Tainted Judas Greedier - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what is up everybody we are back and i'm going to be doing a random greedier of course if we get somebody that we've already defeated greedy or with we'll just uh re-roll judas this actually seems like it could be pretty fun with the sheer amount of enemies we just uh run train through them speed upgrade is gonna be worth it here astr train d infinity um you think an early d6 would be nice nice little nickel drop there doesn't make any sense to go into the curse room of course since we can't have red health i don't believe [Music] i probably think that i want to go for this early d6 and then i can bring it into my devil or angel rooms jackets 24 months hiya what's up welcome back two full years very nice free curse from the dark arts obviously it's once again was testing you guys then you passed you guys are good d20 we could use it for the d20 and and bust it up a little bit i was trying to avoid saying the d20 thing but d20 can still break [Music] eloren subscribe tier 1 15 months hey yo but for everything that we run through including projectiles we get a damage up for it but it goes away very quickly [Music] this is good crowd control i can't hit that pink guy oh my god he's like a freaking ninja [Music] what's up with that still can't kill him [Music] his literal ninja is like oh god that guy's like a ninja guys like me that's stronger three months six total can i get a sheesh is sheesh like back in full swing or what who's who's she-shin who started the sheesh trend [Music] sony australia here one [Music] some guy buying shoes [Music] or you should be dead all right so you guys think d20 then i thought it was pay money wubby friend i've said it my whole life that's what i'm thinking buttery biscuity prime sub what's up the infinity [Music] void not a bad item yeah right the game it deserves it not sure how worth it it is to use dark arts on a single target that's just that's a good spawn gotta love that takes a sixth of my health away because it spawned on me gotta freaking love that still slice through those guys [Music] even though they're invulnerable all right so just miss one of the other ones yeah sure believable okay uh-huh yeah sure oh monstro can you die mr fish did you die how did you turn around you freaking you cheater head you can't go one way and then decide to go the other way all of a sudden on a whim no i'm dead you've doomed me it's totally gonna win too bad you can't get a slice for every one of his body fragments let's take a full art for me too we have to go angel room there's no if ands or butts about it so we skip that guarantee angel next room go in here get little steve could he use the d6 but i'm going to sit here and just hold my d20 charge why i don't know shut up troubled me for a warm glass to shut the hell up what's this space item name d infinity and beyond d20 the pain away i might die before we get the chance to but for one black heart yo feels like i'm walking on sunshine range down not the best three bombs take that i take that i'm gonna bomb this tinted rock go for planetarium but when i bought this mom's key and then i went for that golden chest and then it paid out with an item one bomb honestly might be best saved for an angel uh statue might uh am i waiting on that one um f off key is pretty good insecticide parasitoid sorry not bad all right wish me luck to to not die don't collect the money either free button presses by the way with dark arts did i know that before i did that shut up no an accident okay my biggest fear is that i'm going to sprint towards someone to try to get him with my dark arts and the dark arts goes away right before i get to him oh my god oh wow okay totally touched him was fine and then i ended up ruining it by being a dumb get some more money we can do it streamer doesn't even say thank you to the subs unsubbed inventor three minutes ago 13 months got your d infinity right here i think i maybe turned the volume down a little bit too much on that serif roon three minutes ago with the prime sub as well thank you for that and lpp three four two one prime sub hello how's it going sin how's repentance for ya he's very trying times that was awesome by the way great boss to fight i hope i get another one here the perfect boss repens is a great game i am not being paid to say this did i miss any uh sentient stuff i did not good how are the pills you should probably take sin i seen sin take pills all right that's all of our bosses we have uh a ton of items how is it looking in the shop was there a battery for sale no battery for sale so we have to uh keep going the half off key is something i feel like i should take advantage of even if i don't go over the mom's key it's dumb might be dumb i can't open it when i'm dark arching i gotta go over and then stop and then go like this technically we got one sunny a one senny combination of scent and penny one cent back butt huts you get a key when you get mom's key you get two keys i think battery battery battery battery okay we have to hope that we get lucky the last time that we did this we got unbelievably lucky with money drops aimed man would have been nice had we uh still had more than just that last wave to fight health it's probably something i'm going to want to try to pick up for survivability do you think luck penny is going to be worth it i don't know if the lock penny really matters oh there's a battery right there yeah maybe better to have it re-roll to something