End of 2019 Fireside Chat

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Announcement that CR episodes is moving from the Geek and Sundry channel to the official Critical Role channel.

Small Q&A

Sam stuck at a kids' birthday party and calling Matt

The most hilarious and inappropriate jackbox games

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sleepinxonxbed πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone have a link to the Zelda and Chill play list that Liam and Marisha mentioned? Thanks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mr_moti πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The real mystery is who drew the taco. Does the game really add in its own drawings? Was Travis just playing coy?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/roburrito πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

we just found out taliesin was in a children’s choirs in the Home Alone soundtrack. Why aren’t we discussing this at length?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PurpleBullets πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can anyone identify the music at the end of the video?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AgentKazy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of the rare occassions were we see that Matt Mercer is a saint, but a saint who has internet access for a long time:



πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/koomGER πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
everybody welcome to our end-of-the-year chritmas fireside chat yeah you gonna answer some questions do some reflecting don't even have a fire though enjoy it's right there the fire the friends we made along the way yeah if we feel like it maybe we'll play a few rounds of jackbox as well because games are Christmas that's what you do yeah but first Travis take it away yes Thank You Marissa you're welcome some of you may have noticed that some of our content has begun migrating over to our official CR channels we love you guys this process takes just a little bit of time and we are incredibly thankful for your patience while we get all these things moving we will have more about it soon it will be back just give us a little bit of leeway love you guys the thing the thing ou might need like any food or drinks or stuff I don't have a drink and I just realized it because I'm eating the jalapeno mystery to shoot them off in Chad yeah we also have the amazing Danny card during curating for us the challenge of seeing where the with the robe ends and the pants begin it's intentional like a camouflage into myself could not make it because he's stupid because he's too sexy because his teeth overtook the rest of his body hard to get us all in the room and if we can get almost all of us and we'd usually call it a win that's true yeah something because for doing this will we have the iPad somewhere but the gang is curating questions for us indeed um wow chat is it's awesome Shadow 17 oh my gosh somebody's typing real fast here wants to know what our favorite Christmas cookies are Smith's cookie gingerbread sugar cookies with icing yeah with like regular old cake icing on the top we're going complex I'd say snickerdoodles out out out of out of cookie into like I like a rum-soaked like British fruitcake the kind that are like designed to last seven years eight years in 62 it's still fresh and you don't know what those little green bits are but they're like a black light react true cakes them I love it I love it oh my god yeah it's too tough to eat you just soaked it in wrong man joke yeah it's kind of like you know we're gonna need okay we're gonna have it's it gonna be it's gonna be like good like the right fruit cake right okay okay they famously like this the last so long that they often got read gifted to year after year someone's like I think I made this for you it's just still like because it's so alcohol no like someone just asked what their day like they're almost cardboard sometimes Ronin is getting a little kitchen Oh a little wooden kitchen she's getting him some throwing stars he's like estimates pulling all the pots and pans and bring him into the dining room and like and then he'll like go put all the pots and pans away and go back in the dining room and walk over to like where he had them and he'll start going like this you're like you know everything dude you're basically raising caduceus trees cooking the trees muhabba from your old basketball team going props to the hard times for their I mean they're incredible staff of writers that put out a volume of content quality content that is insane I just happen to occasionally be in that iris are on it seems and that's a little touch stone so I'm going to tell you that I what I was thinking about doing it of installing a basketball hoop or you guys write it down played like three games of basketball in my life on injuries I wasn't entirely sure that you would know what it was I was a little worried that you'd be like is like this is a bird feeder or something so what what position are you like a forward or a goalie or shortstop I think you're joking one of those was correct but is there a kicker there is not a basketball no they're not legally are Weaver thrower you had the mad handles in that picture though Mercer was like looking up I was dribbling good people asks on what do people hotel door a do for the holidays or Christmas that would be winters crest winter festival which actually is specific to Nellore it is not spreading too well and well now has their own kind of winter solstice type event yeah winners crest is specifically an event that celebrates the victory over a secret event a terrible time entailed or a specific