Rich People WON'T TIP For PIZZA, They Instantly Regret It PT 2 | Dhar Mann

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have a seat i'll bring him right out hey watch where you're going man oh so sorry do you know how expensive this suit is much more than you can afford you're probably right i'm really sorry sir some people anyway um let me get um three slices of cheese we have a five for five dollar deal if you want to add two more uh yeah sure why not great have a seat i'll bring them right out what the heck okay five slices of cheese [Music] [Music] [Music] great pizza right this is unbelievable [Music] really you're gonna take the last slice of pizza oh sounds like you're hungry there you go that is disgusting what is wrong with you you know what you should be ashamed of yourself you should go out and get a job instead of eating other people's food [Music] here's your pizza sir no no no you already dropped mine off oh that was his pizza he ordered the same thing [Music] oh my god that was your pizza yes it was i'm so sorry that whole time i i thought you were eating my my pizza and and then you split that last slice in half but why well i may not have much but i'm always happy to share i shouldn't have been so quick to assume please please have some of mine i'm more than happy to share [Music] welcome to up where can i get started for you yeah let me get a 12 inch veggie wait larry larry the loser from high school i i can't believe you work here how embarrassing um times have been tough so i do what i have to to put foot on the table who do you make here anyway like eight bucks an hour almost 7.50 but my goal is to be a regional manager one day anyways what are you doing nowadays well i'm a manager for darman studios meeting with the owner a little bit later today and he is going to promote me to senior manager wow hey congrats i'm really happy for you wish i could say the same to you doesn't seem like things have changed much have they larry the loser okay here's your food and that'll be 14.50 by the way nice uniform there buddy you know one day you might be able to afford a suit and tie like this yeah maybe actually do me a favor smile can you please not take pictures of me oh don't be shy i just want everyone in high school to see what a loser you still are look at larry the loser sandwich connoisseur hey your foot already has 20 likes on it you know i would stay and hang out but i've got a real job to get back to so here you go oh no i'm so sorry but i mean it is your job to clean up the floors right you know what todd you should never look down on someone because one day you might end up looking up to them isn't that ironic the sandwich artist is trying to give me life advice you know what let me do you a favor [Music] there's the tie now he's got to sell enough sandwiches to get the rest of the suit larry the loser todd walks off leaving larry behind to clean up all the mess he ends up attending the meeting with the owner so excited for the promotion except things don't go exactly as planned the owner finds out about the facebook post and fires todd on the spot for violating the company bullying policy now unemployed todd has to look for other jobs applying everywhere he can but no matter where he goes no one wants to hire him because of his bad references after months of being unemployed things get so bad that todd runs out of money having tried so many other options he decides to swallow his pride and apply at a fast food restaurant and then one day todd happens to run into larry welcome to what's up how can i help you sir um actually i wanted to see if todd larry i i barely recognized you what are you doing in a suit well two weeks ago i got promoted to senior district manager i'm now in charge of 125 locations wow that's that's incredible anyways you won the same thing as last time the 12-inch no um actually i came by to see if see if you guys were hiring oh you see times have gotten a little tough and uh sometimes you got to do what you got to do to put food on the table are you sure you'd want to work for larry the loser i'm really sorry for what i said to you you were right you should never look down at someone because one day you might be looking up to them can you ever forgive me yeah yeah of course and actually i can get you started right away come on i'll show you how to be a sandwich connoisseur hey pablo you gotta suck yeah what's up boss freda got some bad news we're uh i'm gonna have to let you go okay okay you're kidding right i'm one of the hardest working people here we had to make some budget cuts i hope you can understand no what are you this is how am i supposed to pay my bills i don't know but i'm i'm sure you're gonna figure it out good luck hey you're home earlier yep look um you're not gonna believe this ben i i just got fired today what are you serious yeah well yeah it came out of nowhere but i don't understand you told me you were getting a promotion i thought so too but clearly that didn't happen okay so what are you gonna do i don't know find another job and what else pablo i'm sorry but i can't do this anymore you can't do what what do you mean i mean that when i first met you you told me that you were gonna start your own business someday and that we were gonna live in a really nice place and yet we're still living in this dump and now you're unemployed well i'm sorry my life hasn't gone accordingly to your plan okay you know what i'm leaving okay no wait wait wait where are you going shelby wait look pablo i need a man that can give me what i deserve and provide for me and clearly you're not that man so okay but please don't just thanks whenever you're ready what's up hey man want to go to vegas this weekend the bears are playing the raiders no i i can't be spending money like that i just lost my job for real that sucks man i'm sorry to hear that hey i hate to ask but i will need those five hundred dollars did i let you borrow a few weeks ago do you think you can venmo them to me ah shoot right what's wrong i didn't realize you'd need it back so soon so i kinda already better on the football game you did what i'm sorry but there was this really good parlay that was paying 20 to one if i win that'd be 10 grand nobody ever wins those dave no no this one's different look if i win i'll pay you half how's that whatever i get it now doing all right no i kind of wish today never happened not bad huh yeah at first i lost my job then my girlfriend broke up with me and well now i just found out my friend gave away the 500 that he owes me so ouch sorry you got to go through all that don't be sad though