Tainted Keeper! - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what is up you guys here on uh twitch about to jump and do a painted keeper run a better shop and greet is good i don't know what that means i have no idea what to expect we're just gonna go and do i don't know where i'm going we'll decide that depending on how well this goes jelly blue with 180 bits appreciate that and spork lord with 20 gifted subs laying it on really thick kaijo mu with 19 months tainted keeper is my favorite new character i'm excited sandeeman six total and mr little dave with 100 bits thank you thank you thank you so uh i was just talking to uh twitch chat those of you on youtube right now about uh i had a contractor just over we're late to stream because the contractor was over oh wait quad shot wide shot money goes away okay so it's kind of like uh maggie with hell finn oh [ __ ] oh god nickel no this is great though uh it's gonna be tough in boss fights obviously but what else we got going on london day with the prime sub thank you london tech we kind of have to like maybe plan out how we're gonna kill them and get to the money right kind of separate them from the pack [Music] or they pay attention to champions the champions drop even more that's not going to go away sweet some of them go away some of them don't binary bob hope 10 more gifted subs natural disaster pieces with a sexy tier 2 sub in there thank you for that 5 000 subs you guys is the dream right now it's the dream and i feel like if it's not going to happen now i think i walked over creep i just didn't see it it's a small little patch [Music] let me get health down pills still anyways had a guy come over to to give me an estimate for the deck and he he quoted me for 50 000 on the start like the idea of he's like i'll charge you 500 bucks to design the damn thing 50 grand total for the whole deck uh and talking about like all like the i was like i want to do this i want to do that i want to do this i'm going to do that and i did okay so we have to buy our items now but we look phenomenal oh my goodness you guys are amazing andrew monkey man thank you so much for the gifted sub cyborg victor with 20 gifted subs in furnace with ten on top of that llama lover with a hundred bits and four with a hundred bits uh love your huts is llama lover says uh are you doing angel or devil rooms it'll pop up and you'll be able to read the name you'd be like oh yeah that's pretty accurate um i don't know do i have to pay for all of them i don't know little dave i think i have to pay for devil deal so we'll see if i have money then i'll go in if i don't have money we'll go angel you're the best and the entire reason i love roguelikes hell yeah oh my god you guys are still going black dragon with 100 bits ah dragon burbs thank you so much for five gifted subs and pointing at the wrong camera in furnace with ten more on top of that tech esh with the gifted sub two of them actually i think maybe that says it twice not the mp with another gifted sub you guys okay let's get that freaking deck baby i'mma get some deck doesn't touch my deck do not know how big the deck is but that seems a lot for a moderately sized deck you should probably try for another quote i am i'm gonna get some more quotes this guy was basically talking up his whole spiel with like how um it's like they they have uh like they're not just like a decora like a carpet carpentry company they do landscaping as well i need to be more mindful hey can we farm money no maybe kind of seems like we can maybe a little bit like maybe like every other drops maybe that's like like the the chance for drops are like less and less per kill in a room but yeah no 50 grand for a deck and honestly i would really like to work with this company because like i said they do more than just decks and i i want to get like a retaining wall in there i want to um just i have so so so so so much work to do the whole entire yard is falling apart completely we may be capped not spawning anything more the money i mean okay let's just finish him off aim's like you got a dime dude you got a damn plus that in that don't even know what you're worth and i i'm spinning it all already and this these are great upgrades but um thank god i farmed the money how would i be able to pay for anything if i didn't speaking of farming for money thanks to 300 bits here nerd has puns what is up what is uh thank you so much for the fog good that subs 95 bits from king lemon appreciate you guys um he he walked it through the yard and he was he was like in shock basically he's like holy crap your yard he was so taken aback by how awesome and i think some of you guys i think i might have deleted it because it was a my ex was in there but some of you guys know i didn't know where to go there [Music] you know my deck and uh how cool it is or how my yard is i guess not not the deck i did a vlog at some point in time on it but yeah he was just like holy crap wow oh my god he's like i really want this job um my wife like she's gonna want this job too and he was like trying to like get all like in with me and he was like oh yeah like uh so what do you do basically i was like what do you do for a living like how how do you have this house and like money for this this project and