Critical Role Answers Your Questions - Full Panel | C2E2 | SYFY WIRE

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there we go folks go wild go crazy for Ford himself Travis willing all right we know how she sneezes and we know she hates leaves give it up for Marissa all right give it up for Molly that's right it's talented [Music] this may take a little longer due to his recent parallelization so folks give it up first [Applause] folks you know you love them it's Caleb [Applause] hide your sweets cuz here comes gesture it's [Music] [Applause] and last and certainly not least the diem [Applause] [Applause] [Music] good morning I was top man ever dude serious so welcome to our morning talk show here on the the new cast of the view brought to you by mutant soda coming in flavors like red and it really is ambiguous and Cloudy with air bubbles I like this gesture works out well what do we do what do we do here I guess first and foremost who here watches critical role raise your hand if you are really confused and I've never seen anything involved with it alright we got a few people in the audience you people do yes we apologize in advance you're gonna be very confused oh yeah welcome so we're a bunch of nerdy as voice actors who play D&D it began with our home game and about three years ago we started streaming it and it seems to continuously we're really classy you know we're doing now here comes welcome to my abode no I like it this way it's more casual we're all just hanging out guys we're just regular people who don't know how to cross the tuck and roll tuck and roll good that's some that's some dad chromatics we will tear a meniscus before this panel is over well here you guys mostly know stuff about us so we won't bore you with talking about ourselves when you could ask us questions that make us all nervous so do you want to go straight into the Q&A and we can have a conversation I think this is a good plan so let's do it we have on both sides of the room I believe lines to ask questions will be alternating folks as they go look for the individual holding the mic and get behind the line carefully respond to respectfully away peacefully it's probably good really really big up there now when we get a question an individual question for each of us to answer you have to do a runway walk yeah yeah [Applause] I'm into it is that that is how you power I'm not doing that Wow what's artis I do we start on I just said wit shard your wit your choice Travis yeah where do you want to start let's go at that side oh yeah first hi my name is Carla blame Carla on Twitter hi everybody oh hi girl hi my question is for anybody wants to answer it invariably the narrative sort of dictates things about your character what's the most interesting thing the narrative has given you so it's a most interesting thing the narrative has given your character that you weren't initially anticipating cravin edge pretty good narrative gift it's a sword that talks in once death I didn't I do what is it what thing happened out of our control that what thing in the narrative informs something about your character you weren't anticipating that you liked all questions for Liam have to be in German by the way I'm sorry Anna Pago Pago 9 yeah that that's been unexpected we should practice that right now nein it seems so weird I don't know one entire country is just going they just love to say no it's like man another Rammstein is making a comeback it's great well not in this campaign but you presented me with Caylee at some point in oh yeah that was pretty unexpected and dirty you tried to heat up your daughter can I just say how grateful I am that young Molly mock in the front rows got earphones earbuds on and is playing an iPad game that is so yeah question thank you Molly mocks playing dream daddy it's just sound oh yeah next question thank you for coming to Midwest so that I could not you know fly forever to get to where you guys are yeah my question is if you guys as people or characters were one of the Hogwarts house founders what would your house name be and what would the traits you would like to be in your house being what what would our Hogwarts houses be in campaign to know if you were a Hogwarts house founder what would your house be about about and what would that house name be that is a complicated question Wow is from Molly MOC that's easy what would there be a house for dropouts basically I think that would be [Applause] JK Rowling took like ten years to write that so I'm like trying to find some on the spot I'm going okay oh well of course you do but Matt Matt Matt Matt runway [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're up next Ravis mine be house easy cry and basically you just all sit around and watch movies that are really really not meant to be emotionally impactful and see which one breaks into tears first I think we'll go with that answer I don't think anybody's gonna top that yeah that means they're all apparently part of my house but my but my house animal definitely be a bear I know that much okay thank you next question alright guys my name is Sarah I'm here from Chicago Laura I hope you like those Donuts yesterday wait wait there were Donuts Jonas you did and they were so good and I ate them I did not share them hey that's fine I told you porto-vecchio just outed me that's fine anyway