Igniting DESTRUCTION! | NASCAR 21 Ignition

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is going on everybody eddie sound ed back once again here with sound head entertainment we are here in nascar 21 ignition for the very first time we were given the nylon a little bit of early access gameplay here for motorsports games so big shout out to them big thank you and without any further ado let's get right into it well that will land us here in the menu screen it's quite a slick menu screen might i add i like it keeping it simple and sleek with the five tabs up there we got options we got the paint booth up here which is a lot like nascar 15. people seem to really be liking that today we're going to jump into race now because i really want to get cars on track and get a feel for things we'll jump through all the cars and paint schemes in the game here though i will slide through every last freaking one of these things you guys can see him real fast you can slow it down do what you gotta do take a look at it what have you and then we'll end with our custom car here i want to drive this bubble wallace in that mac car because that's the last car i saw with a race we'll check out the tracks next we got bristol dirt we got koda we got daytona road course we got nashville we got a bunch of new tracks in this game so that is pretty cool but if you know how we do things around here there's only one way for us to kick this off we gotta head to the best race track in the world well here we are we've got a pretty nifty pre-race atmosphere lined up in our pit stall and we've got our crew members absolutely staring into my soul well here we go potter's telling me ready i'm ready freddie let's go racing it's not going to control the car until the green flag at the line all right it's like a eutectic sarah fuel right there and i'm going to get down to this bottom layer this is got the eutectic zero looks to match now see if i can give cody where a push we'll see what the drafting physics look and feel like let's see if we can okay or just drive up the track that works too uh gonna take that lane newman not until i get there apparently all right well they've they've mapped ryan newman's ai perfectly that's another observation i have early observation first impression whatever you want to call it ryan newman drives like an ass we'll give him a push outside oh we almost pushed him underneath the double yellow right there he's holding up another pusher up there holding my future team of choice i can't be saying these things what is my spotter doing right now he's having a stroke that man just set a record for the most senses attempted at once so we're about to wreck the 53. joey gates here it's attacking the rick ware racing car there's millions of these things out here get out of the way still there we got bad brad we'll give him a push come on we'll push up to the high side that's where you want to go i'll follow what god's name happened between these two packs we got so separated we got to catch back up with those boys we got nine laps to work with here i'm gonna push brad off this high side so we can get a run we do oh we gonna follow in line oh that is beautiful teamwork right there we might have a shake and bake situation on our hands we may need an ai intelligence check uh because brad is just destined he does not want to run anything but the high line he just hit the brakes he slammed the damn brakes on me what is that about dumping the man out here what is going on here the ai are breaking out of the corners at talladega or letting off out of the corners of talladega what don't do that that's bad all right we got a one-two combo on kyle bush right here wombo combo see ya oh where you going stay down here brad come on man i don't know if i pushed him up there he just decided to go up there but that was come push me there you go actually this might be better we'll do we'll finish one and two we'll get up there we'll finish one or two just like they did in real life here this will be perfect we're catching them out of the corner here this might be it oh this is absolutely right here just a huge run all kinds of free real estate down at the bottom just caught sports absolutely lacking nothing he could do the push to custer goes nowhere he runs it up to the side of 36 and stalls it out absolute brilliance and genius on display once more we clear that little mini pack what should we do about this should we give 2x a mini pack here i think we should we just about do moving forward now also hanging out to dry in the process there's the patented lift out of the corner i don't we got to get rid of that that has to go larson's going to help us form a line up here on the high side or at least try to they are forming a much better one on the bottom though that could be a problem i'm gonna give him the push he needs we will get there if we try although i don't see a lot of trying from behind me nobody's helping me out nobody's helping anybody by lifting somebody oh here we go kurt oh no kurt came up and then moved the five up damn it why couldn't you just form a line up here alfredo and i bouncing off each other truex and i bouncing off each other all right hold your line we're not gonna have a chance to do anything here before this gets to the end we're getting freight train if we don't get wrecked first oh custer i don't know where the hell he thinks he's going he's just low car high you know and then there's the lift we have to use that limp to our advantage and we'll just fly up the middle we gotta get to the bottom i'm not getting trapped on the outside again custer i'm landing everything you know let me down here truex too oh hopefully i didn't just ruin this