Tainted Keeper to Mother - Hutts Streams Repentance

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[Music] what is up youtube we're back at it hard mode rando what do you throw at me hey burp let's do it we did the speed stuff right we did the quick stuff you saw what happened when we hit shoal so we gotta do dogma gotta do mother we just don't have to go fast so killing enemies makes them drop money we buy [Music] we buy our items with that money ice cube is very good very good start don't forget you guys we are raising money for saint jude levtron thank you so much for that 10 that you just dropped let's not blow it now good start guys all hearts turn into flies by the way but two hearts that's a full red heart drop we're gonna want to try our best to get uh all the money and not take damage iframes aren't crap here so i'm actually gonna go and oh i kind of regret going that's just not good not good at all could have skipped we can go devil rooms because you buy them instead of paying help for them champions drop two coins by the way champions drop four coins by the way say two jump that lucky pennies would be sweet i don't know if like the chance of getting a dime or a nickel depends on your luck stat i would bet that it does [Music] here grace rated me with 461 thank you so much to your grace i appreciate that hell yes also aromas 50 bucks to saint jude's children's hospital my wife told me to give the rest for the kids thank you for everything you do thank you thank you thank you also love trot i didn't read that he says you demand huts cancer sucks cancer does suck tear how's it going how have you been like it's been a while since we've chatted too long of a while oh you gave me oh come on a sticky nickel honored how how did you disappear if it was stuck [Music] yo tyr how are you guys doing from the tog better shops by the way so we can get some really spicy stuff should we go icicle baby as well go heavy on the ice years you two put distance between us all with editing and stream times lol hope things have been going well that sticky nickel and the beast sticky nickels are whack look at him he's already he's frozen he didn't even pop up already exceeded the 10k sub yeah okay so the month of may we always do st dude play live right and my goal for the last couple years has been ten thousand dollars that would be a mistake to buy that and so we started this today was the first may stream and we got to our goal of ten thousand dollars within 30 minutes i think it was within 30 minutes and of course now the goal is 20 thousand dollars but holy well we're at 13 125 you guys are the most generous people that i've ever met ever hands down 30 minutes that's crazy yeah no it was it was insane dude icicle ice is so good i'm popped in your screen for hot minute crazy you grew a mustache looks good thank you [Music] it's not helping my dating game at all it started off as a joke i mean i don't know though i i really wanted to be able to say that i i could grow a mustache i feel like it's very empowering [Music] to do it pull it off been watching your vids for a long time how's the repentance going painful i managed to get dead god achievement but it was not fun tainted jacob contains glass comes to mind painted jacob is thank you for the the bits deoxy sand mewtwo ba though 100 bits beep boop so this is what's going on you guys right now if you want to donate to st jude children's hospital which i highly recommend like i said we do this every year i can go back through the uh little money chart that we got to it tells us like what everything goes to some big hitters here uh 50 bucks is art supplies for a patient art party 250 bucks is meals to st jude families for a week uh 500 is a platelet transfusion 750 bucks pays for three days of oxygen for a patient thousand bucks is parent necessities for 20 patient families 1500 is a day of chemo uh 2 500 is it five hours of physical therapy and five thousand dollars is a daily room rate in the icu so we're raising money for a good cause saint jude children's hospital take care takes care of children that can't uh afford their other families can't afford the treatment kind of the point behind all that they uh basically oh god oh god um i can't get soul hearts they turn into flies so alabaster box would be a mistake this is gonna be a yes for me and chaos sounds like a good idea especially with these better shops they already have chaos maybe because that's an angel item but you know what maybe not though we might just want our deals of the devil to just be deals of the devil right eyesore could be good but at our fire rate i think maybe not alabaster box is in the shop pool i i kind of feel like doing it i kind of feel like just seeing what happens five pedestals in a shop though that that's what i'm thinking we'll have our our shops will be like pretty poppin and we might get a 30 cent item for 15 cents in here is feeling good already [Music] this is an old one i don't maybe maybe we should go for that trinket but i don't know icicles is also a little boop pretty fair [Music] i should have bought it after we got our deal with the devil what was i thinking frog rapes 50 bucks to saint jude lost my mother cancer this year no one should have to deal with the financial burden that comes with that sucks for our groups i'm so sorry to hear that