T90 Trolls Episode #2 | Wonder Victory vs Huns!

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[Music] no he's Hans no guys this is a wonder challenge I'm supposed to win this game with a wonder and of all the sibs that he chose he chose Hans and he doesn't know what the challenge what hat what are the odds of that man all right well this is gonna be a long one as I've already said I will have to fight him and gain a lead he doesn't seem to he there's no way he expects the wonder he's asking about siege Tower I'll have to fight him and get a lead and then from there we have to go for the Wonder I can't like actually kill him off just have to wound him question is do we go scouts feel like Scouts is the play I was thinking man-at-arms originally nines are great men and armed Civ but against Huns think Scouts and the camels would be good I have a pretty good map for scouts as well I know Pig though we'll assume the pig is out there anyone see my pick I can't find it where my Pig these guys in these challenges people will lame the crap out of me why chat why do people do that do you think he's lame to me I mean there's got a can't lamed lamed to pigs well his Scouts here already alright nice aggressive start this is not good actually it's got to be back here shortly okay alright t90 got a bit paranoid oh no I off that dumb scout man I almost lost a bill because of that it's all fine it's all fine we're fine okay dear listen if I were you I would want to die either so we'll just be very greedy and pushing our dear [Music] [Music] Diana this is gonna be impossible man this is gonna be impossible nice so he's going Scouts just kisses man no holes as far as I can see - actually aren't creating any Scouts at the moment we will in the SEC that could be really bad okay well Oh where's the scout there well as far as I can see he's probably gonna Archer transition because he's behind in the Scout numbers at least that's a pretty big possibility yeah we're gonna arch for transition he's a lot of Spears so you realize my objective in this game is to actually win with a wonder and this has been been focusing on a lot of other things hmm there's a lot of gold for now archers I just don't see any archers yet okay is eCos a mess ah [Music] [Music] chase him good now we go for the week bills or a farm just basically be as annoying as possible ah that sucks I wonder if I'm a bit confused because I haven't seen any archery ranges from him [Music] he doesn't have fletching either so he's pretty far behind if he if he's going oh she's weak yeah if she's weak there's another week on there as well oh that's amazing okay alright so I need to scalp the other areas of the map because we're going for wonder victory and that's we're not we got a lead right that was the goal to get a lead it was not to kill him so we need to somehow ease up hmm interesting yeah I have no clue what he's been up to then but um we're gonna have a pretty big boom going so let's t see that goal do you see this wood as well it's got a scout this for relics we know where's wood is right ok so we'll have an eco lead but I just felt way behinds an army so his situation is actually better than ours but see if this scares him off he should fight this immediately but see if he yep smart yeah we can't go wandering this game why does he run this actually makes it really fun this is basically just the 1v1 getting now I need to market [Music] I don't think that was intentional by him hmm I really wonder how much eco he has just remember he built that Tower okay why do I feel why since happening [Music] need my relics I'm just concerned with getting routes so we can go for the Wonder victory feels like we have a big lead but then the score okay [Music] yeah we have a pretty big lead now he's gone full oh that's not cool I thought before my armor which is bad [Music] [Music] he's got a cold there huh feel like he's just gonna gg you know don't want me to attack alright we will have four relics what I can do is actually take control of that gold as well he might also be up I mean it depends I don't know what he's up to at the moment but he might be up Sarab relic back here that he saw you see the monk there apply a little bit more pressure but I won't I just have to go for that wonder and we have to castle this hill he's probably thinking what is t9 DS challenge yeah up please okay we need a lot of gold for this he played really well though don't let him get one no Angela why why betray us what did we ever do to you so I need gold I need wood and we'll build it in the back if I had the relic I could have gone for relic victory we are gonna go for champions stand by the way I was looking we need treadmill crane so we can build faster I actually don't need gold we need wood and we have stone that gold we will once oh he must not have spotted that not much Hans can do against Malian champs I should be fine plus I have the camels is that tech finished it is he's an imp when did he hit him I don't remember this I don't remember him going imp all right whatever mosque of the Jenny I actually really need pop space right now so it isn't a bad thing that he's I mean he will have calves and he will also have this is a bit problematic I didn't know he was up actually sorry I just need to wait for your champ yeah this is not gonna happen but we'll keep trying try and get a few conversions I can't fight it man don't tell me I lost my champion upgrade as well oh I didn't okay look I need these farmers come on now well we only need to wait for like 500 or so years when we hit the next stage it's not bad only like 500 could be worse 200 years maybe there's a shot I I doubt it because I can't fight Sidra [Music] come on guys I'll try and make Pike's we'll see what we could do seems ova maybe I could just walk let's just let's just look maybe wall and stuff wall against erm I'm so Ted [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm wait how'd he get in how'd he get in no market I mean maybe I have a slight chance feel like I don't though he just needs to get trebs or ramzan on this side full Pike could possibly work oh my god what I forgot about these guys that kept it helpful I even know I had them therapy Oh all right let's just patrol these bad boys in why don't we