my question is I saw the box yeah I didn't see any donuts not really surprised by that that 50-foot woman ate all the doughnuts so my question is it's been a couple months now since the critical role Hamilton crossover soundtrack came out what is your favorite track or tracks from that album oh man I like the skull debate that we had that was really good I listened to that several times the skull debate was really pretty pretty the Percy keyless cabinet debate was also awesome both Canada Bates were really awesome in that I'm just waiting for a deer Evan Hansen something any time rashon was singing cool I loved my Bex singer she sounded amazing yeah uh-huh is she in here nope somebody say yeah we can talk about her well she doesn't know I'm the personal fan of animus the Percy song like that whole era Percy songs in there we're just so such a perfect moment of Percival's own like self-loathing and trying to realize if he had purpose or he would fall to his own you know devices and failings and and those songs capsulated it perfectly with the perfect choices from the Hamilton soundtrack for them so yeah I'm a big fan of those I also really liked the song where Pike was teaching grog how to read how crazy is it that you guys did that I was like 47 songs or something it's the entire it's crazy yeah if if you haven't heard it it's pretty spectacular you should go on and like you're like oh this is like a cute fan musical thing no no it's really it's really intense deep it's very deep thank you and great question over here you've got this we were talking in line about our D&D characters and we came up with a really good question that we would like to ask you about your characters I guess from campaign - what would your characters favorite brand name cereal be oh that's a good question do the walk I was back to copyright Bosch berries for grog cereal bash berries but what about for your second campaign oh I don't know I you know I would say captain Captain Crunch yeah for you yeah he's a seafaring man he was not a captain I think oh don't worry I'll ranks you you got it he just wants me to get soggy I think for both Aquila it works - just rebrand Golden Grahams to Golden Gods that's really good there's nothing I can think of that is in the spoiler this you just be lucky charms go into your arms is really good actually Vermont could be oops all tattoos for nine what's like a really stinky dirty cereal Caleb O's music crackling it's cause like something sticks what for not it's like a sticks like the most hated cereal in the world you see it you're like you could build things with that you're not gonna eat it I feel like gesture would just be like every sugary cereal and I was like cookie crisps with like fruity pebbles with like fruit loops with Lucky Charms all mixed in a bowl together this gesture or from this morning the question wasn't what you had for breakfast it's a thin membrane oh I ordered oatmeal that was like creme brulee oatmeal oh it was so sweet though you guys good yeah runway walk yeah good quick [Applause] [Music] [Applause] struttin for two going over here hi my name is Sean I'm from here in Chicago this question is actually for Matt there have been a lot of references in this new campaign involving the outer world the moon and stars so I was just curious what is the cosmology of your world is it planet in a solar system or is it Discworld or something in between it's a flat earth system right snow globe yeah they're there plant depending to shoot up a small orb to see if Xander is n to the edge no I it's it's a combination of the two meaning I'm a fan of astrophysics and you know astronomy so for me it's it's I'm having to to marry my love of that aspect of existence with the strange obtuse planar elements of Dungeons and Dragons so I'm kind of finding a merge between the two or I do believe there is universe planets moons then that kind of a larger scope though that's not anything that's looking a plane to this but then we go into dimensional stuff our realm elements the actual different planes that overlap those that don't so yeah it's a it's a blend of the two if anything new over campaign to space travel oh man that'd be a hard left turn if we go into spell jammer partway through this game flying in the sky wasn't enough for you enough for the airships we want to go outer space oh man to be the fastest TPK this part way through the atmosphere I have a mech Constitution check dc40 not rolls of natural 20 everyone else dies rope every injury I'm sure so I was wondering what's something that you're willing to talk about that you haven't been asked yet that you'd like to answer ooh what's something you haven't been asked that I can mention that you've been wanting to mention or talk about it a panel that is a really open question it's a question I can always think the answer the answer to about a week from now I'm like oh yeah why doesn't no one ever asked that here it's just lights and blinding I have no idea let's talk about cryptocurrency okay guys what's up just change this panel I already talked about tiny trains this weekend what's your favorite what's your favorite ice cream flavor I have been and I'm such a fool for marketing I've just been eating the the halo top have you tried the waffles really here it is we have a friend who made a commercial for halo top and