Tainted Cain to Mother - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what's up people on youtube we are back in action i'm gonna do a random run everybody wants me to do a specific thing easier to just do random ah [ __ ] ah damn it what do we got we're almost done here mother fight mother fight greedier i got it i got to do it my hands are tied start with rock bottom are we going to bring up the whole like thing with the stuff um repentance bag of crafting and rock bottom we need a bone heart that's right we just go until we get a bone heart bone heart specifically his secret room i think birthright though but last time i think we started with maybe birthright and what else did we get in the beginning something that made it like super easy i'm gonna do the bomb beggar break again i'm gonna do whatever it takes to win because all i do is win win win earthright is pretty easy it requires three coins four bombs and a pill or a couple different mixes of stuff craft divorce papers for the bone heart that just gives you a bone heart though i think it it doesn't drop it silly earth rooms or through black sacks i mean we should probably go into that curse from i can't wait for you guys to get super tired of the charge key emote in like a few streams you can't grab stuff before you buy it right wouldn't that be nice birthright makes it so that everything pays out with more all the items give you more stuff pretty nice jm harmon 48 total hi dad i hope you're winning i'm feeling pretty good thanks that sexy tier 2 sub for four years and cola cat with two bucks ah thank you ah back at you okay [Music] probably have the ability to make birthright so far but not bottom rock bottom is a great one to start with though moving box yeah alabaster box break is now fixed not fully charged on craft yep did see that uh tinted rock feminism what's next in the post-it mother fight go for rock bottom soy milk you did that last time that was saying i took it in the wrong order all right do we have the ability to get what we need two soul hearts i think we do have two swords on the ground maybe if not i can bomb that uh tinted rock and make it happen otherwise we need a pill and we don't have a pill is there a pill for sale soy milk lasts because of the multipliers down not seeing a another soul heart [Music] there we go pony pony boy no bony boy okay you guys said bony boy was cursed from it would seem to be rotten hearts our curse room what can we do with the rotten heart early bunch of stuff goat head a lot of soul hearts for goat head i don't have soul arts or four nickels contract from below could be a strong play once again i needed another soul heart there loneheart's our secret room that's what i thought i thought bluejay 500 bits been enjoying the recessive videos on youtube congrats on 6k thank you iowan neighbors thanks bellujay vanishing twin vengeful spirit [Music] shard of glass teleport i don't see anything that i really need i might just grab them of course we're going to lose them on the way out iowa what rock bottom kidney stone soy milk [Music] secret room is higher chance might as well just take this stuff like that and go it's too bad that you can't like press a button to empty out your bag wouldn't that be cool yeah we're gonna lose it on the way out anyways a little waste what a flip and waste about to see if we can figure out where our secret room might be [Music] these guys could have just helped me out with it [Music] let's see here do you think it could be there yeah it could totally be there [Music] [Music] i'm waiting there it is look at all these stupid keys around me uh we don't have a pill for birth right once again we don't have uh a second soul heart judgment judgment is that a key beggar any important charged key items that we need to do right now let's see here everything costs so many soul hearts i just don't have soul hearts we can get the mind if i have another card drop you can do the mind there's a second soul art okay what do we need the second soul hard for shoot shoot birth right right earth right red heart red heart soul heart soul heart coin coin coin bomb we can do it how does tainted cain work my cue item is that sack down there and i can grab things and put them in the sack once i have eight things in there eight consumables it will that's basically a crafting recipe that will pay out with a certain item one more red heart [Music] reason we want birthright right now is because our items will drop double the loot at this point in time um so birthright rock bottom was the second one i mean what with the bony boy for too long time to catch a stream and support thanks for all you do thank you child for the 50 big ones classes are for you thank you thank you thank you nick the neon turtle prime sub by the way awesome king king grillzard five months hey butts lovely content keep it up heart [Music] there's a pill in the store what do i want the pill for [Music] can't keep all these recipes straight you guys pill for rock bottom we uh have to have a bone heart for rock bottom [Music] so pill doesn't get us anywhere a rack bottom dude rock bottom is broken craft brittle bones for bone heart once again they give you the bone hearts they don't drop the bone arts on the floor they have to be on the floor go for