thank you so much for being proactive dropping 50 bucks to st jude i appreciate that and jesus died for your wins for the kids with 10 bucks thank you yes spawn more enemies please oh he spawned into me nail oh no these are just normal pedestals now [Music] what do we think you think that um what fly is that that is friend zone a white opening fly that deals free contact damage [Music] um that's the the middle flying one fates reward is dope um yeah i think it probably would give me conjoined i don't know if i want it's the words kind of garbage right angel's a complete mega satan oh i didn't realize we hadn't done mega satan yet extra shot is always good in my opinion with this fire right kinda yeah i know it shoots my tears it's just the fire rate's so low on it but our fire rate is so low what if we didn't what if i said no vegas stan sounds like it could be a good idea [Music] let's just let's go next floor chaos is gonna give me something good something better save our money for chaos let it do its thing and it looks like actually the deal with the devil items that are outside the deal with the devil that should have cost two red hearts still go for 30 cents so we might have some 30 cent pedestals in the shop gonna have to save some money for that do you want to think about going mother with this right now because then we could just throw the mega satan thing off the table and not worry about it no dogma but let's say um i could flip a coin maybe dogma nuts dogma pogba [Music] right now [Music] let's do it go mother let's get an unlock today brando is that's a little risky for 15 cents for a third of my money music is too quiet now i don't want to be too loud i don't want people to be annoyed with my content strictly because of the music i play um diplo sounds like it could be pretty bang in here for like a future shop that's got good stuff in it [Music] i'm going to roll with it we're gonna deal with the devil our angels do that we'd like to double [Music] the first time i see like one good item that is that that benefits from being doubled i'll probably just jump on it ham damn 18 months what's up bk get to sub the tear of grace wonderful wonderful wonderful sean uh s [Music] recently joined the marines so i could contribute to my favorite channels thank you so much i appreciate the corner bits double d6 well i have one i mean i could double that we could add four times the amount of uh room drops or maybe it's just three i don't know if it's ads or always ads like most of those things are just like plus one to this probably not going to be finding the boss on the flip side with colossa mia i don't know though we could probably handle it considering we're actually really strong maybe maybe we could [Music] restock potential maybe does restock work on item rooms um that's a good question i think it probably still only works in the shop but i don't have a definitive answer on that one i don't know worth it to hurt myself to get into the boss trap room maybe cyborg victor sexy amazing tier three sub 26 months hi dad welcome back appreciate you restock was nerfed yeah the items are more and more expensive but if we find a way to get a lot of money then we're in business especially with chaos i think there's something to be said i always forget when saint jude play live is throughout the month of may explosivo i'm gonna say pass on the explosive oh we're going to retouch the fire now gar with two months hustle out the content love the support that was a little risky quick in and out just a nickel 10 bucks from chef on bailey hey man thanks for using the platform in a great way i'm sure you got you got content lined up with repentance freshly out but what do you feel about an all creep item run with new update i'm thinking a box of friends headless baby juicy sack etc i'm always open to suggestions but like you said i'm not currently taking ideas and doing them secret room next to boss trap maybe probably right there thank you so much for donating to st jude appreciate it [Music] steam sale get dope steam sale drop creep run sounds awesome yeah i like the idea for sure [Music] don't hate it what do you guys think colostomia you think we can handle it yolo currently handling it being handled oh yeah miter that's a joke oh double miter miter i hardly know her made it captain secret room def near boss trap oh you meant like right this way ah i thought you meant uh next to the curse room i was looking at the map wrong tall meat prime sub uh oh um yeah jumping up the gate with the triple slammer my goodness speed down ouch isn't it everything multiplied by five though because of proptosis for as far as damage upgrades go [Music] steam sail drop please [Music] i get steam sail all the time from bombing those guys out of curiosity how much have we raised you can click the link and if you don't want to donate i think it should still tell you about the campaign it's thirteen thousand one hundred and ninety five dollars so far which is un freaking do i really anything in this room new [Music] song is this mods can use the uh song command and they'll say it [Music] finding a box could totally be cool but [Music] it's expensive it just changed nope it was the loch one the ross or we got our knife piece down to the mines mines is tough i'm kind of like i'm comparing buying a box too with the fact