Taking Control of the MONSTERS - PVP Mode ft. @Olexa

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what is up everybody my name is hutz and i am here with alexa how's it going alexa dude hello how are you i am feeling pretty spicy today we are going to jump into this pvp hidden capability in the game and you you've tried it out a little bit right i have not played with anybody but i have i have played against myself so i'm really good when i play against myself all right did you win or lose i we're not gonna talk about it so you're starting off as isaac and i right now i'm going to be starting off by taking control of the characters and i do that by holding l r and select i think it was or star lr star uh that's not what i wanted okay it's not working i'm peach and peach i don't want to be peach oh there we go now i pressed the bumper oh no you're here let's do a hard reset on that one huh okay so you can get your health back there yeah there we go it's working oh god i'm slow get back here i don't really feel in danger right now in a couple of months you might be able to attack me yeah what was that about they totally nerfed me as a spider oh yeah right get over here it'll be like almond milk or something i gotta stagger you i can't move with this character ah okay okay now you know what no no chocolate milk you kidding me you're just gonna shotgun blast me it's weird like i'm ruining against you right now but like i almost want to be running for you because i'm never the enemy in this game oh this is gonna be fun yay oh my lord you have a legit jump oh my god i totally telegraph before i'm going yeah i'm not too uh too afraid ah there you go there you go oh my god so fast all right that's about time baby let's go get your bird out of here your bird's hunting me down oh i got everybody on this side of this of the bird oh wow the only thing i could hate more than these flies is you all controlling the flies while i fight them i'm just sending one in yeah you're launching more of them at me [Laughter] oh god finally some speed it would be really funny if um i could get like a upgrade you know like speed upgrades or damage upgrades something like that oh yeah okay yeah yeah fair enough i suppose you know in the womb you're going to get a damage upgrade but you get to get you oh my god you're kidding me i can't in good faith i can't in good faith this is such a terrible idea but you're having like the most amazing run of your entire life and i'm over here struggling as a bleach now i know where you're aiming and i can do you better no i can't i just love how the speed is is just cracked on some of these guys yeah what am i supposed to do right now it's a rough situation for you here come get me sucker i'll just burn out the clock until you give up ah no ah almost gotta just started running towards me all right you feeling left side or right side for a secret room i'm telling you yeah yeah burning hell damn it oh i do min this'll be fun i don't know what i'm doing oh come on i don't think i'm doing anything would you agree that min min probably qualifies like the worst boss you can come across in the first like five floors of the game um i've surprisingly i have not struggled with ben min as much as i have struggled with even just the upgraded um widow like widow's faster now and just can stop me oh man i need to find the dude that's faster i'm trying to focus so hard right now and i just feel like most of the characters either don't do anything or it's not worth trying okay okay yeah okay get chewed get you what's this oh that was cool i was the guy underneath the water oh did you like do you have a shadow or something you could see i had a little cross hair like your marks dude depression's like really good though it's pretty good it's pretty much going to be impossible to trail you unless i'm flying it's true yeah yeah yeah i gotta juke you your tears your depression your bird i feel like i really should not do the mere dimension so that means i will definitely do it of course you have flight now and you can a lot of the crap and hide i will [Laughter] all right all right all right i think the challenge could be tweaked in in certain ways i don't think uh the mere dimension slash playing as lost is necessarily the move get you get you it's it's more difficult than it looks because you're so used to the attack batteries yeah the way these guys move and then it's just the autopilot in your brain has to completely turn off yeah yeah for sure you seem like you're doing just fine so far though and keeping a steady stream of consciousness going uh my brain is in maximum overdrive trying to figure it out take his charge take his charge get him get him all right get it charge him stop him i don't think i'm actually controlling this guy i don't know if i'm he's just charging like all the time i'm not even pressing like attack or anything good luck dude i love christine it's good it's real good i want to see him i'll have to time it just right oh oh ah this is tough man it's tough on both ends i can read i love how i feel like you're controlling like this rock right now because the camera really wants to stay on this rock yeah this