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what's going on everybody and he sounded back once again it was sound head entertainment we are banking rec fest once again here today now one of the ultimate fan favorite tracks the Hot Wheels track is back and we have got the 90s NASCAR mod loaded up and ready to go as well as we're about to embark on a no reset challenge at one of the greatest tracks in this game and we're off let's go straight to the middle cuz I do not want any drama from either one of these lines and the rules of course are pretty self-explanatory if we can knock off the edge you're stuck we're done and we're going off the edge already that did not even take ten seconds I couldn't mean it two words out of my mouth fast enough to explain the rules at our first attempt is already over I'm flipping across the seafloor and things have gone all wrong right from the start I mean and I don't even think a reset would do us any good anyway look at us we're killed well the good news is it can't get much worse than that you've got to be kidding me it immediately does what is this all about oh we're getting destroyed already we even make it down the web I've never seen that before no flipping through the air now what in the world is going on at the Hot Wheels track today we have consumed all the stupid pills I don't think I've ever seen that before oh we got a couple of them reckon in the tunnel that was close oh this is gonna be really interesting my car is completely mangled and I will I even be able to get over this oh I'm doing some Skippy skips some hoppity hops oh this is bad we're going over the edge it's not good Oh seafloor we meet again yeah that date to see it but as we used to say sometimes just gotta take that debt so we're done well let's eat oh maybe I'll cause the wreck on the ramp this time that was productive and here we go yeah we got to make contact with somebody and look at the huge one and I can't even slow down I can't stop and there you have it we're destroying we're one with crunch crunch we just found out how hot wheels get made and I'd really like it if we didn't do any of that again so let's just try and survive or do whatever this is instead that's cool ow just knows that in about as hard as you can to the seat Bloor and there you have it I don't even know what to call that in a world of aspects that was like a wedgie like I just drove it and eat them let's wait for an impending death oh oh that was looking good for a second there was some daylight as they come raining down behind us oh what a sight that was the bill see if I get this thing spun around damn bail bail bonds we still see you out here yeah you're not got you kind of running me off the road over here what do you do watch guys a maniac look at him oh he's wrecking himself up here come on we gotta we gotta have better composure than that come on all right well go ahead and put him behind us it puts me in the lead and I can't even turn the car I'm scraping up against the wall this is gonna be great Oh watch out Oh just hold on hold on Oh relax no we're going around this is not going well but we're alive we're alive and we're on the track and that's what matters it's got a little buddy oh it's pyro coming back in its old Dale there you go he's flying Oh see you going to the moon with that one I'm gonna jump of all the pass the crossover move but not in the way that we've ever seen a crossover before that was an over-under crossover now no why no that's tragic now that's offensive look at we're at the edge of the world here but you might as well just go to Middle Earth we're right here what can go wrong oh god what's that sound oh god what is happening oh no what did we do doll Jesus isn't gonna go well and there you have it no we just got blasted by the way up to on the way by the cars are raining down like Hellfire and look at the damage look at the warp oh my get honestly it's a 10 out of 10 damage model so I took five underneath the car already what a beautiful sight now let's see can we actually miss the mayhem here oh we all stood there was daylight in fact that really wasn't all that bad all I didn't do I hope I didn't just get stuck on it we're good oh we're good and look at this I guess we're going this way let's go watch out we got guys going everywhere oh I shall pyro oh oh that was close this guy's just can't keep it straight Oh case in point right there the cheap see you later or can we get by 277 please no oh no we come together on the way up and I'm off the ramp part I yep there you go we're off track can I just get back on it hold on this might be a big brain moment right here no oh well I tried what I want to know is how the middle is the safest and most treacherous at the same time oh we always made it to again Oh what I got smashed I just got creamed right there and that's we're able to continue but I'm not happy about it ow first of all second of all look at this in front of us that guy just got destroyed see you later general hopefully Shaq Sun in there once again today got the beast right here to let me get by you please know why literally why it all saved what a save but now we could go around again but that was a lucky bounce all right see if we can do this without getting mugged on the way up I'm gonna wreck myself anyway I don't even need anybody to do it to me but counted I landed it Dane County oh boy I probably should break for these I should really start breaking for those oh baby oh no no no no don't do this to me no you cannot do this to me no [Music] oh all right we're okay all right we're good oh man I really hate this section this might be my least favorite section right here and this is why this is literally exactly why just rename this part of the track is like butt pucker central because that's pretty much how it feels oh you know you know one of these days I'm actually gonna learn a lesson from something that I do and apply it from then on because I told myself it's gonna break in then I just kept flying over that