Talks Machina with the Cast of Critical Role - Gen Con 2019

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your diet because it's me yes hi baby what's your name she said her name is toaster strudel hi baby oh you're the sweetest oh my god okay I'm sorry I'm sorry oh my god what a sweet what a sweet girl how old eight months just like I am mentally all right welcome to Gen Con critical role talks machina panel hello hello hello I'm gonna bring everybody out in a second most of them most of them are awake a couple of rules we're gonna have Mike here and is that the only one or is there another one that's the only one okay so when I tell you to line up in an orderly fashion be careful of everybody in cosplay one question for one cast member don't ask the whole cast a question because they're actors they like to talk what else what else what else no High Noon [ __ ] you know like you guys know the drill was raise your hand if you were at the live show last night whoa Wow way to make the rest of the people that didn't go feel bad can't believe you guys just did that without further ado come on out everybody we got Travis we got Trisha we got calluses we got William oh my god Laura we got sambar evil laughter you first turn [Music] [Music] Wow Wow how you guys feeling we have a jib hope Jesus Vinny shut up like a jib he's dead a little bit of an insurance liability man so you know how do you liability yeah we have too many as it is how you guys feeling after last night that was a bit of a that was a bit of a roller coaster there thanks to thanks to the DM for taking it easy on us in the beginning of every Laura stop almost died he was the only one thank you very much it's true what was you look out both of those creatures yes hell yeah hell yeah due in large part to everybody else what was going through your mind Laura last night when you were getting pretty close there were you thinking caduceus will save me a rethinking I'm in a real danger like this is I thought yeah I thought I was in real danger because I was only healed up to because what the things were taken out like at least 50 hit points each hit and I was after caduceus healed me I was only at 25 hit points so that thing would have taken out you know one more hit I would uh-uh Marisha same question what was going through your mind what was it it was like someone did his stats breakdown and it was like how many times is beau died and I was like ah not as many as Caleb we haven't died have we unconscious conscience god what a good morning it's such a beautiful morning it's almost it's almost presidential okay so speaking of speaking of mr. president how many people voted in the election oh my gosh Wow okay keep vote in your primaries - yes please vote in the real elections the ones that matter yeah maybe voted if you guys vote for the - by presidents but not in the real election we will be disappointed so please yes yes who voted for Sam thank you that's all the time we have I needed that for my soul so bad and it's on critical scope as well probably oh man how cool you got a baker's dozen of fans looking out for ya Travis last night last night I felt like you almost did the Ford the original Ford accent a couple times I are you kind of I saw a little slippage there are you practicing in the mirror before Thursday night you're like you you did this for 71 episodes and then now you know you did a bad Texan accent making the people from the state you're from ashamed of you and now you're doing a British accent that's just slightly better than mine from laura's Harry Potter I might actually just start doing the Texan accent towards not just to make her feel better that's really sweet the opportunity that have Ford with a lasso oh that's true it's a whip yeah but we'll beat him there wasn't as much you know sexy time stuff this life show is there was a was New York the one where you two had that epic was that it yeah that was for that New York I'll never forget I still mark the day no matter what happens we'll always have New York Travis us and several thousand strangers what's your guys favorite part of doing these live shows is it walking out and thunderous applause at the side of you it like it is for me is it a last night everybody sang along so that was epic ah you guys that was that was unexpected we've never experienced that before and it was so magical and amazing and I something that you can only get at a live show like that to really like feel that connection with the audience it was amazing and you guys are awesome yeah you guys made Britney cry her eyes out Britney came backstage and she's like I'm sorry I know that's not how you talk but it's real close in an orderly fashion please looking out for one another always and thank you so much for we launched full-fledged into questions if you're not getting on the line can we see everyone in cosplay hop up and get a look yeah if you're physically able stand up in cosplay Wow whoa look at the Ruby right at the front of the line whoa that sword yes Wow Caleb man I have brain I have seen many Gilmore's in my time my heart belongs to this one right here looks like the art was based on that person basically the Raven Queen at the back of the room is terrifying oh goodness help I just saw that wow that's cool back left corner there so cool you guys raise your hand if you came to Gen Con for the live show or for this panel for something critical role related okay who who came here from another country keep your hand up wow really okay where were you from the UK the whole place an hour away from burning him take notes man I'm really good at this ex action what about you are you from oh Jesus I can't see what your shirt said is it's a kick me I'm an influencer oh mighty 9 that's awesome sorry the lights are really bright and I have masculine degeneration this is a were you guys from Canada America's hat how fun I love Canada what