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what is going on everybody Eddie sound head back once again he was sound entertainment back in rec fest once again with some that's a little bit different here today we got a pretty interesting mod here for us to try out this is the stunts track mod which is apparently these are tracks from a pretty old game called stunts or also known as 4d sports driving so if you ever heard of that I guess let me know I haven't heard of it before but the tracks are pretty cool I didn't do it like a handful of practice runs and they're a little wonky but I think it's gonna be pretty fun as you can see we're back with the NASCAR Legends mod as well so let's go ahead and jump right into this one and get it underway start them three wide and in the middle not always the best place to be a little scary little sketchy our bumpers already knock a little loose right there but we're off and underway and there's three couple of different variations this track there's actually three variations and we've already got the critical car going around there and that is trouble ugly on the 10 car going around off our bumper but yeah we're gonna try out all the variations that we can here today this one was called default so naturally I was gonna go for this one as I jump over Alan Kulwicki that was awesome that was awesome Cole trickle watch out watch out yep that hurts I've got a spin-out going there got to get it back in the direction now there's a couple of different spots you can see where they split off and some of them meet up the it's it's kind of a weird it's weird it's really weird but hopefully it'll make sense by the time we get to the end sometimes one of the AI drivers get a little wonky and they finish way ahead I got a takedown assist I'm triggered and then there's also an option Oh mark Donahue where you can either take that chicane or you can risk it all and go through the loop-d-loop there we go all right we destroy the car looks like but oh my god yep yeah you're gonna watch out for that lip right there was tragic that was incredible we landed that pretty nicely and that'll put us in the top ten so wins might be a little bit challenge he caught this one well might just have to take whatever we get to be honest but we'll see how things pan out here Donnie Allison 14 seconds ahead and pretty much clear everybody around us I see a car up there in the distance but a lot of those other cars are probably took that other side of the track you got to kind of watch out some of these corners are kind of deceptively tight Oh deceivingly tight we're good just gotta watch it you don't want to cut the corners there we go all right got through there got some cars catching up a little bit behind this word second place now according to our ticker we got that going for us front end of this car is all torn up mashed to pieces the finger flick has been lifted in the front end throw a lift kit on that thing all right I got Donnie Allison right here in front of us let's hunt him down Oh got fire in the cockpit I'm sideways bad landing drifting it out save the car all right got Joe's Joe's cafe right there all right well we're gonna casually drive by Joe's cafe and let's see I think I'm running out of time here I think we're coming up to the final corner and yeah you can see there yeah we're losing spots it says because it gets a little wonky sometimes but really we're in second oh I just missed that pole so it says we're in eighth but we're actually just gonna miss out on the win here Donnie Allison goes ahead and gets by it so like I said yeah it's a little wonky there at the end it says we're in 10th but we're really in 2nd I assume that means that these cars right here see they did it in like a minute according to the game which is just not right I don't know what's causing that but you can just ignore it I assume those are cars that are probably either dead or or I don't well no cuz Rusty Wallace is DNF back there but gosh what happened to these guys if they got stuck somewhere or what the deal is but you pretty much discredit those Donnie Allison gets away we come home second we don't take second around here we better fire it up and do it again alright again start three wide in the middle gotta try and get this one home I think the route we take is the fastest one so I'm gonna stick with that one again I'm not gonna take that little you know other option Road a route or whatever you want to call it everybody's fouling over to that site because there's a speed bump over here but you know what I am a mad Oh I fly it over top of people and there goes the 17 flipping all over the road gotta gather this thing up landed right on top of that 17 that was awesome all right decent recovery oh no spoke a little too soon and that one might just take us out of contention we'll have to see here's a lot of cars up there a lot of cars got a nice jump on us so we'll see here can we catch back up will they run into drama will the loop-d-loop give us a little time to catch up to Phil Parsons leading in first right now so we net so we need to catch right now Phil Parsons noted it duly noted Oh going through the loop-d-loop is always a little bit scary you never know when you guys gonna drop dead of a heart attack as it sheds some parts of pieces all the Lots we're gonna clip the jump yep oh that's a hard landing that is a really hard landing right there still got all four wheels on the vehicle though that's what that's what matters I think this one is actually gonna go worse in our first attempt which is kind of depressing but you'll have that sometimes in rec fest oh yeah I look at the car the trunk all torn up the front end destroyed it got cockpit fire I got all kinds of problems