else i don't know yera [Music] it's perfect that's gonna give us a huge head start and the nickels here very good we just want more back from the chest than we put in we should have taken mom's key for sure i don't know why uh yeah no i of mine is saying the exact same thing now that i'm here i'm like what i'm in the play but here's the thing that we only had 10 cents at that time and i think that uh it was a long shot it's like they hit this guy with his little spoons but like you had money on the ground all you needed was five more cents yeah but i needed another five cents to buy the battery stop timing me mom that's doing it again they can still come back it's not gone that's azel that's the super laser best three rolled at this point in time we got two cards maybe looked like nothing came out two diamonds i was [ __ ] kidding save it we could use it now use it now give ourselves a head start another one super head start uh this one i might just say for a a blank card that's the goal now get blank card profit you missed a charged key [Music] mom why does this change every time i use it oh cause i'm swapping dark arts maybe in the corner there we go i'm gonna d100 one of these times i feel like a real stupid dumb the bomb trinket would be super hot to get right now looking for nickels and dimes safety scissors would be life-changing ancient recall it's pretty good recall ancient recalls good diamonds that's pretty good diamonds full question mark i don't remember what that does oh question mark [Music] drops all hearts on the floor leaving you half a red heart dropped hearts may become other pickups like bombs i don't know that does anything for me hey quarter that's just that's my money the money that i had took my all my health and all my money [Music] now i can't get the quarter again that was a weird one it's all over all over it's all over it's all over take the health while we can get it maybe a little bit of the help not all of the health i don't want to seem like i'm like you know judge me for my health intake here [Music] that we get healthy disorders [Music] yup yo [ __ ] i think it's working so far i think it's a pretty good time [Music] it's not all over that's kind of like your toast jam all over all over [Music] how much of this pizza do you want me to put hot sauce on all over all over how i answer it in real life [Music] i do a little robot dance when i say it too it's very cute very cute people like huts why are you still single and i'm like i just think i'm too cute all the time all over it's in dine over here anyone knows cpr probably worth it to spike myself on the chests the glory of the realm dude diamonds ace of diamonds i've got to run in with you before mr ace of diamonds he betrayed me last time [Music] just d1 the two of diamonds [Music] he's not he's right he's right you guys god damn it he's right cancel everything hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on that's your bad use the d1 oh yeah [ __ ] yo thank you yeah yes [Music] zip it chat look i'm new to the buff d infinity i'm still learning [Music] i was gonna wait for me to go in there and it was like ace of spades or some [ __ ] [Music] it's all over it's all over it's all over imagine myself as like animatronic five nights at freddies more like thank god it's over oh we've just begun this is the start i said it's not my phone [Music] i'm lost in my mind this rabbits you grabbing me right now yeah it is of course it's kravitz [Music] it's like this is boss get ripped through the boss items and take it for what it's for here i like to buy this [Music] damn d20 break oh my god i didn't think about that we should tell you d20 break would you stop get out of your short fuse does anybody like short fuse [Music] if i was immune to bombs maybe it could be funny [Music] no god no let me just like got rid of it like that there we go give the man some space [Music] d1 is the new blank card can we give me some space out of here nothing to see here folks [Music] i don't even mind the range upgrades that we're going to get you gotta have him get out you gotta help me get it out yeah just one more time get 50 cents and then use my two of diamonds is there an ace of diamonds there was and i should just turn everything in that boss room right now in the money just for the ease of access are you sir that's you sir another room of ace of diamonds is [Music] fur for room clearing i need to grab that trinket thanks tips for getting better at isaac listen to chat do whatever sin tells you to do [Music] oh my god [Music] that's tim [Music] dogma go to dogma [Music] what's that dice oh it's it's the dice you know the dice uh this should not mess bot our unbought things i think everything else can go right here what is this ace of diamonds is there already was an ace of diamonds in there oh good let me get out out [Music] and even a little bit of these refer to the health upgrades that show up again that's fine uh and that's where we deviate i don't want that no thanks [Music] what does ace of diamonds does ace of diamonds work on items no not to my knowledge reroll no we don't want to lose the battery here [Music] i got your dv8 right here ah funny tonight get deeper pockets dude oh let me just go ahead and pull the deeper pockets out of my pocket i can't believe i didn't think of that thank you so much chat oh yeah [ __ ] just be better [Music] [Applause] empress mama [Music] [Music] him you ever been banned just get x y and z for game break zuma alabaster box um there's no soul