is weird maybe that's where i died last bucket boy can you um some of this can you direct which uh which pot they grabbed yeah i think i could pick up a rock too i just dropped it well this is awkward okay get me a fly to get me gotta get me you suck it's so hard man there we go i'm excited to uh to flip sides after this i want to see uh i am concerned yeah and you can curve them like way more than usual mullen this room has never been harder oh you have full range of motion okay it's terrifying oh almost got cornered now are you controlling that or is it oh yeah all of it i'm just super definitely controlling all the stuff that's no i'm not controlling any of it right now the whole time it's been 100 on autopilot i was just waiting for you to say something like oh this is so much different than normal it felt harder man it really did we'll see too fast all i have to do is distract you long enough you're faster than i am i just have to distract you long enough for the other guys to catch up that's all i wanted to do did yourself get in hell double sword tinted rock let's go i still have them too they better get it when you're charging oh oh ah there we go there we go i'm crawling hold on slow down for a minute wait wait it's just abusive i'm running away i'm going this way i don't even care anymore i don't want to play psych i want to play ah i almost got him i i can't believe i'm about to say it but most enemies need a speed buff it's like this just i'm never going to be in fear yeah what the game just crashed game didn't like what you said about it dude it didn't appreciate that ed's listening at all times you should know this yeah imagine this with like three of us okay i won't let's just you go through that room before i do anything okay coming for you i'm coming for you yeah threatening uh cross hair bomb bomb slipping across the ground bum bum bum [Music] i'll just uh maybe is it the same button to exit can i get out of the debug mode select question all the buttons i'm dying i don't nope i don't think i can whoa try to get me now sucker me not having a b licker to spawn oh okay well you just do that for without me it's a really really finished uh secret game mode it works really well yeah no one mentioned anything about it i'm not going to slam ed it's crashing because i've got enough to go off with the tainted characters to slam it for all right i feel like you were safe to to fight me again yeah oh yeah oh you you just you just got full range i don't have to follow anyone's rules coming for you i feel like we should have had a thing where instead of the goal of killing you it should be one point every time i'm able to hit you and then we just see you guys the most points i like it well we i haven't been keeping track well you know i guarantee to you somebody in the comment sections is keeping track now that we said it someone will go back they will watch the entire video again i'll be able to do anything with this stationary enemies probably don't uh fit the bill i still get that point though i mean i was so taking control of that enemy man that was fun going hard it's going hard yeah why not why not i'll just wow i'll just start wow hate that guy yeah yeah yeah keep them alive keep them alive i'm just gonna keep you alive and then you want to go for a sneak attack now's the time brother's attack i can't do anything it's mom i don't want to be mom yeah imagine if it was to the point where you could control every single attack and when they occur yeah just like like he was right door on to me repeatedly right it should be b right door x left or y top door i gotta go buddy i didn't know you could move off of that i think maybe one of the uh the best methods is to pretend that you can't control an enemy or just you know play it cool you got me you got me you were playing a little risky there i needed to to give a chance i needed to give a chance all right my turn um do you care if i don't play isaac dude play whoever you want what if i play does it know what uh i like playing tainted jacob instead i can play tainted jacob i wonder if okay i can't spoil it for you but i wonder if there's something that you could do i was gonna about i know of the character even though i haven't played i wonder if okay so it's not spoiled if we play it let's we decided to at least try i think that chat would at least or not chop a comment section would probably want to know if if i can control what i might be able to control we have to do it otherwise we'll just back out and play kane yo there's a van okay how fast are you is it is it working or is it actually just going by itself i yeah i have no emotion over him sadly okay sadly all right i won't show anything more about it then backing out we're gonna do some cane how about tainted kane everyone's favorite oh yeah 55 minutes of me you didn't take steam sale on floor two room seven you imagine though you're doing nothing and i'm backtracking for like 40 minutes like collecting things into the sack alexa i'm an internal heart away from sacred heart i know you gotta you in he said all right let's do this of course i start with the benefit of 420 damage um but i do have less health and i don't