here cuttin corners might ever do a little bit of that through the checkpoint here I hear one of our wheels is making one heck of a racket as I'm just gonna skip werner i guess alright let's just cut through it everybody's in the grass there you go that's not cheating or anything that's just using the track to our advantage yeah let's go with that that sounds right what do they call it an app one though the penalty for that track extension hopefully they won't book us for that we'll get to the end of this one at least and I catch some of these guys here clean it up I'm gonna lay it on bobby labonte I didn't I fell short and then I spun out and that kind of seals the deal right there well we were starting to catch him up but not close enough there so let's see maybe the third time will be the charm but we got to finish this one out I believe in miracles maybe everybody will explode here at the end you never know and here come all the random cars I just get a massive boost to the front nobody knows why it happens only that it does hopefully that as a count all right we're good bill Parsons wins the race we're gonna come across wine unofficially in 15 so that is that's always rather interesting how that works out so 15th there best lap three minutes nine seconds and yeah Bill Parcells right there's a one two three four five six seven so we finished eighth after all that so do a lot worse than we did in our first attempt but you know that means we just gotta fire it up again let's do it alright attempt number three we're gonna have some luck this time around but I'm gonna try and get over to this side and try to avoid I dumped the tent again I think that's the second time I've done that in this track alone but I gotta try and get a nice jump up here avoid that first speed bump avoid all this carnage that's about to take place right here I'm gonna shove around a little bit oh nice recovery right there it's a couple of them break off that I think that route takes you around a longer section of the track so I think it's better to go this way Oh hard landing right there gotta hurt the suspension got Cole trickle up here being driven by rusty walrus walrus there it is Gavin we're not gonna go under they right there then we got tiny lund into Kyle Petty car you know what let's follow this access road right here let's see where do they usually okay alright well you guys can just cut that then get a bunch of cheaters look at them cutting the course over here didn't I do that last time nevermind nobody asked that they're like wait what they're way more able to take these corners than I am oh man I was close that pole right there slide it out alright so we avoided any access damage with the loopy loop right there where it first we're in first so there you go alright just got to have a clean maintained race from here on out how hard can it be is usually the famous last words of most people but for this one I think we might be alright sliding it 4-wheel sliding it for good we're all right turn that thing in and turn it out again all right we're good we do the chicane right there up the hill that's a harsh transition I try to look Mac making me look straight into Carl you can see all the way around the traffic that's pretty cool all right we got a little we got some other case back there about five seconds back but we're doing all right I tell you what I think we got this one in the bag right here so let's go for it this is usually a problem area Oh hard landing again a little wide this time but we are good through the checkpoint that's Joe's Cafe all right come on final couple of corners right here I tell you what this probably gonna be the fastest race we've done yet even with taking that access road and not the the bus stop looking thing I guess I should say not really access road but taking that said the loopy loop is probably the same with some time are we even gonna come across a lion in first Oh might nope nope of course no but somebody had to glitch right in front of us just at first but nevertheless we get the win it's gonna put us in second because the game is cheap cheating me out of my victories but nevertheless of course we got the victory with our a blistering time of 2 minutes and 47 seconds not bad right there and then of course Donnie Allison just cheatin hacking is that where Dan learned to do all this hacking and well must have been there you go that's one race down there's default ex down like I said there's a couple more variations of this track and we're gonna try out so let's go ahead and jump to those right now all right we are here at the next stunt track stunts tracks whatever you want to call this is C track Oh 4x not sure what that stands for but nevertheless we're back here with the NASCAR legends we're gonna see how this one goes for us start on the I guess inside row this time I'm gonna get right out of line here's we're gonna go straight up the hill and I get a blistering start oh I'm gonna make a charge for the lead right here not update Marcus has anything to say about it and there we go clean off the side over and over and it sounds like madness is taking place up above us here that sounded like complete carnage well though would you come from oh my god I just sent somebody flying into orbit that was a 30-7 you people really picked a bad place to be stopped is that Jeff Gordon's car or being driven by Tony Stewart not anymore because I just killed him oh my word this has gone off the rails immediately well oh man the front end completely destroyed as well and this track is a little bit longer than the last one we did is i'm just gonna go clean off the side of it now there is some ice right here my controller vibrating up a storm or at least that's what I want you to