Synology NAS Compete Build, Setup, RAID, Pools and Volumes (2024 SETUP GUIDE #1)

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[Music] hello and welcome to NAS Compares chances are if you found this video it's because you are looking to set up your brand new Synology NZ and you want to do it right the first time the reason being if you make a mistake the last thing you want to do is roll back now we've been covering the subject of Nas and sonology for many many many many years at this point and indeed we have been releasing guides and setup guides for all of the popular brands for quite a few years we've not done one for sonology for about 2 years and a lot has changed they've changed a lot of the user interface there's been major updates to a lot of the default admin settings on a lot of these devices changes to a lot of the shared folder configurations and ultimately we thought it pertinent to revisit the subject of setting one of these up for the first time for a complete novice so in this video This is the first part of the series of videos and in this whole series it's going to be about eight or nine Parts long we are going to C cover everything but we are doing it to someone yourself who is completely new to this this is a true new noobs novice guide we're going to be going through everything in detail and while we're going through it it's going to be slow sometimes if you know what you're doing again Time bar on the bottom there chapters and there's the option to speed up what I'm saying it very very quickly to two and a half time speed if you really really want to but let's crack on so first and foremost what are you going to need to set up your sonology for the the first time well you're going to need a techology to start with this is the DS 1522 plus this guide and all of the steps in this video can work for pretty much any sonology from rat Mount to desktop but I'm using this one because it has a lot of feature set for us to sort of explore throughout this series and is probably one of the best ones but on top of that you need more than this what else you're going to need well you're going to need the sonology accessory kit that all your devices arrive with inside you'll find your PSU some devices will have the large as devices will have the power supplier built in so in those devices it will just go directly into the back but the majority of desktop devices arrive with a power supplier as an external power brick there with your Mains connected there on the rear another thing you're going to need is ethernet cob you're going to need at least one of these again you should have that included with your sonology kit but it's an RJ45 Cat 5 cat e if you look those up you'll find those in any retailer on top of that you're going to need your storage media now although I'm going to talk about a lot of brands in the course of the next few weeks in these series of videos I will state right now that sonology does bring a very unique advantage to the table that the majority of Brands don't now you can see four drives here but we're only going to be installing two of them we're going to be using these drives these sonies own 4tb H 3300 plus series drives we're going to be installing those inside this system the reason I've got the other drives is later in this series I'm going to be showing you one of the great advantages of a sonology is sonology hybrid raid s HR and that allows you to install different drives and then imbue and absorb all of the extra storage they provide in a way that traditional raid configurations known as raid or redundant array of independent discs allows you to have multiple drives and a safety net that's what raid is it allows you to have mulle drives with the data spread across them and if one of the drives dies your data is still safe it's not a backup hence the top but it does give you a safety net and later on in this series I'll be showing you how to install extra drives later on and take advantage and leverage all of that extra storage but I will highlight as well the reason I'm only installing two drives in this larger system here is when you are setting up your sonology now for the first time one of the things you can do to kind of plan for the future and also leverage how much money you're going to be spending is you don't have to fully populate these devices you can get away with installing as little as one drive if you choose and the sonology software DSM or dis station manager will allow you to add drives granularly as the years go on and as you add those drives it B it rolls it into the original storage known as the storage pool and therefore have more space later and expand it allows you rather than trying to fully spec this out on day one you can go ahead and get just two drives and then have them in say a raid one or shr and then have one drive of that failure protection we just mentioned about that redundancy that safety it so I'm only putting two drives in CU later in this series I'm going to be showing you how to add drives later something you may be doing years down the line another thing we're going to be talking about is nvme ssds a lot of sonology devices arrive at their base with the option or sometimes internally of adding m.2 nvmes and the extent to which you can use these ssds will differ depending on the one you go for I'm going to be installing inside this system one sonology SSD an smv 3400 and one thirdparty drive from titanium micro now why we using two different drives well that will be a lot clearer later on in the series but in brief sonology ssds can be used as caching or they can be used as storage pools faster areas of storage whereas thirdparty drives could only be used for caching and later on through the series I'll be showing you a little bit more about that there but if you are looking at buying your first anology and the salesman who you were buying it from was trying to upsell sticking in ssds there's every possibility you don't even need them so later on we'll discuss that but don't immediately go out and buy these on day one you do not need to you can buy them later and I'll show you how to