Tainted Eden Greedier Mode - Hutts Streams Repentance

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[Music] all right you guys let's jump into this thing and we're going to start off with [Music] eating greedier hate it oh look at me oh look at me i'm super toots it's not gonna last for long that's pretty good too i got my health back super toots eden booty more health um that's an interesting machine to be seeing right now active items are rerolled as well i could jump on that spike chest and re-roll myself but this seems like it's a pretty okay thing do i want to put down a temperance card twirl uh thank you so much for skipping ten subs we almost made it to level three hype train you thought i pulled into the station it didn't it's still going thanks for that swirl off um temperance up here and then uh we'll potentially bomb it later i'm assuming that every damage i don't know if it's specific but i think every damage we get even um demon beggars re-roll me what planetarium item is that uh neptunis maybe correct me if i'm wrong what is it rescues 200 bets thank you 80 level two [Music] look at me it's jupiter duh that's what i said would you think i said neptune is cause that's definitely wrong stupid heads would say that [Music] i was hoping to get that pot but we don't get anything from it [Music] are we still doing say jude donutifications i mean it kind of makes sense great you guys want to keep giving to the same chew thing it's uh technically over but i'm not going to stop you if you want to keep throwing money it still goes to the right the same place it's just my own little cutoff point of like you know we did good and [Music] hot why don't you just give all of your money to donation to st jude yeah it's a thought what's the thought centennial hey butts just wondering after all your new skills obtained from playing repentance are you ever going to give abortion birth and another go i like how you're uh you know that abortion birth is banned in the chat so you're you're donating to charity just so you can say banned words interesting interesting very interesting no promises on any of that you gotta direct your toots there we go see working there we go oh yeah the power of the toot oot boots gaming wow that was close [Music] damn damn i ain't no stop it look at that look at me go look at me do a thing ccm 10 months always enjoy the content keep it up thank you and most sauce 200 bits thank you for that emily coats with 100 bits high training can't stay super late tonight because i have a job interview early tomorrow good luck with that name jeff lemao sub welcome 36 months three years weenie not my streak dang twitch hutscry god's king crab 17 months we got to reset my favorite streamer but i'm back again keep up great keep being great huts thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you that's got to be level three 22 level three you guys are awesome guys you're cool people i'd like to get the little guy first but i think we might end up part in the big guy to death not to mention there's gonna be another boss spawning so look at this look at this you think i can't kite three things at once [Music] i'm even tooting i'm even getting my toots off hoots gaming look at me dodge boy howdy is what i'd say to that nope gotta go [Music] boy doodlers speaking of hoodly doodling you guys been hodling gme to the moon amc skunk rude and tootin jupiter tootin that balloon six months slavia keep on going thank you for that sad balloon azure with 200 bits i hope you get some crazy angel planetarium item synergies i don't think i can get planets oh yeah no i mean the one i have obviously but i can't get another one but i see what you mean madison 200 bits highbots hope you're doing well absolutely you as well well well well jade serpent 44 holy jesus 44 months hey hutz hello and star tire with six months came home to hot stream hell yeah guys are generous generous ain't it eden greedier are you okay yeah i'm feeling fine so far so far uh what was i gonna say oh by the way guys the hype train is i think it's on the hardest difficulty so good luck with that suckers uh does it reroll health it does right when you reroll health upgrade i don't know i maybe it doesn't because there's like two different things here going on you got the d100 rerolls and then you have this eden pos and i don't know if they act the same way rerolls everything that means i should just buy a half off item pedestal and just go ham yeah that sounds like a challenge this weeny with a thousand bits it's not a challenge i'm just saying it's okay when you lose it's fine thank you so much for the 1000 bits weenie i appreciate that and craig sexy tier 2 sub i see you i see you squiddy prime sub welcome a little bible something from buzzy there got the stream kill pillars what's up probably i mean it's another active item so it doesn't help me but there could be some cheaper passives underneath it i suppose i'm a big oop says malo why you be oof in malo or five volt would be really good that's another active item that's just not ideal i'm