Tainted Azazel! - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what is up you guys we are jumping back in painted azazel thyme hornless azazel it doesn't even say anything about it these other guys like no bombs only poop this one's just blank 5.25 damage seems pretty good what happened little piss spray i have to run it by me real quick what oh my do you have the ability to say uh tainted his nasal run you sneeze no flight no flight you're right not sure if the damage seems like it's good or it's oh oh if you don't charge it up all the way you just i got you [Music] what's that vasculitis clogged enemies they just shoot after they die okay do i want to do that is that like higher damage laser does 0.5 damage so i want to sneeze [Music] does it knock away bullets okay let's not do that on that guy so they've basically been just flipping everything on its head and now it's you don't want a full charge as a zazel whereas before you had to full charge as is hazel right now you oh run that by you what you want me to push you as the title just taint it as hazel run that's what you mean get back sucker i can do it too [Music] knocks away this is effing weird that's pretty weird imagine like being in the room with ed and vin coming up with these weird ideas okay i think that for the most part i'm just gonna go ahead and laser them my health is too precious at the moment it doesn't look like it shoots tears away it do damage based on how high i charge it or is it just like an incomplete charge has been completely charged i could just cough like this i pushed him off the wall and then back into me this isn't working out fire rate up is not even a good thing right makes it harder incomplete is incomplete you are beautiful thanks it does a debuff on bosses and stronger enemies done forget don't forget your laser way stronger after sneezing my laser gets stronger after i sneeze [Music] huh sneeze causes targets to take full brim damage oh the debuff okay longer stream huts question mark i'm still going good morning small celly [Music] good morning tom selleck i can wait on that [Music] what you drinking apple juice why you like apples [Music] um i don't think we're gonna go dogma i mean we can go dogma but i don't know if uh skipping adam rooms is really the play here especially with how weak we are you know we can use how to jump to our advantage but azazel but allergic he was allergic to his own horns that's why he cut him off so there's a debuff on him and now he takes full damage i didn't see anything but i trust you guys famous last words can we [ __ ] not i [ __ ] hate these goddamn pieces of [ __ ] flies so much oh my god this deal i found pills i needed my health back dude i just lost half my health i literally lost half of my health [Music] actually lost three-eighths of your health actually autobits from cody cobain just the stash looks weird love your face beautiful man it's not just the stack it's a five o'clock shadow what are you blind if i get your eyes checked that's a serious condition you shouldn't be able to drive [Music] angel we have to go angel got the sneeze on him every time i want to do full damage a little bit of health did it increase the range of my sneeze it looks like maybe it does have a good night everyone hey judy [Music] holy brim plus tiny brim [Music] over here [Music] pretty sure it does hear modifiers effect sneeze yes you paint the enemy battery room how is that not the sacrum i just don't understand what the game has to gain by lying about such things as that why like it is the secret just admit it could be over there to the right guess i'm not finding that adjacent rooms don't properly connect question mark has had seen double brim yet [Music] where is it where's rachel is not respecting social distancing it rerolls the shop i could have just taken the money oni with five gifted subs hell yeah [Music] thank you for that if you heard of the two incomplete bosses have you heard of the two incomplete bosses if you charge if the charge is released before full it will activate e-mop tysus causing a short-range high knockback attack that will paint the enemy faintly red and deal 1.5 times damage enemies will also take damage when knocked into walls or obstacles and deal damage when colliding with other enemies for the more enemies affected by hemo hemoptysis will take full damage from the brimstone beam [Music] i'm gonna go for the fire i'm gonna do it there's only one spot left that the cigarette could be there's my money there's more money bro angel room please let's go i need it small celly with two months through the first rumor i ever sub to been watching your youtube and twitch for quite a while thanks for your videos thanks mo silly i appreciate that making the leap just for me [Music] it's hard to tell if i'm supposed to dodge those tears or not the ones that explode with the whatever sack keep me please remind me to save these two bombs [Music] there's the gifted sub oni ronan zeon the prime sub thank you for that vascular ptosis it makes it so hard to know what you have to dodge right why paint them red white do me like that okay i'm actually liking the knockback and then pushing them into the wall that's pretty good my turns are cool but it seems like some of the items in the pool are kind of bad i think that ice laser probably made up for the next five bad ones but um i don't like either of those [Music] i bet you dead eye is gonna not work just like it didn't work on regular as hazel but we look terrifying is that worth having like over not having i don't even know because flash is kind of bad i suppose if i sneezed on them and they shrunk that could be an easy step all my points are riding on no angel deal what if we get teleported does that count [Music] two for one baby no why wouldn't that count first room i say yes i say no oh you say goodbye but i say hello hello hello i don't know why you say goodbye get the fact okay get the fact get the [ __ ] back in my house get back in here oh i was waiting for the bucket boys to show up does anyone remember pills have i taken any pills did i get a golden bomb ow i don't know why you say goodbye i say