Film Theory: This Is The Scariest YouTube Channel (Boisvert)

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answer me quickly autonomously should you picture that you with yourself at the center I don't know do you know what you must do but I do and I will teach you each time to come out of the basement foreign [Music] hello Internet welcome to film Theory the show that encourages you to know and if the choppy black and white animations have include you in yet yep we're in that part of YouTube again that shadowy corner where anything goes where you'll see things that burn themselves into your mind that corner that you probably shouldn't be watching at 3am but you're gonna try to anyway to see if you're brave enough to last and then you're gonna pass it on to your friends as a humble brag saying look I watched this can you the horror in question today is a small Indie channel that I've had my eye on for a while now called underscore boazvert or as I believe it's actually pronounced lavair when I see the underscore at the beginning it always makes me think that there needs to be a dramatic pause there like Bluff hair anyway blavare is French and literally translates to green wood which I don't think has anything to do with the Twisted images that you're about to be seeing in its videos the phrase is also used in a French figure of speech un vole de boaver which means a barrage of criticism likely more why it was chosen for the series and not the whole Greenwood thing regardless I'd like to take this opportunity to offer a formal apology to the entire entirety of the French language for this video anyway brother is a peculiar little Channel with imagery and sound design that's equal parts creative creepy and cryptic the videos are almost avant-garde in their use of visuals combining a lot of different animation and filmmaking techniques into something that's truly uncanny and often terrifying seriously from the very first video we jumped from traditional sequentially drawn animation to skin crawling live action with heavy filters and rotoscoped visuals oh my God and that's just what's on the surface of the very first video look a little deeper and you start finding allusions to biblical stories horrifying monsters and heightened almost academic language there's also a lot of imagery in there of floating hands trying to give us the tickles so that's fun if you can manage to Brave your way through its uploads it's clear that there's a story here but the timeline of events is completely out of order there are also elements of an ARG here like Morse code and QR codes that are linking to unlisted videos and you know me when I see an analog horror series with ARG elements can't help but get to the bottom of it there is clearly a deeper story hidden in this channel just under the surface and what I found at the end of the mystery was not at all what I would have expected guava is simultaneously one of the darkest and twisted Explorations in the human emotion that I've seen and yet once you understand what you're watching it hits hard it is real it connects in a way that most other media doesn't and to top it all off it's uplifting don't let this fool you friends this story has itself a happy ending that said before it gets there boisver is heavy friends consider this your content warning today we're braving our way through topics like depression anxiety isolation and self-harm but I promise you it all comes out good in the end so what is the creator of boisver trying to say through all the unsettling Whispers very first video take care it's clear that we're diving into a plot that has a lot to say here we meet our main character and artist I'm gonna call him antlers guy because none of the characters in the series appear to have official names antlers guy counts the small victories where he can including waking up at a reasonable hour consistently exercising ignoring the noises downstairs yeah you can kind of see where this one might be headed before too long antler's guy is drawn to the noises heading down into the basement and it's there that we meet our main monster room a shadowy figure with a disturbing triangular head suddenly in a jarring twist the art style shifts to live footage with the entity charging at the camera Whispering a series appointed questions [Music] [Applause] [Music] see your friends it is creepy stuff but the questions that room asks us give us our first clue as to what the series is about based on the video's upload date May 2020 and the very first words that we see on screen these are troubling times my friend we know that Boise is exploring the feelings of isolation that were brought upon by the covid lockdowns basically this thing is like Bo Burnham's inside without the musical numbers and Instagram jokes antler's guy is clearly having difficulty adjusting to the isolation and this triangular-headed figure in the basement represents the depression that lurks within the depths of his mind but this isn't the first time that he's had to deal with room or the depression that he represents in a later video entitled entirely beloved we hear that antlers guy has always struggled with Bridging the chasm and drawing near without reprisal AKA connecting with other people and though he's actively tried to seek out relationships he's never been able to find them but it is to no avail I am in love alive we also see this play out in another video they don't know here antlers guy is consumed by the dark figure while attending a party before the lockdowns happen clearly no one understands his distress he begins to flail around wildly and no one responds to it interestingly this video is also based on the they don't know Meme which also had an earlier Incarnation with the caption I wish I was at home a phrase that makes me want to say be careful what you wish for friends but that was before now that antlers guy has been quarantining at home the