my god all right that that really I've been like a little bit a little bit salty a little bit salty cuz I felt like this was impossible so that lighten the mood a little bit you know just a little bit I'll look at that [Music] we're just gonna go for pikes you want to raid my eco cool just don't kill my Jen I wonder as long as the mosque of the Jenay is safe we were happy people oh look my crossbows are dead imagine that my eco is trash I don't know what I'm doing I'm defending I'm defending the mosque all right with everything we have 113 years now he's Huns I swear if he research his atheism I'm gonna lose it he really should he is pallid dinos now and my pikes don't stand a chance for his paladins he should have the extra gold which means that he should be able to produce them we're dead we're dead man he had this extra gold he got my relics we're dead I'll make whatever I can [Music] maybe hold the hard time finishing me off though I've pretty much just been creating pikes hmm Castle there I've lowered my expectations all right I've lowered him I've said we're dead are we I think we are but let's not waste any fights there all right wait on the hill build towers don't really have space for barracks here all right this feels hurt I'm gonna have to hold for me [Music] does he have traps he doesn't have traps I think I have enough pikes I have enough pikes to hold verse 2 paladin's if he research his atheism though I'm gonna I'm gonna be so upset cuz I can't I have no eco now he's gonna do it I know he's gonna do it man he's experienced he knows he knows that tech exists I can't make another batch of pikes really he's gonna wait till it's three years or something oh good thing we have that stone there [Music] might as well rebuild a few farms I guess okay time to pull back 1tc crating feels yeah he is relics that's funny yeah that's funny yeah it scared me I was like oh no he researched it oh it just as relics [Music] I'm waiting to chop out of here actually always got trap's no that's not cool he says my wonder is ugly he'll make fun of my wonder man that was expensive I'll make fun of judge na make some farm space Oh God no not not the mosque not the mosque no did Jenny he called you ugly no my wonder no how'd he get through how does there a hole there Age of Empires quick get reinforcements get repair bills we're fine if he researches atheism I swear I this will never see you too this will never see reddit this will go nowhere I will delete my channel before people see this do not research atheism do not do it man please don't do it I have been through a lot in this game don't research it [Music] three years three years please - what we did it yes we did i I didn't down this for a second I don't know about you guys I mean I was never salty never frustrated and I always had faith why because it did Jenny all hailed the Jenny had he researched atheism that would have added 100 years to the clock so he just didn't remember or maybe didn't have the resources and not sure oh that was brutal man like that that the start of that game was was much more intense than I ever expected to play on stream I got to give him credit he did really well I think what what hurt him in this particularly because I took some really bad fights in early castle he was behind in Eco he should have he should have taken advantage of the fact that he had more military like he had the Knights I think that transitioning into to some calves archers would have been the play for Huns once because I'm always going to go camel there so you just make CA and boom and you're in a nice position but you make me enjoy games despite what some people say about me you were correct about me only looking at my Knights sorry for killing your board t90 pig t90 lefty oh man what a game thanks guys I don't typically upload my gameplay to YouTube but I've been thinking about doing this troll series and I guess I guess you're seeing this on YouTube make sure to give your input and if you like this or not hi I'm sorry guys I'm a competitive person and halfway through I definitely had like this this annoyed tone to me because I was like Joe how dare they choose this challenge versa guy who I could never pull it off against and I will admit I'm a positive because it succeeded but I I thought we were dead I thought I was dead I didn't even know he was an imp I didn't prep I figured oh we're way ahead now you know I'm gonna build this wonder off time to get into champion I didn't realize he a Cavalier and then I left 40 crossbows in the north of the map man 40 crossbows just chilling out there and I was baffled like where on earth is my population I don't understand where am i popular what what's going on here I actually thought that I thought that all of my fills were building the Wonder and so the reason I didn't have like pop space was because 50 my bills were building what the Wonder you know like it felt like I had 160 pop it didn't feel like I had 200 I just chalked it up to the fact that they were building the Wonder but uh anyway here's the eco difference if you're curious he did do really well late-game he did really well I think that maybe he just didn't feel like I I think he should have transitioned into some calves archers instead of going paladin like make Cavalier and cab Archer or even some some type of range but I can see why he wouldn't want to do that because I did have Malian infantry and Malian infantry as hi pierce armor however mad Salah you you played very well this game you should be proud of yourself I guess he chose Huns because he felt like it would be a good civic to play and not because of atheism whoo man yeah so youtube if you solve that one and you'd like to stop by twitch stream in the future I think we'll be doing more this t90 trolls stuff depending on how many times people wants it people try not to to give match illallah a hard time by asking him why he didn't research atheism because I've seen 20 million of you do that already I'm sure he just figured that out now but well played it was fun Wow
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 122,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: jim0eKsJD30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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