race by getting tricked squirrelly that's gonna we we gotta get a run through these two corners or it's game over we had to power something up right here and now oh there it is there it is oh no no [Music] damn it there was a lane and then there wasn't one that is unfortunate alfredo i am very sorry you are a noble sacrifice for the cause my god that's like ending one under caution right there that didn't even feel oh the wreck slides by in the video package what is that there is a replay we gotta go look at it unfortunately the replays seem a bit barked as well we're getting this like jittery effect on the video but we can get a pretty good idea of what's that allow me to remind everybody this is pre-release footage yadda yadda either way we can still figure out what happens to alfredo down here in the trial though when we saw them all slide passes and he just gets packed by the field just ran over the three almost goes over he's up on two wheels and that's how the other field finishes all right let's go run it back and do it again the brad's ai is feeling itself it's feeling bold and brash it is trying the high lane by itself and it only has to be for help which is not much help and he's there he's giving up on it he's going to go he's going to go become one with blaney they're going to merge into one card they're going to turn somebody here oh the 15 goes around oh we're gonna get hooked on the damn wall that's gonna give me damage probably that might ruin our rate oh my god somebody's flipping over back there's the big one well have you really tested a nascar game to its truest extent if you haven't driven backwards full speed at the field we're about to and there it is and there they go oh my god oh you want to talk about some space force recruits we got him kurt bush anthony alfredo brad keselowski areas up there they will never be the same oh my god we're going to die we're in the worst position possible we are in like prime packing position with a dead car jesus oh i don't like this three why there it is of course it wasn't enough to give me a push all the way to the finish line oh and another one that one's not gonna be enough either that's gonna do me even worse at least i'm gonna stall now i guess i'm gonna have to get out and run across the finish line like carl edwards and ricky bobby did those couple of times i i do not oh my god oh for christ's sake all right today i learned that the outside lane is just not an option ever say hi no matter what happens that may not exactly be true but it's my truth all right let's just go ahead and do that backwards thing again the one right in front of the fans here basically right in front of where i was sitting we'll make this happen as we go into the fence it's a big one oh it's a bad one we're up and over over the field getting carried down the race track after getting mangled and absolutely annihilated disintegrated my trunk is gone produced to adams oh sweet mother of pearl remember that whole high side it's not an option thing i said earlier that would be the only option right now here we go oh my god i was trying to cut me off too get your ass back down there oh if i could just clear harvick right here i would be so happy come on tricks give me that pull give it a suck come on oh we're all going down anyway all right this works this works that would be a terrible section of video to have out of context it is suddenly dawning on me don't you ever just keep going up the middle oh why somebody get a doctor up there please maybe an exorcist i don't know what to do about that that was all around that was tremendous we're gonna give alfredo a shot up the track we're doing bumping runs at talladega that's that's the point of skill that we've achieved in life all right custer is it gonna be you and me to the front no it's not he's just going up the racetrack again all right well we gotta catch these six bombs ahead of us now we had one more lap this would have been a dub disgusting i'm not done yet though i'm going for broke we're going for that half a bottom lane it's it's getting filled up and there it goes everybody's dead i will go in reverse to the finish like oh brad no clear oh my god oh [Music] what excuse me i beg your pardon what did i just see we're gonna find out that might be one of the most tremendous big ones i've ever seen i mean that just coming to the finish for the fans chase elliot austin dillon myself brad keselowski just flipping everything we got right at the end of the race the denny hamilton he's going to pile into this wreck 18 years after the fact an entire adult later here he is igniting the second big one that's chase briscoe flipping for the second time today and suarez he lands on his roof and then the racing gods they determine that is not how he shall stay and he's flipped over here comes the suck all right we gotta find a lane here four wide almost yep give a push to mcleod that goes nowhere i do not want to be in the middle of sorry but clown but we got to get down to this bottom lane jesus listen to that spot that spot we gotta check that spot can we get a random drug test on the spotter we really need one if we can see him up there with the pipe hanging out of his mouth we need this guy out of here at least fixed we could use not interrupting himself with the same sentence really would be quite an improvement speaking of improvements we are about to crack the top ten here and stay on the bottom if we can if reddit doesn't block me down below the double yellow damn you win that restaurant i've never heard you got two i'm sure of exist i've just never seen one until they started sponsoring nascar proof that sponsoring nascar works stonks you know what else is