gonna go like this it's gonna give me spiders for sure i already know that i kind of forgot the head of the keeper there we go well it's gonna be rerolled it doesn't everything that we get that's good is gone or five volt doesn't work with our fly jar either but the fly jar is still pretty good so i don't know what to do with that if we don't get strong enough we're going to take some damage for sure and we're going to lose it all buy the key get a 5 cent item you guys have such a hard on and watch center five gifted subs and weenie five gifted subs and mega bee drill with the tier one sub i see you tier four or level four hype train yeah you guys are getting just high enough that it's gonna be soul crushing winning you know get it but you know it's fine it's fine definitely is worth it though the the five cent thing in here yeah well okay i don't even know how how you could get more toots and parts and poop we are like mega edmond mcmillan build right now this is everything that ed loves all the bud stuff i am so sorry about this of course i want to shoot them i think i still can shoot because it aims where i'm walking away from so yeah oh that was close feels the devil would be a silly thing to do i think i'm gonna be leaving what a [ __ ] run so poopy uh it's a good start though good start what am i watching you know i i'm still look at my butt crack now though it's like there's so many more pixels added on because of the fact that i got this big jupiter booty no one needs to see that i still think that this is the right way to go because we could just bomb like when we're getting chased down by like 17 000 enemies we just and the flies are great but i'm gonna i'm gonna go with this especially with the four or five volt this and [ __ ] wow and uh whatever speed up is fine i mean range up is fine by me fans 55 months thank you for that 500 bits from edmo sauce let's go bruno sdj prime sub thank you for that before i train you guys two minutes and 40 seconds left okay it's okay okay three second key and then uh a two for one three cents for two keys that's pretty good i'll be back i like how i got the mega big booty but now i'm small i got like a a large small booty [Music] i'm a super-sized small fry i don't know what i'm saying [Music] come on a mushroom [Music] we get head of the keeper rocking for our butt laser i'd probably say no but look at me go watch me do i be doing it's risky to get to these guys and then walk directly away from them because then you're gonna be in their firing lane remember to shoot at them you can't really aim the laser whoa panic i panic pissed very intentionally shitty though there's no room here for a panic [ __ ] this is pretty good it's stone all right buy that do that get in here i should just like load up on the keys now for sure for totes a little bit of help there that's going to be going away pretty soon but oh well doing your mom huh hi highbutts have you got something from the kickstarter you talking about uh the body of isaac four souls requiem which is available at kickstarter right now with special backing stuff for the next two days that you need to sign up to get including a little figure of tainted isaac that is that what you mean 750 from craig hey how's the first time i usually watch on youtube thank you for the bits i appreciate my appreciate i appreciate that kieran knock it 200 bits happy tuesday hudslock on this tainted eden run 300 bits from edmo sauces large small butt booty you could call this the brim [ __ ] sugar nebby with four or two months rather thank you icy jupiter prime welcome cydatrix15 welcome back wonderful people well done choo-choo i think i just pulled into the station got white level four pretty good you guys pretty good let's do it go level 4 is pretty good i need to not back myself into a corner here it's just mouth open just mouth absolutely 100 open right now just open mouthing my brim [ __ ] that does not look good another one he's like oh awesome magically nutritious no bomb what do i think probably use this it doesn't really matter art sound effects make me turn insane [Music] this is my site there's in my mind because of that part are my styles in my mind wish somebody would demand well nothing in here is related to poop or peace so i guess i'm not gonna take it pooper p run i'm gonna label it that that's gonna be the title everyone's gonna be like oh my god it's the best video ever clickbait to the max i loved watching your youtube and it's great to finally see one of your streams as dad thank you for the the bits my friend boomin with 23 months happy to be able to sub for two year mark myself i wanted to ask you a little question you have a generous viewer you have generous viewers that drop 10 or more subs for why and you deserve them all but my wallet allows me to sub maybe once in a year sushumn that is uh totally cool you don't have to sub at all woman if you don't want to it's free content you guys are here to uh you're free to be here and enjoy yourself have a good time never hold it against you guys if you did not want to donate