Geek & Sundry's Critical Role Cast Talk Success, Service And Toilet Paper? | NYCC 2018 | SYFY WIRE

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where my critters and I'm joined by some of my favorite people on the planet the cast of critical role you guys are we got Laura Bailey we got Brian Foster we got Jonathan Jaffe we got that Mercer we go [Applause] [Music] I am so so glad that they put me on your interview I love you guys you're my okay first thing I got to know how was the live show it was incredible like the energy of the live show was insane the venue is beautiful the whole audience was amazing and the story made Travis blush so it was a great too much man too much I'm tired of that flirt with me I was sitting next to him in his ears were fuchsia fuchsia to see that maybe we can make that happen again we'll see well I have some questions for you and then we're gonna play a little game that I'm very very excited to play with you I have my own 20-sided dice right here it's beautiful I love the colors question yeah I got to charge it up hold on I'm putting on the 21st though we gotta pay attention to how crazy huge critical role has been even since I interviewed you guys last year in Chicago I don't even it's been a blur you guys have moved into your own studio you guys are doing all kinds of fun stuff tell me all about it yeah we're making we're making our own shows now out of our own studio and some of them are pretty good and we we have a twitch channel now twitch TV / critical role and Marisha here is the mastermind but behind we have an amazing production team and amazing crew and I now get to work with people like these everyday that's great what has been something that you were not expecting at all out of putting all the effort into basically moving your operation entirely and getting the place feel you got to pay rent on and buying lights and all the stuff that goes into it what has been something that you weren't expecting toilet paper is expensive the the amount that we need as a group so it's a lot a lot of yeah then we have a really hard time keeping the kitchen clean yeah thank God yeah so tell me about your caught experience so far tell me about those sweet sweet fan interactions I cosplay you've seen I want to hear it all look at let me look out in the audience look at this Jasha gesture caduceus over here is bananas moly oh no I see the cosplayer who's done all of the mighty nine dressed as Molly stand up for us [Music] okay speaking of $90.99 real quick you guys are deep into it now how is the story going how is the story going have become horrible horrible people we ruined everything we touch we're crap pirates not like pirates who look for crap oh crap pirates and the guy who is our sailor doesn't know anything about boats so you know going better night classes he'll get there he'll get there amazing I have a question I have a DM question former sir yes we've got a lot of young diems in the audience Thalia dear dear that's right represent I would love to know how you tackle not only are you having to tell a compelling story for an audience you have to make it fun for your friends and also kind of roll with the punches how do you manage all of that to be perfectly honest I'm not sure I'm good at both of those things for me at least I think the key is making sure that you're telling and building a compelling story for your friends first and then kind of hoping the audience is on for the ride I don't know if that's a good business decision necessarily it's he's working on okay so far but but yeah I'm a firm believer that you know genuine content one it helps us with a Burnout because we're really invested in enjoying what we're doing and I think we're as we're seeing in media these days people want to enjoy things that are genuine so I don't I'll never want to cater to an audience I want to have fun with my friends and hopefully you guys enjoy it so [Applause] in that way and that's why you guys were so natural because we're your friends that have done this for a long time yeah that is awesome so I also want to talk about these charity events that you guys have been doing and you guys have so much on your plate already you guys are getting a studio off the ground you're doing spin-off shows you're doing a million things at once and you still find time to be a bunch of good dudes and I love you so much for it so tell me about what you've been up to oh man well we just got done doing a drive with Sam for the Papillon foundation of course yeah which was great with Blair Herter he was amazing we did a game of crash pandas it went very well and of course we love all of our foundations 86 LA I mean Planetary Society my friends plays like there's so many great ones but I think at the end of the day weird so like we're doing this by playing Dungeons & Dragons help me off since so we want to give back as much as we can and the community is kind of founded on love and support and I mean that's what makes it so amazing in the first place and the fact that everybody is so on board with giving to charities just makes it all worth it I think that's the key to is whatever we do in our show is for us we're happy with that but what the community manages to put into itself and each other about supporting the rest of the fan base and and their own stories but you know really taking up these charity in these charitable organizations and we've raised hundreds of thousands of dollars this year alone and through this amazing community for multiple charities so as much as you want to give us credit for that that's all these wonderful people at home and in this room so thank you blows me away you know on art on our twitch channel is seeing how many critters are gifting subscriptions to other critters and that it's so freakin cool it's just such a giving group of people and I just love you guys so much for it amazing it's sort of like getting your friend DICE for the first time a comic book it's like first ones free no you're hooked you look at Laura and they're 3,000 dives later will you all describe but what your favorite set of dice looks like why did why do you do this why did you do that what are your favorite guys look like Laura you first Laura no although I was given a really really beautiful set of like galaxy next-level dice today from a fan I mean they are beautiful like blue sandstone yeah kind of addicted don't your dice have to audition for you each and every game right and then not your favorite