very very occasionally what is wild mountain Joe was I'm not doing I can look it up for a they decapitate one dissidents past the the the new year yeah this is like Australia come in on traveler con did we miss Christmas I think happy fun ball I think no I think you guys would have probably been on the Seas calendar by the way winter's crest spawned out of all of us begging Matt to make us a Christmas themed D&D game yeah tiny dragon right tiny dragon yeah it goes today you decorated the table like it was winter wonderland yeah those years we bought presents for each other and some of them were like in character gifts thank you gave me the mirrors for like looking at your pores like like you have a giant obsessed with like yeah looking at our poor worse it's [ __ ] up it's a problem problem but the mural you said that they were mirrors for him for VAX to look around corners and look at his pores on my Christmas tree every year the best part was I took them she opened him up and there are these little like gold pieces of string on him and I was like so those officers like earrings gave gifts from Grogg it was for that Ethel yeah and I think on mine when you wrote Pike I think the K and the e were backward it was like 2 pi fum grilled but there was a wives done I think there was a why keyless like a bunch of like leaves and like a handful of ripped grass the winter the winter holiday is called barren Eve it's winters longest night yeah second of discs are it is tend to be a day of mourning for those lost in wars of old it's summer but it is also considered a time for family and people to get together okay wait so what time how far away was that that was a while back so maybe what we just need to do then is just go back to that time that was three months ago in-game let's go back three months and then I'll just play all those you know the campaign for the rest the campaign we just game the happy fun ball go into it for like four days come out it's Christmas get back in stay there for days it's Chrissy was actually not in a mortal like like he wasn't in a mortal wizard all he was just like using the the the ball to like live long enough to solve this problem oh my god you made the dark brown of he's like a Dean you figure that out like it's hot his whole ability to adjust the time within his own space was part of that reason he could kind of jump forward and slow down when he probably some some important people to back to every time you ask the question one of them dies how does s ik celebrate the holidays great difficult probably reading reading studying I bet he'd be a wonderful figure skater though that's well that's a [ __ ] cheating like my god xxx or ballin not one kids now are you gonna do Santa's Village up up in the just up like towards Big Bear I've never been I've only seen commercials for growing up and it's real it's amazing and if you ever go there if it's not too crowded you can ask Santa Claus just to figure skate for you because he's like he's like a very impressive to like do like all the crazy tricks and it's Santa Claus is just [ __ ] going yeah that's amazing that's amazing yeah whole contest later I'm like we want to see that yeah I have a new question it was the brands ginger of death question yes ginger of day besides everything that has happened to you guys with a critical role that thing what is something you were happy to have happen this year whoa gotta think about what this year was I think I've happened this year finally getting Ashley back yeah [Applause] good yeah yeah that's something that's a big one having you guys fund an amazing Kickstarter for our animated series I don't think we'll be forgetting that anytime soon man I really enjoyed terrorizing terrorizing you in the in the colic Travis espectacular oh that was good defying this question we saw Hades town there you go introduced to it that's right did you see if we can get tickets for I've got a whole bunch of concerts that I'm excited to go to that's nice mm-hmm I haven't done them yet I've just gotten tickets but that's really cool I could drag you to a concert if you people I think you'd only know the person who's really prepared oh I know exactly what I'm getting into that's one of three I'm doing three shows thank you so excited I'm excited going to taking you adverting man it was nice man what else do we do do some bleep I mean I had a really really good doughnut yeah one doughnut stand up yeah yeah it was a really good doughnut be a lovely masks what are you looking forward to doing during your downtime IRL what's IRL in real life no I think that's an internet term yeah I don't we're like right we're gonna be visiting your parents and Hawaii yep my brother and his wife's gonna be out there it's gonna be a little family gathering which would be really nice and I like hoy because it's quiet and maybe I can actually get some writing done yeah you say more down our downtime is still working but at our own pace I'm gonna bring the pen and paper to the beach and work there it's gonna be great I'm gonna go beekeeping I'm jealous about traveling around California to places in California and one of the things that the fam and I are going to do is beekeeping yeah okay try not to get stung all over my body sure just for you though we are excited to see a movie in an actual movie theatre pretty rare parents Monday last time you guys went when we went to go see a game in game yeah yes all work no play is coming back work hard the air here I'm not gonna give you an exact date yet it's it's coming sir what your favorite thing that happened here was oh gosh I think just coming home yeah that's a big thing that's a huge thing so yeah it's good getting started you didn't have like a