that we have chaos i don't want conjoined though isn't conjoined no longer a damage down did i get a pop [Music] maybe lost soul dude get me amazing that's that's infinite range in that guy i could outrun it lost soul dude if i can keep alive he gives me a prize i might be in trouble here oh psych i mean still be in trouble easily um they possibly shoot erasers there's a a baby that shoots erasers i try to cook it pentium i might lose my diplo at that point in time i'll just take the lost buddy i should have waited to the end and why do i why do i not do that i'm off the end of the floor i never do that my brain is physically incapable we might be dead here oh my god [Music] [Music] it is what it is you guys let him go [Music] important thing is i'm alive [Music] send it back at him with ice clutch breezes in there there's one shot at that ghost you usually have to hit him multiple times so ain't nobody got time range down for a damage up range down for a damage up what's our range it's still fine we're gonna try to point blank them anyways black candle i don't mind the black handle the curses are just they're you get so many curses i don't know what marrow would do probably nothing yeah candle and repentance is hard to pass up purse are such cancer well speaking of cancer we're trying to raise money to eliminate children's cancer yes saint jude [Music] donate now on tiltify your money will go to helping children that can't afford their treatment and cancer research why would a pitch what pitch i don't ish i'm confused um yeah i'll take the shield it's not the worst thing in the world if i can remember like when to use it [Music] it syringes 99 bombs for nine cents is not a bad trade that's kind of a bad trade a reroll machine in this room would have been hot fat fly for bl is a blub that's another sticky nickel [Music] mom's key i can get behind that thinking the spikes if i had swallowed penny we could indefinitely play the spikes think about that and that's the range down pill isn't it speed down i keep my speed where it is swallow penny is not guaranteed oh [Music] oh stray from a story from as hard as you can [Music] bob's brain [Music] i mean it could i i could get health back by doing that ian bowman eight bucks thank you so much give chat a hug please i think they deserve the love for the work they have done for charity [Applause] i can do when you want better you guys take as many fries as you want make a satan question mark i think we're going mother aren't we coming the vampire is good it's damage up now 0.28 damage up is [Music] not that impressive ash pit one kind of a bus not gonna lie seven fries thanks don't mind if i do [Music] all right now i'm just hungry i'm trying to share [Music] what about your speed there was something there it was just not showing up because the icicle froze it before i could spawn in and i walked into the invisible ghost a little lost buddy he didn't send a chance you never do such as its fate but don't you sticky nickel me god that pisses me off by the way we're getting so many sticky nickels do you think poison is worth it it might be diplo was um poison is good yeah yeah i feel like there's something i'm waiting on here for diplo double poison is not a thing and uh doubling the rando item could be just as bad as it might seem good [Music] it's better than soy milk [Music] [Music] um oh god rips my shop oh god ah ash pit too um we're going mother so there's mazo there's still mazzo shops we're good we're good uh i could diplo that yeah i probably should i probably should diplo this it won't give us free items but it'll be double off right [Music] they're the price i think it's gonna be worth it when we're spending money and getting the refresh a quarter of the price you got 56 coins though but with shop refresh if i buy and under my 15 cents it's gonna pop up to 20 cents and then 30 cents and i said we do it i think it was well spent was eating i got some fries from chat generous generous chat [Music] now we can buy almost anything [Music] some money after that guy i get a chance double angel for that i do [Music] oh still gotta get the knife piece i am aware of this you got squishy parts hanging out bud oh my god he like perfectly protected that that was amazing that was unbelievable wow most perfect as a i've ever seen in my life cracked orb not good good red key maybe there's five cents though let's just buy the damn thing now how the hell do i get through this door costs only one penny still risky to be sitting here at one penny though i wish i would have left more money on the floor oh bomb the blood donation machine [Music] zucky plays four months what's up rhombus with the tier 1 sub thank you outband 27 months that's greg [Music] for those of you who are just joining us don't forget that we are raising money for children's cancer research via saint jude there's a command anyone can use exclamation point the tiltify link go there support the cause we do this every year are you going to date with me nuts well i don't know anything about you i've never gone on a blind date in my life i don't know how i didn't get that money but we took damage and i think our cracked orb actually opened up the path into this room at that unless something blew up there maybe something blew up i'm dumb [Music] gotta go now love you hudson chat the real