the next week no no so there's certain ones that are always my favorite and I will always give them a shot and sometimes even if they don't roll well at the beginning of the game I will still play with them because they're beautiful they're good they're good dice such a parent answer okay she puts them in Channel I have these I have these great I have a lot of favorite dice I'm not even a say I mix them up a lot so I can tell which ones are which because it's easier when you're nervous on the internet playing DND to be like oh the pink ones are detents thank god Alison I don't believe you've been nervous a day in your life oh god you know too much I can't even say anything I'm so good to see you I have these d sixes that are black and they have little inlaid skulls in them and it is the most like goth metal thing it's six skulls on for the sick D six and then one big skull for the one and there it's so extra there's so extra cough dad I have a set of four D 20s from the first campaign that are heavy and metal and covered in spikes which is perfect because all my decisions really hurt all the time I think I have I have a set of D 20s that a fan gave me a while back that are made from mammoth bone like super ancient once roamed the earth and the Ice Age dice that's kind of cool I like to think that the dice were made back then and so it's like people would burst in rockin they're also probably like haunted I'm just gonna say when you're winter last for years at a time D and E comes really handy in the cave it was like Paleolithic the India's only barbarian class there was nothing else available it was too easy sorry all right Mauritius your turn you're up I have a love-hate relationship with them but I think I'm going to have to say my cursed opal dice those hurt you so many times though there Curt hurt me what was it that just ER said that some things that things that are the most beautiful hurt you the most yeah it's so true you know it's okay Marisa she was talking about my dice all right anybody else and are pretty boring I just I've never purchased a set of dice ever in my entire life I just find them and I use those bye fine he means take them from other people that is that is a great kind of just concise description of your life things just happened to me well I don't know if you guys know this but Sam is really rich and so every year he gets his teeth swapped out for new ones and I take his old teeth and I have our friend Gill make dice out of them and that is my perfect setup that reminds me I gotta go to the dentist next week okay so you guys started this new campaign all new characters I have to ask like when you guys choose your characters and your classes everything that you want to be do you try to pick something that you think is going to be entertaining do you work together and figure out what the group needs how do you determine my never gonna go for the first campaign we kind of made sure that we had a good spread right when we were playing at home before the show ever started the second campaign everybody wanted to be a secret nobody wanted to share what class they were I'm not giving any way anything you're not gonna know anything about me overlapped a little bit in some places but we actually got a pretty good spread still you guys work together no matter what class you are and sometimes against each other but you love each other and that's what's important okay right before we get into this game I really want just to hear a quick a quick summation of the spin-offs and the exciting things that you guys are doing in your studio and what we can look forward to this year we have a bunch of new shows some of which are already out me and Liam here have a show called I'll work in a play [Applause] that you can that you can watch on Friday nights on our Channel Brian over here is he's got like seven shows on the channel yes that's correct seven yeah we between the sheets is going really well thank you to everybody who this week liam is up so it's very exciting uh yeah we're doing all kinds of stuff where she can tell you what we can't tell you I feel like I need to clarify the Brian's new show between the sheets that Liam's gonna be on is just an interview about him and his life it starts with an interview but there is drinking involved and who knows where it goes after that you get to learn how to make the cocktail that everyone is drinking at the end of it which is fun so you can drink along everyone no one like you're a really good interviewer Brian you really are yeah yeah actually you made all of us who have emotions cry and then I also did one too amazing I cannot wait to see everything that you guys put out I love you guys so much let's play a game okay so all good stories begin with let's play a game except for the ones and saw actually specifically song it's compatible those are good stories sorry James one alright so you can get mad at me if you get a question that you don't like cuz this is my dice so I you know have at me or whatever uh this game is called roll for question and we're gonna go down the line you're going to roll and we are going to see a question that corresponds with the number where are you first starting you can't keep it afterwards oh my god I really like this guy's though fifteen fifteen if you were going to wait in line for someone's panel whose would it be I think this is such a random answer but the first name that popped in my head was Sigourney Weaver good but I mean she's so freaking cool and you know that girl's got stories she's got so many stories I watch this like behind-the-scenes thing where she was talking about on aliens when she was like she did the throw behind her head and like got the actual basketball hoop and they were like she did it in one take she like didn't look and she threw a basketball behind her head and got it in the hoop she's the coolest what can't she do right play D&D who knows let's find out to be against the critical role [Applause] where would you build your secret base a cave full of bats weird Fortress of crystals a high-rise building in Manhattan those are not options actually it says they're all already taken so you have to be more when I build my secret base I mean I think I'd have to go crazy desert bunker like any other crazy prepper yeah literally just having this conversation about a crazy desert bunker wait no I changed my mind treehouse treehouse bunker why not both dude it could be like a tree house yes in the desert locked