i was like youtube and he was like you want to like do you do any freelance work because i'm thinking about getting into youtube too and i was like no i i don't no thanks i'm all set with my own stuff uh and then he was like yeah like i really like man like i would just sit back here all day if i were you and like crack some cold ones and smoke some joints i mean i don't smoke weed anymore but if i did i would totally do that in your yard catherine's choking me out it's a squat well who's raising that kid got him ender duel is tier one sub mrs salzig with the prime sub and bit spam how am i doing today just got a quote on my deck that's basically what we're talking about right now feeling good though okay if we get a normal penny drop i should just leave it in the room for safety reasons i'm assuming that the quality of drop depends on my luck stat [Music] like that one i can leave too loud was it good before because i feel like normally i have it too low and i don't like that kind of thing that's interesting i don't really want to buy anything what if we go planetarium we skip the item room we go planetarium because that's just a load of turd oh i guess i got the money back with my money brian i'm also probably going to skip the deal with the devil that doesn't make any sense someone go angel because an unknown deal with the devil that just sounds like a big thumb sounds like a big stupid you guys i get cursed the blind like every other floor on hard mode i don't know if that was ed's intention but like oh my god are the curses just they're everywhere andrew monkey man four months welcome back okay that was dodgeable no tell on that guy dogma planetarium is pretty good i don't know if i'm going dogma i usually wait till i have a strong run in order to decide to go dogma and if i don't have a strong run right now what we've been doing is going to the chest of course we still have mother fight and all that jazz but versus our unrelenting they are just they're insane they're absolutely insane of course i have enough money right now that we could afford to deal with the devil we can just yolo it but i don't know wait a second oh i got money for the balls we could have farmed some more money god dang it that's pretty good let's bring it up try hush yeah we're gonna wait until we get like an unbelievably strong run for something like hush two it's most likely just not in the cards [Music] i don't know if i get a uh uh sound that hurts actually not sure if it's possible to get the um what happened you know what what if he went stompy just derek yeah i'm thinking the same thing i don't want to be this big but west by the c prime sub so this one the chance when i fire a tier that does that shock wave that we just got hit by that other dude oh hey we actually get like stompy stompy wait a second oh they changed it so it's stompy stompy okay i know that's invicta hates stompy but i i think it's great if you know what you're doing if you don't walk into bomb rocks i was gonna skip the item room i got excited i got so excited i'm so proud [Music] curse of the if i had a [ __ ] nickel for every time i pulled curse of the blind soy milk or curse of the blind dr fetus i would at least have a dollar we're talking minimum dollar fabio four months welcome back unfucking believable that is so unbelievable i am disgusted right now i'm disgusted right now i love slime up though i just missed all what do you got staple me right in my stupid face to be honest you would have taken it anyways i would have skipped the god damn item room i don't think that uh quad shot freaking frack fricks is the way to go soimo quad shot is the load of ass you drink it though let's go dross hope it's dross get all the poop you know what because of that i'm gonna go yolo oh yeah oh yeah what's that like every four rooms we're gonna go ahead and pop a a single fly yeah baby yeah he's a genius he's never been so smart i don't know if you're reading this but if you do please check your discord messages from tobias copeland that would it's very important for me and i know that you're busy but it will be about you guys i get a lot of responses a lot of people that ask for a lot of things and the only way that i am able to make it out at the end of the goddamn day is by not engaging and i apologize but for the most part content creators such as myself have to not engage and if i'm thinking about this the same thing if i'm if i'm remembering it correctly i could totally not be maybe you're some dev that wanted to push some sort of game or something like that but i just have to say if you need help at home find that help i am not your therapist i am not your savior i am not somebody that you should be confiding in with with stuff that's not going well there are people that really do care there are there's lines that you can call there's there's people like if you're going if you're at school counselors they're so they're trained they're trained to handle all this stuff and i really highly recommend you find somebody who can answer something like that i absolutely cannot i cannot if i were to try to take on saving people i would i wouldn't make it i would not make it at the end of the day and i know that's not what you want so i i really do i i hope everybody the