streamer is chat gmbh all right if i'm butchering that but thanks to three months we get it can i go gotta walk in from the back can you can we go can i uh you want me to walk in okay oh you know what i think that all doors have a chance of opening via crack door when i take damage isn't that true [Music] that was an odd one also reveals the location of a red room um possible let's hear open certain doors in the current room that's what happened i broke it junk attack 34 months yo this could easily kill us here you've been hit mom's got some uh tricks up her sleeve for sure like right here this is a tricky spot here to go to the right and then go to the door a little extra time sometimes you just have to wait for her to charge when you know you're in a safe spot like here you imagine if this was even more timed if like the ground started crumbling around you started taking heat damage or something like that [Music] oh a coin rip sounds like something ed would do that would be evil cecilium hollywood thank you so much to the 20 big ones to st jude very very nice of you lost soul is alive did he come back alive did he reset after that okay we just leave then we need good shops i need to not die we could easily die pretty quickly oh wait did what did he give us anyone see what he what he did i think soul hearts that's why we got so many flies he gave him the soul hearts i have a bust but i don't know what i'm supposed to do when i'm supposed to jump in there and grab the money and not have my little soul buddy die all right save some of the money in the ground in case you have to come back he's dead jim [Music] me [Music] shoot him here look at that money though 92 cents all right shop time [Music] oh 99 cents don't collect the stuff ah get the key though i think it gets holy mantle what does dff make the soul buddy bigger bff gives a holy mantle charge that's dope video gaming two months i just want to say that i love your content thank you pseudogaming i love your support um luck benny isn't even that bad of a play i don't think but [Music] f f for that quarter [Music] [Music] could be cool [Music] wasted anyways [Music] son of a ripped money dude can you get me the shop please my god oh my god shop shop shop shop shop shop wasting all the money bye bye money use those icicles to my advantage yeah that really works ice ice lp magic skin the hell does magic skin do on taint the keeper supposed to spawn an item and break a heart right [Music] behind me close no cure for the madness it removes his coins does it let's see if it says let's look it up like this magic skin isaac um it doesn't say anything about keeper take it butts it's bad news actually run ruining and headless baby for the conjoined transformation is it a damage down now i asked that before but i didn't see an answer don't take it yeah man up wow toxic masculinity much i might go for a sprinky dinks if you don't have an active item i might go for a d infinity p6 me and then i'll uh keep de-sixing that sounds like a great idea nine lives blood puppy earthright what's birthright probably pretty good earth rights taint to keeper nearby coins dropped by enemies move towards you quickly blood puppy might kill me um i don't have any syringes currently oh spun no i might just re-roll that we'll probably get a health upgrade if i wanted to take nine lives it's probably not a bad move and then we go hard on upgrades health upgrades mr me could be like a fun thing to try to steal some stuff but money money money money money big blood puppy coins suck get euthanasia it's a really expensive euthanasia might go for gupp bot fly good [Music] that is like uh you drop a little isaac buddy everytime take damage tiny isaac familiar respawn follows your own shoots tears and nearby enemies deal 1.3 damage i feel comfortable passing on that [Music] dark prince crown you mean a bloody crown and his mouth [Music] [Music] uh temp brim [Music] [Music] speed our speed was pretty trash [Music] wasn't supposed to move towards me the money the birthright how do i grab that penny without buying it let's see if we can drum up some more money here that's pretty quick that's pretty quick pretty good all right this is why we took double steam sale baby working don storm thank you so much for the prime sub welcome got me somebody we lost our speed now we have fire rate fire rate's better nickel in the secret room too is there [Music] that's the speed down it's a bad trip now we have a challenge room that we could jump into [Music] keep one penny let's see the challenge room sulphur yeah maybe but the fire rate though [Music] bruh we haven't even fought the boss yet maybe we should fight the boss before i grab all the rest of the money in case we need it top secret room oh yeah that's the nickel right there i don't know where the top secret home would be [Music] somebody somebody some murder murder don't forget proptosis brimstone kind of poopy it's a tough fight [Music] that's tough got me here dance uh i don't know if we have spectral but we have piercing um do we have spectral what about the uh holy grail does that give you spectral this is flight plus hp right it's five cents but our our shot our like effective range is lowered isn't it a little bit maybe a range down i could reroll here or i could re-roll in my other room and i might actually just want to