hello [Music] knocking them into other enemies is pretty hyped too [Music] surprising amount of soul hearts [Music] [Music] handles are so good save your bombs damn it you guys are supposed to remind me earlier than that i'm gonna hit the shop up let's just fight the boss let's just finish this let's uh well yeah yeah i no let's go if i donate to my machine it won't give me a higher chance for angel okay this is a non-sneezable enemy i think i sneezed him ah okay does he take more damage from fires when i seize him or is it just more damage from the laser it's more damage in the fires too right from everything magic eight ball higher chance for planetariums hey look at that ed took an item that i considered garbage and he added some sort of like positive thing to it now i'm happy to see it that's a really good feeling alden thanks for the prime stuff that's also a good feeling is there a way to turn off chat uh yeah i think also shots fired chat why am i triggered by himself what's up thanos snaps chat i don't feel so good i just won big somebody just lost their entire life [Music] savings you know i like the candle but we could deploy some [ __ ] diplo the next boss might be hard to fight him without the candle if i try to sneeze him and i'm lost we could die like that we might i'm gonna risk it for the biscuit because we're gonna get a double range upgrade and then we're all gonna celebrate [Music] why don't i take damage oh god oh god we're screwed i forgot what this dude flies ah [Music] my my half price lasers are just doing just fine keep the candle go back look at my stupid face [Music] it seems like sometimes when you're charging up a thing it fires in a random direction i've had this happen multiple times now i don't know if it's mild stupidity or what but sin is having the same problem greater great grand stars going to bed i have to work in the morning i know what you're trying to say it's business time it's business it's business time i don't know how i know it's business time my business sucks [Music] oh my god that squeeze that squeeze that sneeze from police that's a good one yo is that a range upgrade actually i was kidding about being excited about it but now i'm like hey maybe what is that speed and size down well i'm taking the candle so there's no reason not to yolo my diplo there goes there goes my hero hey not bad i never remember what color that was anyone pay attention to that sneeze seems larger by comparison placebo effects peel white or both blue blue blue a lockdown was maybe teal white [Music] ready yellow [Music] hey can't you just blow from stupid town none of those right the planetariums show up as extra rooms or they replace secret rooms not their their own room [Music] use the white flame to get the pills can i re-white flame [Music] you son of a [ __ ] tears down [Music] [Music] um i don't know if i get stuck as the lost i don't think that i do but just in case i do i'll pop into the mirror and come back [Music] oh sweet sweet jesus [Music] oh sperm boy [Music] the hell did you say you got this um i think it could be really okay because we have those like sort of off pills that are just give me black hearts or a damage up for lockdown luck down damage up you guys sounds like a plan to me that don't sound so bad sounds pretty good that sounds really freaking freaking good freaky break break back sir i know sneeze food [Music] warning you [Music] yeah probably just take them all right did you know he got nerfed he's bad i think lava guy looks weird likes to be called by his real name red rocket okay so i found pills does not count for a black cart but we did just get a plus two damage upgrade and that on a laser is significant six damage mini laser is still totally fine imagine we had six damage brimstone we'd be like yeah it's that's like early game brim but still pretty good happy to have it nice i just completely eated that rock that he sent at me looking these guys make zero sense but whatever ripping them out of their hole llama lover what's up fainted as aids of those of you who are just joining uh we have whenever we don't fully charge we sneeze whenever we sneeze we push back enemies and we paint them with uh they turn red and then they take full brimstone damage otherwise my my brim charge is a half damage laser only way to make it full like i said is to sneeze on them first paint them red and then zap them i think there's actually like blood that comes off them as as they're getting the full brim experience why do i have a badge because you you're gambling yo more damage i like the idea of getting keys from flatworm but the only reason i want keys is to open up chests and to get items and the items are supposed to give me damage so it's got the middleman out i guess it's not like we won't get more key drops i get a room that's just absolutely chock full of pennies maybe i should go back for the trinket i don't think we're going dogma so i think it's another chest run we have to do everything so guys are too too dangerous to get next to those guys are you doing mother [Music] i i'm still thinking chest i don't think it's that strong of a run we're very close range we'll see how our angel rooms treat us though you guys think it's a really good idea or really bad idea for me to go get the the knife piece every time even if we don't go mother seems like it does a decent amount of damage good idea i mean it's really risky playing the lost but i feel at home playing the lost he kind of did that to himself whoa help me to get the angel room by the way health upgrade is fine let's drink in our boss room if we wanted to do dogma wish me luck i should have waited on luck immaculate conception is not the worst thing i've ever seen can i paint them more red that's pretty strong tears down i think it is worth the damage surprisingly i think it is all the tears downs will be worth because i i can just do a half charge as like a a sneeze it doesn't take me that much longer to charge the laser up do you need tears uh it's charge speed it's kind of important yeah i say how long does it take to uh receive one points i just won 700 points uh they should be now right 245 