god always closes the door for a reason what do you mean well let me ask you this job you lost is it what you always dreamed of doing no you know i've always dreamed of having my own donuts up that feels like a long time ago so and this girl you were dating absolutely certain she was the one for you i mean her leaving like this doesn't make me question things and the 500 bucks you can survive without it yeah i'm not going to starve if that's what you're asking well then maybe just trust that god always closes the door for a reason and one day you just might thank him for it so wait you're saying that all of this is happening for a reason this one's on me hey look at that your day's turning around already sorry i'm late you must be pablo yes i saw the pictures online so this place used to be a donut shop yep so it's already built out for everything you need you'd hardly have to spend any money to open that sounds great to me i think i'll take it great i do have to warn you because of what happened with the last tenant the landlord is requiring a double security deposit oh okay and how much would that be let's see first month's rent plus two-month security deposit 5700 really look i'm i'm sorry i don't have that kind of money i barely have a thousand bucks so well if you do get all the money together just give me a call don't wait too long though a lot of people calling about this space good luck i need my own chef who was i kidding pablo he completely missed out bro we should have come to vegas that is the last thing on my mind right now hey you okay are you still stressing about shelby no i guess a little but no i met with a realtor and he told me he wants fifty seven hundred dollars for this place i mean that's crazy right i don't have that kind of money and i don't understand how anything i just said could make you smile look look i would feel bad for you if there was any truth to what you just said what do you mean remember that parley i told you about yeah well it hit what yeah you're joking right oh man and here is the five grand i promised you this is insane thank you of course man hey hey look and now you can open up your own shop you know it still wouldn't be enough to pay for inventory or to hire new employees i i don't think it's going to work but thank you really no no no wait i'll tell you what since you let me borrow money here's another five grand dave i'm not going to take your money it's a loan pay me back whenever you have thank you but no really do you say i insist i wouldn't even have this money if it wasn't for your 500 take it um you're a good friend man no really dave thank you of course i promise you you're not going to regret this don't worry about it all right come here donuts [Music] here you go of course you're welcome next ron what are you doing here hey do you mind taking the next customer sure thank you well i was just walking by and i thought i saw you is this your shop yeah i bought it a few months ago and well you can say things are going pretty well i can tell you've always been a hard worker so you definitely deserve it thank you listen our head chef position just opened up and it'd be a big promotion from your old job would you be interested um [Music] thank you so much thank you have a good one me too hi am i right but thank you i understand well congrats on all your success i'll see you soon [Music] hello hi so i heard through the grapevine that you started your own business yeah you can say that i'm so so proud of you you know i was thinking we should start our relationship over again yeah um look i don't know if that's a good idea shelby you know god always closes the door for a reason and well i intend to keep it that way so goodbye wait don't go there you go two pumpkin spice lattes you are the best man here you go [Music] you know you don't have to stay here and help me right you can just go home and relax are you kidding i much rather be helping you thank you you know i thank god every day for introducing me to you hey pablo can i get a smile for the dm times yeah babe get in okay one two and okay that'll be 2 40. uh could you charge it to my account please my name is ryan harris it says here you don't have any credit letters wait are you sure my mom said she would add them this morning could you check again please what's taking so long seriously can you hurry up i'm really sorry but you're at zero dollars do you want to pay cash [Music] now it's okay i wasn't really hungry anyway thank you hi you can put on my account olivia jones i'm so hungry here's your lunch what but i thought i didn't have enough credits you don't but it's okay i paid for it and i bought you some more credits to last you through the month really thank you so much but why are you helping me well i know what it feels like to not have lunch you see when i was a young girl i went to school here too my parents didn't have much money so we barely got by i remember one day i stood in line waiting to buy my lunch but i didn't have enough credit so i left the line empty-handed i was so hungry and i didn't think i was going to eat but then out of nowhere the amazing cashier brought me lunch [Music] i told her i couldn't pay for it but she said all i needed to do was one day pay it forward and help someone else in need so you see i'll never forget that kind woman she's the reason why i decided to start working here she changed my life forever and she'll probably never know it what a cool story thank you so much you're welcome here take this and just remember to one day pay it forward i will [Music] hey mom i'm home from school mom are you okay yeah i'm okay listen i'm so sorry you didn't get to eat again today i just didn't have money to buy you credits but i promise i will soon i promise i feel like the worst mother in the world um it's okay look i used to wait today you did but how well [Music] there was this really nice woman she bought me lunch credits for the whole month and the only thing she asked me to do was to one day help someone else in need and she even gave me this card [Music] is everything okay mom everything is great [Music] what about the boys it's the girl someone but that's because they don't have any rules to follow amber your shorts violate the school dress code you have a lot of nerve talking back to me you're on the verge of being suspended is there anything else you'd like to say you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 6,784,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: tK_vJC3qD4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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