favorite cup of hot cocoa or something let's see I've had some pretty good cups of hot cocoa but I'm glad to be home New York I miss New York coffee man yeah I enjoy seeing all of you guys without Sam somebody asked whether or not there were messages and the betrayer gods the answer is yes there are actually messages are from all levels of creation of the good bad and ex-squeeze-me message evil bad we find those we don't know what they are for make them good we could and find some vestiges Oh just let me know about vestiges you could possibly sure it'll be really easy and not have any sort of consequences Sam's calling here's a question from summary awesome falling is probably I was choking Sam's joking why why aren't you here asking wants to answer a question like you're in a dentist's chair goes like oh you watch critical role buddy well if whatever reason you give up on the party you could always come here [Laughter] don't bring the kids that's a lot of commission for will keep him up screaming thanks buddy we miss you doug-man oh that's funny that's role sam riegel asks why is sam riegel the best and handsomest hmm he also asks if anyone has any new year's resolutions feel free to answer either of those has the same new year's resolution for like 15 years to get a better work-life balance yeah good work that's a good resolution yeah it's never come true that too to find more ways to use this good will put our way for good and to help others I think it's that's a big big one for my hair we got some stuff coming up it fits into that really excited about next year next year yeah people know how how far in the head we plan some of this crazy crazy stuff they'll find out soon enough yeah we've had big plans for years now we're finally getting a chance to do some of these things so yeah good know a lot of ideas too that you can put on the shelf for a little bit oh yeah oh man we've got stuff I guess stuff coming yeah super excited there's so many good questions I'm getting distracted there's some I know it's hard because it's like I will take a moment here to say a couple things since it was the end of the year one super thing full and so appreciative for all of our hard-working mods that work so hard to moderate our community spaces here both on the stream on the channel all of our content all of our official community spaces online and just you guys do incredible work and if you haven't had the opportunity yet please show some love to them they are awesome awesome people also to our wonderful crew our hard-working working people here that that make that make this with us every day that helped us develop create produced all the stuff like I'm I know I I'm not alone in saying this like so appreciative we have such good folks working on the stuff with us so thank you guys the crew is playing wearing pajamas said Jerry who's who's in the who's in the avocado pajama yeah yeah dick in our cozy Wednesday love it awesome I think it is do me other burning questions sir oh yeah sure um Kyle got some what what the swagger Pappy asks what artists have you listened to the most this year Oh according to Spotify churches according to Spotify Billy Eilish going babies amazing yeah that Spotify thing was actually pretty cool I know I really enjoyed my baby I don't use Spotify enough really I've been using it for so long I got a really big long breakdown it was growing up a decade like oh [ __ ] this is good Brady Carlisle it's probably one of my tops nice Maggie Rodgers is weird I think it's like disturbed or the greatest showman probably the top of both of our lists because that's what Ronan wants to hear all this - oh man I feel like if you were to be profile about the government just based on your music tastes Travis you'd be on like seven list pretty sure makes you think um not all is oh good shed some actually a lot of generated as well I listen to a lot of Phoebe Bridgers which she's actually on my the first song on the OSHA playlist it's depressing music that's usually a prerequisite for my listening taste I'm always finding new new weird local bands that showed up he's just he's another great singer-songwriter seal or one word tours joke lore two words okay I listened to that colored album like oh yeah on repeat yeah also apparently the as Spotify told me the spider-man into the spider-verse soundtrack it's really good soundtrack in the past year probably played Haiti's town today I found a really good playlist towards the end of the year that I've been listening to all unrepeated or something it was the three of us we're relaxing that day oh yeah it's so good to work - it's just Zelda music and like breath of the most wild like did music alright I'd sure they're the really cool thing that I like sorry I feel like I'm like doing a bit for Spotify I swear I'm not getting I I just that's what I use but it's how it talks about like your your worlds listening like what genre like parts of the world that you listen to and it was like you listen to music from all over the world and I was like oh so but I actually found a lot of really great music when I was in Iceland that I'm was this year yes March yeah that's crazy bug from it right oh yeah you robbed the Iceland bug [Music] it was the end of critical role right there we would have just some flames like Viking blood like weathered it and then but yeah I'll try I'll try to share some of the the good stuff that I found yeah there's a D&D question Oh what is your favorite moment this season ask the perks of March maybe this campaign yeah favorite thing so far on occasion I'll be sue because I have had this in my head for two minutes okay I think my maybe one of my favorite moments or spot in the entire campaign was everybody on