Welcome Home: A Perfectly Innocent Lost Puppet Show!

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foreign fever dreams everyone welcome to Spring and a much more cheerful albeit still wonderfully Twisted season in the night mind office for those of you who know the deal hey you know the deal for those of you who don't just to give a quick summary Gap in favor dreams is that strange lovely headspace when it's warm enough to feel the change and want to get outside already until old man winter to pack his and leave but it's not quite ready out there to grab a shovel and start planting yeah you feel the shift and the cabin fever is real but what can you do with it all pent up it leaks over into your sleep it gets in your dreams and the result is always interesting in the morning so in that spirit I decided we're kicking off with a new creation I really adore that took a lot of dedication and I think it will take you back to a much happier time in a much happier place filled with delightful new friends but before we enter this neighborhood I've got to share that lately I've been getting more acquainted with my own and to tell you why I need a little help from tonight's sponsor our friends at raycon you know what isn't awesome living in a place where Winter does get cold and suddenly something critical breaks in one of your tires and the repair shops around you are kind of slammed so now you're just effectively without a car for a while and because you're still in walking distance of locations to help you keep eating and maintaining daily life you don't have an excuse not to put on a jacket zip it up and get moving and no you're not going to just wait and pay for ride shares you know what it is awesome though reaching into that jacket pocket and knowing your raycon everyday earbuds are right there and a single full charge alone is going to get you through multiple trips outside whether you enjoy listening through a pair of everyday earbuds low latency headphones or a speaker with a battery to last you through whatever unexpected repair drops hit you retcon has you covered with a rich audio starting at half the price of other premium audio Brands I've been using everyday earbuds for years but in this period in life just knowing I have them and that they're going to pair up so easily and provide me with the music the moment they're in my ears makes walking a lot more paraple the deep bass is perfect for my kind of music because I need it to be loud and strong and distract me for from the boredom and the temperature as I Trek to my destination and because the carrying case is also the charging device I know they're safe and ready to go for next time raycon's everyday earbuds have eight hours of continuous play time and I won't pretend I haven't been dependent on that lately by the way the ease of pausing just by tapping the side of an earbud has been critical because you don't know the moments exactly when you're out on the street or in a store that you'll just need to hear everything around you ready to buy something small with a big impact click the link in the description box or go to buy recon.com forward slash night mine to get 15 off your recon purchase I can't deny the impact it's made on my life lately that's for sure again just click the link in the description box or go to buy raycon.com forward slash night mine to get 15 off your raycon purchase thanks again to raycon for sponsoring tonight's journey and the offer for nightmine viewers as well as making periods of unfortunate circumstances for me a lot more bearable [Music] now about tonight's exploration this is a unique form of project yeah go ahead Mark that off on your bingo card I know I know and it requires a unique approach that's what we're about to go into uncharted waters a little bit here we're going to get organic and go through it without my prepared notes so for those of you who've always wanted me to give it to you raw well this video is for you I can't precisely remember how I first found out about welcome home and in accordance with the nature of the project I prefer that way what I will say is that there is no better introduction to the experience than its landing page hello neighbor come in it's a cute way to start isn't it just the way that the text hangs there for a second and then the rest of it floats on and it's very inviting so of course we click we come in and everything sets up very nicely very animated very friendly very delightful welcome home with a hop skip and a jump you were ushered into the colorful serendipitous world of Welcome Home it only takes one stroll down the neighborhood to know this is just the nicest little place you've ever seen watch Wally in his colorful array of friendly neighbors learn about the vibrant world around them and take part in nonsensical fun underneath we get a little bit more clarification welcome to the welcome home website feel free to explore our humble homepage and learn more about a puppet show now lost through security thank you for visiting so it's a puppet show and as you can see taking a look at it it seems very very 70s TV inspired it's very obvious to know what the name brand uh it is most like is of course when it comes to puppets but they all seem to have distinct personality from them even if you can see the inspiration quite clearly and I really love that that's one of the immediate points that I can give you to observe of inspiration over imitation here so we know that it is a puppet show Lost to obscurity what's welcome home critically praised and financially successful welcome home dominated