steam sale steam sale is is doable yeah steam sale is a decent play i'd say relax forever 100 bits thank you for that go for steam sale red heart bomb two keys four coins double steam sale four coins right double seam sale doesn't make it free anymore guys does it make it it makes it less expensive though doesn't it grab scene cell twice then refreshes ron kelly that doesn't work anymore that's not a break anymore but it's half of the half if we have nothing else to do i don't think that it'd be a bad play get a bunch of pills by buying that i don't have any money though a couple nickels in the floor maybe i want those nickels or steam sales op we can do a nickel subbing for the red heart and a card 25 price go birthright we have birthright currently d1 car battery craft a little buddy army restock increases the price of items [Music] moving box goes secret room booming box how cheap is moving box [Music] moving box red hearts keys um and we could start on moving box for now i guess i'm gonna maybe grab everything kyle makes the prime sub i'm not i wasn't sure if i could get that coin moving box we will need a bunch of keys [Music] a bunch of bombs penny in there one red heart [Music] charge key wasting that feels bad but change title to taint painted tane run brian well done no this is chat how many bombs did i need technically do this with more bombs i need red hearts though so take everything um i need one more key and a red heart then we have a fix for audio desync refresh mother fight is the one that we didn't do so all four be the way to go what if we just died we have nothing strong right now we could just take pills just buy a soul art that sounds like a smart idea i'm gonna go hut it's gonna be smart way to do a heck and smart bimbo robert why no thus miss art this has already been addressed it's invicta had a um like an nfl draft thing tonight some other streamers don't need the money [Music] sports ball nerd [ __ ] i did say all four didn't i once again one red heart one key i'll talk online how to make items or just wing it i have all of them memorized in my head i am the smartest genius that's ever geniused geniuses did i'm a genius what does birthright do any items that pay out with the stuff they pay out with double the stuff i don't know about you guys but i like double stuffed oreos what if you did that over here and end up hurting myself in this nest and i said one key all right it's pretty good now we do need a key to get into the uh item room but here's the thing we could fight the boss snub the deal of the devil since deals of the devil are stupid and then take that item from the boss room and drop that in the secret and that we just unlocked [Music] mom's key mumski could be a cool play too by moving box it depends what room you're in really matters for what drops all over the place i need to cut you off [Music] sir yoits [Music] the one poop in this room heavenly so if i get an eye to pay out in the secret room i chance for bone hearts bone heart is required to get rock bottom [Applause] or the charges up a second time though that's the one catch here early phd craft unchanged 18. welcome back ron kelly with that early phd um you know maybe [Music] craft sacred heart anything super intensive like sacred heart and goddess is gonna require uh a ridiculous amount of stuff amount of sacrifice flash eternal hearts eternal hearts being the drop in the angel room of course now with the moving box we can move things around in such a way that we can get all the stuff something we can earn the rooms first that was closed was that that lost run that i shot that guy and he hit the head just flung directly into me good stuff very fun deeper sack risky frisky it's too risky [Music] sacrum or bony boy [Music] got it i just picked up obama an accident okay so that this is for rock bottom i believe rock bottom is red heart red heart soul heart bone heart coin bomb pill pill do we have two pills we have a couple pilsners we don't have enough keys to make all the other ones work i don't think coin coin coin yeah we need two pills i don't think we have two pills go to your item room with what keys chat think about what you say before you say it nickels i don't think the nickels can help any more keys the key in your secret room i need the keys bull fog yo what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab the key and go into the shop yeah crazy oops just buy a pill in the shop jesus why don't you bring jesus into this huh you wanna straight up fight right now pill pill red heart redheart coin [Music] alone with coin get that separated thank you bonnie boy need one bomb and the other no we got the pills bomb soul heart reformation nine months we fighting in here yeah you're gonna join in the fight very good start very good start now what lay it on me let's get creative thanks for the nine months retro don't forget to check the retro out you guys yourself retro does some cool stuff we did some collabs earlier i'm ready to tussle if a cat soy milk soy milk i think is the last thing we got soy milk too early last time and it made us that we couldn't get anything else i believe that we took soy milk too early correct kidney stone was a good one right soy milk kidney stone wait soy milk first then kidney stone i thought it was the