save it [Applause] maybe i'll be rolling i can reroll a key piece too back to range is the same i think it was a range down though i think the number did drop i saw it correctly what's up it's a little judas some slicey slice that's a yes for me some range up right there perfect perfect perfect perfect emperor card probably still better than the soul of judas skip one of the corpse floors all the money equals power so i got some money and still buy a few things in the shop if we want to 0.88 speed you guys it's not good soul of judas will destroy mother uh one little slice a tiny little temporary damage up i don't know if it will nickel huts god damn it i don't want to walk all the way back let's just pretend that it never existed slow and steady uh-huh don't mind me uh do you like rabbits rabbit my balls well what do you want to say power t-bone 100 drop for saint jude thanks for helping people in need absolutely thank you so much power t-bone for being generous top secret room's not on the map that is a oh that top secret room oh that one oh that's what you meant i thought you're done with the red room over there i need a red key to get to it that's the ultra super secret room on the machines in the arcade you know what chad shut up damn it gotta hate my chats [Music] that's tim that's not very child friendly [Applause] [Music] i wouldn't mind the protection on the flies to be honest expensive though expensive and we'll just save our money for the next nine volt would have been okay but between a five room and a six room recharge d6 it's two-thirds guppy we took nine lives we have guppy's tail guppy would be a nice victory for me what is your deal game leave me alone right now [Music] get off my dc blind rage can be okay i like the ice oh my god huts take plan c no [Music] well [Music] no [Music] that's the remix called no uh best dj i know you imagine that people pay me for gaming it scares me every time you hear that little bastard die you like physically can't come alive if there's a spike like that in the room though it's actually not possible how can you dj and be good at games [Music] you know i think some people were just chosen by god not normal god but dj god normal god is a an absolute sham but dj god is real let me tell you [Music] isn't dj god dead mouse deadmau5 um very risky we could easily just throw this entire thing down the drain by taking that rando item probably shouldn't do things like that [Music] still don't 35 bloody hudson chat isaac's heart intensifies isaac's heart's been buffed didn't you know i'm surprised you didn't know it's good now derp and derp i got a speed upgrade i'm actually okay with that um blow these guys up for an angel chance angel devil i can't blow the bomb banger up get him to give me something give me money baby 99 bombs train it for cash it's a good deal that is just completely useless pretty good deal wow just for me continuum probably yes squeezy for a fire rate upgrade this is damage i wish i had my reroll machine in here psych i've got a d6 no battery though math for shame that's the actual like ooh [Music] continuing for five cents yeah we're not gonna wrap it around but the range is gonna be helpful i think i'm gonna blow them up looks like we could have two items in there to re-roll but i think we got our hands full here in the show oh that's hilarious is that solved isaac that could be really good for us [Music] yo uh lockdown actually could be worth it here for some damage 0.42 damage via luck down i'll kick myself when we get teeth shot so soul of isaac makes rotating pedestals and i don't know if i de-six it if it stays as a rotating pedestal probably you'll just re-roll first and then i'll soul of isaac isaac soul of isaac take the tears up rips the pedestal though some options could be somewhat promising with mom's key we could open up the chests instead of the non-chests and get tons of stuff i'm actually thinking about it more talk about it i'm like [ __ ] i should go for the some options options question mark fancy bombs [Music] we could sit there all day long and drop bombs and try to turn them into stuff [Music] should i though mazzo 2 for last chance romance for for happiness here next time buy the book then reroll re91 thank you so much for the 20 big ones that you sent to st ju to really donate but this time i have some little extra money on my bank account so let's put the good use to those who need it absolutely re91 thank you thank you thank you wonderful can we hit 14k tonight we're at 13 343 maybe let's lower the goal let's get thirteen five thirteen five i'm going to die man reach through the whole room what you got bad trip range down damage up it's aries get aries huts just give me a speed up [Music] harry's hot aries thoughts are you single taser with five big ones thank you for that so it turns out nod leaf works on tainted forgotten skeletons so if you just carry it never throw it you were immortal now i have that on xl first floor with 120 volts sounds dope retromation with a hundred dollars thank you so much retro how's it going wonderful stuff that is we're 52 short now from that 13.5 wonderful wonderful wonderful he's not single he's on a date with me you guys really think aries it is a speed upgrade right yeah a big one it kind of it rips the whole like extra pedestal that we had going on though not