best that's that stompy that i think i was thinking of upon taking damage [Music] they activated it i think maybe i walked over a bomb rock because i was paying attention to stuff seriously though really i care about you guys i just want you to know that i'm not like trained to handle things like that and i can't [Music] i apologize i apologize but it is the way it is void ruler five gifted subs thank you for that it's that that that and i just i don't want people to think that i that this is me like saying like i don't care [Music] i'm actually happy i wanted to risk it for that penny if i got the penny then great if not literally just that rum was just no it was just like please go away run i i honestly i hope that my my place you guys my place is to be over here behind this camera and hopefully you know say some really cool stuff or inspire you guys in some way this is also just a terrible run ed i'd like to talk with you [Music] [Music] i'll take it if i can afford it leave that for now [Music] and the objective objection if i made some commands on what the various tainted characters do says squad i i think you should just point people to the uh the wiki honestly it's not your job squad to save everybody so stop trying how about you make a command that just points people at the wiki east dirk tier one sub thank you for that i know it got pretty heavy there for a second but it's something i needed to get off my chest it weighs on me when i get uh people that are like i'm not okay and i'm reaching out to you huts please save me i don't i i can't can't do that go space runs it's too late now i gotta just like jump into these guys i didn't even get it ed is this funny to you you having a good time not you guys i know you live to see my pain and suffering you munch all right let's get to it look at the dead as op as hell how tall are you don't you let them know man i am working for that money do i even want miter it's better than not having miter right i don't know maybe the money is better miner doesn't do anything for me besides give it a chance to have instead of a red heart which is two flies getting a soul heart which gives me three flies fluffy car thanks to nine months but baby also thank you guys we're already up over four six three four we started at four five but it's been what 30 minutes you all are nuts thanks to the bonnie's totally blocking those shots we go get them buds they're getting in there look at that [Music] how much health do they have oh jinxed it not enough i guess is the answer those are fine i can leave those as a perma i hate the new meats and the new turf lies well it says the shot speed is like 7 000 bajillion gillion times more i just made that number up it still doesn't express how much faster it is you know if they're headless that's fine they'll walk away give me more space to pick up the money gotta split the groups take back the night i'll do all yeah i'll go damage upgrade edward mcmillan dev of the game he's the creator abuse the spike oh you son of a nipple licker cursed rooms would kill me big fan from youtube catching one of the streams how are you i'm feeling good minus that super serious talk that i feel really bad about but don't know what to do about farm some stuff here could be easy enough that's all i want to hear from you buddy take back the night you can't really do anything thoughts on perfection trinket seems to find and abuse it wait what what you said didn't make sense i don't think it seems good though i mean uh plus 10 luck we talked about it last time but it's increased chance for chest drops i had one run where i had double drops contract from below plus uh plus 10 luck and i was getting chest drops up the wazoo and especially if your cane or you have the trinket where you can do unlimited golden chests maybe have mom's key i mean it's just a good time oh that's gonna oh okay eclipse prime sub thank you for that bringing about some void ruler love your huts don't make yourself feel bad or not doing something you're not really supposed to i mean like so let's just say hypothetically let's say hypothetically that someone reaches out to me and they're like cuts my life is so bad i think i'm gonna take my own life um i don't know who the person is i don't know what their name is i don't know where they live what the [ __ ] do i do with that information call the police sacrifice from spikes i'm tired of waiting on this [ __ ] that's just a tier size up it doesn't really do much but we have so much money i could just buy it all the cops comfort them listen but here here's the deal though is that if i have 10 people a day saying they're going to kill myself or kill themself and i engage with them [Music] let's okay so let's like take somebody that that's not threatening to kill themself right let's just take like jim right he reaches out and he's like hey hud what's up what's going on like yo and then i go like hi or like let's say i like a comment and then that person's like oh my god and then they're like hitting me on the dm's like oh my god oh my god i'm so happy that you responded like i have like i planned this for my entire life what we're gonna do is that you're gonna actually come and visit visit me in nebraska and we're gonna hang out i'm gonna buy you a