry what they found in addition to the bow and arrows was a pair of torn up camouflage pants and a camera now the camera did not have anything of any use on it but the torn up pants did give them kind of an idea of what had happened but pants weren't on anybody and they were intact enough but nearby they did manage to find sitting on a bed of moss in a spruce grove some remains now this included a partial skull fragment as well as a few bones they were able to use the fragment of his skull to match dental records which confirmed that this was the body of Bart schleier and while they had found his pants the rest of his clothing was absolutely nowhere and even more oddly none of the scat samples contained any clothing they did contain bone fragments but they had to send those off to a lab to determine if they were even human by the way couldn't find any reporting on whether or not those bone fragments turned out to be human or not now why is it weird that there were no clothes in any of the scat samples it's because grizzly bears are known to just eat the clothes of their victims if they attack a human being for example a year earlier in Alaska a wildlife photographer had been eaten by Grizzlies in a grisly manner in that he actually caught the the sounds of him being eaten on camera and the thing about Grizzlies is and bears in general is that they don't actually like kill you and drag you off to a den like a mountain lion might in fact they don't even bother killing you first they will just start eating you alive and they don't go for the neck but they did actually manage to find and kill the bear that ate the Alaskan photographer and in his stomach were a bunch of clothes so the fact that none of the samples of Scat contained clothes was a little weird and keep in mind this is not me saying these things are weird this is the conservation officers I'm taking their assessment furthermore Bears typically will leave their leftovers in a cache which is typically buried slightly underground they'll just take the leftover food and shove it under some dirt and come back for it later and there had been a cache for the Alaskan wildlife photographer but there was no cash in the area of Bart's remains and there was also no sign of a struggle now if anyone knew how to handle a bear attack it was Bart schleyer and he knew that the best thing you can do is play dead and after that it's fight back with all you've got punch it in the nose you know do everything you possibly can and that would leave signs of a death struggle there would be broken branches there would be things knocked over probably clothes and arrows and bow flung everywhere a bear is not really a stealth Predator you know that's not their thing they're not mountain lions so why was there no sign of a struggle why were all of Bart's bow and his arrows why are they all in the right spot calmly neatly lined up against a tree was he snuck up on and attacked by a random bear that didn't bother to do any of the normal bear things it really doesn't make sense what we really have to assume here is that in order for this to have been a bear that killed Bart an 800 pound Predator would have to sneak up on a hunter who specialized in hunting that specific Predator so it's just implausible that Bart would not have noticed or put up a fight if attacked by a grizzly bear and if it had been wolves there would have been signs as well in fact Yukon conservation officer Kevin Johnstone was quoted as saying it's not characteristic of a bear mauling site it is inconclusive as to how Mr schleier died however if you look up analysis of the case all over the place what you're going to see is oh it's a presumed grizzly bear attack but the very people investigating it didn't think it was a grizzly bear attack a wolf attack was considered but there was still no evidence for that either and that did leave other possibilities other options like for example a heart attack or a stroke but Bart was an extremely healthy 49 year old man and that is still young for heart attack and stroke even in people who aren't particularly healthy so for somebody who spent his entire life eating good food hunting being out in the wilderness you know living a very active life to die of something that typically affects people who are sedentary seems really unlikely another Searcher noted that Bart's baseball cap that they found was completely unblemished and the bag he was sitting on which contained food remained unopened so what kind of wild animal attacks somebody but doesn't tear open the bag with food in it that's what bears are known for they're more likely to come into your camp and take your stuff than they are to come into your camp and kill you and another in the animal attack issue was burnt art supplies they weren't that far away only half a mile and wild animals have fantastic sense of smell there was canned food mostly but not all of the food that Bart brought was canned so presumably an animal could have smelled it if that's what it was if this was a bear attack why did it not go for the food this is a question that stumped the bear experts so if not a bear then what some people suggested that it was humans another Hunter a serial killer but Bart's location his exact location was known only to the pilot who flew him there and he was 15 miles of rugged Forest terrain away from the nearest human settlement which it was of course nothing more than a truck stop called stewartz Crossing there's a gas station a convenience store a few houses and that's it it's just another stop along the Klondike highway so it seems unlikely that it was just some other random person who came along and decided that Bart needed to go and even still would barkett snuck up on by a random Average Joe if not an animal then whoever killed Bart had to be a really really talented Hunter and there's just no good explanation for it and even the weirdest thing we've studied in the area the nahani national park preserve is still a couple hundred miles to the east so I mean we're not that far from the same mountain range but are we going to say that there's whatever was killing people in nahani in the early 1900s still around and stalking people hundreds of miles to the West in the Yukon it's hard to say so what happened to Bart because it really makes no sense there is no consensus on this the bear experts say it probably wasn't a bear and wolves don't make sense either there's really no humans nearby to do anything about it and even if there were Bart's remains weren't in a state that suggested humans were involved unless those humans are a little bit less than human or maybe a little bit different than us you know we talk about the often Canadian well Canadian native Legends of things like the SAS gets and the pale face demons that supposedly exist in the high national park preserve of course those were reported by a man from Calgary who says natives told him about it but either way there's also of course the story of the naha tribe that disappeared maybe they had some descendants who went off into the mountains to the West it's hard to really come up with a conclusion so for me this is again one of those cases kind of like Carl Weathers where I I really just don't understand what could have happened Gara Bardsley a mountain lion's plausible if not likely with Aaron Hedges there was the fact that he was detoxing but it was still weird that he went off in the direction he did some of these cases just really have no good explanation to them because again it doesn't seem like it was a bear it doesn't seem like it was a wolf mountain lions aren't in the area so you run out of predators that are capable of taking down a full-grown man really quickly and predators that take down a full grown man and leave essentially no evidence of it other than a scattering of a few bones a pair of pants and his neatly packed dry bag bow and arrows sitting against a tree I'm at a loss for this one and I kind of have to assume that it's something we don't know about yet or that we haven't proven exists yet but as always I'd like to know what you guys think you can leave your suggestions down in the comments you can discuss debate with one another you know do whatever you feel like and if you'd like to support the channel you can subscribe to us on patreon you can check out our Tableau Roasting Company coffee Mount Pocono perk you can also buy any of the stuff on our Amazon storefront you'll find all of these links in the description so go down there check it out and do whatever you feel like if nothing else thank you for watching please like the video share with a friend if you think it was interesting and we will see you next time I'm Eden Mattis thanks for stopping by tomorrow watch I just realized we forgot to [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Lore Lodge
Views: 439,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Missing 411 Bart Schleyer, bart schleyer missing 411, the lore lodge, lore, folklore, history, culture, education, entertainment, social studies, humanities, anthropology, aidan mattis, bart schleyer disappearance, bart schleyer remains, bart schleyer bow, bart schleyer bowhunter, missing 411 lore lodge, missing 411 the hunted 2019, missing persons, missing 411 stories, unexplained mysteries, missing 411 national park disappearances, hunter, listenable, bear, moose, yukon, Canada
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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