or sub that is completely above and beyond hype train that's why the bathroom runs i might just go for a reroll though the meat cube could be good but i might get it might get lost a little bit around my booty might be hard to see you know what the heck is that mug from thailand that mug is mad that mug is awesome isn't it right thank you marbles i don't want to take damage i'm going to lose marbles when i do marbles would be a silly thing there fox foxfuet how do i pronounce that four months oui maybe is that o i o o i i is that we thought that was like ui or something i don't know i think it's wee-wee or is it oi like temtem i love catching the streams can't wait to watch more that's probably why i can't pronounce your name oh you i i knew there was a u in there what's oii then is that tim mr hippo three months happy to be here in the butt hut been here for a long time and grew up watching your isaac been through a lot with the oh you brother keep going strong hell yeah mr hippo thanks for uh supporting master ninja with a prime two months will you play more soul night and mobile roguelike i am not sure i wouldn't get your hopes up soul night was not my favorite thing in the world [Music] oii is kind of british [Music] kind of um uh spoon what am i doing right now i'm buying a spoon think about the potential dodge [Music] it should give you a higher cap the higher your speed is for the tooth here goes he's like all right have you ever played hollow knight yes holla night was one of my most successful series according to my mcn one of my most searched games you should search for it a long time ago though i should have saved my money bomb not bomb um what's his name can't think of it right now [Music] rotten boobs no that's not rotten what's his name what's this guy i'm just i'm blanking my my brain's not working dry boobs dry baby very good wish i could have him um i'm probably gonna save up to get dry baby the fire upgrade wonderful but dry baby would prevent us from taking damage potentially and that is kind of the name of the game right now that's the most important thing i think i'm even gonna use this empress card let's do it oh that's that's good that's that's just really good that's big round of applause everybody big round of applause just wonderful just i love how you did that very fair very balanced highly recommend that everyone try that remodel at some point in time in their life if you have the ability to nice buddy hell to the yes what have we got what's the shackle i'm gonna look at what that jackal is for a limited price of [ __ ] your neck hole you too can enjoy this room in the comfort of your own home [Music] where am i at spirit shackle when you die you turn into a ghost with half a red heart it doesn't matter we're not gonna be dying with it uh seven damage good four two three fire rate good minus point one four luck i'm done i'm out i don't want it if i can save this book that'd be amazing got some guillotine with our creatine oh god oh god oh geez oh false i lick my nuts goodness gracious i like the the ring of bones it kind of i mean i should have taken damage so far shows me where my body is oh because with the guillotine you can lose yourself now you've got to look for the center of the circle do i have that much damage it doesn't feel like i have that much damage i don't feel like i'm taking any names lose yourself in the music you own this never let it go you really only got one shot at this oh the reason i didn't leave the room is because of the the dead bodies he just killed my friend i lost the room i wouldn't be able to use my book to claim any of them this is what guy that lasers might be lasered that could be wrong maybe the normal guy lasers this guy's not spawning the little jumper bleeper wish you would step back from that ledge my friend you could cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in normal guy lasers if you do not want to see me again i would understand i'm gonna jump on this i don't suppose so what's that other little guy that we got bloody gust every time you take damage you gain a speed up and it tears up i'm loving the every time you take damage items just like keep them coming buddy just the best 100 just want all of those items is this character i think they're really going to pay off in the end i think it's really going to be good dynamics from its bxt uh i went i watched you since the isaac god mod it was a good time keep it up man thank you super bowl four months love from italy hope you're doing well good luck for your achievements thank you for that 100 bits of insane wiener they got your love handles like mine in real life alkie smith13 hi dad how you doing today uh i'm on second round of coffee so we'll see how this goes so it turns out like over the course of two months if you say yeah i'd like to accept a couple of these sponsorships they all get together and they're all like okay so what single day should we make each and every one of these sponsorships that he's accepted and collected over the past year when should we make them all do to