beer we're gonna go it's gonna be great like come on over like dude and then like i don't respond to that because it's like holy [ __ ] if i step in if i if i dip a toe into the water it's like and all sudden now jim is like hey man i know that you saw my first message but i'm just wondering like what's gonna go on with it like you're ignoring me now i don't know man like it seemed like it was really cool i was really excited i was really happy i told my friends and family that we were not gonna be friends we're gonna hang out and uh i don't i'm like holy [ __ ] like this is not what i want this is not this isn't consensual i don't know like i just wanted to say hi and so i'm like i can't i can't go any further with that i need to just like let that go right and then all of a sudden he's like yo [ __ ] you man [ __ ] you you like you're ignoring me were you too big for me this has happened so many times in the past and this is not somebody i mean the person is obviously like not okay you know what i mean this might be i know i talk about some stuff for some people like this gives me anxiety or like this is too real or i don't give a [ __ ] about your emotional [ __ ] there's like all this all these different angles of people that don't care but [Music] this [ __ ] [ __ ] weighs on me [Music] take the item i'll think about it so i'm like well i just have to not ever i just need to avoid all of that at all cost right i just don't respond my life is easier that way you guys don't get any false hope oh that's just trash what i don't even know what is that ten dollars none of my friends play isaac but at least i got a bomb streamer to watch to the one who taught me how to bust this game as much as possible also you're right you can't save the world but thanks for being a great part of it first stream viewing hype thank you natural disaster pieces um plus one boneheart does anything for us nothing and i i imagine it wouldn't do anything but uh now now take this same situation i don't know what that is well abaddon i think the first time i've ever seen the lab done okay i'll take it sure throw in somebody who like really really needs somebody to talk to and the heavy heavy heavy weight of somebody that most likely just needs a friend's period i i and i can't be that friend now imagine me engaging with that person and then deciding to pull out imagine that imagine the intention what i would like to do going into it with what would happen at the end of it does that seem like a situation that i could be a part of no i can't are you talking about me dad did you do that did you reach out to me and most of the time the discord names don't line up with the twitch names so i think i said take it your size plus range uh you know what actually yes greater hitboxes on a quad shot would probably mean that we'll land more of the shots especially close range so this isn't me either saying like i need your opinion on the matter and i'm not saying your opinion doesn't matter i'm just saying i'm just i'm just cueing you into what i deal with and why i decide to kind of just be a hands-off thing i i hope that you guys find the help that you need but holy [ __ ] is this the wrong place to get it uh like i said i would really like i i still want to make like a vlog series just kind of about like bullying and my experiences growing up but once again that's not it it's if i can inspire you if i can make you guys happy or make you laugh that's my use in this world it's not as a therapist people who go to school for therapy devote their life to doing those kinds of things maybe i should just kill them oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i didn't drop the money this is a good time for this though that was so much wasted money [Music] that's love roy the blacksmith hunter bits thank you what's the deal tainted keeper corporate smite enemies drop health or drop money which is my health [Music] that was tricky and the health goes away or the money god dang it the money goes away really quickly that hurt what hurt gonna make you feel better huds keep your head up king you inspired me on console after watching your youtube videos to buy it on console nco chain and army sergeant and above aren't allowed to hang out with lower or even higher enlisted let alone officers the punishments for such can be anywhere from extra duty to demotion and reduction of pay it's not a i think i'm better than you guys i just hope you understand it actually has to do with um my own mental state little abaddon orbiting me that could be pretty good don't you think don't you think there are a guy there buddy there paulo wouldn't you consider that to be an okay thing there this is the friendship necklace makes my um familiars orbit he'd be closer he'd be he'd be tied to me instead of falling behind and in in some cases i could push him in front of me and get that uh that abaddon ring out there did i drop anything i don't probably not but it's worth a shot [Music] hot sauna nah glad that you're here so we can have a place to go and just get away from life watching you play a game this is this is where i like interacting people with it with people this is the spot [Music] maybe i shouldn't buy random items leonard where's that lean add prime sub hamster plus for