other way around please do kidney stone soy then kidney kidney first you guys are all over the place keeper sac soy brim soy then kidney soy milk won't give you a damage down but it multiplies your damage and it's still like it holds that value i believe off of the number right so then you're damaged let's say that you want your damage to be like 75 but your damage is at three five and then you get soy milk and now it's down to one and you get a damage up and it goes to one three one four one five you have to get all that all the way back up over 3-5 before you can make progress i believe red stew would be a good one anything that doesn't give me a damage multiplier the damage multiplier should be the last thing that we put on damage multipliers and tier rate multipliers we want the ones like kidney stone and red stew that just tack some [ __ ] on we need a nickel or a bunch of pennies [Music] how many pennies do we have and these are like the most common and we have a nickel as well we don't have another soul heart though so the nickel is out more pennies actually watch me accidentally grab a uh lucky penny red heart is out way to use red stew stew me um six coins in fact and off we need a key i could buy some things in the shop look at that's a key buy a key plus 1466 damage all right now what see now here's the thing too though i believe that our damage is uh trickling down still so it got up but now we're gonna have to get our damage even further further further further further up you want to use the natural ups first then the temp ones last right see e's mascara will double our three five damage to six and we won't even tell that it gave us the damage multiplier and then our fire rate will be halved and we'll never be able to get our fire rate up ever again so i think chat has it backwards and you're screaming at me like right now to try to make me do things that would actively hurt me and my career please stop please stop rides do last we could still surpass the damage but you know what if we just made a winning combo right now we called it a day kidney stone next kidney stone is once again a temporary one i could just go kidney stone and just call it a day with uh redstone damage kidney stone fire rate and then just be done right maybe throw on like piercing and homing and then we're good we're just ready [Music] we've done this enough that we we know how this goes you guys rock bottom kidney vote yeah go for a speed run the fastest anyone's ever played tainted cane this one does take a nickel coin two bombs kidney bean that's the wrong one loads of bombs or a pill do you have another pill on the floor no we use them both both up need a nickel then and three bombs we have three bombs how about we give ourselves 99 keys buy a key go in the item room buy you dog you flipping dog we don't have a card we do have a nickel four pennies three bombs and a nickel where was that nickel wasn't there a nickel i thought there was that could have been last floor maybe [Music] there it is good joke game up top room top front of the nickel give you a nickel if you tickle my charge key okay nickel three bombs four pennies easy easy easy easy very easy it's almost too easy just too easy more pennies i might just take the keys open stuff and then three bombs right yeah this should set us up with more than enough they're temporary right so like getting more isn't gonna really do a whole lot for us but let's maybe go for something that gives us um what do you think just regular piercing i'm i'm completely blanking on the name of just the normal piercing item sagittarius next arrow ipac sacred heart sacred heart um you guys i don't think you understand how the bag works [Music] sagittarius requires a load of soul hearts or nickels this guy almost i could get the bomb back eternal hearts well there we go who wants sacred heart that's got to be two eternal hearts right no sacred heart is one eternal heart soul hearts though or a lucky penny and a golden or lucky five soul hearts for sacred how about godhead godhead's got to be two in a lucky penny we need a charged key or two eternal hearts don't have that is a dime lost coin for lucky coin still need three soul arts or a card and three soul arts rather pause your [ __ ] save the time why we've already done boss rushing hush does it matter alabaster box has been uh nerfed right thembo robert and no longer comes charged all right so what should our next uh what's our next goal be still thinking sagittarius we need more soul arts or nickels i beliel would take a lucky penny blackhearts much soul hearts golden hearts cupid's arrow huts arrow requires a golden key or two soul hearts a nickel dime for keys and a pill that could be something we go for because we have a dime we have to wait for a nickel to show up though and we need four keys to suck up we don't have four keys either there's got to be a good angel room item we can use as eternal heart for i'm going to comb over them quick and just see if there's anything that jumps out if a cat requires an eternal heart white would be nice chaos requires an eternal heart that doesn't why would you get chaos we'd do that eucharist how many soul arts it requires christ saigon they could get try saigon craft the d6 kappa mars and pluto revelation as a lucky