straight to the moon but the good news is I think we're officially the farthest that we've been thus far I think we've been to this corner yin and Fang carry it a little bit too much speed oh right in a way I better not have just saw what I think I saw oh I'm mad do I even dare look I am sad that this here it goes well at least I got a friend to come help me give me a push buddy didn't think so oh when he's wrecking himself Oh crunch brush squeeze out right into the little thing all things together though that really wasn't that bad but not gonna get through this roadblock excuse me pardon me clone I hate to do it to you but I gotta get through here somehow I just for going this way again oh sorry dudes just trying to get through here oh man watch out no no why this is not neat this is anti neat I better not be stuck I am stuck and I'm gonna be sick give me some room that's all I asked oh I'm dead my corpse is being carried along but the rest assured that I am dead there is no way a man could survive that man a woman or a child it does not matter that is a death 100 percent of the time and we're continuing on but this section is just gonna be the death of me and my car doesn't even like this place when we're healthy and we're completely destroyed and off the track there we go my crystal ball couldn't got it any better I'm gonna try this jump up here again there's got to be a way for me to get back on here I needed a better angle that's all come on let's go come on for the hill climbing portion of our event come on we could do it just a little bit higher get the drop look at this big brain play right here the 400 IQ is out make it moves for us once again with a beautiful maneuver to put us right back in it oh we got one wrecking up here in front of us watch out back it down we hate to lose one like that but I love to take the lead like that any day I'll actually brake for this corner once and would you look at that once again we're actually gonna break our day record here by finally getting to the second moon ramp well I can't I believe what I am seeing I think we're actually gonna complete a lap somehow some way I'm gonna take it super duper terrible just baby it for obvious reasons but it feels good to be kind on the home stretch and it's really only the first half of the lap that really worries me but I think we can pretty much get home free I refuse I absolutely refuse to go out like that there's no way now that I'm going out like that there's got to be a way in come on oh this car is really feeling it now though come on I'm back closer I'm right there come on come on you got it kidding me I'm stalling out all right at the tippy-top come on get up this way be nice if I can see there we go come on no it's not no there's no I can't get in oh it's just it's just out of reach oh now I think I'm actually stuck anyway well this one's over whether we want it to be or not I believe in the general and he will guide me through the carnage or maybe I'll just guide myself underneath his tailpipe and then we just destroying and I land on my roof to boot nice me great great what's the last time we had a cycle and this is riveting action right here wait a minute well I got we've formed a roadblock at least out well there it goes oh here we go look at the assist from the chief right here there we go I am free and I almost drive myself off the side of the track that would've been amazing that would have been a 400 IQ play right there by have a Racine one I feel like a real Hot Wheels car no real Hot Wheels track oh oh except I jumped it oh no please please wait on the middle piece again please that's not even worth carrying on you know sometimes you get sometimes you get got I trust in my Lord and Savior the general he will guide me through the wreckage no oh my god no way how do we do that this is gonna be the easiest jump we've taken all day just look at this look at the smoothness all the smooth landing oh that was beautiful oh my god that is a easiest lap of my life and I only got to do one more oh no no no no no coach you start doing that to me how dare you this is where the money is made and I did not get on the brace good enough oh please don't please don't oh my gosh the pucker factor really came into play right yeah what is this stop making this interesting just take the dog it's there it's there for us to take just take it man it is happening as long as I don't blow it right here or around the curb clear the pins most of them anyway the really treacherous ones anyway gonna lean it up against the wall right here there's not a lot that I can really do I do kind of want to slow this thing down because this curve can be kind of a hassle don't lock up all missions any of my whole life holy crap I just had 16 heart attacks I need a quadruple the deluxe bypass after that I'm having hard palate give me that Shepherd flag get me the hell out of here that was way too close we got the dub and the fastest lap though do you know it's a true victory look at some of these times down here we got a 35 minute lap over here out of the bouncer what are you doing with your life well I know what I'm doing with mine I'm taking my victory and I'm hitting the road so thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please hit that like button for me and subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 4,361,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wreckfest, wreckfest ps4, wreckfest xbox, wreckfest review, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest demolition derby, wreckfest crashes, wreckfest soundtrack, wreckfest ps4 review, wreckfest customization, monster truck, nascar heat 4, xbox mod, ps4 mod, console mods, wreckfest nascar legends, wreckfest nascar crashes, wreckfest nascar crash compilation, wreckfest nascar mod, wreckfest 90's nascar mod, talladega, hot wheels, funny moments, HOT WHEELS NO RESET NASCAR CHALLANGE
Id: y4jt0ej-DbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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