about you guys well you're not from the French part of Canada right ok cool cool cool where are you guys where are you guys from ok yeah yeah if we could we got Canada I'm just kidding uh Quebec right ok ok ok ok unfortunately panels are not open to people in Quebec where are you are you from from Italy yeah oh man did you bring any food or she brush you about spices for you guys can I have them all right who's up first here give us your name and in your question please hi my name is Barry my question is for Matt I was just wondering if we might expect any possible homebrew releases coming out in the next year so like dunam antsy or who knows even though I have plans I I can't say anything don't you say anything cuz I want things to be cool and surprising but but yeah I've got plans don't worry is it I don't care so that I don't have time but I'm working on it hello you can just grab that yeah you can just take it off here if you need to yeah what's your name hi I'm Cindy mama and this is for Telus in' know what would make caduceus really angry yes tell me I I will say that he can get angry it does happen there is definitely I will I will say juvenile disrespect does eventually get to him oh no not a fan of pranking I mean you know everybody's got everybody's got got some some layers there's some stuff but no one's no one's that serene all the time no no one lady and I'm allowed to break the rules I have a gift for Matthew since Game Hulk on I have carried this everywhere I thought I might get to see you to give to you that's really sweet you're not old anyway who's next hey what's your name I have a question for Talan mostly because I won't watch the face story that Travis is going to give us one tell us and answers at the end of the one shot you mentioned you had a lot of mouse traps set up I was just wondering where the shadow people the most dangerous thing they could have released or was there a more dangerous ah waiting that they managed to avoid I mean if the cats had been released first that would have definitely been been an interesting thing uh no this is no I'll try to make this as spoiler free as possible for B 11 seeing it the cats would have been a problem also if they had if somebody had died really early that I was setting up a series of rules for dead players to continue to interact which would have been really really unhappy and terrible rules for the things that we're living behind the glass and if you were stuck behind the glass you were right there with them and they could really mess with you thankfully none of that happened thank you for watching that no one shot by the way okay that is a great question great job Alison go check it out if anyone hasn't seen the call goes through the one shot cuz tell us enslave it was so good very good what's your name my name is Georgia and my question is for Matt so you have to tell Dory setting and I was wondering if you were going to do one for the mighty nine campaign I don't have a campaign settings are extensive I'd like to eventually do something like that yeah I have materials it's just assembling them in a way that can be legible by a non crazy human being hopefully you know well we'll see as time goes on at the moment I'm we're consumed with the Santa mated series that you guys helped make happen super excited about that so I guess just keep keep an eye out as time goes on because hopefully I like to get around to that that'd be fun oh yeah thank you actually thank you great question Travis what can you tell us about the status of things how is everything going working we're gearing up to start working on this whole animated series like it's pretty crazy right it's going well Brian your money is in great hands folks who's that next hi I'm Alex I totally understand if you don't want to answer this but what the hell was up with the undead vibe on Giammetti Costco yeah that's crazy huh that's a pretty weird thing yeah there's something about him that gives off of them dead I wonder what that means hey I appreciate the question but uh I don't know if I will come back into play at some time well let's see if it gets explored at some point and if not at least I could tell you the campaign wrap up that is more than enough for me no way that's a great question hey there what's your name hi I'm Shane and my question is for Travis for the animated series a lot of the characters have iconic catchphrases so I was wondering how you're gonna translate I would like to write are we going to translate that I think he's just gonna say our larger age yeah yeah we are we are definitely keeping iconic lines moments interactions all those things will be in there just as they were oh thank you I'll also also do as an add to that I mean like if you want to see like the the somebody doing that and like taking things that shouldn't actually work in game and making them work in game Jodi Hauser's doing a great job in the comic book series of making it making you feel like somehow Matt is intertwined in everything that happens it's kind of cool so yep check it out it's fun to be intertwined with Matt is that not what you meant what's your name Carrie hello I was here last year and I asked Matt what what NPC he would like to see cosplay that he hadn't yet and while Sano Kier was thrown around I didn't get him finished in time but I believe you finally settled on earthbreaker Grune so I put my or facts from last year in a muscle suit that is amazing cord strength to you brother oh wow the beard oh you look amazing as well your Percy's fans thank you I'm gonna hopefully make the code already eventually but my question is for Tallis in a lot of comparisons have been thrown around between Ford and Percy and something that I noticed is uh katoa is much more is being much more insistent than or thaks was do you think if or thaks was as insistent and as keen on punishment Percy might have gone a similar