think Oh talk about threading the needle right there my oh my alright so up to fit somehow it's a magical way I don't know that I believe that so I'm pretty sure I see more than five cars ahead of me yeah I'm considering I just passed somebody and I'm still considering forth after I passed two cars doesn't seem right does it the math on that one really not checking out but Harry Gant is right in front of me I don't know if somebody just missed the checkpoint back there or what the deal is where was in that swim gym car seems to be not doing things the way you're supposed to do but we however are gonna be making a look at Harry Gant for a third put us on a podium after that after what a while riveting start that we had our on a podium position there and I I count four cars ahead of me so me being in third might not totally be accurate as I am flying over speed bump so I'm gonna go for a ride aren't I we pulled that one back enzyme out and I'm getting passed by a couple of them come on we got to get this in turn give this one a turn you know this I don't even know oh gosh I don't know how long this track is out it's been a little bit since I tried this test one did a test run on this track this is a variation I'm in the back of Harry Gant sorry Harry so yeah I don't really know the layout I don't know how long other than that it's a little longer but I would say we have as good a chance as any that's gonna be a weird landing right there in the transition watch out yep that new now it's coming out all with a terrible hit drove right through the center of I get it off the wall yes we do all right we got to get this thing back in the right direction again it's carnage on the way up the hill use me Ryan Newman all right up into second unofficially and yeah you got to take you gotta take that ticker with a grain of salt a lot I don't know that I trust a word coming out of that thing other than maybe Dale Jarrett leading that at least seems believable I am like skidding up a storm here my car has seen better days the front end is just mashed mashed up we got cars nearly landing on me over here it's all bad out here I almost just wrecked myself and there you go wow they got through there a lot better than I did but David Pearson just clears me by a million car lengths that was about the ugly explaining I ever had back there I was too busy having a stroke to comment on it in the moment out oh don't you turn me new mitt no mitt all right we're good so Pearson gets ahead of us say what is it uh-oh man an intersection right there that's a poorly placed intersection we are gonna die if somebody comes to their Oh somebody's stuck right there who is that is that Jarrett Oh Dale Jarrett did you blow it yeah how could you do this that means know what that means though that means that the lead is right here in front of us come here come to me Oh company er please no go there can I go around that is that allowed I don't think that's allowed oh I'm gonna reset dang it ah like that just threw away any chance we might have had that really sucks man through the banking here running off course destroyed car 36 health and it's just trying to survive I guess at this point I don't think a wins in the cards but oh we got some ice right here in front of us all oh I got speed bumps speed bumps poorly plays speed bumps I'm going in over in here I'm on get out of the way and that's what I was worried about that is exactly what I was worried about and we are dead just like that well that sucks David Pearson sure enough didn't go on to win we were probably pretty close to the finish right there but I don't think we were gonna win anyway so well fire it up and do it again all right let's see if we can have a cleaner opening than we did last time going sailing off the side of the bridge not not so good right there not your best opening move but we're gonna just try oh my god are you kidding me son-of-a-gun I thought we had it saved ah that's stats garbage that is absolute trash all right well we almost had it through that it was real ugly it was real ugly but I thought we had that one covered and once again I was flying off the track for no good reason the controller vibrating up a storm but everybody hits this little patch of ice right here and yes that is actually meant to be ice and it is a lot more slippery than most of the others of track most of the rest of the track if I can have it I not have a stroke and the middle of trying to speech but anyway we're doing all right actually give it I know shocking giving all that we're all right the magic words that usually ended my demise and what do you know I'm stuck on my side and I finally gonna flip back over and I'm just spinning tires up the hill it's all over father it is all over all right breathe relax it's a long race we know that we were close to the front last time and we're in a similar predicament so you just have to have another clean rate that is a terrific way to get onto that ramp right there to do with knows you're headed or whatever they call it knows the handstand I don't know anymore all right but no one's I don't think it note knows he sounds like but I don't even know what that sounds like it sounds pretty disgusting if you ask me all right watch out for the speed bumps checking them all right and that's why the cleanest we've ever made it that's a speed bump right there now let's see we're crashing a couple of them down here in the bank the high banks of the stunt tracks can I sneak by a couple of them right there flooring it by I'm like they are standing still and straight into the rest some more banks here we got a Harry Gant up here again got it I guess some of these guys they must have like missed some checkpoints or something because obviously