have the d6 so i won't be able to reroll any items right it's true oh my god okay you need to calm down sir this is a wendy's i gotta kill these other things that are slow before you can take them it's intimidating when it starts chasing at you seriously are you as fast but i think i still might be a little bit faster yeah but it's it's close okay what if there's a curse from i can't see in my map i can just see my toes okay i don't know i thought maybe that was the cursed room but i could be wrong the boss room i thought that's just the boss this might be a tough one i mean it's already a tough one i've got speed yeah this is this is gonna be tough for sure okay okay that's just the worst of course you're the one that spawns in like multiple double double dudes oh my gusta like that so can you shoot eleanor i i can spawn the people okay but i i can't do it often it's like you're not the whole back you feel like you're holding back spot as many as you can trust me i my life goal is to murder you on this run so i got incredibly lucky that none of the trucks you were unscathed yeah none of the trites did their super jump at me all right now we gotta see we should have switched to them i probably could have done uh an attack oh you still have an item room somewhere right i'm trying to just find anything i can't i can't see this out of the map can you take control of the the stony boy uh that's a good question actually yeah because that would be hella annoying you imagine i mean i'm imagining i don't have to imagine you're doing it you're just blocking them i know i know it appears like i'm doing something but i can reassure you that he he's trying really hard that's all you push l r see if there's a jump there you go oh okay okay double curse rooms you know that's the thing i'm kind of afraid of running into a cursed room on accident because i can't see half the screen so maybe i don't want to go with that that's the added challenge that's what they implemented it's just you know you can't see it's like a alternate curse of the blinds curse of the screw half your map yeah all that for that now you know how it feels okay look at you fancy with my swapping oh man multi-dimensional what's your opinion on multi-dimensional uh like belongs in a dumpster oh battery oh oh gosh brother bobby what's your opinion better than brother bobby multi-dimensional baby yeah actually it just is bad like it literally is just bad right you good oh i completely forgot that i could control enemies i'm like do i wait or i'm just over here enjoying watching a nice isaac run just hasn't been playing the entire time i'm just dying because i'm bad brother bobby is carrying me so hard see what it's like to have uh these guys bouncing in erratic patterns yeah that was one of the ones where i just kept selecting different ones to send them in erratic directions man man here we go we got mid-men i'm just spamming every button on my controller trying to spawn as many of these damn things as possible i'm not putting too much damage on your face because i'm too busy with your little flies is it half health or is it one third health for the second phase midman i think i think it's one third i just love that the the second phase is all like almost significantly worse than the first it just seems like if you're strafing you almost never get hit i don't know if that's a thing i don't know man there's there's still there's some moments where i just feel like there's no hope there's always hope alexa never give up hope looking at my cute eyes and see hey you got one hit on you that's gotta count for for something that's true that's true you got me i almost didn't even see that v over there i i was trying to hide it behind you listen so that you couldn't see it the real question is do you have the cajones to go to the mirror dimension and then die like i did we'll see i have a fastboot i no longer have a fastboy what do you think about this you wanna tell me to go rando i've diplopia yeah i mean i was maybe saving it for the next deal with the devil but i might not make it that far it's gonna be almond milk if you take the right one no i'm gonna take your advice here and get a boat okay okay yeah should i have done double apple though does that stack i would bet the tears up stacks but all right that's not horrible at the same time i'm almost dead i feel like i am still overpowered so there's this weird like should i just use the d8 everyone wants me to use the d8 i know the comment section is gonna want me to use the d8 plus two three uh fire rate but way better i liked my speed i was able to outrun you a little bit better yeah oh you're gonna do it he's a madman when we get a room with a fast enemy you're just freaked all eternity i'm warning you there's one in here there is i got spectral now though you know i got advantages that's true i hate the the randomness of some of the enemies that's one of my least favorite parts it's like yeah like that guy that just popped right there and how it spreads over at least two-thirds of a small room where you just like cross your fingers and hope you don't get hit maybe it's the masochist in me i freaking love tainted lost i think