the ship confronted by Avantika and setting the boat on fire and then bo just sprinting up a thousand stairs and everybody teleporting in different directions and it was just like there was so many everybody had great meat in that and yeah it was such a cool setting was a moment like is this gonna be a pirate game is that what's happening or we have a pirate game thinking sinking the ship was was in there for me and the cherry on the top Avantika at the end of that thread which i won't say out loud but was pretty interesting yes it was actually one of my favorites as well going into the happy fun ball for the second time to leave until we find we're gonna go back we haven't done in there yet okay there's a lot in there you haven't done 10% of the happy fun ball it's all day he's about 20% oh my god we gotta go back I mean possibly go wrong keep carving up four rooms in his mind and extend it you can just make the happy fun ball for us forever I mean the only person that can tell you how to adjust the time element of the interior of it to slow normal or fast you kind of [ __ ] over so good luck figuring that out you could tell us how to make it go backward he's in a gym well just tell him his body looks just fine no you can't see my passage of time he might like it my god it's for him that's that's gonna come back to bite us in had the best of intentions with us I'm sure he was just lonely and wanted friends yeah totally that whole moment going through the mouth of the creature out of everybody that was came back was mad was the mattress version of a sign that justice be aware of the leopard wasn't going to keep a serial it was amazing for everyone yeah from the protagonist seven greetings to one through six what piece of creative work or creation are you most proud of from this year Oh dad was bananas stoked about everything that the crew pulled off with undead would proud of Cthulhu - yeah there are a lot of things that we've been working on all year that don't really hit until next year and those super product but we'll get to those eventually yeah the stuff we can talk about that's been out I mean everyone knows that we're making an animated series yeah all aspects which I can talk about but every script that comes in every every like art approval we go through can't wait to show you guys so great Wednesday mornings were fun yeah this morning I got some stuff and it was like I think we all stood up at one point of our chairs and like we still been in the reporting together and it has been dreamy yeah yeah great to go back yeah it's very surreal various you were going back and have you all have us all in the room together recording and then have just Vox machina come to life like the early days box yeah that's that's pretty intense let's do like maybe three more questions and then place them to play some games yeah question did levanta can worship oukitel yeah just about it what's everyone's game of the year asks the great galleon we didn't pay much game yeah I haven't played though we all ate a lot of anything yeah same place but also I can't remember if I've talked about this before I'm obsessed with a game on my iPad which have already completed all the levels and I need you guys to make more such a commercial this game called hidden folks and I love it so much it's it's like Where's Waldo but it's only black and white and but it's also a little bit animated yeah so like if you touch random things it's like they go there but it feels like and you feel like if you touch some things like it opens other little areas but it's like it's the whole time it's like a teeny little doodle it just looks like somebody's like awesome doodle that has come to life okay they drew somebody's huge it's really pretty it's such a I love the designs your kid it's so it's so good little art books he has a kid with the weird worm that would that would drive a car on occasion and where I had every time that yeah like that thing was like vaguely monument vally love my name is no yes the embrasure are still playing such like ketchup on games like the two big games that we've played through recently or like stardew valley Oh years later what's [ __ ] on that was great it's my there you go for me I just the same thing I just finally played through all the content for blood-borne after like playing halfway through and they're not playing for four years and it's so good but also came out 2015 so if it's gonna be a recent game like I've enjoyed observation for it being like a short sci-fi kind of thriller like a day it's like almost like a movie length game that was awesome observation yeah I'm gonna make Metroidvania addict and I play through and beat dead cells just just warm my thumb's down on it is that the game with Sheamus in it I can't pronounce the character I'm also still playing Mario Odyssey on switch star wars great garden race garden crank garden garden underscore rain garden question for everyone what has been the biggest challenge in transitioning into your own company biggest challenge but can I just say I've had a really fun time helping design doing all like the design stuff on the office basis but oh my gosh it's been so fun working with her and like making those freaking cool [Music] massage this question into how's it been what's it been like starting this kind of we're so first I'm so happy about it I think I think it's been it's been exciting kind of growing the family a bit you know realizing what we need to do the things we want to do and getting the right people into that also learning as we go and making up for even past mistakes and things and kind of getting everything in a good place and yeah it was getting you do with all you guys we're a unique shop you know