it's Saturday morning time slot with its colorful cast of Puppets entertaining and addictive stories and Lively sets unlike anything seen before surely a spectacle for audiences of all ages welcome home was an American children's television program created and produced by the play fellow Workshop which served as the Studio's only production okay Horror Story hints number one supposedly its first episode aired on October 11th 1969 horror hint number two started in October and was broadcast onto an unknown Channel until its last estimated air date sometime in 1974. so it did run for a few years at least you can see immediately these beautiful illustrations that are coming through welcome home primarily focus on the neighbors the show's inhabitants who were accompanied by a mixture of animated breaks and Illustrated storybook segments the setting itself was a colorful and exaggeratedly designed town named home with unique elements like a post office and a bodega as well as brightly colored creatures that lived within It episodes usually began with Wally introducing the focus or theme for the day before coming across other characters who would join him on his excutes until the end of the day which would signify the end of the show the end of the day okay that's the end of the show hmm so there might be a hint there that they never actually experienced night time all of the characters had notable recurring segments that were sprinkled throughout the entirety of the show's run such as Eddie dear creating arts and crafts Sally Starlet performing plays or Wally darling painting a picture with the help of other members of the cast The viewer was often regarded as an additional neighbor with Wally speaking to them on a regular basis and now you'll notice right away we have an anomaly why is this W so out of line with everything else you can see the original W is there but this one is fading there seems to be an inherent error on the page underneath this of course we have a slider and right away just immediately you can see the dedication to this project this strikes me so immediately this ad this retro ad that is mocked up just right that contains elements of Photography model work illustration paper cutouts and puppetry all in one all in one that is extremely impressive and the slide goes on as you can see underneath here it says restored remnants and reproduced pieces so these would be a lot of character interactions oh I'll be right back screen leading off to a commercial break okay Al one of the tie-in products a storybook and again just note the quality here the dedication that it took to produce this physical page with these illustrations get a puppet hand and then actually take the photo all these Valentine's cards like a lot of cartoons used to do oh even a Halloween special you know I gotta give some love to that okay that's actually vaguely you know what I'm feeling from that that's more leaning into our usual expectations of course this is a gift here that somebody's put together and so this character I believe Wally sleeping on a cake this just keeps going on and on which is incredible to me they did not create the Creator here they did not make just a few elements in order to try and convince you they just kept making things and put them together in this gallery just keeps going on [Music] oh Wally's house home blue okay so it seems to be a few different takes on it but two of these takes it seems as if the house is crying [Music] it's remarkable alone in a project like this just to see all the effort that went into creating what seem like different stages of production in the studio offices because this would be say kind of an expression sheet [Music] there's a lot of signatures here you might have noticed lower corner and it just keeps going on oh finally we hit an end but look at it all it's it's remarkable isn't it welcome home is believed to have had a four-year run upon further research before both its abrupt poll from television in 1974 and complete silence from its Entertainment Company the playfellow workshop welcome home success seemed to be set in stone and miss other television programs for a teacher Artistry captivating stories remarkable puppetry and Lively characters however all footage is presumably lost including supposed merchandise advertisements vinyl records and Illustrated books depicted in the episodes however what has been revealed has driven us to uncover its whereabouts and this is where it starts to get into our turf read more about our journey and how we are uncovering this long forgotten puppet show and our mission at the welcome home restoration project about us page we'd love to wouldn't we okay and again notice this the O is floating out of place and there is an existing o behind it so we have a w and we have an O who seem to be very purposeful when I originally found this project after somebody tossed me the lead when I took a look through it I noticed right off the bat that there are certain letters that are floating around and kind of glitched out my thought is that these are going to be needed for something maybe a password page maybe a link I've tried it a few times but maybe during this round I can uncover more the welcome home restoration project is a team of anonymous individuals dedicated to compiling restoring And archiving what few remnants of Welcome Home has been uncovered it is through these Collective efforts that we will awaken the memory of this last piece of media we strive to establish a friendly and open community of friends family and fans just like the colorful and quaint Neighbors