integrate them and also find out if you actually need them you may need a screwdriver but one of the only reasons you're going to need a screwdriver is if you go for 2 and 1/2 in SSD media we're not going to be using these in today's video but rather than hard drives you can if you choose go ahead and go for 2 and 1/2 in SSD media and that allows you to get that faster kind of response from your storage but just bear in mind ssds they have a lower capacity rate rather than hard drives generally these drives will go as high is maybe 4 TB or 8 TB if you want to go for lesser quality nand whereas hard drives can go up to currently 24 or even 26 terabyt in capacity there so I'm not going to be using them I just wanted to highlight them and also that when you do install drives inside your system ssds need screws to go in these holes you can see here on screen whereas hard drives go straight in the Bays so those are our accessories that we're going to use for this so why don't we begin the installation when installing the media inside your sonology Nas system if you intend to install both hard drives and ssds always install the ssds first the reason being that during this installation you're going to be moving this box around all over the place and the last thing you want to do is shake up hard drives as these are susceptible to motion damage shock damage and just generally are more um uh fragile than SSD now we installing 2.5 in ssds again it will differ depending on the system you choose to use but go ahead and access those m.2 mvme panels on the base of your system again with these ssds they go inside these slots and sonology drives allow you to use both caching and storage whereas third party drives it's only caching make sure that you do the alignment of the little key there at the top to meet the alignment of the slot it's going into once you you install that inside it should click into place and there's a little clip there at the top of the system there and then it will allow you to put that drive in and it will click into place again you may see channels out there talking about the utilization of heat sinks and again I've talked about it here on the channel heat sinks for ssds do serve a purpose these do not have moving Parts but they do get warm and sometimes do draw that heat away from the SSD and dissipate it into the air heat sinks can be used for that very purpose however the majority of sonology n systems at this scale do not utilize more than times one speed on the SSD inside what does that mean what that means is that the SSD in that you may be installing may have a reported speed of two 3 you know 1,000 megabytes per second but because because the SSD slots are reduced to x 1 or time 2 speed on the sonology often the result of more affordable CPUs being used or intentionally by the brand to downgrade that speed to stop the drives getting hot a lot of the time you're not going to need heat sinks for those slots once you've got your ssds installed go ahead and reapply those clips to cover up your ssds we flip the system over and we make our way onto the main storage base here so again it's always recommended to work from slot one which in most cases is found on the left going to the right go ahead and grab your trays and for a sonology Nas installation it's really straightforward you remove these side clips here you take the drive in question make sure the SATA connector is facing outwards and the label at the top and apply it into your tray it should sit neatly and then your tray clip will go straight on you apply your other tray clip and there you go your drive is now held in that tray there and you simply need to slot it into the available slot on your sonology NZ we'll repeat that process again with the second tray um another thing you may have noticed on this system is each of those trays had a small locking mechanism there at the bottom now realistically that Lo lock in mechanism is not going to stop anyone that wants to take these drives out it is not a complete it's not a comprehensive lock it wouldn't match any kind of highend security settings there what that lock is traditionally used for is to ensure that users cannot accidentally remove drives cuz sometimes you want to make sure these trays are locked there'll be keys with the oenology set up there but that stops someone accidentally removing that drive accidentally or intentionally for that matter cuz if you do that if that drive is removed not only will that trigger a degraded raid state which is when much as we saw earlier a drive dies and it looks like the rest of the system is going to panic but we still if a drive is removed from a system even though the drive is healthy with all the data on it sonology systems of btrfs and ext4 file systems as well as uh sonology hybrid raid and traditional raid configurations like raid one and raid 5 more on that later none of those within the sonology architecture support the reintroduction of that drive into the raid if you put that drive back in particularly the longer you wait as well the system will still need to rebuild the raid and effectively destroy the data on that drive in order to rebuild the entire Ray configuration reintroducing that drive will result into the system needing that degraded raid rebuild so bear that in mind and use the locks if you are concerned with that now if you've got other Drive install them now but personally I'm going to put those two drives in so later in this series I can expand the next thing we need to do is attach our connections now the last thing you need to be connecting is the power because in many cases a Naas will automatically boot when power is introduced into it so we're not going to include that bootable power there but what we do need to briefly discuss is the network connection here now later on during this video I'm going to show you that it is possible to set this device up with zero internet connectivity between this and the internet you will need a connected um uh Windows Mac iOS or Android system with internet connectivity briefly but it's up to you whether you want to set this up with the Internet