direction as for honest to god and and this is just from watching I don't think Percy had nearly as strong a will as Ford does yeah I mean yeah I watching Travis play for it has definitely been it like I did not have the balls to pull that off oh my god yeah Percy Percy is it would never be the hard choice it so it Percy was never about the hard choice it was always about what's the option see that I haven't figured out yet there's a way to gain my way out of this I just keep talking I can get I can get everything like to work and until the very end but yeah like oh my god that yeah chicken Percy doesn't play chicken from first-hand knowledge Percy does curtail very easily I mean if you actually recall Percy didn't even make the choice No Scanlan did for them yep who's next so question when can we get the caduceus t said Oh a caduceus t said that's so many more people that voted for me I I feel like not to be not to be that guy but I mean like it says on my business card that guy but let's see if his character lit let's just see how long he sort it before we start making merchandise stuff around it let's maybe just because you know there's a history of spoilers more desirable moly t-shirt limited-edition yeah I mean yeah hey you get to see some other stuff I'm thinking about so there's that yeah I'm out of explosive arrows by the way I've run out o talismans carrot cakes here for a good time okay who's next my name is cool so you are kind of the king of over-the-top and ostentatious whether it be with your characters inside or your you know flasks or things like that and especially your outfits at the alive events so how do you come up with these over-the-top creations and also how on earth do you plan on topping last night because that that last part will be hard I think next year I'll I'll either come out totally make it no we can it's twitch it's twitch we can't do that or I'll just be so basic pleated khakis a polo shirt I'd I don't know I don't know that outfit last night it was pieced together from several different stores I'm sure critical critical closet will figure it out at some point his parole closet here by the way what's up i-i'll it early buy things at vintage shops just despite you I'm so excited [Laughter] but it was it was a challenge putting that together and then my fellow cast members like two weeks after I had bought all that that weird stuff I wore they were like hey let's go god great question can we good idea Oh like a Peter Pan line where Britney is having a nosebleed I could do that I want to see if you can figure out the glowing ball that stood in for his junk last night I use that as my pillow last night I want to see him come out with the Emmy and the Emmy in here one of these days a great question okay who's what's your name hi my name is Kailyn so I had a question for Travis so keep in mind I haven't seen yesterday's live show episode I wasn't able to make it but other than that I'm caught up so with Ford's recent decision do you see him changing outfits to fit his new or old persona like costume change I don't I don't think so so most of Ford's Armour was very piecemeal stuff that he got from either working on the docks or stuff that he got from Bandra nor items and he was given you know just as he as he sort of accrued time and responsibilities where he worked so I think that stuff's very dear to him especially coming from a place of coming from an orphanage where he didn't have any possessions so all those things that are actually his or very dear to him he might add to those things but I think underneath he'll they'll stay there and he might she might augment them or change him a little bit and you know in the same way that you would like draw on your genes in school or whatever but like that that stuff's his so it means a lot to him well yeah and we all picked up some stuff in the last couple like ten games anyway so we're all a little more yeah absorb but I see you guys all about like fresh your Hessian outfits yeah so you're all you're all a little more stylish than you were when you started yeah great question nice shirt what's your name my name is Spencer my question is also for Travis after Ford severed his pact with luka Toa was there a was there a larger fear in telling Bowen just er what it happens and see have been travelling with them the longest out of the nine or where his journeys with the nine had that made that fear equal across all of the party I think actually he was worried about telling Bowen gesture the least and maybe caduceus and there as well you know knew he would hear about it from not Caleb had already sort of started to call him on his [ __ ] right so I saw through a lot of that stuff and he also regards the group is very powerful so I think a lot of it is turning to his very powerful and talented friends and saying I don't have any of that anymore I hope I can still play with you guys right so I mean legit though and I mean they the response was amazing it was that it was absolutely incredible but gesture is so gregarious and loving and joyful and exuberant that I don't think he was worried about that I think he was actually looking forward to telling her as one of the the first people to know and both second mate so like Ryder died right by all great question okay who's next [Music] get right up on the mic if you might just buddy the folks can hear you so my question is for Telus and I can totally be wrong for this but just reading like body language and facial features there do seem to be moments where you're kind of just like I'm done with this and like how just kind of it no it might just be like cuz it's long hours and you're tired and everything I was kind of want advice of like how do you keep playing when your energy level might be low or you're just kind of like I don't like with oh no that's that's that's never I'm done with this what you're seeing is the I'm trying