Tainted Jacob! - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what's up you guys on youtube we are jumping back in how goes it hudson chats is pk it's going we just unlocked painted jacob and i've heard good things repent for your sins plus animasola try it out [Music] this guy is weird anima sola well i used it nothing happened maybe it does something to drops or enemies or something a little loud sorry about that nerds puns get the two subs thank you for that also crimson nova with the tier one sub thank you thank you thank you nerd also gifting another one amazing you guys oh god oh my god what what what what what what what's that all right i just got confirmation that they're gonna make the food 7 45 that's like in an hour can i run away from him no i have to fight him is this kind of like blood puppy oh it's obviously the the dead ghost of of esau that's haunting me here lock him in place with the anima solo got it okay don't let him touch you what happens if he touches me just damage or is it like some special thing steal things from me this blows man let him find out the hard way stats down or something he already hit me so nothing happened that's oh my god we're gonna bleed out dude he hasn't yet hasn't he does he lock me in place do we switch do we switch he hits me you'll see when he hits you no one tell him i don't want to walk into him okay now we know that was a good run that was a really fair rum in my opinion i liked it i like it i love it i want some more of it so we got to do this entire thing while dodging this one guy you can kill esau for the floor permanently esau turns jacob into the lofts apparently oh you can use chains on other enemies i go down that hole that it came from [Music] i need some firepower oh i get both my skus in my scoozy well i would assume if i kill him he just goes away for a short while we try [Music] nerd immediately charges out of it that's a good one that's a really funny that's a funny joke tell just immediately just goes charges right out of it loving it just having a good time having a good time you guys having a good time because i'm having a good time awful just awful that's not what i wanted but it worked right holy mantle is this guy oh that'd be good would that affect this boy random dying or a freaking boss from anyways doesn't look like it affects him maybe it does that looked like that charge was at least slowed well if we were gonna do it this would be the way to do it minus being the lost this is like the mom fight but perma like over the entire thing nice bomb i'm not gonna go alt i'm just gonna go we thought mom's shovel was bad going to later floors without any damage wait where did my health go oh because i'm dead it just takes it doesn't like give me what i had back just resets you with nothing that's rough dude that is a hard pill to swallow you use the hematemesis as the lost okay you're gonna do that really well you don't have health but technically you have health oh my stop that put a muzzle on this boy i mean i said they gave me an extra like i don't know minute oh my he like did a real predictive charge there i wasn't even there yet stop watching i'm still taking damage one six-speed enemy stopwatch can't i still cannot handle the shot speed of those guys it is still about twice the shot speed is what they used to have unreal you know it might that's pretty good i think you should give me one right away but the game should give me more things this is not a fun room the opposite of a good time [Music] bang [Applause] three bombs we could go get it i'm not going to what are we going to do in small little rooms like this i could lock him up on one side and then plan his charge to come out at the enemy tier size boy howdy didn't think life could get any better than this chef pippi with uh two months how do you like tainted jacob so far butts uh it's an absolute chore 100 sure i mean i i figured out a way to use them to my advantage but the pills the fact that it turns me into the lost on on one single little hit is [Music] that's that's just tough we do have the stopwatch though like i said i think this is going to be the way to do it black sacks are good happy to have it of course there's no reason not to get this pot you just put out that fire sir [Music] [Music] i will take any victory at all that we can get i don't care where we go i'm picking chests because chess is just like a nice easy first one to do and everyone loves the chest all my homies love the chest we didn't earn a deal with the devil i'm still thinking we earn one and then snuff it for a chance for angel because our health is not looking that good and it probably won't be looking that good unless i suppose if we turn into lost then i should be able to take it for free right but probably not at the same time because when i come back they'll probably still have taken the health away from me seems like they would remember [Music] they isn't it bae is in ed and vin i don't know anus roon on a personal loss good stuff just when you thought that we had gotten trolled enough today i'm still waiting for the coup de gras uh it's pronounced mark degraw uh it's pronounced mardi gras lock him up do the old switch or flip and he didn't get i didn't get over there fast enough see probably got a health upgrade i would have considered like bandage or something like that i would have considered going deal the devil but i'm still thinking of snuffing it uh did we get an item on this floor i don't think so because i just got the stapler can you anima solo the boss not while jacob is here so if we were able to rush to the boss real fast within like what a minute a little bit of damage a little bit of monika in my life a little bit of frida is all i need quick draw mcgraw mccree it's i knew let's make him walk through him it still does tons of damage just kind of now oh i can't get it i'm gonna say well now i want to do deals with the devil i found one heart brimstone and we'll just do this this way and get ready to move in three two one he saw trampling over fools i prob i think that one orbital could be worth it here makes more sense to not do you kill the double two because they just gave up more health but i think it could get me out of sticky situations here i didn't mean to pick [ __ ] space bar i meant to animasola why do you put active items in queue no what am i going for a golden key when the floor is over why hippie hippo three months whoop boop absolutely lovely content so thank you for being awesome thank you for supporting me i say uh alex pav skipped it sub i'm sorry if i missed you pal i mean pal active items on cue is