society of reapers we're doggy hots who is your favorite tainted nun and non-tainted character now i think i need to get like a tattoo for the next like three weeks of who my favorite tainted character is tainted lost because i have balls damn it they're there screw you non tainted character the lost because of the balls ed was right ed was right [Music] big rob four months what's up [Music] what about non-tainted you i just said it it's worth it you just you can have it you can have it you can have it you can't have this one no ah [Music] oh hey does that make this wider nope can make that wider maybe [Music] good i [ __ ] with that i feel like i should get angel chance for donating to the blood machine i'm donating blood right if i donate 10 times it should like sway me an angel favor [Music] why are you like this that is a tanky enemy our laser is doing it did you know you sneeze if you don't fully charge it let's get into the angel room i will delete the binding of isaac okay we're upping the ante did we do that giveaway that slap last time was like i'm gonna do a giveaway my treat i don't remember what happened that i'm sorry i'm about to pay attention [Music] i have no idea self two months what's up i just dumped 2 000 points on no angel room this is like the new freaking uh what do you call it gme stocks i dumped 20k on yes we got going on here with this bedding 103 000 points on no yes you have a lot to gain oh they hit me with the double there [Music] i put 40k i know what if i get a devil room at the item room at the shop i think didn't get the shop that worm is not an angel room i unders thank you what would we do without you how do i live without you because i want that's got to be a black card it does not affect me either look at that that's that's free money that's free real estate question mark rail taste the butane had the same idea [Music] let's get it [Music] all right speed down this is the way this is the way i think anybody now still feel like the false phd was a bad idea what was that blast radius i don't care whatever uh spiders oh i didn't see that guy it's all up in my business uh that's gotta be fire right we are heading down to the chest i think that's my current plan mazo super cool but what if we don't open it with spawn it's a squat 142 000 channel points given to 47 people wow stonks bye huts bye okay see you later tom dead bird foot underrated imo got my speed back speed is such a good thing to give away because there's more than enough speed upgrades that i get in the game that i don't even need look at that i squeezed him right through the hole squeezing through my hole have a good time well you know we will [Music] this game's been an obsession we got ice lasers you guys that that's gonna set me up for a month month of bad runs i'll still be loving the game [Music] come on i don't even have to like sneeze on them anymore things are just too much damage tinted skull i'm not doing dogma i ain't doing it stupid conga line no just blasting them point blank with the fire fire meat face have we seen everything that we need to see i don't think so i'm lurking as usual now i can have your video up since i've been playing repentance no risk of spoils problematic yes hello can i help you hello you reached the help desk [Music] rocked tinted skull and shooty room what if i don't want it i don't want it you have most tainted characters unlocked by this point in time i think it sways in that direction yeah look at that shot and it's my head and we're back hey listen navi more like jimmy wouldn't that be funny if there was a tim mod and navi was changed to have a like a tiny little tim face [Music] going chest you guys i think that's where i want to go because i've got the golden ticket there's eternal heart that i don't think i want oh did it tell me the secret i didn't even listen yeah i had one job and it was to yo listen and i didn't it seems like we're probably gonna be painting doors spread so i'm not shooting the same door there's probably not a good reason to sneeze on it [Applause] [Music] interim's been screwing me over open all these blue fires it'll be fun there's some more for you oh you got me [Music] pushed him into the how'd you get me there whatever tinted skull huts [Music] [ __ ] off gotta read mate do you remember when i read that out loud said it's called tinted skull tinted skull and then i said no i don't want it look at nut chat dogmods lockdown is heavenly health down down i get health down yolo okay imagine this though you keep getting help down pills they turn health up health found health up health down health up health down health up right i mean paul's phd is supposed to make every single health up a health down i'm just assuming i guess that the health down would still be a health up that's a black card for free [Music] [ __ ] stonks dude he's the greatest around chew spring allergies got me like i say still for two months i think i did yeah hell thought becomes i found pills does it really think the draw cuts in your spawn room wait spawn room there can't be a tinted rocky piece of [ __ ] out that plus balls of steel becomes a neutral pill got him keck i mean you had that one person who's like all like super [ __ ] serious in chat and like why don't you ever listen to me because there's moments like this as a facts like you that thinks i'm a fox by that means i'm beautiful you're beautiful it's true must be in angel with a smile on her face and she thought up that i should be with you james blunt anyone get your blunt off back in the day [Music] beautiful that i mean that honestly i'm like actually really proud of that impression say what you will yes remember how that was like catchy the first time you heard it then like the third time you heard it like i can i mean not voice of an angel is that a request what's that stupid song with the guy like cheating on his girlfriend or something like that and like i just can't say no because you have the lips of an angel i'm like that there's no one let's have an angel you guys know that's one [ __ ] terrible song that is i like that song shut up lips of an angel by hinder yeah there you go bad [ __ ] song see it's cool because he's cheating you're not supposed to do that hinder these nuts what do you say about the religious conflict between palestine and israel experts have generally agreed a two-state solution will focus on human rights would be optimal do you agree with the sentiment if not what do you believe to be the most effective option i think that i had too much sausage for dinner and now my tum-tum hurts doesn't understand the beauty of lips of an angel stop cheating on your girlfriends get over your ex it's pathetic somebody out there is like thank you okay okay moving on where are we in right now udero won he didn't hit me though you you straight up did not touch me i was there i would know that was a good one [Applause] [ __ ] can i redo [Music] lips have an angel we roll that oh that's uh that's the five room my bad i was thinking that was a forum it's a five room oh oh oh oh five head you [ __ ] kick me chat shove your kecks up your keck hole oh i am shooting away tears now sort of crawl space remember i tested that and i'm like yup definitely don't do that oh i'll [ __ ] with did i that with that though i'm not sure that i would [Music] it doesn't seem like they take enough doesn't seem like they take enough damage when i push him against the wall point four four tears okay it's starting to actually get to like a really bad point luck down though yes but blood puppy more like bad puppy blood puppy can suck a knot dude it's not worth it mukamaka hey prime sub what's up we now have nine damage brim unless i sneeze let me have full 18 damage how am i gonna like i mean i guess i could find windows to sneeze on let's say isaac and blue baby but imagine fighting mother how the hell are you gonna sneeze on mom other how you gonna make that work huh but the lips have a name such a bad song [Music] love you know i like that song that doesn't know good items define good items that kill you that do a hell of a lot less damage than you are already doing and then end up trying to find a way to destroy your life okay if that's your definition then i agree pretty good that's anything pulse me that's a good shot could have gotten a little closer with that i guess oh good oh good you know what song i like more than lips of an angel yeah beautiful it's true it must be an angel with the lips of an angel i found pills was what was that bomb golden troll bomb [Music] health down why don't we use this the lovers [Music] i paid for the health down didn't it didn't it chat now i wish i would have saved my health for a little bit longer but oh well must be in you're so funny i could have waited a little bit longer than that oh well and you know what i'm not doing anything with my money my phd is so good feels so good to be so bad that's why i sing songs about cheating on my girlfriend and i glorified cheating that's cool all my homies love cheating they're a tomah i'll make short work of that look at that we made short work at that range is fine thoughts is a cheater confirmed i cheat in this game all the time that's why i get good runs gotta do what i gotta do right the business excuse you isn't cheating funny if it's called teratoma where are all the toes see him i kind of wanted to grab that by the demon beggar but that's fine you can have it now let him have it spongebob you can have it god give me the lockdown pills that's luck but the opposite of somebody likes cherries six total i subbed like five days ago i'm only sharing it now watching a vod in a stream at the same time absolutely love the content huts thank you sonny my cat just drooled on my entire desk you karen firemind laser very interesting um your item no longer charges up but you can find a lot more batteries that sounds incredibly horrible with our combination i'm honestly looking for red health i want to play that demon beggar please it could be a health up hill in there but i get it don't have enough bombs to do some fancy bomb work and that's it not do we have true free will or are our decisions and actions just the shadows formed by the ever dancing strings of fate i think fate's [ __ ] i think we have zero control over anything and i think that if you believe that the alignment of the stars can somehow in any way affect your life i think you completely misunderstand how the universe works and i think if the alignment of stars could predict the future i think that the [ __ ] government would be controlling all of that and we'd be doing a lot better as a species my thoughts on the matter what people want people need to feel control and i don't see a difference from my perspective from religion and believing that star you know in star magic but as long as it doesn't affect me or hurt me in any way you believe in your horoscopes don't care horoscopes are a lot less damaging than religion that's for damn sure what the drink how did i get that diagonal laser before how did i do that what cheat code was that oops tilted got tilted right in chat feed down yeah speed down three dollar bill yeah probably yeah yeah yeah what did the eggs say to the boiling water i don't think i can get hard i just got laid this morning that's a joke we can't take back [Music] this is a glorious room glory glory hallelujah bumble i should be letting you get the money you're right solve some problems doesn't it i'll just probably use that on isaac i think blue baby fights is on honestly easier mega satan oh we do have to keep yeah you're right because i still kind of want to use it on isaac though getting down there with my health intact kind of the first step isn't it burma king three months hey about spending since i was able to catch a stream but i've been binge watching your content recently and so i thought i'd stop by hope the luck is strong for this run and the next thank you burma king appreciate it chaos card can't kill delirium oh she meant i should let bumble get the money i just keep taking the money oh god i i can't i really actually think that the whatever sack thing that we got the the first time in our first item room is garbage i actively hate it that creates the explosion of red tears elmo can you just get that i still think that