ever since I've just been oh my god it was the she and question so we want to talk about you next question chocolate chip cookie no I no one's asked us but me and Liam have been sharing a hotel room this weekend I'm eager to share about that our wives are several states away different time zone doesn't count I don't think it's gonna get any better than that so good question back over here I'm Angela I'm from Chicago um I have a question for all of you what's the weirdest personal experience that's influenced a personality trait for your characters or Matt in your case a plot point interesting these are two difficult questions for 11 o'clock you're giving us too much credit I'm being pregnant made me make gesture like pickles that was a fully like pregnant clue the hospital sequence was based on a real shenanigan agent anagen which began with the phrases and can anyone here vomit on command if it's necessary like with a little bit of prep sure I would say the the first arc of the new campaign came after I had a offhand in-depth conversation about how strangely wonderful in dark the film Something Wicked This Way Comes was when it came out if you haven't seen that film it's technically a Disney film but it's really dark and deals with the carnival that blows into town and it gets weirder from there jonathan pryce isn't it and it's amazing yeah so that that the conversation would that kind of triggered my thought process um what I wanted to do my introduction to the new campaign what happens in this campaign the one you played but what happens next it has a good question that's good well then all right so we're up here now hello I'm Jocelyn from Chicago I was wondering what your favorite Studio Ghibli films were hey Rosie favorite Studio Ghibli films favorite Studio Ghibli films Oh Porco Rosso moanin okay I only spirited away uh the emoji movie it's underrated it has all sorts of references there world war ii i I saw Nausicaa died the wind at a very young age and something about just the imagery of that film still still sticks with me today so that that's why mine hi I'm Katie from Woodstock my question is for Laura by the way Travis Laura congratulations the new parents Club Laura you mentioned yesterday that for your character gesture you practice your voice by doing singing and I was wondering what's just her favorite song and can we hear you sing some [Music] oh no that's terrible Oh God okay I don't want to sing it but my my favorite one to sing in the car is popular so it's so great for gesture spill it girls Philly popular you okay fine okay whenever I see someone less fortunate than I and let's face it who isn't less fortunate than I my tender heart tends to start to bleed and when someone needs a makeover that's you Caleb I simply have to take over I know I know exactly what [Music] you have to understand you have to understand that before critical role on Thursdays as we're getting ready to leave our house the Pandora Broadway musicals channel is on in our bathroom so this should not be surprising I can't remember I am Richard from Ohio Arijit and I want to shout out to my buddy McCauley and my sit my question is for Sam what phrases do you or things do you like doing more either with the bed or Burt Reynolds do I prefer the bed or Burt Reynolds pretending to be a moustached action hero from the 80s or defecating in people's beds yes what a legacy you've loved yeah it's rich rich career very binary choice here Sam this is the rest of your life's changed the world and leave it at a better boy shag role model what have I done guys Oh God I could have created arts or music or theater but I've I've ruined my family name you're the voice of so many amazing brands my children will will be shamed of me some did your tombstone sam riegel he shat on me bed you are our spuds McKenzie I you know pooping in beds while amazing has led to so many gifts of fake poo from from critters that I prefer the gifts of fake mustaches which I've also gotten a lot of because those I can give to my son and pretend that he's an old BAM yes but both are horribly embarrassing and I apologize oh but what's not embarrassing is my collection of fine t-shirts [Applause] hello hobby dirty dirty sam riegel keeping me humble since 2014 we are so blessed it's so weird looking on the screen [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] amazing thank God that boy is playing that iPad game he is intent on that iPad game your mom oh no he's fine earmuff next question over here hey guys I'm AJ I'm from Atlanta and ironically this question is for Matt you have such a way with your words to put any listener viewer in the adventure with all you guys and I thank you for that and my question is what advice do you have to potential DMS on grasping that ability that you have reading helps sorry that came across really condescending I didn't mean it that way no I mean like like honestly reap damnit reading a lot of books you get a really good idea of how writers set scenes how they describe atmosphere when a character enters a new scene and that's the kind of same kind of narrative structure you want to lend to your players when they enter a new scene in the game and the campaign as well so thinking and even making notes if you want to that whenever they go to a new area like I used to have long ago before I got more comfort