there's some more cars in front of me than there are positions and that just doesn't make any sense now does it all speed bump why you do this alright we're good we're good but I gotta try to get the deals here and I gotta try a traceback down Harry gigs we had them pretty close in in front of us and this is a this is just a terrible transit all Trump problems all set problems problems on the racetrack Oh handsome Harry Gant with a hard hit and that Ryan Newman muscles his way by me like I'm a piece of paper all right Arianne isn't the leader though Ryan Newman I don't know if he's a lap car he must have missed a checkpoint go figure Ryan Newman is a lap car I know shocking development there oh and he's out of shape he's out of control that it's not that that I met on the racetrack not as a person that is not an attack on Ryan Newman oh my word that's gonna go down a dark room Oh Road what alakay me I'm trying to get this lead come here come here here again come on I got you I got you right here come here come on here when I see you I got you in my sights within a second he is oh oh oh oh I almost landed on him oh my word is this a race or is this a race yikes yikes yikes go and wide and he's gonna miss the checkpoint kind of cuz I shoved him around so he is not in the lead you know what sir you need to need to go back there you dirty rotten cheater that I totally made cheat so it's not gonna count the rest of them cuz he went around the checkpoint oh now that ladies and gentlemen that is tactics that is tactics you know what Oh God I tried to shove him off the track why did that just happen to me and there I go there I go well that's unfortunate alright well I got I don't know what kind of physics world we live in or that made any sense but then again this is wreck fast and very rarely do things actually make sense we'll just accept it and take it this is where we died last time which means I'm pretty sure we're kind of close to the end in fact this is the finish line right here you mean to tell me we died that close to the finish line last time it doesn't matter we get the victory it actually gave was first position - it didn't even give me some whacked out first place we actually got the real one how about it all right well there you go that's C track Oh 4x down another victory added to our repertoire there is one more variation to try so let's go ahead and give it a shot right now all right we are back here for our final variation C track Oh 2x this time around and this one is much longer compared to the other two so I'm hoping we can hang this one out in one try but I'm not holding my breath on that one the start looks pretty much the same as the other one but as you can see track length is a lot longest one nine point six three miles this one is 97% tarmac 2% ice and 1% mud interesting enough all right let's jump into this one without further adue like I said you're kind of hoping I can knock this one out on the first attempt giving it such a long race but we'll see no promises on that one and we're gonna take our same strategy and try it out here Oh yep that is a much different Oh Mike what did I see was that just a graphic anomaly right there I don't know what I was just looking at there that is trippy yep okay this is a weird track I actually don't believe I've run this one yeah I did tests on the other two tracks I don't believe I've tried this one out yet so I have seen this track or the absolute first time and that's a little bit scary but I am in the lead so I got that going for me so I'm just gonna play this one kind of cautiously and hope for the best which is about all we can do as Geoffrey Bodine is behind us followed by the man himself Dick Trickle that's some ice that is ice and you're gonna see a lot of that here they all come oh we're going down the side of the mound and everything I do i how do I get back up from this well is there a checkpoint over here that I'm like supposed to aid alright now we're good actually all right rejoin the track in seven oh not if I get dumped though how hard transition alright got shuffled back a little bit there thanks to some ice it's a poorly placed I throughput sites right at a 90 degree turn I can't believe that is truly a bizzle I don't sort of lose my voice by the way uh-oh that's gonna be a yikes for me dog Wow head on into the wall yeah I'm not pulling out on you guys thank you very much now 18 watch out watch out you were coming for me I saw it okay and now that that took me 40 million years to get the car back in the right direction and actually moving we have lost the 20 a ton of ground we're 20 seconds back and the 18 has just had an absolutely Alicia's crash the likes of which we may have never seen before oh we got more ice in the horizon here Brigid oh look at the pro strategy right here Oh ice uphill really really all right we got him going around oh you guys he's AI are dumb my goodness they are stupid Oh our mouse again man alright well up to fifth right there that's not bad not bad we're able to capitalize on some AI stupidity and got ourselves back in the top-five picture alright let's see we gotta get to Dick Trickle the man himself the white knight the legendary late great Dick Trickle Oh what did I hit oh no watch out I got bent wheels don't be flying it off now okay we saved it saved all right we're getting back to fifth though that's not so great but we're alive and getting beat up by the second Dick Trickle now 35 seconds ahead of me and we've got a long ways to go in our car is hurt and bad we've shortened this thing up by like two feet this car has seen better days pass through the intersections there oh boy I think there's a turn here yeah all right it's all that one coming a bit at least there's parts