there's not a lot of companies that have been born from this and are made up of friends and you know share the things we do so we make a lot of mistakes we do a lot of things right but I think like just checking in with each other and as we get busier like just coming back to what sort of started it all it's been really really key and it just keeps us tight yeah because we work together a lot now in just setting aside time to not work and you know yeah relax hang out eat nachos yeah we used to book work in that we book Hank that's important like I'm doing this all the border this we've been hiring some cool people yeah it's been fun like it's cool that every Thursday is still like this sacred space like even though it's like essentially the beating heart of everything that we're building together it still feel doesn't feel like work it's this like thing we look forward to every week to let it kind of like recenter everything and just get together and have fun at the table and the fact that that's still its so purely that is to me says we're doing and we're doing something right we can't we kind of have a joke about how you have to be careful of what you say in the office or say out loud because if we all laugh at in for a fall we're like if all of us have you have enough people go like wait a minute monkeys paw in the corner and every now just a something goes and it's incredible because we have the freedom to be like in the corner of this there's a cardboard tree in the in the office there is a crate there's a cardboard tree and like you'll say something and like a little cardboard leaf will mean what does this one say travis willingham g okay it's not not that challenge and some things we can talk about some things we can't but just like taking these characters that we that we've forged together around a table rolling rolling dice and and getting them ready to go off to school and seeing them run off and be in a comic book and seeing the twins bicker in a comic book or you know everything toys or the money insurer's or we have a lot you know we have a lot of hopes and dreams and and it's it's cool just to see these characters flourish yeah we love them and it's been really cool to kind of like find opportunities the things we're doing to also bring work to people in our community you know there's things we've been working on things we are working on we're being able to reach out to people that we've gotten to see and know in the community and what their talents are and find ways to help get them work and and see their careers flourish and I don't know it's it's it's really cool to be in a place where we can only do what we love and do it together but you know really try and live by the rising tide raises all ships mentality and I will I will defend that to the bitter end I'm gonna do the weird forecast thing now and talk about some sort of like like critical role and thing it may not actually be critical role land but it will be some sort of be some sort of thing there's gonna be some sort of thing on a lesson it may travel and they'll be stationary oh but it may be it may be maybe one day you will go to critical role in maybe one day critical role and we'll go to you Disney attractions wait do we all have our toes for VAR nose on email it'll be like it'll be like the original Dumbo but good without any of the weird stuff and like no animal growth so it's an Molly's Molly circle but you can literally make it the yeah alright sorry sorry I have a notebook of sketches already but you know that yeah it's just like structures that are there you can go into Gilmore's glorious good just like a Renaissance Festival yeah I want it so bad that World's Fair look like in like miles or something or like [Applause] juicy fruit came out of the World Fair of 1893 yeah it's actually it's a small role folds up and fits on the train it was a world yeah both ends in this picture the good thing in the bad thing hey Chicago World's Fair say fu to the Eiffel Tower was inspiration yeah I'm the Paris pillar time called devil in the White City which was a very popular book but you should read it it's a true story about the serial killer dr. HH Holmes but it also talks about HH Holmes is one of the most interesting [ __ ] up historical figures of America they haven't done more on that story not to be liked it's kind of based on it yeah that's true HH Holmes positive questions with a very serious one Mandy Mandy alamode asks what's everyone's favorite Christmas song okay good question [Music] I think some professionally so I've got some play you know heart hello bells I think oh holy night is my favorite you actually find that me singing that on Spotify I'm a home alone soundtrack like the music that plays in home alone when he's like setting up all the booby traps to stuff the montage music the audio we were we really require the day that did all of these red water and purposes Christmas more than mo you are way back in the and and by type of negative it is the like like it's pretty it's so good it's it's called red water by negative your players on the red water Michael I'm not gonna miss my favorite Christmas song of all time it's weird out songs there's some great Christmas it grounds yeah Christmas wrapping by the waitresses there's one that's here we can harm and I love harmonizing like anytime you can like Dan together figures I recognize it's a bit problematic but I really like to baby it's cold outside you can always also flip it to the to the red Skellington where was where there was the other version it was boy getting away from me like it's it's got such a good melody is it called the chosen ornaments are the Nat King Cole album my mom played that non-stop and it just takes