with that a little list of my back when I drew my so screen it said smells sights light texture temperature you know things that I can hit a few of those bullet pointed as soon as they enter a new scene and that already kind of draws them in to the sequence their imaginations are already kind of sparked at that point so that's a really good thing another expand your vocabulary as reading books once again helps with that as well if there's a word you don't understand you get to look it up and be like oh now I know that word or conversely if you're a real nerd like me just sometimes go to like or and learn new words because that's cool damn it thank you or you can make up a word like sigil you know what look you you kids have a much better today because now you have a little button you could press so that says the word for you we didn't have that growing up you had to assume how it was pronounced based on the spelling you just you kids the audience yeah if you weren't a kid you know I wasn't talking to you she just said that you just said ask Siri see you got this the world is your oyster thank you question for you Travis from my friend Sabine who had to leave yesterday and for her friend Trista dish who couldn't get you guys at another conditions name yeah she wanted to know what two people or characters would you or grog want to arm wrestle with what two people or characters would grog one to arm wrestle for you or me well grog is that's a much better fight me not so much Dwayne the rock Johnson would be one and sports and there go I want like predator predator Schwarzenegger at the atomic handshake arm wrestle that's that would be that would be lovely thank you right oh yeah hey I'm Ian from Chicago my question for you is our format is as an aspiring DM you're basically an inspiration for a lot of people so what is your preparation for each session how do you prepare it ranges it's a lot easier for home games when you're streaming it your world-building has to be very thorough cuz a lot of people are gonna be combing through it and finding plot holes are trying to see Wow well this doesn't make any sense I'm like damn it so for me my world building takes about half my prep time every week is about just trying to lay the tracks ahead of the if you will but for me it's it's depending on if they're in a city it's a lot more prep because a lot more kind of open form if you're on a path for me it's figuring out what would be some interesting encounters they can come across a challenges their skills challenges their abilities it doesn't hurt especially to tailor some abilities to specific classes so characters have a moment to shine if they know how to step into that space or they forget they have mate and that about what happens sometimes do oh my god could you imagine if not could force choked with that oh no what have we done but yeah so thinking of interesting challenges not just monsters a monster is fun to fight but sometimes it's cool to come up with terrain and possibly things in the terrain that are dangerous that could be used against or for the players in the battle so for me I think of interesting type of encounters think then narrative moments that those can fit into and if they don't fit into the current narrative I'll keep the notes for later but I mean it's a broad subject for a quick question but if you check out the DM tips online hope it was a how about Matt Koval has some great videos as well if you haven't checked them out that could help out from there but focus on finding fun moments for your players that you can fit into the story is really kind of the key point hope that helps thank you sure it would have been a long question how fun is it it's so fun the best it may be the most fun I've ever had pretty fun and Taos ins had some fun that's speaks volume this fun is way easier on my knees these days oh wow that came out so wrong - yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I deserve that but it's fun to play the game but from its it's fun to hang out with you guys most of all yeah we have a job that forces us to do our favorite thing on a weekly basis yes I hate you guys I mean we know should we should have mentioned that caveat that Travis doesn't like any of us but outside of Travis yeah this panel over yet we're gonna do shopping now for 20 minutes thank you very much very much over here hey folks I'm Elliott I live in Chicago Loren Travis congratulations on impending Parenthood thank you my wife and I are actually do a few months after you so my questions thanks so scardy B cardi B and I are like so close I'm aware of it but actually my question is for Liam I was wondering if you have any recommendations for introducing your kids to D&D and gaming I started damming after critical role just completely took me by storm and but I have players who are much older so any tips would be welcome I'm so sorry I only got about five percent of that with kids yeah I'm gonna be a dad and I want to introduce my kid eventually to dandy and I know you diem for your kids so any recommendations would be great wait till the sugary Munsell right if I may if I may buddy thank you for asking Liam a question the runway is waiting [Applause] [Applause] that multimedia back-talking that's even weirder with the shirt that's what their hotel room looked like you managed to file