it's actually like disturbingly fun but it's just like the fact that every run like spirals out of control is very fun even though there's still like very unfair rooms but right i love i love having just like stupid powerful items the entire run oh i can actually attack with this guy you can get this guy with a friend finder and it's actually very good i don't know if you have a friend finder i i do [Music] i think i think i've seen it once you've got more hours than in rep than i do i've been i'm kind of on the slow grind for repentance where it's like i still play it every second i get but i'm not all the way there yet can i charge this guy nope um oh there we go apparently back trigger back left trigger did it there you go good luck approaching me now that i've conjoined on accident yeah brother bobby was good for some thoughts on icicle baby i think it's terrible yep i hate this guy oh i almost had you too you could shoot that fast you're an absolute cannon good luck at that time let's go oh i yeah definitely bought myself hubris brought you down yeah that's actually very good that's the first time i've seen it what's it called clear rune yeah i've never even used it before so i'm going to go with it even though it's going to end up killing me oh my god oh oh this is maybe like really good for me yeah we'll see i mean got all those birds yeah good luck with the birds dude the spiders or the the birds rather yeah they're strong i like them a lot oh wow this is tough without having to worry about you oh i hate oh jesus hey hey could you break this for me though do you mind thanks bud bone spurs i i actually like bone spurs it's a little bit underwhelming i might go random here just for the chaos yeah go for it almond milk hp upgrade is not meaningless for me yeah it's good it goes it's the horny boy up up and away birds get him go my ravenous pack my absolute murder my murder murder look at a murderer oh my god you can't you can't stop the murder for murdering spike's not a huge fan of the spikes i guess i feel like there's a lot of things where i thought i'd be invulnerable or invincible and it still took it from me yeah so i bet you that's the same case at the yeah do you think i can control ultra shadow mom um do you want to find out i mean i'm not gonna say no okay i wasn't gonna do it but i can if you wanna experiment absolutely ends the game here we go there we go finally got you i see the v i really that seemed like you charged her maybe further away than should have been i don't know if it just feels different because i'm not getting chase bite right no i'm not sure it's different at all oh wow oh i thought i hit you slime dunk there we go hey i like how i took all my money when i went in there cool it didn't give me my money back i wonder if i gave my health back oh no i had stuff i had kids okay health is fine you still have my soul of eden oh oh god oh come on let me let me undo a mask you don't even need to get out of the masks oh there was a bee licker in there yeah there was there was a bee licker okay there was i was getting wasted by the masks anyways i'm gonna reach out to both ed and ben and try to get them on or maybe do a co-op run or something like that i mean hey i don't want to invite myself along but four-person co-ops does sound uh pretty fun but nah i bet i've been vin and i have talked about doing it and he's super down so i'm i'm sure that you could get them uh into a little co-op game i just i don't know there's something there's something charming about game devs that are active in the community as in touch with the community is what they are exactly for sure i'm a little worried though about like like i said having all these rage episodes and then inviting them on and then being like hey so you hate my stuff i'm like well kind of but to be fair though i i feel like ed feeds on people hating him i feel like he's stronger yeah it's his final form that he's he's coming to i am back you're back and you're extra slappy look at how excited you are [Laughter] just be happy i'm nice and soft wish i didn't know that this let's play took a weird turn i also really like controlling enemies that have absolutely no motion it's really fun i also like when they spawn me on enemies that are uh oh is that a vector for shooting probably that's for teleporting oh well except like also not at all yeah nice very nice some good stuff in here hey honestly though it's wrong with this guy really really good one for me to control yeah i'll hit you with my icicle baby until you release matriarch used to be like oh god no it's matriarch and now it's like pales in comparison to all the rest of the stuff that was added why am i getting so many soul hearts oh my god what is that about could dead bird at full hp draw parts i don't think so i don't think the dead bird did anything like that i don't think that bird did anything to be perfectly honest but yeah that says nothing on the wiki about it okay because this is like a game changer i feel like every day is a new like random broken thing oh you won't watch me look at the hand got me wait okay if he was like stuck on my head for a second there i was like oh oh i hope it's