penny vade retro mason void death certificate you've already won the run just go this is batman for life hey that thing you're doing with your mouth try not doing it gilad cooler if you didn't i want plan c i haven't unlocked that certificate you're going to invade me prefer the term acquisition of your innards get new stuff alabaster box is easy to create craft i i just i don't know if chat it's like chat doesn't listen to chat and you guys want me to listen to you why not save the eternal heart for the next floor and just get sacred heart homing would be cool let's just go for what was it cupid's arrow let's just get everything necessary everything we can get rather for cupid's arrow so we need that red heart we need four keys um not the eternal arm we could just take the eternal heart as health feels rotten to do that but whatever the time we're gonna need a nickel a pill and another key [Music] how about pop pop could be like actually pretty fun and then we've got another key we've seen a nickel and a pill hungry tears hungry could be pretty busted pop could be pretty busted what do we miss nothing secret we're gonna make three books and get bookworm question mark it sounds pretty low on my list of priorities if you open up that chest if i really wanted to hit that guy though get me stoned up there we go i apparently just don't have knock back which is quite interesting [Music] that was a bust cool next floor he bombed himself yeah i left the room and came back probably counted as not his bomb soul heart no we need nickel pill ankle pill be a pretty good place i hate that corny poop and we actually just need some more keys in general spoon bender after piercing piercing first moving box is ready anything i'm going to use the moving box on if we want to go hard on godhead we could totally take some items into the angel room probably pickles there's a nickel and a pill easy keep it zero boom okay um how about we maybe beeline it for that angel room and see if we can't pull off some sort of godhead well we gotta get a charge actually first godhead is three soul hearts three bombs two eternal hearts so we'd have to go in there we'll see how many eternal hearts we get if we get any aside from that craft dogma lead pencil would be pretty fun is that a pretty easy recipe but to get a charge we're actually gonna have to go into the flip side holy burn question mark revelation where was that thing where's the fire okay there's two soul hearts is that correct i could bomb these see if we get third did not trapped quad shot quad shot could be pretty fun we already have to go over there and get the uh key piece knife piece a piece of the stuff whatever you know the stuff acting like you don't know the stuff but uh i don't think butter would be an interesting one because we could drop active items and get more stuff from them but was there any way to break that probably [Music] not tractor beam plus pop right the blacksmith hunter bits flat stone with homing is kind of amazing [Music] i'm kind of intrigued spectral would be a nice thing to get only once baby fool me once [Music] i don't even know it was uh i mean we should be able to handle it of course you know it's close to mia any of the situation hell no not doing this lost side costa mia blackheart um tons of stuff get flight brimstone be a mistake i think there's tons of soul arts necessary for like everything so many soul arts [Music] incubus boy incubuses soul hearts soul heart block heart lucky penny yeah we need a charge key lucky penny arun i'm just gonna probably take it nothing easy on that one keep our eyes on the prize i think flicker would make the most sense here clicker would make a sense making the clicker and changing my character so i never get the unlock that's always just kidding went back to my godhead recipe what do you guys think is better godhead or sacred heart no recipes match this search should i break it [Music] sacred sacred sacred sacred i prefer sacred nobody of ithaca gifting five subs thank you for that wonderful sacred heart is five soul hearts or one lucky penny once again i say we just go into the oh what are those election in here if there was one and i just didn't see it [Music] what if god was one of us shielded would be pretty good yeah piercing shielded right now would be good plays i think you turn into tainted lost and crush it that's true you could craft a good run and then switch characters let's see what you mean see what you mean by that won't the heart damage not work because the stew is the heart damage what do you mean probably not worth to go for a damage multiplier since you made red stew yeah no we're not to get probably over our 18 damage we're thinking like homing shielded tears godhead aura would still be very worthwhile we're trying to figure out how to go for eternal hearts and how to use them i'm gonna try to get that angel room flat stone i definitely have options look for lucky pennies i don't see any in there nicole do i need a nickel for any of these things not really [Music] portable slot eight coins moving boxes [Music] i do have a moving box with an item inside of it ready to go or when we get our angel room all right let's maybe look at shielded tears shielded tears is mom's contacts i wish i would not have grabbed that