anyway backs it over back to children I felt that from here it's a contra dorian gray going on effect worst Magic Mike sequel I read a lot read a lot of fantasy kids books to them I really loved the board game dungeon which is great for younger kids but it has a lot of the basics of D&D baked into it and that'll prep them and then just help them make the character I mean there's no like real secret to it sand it down don't terrify them don't kill them right away it took a year for me to scare my my son with with his character dying which he loved when it happened just his friend yeah that's it I mean like there isn't any special you know they're not gonna remember everything and just don't care about them memorizing the rules that's good advice for the internet as well at its core it's just about make-believe and having fun and getting letting your players make the choices so that's easy to do I thought it was kind of cool from Patrick Rothfuss who was playing with his son as well if you remember he he made encounters that were puzzle based encounters as opposed to just killing something encounters for very young kids so as opposed to giving them a sword or a dagger give them a magical rope that can tie itself and then a series of encounters that they can use creative thinking outside of the box as a way of getting to the next part of the adventure without having to just kill what's in front of them which I think was a cool method of very young kids you know incorporating the idea of problem-solving in the game do you remember when Matt gave us the the puzzle at home before this dream he can give us like the tangrams puzzle that we had to solve and we took so freakin long yeah I learned at that point maybe not all puzzles work with certain groups fourth graders did something like that on the stream and everyone would see I mean more than usual how stupid was that puzzle it was like seven really big square blocks and the four of us took 45 minutes yeah we basically have that puzzle for my kids and my son just looks at it goes plink plink he's gonna take us to Mars though that's okay thank you yeah for Sam and Travis Sam how have you had to adapt from moving from the face of the party with Scanlan to the five charisma is it for naught yeah and then for Travis how have you had to adapt to becoming sort of the presumed face of the party with fiord having the highest charisma Ford it's tough I am the babysitter Ford Tough it's crazy we're gonna make that a thing aren't we yeah it's I used to look forward to Thursdays because I could just turn off my intelligent adult brain and just go total applesauce for four hours which was great it comes with a lot of responsibility like I look at Marissa's notes and they're really like succinct and organized and there's like colored pens and all this stuff and mine is just like Oh God Oh God names locations that's wrong I'm getting all of Matt's store names wrong I'm just committing to it because I just I just can't I can't do it right but it's it's it's nice because whatever any sort of strategy that I have I can just jump into it because the characters more it's built more for that so that's good yeah for my perspective it's it's being a naturally amazingly charismatic person in real life it's it's a it's a real big stretch to like just squash that down just just don't be charming right now it's a real challenge as a performer and I'm getting better at it but it's gonna take some time thank you over here hi my name is Mariah I'm from Reno Nevada so my question is kind of complicated but what would a interaction / first impressions between your campaign one characters and your campaign two characters be and format what would it be between like Gilmore and come on what's the last couple word last - Oh like and for you Matt like our favorite likes or mentions what would it look like if they were to like come up be like Oh like like Gilmore in Vermont I think I think Ford would say wow that's a that's a pretty big boy there I think Rob would say he's pretty like oh it just do her classic what's your deal [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] drop it like it's hot did you some coffee this morning that's my wife somebody's been having some mutants backstage wow that was amazing I'm actually the bumbling idiot that brought you guys this tacky dragon bowling shirts bowling shirts yeah yeah that was great how did that picture turn out have anything to say to Bo what's your deal they both said that to each other keels would say something overly complicated and too nice and then Bo would just be over it Oh gotcha we went over this a little yesterday I literally don't even think you would have a word to just no just no I don't think so yeah Scanlon would just run around trying to kill not and not would try to run away and that's pretty much it so listen I think that we should go up sneak in the back side but do you keep a low profile [Applause] I think gesture would see vex in the run-up and try to hug her and Becks would just hold her hand on head no no I think you're more it'd be four of you oh my goodness I bet that makes it a lot cheaper on the on the overhead of running the actual store are you looking for a job perhaps respectfully I have my own establishment but you're welcome to come by and see if you got something for trade I thought it was