just um [Music] nope okay screw you buddy hey nice thanks bud excuse me he's animasola after locking someone up to release them early oh you can even time his charges even better right good tip good tip so there is a benefit then it's not just a complete loss make them work for you work smarter not harder [Music] didn't extend the active item in card slot stick to existing characters like lilith i yeah i get why they did it obviously so that you could still enjoy active items you don't want to have characters that rip the active item slot but there are still characters that rip the activation slot so [Music] oops howie's definitely gonna do both of these sides oh yeah buddy sticky little [ __ ] meet my golden bomb yeah what if i left before i popped up i should delay it [Music] tears down easy come easy go when to go tier one sub yeah whatever let's just anus do let's just let's just go man yeah i kind of timed that correctly yo easy come get away for the easy go hey give your mom some easy come on or easy go i will not let you go let him go i will not let you go we will not let you go let's test this killing esau theory i liked it a lot i think that was a lot of fun i think that we should do that um we should do that more often it's a good time for me i'm assuming it's the rest of the floor and he respawns he might even respawn soon before the end of the floor i might be the lost for the end of the entire playthrough i don't know but i was a viana masola with nothing three summon him nothing i'll twist my nipples james like okay [Music] blood puppy more like bad puppy what a cute puppy god honey that dog's got a knife king baby has king baby been updated because king baby was one of the highest largest pieces of trash that could have ever been imagined he had to have gotten a buff right familiars now automatically aim at enemies when being commanded by king baby king baby is great now so cdm [ __ ] well let's do it wait what oh like they still stop in place but they will aim at enemies instead of where i'm shooting right that's what that means that's what that means that's probably what that means do you think that's what that means probably don't uh we could take king baby and drop them off where we want and then i mean demon baby automatically fires on enemies so it's not really showing its true power if that's what it really is but we can place our familiars in a place where we could maybe use them better you know what i mean wait a second what would happen if you hit me i don't have a charge on my item why were they all jacked up don't forget you're the lost [Music] yeah oh this is gonna be tough that's for you with an extra hot badge angel room that's what i'm talking about yeah okay it's not my favorite [Music] lock him up and then touch him with your meats oh i can get behind that because i'm so hungry must snack [Music] must snack i know that i got grease trap coming but my tummy hurts appreciate all you guys watching right now thank you thank you you guys are all great [Music] makes me really happy that you guys uh come to the stream hang out [Music] mad blood puppy does twice the max tier meat boy damage to enemies so keep it mad huh it's mad oh man chomp chomp baby [Music] i think it can go over gaps oh my god all my all my homies are way afraid of blood puppy no i can't like if you were over here i'd [ __ ] kill you i'm gonna eat your worm i'm so mad [Music] who said blood puppies a bad idea oh oh monster and save me [Music] oh yeah i could just tease him get him back to normal while you can i guess he was i coulda anima sold them i guess technically i still have a perthro i think monstrance is good enough to take i don't know what do you how do you guys feel about monstrance i feel like when you start comparing it to godhead you do it in injustice because godhead is godhead and this seems like it's a lower damage aura but at the same time it's it's pretty large it does kill things that would probably just kill me yes i eat [Music] you shouldn't full clear the floor you're lost don't forget i feel very comfortable as the lost so i was thinking that i would full clear the floor especially early floors i can handle it um we need everything that we can get and right now we got a ton of consumables um i mean i'm feeling okay i got look at all this money i'm gonna go to the next floor with especially for permanently lost which i don't know is it's possible i'd rather beef me up all right are we gonna go back to normal we are back to normal it is confirmed okay honestly it might even just be safer like you're just playing the lost i might rather play the lost than uh like the stupid demon baby i still don't know if i've got a holy mantle charge though i don't know if i've been hit yet no holy mantle though okay so we're sitting duck then is that true yeah blood puppy thank you blood puppy's going to kill esau though [Music] why wouldn't they just like give me holy mantle it's already tough enough i don't know i'm supposed to get that i might just go looks like he ran through one of them yeah he got a little horn there i'm shooting the wrong guy [Music] damage upgrades very good i might just pop this per throw at first convenience that might be the play here because i don't know where else i'm gonna eat oh [ __ ] would you just could you just maybe could we just i don't know if tero cloth is necessarily a good idea but is it a bad idea i'm look buddy he ate the bomb i need to put this goddamn trail mix away just one snack literally no screw on lid can hold my ravenous hunger throw it over there i threw it i threw the whole thing oh [ __ ] i want more i'm gonna get this man of pizza your burger's coming 7 45 is still 30 minutes why do you think that when five guys is on the way to spk hillary three months thank you for that uh no we talked about this it is on the way but my tummy hurts i'm so hungry it's hard for me to focus if my focus is also on the toms and if you don't even know what i'm talking about and i can't help you and chad said that we don't glow it looks like i'm glowing oh my god that's monstrance that makes you go oh my god are you dumb duh boy man doesn't look like that there was a spiked rock in the middle of that room the yeah the rock in the middle not the rocks or the spikes of which i can sail over no problem there was a spiked rock spikes fine rock fine put them together [Music] death
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 79,128
Rating: 4.9576025 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: xyEmtpb2IEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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