or without the internet the reason being is this system here requires our connection on the back and then this cable needs to go in one of two things either it needs to be connected into your router so this would be the device in your home or office where the internet comes in traditionally via a CO axle going into the rear and what you can choose is to take your Nas If You Wish and plug it directly into your router and the router that's already got the internet coming in can then connect with the nas if you choose to download firmware updates allow remote access with the right security credentials and more alternatively if you are more conscious of your security network or lots of local devices are going to be using wide connection to access the nas in those scenarios you may be using a switch this is quite a high-end switch but there's lots of affordable ones you can pick up for as little as £15 with these devices this allows you to connect in and then you can Bridge a connection between this and the router the result being you can create uh barriers individual sub networks often known as vlans or virtual local area networks that you can have all of your connected devices here and not necessarily give them direct access to the internet whichever one of those systems suits you best go ahead with that setup I'm going to be connecting this now to a switch and that switch is going to have internet access but it allows me to shut down the gates and also introduce other security measures in between there so now I've connected the local area network here into my Naz the next thing I'm going to do is the power now the next two steps you can do in whatever order you like but generally what I like to do is to attach the power cable to the Nars first before I attach the Main's connector for two reasons one because I'd like to know whether it's going to be working I'd like to make sure the cable is connected before I introduce power so in my case I'll go ahead and attach my Main's power cable here you'll often hear a slight click from your PSU when you introduce that power that's perfectly normal and then from there I've now got power introduced into this NZ I've also included the installation of the dri media and I've attached a local area network so next up all I need to do is press this button here the system will begin to boot now what will happen in the next 30 to 120 seconds or so is the system is going to beep during the initial boot of the device I'll just move my mic during the initial boot of the device you'll only see this tiny light blinking on its own eventually you will see lights for each of those individual drives but the system does a brief system check before it boots into the storage media then you'll start to hear the drives begin to spin up and then eventually you'll see LEDs denoting that it knows that the drives are in the system for the next step we need to make our way over to my Windows machine now the next steps can be performed on a Windows machine but they can also be performed on a Mac or a Linux machine moreover you can set up a sonology Nas device with just a mobile phone and we'll be making a completely separate video on mobile setups just because the majority of users are still going to be using desktop computers such as laptops and desktop PCS to get the job done but let's move over to the desktop computer and continue with the next step in this setup so here we are on the desktop of my Windows PC here now depending on how you want to configure your new sonology now there's a few options open to you the first thing I'd recommend you download regardless is you head into the sonology download Center and then from there search for your Naz as I've done here find in the DS1 1522 plus I recommend downloading uh definitely the first tool here to download the desktop package of the tool sonology assistant this is a tool that's utilized for not only searching your local area network and finding the sonology n in order to set it up for the first time but also long-term access it but it also provides other little advantages built into the back end such as for example with a n you can choose to map a network drive something we'll cover in part two of this series as well as connector to it generally or wake on land if you want to turn the device on remotely over the no local area network on top of that you can utilize a memory test tool that allows you to stress test the memory on your NS so if you do choose to upgrade the memory on your sonology n you can use this tool to make sure that it's all working perfectly now if you're running multiple network devices as good as the sonology assistant tool is I do recommend another third party tool and that is completely for free known as advanced ip scanner which will scan your local area network for all of the network devices and you can see there not only is it found the sonology N devices but it's also found some others if if you need to bridge gaps between network devices or know the identity of another device on your local area network and extend it even more so this is a great tool for you but bear in mind it's it's a little bit more technical the next thing to bear in mind is whether you want to let the system automatically download the latest software or if you've made sure that your sonology now is disconnected from an internet connection that you want to manually download it and if you want to manually download the sonology operating system and upload it to the nas while you're still in the download section with Sony's website head over to the operating system Tab and then from there click download and that will download that app uh the uh installation package that we will be able to upload later but for now we're going to head into to the sonology assistant and as you can see the sonology nas has completed installation go ahead and either double click or click connect as you can see the next window is inviting us to agree to the terms and conditions from sonology and the user license agreement read it through or go ahead and skip it it's really up to you and then from there as you can see it's now