total [Music] higher chance for deal to devil if i bomb them and i've got the money [Music] for now at least am i gonna charge up this little abaddon probably not as much as i should because my fyrite being so slow i kind of like to just do shotgun blasts i don't need that anyways good thing i just got that money um it's more followers isn't it let me pull up the wiki that i use i know that platinum god is not the best spot for it but holy crap is it so much easier to see all the little pictures and i could just look for it twisted pair you gain two familiar demons that stay at isaac's side and fire shots in the same direction as you the familiars deal roughly 40 of isaac's damage scaling with damage upgrades you get they sit and near and rotate around isaac depending on which way you're firing tears they do not block enemy shots this is dope oh my god oh that's really good forty percent damage still amazing we spent our money well neller the hunter best been playing by playing and streaming you already improved my mental stake thanks i apologize if you guys want more from me but i i i just i really hope you understand this isn't some sort of like selfish thing that i've decided at one point in time i did try to converse with people and every single time it blew up in my face every time sour taco ninja five bucks you're a great streamer youtuber keep doing your best thanks for the five bucks my friend east dirk 65 bucks wow just got into your vids on both channels from this dlc release had some catching up to do in isaac and on your vids thanks for making my runs have less sting great content thanks my friend [Music] i'm gonna where was the white fire i think we should do it people that don't understand never will [Music] i hope i hope you know [Music] and uh it's the classic the classic saying from tomska that i like to repeat a lot and that is things don't get better you get better things will never change as far as bullies and stupid people and all that garbage but you you can get better you can be better at dealing with it you can learn how like where are your places and how to handle it all become more mentally prepared queen of hearts the boss the queen of hearts doesn't do anything to enemies does it it just drops was it one to 12 red hearts i think that hurts that hurts that hurts that is pain it would spawn flies oh yeah yeah i feel like it might be something weird though now that i'm on this lost side of things would it still spawn flies or that get messed up and blow them up again [Music] vertigo prime sub thank you for that and lit lit toxic uh 200 bits say bossack it's hilarious by the way i suppose we could put on some sunglasses for the 65 bucks that was dropped our pens today and boy is it hard yeah it's tough stuff queen of hearts go yeah i got two flies out of it two flies y'all 15 cents for three bombs [Music] battlefly prime sub i think the hardest part about this whole thing you guys is i just like let that all off my chest and was like i just vomited all over you guys and a lot of you guys are taking it well you're like yeah that makes a lot of sense i understand that you have to do that for your own mental state 95 percent of people that watch my content are not here right now and i'll still have to deal with most of this that's a shame loss for curse room yep we went in there cursed room on the flip side doesn't do anything latoxic gifted a sub the crimson star it's wonderful you guys don't have to be sorry for me i don't i don't want anyone's pity i want everyone's understanding that's it that's all i need we got the knife piece we did it's orbiting me i was like where is it you could always like not upload on youtube does it have to do with anything you mean like don't become a youtube person because i don't think that's solving any problems don't be someone worth talking to easy can i get some money here thank you maybe we shouldn't be here in the mines because enemies are so ridiculously freaking ridiculously ridiculous the chances that we're even gonna be able to get in there and get the money is slim we're just gonna die we're gonna die flat out mines is just on it's just not doable it's not a place that you can go and have a good time good times don't exist here urban of war give it a sub thank you for that he meant don't post this vod i'm not following i want every one of my followers to get the message and understand me so not posting this video [Music] helps that question mark pumpkin puzzled which age is your target audience um we have anywhere from 12 to 45 everyone's watching i don't think i have a target catherine is two and she watches let me be the first to say i am so sorry oh god dang it i'm 40 plus there you go got my old grandma watching what's up graham that's a demon monty very interesting 37 bucks from thom keep on trucking and have a good day my dude also what's your favorite type of crisps translator no crisps are potato chips in american english i know um favorite type of chip i i'm not a chip go to person although if i had to pick between candy and chips i'd probably at this point in time pick chips because sugar makes me feel like garbage now once you cut sugar out it's like you can't go back not allowed i just got knocked back okay i'm dying did i mention that this