me back and I love the peanuts album the Christmas jazz just low-key in the background here's my thing with the peanuts the peanuts jazz Christmas stuff or the song what's the son looks like the main song the New Year's own the the what's the peanut song what's the piano know there's like a main there's like a main song son the peanuts the it's really depressing zero Christmas joy Christmas music all in a minor key so it was all like creepy Haunted Mansion Christmas music it was amazing like is in every movie the by the Drifters which is a very weird [Applause] Christmas but it's just the drifters version why Christmas it's white critters let's jump into some playing we doing this what are you gonna play wait we gotta wait for let's count again so you load up the thing mm-hmm box game service is don't Wow it's not for us though wait sorry it is yeah like a word frog the code is nice nice which has been a frustrating because now certain things like games the name is half the fun so don't rush it Travis is Dingle be Michael Biehn I'm talent stupid who's the last person is there anybody left oh no think everybody's okay all right sit back and relax it sighs do we need to hear it Josh but don't think sorry okay summer breakfast run for them any way you want Oh cancer will go up against someone else's answer oh no everyone will vote on which they like most it's simple Oh points based on the percentage of their answer no I don't like it already oh man I don't know what they're weird do we need to say out loud what what it is okay and they all vote on which one we like the best once they're all in there so we just go through this the same one fills this guy yes it's wise nice yeah more Foster yep both of them would wreck it this up just like a lot we're sitting with a house eating all carbohydrates okay we'll see how those go oh there's more oh man oh do I only did two let's hope there's only two sometimes there's only two oh man oh there's only two sit okay sorry I suck at this game and now people are watching us yeah yeah totally I totally just like putting my answer and then this the entire realm that's cool thank you that's funny all right see now you vote one of those is so stupid I mean one of them is using an apostrophe and you are not already [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] like sad voting for the bad I think I got one oh no I mean what can we even do what is that from what [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] but it's a good check box very good [Laughter] brought you by the man who chokes Hey with consent actually there we go there we go oh wow these are hard [Music] Oh goddamn it I hate not having spellcheck [Music] laughs you guys I think it feels like a donut Jack I think's the same people that made did you know I'm terrible at this game [Laughter] see I like flan personally [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] there's a secret monument to the Washington Mall [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] interesting subway both pretty great answers you guys come on yeah oh I totally forgot I got distracted well thank you anyway you won the Audience birthday yeah okay okay next up okay that's got dark snow but we're on topic Hey [Applause] [Applause] give me a last-place it's okay I hate it this is my [ __ ] exactly what if this is a dumb concept from the beginning I don't like it yeah what do you say rush me huh Oh God so bad I know I'm I feel bad typing this groan yeah I hate it I hate I hate what I just did but I did it yeah but you know knowing the perversity of this group you kind of have to go bigger go I didn't go big big I went I went like yeah all right I don't read not how my brain works I can't I can't do my name I can't do my yeah someone won for that oh no I'm hoarse I don't give a [ __ ] Matt oh man I was trying to pass the buck on to me oh gods what is this white square void yeah wait okay okay all right I've done my gold silver and copper oh yeah yeah one zero all right nice too many too many oblivion flashbacks you win the round in my heart hell yeah yeah like like participation award yeah the t-shirt one or the or the bad event that's like I don't want to lose my progress I'm or felt bad for the QA testers you want to do another game you said yeah yeah what was the other one so you guys said we're saying TKO is gonna be shirt battle yeah is that where you draw T reporting less to survive as serial killers of a certain trivia game show know TK look like you guys are gonna see what a good drawer I am alright TKO all right oh the chats like trivia murder party sorry guys maybe afterwards we're disconnected new names where's the code oh yeah okay oh oh I'm gonna be basically just stick with my name I'm sitting on my name I'm gonna own my Maine are we all good you don't get to choose your oh we do oh you can choose your thingy happy bean I remember that yep yes let's do it I am thank you for asking or saying love the old like megaman boss I am the Tony so bad ar-15 over old ladies they know to teen our alignment to have the wildest spring-break of our lives hell yes ring breaks oh god this is the second game traveler con oh my god chapter 1 training ground restarts here at the training ground Oh No we'll use your device to draw three drawings whatever your heart desires like litora anything it doesn't matter thank you Matt married an idea hit the suggestion button beginning your first drawing what what what suggestion oh geez alright suggestion yeah oh sure um wait Oh [Music] is this supposed to be a good drawing I mean yeah anything you want to draw I do I might amazing the that's not working mine is is a thing oh my god and is that you're probably one of the better drivers