in our beloved home love is clear in the messages of Wally darling and is as much of a Hallmark to him as his charismatic smile his cheery disposition and his eagerness to understand the world around him we too hope to spread this feeling of everlasting Joy caring understanding and acceptance to all in the hopes that you will join us in our thorough exploration Together We Will Make this House a Home visitors May wonder how we came to uncover such a show Yes actually where we obtain these works and the efforts taken to restore them to the best of our ability to that we are happy to open our front door to you neighbor FAQ who are you for personal reason our small Collective at the whrp team have agreed upon staying Anonymous for our own security and safety how did you begin your research to be honest we were drawn in unexpectedly all the information found on this website was extracted from documents that have been uncovered in brightly colored envelopes we are thankful to be the first to jump start this journey what do the illustrations writings and advertisements look like when you receive them all the paper materials tucked away inside the envelopes we have received are usually crowned together and covered in paint and ink despite these volunteers have both restored and recreated most of what was found on the documents below is an example of our work as we extract information from the original document and translate it into a digital state that is a hell of a Recovery Act isn't it but also the original piece in its destroyed States immediately you know you have alarm Bells going off of why did somebody try to destroy this [Music] our volunteers have also produced speculative pieces from the information gathered such as Frank's spinning head Eddie's removable hat and the heart marks on the bottom of Wally's shoes we hope more fan interpretations will be able to arise just like this [Music] why did you make this website um that's uh so the question seems to be doubled over but the answer is in turmoil let's see the original I hoped that this website would grab the attention of someone who has seen the show before and could tell us more about it if this wasn't possible then we wanted to be the first to Showcase this last piece of media to help spur on the research for its existence many of our guestbook signatures have talked about seeing this show before so this is a good sign it means it is inside of you too then and the other text when I unwrapped the first letter I felt it I heard it open open open open I wanted out I'm going to get it out yeah there it is you know I love this kind of approach then there might be a hidden text too so we'll check for that what kind of merchandise did Welcome Home have it's only speculation but from what we've counted there's a possibility that there are vinyl records children's toys plethora of other merchandise that could be ordered through various magazines someone thinks there are patterns that make your own Barnaby do you know how many episodes of welcome home there are unfortunately no we've yet to receive footage from the show nor a full catalog of all the episodes we've estimated the last air date for the show was in 74 but only because it is the most recent date listed on a script hmm do you know anyone who worked at the playfilla workshop or are you a former employee now and I am not affiliated with the company but we know of Ronald dorlain he must be the Creator we will find the other names too aren't we able to join your team at the moment we're not accepting new members who is your favorite resident everyone on our team has their favorite but if you ask me mine is Wally darling he is the most as he would say let's go to the neighborhood home is where the heart is and welcome home's residents are the heart of the neighborhood even if you don't live there you're still one of its most important denizens but don't worry with the help of this colorful array of neighbors it'll feel just like home in no time at all I did find out about something just clicking around originally oh we have another piece look down here please note this information is pulled from remnants found in Illustrated pages in Old merchandise information is subject to change and expand upon discovering new findings so we have a w and O and an X you can see that the House's eyes are moving which is adorable but there's a hidden element here if you hover over your you get you [Music] so even you have a page here when this text is finished typing it says Wally is your best friend and that's it that's it for you that's all the information that it has about you [Music] there's nothing else that you can get Ctrl a just selects the background so now we have to go back hmm so let's explore the neighborhood let's do clockwise and then shoot for Center xiaomi Julie undoubtedly the cheeriest neighborhood puppet could ask for Julie joyful is welcome home's happiest resident amid such a rainbow of brightly colored neighbors that's really saying something upbeat silly and always ready to play with her friends there's never a boring day and welcome home while she's around she's Frank's best friend now obviously we could go through all of these bit for bit piece for peace but let's be honest we're looking for Secrets a lot of this would be hardcore TV show lore which is great in order to actually understand the concept and the characters but we like to get to the bottom of things sooner rather than later so there's Julie Sally starlets according to an uncovered script Sally had once been the brightest star in the sky even more than those