away in a bunker you can make it happen oh and we'll ever find that conspicuous all right 104 or you could somehow talk to your younger self what would you tell them if you wanted to totally blow their tiny mind it's in all caps so I read up this is the easiest question I could have ever gotten you should roll again but okay hey man you're gonna be playing Dungeons & Dragons professionally for hundreds of thousands of people and they're mostly gonna like it my mind would be blown or I'd be like shoo go away old weird guy who is this old guy with majestic hair have you always had long hair I've always had long hair but it was it was much greasy er no it's younger I'll tell them like don't worry one day it'll be in its pupa stage and then emerge a beautiful butterfly okay Tao let's see in board games are you are you go with the flow or I will flip this board feel free to expand on other non Dungeons and Dragons related board games or not no it's gotta go mansions of madness and instant mansion is a madness my believe you never play that you should totally play it and if you can't play it with Marissa wait ray you should which is the best way to play mansions of madness because you always play the same character a scampi thank you yeah in that game yeah that's the table flip that's there's no that game in particular if you lose everything ends and it's it's awful wow it sounds like something that could really destroy our family in a cabin in the woods playing yeah no that's a whole nother story but okay oh you're back I was gonna ask if you trusted your friends to roll for you no they don't they roll neroli how this works now yeah get over how good this caduceus looks you look so amazing six six who would you play who would play would you play us in the big-budget movie version of this conversation like who would play all of these guys yeah okay Laura Bailey Sigourney Weaver it's a nice fresh array Linda Hamilton I'll take it I'll take it Tala Singh Jaffe Tom Waits I'm into it travis willingham Jason mimosa sam riegel my uncle Ricky because Sam is actually my uncle Rick Liam O'Brien Neeson Liam Neeson O'Brien what has to be played by herself because you are one of the kinds Gosling know I would get an A lister I'd probably say cry probably say Crispin Glover yes yes yeah I've seen pictures of you that look just like Crispin Glover but Ashley Ashley would be there's that really good actress on blind-spot that could play a player yeah you know what she's too busy though still painful eleven do-over eleven again to do if you were fighting crime would you banter with the criminals are you more of the silent punching type if I were to fight crime secret third answer would you be the criminal I am the criminal the entire joint and it's all about to go down now now now you're gonna talk to your henchman nine [Music] which radioactive animal would you want to be bitten by to gain their attributes Wow I mean duckbill platypus because you're sleek you got that big mouth that I already kind of have you can go in water and on land which is important for a superhero we have like another 20 minutes to talk about this right okay and you know what poses are an enigma just like you know okay how did you answer that so quickly I was already thinking about it a superpower of the platypus okay that's cogs it doesn't matter natural one which character you've ever played in D&D or otherwise do you think would be the most likely to bug someone to help them move [Laughter] some is a Mustang yes Mustang would not move a single piece of his own furniture 100% he would threaten them with demotion or jail time yes we have just a little bit of time left so I am going to roll and I'm gonna make you all answer that question I will if you all be friends with you okay also did we do for yet okay 20 years you guys are so lucky let's say it's final jeopardy and all scores are tied what are you hoping the category is Eddy videogames it's no one actually watch this jeopardy here that's only funny to people who watch jeopardy names of cereal is it a cop-out if I say critical role yes absolutely yes but you passed make the rules here Princess Bride [Applause] Sam Regals tickle spots wine vintages I think it's a JRPG soundtracks do you have a favourite soundtrack it's a cross between either Xenogears the PS the original playstation or Final Fantasy 6 it's a bunch I can go on for a while kornel cross anyway I'll retort properly with it with 80s 1980s Saturday morning cartoons I hacked into a deist Allison thank you mysterious Cities of Gold [Music] [Laughter] penal codes and that's I'm gonna say pizza toppings [Music] chaos reigns you know I love you guys so much let's run through it just so everybody knows where they can find you your twitch channel as your socials come on and run them run them down well you can find critical role Thursdays on Twitch at 7 p.m. at geek and sundry's twitch channel you can find all of our other content that we're doing on critical roles twitch channel and on youtube / critical role and of course we have a Twitter which is at critical role not to obvious but there it is personally at Laura Bailey Bo at Marisha underscore ray ad Matthew Mercer at executive goth I'm pullout King for real no sadly that's already taken I'm at voice of O'Brien at sam riegel i was named did my handle was given to me by say I'm at willing blam you guys you are fantastic we love you so so so much do not go anywhere up next we have got webtoon creators talking upcoming comics if you guys do some social hashtag sci-fi it's a fan thing because I want to creep on all your posts see you guys later [Music] hi I'm Jackie Jennings with sci-fi wire you can't get enough of New York comic-con go ahead and subscribe to our YouTube channel for news interviews cosplay and so much more what are you waiting for
Channel: SYFY
Views: 74,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nycc 2017, nycc 2018, san diego comic-con, new york comic con 2017, comic-con, sdcc, comic con 2018, comic con 2018 dates, comic con cosplay, con, Game of thrones season 8, marvel vs. DC comics, captain marvel, jon snow comic con, SYFY WIRE, syfy channel, syfywire, syfy channel shows, Geek & Sundry's Critical Role Cast, Service And Toilet Paper, Calling all Critters, Critical Role's Dungeon, Laura Bailey, Taliesin Jaffe, Liam O'Brien, Travis Willingham, Geek & Sundry
Id: UjoIbovWOLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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