Tainted Blue Baby to Dogma - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what is up youtube as long as i've got pizza i'm streaming i have one more slice okay we've done the chest once again i'd like to go fast-ish to give ourselves the ability to do boss rush and or hush tainted blue baby what's the painted blue babies thing who's your favorite tank of character blue baby has like a list of poops that he can collect blue baby will poop itself like that we grab the poop put in our mouths no we put in our little poop thing up there i mean didn't mean to use that how do i just use it again is it is it e it's just e there we go e uses it straight up or i can press q and and hold it right now i've got the diarrhea the diarrhea will synergize with other poops in certain ways in fun ways what a [ __ ] character ain't got poop like oliver's mouth clearly been eating it a little blood to its death oh that's my diary if i stand in the diarrhea i get huge stat ups bad spot for that though oh you you actually missed how did you miss it was a week that was weak [Music] let me hurry up i'm gonna go kind of fast go super slow keep pressing the wrong button dang it corny poops you want to keep the 40 poops alive because the corny poops will generate flies okay didn't see that spider in any way shape and or form this is probably one of the worst starts i've ever seen this is bad this is just bad bad bad the side of bad flame on consolation which gives me some fire rate [Music] character is just disgusting hilt yeah buddy just keeps getting better only way to get bombs is by getting a bomb up in the queue up there what am i going to do with said bomb hold it i guess [Music] cue it put it into my little uh poop jar and then i could even just use it on this guy pretty good pretty good right there i'd highly recommend i love tainted blue baby that makes one of us it's not my least favorite for sure which is just about all i can say and we're not speed running this is not going fast at all not going well at all just like pretty interesting yeah i guess it'd be a lot more interesting if like we had something good i hate these new guys ah frustrating can we not sir [Music] this is frustrating the shot speed and the range [Music] insane on these enemies [Music] what makes blue baby poop what triggers it doing damage or randomly firing doing damage taking damage possibly i think if you're just low he just poops randomly i don't know you think that shooting poop would just give you one but nope rotten tomato not my least favorite thing stop moving please being in a room with [Music] enemies i think we're capped we have a poop cap i didn't mean to do that i'm going to do this didn't mean to do that either why don't we just die please i don't understand why this character seems so unbelievably difficult it's probably the fact that his fire rate is just crash what's normal fire rate though like this isn't that bad but why do i feel like the toughest thing i've ever done in my life is it the 0.9 speed what is it about this character that makes it so hard i thought i've got to like press way too many buttons on my keyboard maybe that could be it ass stats three five damage is fine but what's normal two five fire rate light it up got it up up up from fire so here's the synergy between the fire and the diarrhea see the synergies can get some suckers we down here poop synergies thank you edmunds heard that you wanted more synergies dog [Music] i got a key i guess i'll go back for bookworm what a waste of time we're going back best book to leave that area with what is it [Music] look of shadows possibly please just let me jump out sir [Music] watch all the books because a don't want the other books to show up again b libraries in the future it could become item rooms well you don't need two more for bookworm silly me it doesn't take five books to get bookworm man the 7000 bajillion hours i put into this game didn't prepare me for that information and delayed huts you get late hot sass that's just the fact i'm gonna save that bomb what would i have done had chat not told me that information amazing just the best a.i i've ever seen absolutely phenomenal seriously why is it ed putting people on mars belial for more angel while increases my angel chance here's my room chance in general oh god the ai i can't i can't get i can't get away from it can't do it can't be done literally impossible blew myself up because there was a fart cloud and the fire ignites the fart cloud body yeah dude [Music] got my health back and then some suck on it i'm gonna go all path at this point in time i don't see why we wouldn't [Music] let's go for dark room unlocks [Music] hots you okay the hell makes you think that i'm okay right now are you kidding me you think i'm okay you think at any point in time during tonight i've been a little bit okay what's this high again that's never once been okay i'm insulted that you even considered i was okay at any point point in time what's