bumble should be able to get that and then get like a he should turn into super bumbo it's kind of like um uh junkin go turning into golden junkin that's what should happen bumble should grab that he should roll up turn into super bumble he gains flight he's got a little cape [Music] hansbo shimada eight months i've been loving all the repentance content and love the late night stream hell yeah welcome back imagine bumbo with a cape would that not be the coolest cutest thing in the world you know what song i would sing to him you're beautiful you accept coin eats coin again bombo you have an issue you're like a dog only other creature i've ever seen throw up and then eat their throw up and then [ __ ] and then eat that [ __ ] dogs though majestic sorry bumble i'm addicted i can't stop grabbing them ah albino turns into bombino yeah they already had the sprite yes card work on gideon um i don't know if that's the thing no one's been spamming in my chat so probably not the damage could damage the damage to damage oh that was just unlucky i was just standing where she started our last angel room we did get it it's supposed to be angel and devil as you can see because of our uh duality i like how duality's like [Music] he had one job uh what is that it's not birthright it is act of contrition plus one eternal heart tears up allows angel rooms even if a devil deal has been taken before tears up is fine here's up is good i just think this tears up for this food on amen taste the butane thank you thank you thank you cheers to that and erigo san diem prime sub as well [ __ ] it it says to taste the butane appreciate you you guys we're back up over the 4 800 sub points we have 4 642 subs but we have more points than that because tier 3 subs are actually worth i think six points and tier two subs are worth two points um so we're looking good in the sub point situation if we can get over five thousand sub points then we can get another emote and imo more the merrier more the merrier uh we don't actually lose our eternal heart if we pay the machine but it could be a good play could be a bad play we're actually like not doing well with health so i might go a little bit hard here on this lunatic wannabe for 29 months cotton carly five hi-hats how are you i'm feeling good we weren't able to commission dom yet for the emotes we need right now were we able to yes i contacted dom and tom dom is available so we need the uh the ideas mustache is definitely priority [Music] yeah it's on so if we want the emotes i mean i 5k or busts at this point in time this reminds me that we still have yet to play legend of bumble the final bumbo bumble the loss but to unlock the bum with the loss remember we did a perfect run so i'm pretty sure the bump of the lost is like no hit remember to feed bumbo yeah bumble's gonna do just fine [Music] i don't need bumbo honestly he doesn't need to grow up maybe he wants to stay as a child maybe better for him i wouldn't wish on him to grow up [Music] ah [ __ ] he's grown up he's a teenager he's gonna start hating life look at him he's all angry and [ __ ] [Music] no new ball emote new no ball emote oh new no ball i read that the wrong way um what would it look like how would i get that not flagged and how would that not be inherently sexual [Music] that's unluck cuts break cuts pog hut's pog is a yes it's mustache is a yes two balls of the red cross through them yeah if twitch figured out what it meant they would ban it for sure i've seen emotes of just a ball sack i've seen butts i've seen ball sacks i've seen boobs i've seen a bunch of stuff and i i try to get the greed butt asexual there was no gender on greed tried to get the greed butt multiple times and i even talked to somebody personally i twitched like oops that was a mistake just resubmit it and i'll i will myself allow it i resubmitted it denied it it's kind of like when i went to the bank and the guy was like you need to take out a line of credit that's a really good idea for you to build your credit as a young student and i was like oh [ __ ] really is that a thing he's like yeah and it's not a thing you don't [ __ ] do that he wanted to get his references filled so i was like okay he's like yo sign up this form and fill this out so that you can get your line of credit and you can get like 20 grand if you want to and i was like okay cool and so i filled up the form i sent it back in to the [ __ ] bank and they denied it they said no but the guy didn't give a [ __ ] because he got his references filled and that's how you make money as a freaking bank associate whatever person he doesn't get his bonuses taken away if the bank ends up denying it i was like [ __ ] 18 [ __ ] the piece of [ __ ] taking advantage of me trying to convince me to get a line of credit wells fargo needs to die also like i feel like amazon needs to go away i think that any uh any grocery store needs to stop carrying their own products like kirkland and costco because like for example uh i think it was blinds how there was a company that sold blinds and it was really really popular they sold them through amazon amazon's like wow i can look at all this information about how well these are selling i'm gonna copy this exactly make it an amazon's brand and then stop selling the other guy and completely destroy their business distribution centers should not be able to make their own products they are shutting down small town america and no one gives a [ __ ] meanwhile the the people that are for small businesses just have no no [ __ ] clue what they're fighting for ah anyways back to the game that was fun eat the rich i don't understand the pushback when people say eat the rich there's like nine people that have 50 or probably 90 i don't even know what the number is but there's like 10 people in the us that have over a billion dollars they're the rich they don't pay enough in taxes not nearly enough they had to do [ __ ] up [ __ ] to get a billion dollars that shouldn't even be possible 50 of americans are well below the freaking uh well i don't know it's like 50 of people have under 40 000 a year that make that much that's insane right now that isn't that's