nickel five keys one card one soul heart let's go for it one soul heart five keys and we'll have to wait for a nickel let's grab that that's so hard and one card you already have a card you grab that grab these nuts please don't you in the back unsubbed from me for repeating their comments this copy the secret room right well that would have been a third soul art pills or cards eat the pill on us maybe all right we need more keys did i pick up keys in the shop i might have picked up keys in the shop not thinking about it need five of them and a nickel four more four more keys and one nickel bomb the keeper for a nickel was there a keeper with nikolas nickelback no bloody and nets top secrets just right down here lost contact is it lost contact oh mom's contact shoots behind me lost contact is um shielded oh we're going for the wrong recipe then oh that's not it you notice so with that we need that pill we're gonna need a coin alone with coin we need some red hearts just typed contact and went for it red heart red heart coin bomb we can do it right now oh good good stuff spectral would be pretty good here i think guppy looks pretty cheap keep cheap let's carry this dead dog flight plus spectral yeah could be cool luigi bored let's roll lump of coal [Music] what are you using to search the recipe well it's a simple thing with numbers right and some things are quality three two one and uh you gotta know that last contact is id 384 and the way to calculate it is it's got to be so 384 you take the middle number you divide it by two right and then you take the first and last number it's all up in here no there's a website for it tractor beam unnecessary [Music] dime [Music] that's so big right here mems at all it's just math pretty easy item in your movie box huts the one that i put there that's correct useful hearts tractor beams easy to make i don't know why i need it [Music] it almost be a hindrance at this point bamboo more soul art look at that that's good soul hearts are in some of the really really tip top recipes continuum [Music] another soul heart it's too bad i can't deactivate kidney stone right now you can charge up rubber cement no one wants to say cricket's body let's trick its body golden bomb two card two pale nickel dime nickel we have a dime when a soul art or a battery a little battery we get a nickel we're in this let's do you have to charge kidney stone we get the fire rate whether we charge it or not unless i'm misunderstanding your question [Music] does it have an item that ignores armor yeah bob's brain we get infinite bob's brains we take out boxes pretty easily might be a good play bomb immunity bob's brains ed's wet dream tech zero when compound fracture any of the splits just be a good time looking for a nickel there's a micro battery there is a golden key didn't we say golden key was in one of the things was it god's head godhead charged key and godhead [Music] parasite gigabombs do anything with crafting yes quality 10. [Music] let's see what items actually contain a gigabomb i'm interested to know no recipes match this search none it's on the list but none if you try crafting an item you don't have unlocked i believe it's breakfast reload the page is there supposed to be something nope no recipes sacred heart has a golden e sacred heart does have a golden key golden key eternal heart three soul hearts and three bombs pretty easy if we were to uh pull off that angel room once again only really giving us homing but what else did i want to look up neptunius is that the freezer one the ice look up goat head all eight gigabombs gives techx [Music] wrong this doesn't say on this website uranus is ice goat head would be a 100 angel i just don't even think we need to stress that you guys we're stressing you you're stressing so hard on things that just don't matter anymore i'm just gonna go for the time being just gonna head over here hello barry gonna suck them all up well there's a nickel what did we say was we needed a nickel for god damn it no i'm getting all caught up again this one could be over right now [Music] what were we just going for cricket's head cricket's body quick we don't want damage multipliers not interested cricket's body a dime a nickel a key a bomb a soul heart let's do it we could do that right now [Music] so nickel dime you're such a funny person [Music] we need a key we need three pennies [Music] fire no soul heart now [Music] show it to me oof some horrible range some horrible range would still put the damage on a single target though would be pretty dynamite what side are you on holm style wanna uh it's it's called uh platinum god godhead now continuum [Music] dotnet.com anybody and the home style one uh or just me sacred heart literally sacred heart would only be the most expensive homing we could possibly get i have vague memories nice jerry herb their hamstring telepathy for dummies soy milk rock bottom though we already got the temp fire right soy milk probably wouldn't do it slime would literally give me nothing it would guarantee i would never see damage ups ever again we took temporary fire rate temporary damage that pretty much seals the deal our normal fire rate and damage fell back down behind the scenes well that's just a perfect that's just amazing ai it doesn't get better than