stunts me and brad keselowski drafting together that is just a recipe for gloriousness so we're gonna take off we're hitting the road bro let's go oh don't be trying to fit down in that bottom lane i see i'll do i'll leave your ass how about that yeah oh jesus i was wrecked a three-car doing it but i got down here now how do you feel up there all about your lonesome we could have had a beautiful thing you're clear i'm over here doing 203 miles an hour where are you you fought right behind me all right we can still work together that works too we will go ahead and push the three car out of the way up the track 43's being a victim as well we're gonna get out of the way in time no he does not he's gonna get the push instead are we going high christopher bell he tried it that's not going to go well sorry chris if i learned that one a few uh a few attempts to go buddy you hate to see it see if we can give reagan a push up the racetrack we do he thinks i'm gonna go with him he's dumb maybe we'll just find our little spot in life right here behind eric almarola oh let's get brad up here we can double team him come on brad godmot got one left take your rightful place take your spot on the throne will you you know where you belong there you go we'll see if we can just follow him right around or actually we're going to get to that corner i don't want to be on the outside i'm getting down to that inside we about wrecked him to do it i'm roll's going to be feeling that one for a while he's going to be crapping his pants after that one all right we got a plan here final corners just push brad up the track slingshot by on the bottom out of four execute starts now push him up get underneath oh he got a good run out of the corner for once he didn't even lift he didn't even lift he knows what's on the line and we're going to side draft him with the side draft that does not exist and we're going to sneak by him by a nose to the line we got him the tandem draft works perfectly today we learned we were able to recreate a little history we get the trophy we finished p1 as bubba wallace and brad keselowski finishes p2 just like the real results here not too long ago we're climbing out of the car bubba's gonna get up on top of this thing and celebrate how about that i like the little animation the fist pump all right well we had our fun at talladega time to head down the road to daytona another set of hollowed high banks but this time we're checking out that brand new road course configuration of course daytona's had this in-field layout for years but nascar just started using it recently and boy is it exciting to finally have it in the actual nascar game we got the five car let's do it coming to the green it looks like here we go it's not too bad what excuse me give a bigger jump to alex bowman why don't you good lord just let him do a lap before we set off why don't you custer got me two somehow i don't know i'm no road racer but this is ridiculous come on now see if we could at least get back by customer without running them over that's exactly what we're doing and then i'm gonna probably send it way too deep into this corner judging by that breaking zone and yes in the grass we go oh it's oh it's hooking up greatly on that yeah let's go ahead and just get it back on the racetrack here we'll assume fifth place somehow didn't we got a star com car right behind us too so shout out to the ratings the driver ratings on this they may be a little out of whack see who's all up here michael mcdowell daytona 500 winner all right when you look at his stats in the menu it doesn't show the 500 win on his resume yet so i don't think they have the stats in the game yet for this year that may just be a pre-release bug or something i don't know but i'm giving him a pre-release shove through the corner let's get through here here we go we'll get fourth headed into nascar two with three bums to chase for dale oh i gotta i forgot about the front stretch she came that could have been a problem right there gonna have to remember this thing and the curves too getting this up in there my got in the wall wall check you shift check kyle bliss check potentially let's see if we can get by him going into tournament i don't know how i'm somehow gaining ground on these guys after that performance back there but that's fair i'll i'll certainly take these handouts when i'm giving them custer didn't get through that corner very well so we're going to gain some ground on him and oh the s's we way faster than asses just tore everybody's crap up over here damn back end's hanging off now looking like chase elliott that coda race clear clear now that was cold cuts they would have black flagged him to the moon and back it would have been obscene like the lead bowman's getting and the ass back i'm laying down on this guy geesh custer i i hate to do it to you buddy but we have got a bigger fish to fry out here in front of us and if you could just get the hell out of the way that would be great cross them under one left and screw ourselves for the next corner entry that's all right we'll just cross them under again one left clear clear come on oh did that actually work holy i love it when a good plan it comes together and it does go give me one more open to the corners we go we are going to clear them into the bank oh this is going to be fun there's no breaking markers back here oh my god we're going to fly this thing in there we got to put some brake markers up for that one i am not smart enough to be doing this on my own as you can see flying over those killer curves well that kind of shoots my racing ass what do we do should i just pull out in front of traffic here and let nature run its course or what here