of somebody laying there that's not a good sign all right do we just gotta keep it going here mmm jump over blind hate blind jumps you never know what you're gonna land on I tell you what I think I'm down on power - this thing's not exactly spooling up as fast as it did before come on you can do it I'm getting caught by a cale yarborough back here and I was here again he's all my god for y4y I ask you what was the point of that terrible crash Dick Trickle is the winner apparently even though this is supposedly oh that was a close call right there in the intersection so apparently Dick Trickle has won the event already even though I didn't think we were even close to the finish considering this track that's supposedly oh my god thinking this that's a solid right there yeah we got suspension and and we've lost the leaf we've lost wheel and you know what that means that means we're not gonna be able to finish this race because we're just gonna be sitting here spinning our tires yep I'm flooring it right now in case you can't tell I'm flooring you I'm absolutely funny am I gonna get a push from behind no of course not why would anybody help me well you hate to see you hate to die literally just underneath the horizon yeah I'm pretty sure if we could just get over this hill we probably wouldn't be too far from the finish but alas we're a sitting duck there you go again we gotta try it again so again that that really sucks but Dick Trickle was able to get the win and our tire fell out before we can get even I guess we couldn't get over the horizon there to get to the finish line but alas we will do our best here to try and get our win on our second attempt and even though that track claimed it was much longer it didn't feel much longer in fact it felt a little bit short but I don't know I don't know you be the judge of that one we'll see how it goes on our second attempt here gonna use some caution now that I have a relative understanding of the race track and that's not good that's not good at all that is actually quite terrible okay awesome swell job everybody oh here we go yep yep I am lucky I'm not dead right now I took somebody down I think I took down Al and pull wiki rest in pepperonis I get through Ernie Irvan here all right we got the ice coming up I remember that much I'm not that stupid come on we're good down to 21 helped and this thing has just started and that's that's a bad that now this this is really it if I don't get killed right here it'll be a miracle Wow am I not dead how am I actually not dead that is nothing short of a miracle I guarantee you that all right nineteen health now it's really only a matter of time until somebody clocks me the right way before I get a bad bounce and it's gonna be all over for us but we'll see how it goes take it kind of easy down through these transitions as easy as you can is there's no such thing is an easy landing with some of these but I'm gonna try and baby it as much as I can watch you out Oh talk about sneaking through right there oh we got more ice got more ice get a little bit off the track there we go all right ice up Hill watch out number 15 my oh look out thought I was gonna land on a car accident right there I nearly did hey in the top five what are we in the top I Bray around this spot last time as well I don't know but Robin Bouchard it's a lot closer to us this time he's only about ten seconds out of us Kyle Petty right here in the ninth theme these might not be so bad for us after all I don't know what I just saw go flying off there was at a tire was that somebody's tired on flying over there that is somebody's tire that thing looked like it was about to hell it head into orbit a minute ago alright just baby in it I think this might be the lead pack right here I think everybody's in order they got all their ducks in a row quite literally I guess not literally there's no ducks to be seen but you know what I mean okay alright I just want to live Oh God yep this is kind of scary I just don't want to get hit by anybody it's like a sudden death if I get hit Oh Dick Trickle where are you going bud where are you going all right well that knocks us back a few spots by me kind of taking it a little easy but you know what slow and steady wins the race slow and steady might also finish six but I will finish at least at that rate we've got less health points what we've got more oh my god okay we've got less health points oh we got less critical damage down there if you look by like the car diagram in the bottom corner there there's a lot less red stuff there than there was last time even though there's less health White's specifically alright I think this is where we're getting towards where we died last time that Bank this is the hill right here Oh watch out watch out watch out scuse me Tony excuse me pardon me okay we're good we got and Jodi Ridley has won the race this is the finish line right here which means oh I gotta do it again there you go become across line in what fourth though what what why that kind of sucks but we were close that time we were definitely close so we gotta got to have a little bit better run this time let's run it Bank let's do it again tell you what I hate to say it but I think I am starting to get a bit of a scratchy throat I haven't been to sleep in a while a little while which might not be helping either a little hydration but I wouldn't hurt but I got braces the run dang it we got up we got to do it we're gonna do it for YouTube we got to do it all you great subscribers and viewers out there we got a race let's do it I'm making a move for the lead already Jodi Ridley all mid-air collision mid-air collision hard collision just just a real bad collision in general right there ah yes and we are stuck on