your favorite tainted character so far none of them i don't have a favorite they're all pain i like my regular lost a basic [ __ ] lost is that revenge fly what fly is that let's settle this white fly wings together i never remember best bud when it takes damage a white fly will attack uh will spawn that orbits similar distance so so it's not the one that hunts people down [Music] lame hey [Music] watch me take stupid damage this oh oh [Music] oh [Music] do i fill this bone heart i think i can have the bone heart but i can't feel it just bomb the machine ah son of a boss rush off the table i should go for that card maybe i should go for the health or should go for the health watch to give me nothing want to give me one grade chest with a red heart in it ah oops i mean to do that oh he's son of a walk into that fire idiot [Applause] deal with the devil what do you think we got to go angel i don't think i could take that bone heart away from me as a redheart deal you can jump for that card oh i have a how to jump you're absolutely right here get damn right excuse me what did i have before though where was my other card i hate this i this is why i don't take this item this is that's a good one though you know i'm gonna throw that away of course i'm gonna throw it away for a freaking joker i get one more penny to spend def not devil i just don't know how it works with like taking a captain nine um son of a [ __ ] i'm glad i went back how does it work with taking a boneheart from blue baby what does that do what does that mean easiest angle deal um gotta go [Music] why didn't you go into all the rooms that's good do we have a bomb we do have a bomb let's go like this and then that that that that absolutely abysmal charge right on this though wow the fire rate is that's oof that's a hard one to stomach well bruh when the hell am i going to use this joker card now eucharist should end up carrying your run that would be the goal my fire rate i don't think i've ever seen fire rate this low before 0.48 is just horrid yes i got my poop why one you don't want to get that that broken you don't want to just put it somewhere else it'll keep generating flies why is like yeah i'm gonna kill that guy and i'm like i kill him he's like ah he goes all the way back and he comes back oh yeah that guy i'm gonna kill him yeah ah not that one either well that was useless pretty good pill so far dude behind me i don't think that's worth a damn all right why are your tears black why does it matter what color my damn tears are got them why am i dying what if i get a red heart on accident by activating that uh rainbow poop want me to find out [Music] try to break the game as much as possible right look at my charge raider when i'm in my diarrhea man that way better wait did it just go away after i left the diarrhea though i can't take away my charge when i leave diarrhea you can't let me shoot what 20 poops and give me nothing for it what is this [Music] still going one episode per pizza slice peggy prime sub thank you for that i can't wait a second for real though the last notification before that was 40 minutes ago 40 minutes ago safety cap let me go with broken syringe dead stream i'll just view bots anyways i just jumped right into them good job gg book oh so you know if you do how to jump you're basically invincible yeah i know biochemical 10 gifted subs thank you for that break the silence dude we're at 5824 sub points okay that's my i whiffed on that one you're right you're right [Music] 6 000 sub points would be cool biochemical with another 10 gifted sub oh man no wait wait it says biochemical 10 gets it subs it doesn't list anything then it says chemical 10 gets it subs and it lists itself was that 20 subs by a chemical or 10. help me debug this [Music] i honestly don't know 10 10 not 20. carrots is 20. biochemical intent was that 20 or 30 i don't know you guys don't know you're not reading the program biochemical knows um just get rid of that the fart the bomb fart never works out in my favor i bomb myself all the time [Music] that knows all for chat it says 20 in total oh you're right it does actually list it in the chat yeah that's 20. okay so my program does that now i know that it's the the first one that list is false false info fake news dude [Music] last twenty you don't know buy only bio knows bp bp bp come on bouncy bud oh no mbp [Music] biochemical said 200 000 i mean it's 200 000 wow guys everyone say thanks to biochemical for 200 000 gifted subs somebody want to do the math on that what's 200 000 times uh five i guess i could do the math on that it's a million just that's a million dollars dropped just like that you need to buy a soul heart that's the smart play would you boss off safety cap 10 million 20 000 times five come on bp [Music] bp more like beep beep cutie coming through i don't like me either okay fire rate and health beautiful combination gorgeous walks into empty angel room you [ __ ] donkey shall we 15 minutes just so