opened a new tab on our web browser here and this will allow us to begin the installation of the software again we can go ahead if we choose to click install and then either automatically download the latest update if our Nas has got internet access or we can manually upload the file that we downloaded earlier and if we downloaded it we go into the our where we downloaded it as you can see I've downloaded it here and this will allow us to automatically upload this version of DSM onto the nas but again you don't have to do that if the nas has already got internet access that will allow the system to download the latest version automatically for itself go ahead and click next after choosing whichever solution suits your needs from here it's going to remind you that the drive data on the individual discs is now going to be deleted as it's going to prepare those drives for Usage Now if you've already got those drives from another sonology NZ system then the system will recognize sonology data and sonology data sets on those drives and invite you to migrate we may do another video on data migration later but but for now we're going to go ahead and proceed with the installation and it will wipe the content of those drives you'll have to go ahead and confirm the model ID of your Nas which it says there in order to confirm that deletion so now the system is going to upload that version of the sonology firmware that I've got on my local PC but again if you've allowed it to download from the internet this next process may be a little slower as it downloads DSM once it's downloaded DSM or uploaded it from your local machine the system will install that firmware and then reboot the system this can take anywhere from between 2 to 5 minutes and again based on your internet connection perhaps even longer than that what we'll do now is we'll skip ahead to when this page refreshes you'll know when the system is ready to be reaccessed because either you will hear the system beep in the background upon completing the reboot or in the sonology assistant tool you simply need to click search again and it will search the local area network and then you will see a change in the system status of what it appears here it is yet to appear let's fast forward to the completion of the restart of this sonology Nas once you hear that beat that the system has restarted and the sonology assistant tool changes from that uninitialized status 2 ready you can go ahead with the next steps in this installation again just as a brief side note it is possible as you can see here to set up your sonology n using just a mobile phone app and I even went ahead and did a Time video as you can see here on screen that showed just how easy it is to set up that device from scratch using a mobile phone so I recommend you check that out if you need further guidance on doing this with a mobile but once again in the web browser here after the system has rebooted this new window will appear allowing you to continue with the installation if you already have an existing installation from another sonology Nas back to onto the cloud or a USB you can restore your device using the option at the bottom but otherwise for new installation click Start and for now give your system a name in my case I'm going to call it the 1522 plus test Nas can't put any more than that we're just going to put test from there we can go ahead and give it the administrator account now this is not the admin which is disabled by default but this is going to create a super user on your system to manage it I'm going to call it admin with a one also I recommend using a secure password but for me I'm going to go ahead and use a mid-range one but it will warn you if one is less secure than others also you can choose whether you want the Sony Nas to be displayed in the web assistant which again you may wish or may wish not to do depending on your configuration you can go back and change this later from here on the next step it will invite you after it's uh putting these credentials on here how you want the system to handle your updates now again depending on if youve given your techology as Internet access this will differ greatly but you can choose to always automatically install important DSM updates so those are the big ones or install the latest updates for packages and apps that means regardless of the importance of the update it will install them or you can have to be uh the notifications to let you know that an update is available and you can choose to update them personally I always install all of the updates but I appreciate that some users would rather that didn't happen because when you do have an update the system will always need to restart the system won't restart if individual applications and services have an update but the whole system update will always reboot the system and if you have lots of remote connected users you may want to schedule that for a better time something you can look into later on in the configuration from here click next and then you can choose whether to create a sonology account now creating a sonology account again is completely free doesn't cost anything extra and does allow you to remotely access your sonology Nas not just on the local area network but bouncing through sonology encrypted server if you want to access to na remotely and if you already have an account you can sign in or you can create one we will do a dedicated video on remote accessing your sonology n looking at sonology services and third party ones and we've already made a video dedicated to the subject of remote accessing your sonology n but nevertheless having a sonology has other uses such as backing up your system configuration to your cloud account and bridging between different devices and Technologies cloud services too more on that in a follow-up video but otherwise you can skip this step and you come back to it later the same goes if you want techology to utilize um analytical data so not your actual data but usage data to improve their platform and you can choose whether you want them to have access to that as you can see we're now applying