hey listen to brother bobby not my twins don't take my twins don't take the twisted pair please yo listen and what else was it just yo listen that dropped two listen oh my god wow so i lost conjoined [Laughter] wait real listen cal starts conjoined everything counts towards conjoined literally every item in the game swords can join though baby spin oh man i'm gonna do it i'm going the distance honestly this is how i feel right now i'm just gonna slam my body against this place yeah i don't even know like do you want me to like give you more of a shot when i walk into a room so you can have some fun with like some you know i'm hot i'm having a good time just being here i don't like receiving pity from anybody but this is this is the most fun i've had just having a nice nice vibe across here let me see if i can knife yeah okay moving target [Laughter] it's like a baby hey bad carnival game uh and then i was reading the patch notes and you considering it yeah should i go you should we see if you can take care of control of delirium it would be kind of cool if i could control delirium you probably can't take control of delirium how could how much control do i have dude do it that's good content why not her style not a good idea for delirium no here we go no idea at all here we go it's a good time for me does it seem like you're doing anything at all uh very very little for sure yeah i'm gonna control this guy oh there you go okay it feels like ragman's the only person i i have full control over in the game i'm maybe going up and down shooting there i'm probably not my birds didn't last forever so now i gotta carry with i used it up too i full scent so if i get teleported out i ain't getting my birds back oh no i think that was maybe my mistake but once again the birds couldn't carry me the entire way oh all right this next section is called speed run all the other bosses to get some sort of item that will save you go that's a good item mom's passionately possibly worse yeah that's on mom's bed well okay so here's an offer since you can't do much on the delirium battle okay what if i backed out and you joined me as a little baby and we try to fight the lyrium together you know what that sounds like the the greatest idea of all time there you go now there you go personal take on your own personal dosh dogecoin there you go and i have all of your items is that normal always how this works i haven't been uh the little babies so you do have health though oh i do have health i thought i was invincible i'm so used to the babies that spawn after you die in normal co-op right right right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't i should not be trying to actively kill you now yeah you're still trying to kill me i gotta rewire the brain though oh okay going back in okay so i oh god what the heck maybe he's going for you maybe that's what's going on it's like like a popcorn buddy thing right you didn't teleport but i'm back i'm a parrot okay that was an eyeball that literally spawned on top of me yes pay no mind i'm now a character okay we are supposed to be getting stronger oh saved bookworm transformation though oh [Laughter] we got one more shot at this jesus okay i hate that attack that was a little bit of repentance before repents by the way i'm dead so yeah we're fine we got hot bombs get it i i understand it's it's funny because it's your name i understand yeah i feel pretty confident really the true question is how many times can i die in this room i've got a halo all right uh you're a rocket um i can't tell if i'm a rocket or if i'm like submarine cthulhu i from terraria that doesn't matter anymore you've been released i'm a superhero okay so you're gonna carry them you're gonna win um are you opening the map every time you come in i got killed by the laser across the map yeah right look at him looking at me guaranteed champion beating huts in the binding of isaac repentance so good at the game there's the title dang dang dang i mean i made it pretty far i feel pretty good about it i i would agree you did good it was all over after the twisted pair i mean that's that was a tough one yeah that was pretty fun i'm uh i'm glad that we uh we tried that out absolutely dude absolutely we'll have to figure out the the next broken mechanic inside of uh repentance's game files to to play together so as far as people on my channel how are they gonna find you oh well i mean they can find me linked in your description of your video uh they can find me over on youtube.com slash alexa roguelites isaac the whole nine yards over there thanks everybody for watching yeah hopefully you enjoyed and we'll see you in the next one yep it's just raw unedited ed yeah i agree and i'm okay with it i don't want the d12 but i want what's after the t12 okay you're okay i'm not playing you anymore all right give me your definitive all 857 or whatever there are pokemon tier list um all i will say is definitely squirtle is the coolest okay
Channel: Hutts
Views: 344,260
Rating: 4.9649572 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: lRBXy0fH8is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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