that folks unreal you didn't even clear the path what are you doing i'm gonna buy that card or get the card yay oh wow i swear it's getting smarter that would be a really interesting thing to do have like a learning mom you're like i've done this before and then all of a sudden like it like fakes you out at one point in time or like it's more predictive at one point in time it knows which path you usually do so it cuts the path off instead with a different yell we all know that ed can handle the ai don't give ed ideas that'd be a nightmare um what do we do we need anything can i just go i think we're good maybe flight maybe flight uh dead dove right could be cool we'll try to get that angel room that dub over god's head maybe even possibly you know what dead dead eye that dove does require the eternal art and three soul arts and two cards or we could sub out a pill and two keys and a red heart [Music] let's get ready for it okay we need one eternal heart one pill just go thanos five what's up thank you for that five gifted subs that is and jojo jet plane this looks the same as your last tainted cane run can we have something different next time please play passive aggressive [Music] this looks the same as the last time you did when it was the super easy amazing unbelievable unbeatable way to do it well yeah because it's the super amazing unbelievable way to do it this is the way rude if i want to go something like super creative it's going to take time more time than this a lot more time than this probably at least to have like a guaranteed winning combination uh yeah we need that pill and then one eternal heart and we're good to go watch him and look at the wrong recipe i'm just like mixing and matching recipes as we go healthy amount of soul hearts appreciate that and we should take that card with us in case we need it later you got somewhere to be all we need angel room we drop the item in our box get that eternal heart and uh we should be rolling after that donate 10 cents and since only changes it from devil to angel it can't give you angel out of nothing so i wouldn't do anything besides make our donation machine happy which i'm not saying i'm against yeah flight spectral that's just the missing link here for sure oh for sure oh stair guy yeah don't you know here hun oh it's xl duh because we did the card i don't even care about that stuff to be honest dead dub then fine maybe i will [Music] do okay if i was to go for godhead actually checking checking checking three soul hearts three bombs and two eternal hearts i got it as overkill i mean tell me i'm wrong here for godhead [Music] doable godhead i could do it right here [Music] i need these bombs [Music] knock out those keys three bombs dog food there it is three bombs two eternal hearts three soul hearts [Music] well this is just almost too too much pain to have to switch items there we go okay pill needs to go for eternal heart we just [ __ ] grabbed that coin and that bumped out a soul heart now we can't do it why why i wanna know how i know god doesn't exist coin jumped on [Music] key pieces still count we don't need the key piece [Music] the soul heart may be outside waiting for me keep it for later hahaha no soul heart there no soul heart waiting for me somewhere beyond the sea somewhere waiting for me ooch couch my lover stands on golden sands sword outside [Music] and watches the ships that go sailing nope wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong why not bomb the statue i you guys asked questions for things i clarified literally five seconds ago [Music] ten percent chance for fires to drop soul hearts there it is glad we didn't waste time drop this card it's a pain uh bump that coin out correct three soul hearts three bombs two eternal hearts that says god godhead you're telling me i don't have godhead unlocked what is it wrong it could be wrong curse of the blind oh yeah ah i was about to [ __ ] a all brick an entire ass brick oh my god why do you have a room like this remember how they're like we saw we we changed any of the rooms that you walk into and take immediate damage on spikes then we put a room like that in there [Music] good though yep yep yep yep yep i'll take it no dogma ready to dog mom we're going mother what is this how do you do that whoa whoa take the health for health oh i knew that when i walked up to it shots i knew you were in trouble when i walked in i already have your trinket so shame on me now golden bomb with a black car could probably make some pretty pop and deal with the devil items and a nickel too late what about this oh more black cards the siren skull literally holding on to the trinket that you get by doing such a thing just yolo it i don't think we need to spend any more time here [Music] that was a red heart trade for a black cart [Music] sushi [Music] how about we win get back to uh tainted lost runs like a real gamer got speed down actually yes but homing i didn't really notice a difference but sure so [Music] splits doesn't matter here damn we're not gonna see that damage upgrade paint's gonna happen [Music] now all you need is soy milk uh is this run over an hour long it's tainted cane what do you want from me soy milk i think we do nothing and put money on the fact that soy milk would do nothing try who wants