not that's not america that's not [ __ ] that's that's large companies and rich people are pressing us and we're calling it freedom ah anyways back to the game god just [ __ ] pisses me off when people think that they're like yeah america free and then they just like getting a dick shoved so far up their ass based [ __ ] it [ __ ] you no off king anyways back to the game mark stash yes yeah let's not have billionaires means communist [ __ ] russia baby you know what let's just send everybody to a [ __ ] google camp microchip them all that's what i need yep you got it [ __ ] right nailed it thank you thank you for taking the worst extreme of a viewpoint and then just blindly being like no communism how is that dick shoved up your ass hope you love it because it ain't going anywhere with that attitude ding ding ding we got a winner here bad take you don't want to go goo log fine then it's super goo log [ __ ] it tears down holy water emote first in the back like dear lord please change the subjects i don't care i'm 18. i don't care if the world burns hey that's pretty good it's not better than my freaking chaos card you're [ __ ] anywhere but america is far your best choice wrong i don't believe that actually um uh especially the last four years eye opening america is not the best not even [ __ ] close dude i mean i mean just look at every single chart that's ever come out about anything ever america's like 50th for like all this [ __ ] we're not even close but it's not about actual science and real things is about what you feel in your gut statistically speaking you make under 40 000 a year and that is not enough i wish that you made more this is not freedom freedom isn't free it costs folks like you and me new zealand gang i think new zealand is [ __ ] up anyways it's got its own [ __ ] let's not get into new zealand please [Music] the whole world can be better life is good but it could be better uh i'm actually i am actually thinking about just chaos guarding this i still got hit i still take damage before anybody tries to [ __ ] go off i i think that um i think that life could be better for everybody including you watching no matter where you live and i'd like to see life better for you i'd like to see life a little bit more fair for you that's literally all i'm saying and i and if i honestly i don't think anybody could disagree with just that statement that like blanket life isn't always fair it could be more fair how about that how would we end this [ __ ] discussion right there try and argue that with me oop you can't okay moving on how dare you want life to be better for [Music] me don't get me in my fields at 9am i don't think we have spun but more speed means more speed down pills we can take how dare you be so selfless huts just got here what did i miss we're all gonna go die in a camp somewhere i have deemed itself but i'm your chaos card i used it this is actually pretty good cracked the sky or not better than our candle it might be better on like in between rooms they just pop in immediately see soldier's really good it seems like the light beams have been maybe nerfed [Music] i i just i just can't wait for the comment section about like people that are like you just don't understand how the world works because that's what's going to happen [Music] the fact that people uh defend billionaires is just like look tim you're not gonna be a [ __ ] billionaire it's not gonna happen to any of us and you know what even if you got close those billionaires would ensure that you got [Music] it's [ __ ] [ __ ] works to be a billionaire can't wait can't wait for the comments new york gang rip half my we need to stop fighting amongst ourselves if we all just [ __ ] agreed on one thing like take down the billionaires we could [ __ ] do it class warfare man we're fighting over [ __ ] things like equality why are we fighting over equality how is that even in question anymore please ass backwards bro pretty cringe bro can't wait to use this pool card on accident and mega satan that's gonna be fun freedom isn't free also huge shout out to team america great movie because folks like you and me i'll put in our buck 05 who will that's like the first time i've sneezed in like seven floors leave money for bumbo why so bumblebee can become a billionaire all i want to do is to go into bumbo and his poor family and rip everything they have and start giving it to homeless people so they can sell it for drugs that's all my interests in that's all i care about that microchipping god those luck down pills more i wonder if you get less luck down pills the worst your luck is i don't know how it works but you think that you'd get more our damage is still not impressive i think that chest was the right move here we would have really gotten stomped in the mother fight oh it's thoughts on tainted forgotten yes favorite all the balls ball me bro [Music] there's such a thing as beating a dead horse single-handed turn into glue i'm not sure i clearly understood that was that a threat [Music] oops [Music] it's the apple juice huts that's the only reason i'm saying these weird communist crazy ideas because i've had uh half of a cocktail make sense to me yup i'm blitzed out of my mind have you gotten any chests that spawn because you're luck stat is it like more chests with less luck or less chest with less luck nice health more chests with more luck think of luck like coolness and gungeon more luck more drops i honestly thought that it was maybe backwards but right i'm doing a let's get out of here felix with a hundred dollars thank you for that buy some food look at me i'm gonna go put a freaking hat on where are my hats there we go oh god i look like i'm gonna [ __ ] it looks like my first day at disney world doesn't it it's like my first goddamn day at disney world i'm just missing the farmers tan and the kids and a bag full of sandwiches [Applause] it's like you're going to your first day of fifth grade honestly who the [ __ ] has a mustache in fifth grade you guys are crazy you look like a big baby if i if any baby came out looking like this we would like be like if anyone showed up in fifth grade with this my god give