close to boss rush stargazer thanks to the tier one what's your favorite least favorite item rework so far halo or not halo um what's the item that we're thinking of holy water is up there holy water is just good least favorite item where you work probably brimstone i think brimstone's been cut down and it's maybe brimstone isn't the most important item possible in the deal with the devil just imagine all those poor souls out there with brimstone tattoos though brims don't mean something you know what i mean and when you cut it down a i'm not even sure i want to go back to deals with the devil anymore angels are where it's at and b it's just trash [Music] bp calm comma tape pp and we have to ask you to calm down sir [Music] bp's gonna be mad a lot because bp is gonna be carrying my ass thank you rad and i'd like to share some music with people who are rad here's a playlist of songs you don't have to listen by any means sleep well sir thank you so much um killer with five big bucks i've got the time tonight i'll check it out tp blow pup flow pop what did i save in my thing that's a pretty good one let's save the bomb though the bombs are pretty important ones only way to get bombs and then we'd do it i don't know why i went in there i don't know what i expected [Music] snuck back there you little [ __ ] [Music] lala's ai though i was trying to cheat that's how i would get to [Music] myself um [Music] decided to have this active item okay see now i said take the oops that spawn flies and throw them away and i throw them right at them here's ups point nine that's so much better than where we were at oh it's huge it's been nerfed good oh we need to do one of these there we go i think i saved that bomb right [Music] oh killing it oh that's still alive i almost didn't even see him uh waist to save there we go smart you should listen to chat more relic is so bad now does it still give me health [Music] oh yeah then it's exactly what i need we're gonna health let's go to our shop [Music] good love taking damage like that at least we were able to get some health back for it yep yep no pop a double blood puppy oh hey hey wait wait whoa whoa whoa [Music] rip our bomb but that's exactly what we need bombs for right there [Music] i don't see a bomb in my queue [Music] let's see if i can get a bomb blow up some of these like beggars and stuff they will just forget about it and leave [Music] and no tinted rocks could spawn in shops oh yeah you can milk anything with nipples [Music] you know what that if you get three books in the same run you get the book room transformation oh my god were you so wise in the ways of science [Music] what's the difference between the little poops and the slightly less little poops one gives you one one gives you like two or three one's bigger dumbass jeez no give me more am i going to use this just for flight long as there's an enemy alive he goes to the enemy first [Music] don't make me hollow ground your ass [ __ ] doing it oh blood puppy hey guys what happened i blocked out [Music] [Music] blood puppy the final version of tim relic gas cloud good dull razor i don't think it's gonna do anything for me tears down definitely use those again glad i bought it i'm glad i spent money on that worst escalate i've ever used maybe i will shoot the rest of these then [Music] we're getting a lot more poops than i'm using good news blood puppy damn it he's mad at enemies first break him through the fires that's essence angel rooms give me five wispy wisps i believe tell me i'm right beth's essence angel room gives you five flame orbitals taking damage gives you a chance to spawn more we have 100 we have guaranteed angel chance that sounds meant to be for this run god knows i could use protection psych joker time why would i use joker at 100 percent deal with the angel chance chat y'all crazy you're crazy sometimes [Music] all stats up very nice .05 tears for that though minimal very minimal oh we have a string of uh bombs coming up here kind of like string lights separate [ __ ] and bombs and not lights um we could save it and then even do one of these for a top sticker [Music] we don't really need any stuff from it oh that's just that was good it's been a while since i've taken damage in a in this fight synergy on that diarrhea yo damage good damage good glad we didn't get health and voila um chef kiss we rush fast enough i think we can get uh freaking what's it called the other thing wasn't there something i was gonna do on this floor still not that i remember we've landed hush yeah we're not gonna get hush we should hit up our shops just in case we could pull off a crazy um mama mega we knew it was only a matter of time didn't we a mama mega play could be pretty cool but if not i will still take my victory still have an unlock on the dark room coming up i can remember dark room it's really fun having those fires one while lasted blood puppy looks so happy when it's devouring enemies alive oh where the shots coming