the greatest feeling rerolling ripped it anyways so i want yes and i want yes and i want yes that's love thank you retro hope you're having a fantastic night i i'm still just i'm in shock first saint jude's stream we crushed our goal already this is the highest our saint jude uh donation whatever you want to call it our campaign the highest point it's ever reached i don't think we've ever hit uh twelve thousand and we had thirteen thousand the first freaking day the world's worst 15 more on top of that cancer just ain't right thank you thank you thank you lakra will ruin it lacre plus proptosis yeah [Music] [Music] and we'll see if we can save up enough for that uh the robes [Music] dark devourer 11 total welcome back locker is too a dark bomb for conjoined that make any sense all right well we're not going for the ropes donation machine i'm not gonna vomit slippery slope when you start hurting your donation machine dark bomb does not count towards conjoined yeah i wouldn't think it would i mean i could pick him up just because so give me three pedestals to re-roll if you could afford it i will go for the holy shots [Applause] pretty good options in there though is that our third uh transformation plum no dark palm pounds towards super bump right i don't need him there's no heart drops anyway so it wouldn't make any sense binky for a tears up yeah i don't have any money dark bum will give pills dark bomb cannot pick up red hearts because red hearts don't spawn [Music] don't okay you guys exist uh we're going down no we're doing mother doesn't matter when we get down to half a coin or a full coin rather half a coin which doesn't it does exist but um we get down to a full coin does that activate the polaroid oh it does nothing we think they would have fixed that okay well then we'll just take the damage up and be happy for it no money to buy anything in this room which is kind of sad but no we do that's right because we got the devil's team set and i'm dying amazingly deeper pockets which is super cool what would ludo do i could see ludo having potential on the mom's heart battle on rock gut and on the mother fight but i think our shot speed is so low i don't know what if it's really good though because our range is so bad how the hell are we going to kill mom mother i mean pluto rips proptosis pluto with proptosis question mark pluto not fun i just i don't understand how we're gonna kill mother right now i'm not farting by the way i'm i'm cracking my back like i'm leaning over to the letter the juicy one go [Music] pluto more like yes cracking your fart tears get weaker the farther they get with ludo i know but i can't hit mother at all right now unless i'm standing like inside of mother you need to get close to pluto anyways not necessarily true you can hang back and focus more on dodging our tears are all over the place by the way yo that's pretty good so the keeper soul of the keeper it's pretty tasty i like it i like it that was a lot where ludo off ludo edmonds pluto was fine with this build was nervous are we gonna have a chance to buy anything else oh i didn't even see that little maggot in there you're wondering what's happening with the drops options question mark gives us um i'm gonna leave one on the ground options question mark gives us a choice of what room drop to take your truck if i take the key thing the butter is gonna disappear psych i don't know what i'm talking about i'm clearly drunk gosh i was just unsubbed okay see i took the dime and the chest disappeared [Music] you know with mom's key let's do it 14 damage pretty tasty look at that i'm gonna grab these probably money goes power for deeper pockets happy to have it oh he's friendly friendly he's friendly why is he friendly is he mine bl is a blub took a hold of him pop that doesn't make any sense at all but i'm gonna go for it i'm gonna go three more tries it's good and they disappear immediately right okay i actually do kind of want it just just for shifting giggles i'm thinking like it might increase my chances of hitting mom a little bit i don't know five cents per try yeah [Music] starting to get expensive all right yo look at that open up the chest you dinkus oh god two coins for that oh oh [ __ ] down for damage up i'm in oh [Music] we're doing pretty well for ourselves i'm so like i got open a damn chest it's hard to see which one's like the extra one but i feel like i'm still gonna poison myself if i walk into this freaking poison this guy's leaving around [Music] ice baby mvp [Music] hard to tell we're gonna shoot those globulins when it does that thing they come out so quick [Music] 156 coins pretty tasty i miss that freaking dime luck is important for holy shots the infinity is good now yeah you can select which d you want select from a multitude of d rock guts done [Music] rock got got toasted brought testicles super done insecticide i don't mind that for five cents we roll that evil eyes pretty good for five cents i like rotten nuts [Music] visions probably magician better we just pop the vision here get the top secret room try the cane praying game i mean [Music] charge buddy [Music] is that worth it we still haven't gotten the 45 volt achievement we see four five volts is the four five bolt do it unlock the four five volt it might be maybe we did unlock it it was so long ago i just don't remember