the wall gearbox failure bat wheels landed on this is this is brand this is real neat oh sweet I will use that one before it's neat and sweet I don't know if we have but I'm getting just absolutely disgustingly destroyed and and this as I lost oh and we lost the wheel and that is gonna do it ladies and gentlemen that will end our third attempt on this track pretty promptly all right bad start bad luck let's fire it up again this has got to be the one this has got to be the money race right here it's all on the line all or nothing let's go for it here I've got no time to waste Wyatt over the over the big jump right off the start Oh hard Lane males Laney will never get any here will they alright Jody Ridley once again kind of schools me we got to there inside this time which is much much better than having their outside in my humble opinion we've got some nice side-by-side racing going on right now though you didn't know saiyrs a little bit but we gotta get this thing under control Oh going a little bit wide there yikes look out I got the gray goes right up on my tail all the 88 bobbles a little bit there now we're gonna watch how there's ice right here so we want to break nice and early oh and I get dumped I got dumped by the 88 I can't believe it Jody Risley I saw you I saw what you tried to do to me right there and that's what you get that's what you get sucker alright got a little bit out of shape there but we're in the lead by golly we're in the lead who could believe it okay so that's the best we've gotten out of the start there in or ever in ever basically so uh I'm gonna take it just a tad bit easy not give up the lead easy but easily enough and not die cuz I don't want to die and I don't want to finish second I don't know which is worse but I'd rather not find out either way up hill up the ice uphill I got one right on my backside Geoffrey Bodine Geoffrey I'll have you know I am prepared to wreck out anybody who stands in my way I know the ways of the wreck I can I've studied plenty of police footage I know what the pitman pit maneuver is all about I am well aware and I will destroy if you make it so that I must Oh unless I destroy myself first okay it got out of shape there and you every boat I'm just gonna go ahead and clear me my Apple model that's nice that's me that's great that's great that's wonderful that's spectacular and I'm just gonna go ahead and send it up his inside and get him out of shape and he's gonna recover it cuz he's just a God driving this Cecil Gordon but not if I dump him and there you go sucker all even off the side and all I am I am just the worst aren't I all right so cross the intersection here the finish line is right there we've only got a little ways left to go we can do it I believe Oh God Oh watch out no no no I lost the wheel no no push me you jerks oh I can't even steer I couldn't even help you anyway oh come on get up the hill get up the hill I don't know I had kids it's all over it's all over from here yeah up and there goes Jody Ridley sailing by me you got to be kidding me I'm just gonna ride the wall around until this is over is that the plan here literally I was like three corners away from winning that was it that was all it was gonna take was three fricking corners and it's over the dream is dead I might as well be dead it's all bad it's all bad and the near intersection collision and we're gonna steer it off course and that's gonna be pretty much all she wrote I don't know how this thing is driven this far with only three wheels this is this is the most I've ever gotten I have a three-wheeled machine in my whole life of this game Jody Ridley wins I don't even know that I miss a checkpoint back there I don't know what I also don't really care to be fair I just want to am i how come I could drive on three wheels now but I couldn't do it all those other times I want to do what's that about game I can't steer at least there so there's still they won't let me steer to get to the finish line which is literally right there this is abuse at this point this is just torment okay I literally I I wish I could explain to you guys how badly I'm trying to turn the car right now I've got the wheel cranked all the way I'm trying to like steer like a sprint car to try and get it to go underneath that frigging line right there and it won't do it oh I'm going downhill now that's great this is neat this is great this is wonderful what if I just drive by it wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute no that doesn't count come on somebody put me back in the right direction weep oh my goodness wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute no no no no no no oh my god all right I gotta try and time this out right doesn't even matter we lost we lost for Christ's sake oh my god all right I guess we're gonna do it again I am I am actually I want you all to know that I am I am thoroughly disgusted that we gave the race way like that I am I truly apologize for that display and I will not let that happen again all right I am making a declaration this race is do or die this is for all the marbles I will wreck anybody in my path I will destroy you I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth and I will I will hurt you and your families to all the way I hear you you've heard you've been warned you have been warned either I win or you all suffer you yeah again consider yourselves warned and I've already I've just I've damaged the car probably to an absolutely disgusting state in which I will not be able to recover from and Joey Ridley oh I'm gonna just take us both that I guess I guess that's what we're going for it here Oh No yep that's what I was worried about that's that's just not cool and that's my dad so remember all that stuff