screw them over and that is uh coming up this week there's gonna be like way too many sponsorship videos people can be like class is a sellout even though like i said there's been months between some of these sponsors and accepting them like we don't know when it's gonna come out yet because we haven't gotten together and talked about how to ruin your career the most efficiently hey angel room's good i guess i'll take the pascal i'm not even sure it works in this mode i still don't have a bomb that's the sellout i guess we'll still go dry boobs here and the active item i just i love i love the active items on the half off pedestals can we keep doing that it's just really good for me and what i have going on here it's just like the best you can sell me out i'm not sure what that means but i'm interested banterman prime sub thank you for that alec alec two months what up welcome back double butt star update 37. let's go can't believe it's been three years already thanks for all the great content thank you for the great support star of day three dollar bill i'm gonna totally do that damn on my way right now to do that i'm just taking a really weird path but we're getting there i'm gonna totally do it trust me we're getting there hello i'm new what's up maxell i knew i'm dead that's a appropriately timed boom oh we have the the isaac's tomb i almost called it the rusty lock box it's not the rusted lockbox what's the smoochy smooch get plus one hp up first time you pick this trinket up the heart container will be filled okay i guess i'm gonna start with this and uh use it it was a pretty decent trinket drop one key was three cents for that so i'm gonna call it a victory see what's in these rooms first i've never even that's the larynx what is that is unlock i don't even know where to find it on this big old menu because hey i don't know what it's called in b i've never seen it before little help where are you at where are you at there it is larynx it is larynx when you use this item does a shout type attack with its effect increasing in damage and size the more charges you have firings can be used with any number of charges at one charge it deals 48 damage to any enemies close to isaac at the full 12 charges isaac does a massive shout dealing 365 damage to all enemies on screen this is a shout out to fuse oh it's inactive though the bones are gonna the bones are gonna save me let's just use this in one chart see what happens you gotta try it i just did it's like a little like aoe i get it i got it okay last trash i don't think the pjs is gonna be uh that helpful though but do you not reroll soul hearts that you have collected go clicker hey chad you're really funny funniest people i know hands down hundo paceno odd mush no i'm already capped at fire rates so you're like why don't you just go ahead and just chop your damage down for nothing okay maybe i'm not captive fire rate i don't know what if i bought that trinket does that be crazy is that be crazy let's see if i am okay we did get a little bit there and the bombs are permanent let's take it let's do it sounds good guillotine breaks the cap yeah that's probably what it is it's the guillotine see okay i could have gotten a small tears upgrade for a damage down oh hello oh my god oh my goodness gracious gravy balls um i guess there was red creep on the red floor good good good good oh good shot nice nice man i'm like yeah i got a sword and i'm totally gonna be good with this with a shield invincible oops guess what no what the game says to me every single time i play his goddamn forsaken piece of [ __ ] character is loop hero coming back i'll probably make one episode where i beat the final boss and then be done with loop hero outfield in with the new [Music] also welcome back to gungeon obviously it's very selective you've got free curse rooms hey hearts why are the spikes still there then huh huh mr smarty pants i'll just leave and come back you dumb ass yeah but then i don't have my head do i do i want the curse room or do i want the benefits of the the gushing body huh you think about that dead cells ever again here let's take uh uh one minute okay but the chat on the screen one minute to tell me which game that you guys want me to play which one which games you want me to bring back i'll give you one minute on the clock go okay okay okay risk of rain i see hades celeste evil 8 animal crossing nuclear throne blazing beaks stardu valley don't starve yup yup yup ferrari dandy ace pirates bile mutants blazing beaks breath of the wild phasmophobia all right all right it's about time's almost up time's almost up keep it going keep it going sea of thieves geometry dash or in the blind forest payday worlds of tanks all right five four three two one no to all of them next see how that was just so simple that saved me a lot of time i appreciate you guys uh making my life a lot easier that way thank you very nice very nice ah i'm fine we got god i got i got it act look your your curse rooms hutz hates his chat i had a little lost buddy there it was a perfect time to get him