to make sure no one noticed that I'm reading my backstory notes so I don't forget anybody that's over here and that this this this look that's me reading frantically I'm a big believer in terror terror is a great way God okay siblings do I have Oh God also you write your back stories are like the simmer really and I'm like my dad moods mean to me like that's my back sorry oh yeah next time only child oh man I can't believe that episode one of campaign two when you guys met not nobody said hey just just for later what's your mother's name let me just write this down in case you ever ask us later spoilers we're saying there is like some fan speculation out there that not was one of the goblins that killed skeletons mom and I was like that would have been awesome Matt Mercer what's your name I'm Bo of course I apologize it's bright my name is Charlie and my question is for Sam based on the amazing reaction we've had to your DND beyond theme and the critical role theme when can we expect a parody version of the 2010 hit like a g6 by the Far East Movement as like a d6 it does already exist the library bards did it yeah so you should check it out but I mean do a cover Sam I don't know yeah there I there are more songs incoming just so you know write the lugger he has a lot of time on his hands now that he's not the president of I don't boo me you all voted for Liam [Applause] they are by presidents though so you're sharing the what's your name my name is Kailyn and my question is for Matt you say do any man see can alter the reality and the fate of the person that wields it is this an affront to the Raven Queen I would say given the fact that elements are do no man see deal with the manipulation and probability destiny things like that Raven Queen just throwing it out there one of the few things she's probably like yeah I'd say I'd say you're on the right track alright thank you thank you very much [Applause] what's your name my name is Emily and my question is for Laura and Travis do you talk to Ronan about your campaign so Ronan every Thursday night yet he stays with a babysitter now cuz he stays at home but he watches the opening of the show like he loves the theme song so much I sing every time I'm changing his diaper icing into things ya know same like I know there are songs that like parent sing to their kids he's heard the damn theme song every day of his life but do you guys change the lyrics though is so like you [ __ ] your pants I'm cleaning it up no you know what I mean like do you I would do I would do cool stuff like that Mike my kids bust into that song constantly and we cannot play a board game or anything so I won't go like it's your turn to roll every time [Applause] [Laughter] fantastic question Emily thank you so much hey what's your name what's up top that mic up a little bit there you go [Laughter] my questions for militia I'm a huge fan of jocks machina and hopefully we get to see them on channel one day will bow every joined jocks my oh what are the requirements are there prerequisites for joining Jack's machina you're kind of the authority on this abs check like to lift heavy things like to break a sweat check like to whoop that ass hell yeah [Applause] thank you you made that happen what about stealing [ __ ] that you shouldn't from someone else this campaign is that part of the I'm just kidding hashtag Archon for president all right who do we have here what's your name hi I'm Natasha and I've been holding on to this question for a year format yeah this is a rather involved conspiracy theory question so boy so seven eleven was an inside job so last year when the party was in shady creek run at the land lock lady in they first arrived and there was a doorman named champ who keg knew and everything it was pompous and mustachioed and cool yeah and then the next morning they went down and there was a new doorman who said he'd been working for the morrow dunes for a few months and had bright red curly hair and vibrant green eyes it acted rather enigmatic and shady and shifty and was saying they should listen more that he hoped that whatever you're after I hope you're on the right path so and then later once they recover everyone juster is asking the traveler where he was and he said he was always there so my question is this was that character the traveler in disguise that'd be pretty interesting huh it's a unique observation I will confirm nor deny that's really fair thank you so much I mean was it worth it to wait a year to get 30 seconds of that look from that because I feel like you yeah oh wow hello Oh next level flexing on us what's your name follow-up question to that format but it has more to do with Ford's character so now that Ford has effectively broken up with you katoa thank you what do you think would be a more compelling storyline or what are you most interested to see him continue to take levels in warlock or possibly with an arch Fay patron or Paden I'm interested you weren't getting anything Travis I tried Travis I part of what I really enjoy about this game is how the players continuously surprise me and I'm I'm down to see what journey Travis wants to take so I'm curious to see how he takes this next path of his journey in which elements he wants to maintain what direction he wants to go he seems to be like really finding interest in the wild mother and talking to caduceus about that and that's kind of been an element of breaking that pact at the time some curious if he's gonna continue down that path or see this is like a blank slate to continue to grow so I'm I'm interested to see the different decisions that Ford takes and Travis does through Ford and kind of a you know adjust and build the narrative for that character around that so I I can't say I have a specific path that I'm you know hoping for cuz I have no idea what Travis's direct interest is beyond just the actions he's taken in the game