rainbow for conjoined you guys i why do i want conjoined can someone explain to me why conjoined would be a worthwhile investment charged penny is what he unlock conjoined is a range upgrade it gives you something more tears yeah but off the side where you're not aiming go get pop i'm pretty sure pop is trash but i think i missed one minute alive with 20 bucks towards st jude thank you for that oh i think i know i did read world's worst one minute alive three minutes ago now don't have a lot of money but here's the charity good luck with the stream huts thank you thank you thank you two extra tiers i feel like conjoined is absolute trash it shoots tears where you're not aiming and it gives you a damage down for where you are aiming it's it's less damage on target magician isn't gonna write them enough to bring them back in i don't think i can't believe this isn't paying out this is not worth it 100 not worth it mother is huge question mark i don't think that um we're gonna be i don't know i just don't think it's a good idea we're gonna miss with them most of the shots i believe [Music] supposed to pay out after three that was like what six seven eight eight tries the tractor conjoined is pretty neat [Music] thank you so much for the two months i got a little friendly red fly guy here you see this i missed that dime by the way pace return of bits whose favorite monster get artists half an orange is on the top of my list it's actually my favorite by them just curious first of all things with the bits um i mean i listened to monster cat like a very very long time ago i might be like saying like tristam pegboard nerds [Music] og crew muzzy [Music] steven walking pretty good stuff yeah first eye is going to be really good happy to have it shoots eyeballs that shoot tears out of that their eyeballs start devour i'm sorry if i missed your uh sub there 11 total [Music] i like how the map says there's a soul heart in this room when soul hearts can't spawn not allowed you know be the greatest pop pop with proptosis though they just shrink and they die and they go away immediately i'm pretty sure it's actually nothing a net gain of zero things but chat's very convinced that i wronged them [Music] can you put notifications on xbox twitch i don't know all right open the chests don't get the keys it's not really an opportunity for us to buy more things or reroll things like there could be maybe something in the secret room i suppose and topsy gram that probably is not worth it [Music] we're protecting our flies and spiders by killing enemies so quickly and we can use this as a re-roll pedestal no we already have both those things play in spectral nubs in the corners [Music] 1 4 the power of 8 of a crane game happening like that so like a .001 chance rip heard a diamond there more rip oh god we got more we got more friends that guy just killed himself oh my god oh no increase the fire rate of our familiars gives us more icicle baby we take away our ice put more power into the ice baby's hands you kind of need the range here [Music] this is madness [Music] i didn't even know he was still alive [Music] anyone thought that i died there with that noise every time i think i died [Music] [Music] all the time we could just blacker in that item i'm rerolling it it's more fun of course thanks it's a mess taking that for sure 341 coins pretty good happy to have it and the library with chaos of course uh garu lita with the prime sub welcome thank you for that this could yield me some items void them avoid them excuse me [Music] uh pacer with 10 bucks to saint jude i don't think i caught the last saint jude stream happy to be here for this one however much love to you thank you so much pacer this is tainted keeper if you guys are just joining me the golden key there's no reason not to go 100 in this guy oh every time i say that i regret it every time oh forever huh dies [Music] golden key plus lock pick aim a better duo we're gonna be running one room short here of uh getting a reroll ready [Music] psych sacrifice a dime for a charged key [Music] save life up if you die oh the the health in the other room yeah i see what you mean a black ruin this pedestal it's trash [Music] funny thing is you were already charged up yeah was i i noticed that after i picked it up it didn't make any noise am i dumb you already had a full charge how did i have a full charge when i needed three charges and i walked into that room but and only offering two charges you gotta charge from jumper cables i'm gonna starve uh wish me luck chat wish me luck we're going in [Music] am i homing all my homies love homing all this poison is not mine i think it's my buddies and that went well that went well homing here i'm happy to have it already done already done finished it that was dope look at all our like we have that many spiders and flies left cursed penny hasn't been unlocked that sounds dope happy to have it awesome first penny is appearing in the basement two two two two two sweet thanks for people uh on youtube for watching in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 47,866
Rating: 4.9597211 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: NDvIXq9NSdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 21sec (4701 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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