like at the end of the floor died immediately sacred hearts i do have a sacred heart right now [Music] we will play some of those games you guys i just have time i've got negative time for for all of this a health upgrade like it could be cool remember when i got that trinket so that we could get some bombs remember all the bombs that we got with it it was a good time i'm glad that we got all those bombs i feel like the longest skull locks ever because there's two of them they were stacked up okay you're killing me here [Applause] this boss needs to like not be a thing or it needs to do its butt attack like guaranteed every third thing such a pace breaker second heart helping a ton and then we get 50 for either one we're playing angel and it's very good very good um harbingers is going to end up hurting me probably but it totally helped though [Music] oh the stats that's secret room though yeah i know that's why i was talking about the bombs that we could have had this is an odd one remember three cents to get three bombs is pretty good i also have stompy of which i totally knew about i was very well aware that i had stompy when i did that and i was just testing you i don't know look at that chat um ah coffee good coffee good hut's bad what's the plan secret room now what a secret rum is it good my mom says i can't have room you have backpack maybe black hole it's just going to be heated you know this [Music] what happens when you re-roll and you have two active items oh yeah you're right why is the chat on screen get out of there chat you were roasted and you're like i'm just gonna stay here and see if he notices the jerks come on to you chat need the health up from the trinket no i don't think i well like maybe but like we need power more than anything are you winning snitches get stitches shall we and he says with 16 damage yeah i need more power you think i'm going to be able to fight the greedier right now it's possible depending on what we roll into not probable though okay nice holy cow holy cut two of spades i preached this question mark was that one oh that's the the hands that come down or maybe his feet whatever it is i don't care i don't want it get out of here dunce me boy dunce me baby and you see that i am not afraid it's worth it to buy this just to open up that great chest watch me pretty good [Music] pretty good if you ask me chat hey your mouth that thing that you're doing with it maybe don't i'm not even looking chat before i said that by the way when the drippy tomato boys are on the opposite side i i could maybe take greedier with my body a lot ah [ __ ] i don't did anyone see that nobody saw that me neither tears up yeah buddy actual reaction horse pills are the best and tell they're not whoa coming in hot i'm gonna save this last charge here for the next oh lost buddy he made it a decent ways this is pretty good this is pretty good i'm sad that we lost our holy card charge [Music] it might be worth it just to roll into different deals of the devil later especially if you get the soul hearts back like i said i don't think you re-roll the soul hearts if we could maybe get so powerful right now that we just don't get hit again at least until we get a significant portion through the game or through greedier's health that'd be the way to do it you can't kill the metal 30 months welcome back in ada sombra three months uh craig was 7.50 how often do you stream twice a week tuesday thursday sometimes on the weekend and sometimes just wherever the hell i feel like it black dragon four months welcome back a quad butt i think i said fat banter man for prime sum if i didn't welcome back or welcome for the first time actually and braille in with two total double butt you should get the box for the stuff uh my equals power would make me think no how was your family weekend my friend says malo uh it was good it was good it's tough to be away from the computer for that long not because i'm addicted but because it's my job just literally like watch the subs on twitch just like like this is relaxing time i feel so relaxed hey huts how are you deck update no i haven't even called him back i gotta wait till that money launders through you know i gotta clean it first let's make sure that i'm not missing something important here i don't know if we would ever use that but we could potentially it rerolls i figured it out lowell ultra greedy air is only beatable with the most broken of runs devil deal from the box devil deal from the box oh you mean because i'm in shoal right now is that what you mean yeah i could get behind that i guess does it work here in grittier it should work here on the gradient right i see what you're saying birthright what was birth right dude nothing items taken before birthright no longer get rerolled when taking damage oh oh that should do it um [Music] i don't think i don't think i need it i think i take birth right then nine lives tell me why i would need nine lies permanently i don't think i would i don't think it's too late to get like guppy or anything no take nine then birth nine lives