I said at the intro of this race let's just go ahead and pretend I said it at the intro of the next race and do it again if I had to do this race one more time I'm just not gonna be able to stand it to be honest with you I mean it's fun it's fun track and all but I crave a victory more than anything else in life and having to take this many attempts it's just it's not cutting it's just not plain old not cutting it so we have got to get it in here here we've got to get a win I've got to go to sleep and get some rest but not before I get a win and that's just that's the way the cookie crumbles that's just how I did and that's what we're gonna do Oh drifting that thing Jody Ridley always Jody Ridley always up prime must be nice to be Jody Ridley alright watch out for the ice we're good using the grass to steer a little bit we're good through the Oh speed bumps but I'm out of shape yikes are we gonna I don't know Jody Ridley once again I swear to God there he is they are Jody Ridley okay oh I'll strobe off the edge right there that would have been tragic we got it take it easy on these transitions right there those are hard those will hurt the old spinal cord all right oh man those could you just imagine being in a vehicle when that's going on Oh straight on the spine all right I'll pill with ice we're good through there frost the intersection again come on who is it Ron Bouchard Ron I'm warning you Ron don't don't test me Ron Ron Ron you really sucker yeah wrecked ya bum oh you saved it what a champ oh you didn't eat no oh and then he blew it what up what up bum oh okay okay we got to get this one done now I must end it I think we're coming up to the intersection again here I think it's just over yonder my word if I don't have a masterful joke for that for the ages [Music] well if my throat didn't hurt before it definitely does now come on let's get it over with already I've had about enough I've come this close so many times and these stupid things just keep happening and Jodi Ridley I'm getting tired of looking at you be honest I've had enough I want to go home I don't want to race anymore I've had enough of all you nascar legends i just want to win take the trophy and go you just go I just want to go I just wanted to be oh I must claim sweet victory though that is what I'm after first and foremost I need I need to win it just it has to happen Oh what an undercut right there and I'm gonna go ahead and drive around that speed bump oh what a masterful piece of driving right now that you are witnessing firsthand this is it I can feel it in my bones this is the run right here as long as I don't get screwed by the wreck best guides I think we've got ourselves a big three on the horizon just gotta take it easy through these transitions coz those hurt I know I said it a million times I'll say it a million more times I will never stop saying it because the game thinks I forgot about it it will kill me all right on the eye section now off-road uphill oh my goodness that's the intersection alright that usually means we're like a third of the way through when we come past the first intersection it took me a couple attempts to figure that out but I did it more hard landings but you know what the car is intact the car is in decent shape so maybe just maybe that means that our tires won't go flying off randomly probably not by means that all four wheels will come off the car and I'll be sat there like a little turtle like an idiot with all kinds of problems but for now things actually seem to be going well but but shut up don't say it out loud as we're coming back to the spot this is it this is the spot right here I'm taking it way easy I'm gonna risk it alright once we cross this right here it's two-thirds of the way there this is it this is the money section right here taking it easy off the jump we got a big ol lead on Romney shard 11 second gap you got to make sure you brake before those corners I don't want to lose any wheels or anything stupid come on come on all right corners are done well actually no I think there's one more corner but Oh watch out for the intersection watch out floor it floor it floor it floor it floor it floor it floor it floor it all right we're gonna through the intersection oh my god there's no way there's no way that was about the toughest landing we've had yet we're gonna do it final corners right here flash chicane off of the final corner finally oh my god I'm drained I am like emotionally drained right now that was unbelievable that was an actual racing effort and non choking effort required and we did it a long last we did and hopefully you guys enjoyed the ride does that'll do it for this episode if you guys liked it be sure to hit the like button subscribe if you have not already leave a comment down below let me know what else you want to see here in rec fest with that that'll do it for me folks thank you all for watching once again and I will see you all in the next one poof you
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 821,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR STUNT TRACK INSANITY, the worst wrecks yet, wreckfest, wreckfest game, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest nascar, wreckfest ps4, wreckfest xbox, next car game, wreckfest multiplayer, nascar legends mod, talladega, figure 8, cars characters, multiplayer, funny moments, crashes and fails, release date, league, hot wheels track, best tracks, soundhead entertainment, ed soundhead, beamng drive, bus, crash, gta online, fail, warehouse run, jets, lawn mower, soft body physics
Id: qtLIWKzV5cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 50sec (2870 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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