that surrounded her however looking down at a nearby Celestial body from her spot she knew there were still places she had yet to truly shine and fell from above as a shooting star concept artwork revealed that Sally was a live hand puppet but required an additional hand to help move her head as it was much larger than other puppets notice earlier what we established about the episode seeming to end whenever the day would end Sally has a night side on her door for her house but as a star she only seems to be in a sun shape her eye shadow does seem to indicate nighttime but so far there's not a lot of night that we are experiencing here Poppy yes she watched she made cookies of the other characters that's cute old scripts outlined poppy had lived with her family and a nest had been tucked away in a tree hollowed deep within the forest but that she would eventually outgrow to a staggering degree Eddie a male carrier who moved into home from a distant town in order to establish a post office Eddie had never stated the correct name of where he came from throughout the show's run the running joke often had him stating a place that did not exist followed by an admission to misremembering it as a place he delivered to as opposed to a place he lived I guess that could be a humor bet but it is kind of strange right howdy pillar all right that's cute a small time caterpillar who wanted to start his own business Audi's puppet was rotated between a live hand puppet and a walk-around puppet in order to keep him in frame with his fellow residents Barnaby B beagle Barnaby's puppet was rotated between a live hand puppet and a walk around typically to keep him in frame with his much shorter Neighbors Frank smartest neighbor and welcome home resident Bookworm with an expertise on butterflies puppet appeared with a fixed frown on its face but an illustrated material Frank often had more complex expressions Wally Wally darling the friendliest neighbor and welcome home perhaps even the best painter too we would smile like his it's hard to disagree always eager to make new friends and show them around the neighborhood while he's happy to lend a helping hand but you knew that already didn't you okay yeah now it's starting to get there his house is named home is regarded as the ninth neighbor but seemingly cannot speak as illustrations show home speaking only in onomatopoeias Creek squeak bang sources say however that this puppet's eyes could move through a hand crank on the other side of the prop facing away from the camera additionally it stores chimney and windows were supposedly very animated during episodes it is implied that home is the most Lively house within the neighborhood as none of the other houses seem to have eyes okay this is interesting notice now it's not go back for anything it's goodbye [Music] okay all right I'm excited because I finally did just find something I found something that I did not find before back when I was first exploring this and it only took me maybe two pages to design yes we're covering this we're exploring this but I've just found something here through the tap system whenever you're exploring a website that has potential hidden links use the tab button to scan through the page and it should highlight in squares anything that is not obvious so because I just did that I found something we're gonna come back to this we're gonna come back to this because now I'm excited and I think we just struck some some good fun reveals we're gonna get there but let's let's keep scanning through let's go to news so this was on February 25th we hope everyone in this Humble Home of ours has had a wonderful month Love is in the air so they say and we have managed to uncover additional cards from what we believe to be a previously sold package of welcome home Valentine's Day cards a few of these cards existed in our Gallery prior to this update such as Julie joyful Frank Frankly and Eddie dear but at the time of their restoration much the package found was soaking wet so uncovering the entire set had been a dilemma we assume it must be water damage however our restorers have managed to clean up Sally Starlet and howdy Pillar To What We believe to be their original Glory hot dog we've also updated our guest book so if you remember leaving us a kind message feel free to peruse the gallery of signatures okay this is interesting [Music] oh this is very interesting the welcome home restoration project has received so much love and support in the duration of our efforts to recover this last piece of media but even better you believe me you know it is out there with that said someone has reached out to us to offer the opportunity to showcase our findings publicly for the world to see in an in-person exhibition they are regarded as the question answerer a professional exhibitor and museum curator who believes in our happy home just as much as we do together we will get it out we will get everything out you will see as we do neighbor oh no more information will arrive as we prepare for this exciting installation stay tuned and remember to wave up high in the previous update seems to be from January 15th they were also addressing a few setbacks in the coding of the websites a few graphics and texts that are Askew please ignore them and continue to peruse our happy home until we can get everything patched up okay [Music] so there's a gallery coming and that seems like a very bad idea according to the hints that we've gotten about this lost media and uh do you really trust somebody who calls himself the question answer because I I really don't guest