from is kidding me right now kidding me with that [ __ ] relic good relic good alges sorry no dogma run to be honest wicked dogma not even against dog wing dogmang bio's out heading to bed now here's the remainder of my bits thank you bio fires don't last long do they all mad again come back through that would you you ate it you didn't dip [ __ ] [Music] all right blood puppies entertaining if nothing else do you think blood puppy and larry would be friends blood puppy would try to eat larry and larry would just like laugh at him stop are you tickling imagine the two of those together blood puppy would bat larry around match made in heaven larry the cucumber larry the snail i think i might have a video just labeled larry the snail i don't remember you just search for you may be able to find it worth watching for sure those videos randy my bad who was larry then randy randy the snail you monster whatever i didn't even name randy i hardly know randy oh this is not gonna be a fun room vp bp get him we named somebody larry randall was already labeled [Music] gonna sort of caliber if you're still streaming after you go to sleep for a second time in three days little larry from ipecac that's good steps too did we find a uh or teleport card if we're gonna go up kinda rips this joker but i do think this is a strong run we should probably go for a tough ending you guys see a tinted skull anyone i could have walked by it i know i did walk by we've already gone through all the rooms under beggar room yeah there it is hiding in the corner so we just used joker now then i guess it's joker oh no because i kind of teleported back and then had it again yeah no i could have saved it you're right star bethlehem i don't even do star of bethlehem spawns a star with white aura around it that floats very slowly through each room on the floor making its way towards the boss room while standing inside the ore you get a big tears up 2.5 fire rate damage up plus one times 1.2 plus one and homing the star continues to make its way through the floor even if you aren't in the same room as it on the void floor it will move towards the boss room containing delirium doesn't travel into the hush or mega satan boss room it may travel through secret curse rooms on its route to the boss room counts as one of three astrology items needed the same run to unlock planetariums um that sounds pretty cool didn't we want to go to mega satan though what do you guys think dogma darkroom mega satan possibly delirium [Music] they're both pretty tough dogma is harder to get a run for because you have to make the run earlier yeah santa santa dogma dogma satan satan satan dogma the second option stand stand darkroom mega stand mama mega bomb for hush [Music] dogma or i'll dog your mom more people want satan stanley let's do it then let's rip it squad glad to use a joker card then oh good yup did you hurry up star gotta wait for your ass we need some range that's what we need let's do dogma all right you know what fine i'm gonna do dogma strictly because this is an early strong run [Music] anybody can get a late strong run [Applause] doesn't matter which one of these we take every move you make we dropping best faith then [Music] jesus that star is slow oh we don't need to drop best faith doy because we already have the tainted version of everybody i'm so programmed to think that now oh it went the other way wait i'm coming chosen one [Music] there should be a button i can press to speed it up [Music] where are you going wait a minute wait a minute making shortcuts and [ __ ] you know i can't do that i want to slow this down wait stop you're going too fast slow down you're going too fast and you got to make the morning last just looking down the cobblestones [Music] i'll meet you later [Music] i'm actually i just kind of wanted a normal boss no it's not gonna be a boss room because it's the gehenna two it's dad's note right the dizzle maybe [Music] what does it do in a dogma fight you think [Music] it does anything [Music] it goes away in the beast sequence [Music] [Music] so [Music] phd for that tears down strictly um what could runes do for me ask not what ruins can do for you but for what you can do for your runes randall alges could be useful perthro not really [Music] suck my ruins take blinds that was pretty good my range though is trash now now with more trash anyone know that reference by the way golden pill dude phd golden pill i don't i don't i don't know what that means but it's still here i still have it right start throwing everything start throwing it all get to those bombs i don't want those bombs we could save those bombs close that all right all right i already what's the golden pill i don't know i just got it it's infinite pill maybe come on you can do better than that can't you final we'll use it money in the secret room whoops range up range something's wrong infested elf up balls of steel runs to the end feels like i'm walking on sunshine drowsy luck up drowzee