at this on this get this table right now me well that's true you've been practicing too the two of you are actually Heather's and Matt no no so can I just wait why do I hang out with you people this is a terrible decision I've made so much easier to be you can steal our organs later when you there's only one drawing [Music] these but this time I want to see more colors alright more colors more colors everyone right oh wait they're making us do it again something with more power okay well hey we look so stupid right yeah oh I know [Music] give you more color [ __ ] [ __ ] he's gonna judge my art dick [Music] minimalists what if like I no no I hate it I'm doing it again no I'm starting over this is I liked my art that's a small screen so tiny got it [Music] nine eight seven six five four three two one oh no we have another one oh jeez ready last one what your suggestions stupid [Music] I'm just a Photoshop this is just like so rudimentary [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] get it [Music] [Music] [Applause] my screen doesn't work and see what I'm drawing as I draw it the update Lord drew three dicks probably yeah opportunity missed no no please don't make me draw again oh god guys these are bad definitely should not be a guest on tough draw would be horrified why he's having nothing to do with your drawing so just put those out if you don't know there's someone shame it's a liar it's something funny or clever what you're making me work in a vacuum man I need direction yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] to finish up [Music] good one damn it this beyond hmm oh boy what I finally found a funny one right before the dam select one drawing and one slow what it's a glory t-shirt combination oh my god yeah I mean this what other choices yeah there's nothing to be done this is there oh god this is this is terrible what are we done done oh no now it's funny how you realize how it works when it's too late lot of prep in the Sun will go yeah actually can you pass the bread bites for by yeah I don't understand okay [Laughter] [Applause] oh I think I didn't get to vote it's suddenly yeah not only according to me this is how the pineapple slicer has invented oh my god this is Ida I didn't even realize how could you know [Laughter] like I would wear this [ __ ] out of it's five o'clock so three humped camel that Sam space from that because I needed something I mean it's hard to beat that time I voted for myself drop a deuce for Detroit [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] oh my god yeah Mario hittin a blog [Laughter] oh wow well played I think we could all use a trading break oh my god I don't know the chapter 3 what is that right on man you have devices to enter one drawing in as many new slope in one new drug what are you drawing ok ok that's fair sometimes and [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] almost almost Oh God [Music] all right I feel okay with that laughs and so are my head oh man Oh bless you all yeah yeah oh oh god oh god I mean either we're going to be better because we know how it works now we're going to be even more up inside our own heads okay mine controller doesn't work I can't see when I'm drawing some drawing blind you are and I have to hit another color and suddenly what I drew pops up so oh yeah you can change the color the background color I know [Music] yeah all right all right something all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's staring at us in quiet constant I know is really no God I'm honey do what feels right you [ __ ] ass you know and through that that's good damn it dang it I had such a good one that's too dark I actually found something I can't do no no I did black dolly oh boy so bad in all right yes dang it I'm so mad so mad I didn't get get it through they can't tell ya I drew it again that's fine that's fine good tell her I've been drawing makes you what we're doing no they can tell a lot by the way you tend to vote you have to vote oh man there's a lot of love is pretty funny who solid split all right how did you that so well attempt of trying to write gelatinous [Music] it's disgusting alright would never tell me the odds never gamble on apart hell yeah winter Ajay's when they told me to use more color so I feel a little shame no they can actually order these shirts at the end of the show so you could get picture was perfect for that [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] that Godzilla was great okay I see we will not go quietly into the dark oh I think [Music] I mean I love them both oh this hurts so good it's good definitely did not drive I would why would I not amazing doctor drug is it like a computer planted drawing maybe it was like a filling for an on submission well now I definitely can't vote for your phrase was consensus I mean knowing that we could potentially make a shirt I want to fix it in post shirt yeah that's what you'd or will submit drawing assessments yeah okay okay okay it's gonna talk up mediator yeah well if that isn't our entire corporate philosophy slogan bite Allison just leave me hang yes we want ads it god that was good I damn do we want to hear the terror let's do this to the murder party alright yeah okay I call the murder call the murder party should this book oh no the audience can buy shirt no trivia murder report just saw Benton checkbox is gonna be like one of my art pieces didn't show up I draw going yonder's Blair I thought the slogan one of mine didn't show up either yeah we're no good slogans for it it was true pure steve buscemi eyes on a flower but I don't think this deeply she's just a scared flower alright alright okay you ready Merry Christmas everybody a Festivus all celebrations I