book [Music] thank you for visiting our home take your time signing our guestbook and have a wonderful day please do not send personal information or messages or screen before the posted you your comments or just visit our guest book [Music] so what I love about the guest book and again this this speaks to the dedication by the Creator is that you can actually get sketches on some of these comments love and comment heart a shout out to all other poppy joys of the world little sketch of poppy honk clown Barnaby Excel and there are some interesting ones like Scott asking where am I and it's just a smile they don't all seem to be plants I I believe that probably some of these are plants in order to add to the vibe and give you hints but some of these are very clearly from visitors and we have signatures from all the characters it seems which is very cute links [Music] spread the good word about welcome home now interesting thing I noticed right off the bat about this is uh there's only one you can click it's this blue Barnaby [Music] for some reason that's clickable it doesn't lead you anywhere but Barnaby works alright so now you know what we have to do sell [Music] the hint was at the front door to Wally's place because underneath the door there's some sort of black liquid or shadowy kind of thing that's coming out from underneath the door and if you hover over this section you do not see my cursor right now because I didn't want it to be an interruption but if you hover over it you will get a notification that it leads to a page called So Below ah and here we are now we're starting to get somewhere ha okay so what have we got here we've got Wally in front of one of the moving eyes of home almost worshiping him let's have three shows there's nothing I can do here let me try something [Music] because obviously anybody who knows so below knows how to answer back let me try typing in as above that's moderate too far from home okay but this is a good technique to get us to spots that we haven't quite seen yet okay [Music] guess book neighborhood I see it's hard to see sometimes where the tab is bringing me [Music] let's try a control all in here [Music] so now comes the hard part because now we're on the hunt things aren't so obvious now and let's see if we have a letter w Mission page or about us we have the w we have the o this is where the underlying story started to seep through the cracks oh look at that we are thankful to be the first to jump start this journey but it hurts only able to see that through control all or getting lucky with the highlighting aha does it hurt okay so those who are actually conducting the investigation and creating this site they seem to be infected with something and it hurts it hurts and they want to get it out oh [Music] the numbers are so hard to read sometimes I can't see them okay [Music] all right let's try and tap through no hmm [Music] oh right that's because I tried that before [Music] [Music] okay so that did reward us with something we'll make sure it's delivered okay all right so this is very well formatted so if anything is a skew it should pop right out right [Music] these Pages go deep by the way [Music] aha [Music] well look at that Wally you're looking for me silly silly you won't write back and then really begins with the legitimate guesswork entries I guess hmm so while he's in here Wally or something that is claiming to be Wally is in here [Music] is there something behind there [Music] huh if there's a format issue there and then I'm not picking it up [Music] the why and the Y is out of place [Music] hot dog Barnaby is the only clickable one Barnaby's Wally's best friend Barnaby is there anything about the house here [Music] no nothing we can do there so we have at least a w an o a y an X were there other letters [Music] it seems that's as far as we go here just from what I can understand about what we're capable of doing at this time maybe there's something inside we can't actually look at the page source for hints here I don't believe because it is a Wix sight unless I'm mistaken there might be elements that you can go ahead and hide in here that just won't be visible unless you examine the page source that would be an examination for another day what I want to show you now so that you fully understand what's going on here is take you to the main main page that welcome home branches off of clown illustration.com and you can see right away we have puppets we have actual puppets and if you go to about welcome home as you can see there's that aesthetic that we're looking for there's that dark reveal hello my name is clown let me tell you about my project welcome home welcome home is a horror project that focuses on unraveling the mystery surrounding a beloved 70s children TV show you are to accompany a colorful Cavalcade of Puppets as their beloved neighborhood begins to skew into store into a nightmarish memory that they can barely recall through Illustrated books recordings and an array of mold merchandise you will find what dwells within this colorful home beneath its beautiful carpets behind its gorgeous wallpaper and deep within its breathing crevices fortunately you have someone to keep you company and hold your hand as you walk down a path now long forgotten and there's a gallery here too thank you [Music] hey Skinner and gang what's up oh the As Above silver from from the back of that oh [Music] so as you can see there's a lot more to this than what you have seen there's a lot more a lot more just in terms of the pieces that were made for this that will eventually come into