perks balls of steel drowsy oh it's gone now that was dope i mean it would have been really cool had there been a range upgrade but uh all in all i gotta say i think i approve of the golden pill [Music] let me just see what it says on the wiki um i don't think it might not say anything oh pills there we go [Music] golden pill does not show up nope wait afterwards plus pills after phil's rebirth pills no i don't see it i see nothing tears up here's that would've been nice yeah there's no repel there's no repentant pills five percent chance to be consumed each use okay [Music] nothing too strong there yep go get the tears up oh yeah the tears up that's already there could be taken right [Music] i think you're so smart all the time chat [Music] i think you're so freaking smart yo bricks i think i'm gonna go yeah it plays good plays what about yeah does a verb give me another golden pill it might just give me the last pill that golden pill gave me i don't know spent it it's gone just get over it how can you have spent our savings give me a tasty dogma fight um anything that i need to remember go get you got all the item rooms on the way here [Music] save a bomb sounds pretty good diary might be the best thing to save now though all clear for pill drops yeah and that's where we need it i get pills in the way i'll be happy but if not i'll be happy last run for tonight i got one more slice of pizza so i'll finish this eat the pizza maybe one more run shut up maggie you just keep pushing me like this i'm leaving good leave if we can hit 6 000 sub points i'll do another run after that yourself that would take 154 subs though oh notifications have been you know more or less quietish a couple acceptance late late stream usually is that's a lot of runs i've seen better runs in my pants streaming for half a day don't enable them [Music] will ferrell from catalina wine mixer keep pushing me like this feels nice that i don't have to rely on my poops anymore very uh nice step up from that last run that we just kind of tanked and by tanked i mean like we did we did poorly blood puppy not now [Music] you need to repent you need to confess your sins what is it with blue babies let his light inside you cleanse your soul about something to do with the fact that dead people evacuate their bowels uncontrollably i don't even know how to dodge that that one gets me every time except for this time yeah yeah old scale [Music] one of ed's first games dressing up dead babies yeah he had a dead baby dressing up simulator fun fact that baby is a huge or ed baby ed was a huge fan of the dead baby jokes should get him to pay out to get to him period how do i do that without killing him not like that really really sad fact final cut scene as isaac rises it looks like the beast is giving him double middle fingers not sure if he ever saw my message a week or two ago but i thought it was funny wanted to point it out if he ever saw it and thought the same final cut scene is isaac as isaac rises looks like he has middle fingers we'll take a look shot height [ __ ] it's called shot height look it up sweetheart godspeed okay i don't really have any accessible bombs i'm gonna worry about it when i was watching one of your videos and it gave me a chuckle where are you going wait we need you your son i'm sorry isaac i'm sorry well i i don't really care about that to be honest possible small rock probably not i guess it doesn't really matter if i rip through my stuff i don't blow myself up it was not it wasn't voice i think this was so bad i mean i don't think it was bad i don't think that you know i would sound like that but now you never know until you know you know until you're there doing it being that person [Music] telepills the hell would that do oh that's tough burn oh the speed at which that thing came in wow oh yeah i'm getting [ __ ] lit yeah having the star be nice in this fight wouldn't it go actually rack up some damage here blood puppies like help ah dude he just got bombed as well oh poor bp if we're right okay if we're at max deadeye does it give you homing because it kind of looks like it gives you homing when you're maxed out [Music] your sacred heart oh we have secret dark correct it doesn't look like we're uh it gives us homing but sometimes i noticed like the super bright ones homing in maybe i'm just not paying attention [Music] oh that's a good one [Applause] look at all my bodies get in their bodies do your thing do something okay never mind it's okay rocky what was patrick's uh rox name okay i there we go i got sucked up i got stuck in there blood puppy is trying [Music] good run name was in fact rocky swarm has appeared in the basement sweet cool thanks for watching people on youtube see you in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 42,352
Rating: 4.9190855 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 18sec (3738 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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