yeah I'm just excited to see where it goes I really love the idea of not knowing that as the dungeon master you know as much as it's like me building and world planning of any of you out there who run games as GM's know the most exciting part of the game is after all that prep coming to the table and the players completely surprising you and you're kind of having to just think on your feet and go with it that's the best part of the game for me yeah the surprise yeah thank you guys you look amazing you look amazing by the way and I'm not just saying that because you're dressed up is my fiance's amazing character that matt is gonna kill probably in like two months or something hey we usually have to ask this at the panel soup real quick for it we get your question raise your hand if you started playing D&D after watching critical role holy cow that's crazy that's so awesome someone who lifts it up that's hilarious okay what's your name wait as in atmos I love your questions you're amazing you troll me and that's how you get my respect I love you so my question is from arisha my question is what inspired you to play Bo a bit more shaken about her near death and some of the other characters from last night yes from last night well I was at 2 hit points the whole time so Liam can attest to that so I was you know kind of are playing that she would just are playing our fan yeah I like roll big ropey games in my favorite genre of game so I was role-playing that just days I don't know [Laughter] why it was the question [Applause] [Laughter] you guys are good my name is Julia I have a question for Liam so you play your characters above Beck's and Caleb like very emotionally without any like hesitation I guess and you're an experienced actor unlike these other guys I know we're only allowed to ask a question but what I wanted to ask was um something that people who try to emulate critical role don't realize that something that can happen when you try to put yourself into the character and get emotionally invested is character bleed um so I was wondering how you deal with that or if you do it all even meaning like dewbacks and Caleb lead back into Liam you know just like if something really emotionally devastating happens to VAX or to Caleb how does it affect you and how do you deal with it oh yeah the the moments in these we've talked about this a decent amount but like these feel like synthetic memories so anytime our loved one I mean we love each other so anytime the the superimposed fantasy friend gets killed or has to leave or whatever happens like that that chick we carry around yeah and get upset about and every time like the character we leave in a cliffhanger and someone's gonna die like we think about it constantly VAX VAX help me sort through things and but made me more loyal and determined and willing to take chances which is I in life generally of try to avoid conflict Caleb I still kind of drive around and think about him and still go like why did you do that he's really messed up he's really messed up and if I if I you know if we just talk about I know but if I just think like fireballs and cats like it's fun and we can make dick jokes it's always fun but if I really like take a minute to go oh so yeah he I feel bad for him I feel really bad I have fun playing the game I love these guys and I and I feel bad for my character do you have ways that you like learn to process that like if you're at home feeling bummed about maybe on Friday something that happened on Thursday night and you're like man like I need to get out of this funk like do you have ways of coping yeah I pull my head out of the game all I'll I will play a game with my kid or I'll watch a movie with my wife or go running or running is great not for your knees but for everything else or spend time with these guys outside of the game there's lots of ways but it definitely does you know we we were really invested in this story so it just sort of drags along like coattails with us wherever we go but to give you examples to when users hang with friends the group that's there your friends who are in this game that you trust enough you should also support each other when those dark moments happen outside of the game whenever we lose a character in the game we have like a wake we go to an Irish pub that we go to often in Burbank and we all get drinks and we have a wake for that character and it's part of that process too because it isn't it is a part of that even though it's imaginary there's a part of that experience and journey and it's come to an end and that deserves its respect as well and we are there to help support the player and you know as a playing group you know be there for your friends who may be going through that experience cuz it is even though it is make-believe and it is a game that is still a loss and that's not a bad thing either loss is an important thing to process because life comes with loss and what are the wonderful experiences of role-playing games it allows us a safe space to explore very positive and very negative emotions in a healthy way and make us better people through it so just be there for them be supportive and be the best friends and Co players you can be Thank You Mac part of the reason I think that like we get upset when these fictional characters are killed is because we're playing this this game of imagination together and we form a chemistry together we're like well we get to do this together and it's always like this and you're always funny like that and you're always intense like this and we really love that chemistry and then somebody gets killed and they're gone and that chemistry which is something that we're like addicted to and love that chemistry is affected it's gone and like when Molly was gone like Bo and Molly had this great sort of like [ __ ] you [ __ ] you butting heads think that's gone and so like we we love you know