play and elements of the sights and it looks like Clown's friend fig betta tested the site and did some painting for some of the odd work so big props to Fig [Music] and then then you can jump into welcome home and yeah from control a there's no secrets here [Music] so there is more there's absolutely more to this and I think it will be delicious and exciting and horrifying and wonderfully twisted but as far as I can go right now is as far as you have seen I did make a new discovery with you this time uh which was the So Below element now we know how to kind of navigate a little bit better it's always easier to try and use your brain first and really scan things and hunt them out and look for Clues and visuals that kind of lead you to believe there's something there but when all of that fails Ctrl a and tab around and obviously there's more to it than what we've seen here there are just too many elements on the outside for us to view plainly that show there's more and my only issue at hand is wondering if I missed anything I scoured it as much as I could before this video during this video if it's in there and I couldn't find it I just couldn't find it welcome home reminds me a lot of the Moss flower pictures project we covered last year except that under the surface it really is covered in blood and guts now I just can't wait to see all the blood and guts please please direct me to the blood and gods I'll say this too and throw a rock where a rock needs throwing it's really really refreshing to see someone approach the concept of the kids friendly mascot character entertainment product and do it with love and actual skill you know the heartless garbage that lets players have to shovel through in the wake of mascot horror and kids media horror flooding the scene too much of it is a transparent attempt to get big enough that counterfeiters at the mall rip off their product welcome home gives me life Welcome Home does It For the Love of the characters the idea the story The Darkness and the light and the way it can be brought to life in front of us this is what it means to be an artist with integrity and do something right that dozens of others around you are doing so annoyingly wrong I'll respect unique approaches to expression of a concept that inspired someone as long as I can actually see in your effort that it's coming from a place of inspiration of the heart and not cartoon dollar signs in your eyes if mascot and kids media horror dies within a year let nobody except the welcome homes of the world live and Thrive clown the Creator do this for the love of the art and the love of its world and that is what sets him apart now please clown when can we get more I'm so ready for it I am so ready for it and so happy to think about what's on the way and if you feel the same while watching go ahead and tell him in the comments section please let him know what you think of the work if you've enjoyed welcome home and want to support clown they have a coffee which I'll provide a link to in the video description below whether it's a tip or a monthly membership gift I think they deserve the support it just may enable them to unveil all the other aspects of welcome home they have waiting or need some support to unveil or produce as for us that's all for tonight thanks again to raycon for the sponsor thanks to clown for making welcome home thanks to all of you for watching and thanks to all of my supporters on patreon who enable not only the work I put into night minds but the curation and upkeep of the my mind index which catalogs new emerging and undiscovered projects like welcome home including some incredible website experiences that I haven't told you about yet if you'd like to join you can Empower night mine through patreon for as little as two dollars a month just two dollars and it seriously goes a long way you'll also get instant access to the patreon member Discord where we have voice chat hangout nights and higher tiers include consultations with me about projects you like to Workshop about or get feedback on seriously if you really want to become a Creator and you've been itching to get an idea out there or concept and you just want somebody to take a look and give you some feedback even if it's just for a night I am available I have tears for that we can set it up we can sit down we can discuss what you've got going on how to approach it address any fears or doubts you may have and get you on your way to getting out there and meeting your audience I would love to help you out and of course I'm now on Twitch streaming live investigations and yes game nights that are in the vein of the material we're used to it's twitch I know where I am and we do have fun with it if you want a little taste of what that's like you can watch my on-air upload of winter of 83 coverage or check my vods on Twitch I'd love to see you over there and yes subscriptions are available if you prefer emotes and all of that fun over patreon if you're looking for ways to support me directly thanks for joining me in the doc again this evening once more I'm Nick nocturn and you're welcome to drop by my neighborhood again real soon do beware of friendly lost media that someone tried very hard to make sure was lost and sleep tight [Music]
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 3,157,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: welcome home, lost media, unfiction, dont hug me im scared, night mind, nick nocturne, ARG
Id: vBgFxv5n_WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 26sec (2606 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.