used to love and now feats of strength feats of strength we would do the whole deal it was great including the airing of grievances and Beth mmm oh I get over there saying people like enter with two hands or like one hand and a thumb or whatever they're analyzing hell we enter things into the I have a hard time of the tremors really frustrating [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] in the world even awake right now oh man this is this is like a weird I like this [Music] definitely the pinkie it is arguably the most useless appendage somebody took out the ring finger yeah shocker [Laughter] [Laughter] commentary when you get one question god oh god wait right oh no what last last of it comes no I'm so bad at geography and I'm embarrassed that I'm so bad at it oh man so like revel and our ignorance yeah okay okay okay okay okay that's what I thought that's what I thought yeah okay that was right was right yeah yeah you were trying to do it shocker so you might have a poison pellet take a challenge to put your poison in wait do we have to do that no wrong do poop no shells to poison we get to choose with which go into which chalice so yeah pick pick which chalice you want to mess with no the pellet with the poison goes into the chalice from the palace somebody better I picked the skull one come on yeah yeah yeah oh yeah I think I think I know Wow man oh man I might just [ __ ] this up between fields yeah let's see what happens Wow [Applause] [Applause] oh no I'm not mad what did he say we have to answer what we're going that's [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh wait what what what what still going no that's wrong [ __ ] oh if Dean D has taught me anything it's rapid my boy I haven't totally thought like I thought what you were frozen once you were done and so I put my phone down [Music] yeah Travis's poop he answered 20 [ __ ] questions [Laughter] [Applause] Wow okay Oh mrs. Doubtfire coming for you [Music] oh no I don't know this one oh man Viking stuffs not appearing in my phone so just touch my phone to make it appear and I'm choosing things without even see I went rogue I was like just I'm gonna do something weird and it was a bad idea okay smooth the longest worthy what do you have to do you have to make a lot more everybody's playing wait how do you go back oh my god has urn in - man in white what you can only put in one should be careful because I made a mistake to go back and I've made some word that's not a word I mean how much time do I have left bottom is the that's okay okay I feel okay yeah guys oh but I put in a word oh never mind I ll work wait tonight smell around I said I was trying to give the back button and there wasn't one god [ __ ] damn right man good game damn it listen I had a good word going yeah okay Stacy pot what Thanks it's just it's just tummy sticks okay yeah steak cuts okay yeah I didn't correct you on that one yeah there you go I really want a new jersey but we've all wanted to taste a new jersey by okay I'm ready I don't know what's happening anymore we can we can win if we if we're clever yeah you guys he'll come back to life if you I don't know any of these things I trivial thing no in general what up not me the abs okay I'm going rogue and I'm picking two because I'm trying to get big money though I like it it's positive things this is rough that means that that's an option you can take that may or may not be also true oh man I know that would be amazing that's that's when you're born on there like a leap year day there's not an answer you can do yeah I think so oh good to know Roma's a birthstone are you so proud of you that's fair yep no drummers Oh Stevie Ray Vaughn drum man yeah there's your famous famously guitars my best keep mode is from the who Romance language yeah oh boy yep yep toughen it Italian [Music] [Music] yeah oh [ __ ] math or good [ __ ] what does the prime mean again it can't be itself an one [ __ ] I'm making a guess same I'm making a guess pretty sure I got the right answer 92 tense but it's fun they're horses let's sound like horse names what should these sound like horses the little ghost thing why is one of them always lit up that means if you're dead you can get a bonus point by getting that one right so we can catch up oh yeah oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm gonna [ __ ] that up I think I got did anymore you know I'll be back to life I feel weird I know that I think I know I think I get all three on this one oh it's a big goods may point please Twinkies are not fried [Applause] in the 90 SEC's million on 90 come on I like come on here some that that's a good game was the winner one I think it's almost like he has a knack for games yeah that's all the time we have yeah or today wow I hope everyone has an amazing holiday break takes some time off with your family we're gonna attempt to do that all it's like it's airing our shame over here we will remove that back here tomorrow at 7:00 for our final mighty 9 session of the year so hope to see you guys then but yeah love you very much I'm gonna see you guys soon and if we don't see you tomorrow have a wonderful holiday in a very happy new year remember labia love you [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Critical Role
Views: 491,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, crit role, critical role fireside chat, critical role q&a, end of 2019, end of 2019 fireside chat, marisha ray, matthew mercer, matt mercer, liam obrien, travis willingham, laura bailey, ashley johnson, taliesin jaffe
Id: lLEuog9UDXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 52sec (6232 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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