we're actors but anyone who plays this game extensively like you love the sort of second life that you create for yourself and then when the character's gone it's you don't you don't have that unique mix anymore yeah if someone would have died last night we have found like a local Irish pub to go to was probably would have been the I mean because I found a few last night anyway I woke up in it I woke up in a dumpster behind the courthouse with a Denny's menu staple to my back at 4:00 a.m. so but what we have done that on the road we know they call yeah I would avoid it being in public for a while yeah yeah like popemobile up here on stage for this panel yep okay who's oh hello what's your name Oh cute oh my god love all your different cosplay okay you're okay I have Laura make surprised yeah so I really love how you play vex and jester even though as two characters they're pretty different from each other but sometimes you have an instance where like your Elora shows so I actually just wanted to ask what was the biggest disconnect that you've ever experienced between player versus character if you've ever felt like you you as a person as a player would never ever make a choice in a situation versus what your character for do in that same situation because like I feel like everything my characters do I wouldn't do in real life and like that's one of the like especially gesture oh yeah like Travis and I have had these conversations the joy of playing a character like jester or like Grogg where you don't have to filter yourself like as you go through life everybody I assume has I don't know for sure but everybody has these random really stupid things that pop up in your brain and you don't say them because everybody will touch you and they're weird and as these characters you just embrace it and it is so much fun and talk about character bleed it is a it is an issue that I deal with now because gesture has had that effect on me and so I tend to say stupider things but I can confirm that I've heard a lot of stupid [ __ ] no but I would never deface anything in public I would never steal anything I can attach any dicks to the wall not attach a dick to a wall in public or anywhere I just started wait I said where I'm just glad I got to give you the eyebrow back this time record a lot of donuts though that is that's that's all me yep yep thank you very much record number of dick showing up on bus stops in Indianapolis what's your name oh look at that oh hi my name is Ethan I love your costume thank you very much favorite Witcher characters absolutely this is actually for you mr. Mercer we've explored at school or your question I'm scared oh god he's coming for me oh no this is this is hardly a crossroads miss Mercer you have nothing to fear for me here my uncle Jerry wishes to say what's your questions we've explored several places in the multiverse in your games like the city of brass the FEI wild places like that are there any places in the multiverse like it just just anywhere adjacent like the astral seer somewhere that you either as a player or as it as a GM would have liked to have gone but it never had the time or the resources to do interesting I do have some places that I really would like to explore whether in this campaign or campaigns down the road astral sea is interesting it's a really weird amorphous plain and I just love the prospect of one day throwing a national dreadnought at these poor guys he's my second to the Tarasque like there you know it's they're fun they're good time don't worry they're fun I mean I've always loved playing scape the city of signal would be great for obvious reasons of course so I can be like no guys this is where I learned my wrong pronunciation but the city of doors is awesome lady Payne's a great element those who watched the the search for Bob one shot there was a lady of pain reference dropped in there if you missed it you can go back and look it's almost maybe there's a few doors and sigil that lead to eggs and reah who knows think about that for your home campaigns huh but yeah I love that I would I want to go into some deep abyssal plains too like we've we've we've been to the city of disks you know if we've seen a little bit of the nine hells Abitur that maybe not the harsher places oh there's somebody to explore yeah deep abyssal plains be great natural so you'd be great so you'll be great I'll leave it there cuz it could go on for too long thank you for there thank you great question hello what's your name my name is Danielle matt has said on Twitter that one of the ways that you guys handle the pressures of the Kickstarter and the intense dramatic moments in the campaign is by checking in with each other and checking in on each other's mental health Sam I know that you take on a lot of responsibilities with doing the D&D Beyond and the boys and also you're one of the characters often are joking around with other characters and giving them a hard time so I was wondering if maybe from your perspective Sam you could give some details without giving you anything too personal on how to properly mentally check in with your players your fellow players and just you know help everybody and check that everybody's doing well I I'm I'm learning from these guys as we go how best to do that I'm I'm weird in that I'm usually sort of as weird as I am on screen I I don't really talk very much when we're off screen like alrighty I keep my my my stuff to myself more more than some of these guys do but they have in the last few years helped me sort of connect connect more with with my with my best friends here and you know we do check in a lot with each other thanks to Matt and thanks ductile to all of us were like for instance yesterday morning we all had breakfast together it was really nice we just talked about stuff and and it was it was great to just sort of reconnect to everybody but yeah I I I'm not an