my left testicle to have this in fifth grade your insults make zero sense you're trying and failing art only your left well my righty's my good one that looks like super mario brothers better how old are people that go to fifth grade where you live for hemorrhaging health let's try to get more items yeah okay nevermind a chew pikachu ha ha health down's probably not worth it at this point which left testicle oh you're from chernobyl you look like dinklecock it looks like sugma you look like bofa like a middle-aged dad that just went back to college oddly specific off topic but the sneeze can reflect projectiles if you're feeling like being spicy yes the mallow you guys you gotta just remind me not to talk about uh anything that could even be remotely close to politics on like especially a video like a tainted character that's gonna get so many views because it's just gonna be a [ __ ] show in the comment section holy [ __ ] i can't get across the fact that i think that the billionaires in this country have [ __ ] over americans because it's just it's on an undeniable fact without having people somehow argue four billion i just it's gonna be [ __ ] in the comments hi youtube hello how are you doing today please don't make comment section [ __ ] i care about you i don't care what you believe in or where you live i think that people should live a good life period that's what i want the leaving your angry comment on this video makes zero sense because there's nothing to be angry about people potentially living good lives you angry about that no it's a health uphill now why's that why was that uh what did i get like virgo or something three dollar bill what's happening right now you care aw not about you though everyone else sorry cell weaver got here see now i got to be the bad guy so that i can unite everybody be like oh don't be mean to sil weaver now we're on the same page because you all hate me perfect solved it that was a tight squeeze oil look ahead we ain't looking that good i gotta say that we love you though you're supposed to be uniting against me you were the chosen one got those easy sneezes uh chew brian what's up sound effects in the game are so moist yeah they are they've actually gotten upgraded the laser sounds are moister also i sneeze and that's definitely just moist by definition imagine sneezing on mega satan you think he would like it i think part of it would be like respected oh [ __ ] where do i go oh man that was tough use the candle to make uh pockets of dodge oh [ __ ] dude that's oh wow where do i go back it up a little bit i think get up close to this one he's done it that's it right there x10 coved damn [Music] little blackheart i don't want to do delirium [Music] left here is my old fashion let's go send it baby x-ray thanks to the 14 more months to come of great content and awesome vids discovered a bunch of awesome games just by your channel alone thank you x-ray apple juice no balls let's do it [ __ ] mayday oh my god how did i get hit by what too you unlocked hell game wait what i missed it what did it say kitsutsuki thank you so much the prime sub [Music] new type of shell beggar excuse me you mean hell beggar demon three skull monty does he take health [Music] i mean don't spoil it for me get him bumbo almost all madden [ __ ] because i made him grow up he's got to pay taxes [Music] thingy bone increased chance of uh boneheart drops i think oh god if this is delirium i i think we just don't even go into a boss room until we can find like a teleport card that was nice dude this one was [ __ ] oh there we go homing yes yes yes thank you three dollar bill only needs to pay taxes until he's rich enough to not damn orion no more politics [Music] can't get me to talk about politics when i'm drinking apple juice we already went there everyone got upset [Music] tinted rock i see that you're right though [Music] here's ups got my health back i should have stayed half hard oh well that one's for you bumbo the best part about bumbo i think are his little like floppy feet must be some straight pretty strong apple juice can we talk about milf and boobs now dad people can steal through tax is it not off okay i can't i can't read it i can't read it [Music] i'm not going there but what i will say hey what i will say is that if like ryan said if you have enough money like the people that have billions of dollars i guarantee they do not pay their fair share whether it's offshore accounts or it's uh i don't remember the name for it but like umbrella companies are all this [ __ ] or like how they they they give money over here and then push it over here and then they avoid stop stop stop stop stop stop somebody stop me 50 bucks from felix if you win this run i will donate another 50. oh her rules 50 right now oh this is gonna look great you guys where's my mirrored ones officer charizard reporting for duty i look like i'm an officer who just took his son like to like right like i'm a police officer it was like undercover at disney world [Music] i look like i should be like uh what's the movie i'm trying to think of all those like old movies so many mustaches 80s and 90s movies there's one specific that was to tip my tongue and then it went away i lost it are they still spawning [Music] super troopers yeah no that's that's pretty accurate tom selleck you know hey if anybody compares me to tom selleck that is a instant victory that is a win tom selleck is the mustache i thought i could maybe pull off a mustache if people are throwing tom selleck out there then it's gg desire 20 months hard hard heart thank you zaire [Music] who's tom selleck i'm selling the mustache look him up you'd be like oh yeah that's a really old guy that my mom has a huge boner for i can say that objectively your mom has a huge boner for tom seller ask her [Music] you should look for a teleport card and farm the boss rooms that's exactly what i'm doing right now oh this is good news nick cage and conair um i'll take it emperor i don't know if that would take me to [Music] the delirium i don't think it does technically but we'll count it i'm gonna send it you look like that guy from insert 90s police movie