going in a completely different direction so did everybody else thank you I'm there's only so much I can fuel the community okay I have to be careful of my word choices I wanted to ask back from the first campaign was it clear otos original intention to betray Vox machina or did the mind flayers have some sort of effect on that so for Clara I it was a very very small chance they could have maintained clear Oda to their side because inherently as a mind flayers Nilla third does not care about people and the working with the team is only purely out of self-preservation so I was keeping track of the interactions with Cole or Oda seeing if they were able to work hard enough to try and like really empathize with this creature and being outcast and shunned and in the final moments made the final plea and it was a high-enough persuasion role they might have given enough pause to where the elephants would have turned against claw rota and then would have probably join their side that didn't come to pass but that's also kind of the fun nature of being be you know you prepared these possibilities and get excited about which one might come to fruition still made it for an epic end to to a betrayal but yeah oh my gosh what if we would have what if we would have persuaded Clarita and then he would have been a friend of ours the whole rest of the camp then you would have spent the whole campaign trying to somehow keep anyone from knowing that you have my employer with you he turns into that friend he just follows us everywhere and we're like now how do we get him out with a party I I wish we would have had him we could have true polymorphed amor something eventually eventually just wait two years Claro de I'll get this spell we could even but like a Santa Claus beard overall that's a strangely shifting Santa Claus beard he needed to die thank you very much my question is first off amazing trinket with Beau's costume truesight wondering what's the favorite your favorite thing that your characters ever done like a spell you using like a unique way or whatever everything your characters ever done campaign one or two the the the cannonball contest was pretty pretty awesome that was that was really fun feeble minding rush on probably winning the hearts of America [Applause] such a dick teleporting into a dragon oh yeah yeah it was pretty good kill shot on kill shot on cab dag mine feeds on that I think grog in the pokeball was pokeball is one of my favorites that was crazy I enjoyed doing the tralala Lala this can't be touched that was absurd I'm gonna miss you spell-casting bard I know I still kind of regret in our battle royale where Terry into the the hamster roll and that we didn't just all wait 10 rounds sure I hold my turret I hope I hope I hope I just a rabid have been so easily killed staring down good question thank you hi I am I'm Mick and I live in Chicago and before I want to ask I asked my question I just have one message to send to a Liam O'Brien from my sister Shem over there raised her hand and she was she a German major and she loves speaking German and she just wants to say that she really appreciates Caleb speaking German so yeah that now on to the question okay yeah okay sorry guys it's a little hard to hear for I'm sorry oh so yeah she just appreciates a Caleb speaking German yeah okay danke yeah that's good okay so um I would just like to ask since I've joined my first campaign this year so I'm a D&D newb I started as a bar ie barred and I would just like to ask is there any some kind of bards guide to survival for dummies from you guys bards guide to survival be best friends with a giant yeah yeah I mean I choose some healing spells and stay away from the fight yeah I guess I didn't I I lived that's pretty crazy yeah what you did that you stayed away from the fight yeah you chose some healing spells yeah and you fight you wrote that fine line between annoying and endearing which i think is a very important thing for a bard yeah are we talking Sam or Scanlon right now good good point yes real quick I just want to say Laura my friend guest on actually crocheted you a nice little bag nice you pink I'm hoping this can get you a totally but my question cuz I know this will inspire her to do some fanfiction modern a you what jobs would each of your characters have ooh what job in the modern world would each of your characters have Bo would be a postal worker disgruntled but like the one you always see videos up online that like shucks the packet from fifteen feet away punting people's Amazon yeah guess Ford would work for the CIA I mean he just changes his face all the time Molly would be teaching fire spinning on Venice Venice Beach basically Caleb would either work for DARPA or perhaps be like Christian Bale in the movie Moneyball he would be barefoot in the office looking at a thousand numbers and figuring out how to work the stock market Taylor so she could have buttons [Laughter] I didn't know maybe I would work in like a candy store or something yeah or just like not work and like freeload just fun Baylor would it be all right if I came up to give this to oh yeah thank you so much awesome you look awesome by the way thank you oh yeah hi I'm Eric from Indiana hi and I'm a teacher at a middle school and I run a campaign for some of the kids but it can get pretty chaotic because there's