floor is an absolute [ __ ] show like the worst experience zero out of ten would not not come here again um i've you know i've been getting damage downs a lot from the syringe if you're struggling people in hutt's discord are more than happy to talk and listen there's a lot of cool people that are part of the uh community that's very true very true do it coward blank card fight away blank card is no longer like take it because you'll probably win with it and blank card is now like uh hmm let me think on that one do we have a build for it no we don't [Music] no longer a guarantee because i like what we have going on here but we're not doing well it's not working out for me little abaddon has been a bust i don't charge my shots i don't have the fire rate for that i need to be way more accurate with how few blasts i get all right i guess i'm not getting the money good spot for the money good spot for the money good spot for the money i enjoyed that spot that you put the money right there that was just a great spot for the money you know if i had to pick a spot where i would put the money where it'd be a good spot that's the spot that i would go with i think 3d gy edgy name prime sub what's up edgy name thank god this game is so forgiving with drought placement battlefly 100 drops my goodness selkie thank you so much for that awesome five bits right after that or five subs gifted battlefly says i've been watching you for a long time now on youtube this is long overdue but please don't spend it all at once if i'm dropping 50k on a deck thank you battlefly for the hundred i'll talk to the deck guy be like um i have strict orders that i can only spend 99 at a time i'm not even making my deck huge you guys my deck is very very average it's a very average deck cinder breath sexy tier 2 sub 52 months thank you for that oh here's the catch on the deck you guys there's a pergola and i want to make a big pergola and the pergola has got this chinese wisteria growing all over it this really cool vine so i think part of that cost was him being like yeah we could save that wisteria but i'm about to like make some temporary [ __ ] scaffolding for it thank god i didn't force me to buy that that range upgrade that i walked over say deck in an australian accent hot troll deck oh i might jumping on my deck get a pizza oven there's no pizza oven do you know when you'll upload this vod i only heard the end of what you were talking about clearly but it was important and i'd like to watch it later i don't i've got about like 10 videos that are already lined up i shoot for like maybe five a day i need some damage up so i can keep beefing my my boys i need a room with more enemies than just three of them so i can use my garch darm book twitch pods yeah you can watch all the stuff on twitch oh just you temporarily drop a sticky nickel are you kidding me there's no time to bomb that troll engine isn't real my sweet dick i dip it in honey do they nerf book of the dead it seems like we're getting less bones like maybe there's a cat per room or something i don't know i walk into that turtle fly maybe what happened [Music] what do these guys look like if i don't do this okay the other dudes are just always behind they're just always next to me rather i think i might just go without the orbiting it hasn't really made a difference imo it's not cutting it [Music] i think all those rocks might have just turned into bones yeah we'll go piercing that's pretty good does it show what it was the other item pedestal right when i bought that it seemed like maybe when it was disappearing it was not a question mark it'd be interesting big jacks five months love you but keep up the great content thank you and kale with the prime sub thank you for that already back up to 4 800 sub points which is pretty nice 4 650 subs that's not the door i was trying to get into this door that's a big boy there's nowhere to go at that one missed that nickel too it's rough dude the lawless lance i'm happy that all my boys get piercing that's pretty big here's the question do we get more shops by going alt path like from mines two if i went back we'd hit depths two so if i went mausoleum one we'd get mausoleum one shop mausoleum two shop steam salt might actually work for deals of the devil though i'm not sure stabilize 22 my finances have finally stabled enough stabilized enough that i can support my favorite streamer again thank you thank you thank you appreciate that much hype road to 5k we probably won't hold 5k if we hit 5k but man it'd be nice to hit it at one point in time [Music] many much of the hype [Music] so many followers too and everything going on it's hard to see where i am [Music] health upgrades [ __ ] but that is half off so i think that maybe steam cell might just work through everything but i am talking about possibly going mausoleum i don't know if i can afford it though regularly i need another couple penny oh wait wait i get the shield i got the shield up [Music] [Music] uninstalling i'm uninstalling this game
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 73,858
Rating: 4.9360566 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 46sec (2926 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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