depressive thoughts are seeping into every other part of his life most obviously his work we see that same shadowy creature appearing as a drawing while antler guy tries to remain productive in lockdown and that's not the only moment it happens while scrolling through the video frame by frame if you pause it at the perfect moment you'll see room peeking in at antler's guide through the window this whole idea of your house your room a once safe place now becoming an oppressive prison is a major through line for boisvere's thematic narrative in a later video Prelude Angels warning there's a series of dots and dashes down in the description seasoned air jeers will immediately recognize this as Morse code and when you run it through a translator it asks when does a home home become a complex that phrase is also included in a secret message in the same video hidden in the closed captions during some heavy breathing either way that question when does a home become a complex has a double meaning for the series both as a physical Prison Complex as well as a psychological Mental Health Complex antler's guy clearly feels trapped not only in his home but within the confines of his own mind but when the prison finally opens its doors when the world becomes safer and he's able to get out again things just get worse the damage has already been done antler's guy is still terrified of going outside but now he has the added layers of guilt and otherness to contend with as the world moves on without him we see this in the video burning.mp4 released in March of 2021 burning states that an entire year has passed since the world was shut down and our protagonist is not doing well his expression is now permanently veiled in Shadow instead of waking up in Courage he views his life as just a series of endless cycles that continue to repeat he lives paralyzed in the basement watching the rest of society through the window now all he can do is stare at a blank sheet of paper and Bash his head into the desk until he's fully consumed by his inner Darkness thankfully antler's guy isn't completely without hope next upload continue dramatizes his internal battle as a video game showdown between two new figures skull face and dog face again because they don't have official names we're just gonna call these characters pessimism and optimism respectively and let me tell you this video has got pretty much everything you'd want in a good Showdown a hero a villain a music track that absolutely slaps pessimism looms large over a game over screen an antler's guy has to contemplate quitting notice that the default option on the screen is actually quit however even when antlers guy chooses to continue pessimism replaces the option for a split second as not a chance encapsulating the hopelessness that's consumed antler's guy we actually see literal manifestations of those thoughts scrolling by in the text above and below pessimism goes pretty fast but if you pause on certain frames you can see phrases like I've always deluded myself I will end you today in every subsequent day you will have no hope I suspect that these are his inner monologue the negative things that he's telling himself as he spirals further and further downward thankfully optimism appears representing an option to continue battling and ultimately stabbing pessimism antlers guy will continue for another day in its final moment pessimism even Sprouts dog ears representing how pessimism can be reshaped into optimism if you just give it the chance interestingly I believe that optimism in the story is represented by a dog-faced creature because there is a massive spike in pet adoption during the pandemic with one in five American households adopting either a cat or a dog for many these furry companions served as a ray of sunshine that brought much needed positivity and optimism to people at the height of kovid's nasty strain of isolation in a later video we do see a dog Avatar representing optimism so it does seem to track but has anyone struggling with depression knows it's not about winning just one battle this isn't the sort of diagnosis where you have a single moment and suddenly you've conquered depression handling depression is a process that takes time and we see that happening in the next series of uploads to complex and entirely beloved pessimism returns in a new much darker form called the complex the complex has driven antler's guy to push everyone away and so doing he's trapped him in a new prison one entirely self-made forcing him to sit alone in Silence with all these dark thoughts just spiraling because he feels as if he's missing something antler's guy draws even further in from everyone around him on a community post from the channel we actually see this reiterated it says something is missing with a hex code that leads to this image of a chair and a QR code leading to antler's guy sitting on it alone forever in a dark room all of this causes antler's guy to be entirely consumed by his dark room Persona sent not just to the basement but into a deep well in the basement lower than low the literal abyss of Despair it's there that he comes to a disturbing conclusion though he always wanted genuine connections with other people he simply couldn't bring himself to take that chance because he was afraid he explains and when you come here you will see in my eyes here but it's not just that he's afraid of other people he's afraid of not being loved I say this because the video ends on the French word for fear but the closed caption subtitles actually replace the word fear with love in fact the complex actually spells it out for us for a brief moment in the video consequences a QRC code appears in the corner and once this thing's scanned it takes you to a secret unlisted video here the complex explains that love is not a guarantee in anyone life without ever feeling love it would be an entirely alien concept to them even