hearts around [Music] uh with the tera clock we should be able to get double use all through our cards right it's not glowing though it's not like doing the thing no [Music] d1 in the shop [Music] i could d6 in the shop that would be a good play is that what you mean tarot cards are double only tarot not playing cards got it [Music] let's do a little d6 action in here there's no reason i shouldn't right this it's not going to ruin my batteries so bastard box going away kind of sad but do you want the two of diamonds in the shop because it's easier question mark yeah but it will then double the coin it'll double the battery it'll double the red heart it'll fill the room up with [ __ ] and then i'll suffocate is that what you want is that what you want whatever double use i don't think we do want w's honestly because of the d6 plays [Music] he's got it [Music] let's get rid of this empress though we can buy so many more things we definitely don't need the double charge then charged babies underwhelming yeah yep uh-huh [ __ ] girl damn chaos um yes they just have someone step on a keyboard randomly god i hope so speaking of chaos chaos yes there's a literal d6 uh yeah i don't need it though [Music] don't take chaos you breakfast too fast i don't think that well okay so yes technically we'll find uh item pools that are empty and we'll get chaos more but we'll be able to reroll into item pools that are much much stronger faster what i mean so i say it's just worth it breakfast what up that's probably the breakfast and motherboy honestly yeah here it might be worth it for crowd control i'm gonna take this i'm gonna take that we got so much money right now that we could just kind of have fun with it i don't think dunce i don't care go for the flies whatever i think i care that's gonna turn to bob's brain i'm gonna say no to that one 2.0 speed so whatever we'll touch a book oh that's right we're going to take it with us [Music] we'll probably get our health back and going for guppy is probably going to be a good move here that's a weird one what it did my health it even goes to the golden hearts who [Music] i knows know fire rate i was capped already i don't know why i grabbed it good talk [Music] two half soul hearts yeah i don't know rudy plum pretty plumpus [Music] do we want them [Music] what's the pokey flute that's the uh the plum flute dude you summon the plum i want to take the meat but we need more pedestals at this point in time you guys not good not good not good that pretty good that good that good [Music] what do you guys think brimstone or no brimstone did i just rip the whole combination that we had here with uh book of virtues is it not going to work the same anymore yes no yes yes yes of course yes i think it's more fun to mess around with your tears because brim limits you but i see way more yeses in chat brim sucks this in i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it [Music] got the horns on split shot brim if a cache brimack what does it do i don't know fussy damn oh it explodes it does explode does it explode yes it does it explode yeah [ __ ] girl sneeze damage neck handle look pepes montezuma's revenge that's just whatever monsters long fine whatever didn't affect my fire rate baby let's get another d1 off huh [Music] doesn't like d20 with the book of virtues turn everything into wisps now that we have the two of diamonds of course it doesn't really [Music] matter i don't know what that item is looks like a black heart black aorta of sorts empty heart upon entering a new floor you have an empty heart container another one is added this has no effect for characters with non-red health i.e keeper and blue baby does that affect me [Music] arkandallo 14 months yo life in your head bits you can use the d6 which will not re-roll the battery also in furnace the five dollars to tiltify unfollow because you took brim huts tim [Music] bunch of whiners range doesn't matter fire rate does we're capped at fire right though [Music] i'm just gonna not get back to d6 back on the road again [Music] bouncy brim baby go for reno baby are we already guppy maybe we're already guppy [Music] i think it drops stuff in the next floor spawns a wooden chest at the start of all future floors you can pay out with three trinkets one to three solar arts or a random item from the wooden chest pool [Music] ladies [Music] one more for gupster i measured incorrectly there's my pyromaniac which saves us from the explosions of course from the okay let's just see what happens we got a pyro it doesn't matter right fire ah [Music] dope i'm in you guys in i don't know what happened but did anyone see uh brimstone lasers i just don't think we feed brimstone anymore where's my brim montezuma's revenge you're telling me just takes over completely the butt laser takes over [Music] montezuma's coming out of my ass by the way um not face ooh tammy's head what are you gonna do [Music] can i keep it harbingers is fine with bomb immunity not good yep maybe [Music] get my d1 on back to being plus butt laser i probably probably won't touch the butt laser [Music] i don't think it won't do anything [Music] honestly ludo might just like be fine with this shoot on somebody see what happens my lasers are also exploding which is amazing by the way this is awful this is so bad i think ludo might be the answer that was a full charge and that was actually really bad we'll probably crash ludo ruins it butts prove it prove it there's no ludo why didn't you tell me it ruined it no it didn't do