all of those settings and very shortly the system will boot into as you see here sonology DSM platform in the web browser again it does recommend individual applications and services to install but bear in mind that when installing certain apps you will need to have created your area of storage by default I'm going to skip this but you can choose to go ahead with that but bear in mind you will need to have the storage area ready to go the same goes if you want to add further warranty to your system which depending on the system will add your uh result in adding 2 to three years of warranty Hardware coverage on your system again you can come back to that but bear in mind that is only applicable for a short period at the beginning of your sonology n ownership to get the extended warranty and finally if you want to add in to fa two Factor authentication or OTP services that allow you to use applications on your phone to verify your identity you can enable those directly from this interface but I will show you later how to apply them and finally you can use adaptive mfi if you want to have that secondary multiactor authentication to ensure that you've got different ways to verify who you are but also adding further layers of security between your data and other people again you can unsecure that but you can come back to it later on next up we want to create our area of storage this is going to be really important because ultimately this is the groundwork moving forward on arseny NZ now before we go ahead and create our area of storage on the system I do think it's important to understand the difference between a storage pool and a storage volume a storage pool is the physical storage media being combined into a raid it's ultimately the bottom layer of your storage there's the operating system and the storage pool living on top of it volumes are containers of storage these are where you can plot all of your data create different volumes if you choose perhaps one for surveillance one for backups one for multimedia or create one giant volume that can stall a lot but just keep in mind that the raid when we talk about that is the storage pool the base level of our drives and the volume is the container or containers of storage on top of it which can even be broken down further into folders go ahead and either click create now or if this window isn't here go ahead and click the storage manager there going into the storage manager will open up the storage creation wizard again you can go utilize this me methodology if you want but I would recommend just before you do that to verify that your drives are visible and working fine to do that on the storage manager go into HDD and SSD and you'll be able to see all of your storage media so as you can see there there are the twoology hard drives I put inside the one sonology SSD and the thirdparty SSD there so from here on the overview or the storage manager here click create now this returns us to the creation wizard click Start and from here we select our rid configuration as mentioned earlier on different raids present different advantages and the number of raids presented to you on this screen will differ depending on the number of drives if you want later on down the line to mix and match the hard drives you choose so years down the line adding bigger hard drives select sonology hybrid raid if you only want two discs and you want to mirror that data together with all read and write happening to the two discs ensuring you've always got a perfect up to the millisecond copy select raid one jbod leaves the drives independently of themselves and raid zero combines the storage but writes the data across each discs one two one two one two and the same goes if you add more drives the result is if you lose one drive in a raid zero there is no recovery whatsoever I recommend for two drives or more always to go for a raid 1 or an shr and also note that a raid one can be graduated down the line when you add more drives to a raid five and a raid six if you choose but for now I'm going to select shr we're going to select the number of drives so we're going to select the hard drives because you can see there it has already noticed the sonology SSD but for now we're just going to use those two hard drives we give it a description so we're just going to call this one a H DD pool and then from there click next the next option is asking us to select the drives again even if you've got five six eight drives in here you don't necessarily need to select all of them you can if you want to utilize one whole single storage pool but you can run multiple if you choose for me I'm going to use both these drives and put them into that shr next up you can choose whether you want to do uh Drive health checks before creating in the raid that would mean that it will check the drives are healthy before you go ahead and start building your foundations of storage on them I'm going to skip it for this video but I would recommend you run it it does take a long time depending on the capacity of the drives but it is a useful function to do on day one next up as you can see there is our storage pole allocation and that we can see that with those two drives the 4tb drives in a raid one configuration because they are mirroring their storage storage it means we've got 4 terab or 3,715 GB to show you may be wondering why you're not seeing 4 terab or 4,000 gigabyt that's because the calculation between megabytes gigabytes and terabytes there is technically an all the way down to kilobytes as well it's not 1,000 it's 1,24 and the graduation of those numbers can affect the overall storage number hence why 4tb is shown in this fashion now for the storage pool allocation if you intend to use other features and services and occupy other areas of that storage then when it comes to creating the volumes those containers you may want to save space so for example if you wanted to use the full area of storage for one giant volume just click Max but if you want to create multiple volumes as mentioned one for multimedia one for backups one for surveillance and have them separated out you can