when consumed by the room entity antlers guy still wants to feel the warmth of love and his depression has left him so emotionally drained that even the concept of love feels foreign to him all of this becomes too much for antler's guy in the final shot of entirely beloved room looks up and we see that his mask the only thing that allowed him to face the world has shattered we see the Fallout of this throughout the rest of the video consequences the once calm and clean space that antlers guy lived in is now wild and chaotic the home has become a true reflection of the distress that he feels within and with this we arrive at the climax of the story arc zoning ordinance even the title's a hint at what we're about to see zoning ordinances dictate how a specific property is meant to be used since the state of antler's guy's dwelling space represents his mental state this video will decide which mindset will govern him will he give in to his dark thoughts or will he defeat them and move forward antlers guys consumed by a shadow form sitting at the bottom of a deep pit in the basement while complex looms over him that's when the injury optimism arrives bloodied but not beaten in fact it literally drags the corpse of pessimism with him as it arrives at the pit immediately the complex lashes out and attacks optimism trying to drown out its positive intentions this then starts another battle and another killer beat [Music] during the struggle pessimism's corpse is knocked into the pit an antlers guy begins to devour it symbolic of how in his depressive State he's literally feeding on negative thoughts and during this epic struggle of positivity versus negativity optimism against pessimism hope versus depression antler's guy is wounded as a knife falls into the pit and Strikes him I think this is blavare's way of portraying the topic of self-harm but in this moment he encounters the angel which uh not really the thing that I want to see while I'm approaching the Pearly Gates gotta say then again some angels in the Bible are described as interlocking golden Wheels covered in eyeballs so you know maybe this thing is more accurate than I'd care to admit regardless the angel Comforts antlers guy asking him to re-center his thoughts on himself picturing himself as the center of an empty room it encourages him to cry out so that no one can ignore him telling antlers guy that it's okay to ask for help antler's guy reaches out to the angel pulling off its face and then putting it on himself Majora's Mask style but I don't suspect that this is a mask hiding us from other people instead I think it's representative of antler this guy putting on a new Brave face so he can confront his own depression and enter the world that scared him for almost his entire life the moment he grabs the mask the closed captions read I wanted to know you in this way for so long antler's guy has found something that he can connect with and open up to back in the pit hands erupt out of antler's guy and lift him out of the pit grabbing the complex and ripping it to shreds the very last thing that we see in the video is antler's guy still consumed by the depressing room entity disappearing and leaving behind only the outline of his silhouette Morse code hidden in the closed caption at this point tells us goodbye and hello in the video's description reads an ending a continuation a beginning despite antler's Guy saying goodbye to the complex brought on by a lifetime of fear and incited by the Home lockdowns the darkness inside of him still lives on in a small way the depression still follows him it always will but we're now saying hello to a new start a new beginning a chance to co-exist with the darkness to understand it and most importantly to handle it in a healthy way and with that we see the closing of this chapter of blauvere's story something that I'm going to call the complex Arc with our Central character reasserting his voice and taking steps to pull himself out of his literal pit of despair now to be honest there's more to blavare's story really there is considering the channel still actively uploading so it's likely that I'll probably revisit the channel at some point down the road if you liked it but for now I just honestly appreciate how well this story is told for as horrific as the visuals get the message is actually real and hopeful when you live with clinical depression or anxiety you simply don't defeat it like you see in so much media it doesn't just go away vanquished instead you have to learn to live alongside it in a way that allows you to continue moving forward and sometimes you're gonna fail sometimes you're gonna backslide into another depressive episode and that's okay no one is gonna be at their best every single day and it's okay to reach out and ask for help when that sort of thing happens and that's going to be true for a creepy looking YouTube protagonist or for you watching at home dealing with the hard times for yourself as they say at the end of zoning ordinance cry out cry out cry cry out and I bet that you'll find an audience of people willing to listen able to relate and eager to help but hey that's just a theory a film Theory and cuts [Laughter] [Music] oh [Laughter]
Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 6,046,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boisvert, _boisvert, boisvert room, boisvert explained, what is boisvert, what is _boisvert, analog horror, boisvert they don't know, boisvert music, boisvert take care, boisvert entirely beloved, boisvert playlist, boisvert continue, walten files, backrooms, pombo atomico boisvert, mandela catalogue, the backrooms, analog horror series, film theory, film theorists, matpat, film theory boisvert, film theory_boisvert, _ boisvert, pombo atômico boisvert, zoning ordinance
Id: PooUlE4gep8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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