here you need a free mustache rides trucker hat send it to me i used to tell you to farm for tp cards and you used to give me [ __ ] for it to squat yeah this is kind of the weenie a junior method i don't want to fight this guy again it wasn't the easiest fight bumble though he's doing a good job combo does a good job with isaac and blue baby especially blue baby since we'll be rarely teleports yeah that was good eden's blessing hey um we get that charged up two free angel rooms are angel items rather this guy right here yeah he has a coin weird floppy guy that's supposed to be getting the money he's so floppy this is walk animation the best part oh it hit me our health is actual [ __ ] so we need to stop taking damage for reals i was looking for a shiny charizard cap i can't find anything that'd be like an easy thing to make because you can get like sparkly like you can find shiny hats that have that like gloss to them and that like when you look at it like the colors change in the light that's what i'm thinking nick cage honestly not an easy fight once again excuse me how did i take damage excuse me d12 is creep i can't see anything with these glasses on you guys [ __ ] we should have 12 rooms here to charge our eden's blessing be in seoul sorry i think we can just confirm that eden uh unlocks are just good [Music] shiny like d.i.f color charizard i don't know what you call it i'm not saying you need to make it by the way that's not what i'm because you just make it for me yes how did the brim laser miss stop dying for the love of heat you look like tom selleck thank you i like how no one questioned it either i was like your mom was a boner for tom selleck everyone's like yes at this point in time i honestly should just be taking red health because of the not guaranteed drops from dark bum well rug [Music] am i not using the sneeze mechanic enough is this lame it's unnecessary but sure [Music] you look like a hots oh my god how dare you two of spades uh where do you pop this it's not like we have re-rolls available or anything it's a top secret pop it in there just for funsies hey that's nice shield is great but the other one what does the other one do with brimstone laser what does cursed eye do with brimstone laser it it will teleport me if i take damage while i'm charging it right [Music] it will teleport you it does nothing well does it do nothing or does it teleport me excuse me probs you don't know [Music] both it does nothing only teleport i guess i can see if that's worth spiking myself that's going to remove the spikes anyways cack teleports raw rim cat it teleports you to the exact spot you were instantly just gonna do it again it's a time machine that goes forward at normal speed 2 a.m for me up double curse rooms that's pretty [ __ ] half our intervals pretty good though this could be delirium [Music] whoa he ran into the fire [Music] man if i if i get spin down dice after a boss fight i will [ __ ] on the floor last rags turns into what godhead spin down dice i should have left it i don't know why i took it i could still get the spin down dice godhead yeah my card's not that bad actually here comes the sun i preach this [Music] here comes the lamb i said okay when you don't have a ridiculously overpowered run it actually is kind of like a big deal that you have to fight all of the main bosses again this is what trying feels like i hate it good one [Music] shall sneeze in your direction what people without hurts luck feel like it was awful shielded laser though very very happy to have it what does the sneeze damage depend does the sneeze damage depend on charge time no i don't think it does sun card would heal you i could have kept it you're right [Music] sucker why do i stand right where i know the eyeballs are spawning why am i like this onion ring not my least favorite item it's not gonna matter on delirium i don't think these damaged like base 1.5 times i don't know something like that and then if i sneeze on them then my brim laser will do full brim damage instead of half which it normally does so delirium is what bottom left [Music] that's so delirium that's a raven [Music] really fun if we didn't lizelle i should have just fought delirium i haven't gained any powers unlucky damage i should have just fought delirium fame could be good [Music] fame nice i mean maybe i don't think i'm gonna try to sneeze on him it's too dangerous because of how many uh projectiles delirium shoots out i'm just gonna stay back and use my shielded laser and my fires which are shielded as well i mean shielded is in they remove projectiles [Music] normally instead of the onion ring i would have rather had uh circular protection send it send that got him with it [Music] hello uh sneeze on him ah i can't even get in there since i'm that you get him no i don't think i did got him let me get my reflection laser yeah right 50 of the way got sneezed we don't want that lamb body to get out of control [Music] bumble's like i got it standing on corpse bumbo would you [ __ ] move and bumbo stuck [Music] bumble everybody oh oh man oh man [Music] hey these are going to be some good unlocks chests mega satan and delirium with the first hit oh come on frozen horse get real [Music] yikes what is this damage man [Music] does the lyrium not shoot out explosive shots anymore that's a victory oh i didn't even know what was that bumbo that was so bumbo that's so raven i don't even know what that was i jinxed it we're dying [Applause] okay that was fair yep bumble gets stuck and then just starts eating bombs at me not just worthless worse than worthless [Music] like the worst reliant k song you've ever heard him opt to miss the optimus prime that's the sneeze right sweet okay we give that as other characters i can't wait to not use it thank you guys on youtube for watching this absolute grind oh we did it
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 214,478
Rating: 4.8963056 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: QMc_vhyFXTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 43sec (6463 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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