i guess we'll keep it moving how you doing keep it moving he's in all kinds of spots sad oh but hey cheddar block boy from dig i remember what you did to me back there you're really gonna hang on my door right here in this corner two of all the places right in the chicane how do you like this laying on your damn door i'll put you in the damn wall throw a cheese block in your friggin head oh that's late breaking and that is a regularly scheduled colonoscopy for kurt bush sorry about that kurt you're getting older we got to do these things what about you haley you want one two spire i'll show you what spire come here oh there it is inside we'll put him away roll around got denny hamlin come on danny oh i can't even get to him he drove away from me i can't keep it on the damn road like some ground under breaking here's something oh special delivery for your hand but i'll keep you on track i'll knock you straight i'm sorry there is gonna be a mile long line to come whip my ass after this race from drivers to my own crew good lord we have one lap left can we make up six spots in a lap i highly doubt it and we asked pack six cars in one lap now there is a challenge we're gonna try not to fulfill it though let's see if we can car right son de benedento right now by just driving around him which is literally what happens there we go put him away how about hoof come here quinn i got some mane for that tail get over here lay back and let it rip on exit there we go still a few more fight back on the outside here give him a little room all right hold here sail it in a little deep still next to it get it off the corner gently oh smoking the tires keep moving forward racist thing this is a race right here who would have thought starcom would be where my true competition was well i could have told you that but anyway off the corner we're gonna get him and we're gonna need to get some new goodyear's maybe while we're at it it's my break right after that last billboard i think that might be the secret to this car there we go all right i might have figured that out i might have figured out my own marks for it and then gonna throw it all away by running over the killer curve just keep your foot in it pass it in the grass it doesn't even matter anymore we got nothing to lose just go i think alex woman has already taken the dub here we're gonna oh i forgot about the curry we're gonna jump the curb in the last set of corners here double zero is gonna send it in on me and take the spot we're gonna send it right back body slam through a table just take him out of contention we'll go ahead and get to that line first i think he even got beaten by the benedetto damn we are working over starcom as an organization here today i am not meaning to do that i like starcom out here this is the little team that could but can for much longer because they are going to die soon so there's there's that unfortunate true fact uh where we got here we had alex moment one we finished in the top five we can't complain too much we gotta run it back to we get the dub so apparently these killer curves are quite a sight when you hit him at full speed so we're gonna go ahead and try that real quick oh oh oh yes yes they are indeed i think this game has like digging physics with the grass or if you hit the grass upside down it makes you flip even more that's pretty cool let me see how big of a big one we could cause on the road course clear clear you're clear oh there it is there's a flip briscoe again oh my god brisco has the worst luck with us today jeez oh we're nailing this one oh that was beautiful see how good can we get out of here oh that's that's gorgeous oh we're gonna go for the lead right here come on let's make it look good side by side at the line i'm down on the apron i'm gonna get black flagged and thrown out of the venue and i just sent it way way way way way way too deep damn it that's what i give her trying to be cute and there goes bowman right back by now we gotta get up here and oh i was gonna see if we gotta save ourselves from third but thirds like three seconds back so i think we're good we can make as much of an ass of ourselves as we need to and i just did it again looking at the damn leaderboard here and then we just barely clipped the wall and that that annoys me i'm taking someone with me who's coming with me it's kyle kyle's show got oh i did it again i did it again we're covering it hot coming in hot got one and we just take out the leader missile strike clear clear and put it in the wall myself looking back at my murder why i don't know how good i should feel about this but it would appear we are going to get the dub after shadow realming alex bowman in the first corner laps ago we get the victory i'm taking it i am not giving this one back i am literally running for the hills as we speak well there you have it back in victory lane with another trophy to add to the shelf that one looks pretty sweet got kyle larson climbing out of the car this time he's banging on the roof he's happy about the dub he's gonna get out and praise the sun and that'll do it for daytona well here we are at our third and probably final track of the day we've got nashville super speedway up the bat and i don't know if i've ever run nashville in a video game other than like an nr 2003 mod maybe so this might be a world first well off and away we go here green flag is out at nashville super speedway from the pole again even though i swear we selected random starting position before we went green on this thing not sure what that's all about his bushes running up the side of me here i'm getting taken over for the lead right off the bat but for a second there maybe some time out front would help