not permanent well yeah it would be if i took it and then took birth right you die over and over birth then nine yeah i think chad agrees some boy boys then this because then we could we could reroll it into like a better deal with the devil item that would actually help me um i'm able to use my temperance then right let's test this sucker nine lies rerolled into pay to play which makes zero sense and i'm at 19 damage oh because of my money lost i think 18 damage why am i losing damage i got a little clotty buddy okay that's cool soul of kane what do you do i should be looking at everything before i re-roll when you solve cane um creates red rooms okay soul of cane for every possible exit in the current room hmm that looks like an exit to me does that mean it's a secret room what am i looking at why didn't any of these doors open every possible there's one that that's gotta be the secret room because there's no thing and it gave me a curse room right that's just not helpful okay lost two damage oh you know what i'm looking at the wrong thing it wasn't pay to play i don't think i don't even know where it is i don't know what item is rerolling right now unless i got paid to play back which is would be a mystery i suppose it's possible um what if i just did this to get half off soul of magdalene and it drops what two to twelve red hearts minus two damage again um oh yes old magdalen of course gets rerolled into a tears up which is fine remax to fire rate pill okay okay okay 16 damage what am i looking at that's like extra large clotty oh range down d8 is still active i have a d8 who's got a d8 what are you talking about you automatically d8 upon taking damage i didn't know that these aren't things that i was aware of well what can i get you're eating it rerolls your stats i don't have a bomb i rerolled my card that i wanted to get out with good good good that's just good oh hello sweet we're circling the drain things are getting worse and worse all right five damage 19 fire rate give me a backpack that's right all right let's roll this this seems good i'm gonna lose the nail of course but void hog um yeah i'm ready to go i think there's a cardo i mean i guess i can hold the card so the card could get re-rolled this is a weird one but i think it's our best chance yet strictly because i literally unedens eden look at that mom's key f yeah we do we got that locket too so we're getting stat upgrades her soul heart picked up um sprinky dink i think i would trade nail for sprinky dink it's pretty good it's pretty good blow these guys up i guess yep perfect it will re-roll yeah but if i'm able to drop it first it won't go away i don't think i think the sprinky dink on the floor would stay maybe yeah i'm glad that we kept going until we got these stats this is pretty good i don't even see those guys this is pretty nice we got double charge ew i can hold on to that that'd be amazing you do a double spring [Music] perks perks yeah that would have been cool too oh it's luck i think this is a winner buds that's your bud friend let's just keep going that's my one shears charge lost buddy i'm sorry but you literally are trash i'm sorry for how much trash you are go with the devil huh yo what a double dare old derek guy don't you know there um if i can hold on to it this wouldn't be too bad sorry little one we still have one equals power so this is kind of a risky play but i think that um it'd be good to get it down watching for so long can't believe i finally get to say hi what character are you doing greedier mode for tainted eden but i dated greed sprinkler will go away well then let's see see how long we can keep it alive for them the naysayers at least we can grab the money that's going to drop in this final fight and actually get something for it that's exciting that's pretty good i don't think that money goes away does it captain shields up captain where's he getting this money from atlu two months step someone's just stopping but let me content for years keep amazing work i heard something drop i want it so greedy here by the way heals itself when it picks up money and i get power when i pick up the money just i'm probably gonna probably stay away from them duns cap really not good for hitting him in the corners we could honestly wait out on the sprinkling take them out [Music] it's working so far give me that time to itch my nose doing it he just became back his money yo easy the world oh lost buddy survived boss buddy survived prove it there he is she's like whoa you made it [ __ ] with your piece of isaac what was it i don't even know you made a trash with your [ __ ] isaac we did it oh feels good first round of the day let's let that set the tempo for the rest of the day thank you guys on youtube for watching i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 40,773
Rating: 4.9283342 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: QQUa5QyNk40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 14sec (3134 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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