anything it actually didn't change it at all nothing nothing happened that's a weird one i've never seen ludo not take over and alter everything we're still charging the same no ludo i thought maybe we get like a brim ludo [Music] but there was a chance of happiness minus 23 freaking damage for 2020 you kidding me right now oh there's some more damage plus 11. i don't even know what that is what's that that's a new item we must have just unlocked that one um that is called inner child gives you an extra life your respawn is a tiny version of isaac with a greatly reduced hitbox tiny isaac [Music] sure let's crown oh boy we're in it now y'all ready for this [Music] dr fetus override most items brim and ludo is just a rip [Music] mom's knife maybe since we're already ripped we're already in the [ __ ] i definitely want money goes power if i can pull it off oh the stress my tiny tender heart serpent's kiss money goes power what's before serpent's kiss too spoopy for me serpent's kiss money goes power [Music] bro oh sacred heart sacred heart sacred heart i was gonna say split shot but split shot as hazel's rage sacred heart [Music] he is a god i don't think qriket's head is going to do much since we already took magic mush i think we took magic mush right yeah we did i can see it bottom left um i'm still going to go for it though evil eye probably better [Music] how about mom's knife like i said we're already ripped or proptosis even oh my god do you see how big our fruity plum is what if we got bff and made him even bigger guppy where do you see guppy [Music] guppy's pog up his paw mom's knife i'm i'm just thinking that uh since our combination is so bad right now mom's i could probably only improve it that's not fruity plum that's fast ass plum huh tutorial four months hey dad what's up what is up don't forget you guys we are raising money for saint jude this month d4 [Music] here's stairway and then mega head and then mom's knife all right let's oh my dad yeah we got our ludo back yo he reclaims it okay i definitely don't want prop ptosis then don't oh it's gonna rerun my battery ah okay there we go this is insane oh my god can we not oh my god i'm not doing anything hang on the stress is killing me um the book and then the jar of everything and then bff [Music] yeah baby plum didn't increase in size all right we'll go for guppy [Music] um brim bum and then luffy blood and then guppy copy does it even matter everything else we go for bot fly could be good scifly oh [ __ ] scifly's in there i can't see [ __ ] dude the tech the tech would be good as well i can't see it punch knockout what is it [Music] knockout sci-fly [Music] tech x r key how is this the art is it 99 cents okay [ __ ] the arcade spin down die r key pickaxe [Music] no attack i'll go for the nail shot [Music] oh god what's that what are you doing [Music] we help probably just leave right now and win you guys oh it rerolled that's what happened okay it decided that one how about this one how about this one let me do this one and this one maybe even this one [Music] little bit of that tiny i don't know why are we just done we done here no we're not done here just press alt f r if you're gonna troll at least you could spell it right use genesis [Music] the hell is genesis when news removes all your passive items and teleports you to isaac's bedroom for every passive item removed you were given a choice of three random pedestal items of any pool it just removed everything [Music] um we got this back what this [Music] i missed my sub i'm sorry rock mops 12 total hey thanks for your help against cancer much love from germany are you going to do your stream from now on with your music or will you do some of the games music i'll do some of the games music for sure xbox master 100 bits creatorial with four i think i read that one xbox master hunter it's always good to see a broken combo [Music] probably monstrance here um oh missing no we still have missing no you guys so yeah this it's cool to see what this was all about but uh i'm gonna say that nothing else matters from here on forward but i guess i'll read what that what's that is not echo chamber it's called the abyss turns him into the red attack flies um assume all pedestal items in the current room been active i thought i was only passives here in the bender the spikes add spikes to devil rooms where you can hurt yourself and potentially get a bunch of good stuff might go for extra trinkets none of us none of this stuff matters you guys my health being gone hurts though it doesn't seem like any of this is giving me the chaos pool either so we just ripped all of our good uh item like like when you re-roll an angel item i'm pretty sure it stays an angel item yeah this is pretty pretty [ __ ] pretty terrible pretty good birthright what does that do is me dark judas right dark judas not yet implemented pretty swell buckaroo these are just the best [ __ ] items i've ever seen oh i'm so excited about all of them i can't contain my excitement i'm sure it matters there blood poppy or quince who's gonna ride if i don't take freaking blood puppy [Music] plant squints [Music] puppy we got more quints here fire mine [ __ ] it let's get our immunity to bombs back um this could be spicy with like a sprinky sprinky dink red stewing can hold on to that damage upgrade i don't really know what else is better i guess a blackheart didn't give us a black card hey angel okay we are going to get angel items once again it's going to be rerolled but i think angel is going