me at least feel things out but we're not even gonna get that and look at this trio in front of me dude some one of these is not like the other at an intermediate and oh my god we're getting swarmed from both sides and arvik and i are still a few more glued together we can come apart anytime you're harvard thank you and i'm going to get dumped as soon as we do my lord backwards through the grass we go we're just taking the express lane to the the garage you can drive through the garage maybe we should do that and find our rv and get the hell out of here that was a nice ice cream break for the team but we are gonna pull it on track and cause a little havoc here that painted on sign on the grass looks pretty good yeah it's probably a weird observation to make that look kind of good we're gonna pretend it's kentucky out here for cole custer we'll do a little burnout until the field comes back around again you're definitely going the wrong way lose the poor soul that's gonna get it first it looks like chase elliot it's the mpd and he's d ds he's long enough we're gonna take out some more here oh he's rolling in the grass in there it's a huge one it's a massive one michael mcdowell's upside down my god i used to like to do this all the times okay we're going to simulate a flat tire going into the corner and see what happens oh my what the hell was that all right that only looked 75 percent jank lay one more on him and then it's back to business come here denny we got another special delivery for you and only you apparently everybody else is gonna drive by us see if we can get our way through this pack here i think we felt things out good enough now to where we could at least hang and maybe gain some of these spots back and get around here with some speed get underneath the joy here for the corner send it's very tight that's one thing the car in general just seems kind of tight if you're coming from nascar heat five to this it's gonna be very very different gonna be very very very different and the tightness is part of that if i could get a lane down here reagan please i think it drives good though i mean i don't think it drives uh tara it just takes a little getting used to now that i'm used to it we're having a bit of a race here if i can get underneath your ring at all we're going to turn him there he goes and we're going to get joey in the process keep it out of the wall don't even dare look behind me it's a big one back there that certainly could be an issue oh my god oh there they didn't clear the track they're gonna just pile right back into it so do we i just smoked bread and the whole field is dead and we're in the lead we just adopted first place it's still there it's still there it's bigger it's getting worse they're flipping into it oh pusher over the entire pack it's not gonna just stay there it's still there it won't go away it will not go i got nowhere to go we're going right into the back of it got one left william byron won't move his ass move william they might be able to get through if you drive you doofus ah we're still in the lead it's clearing up it's getting smaller that should do it i think everybody's just about dissipated from that and no caution because cautions are off because black flags are broken well this has been quite an experience here at nashville i have had quite a debut at this track there is the finish we get to the line another explosion of achievements all over our face that might be the biggest farce of a race event i think i've ever seen what the hell with it we survived and got the dub well we have got to take a look at that replay because we just had one of the most ungodly racing incidents we've ever seen it all started so simply with just a a pass on the bottom gone wrong and it turns into this and that is not where it ended of course we come around michael mcdowell is the first victim and then they all just pile in some rick where race the cars go flying and they were the first but not the last here comes the entire field oh my god it just keeps coming it's not gonna stop there it is an even bigger explosion and it goes on of course for laps and laps and laps well there you have it ladies and gentlemen that will pretty much wrap up our first adventure here at nascar 21 ignition we roll into victory lane here we'll get the guitar in the trophy here in music city and we'll burn it down as cole custer and victory lane three dumbs on the day of course so i consider that a successful venture in any game and then as for the game itself i actually have a lot of fun with it it's a it's good foundation it definitely needs some tweaks it needs some help and needs some improvements needs a little jesus but it can get there i do believe it will so that'll be where i'll wrap things up here today thank everybody so much for watching as always if you enjoyed it you know what to do hit that like button and subscribe for more in the future and with that i will see all you lovely people in the next one [Music]
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 322,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nascar 21, nascar 21 ignition, nascar 21 ignition gameplay, nascar 21 gameplay, nascar 2021 game, nascar 21 game, nascar ignition, nascar, crash, crashes, ignition crashes, crash comp, wrecks, funny moments, career, career mode, nashville, daytona rc, road course, talladega, dega, blowover, pile up, big one, highlights, wreckfest, wreckfest mods, nascar mods, motorsports games, iracing nascar, bristol dirt, new tracks, visuals, pc, 60fps, gameplay, multiplayer, online, DLC, paint schemes
Id: wZmZ8RVE_vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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