me to waste my time craft every item that i want in under 40 minutes don't try all right if i craft soy milk and it does nothing what's in it for me if it gives me any amount of tears at all i'll drink the rest of my uh grape juice i will one gulp that what's in it for me like tainted loss when i feel like i'm too good at the game rebella rebellious thank you so much for the two months if it does nothing i will gift you five subs i'll donate 20 subs all right i'm holding each and every one of you to everything that you say 20 subs there five subs there soy milk red heart red heart red heart red heart red heart bon bon bomb five red hearts and a bomb there's other recipes but import the high yeah that's holding that like what's that [Music] such a hindrance now gets the shot speed down trinket fake shot speed ups never named hundred bits if it does nothing i'll attempt a gungeon dim mod all right two more red hearts and two more bombs hot you need to charge kidney stone not for the tears up look at all the red hearts we got let's do that golden right there maybe that's it you met earlier when you asked if i had to charge this up still you actually get red hearts on these what do you know red heart why don't you blow up the angel statue carrot everybody when i read something in the chat and then i see that it's from carrot i know i don't have to actually answer it not because i hate carrot because i know cara is not actually asking carrots trolling it is known um i'm trying to find the top secret room dirty ringer two months let's go welcome back thank you for choosing hutz gaming for your gaming needs so much for leaving that there backtracking he's just like come on i can't remember to leave it there you kidding me i think i'm just gonna leave we got a red heart in the next floor like i said there's other recipes but i just don't care i got a red heart at the at the end of the boss room to your arcade i saw there was an arcade there it's all the way back you cannot expect me to go all the way back that's insane chad now something hit me what is this oh it feels to be bad [Music] at all i'm not giving up health to try to get a red heart or soy milk you flipping me right now you flipping my flaps i ain't doing it i think we had a single lucky penny this entire time i mean we can tell we got zero luck [Music] week run is too long finish also chat arcade yeah yep i'm not flipping you also you're flapping my flips i'm not sure which one's worse to be honest we gotta go should have gone dead dove this run or this room i hate it oh oh oh surprise troll bomb red robin yum oh look sneaky what about that red heart though i didn't really think that was a tall ask no red hearts exist i pressed the wrong thing the fact that they had to overlap the active items on my card pill area i don't understand i bought an entire keyboard here all right all right bets take your bets everybody what's gonna happen are my stats going to change at all i say no [Music] yummy boy says there's gonna be a fire right up can we pull and yes i think tears up fire rate up with a charged oh oh oh oh you're saying if i charge my kidney stone up first and then i pop it maybe kidney stone needs to be charged first that's what you're saying you need to charge your kidney stone i think maybe i'm following now go up to 35. okay well then what do i do now then i i let go first and then i pop it or i pop it now as i'm charging right when i let go right your mental state's gonna change still might not do anything does not matter yep pop it first then release oops let's charge it up again release and pop it's still going to take me a while to pop it while i'm releasing there we go ready oh i can't i you literally can't hold it you guys are [ __ ] making this [ __ ] up you guys are just making this up you i can't hold it above my head as i'm firing because i i stopped to fire [ __ ] [ __ ] it did nothing you're a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa fire rate it did something it worked dumb hey chat look at the back of my knuckles i told you so you have to pop it then you just charge it chug chug pacer five subs thank you for that all right give butt nuggets oh there's some sediment in that a [ __ ] wine i mean or grape juice only on a hot stream can you hear someone yell it did nothing as they gained 60 fire rate it did nothing when i said it did nothing then it did something so you can try to slander me fake news [Music] i think we were all winners in this scenario oh whoa it's called professional opinion professional right there so that's called yup i'm hearing excuses um i don't think there was any excuses i i drank the grape juice not really an excuse if i did what i said i do look at that look at me just like massive piss spray are you still alive there it is lucky sack i can't wait sweet good stuff you guys thoughts are you straight posture check chad i don't want your dick in my mouth please stop asking thanks for watching people on youtube see the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 58,165
Rating: 4.9439135 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: Xxoilde1Wgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 8sec (5108 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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