expert of this in any way in fact on this stage I am the least good at it but I have endeavored to become better at it and and opening yourself up to your friends and feeling comfortable enough to like share your your past or your or your worries for the future with your friends and not getting any judgement back is is like the greatest gift if you have that with one person it's amazing if you have it with all of these people holy moly it's like it's the greatest thing in the world so I've tried to be better at sharing my stuff with them and and being there for them I will say though Sam I know we joke around a lot but you are you are getting a lot better I will say you argue the other day he said hi to me when I got to work huge I thought you're Chris lucky lucky who's up next hi so my name is Kailyn ah its Niall an inside joke for the three people who watched talks macchina what's your question my questions for Marissa actually so and campaign one with Vox machina there's a lot of powerful badass lady in pcs so if by chance you know it all worked out timewise who do you think bow would be most likely to have a crush on from campaign one keema yeah chilaquiles very much emulated Alaura and really looked up to her and kind of looked at her as a powerful female figurehead and took notes for leadership through her but was just one of that's valid you're awesome I love you I will never get your name right because it doesn't matter to me all that matters that's my name for you you're the best all right who's up next hi my name is Lauren what do characters do and the campaign no matter how old it gets that you find funny or amusement from one more time what do other players in the campaign do throughout the campaign that you find funny no matter how old it gets oh no matter how long they do it no matter how long we tread carefully God everybody thrown on this one I'll never get over this one waggling her eyebrow every third word in the game [Laughter] slow snicker every time there's even vaguely a possibility of a dick joke that comes up yeah this every time it's this is gonna be hard I'd say every time there is a pain reaction out of not it is hysterical I like any time just the concept of death comes up remotely anywhere in the game out of the game one of these people like like you you're dead yeah what would have happened last night if not God forbid had died and there had to be a big emotional scene what if I just picture Matt going alright saying what would you like that's less words to be added say I'm going my last words would have been [Laughter] [Applause] what's your name oh thank you so my best friend who got me into a critical role is actually at the con but it's sick in the hotel room oh so I have a question from her to ask Laura it's actually kind of her gesture annoy so Kay do you think the volcano would be a good spot for travel or on okay here's the thing like I did I totally did at first and then like I need to talk to him because I think that now it's probably not because like it wasn't very expensive really as big as I thought it would be and there wasn't like a lot of beds and like no real good food so I don't know how many people are coming but like even just getting to the nearest hotel was really difficult I love the idea that half of your sketchbook is jester's tiny Yelp reviews of locations in the wild your critters met up we had a bard contest and a Molly one and she sang his name was making cosplay Derek he's sang a song called Molly's wake song I have posted it on YouTube I will link it out for everybody talisman I think you will a beautiful love it because it is like an Irish pub Salone yes link is out there on Twitter I will tweet it again sometime thank you so much that's really sweet this is gonna be our last question hopefully the Irish accents in the song are better than Molly's work but see that the it's funny it's funny there's it's it's weird cuz there's no Ireland in exam three isn't that I know huh so the accent was right it was just not the accent that no that's a valid point though like any accent we do and he accent me do well or properly its proper because it's an exam drienne accent I can tell you if it's good or not no what's your name yeah that wasn't a good one yeah that was a good one hey what's your name we gotta we gotta get outta here so you're less okay my name is Bailey yes my question is for Laura with all of the throwback to box machina and white stone in the week before how are you feeling with everything going so how am I feeling with like with the throwback like how are you feeling with all the mentions of white stone and everything that was throwing back with like the percy got like it's all sheep and today I'm feeling very nostalgic and also I would love for everyone to come visit and also me as well if we did I think we would cause a lot of problems new pitch traveler con at white stone they're ready they're ready no the food is good lots of lodging and room and board no dead people on trees anymore oh my god all of the residual that you could ever hope for and endless booze endless booze thank you guys so much for coming thank you for waiting we love you thank you so much [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Gen Con
Views: 56,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Gen Con, Talks Machina, Critical Role, Matthew Mercer, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, Liam O'Brien, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Sam Riegel, critical role q&a, critical role interview, critical role live show, critical role gen con, critical role, d&d, critical role talks machina gen con, critical role talks machina live, critical role talksmachina, critters, dnd
Id: p--DJyY7Lkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 4sec (3664 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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