to reroll under angel fingers freaking crossed for that i don't necessarily want to rip my fire rate immediately but thinking about it trash items poop friends there bugs bone spurs seems okay but booger carry item there we go maybe we can get some better pools now that i chose that health health or blood clot elf didn't give me a black heart so i guess i'm gonna go with the blood clot there this is good protection tripped it you call my coast this is pretty good this will guarantee better items um we got to still have guppy right you think we still got guppy i don't even know if genesis can take away transformations it doesn't look like we're flying right we're walking so i'm gonna go guppy i'm sorry holy water but look up what that new one does what is it called even decap attack when used this item allows you to throw your head where it sits as a stationary century fighting firing bullets until you walk over and pick it up again tech five probably i'm honestly going to go bouncy tears in that one 20 20's been nerfed all stats extra life for all stats [Music] i'm gonna go for guppy rip my health once again mother frick glitched crown could give me ah about my guppy it didn't even work what are you doing it made me rip my guppy monster's long thank you okay now it's working oh [ __ ] god what happens when we get like good items against good items i gotta go techx on this one [Music] soy milk and there's good items the fact that we can only choose one to go with the magic mush montezuma's revenge no quarter montezuma's rematch and then magic mush pyro i do want the immunity brim just actually brim laser uh or sorry brim tech x is is bangin right go for breakfast it's all going to be rerolled doing the missingno you're epic for trying yeah i mean i don't know exactly what's going to happen so let's just make it up see what's going to happen if it does get rerolled which we all think it will be then so be it my equals powers pretty good but poly famous is just the the here and the now [Applause] sacred heart or guppy which one would you go for sacred heart or guppy pluto guppy sacred heart guppy it's a heart heart heart we already have godhead homing but with glitched crown five items rotate every point two seconds so if you're not going for a specific item it will show up every one second [Music] art i see more votes for let's take a card i didn't even decide to pick a second one there got it sensor pop man friday night [ __ ] mods are getting out of hands it's fun nice [Music] sweet bro dude sick dog nasty crap what's up the breakfast of champions it seems like it's nothing for breakfast here and out oh we got our health back it's been fun all these breakfasts are going to be re-rolled so that's the positive thing [Music] ben is laid out [Music] how many items can we take i thought it was just until like i've taken how many items i had i didn't think i had this many items can't breakfast with missing no many as you had huts yeah i didn't think i had this many because i would have breakfast it then there we go saving the bed huts and re-rolled did we no that's cool i got no charge bars you seeing this i'm just kind of automatically firing these holy shots this is amazing oh [ __ ] why one heart i must have re-rolled i just probably got everything back plus breakfast i don't know the game can't figure it out it's like you had everything in the world so what well this is fun it's been pretty fun guys pretty cool times i'm going uh invulnerable every now and [Music] then you hey how about that keep peace how did we end up here why do you have this thanks mate [Music] anything different it's a little bit different cheerios cheerios run i'm not firing anymore i'm doing that invincibility thing again i don't know what that's about down to one hard again could easily die [Music] right before she lives damn it dr p 31 months that's greg motor curtis honor [ __ ] it's all gonna re-roll dude a missing i read that one already dr pp 31 months that must mean that you had a different name and you changed your name to dr pp is this correct [Music] wanna explain the thinking behind that one [Music] how is lord comcast changed it to dr p very interesting [Music] what if we end up just getting crushed on the on the ultra radio fight [Music] i like ppmd look at how many breakfasts we have am i shooting at all kidney stones if you were wondering kidney stones are magical and again [Music] it's so bright my eyes so many items the game's like i can't reroll that just just go dude pop with the addition of pop when you turn on any app to light mode basically what this looks like i can't see [ __ ] i guess there was a hole in the middle that was that was just a teleporter that took me to the other room vegas let me get some more health please so this is what blind people see there we go we did get more health i asked and they they gave it to us what do we got for this floor here it looks like something a little bit more normal kidney stones is not taking effect only 100 damage and i'm gonna starve why were there five purple portals we don't ask questions around here done all things considered yay gg i'm exhausted i'm exhausted thanks for watching people on youtube see you in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 49,534
Rating: 4.9236155 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: 9ukQbxHH7b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 55sec (3655 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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