between nine and fourteen kids I'd like to show up like what the last session IDM there's a kid that had to leave his phone on and his text tone was the Seinfeld idiom and it kept interjecting including at the K like the climactic moment so it was like the spell scroll takes effect in do-do-do-do-do so so my question is one Matt do you have any advice for wrangling excessive amounts of players and two has anything ever worked out where not so much that you intended but because it happened just so perfectly kind of like that Seinfeld moment oh well for one wrangling players is part of the challenge of DMing especially on that size um one is if anybody else is ever interested in DMing in that group or someone else you know you could always split into two separate groups and make it manageable for both of you if not you really have to ask the players to be present and you know kind of respect the time you're putting into the game and you know if it should be younger that can be kind of hard like guys up front either take the phones at the beginning of the game and give them back when it's done type of a scenario works out well and if you have a way of rewarding them for being vigilant in that that also helps you know dangle the carrot if you will and simplifying the rules a bit as opposed to having them roll damage for every attack you can have like asset damage number you know as opposed to rolling a d6 for a short sorted they just do four damage plus whatever the modifier is that way the all they're doing is rolling for attack to see if they hit or miss with spells as well if you set numbers for different abilities I take less time on a combat round and I mean yeah there's a lot of actually some really good videos online for how to deal with larger group sizes and how to kind of minimize the work you have to put into keeping the game going so go ahead and do some research on YouTube as well there's some good stuff on there that can go a lot better than I can on my short time for the question and answer but hopefully those few tips will help push you in that direction cattle prods are good cattle prods are great oh yeah may get in trouble for that one but middle school kind of going off of what liam said earlier though there are a lot of other kind of simpler role-playing games that if you have like a batch of brand new kids i've never touched anything before just to get them into the mood of role-playing and making choices that have consequences there are a lot of simpler games like the the dread system for example or even honey heist yeah that we played it's d6 and that's all it is or even we're running it on geek and sundry right now the weave society the weave game because it's just there's no mechanics Dave you can like pre generate a character and they just it gets them in the flow of role-playing before you start throwing a bunch of math and modifiers at it not that you asked me but anybody thank you awesome but this is the last question for the panel my question is for all of the players I saw on Thursday Liam posted a YouTube video for a song that reminded him of Caleb and I wanted to know if there was if you guys have started either officially or personally playlists for your new characters and if we could please know at least one song lalla songs Wow yeah I think we're all pretty obsessed with I'm like maybe I'm like 80 tracks in on mine right has a lot - I got about 20 songs and I'm listening to it to figure out which ones to pull out and also it's too soon probably I feel like we have to all of us reveal a little bit more before we like real some of our backstory before that so people another 10 or 12 you have to do you have a song each that you think you can reveal I don't I could do I am choosing so there's a singer named lenka who is just perfect for jester so like her whole album I'm like oh I don't know which one to pick but probably listen to trouble as a friend by lenka that's one of jesters tops which one oh yeah yeah I have going off liam tweeted the other day I also have a que fly song whoa on my blood in the cut yeah oh god that's so perfect yeah that's straight-up Beauregard yeah um he's looking I'm debating between giving us one that might be slightly spoilery for for you wait don't do it yeah just go for it who cares I'll say just for fun just because actually this one's pretty funny I have a joke one that I'll give which is Liam Lynch's I'm all bloody inside is pretty pretty which is a ridiculous song that I'm a big fan of zero no we don't have any more time [Music] hand parts we have we have a live stage panel and we'll be at the tables the rest of the time so please come out and see us have a great time we love you guys let's use
Channel: SYFY
Views: 538,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SYFY WIRE, syfy channel, syfywire, emerald city comic con, ready player one, dc comics, marvel, comic con, cosplay, comic-con, sdcc, comic con 2018, c2e2 2018, marvel comics, back to the future, Iron Giant, The Walking Dead, Dave Bautista, crunchy roll, veronica roth, dragon ball z, batman, cat woman, marvel studios, marvel editors, Milo Ventimiglia, Justin Hartley, Charlie Cox, Alan Tudyk, Gina Torres, Yetide Badaki, Ricky Whittle, Tom Kenny, Critical Role
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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