go ahead and redefine that number if you choose to smaller amounts of storage so in my case for example I'm going to go ahead and create a single 2 tbte volume and that is what we're going to use for a lot of these videos but it still allows me that other 1,715 GB to use in another volume later it really is up to you and make sure you name your volume from there click next it will also invite you to select a file system now ext4 is the the most well-known of the two there it's been around for decades it is a long-term file system however a number of sonies key applications only work with btrfs file systems additionally btrfs or butter FS as it's known provides other advantages for file Integrity checks uh lower resource consuming snapshot creation and shared folder Recreations a lot quicker also btrfs is slowly becoming the primary re the primary file system on techology now systems and they are phasing out exd4 on certain Hardware tiers of their portfolio and almost certainly this will be phased out across the whole platform eventually ultimately on a sonology now of this scale I would select btrfs the only advantages exd4 can bring is performance benefits much like um shr doesn't give you quite the same performance as a raid one or Raid five equivalent it does bring other advantages to bear finally you can choose if you want to encrypt this volume this is a relatively new feature to sonology NAS systems and it will allow this area of storage to be locked with a key what this means is if someone takes the drives out of the system and tries to put them into another system this drive volume will be locked but just keep in mind that the encryption key is stored locally in the system it can't be accessed it's in an encrypted locker but the system is still able to unencrypt or or decrypt this storage volume but if you move it into another system you can't you can also create a USB storage key as well again it's really up to you the value of your data and later on in our next video when we talk about shared folders we're going to learn more about other ways to to protect your data long term for those of you wondering about the utilization of m.2 MVM let's talk just briefly about some of the utility and the differences between those drives as me mentioned we've got a couple of m.2 MVM here a sonology drive and a thirdparty drive so for example if we go into that HDD and SSD tab via the storage manager select manage available drives and if you choose to here you can select what you want to do so for example if we wanted to create SSD cache we can go ahead say which storage area we want to apply the cache to there's that big volume we created earlier select next and we can choose whether we want to use read or write cache that requires two ssds because of the read write algorithm of read write cache or for readon cache you can use just a single dis but interestingly when we click next as you see here we can say whether we want to pull them together or Raid one to make sure the data can at least be retrieved if a dis dies on that caching but both drives are visible the sonology drive and the third party drive and we can use those for caching but as mentioned earlier if we want to use a storage pool using those M2 mvme select next select what we want to use for in this case we're going to go for an shr from there click next and as you can see after this only one drive is visible the sonology drive so just bear that in mind if you're going to be utilizing ssds in your system or the M2 MVM and you want to use them for both caching and storage you can for example use one SSD like this one and use that as a storage pool for your faster access data and then use the other SSD in your system that's from a third party for that caching algorithm also caching does have benefits but it's not going to benefit everyone to put that into perspective if we go for say read write cache and we look at the options of read write cache what makes read write cach really really useful is with right cache as data is being sent to the nas uploaded from multiple client systems the data is written to the ssds before it is written to the hard drives it's much faster more responsive and then in the background the the data is moved over to the hard drives that does mean however in the event of a power failure the data is not on the hard drives it's on the ssds that's why right cache requires that raid one functionality but on top of that read cache is when the more frequently access data over time is copied not moved copied over to the ssds and that means that when that data is requested yet again it's being pulled from the faster ssds not the slower hard drives but bear in mind in sonology DSM platform really only small data inii metadata tiny amounts of data small block tiny data benefits from this and larger sequential data like multimedia will not see any benefits so if you are looking at B technology NZ for multimedia you're almost certainly going to see no benefits in caching outside of smaller background metadata being scraped and accessible which once that's done once that data isn't going to be that frequently access because how often do you watch the same box set or the same movie enough to justify such an expense and that's really it you can go ahead and click apply and now it will create your new storage pool and your new volume and again if you want to add more volumes later to your existing storage area once the storage pool has finished being created you can go ahead and create a brand new volume if you choose with the available storage you simply have to wait for the storage pool to finish once the storage pool has finished its creation process you can start creating those other shared areas now later on we are going to our next video talk about several things we're going to be talking about shared folders we're also going to be talking about uh security protocol and good working practices with uh creating user accounts on your system for your storage I'll also be providing other tips and tricks to really make the most of your storage out of the gate and in later videos going into more specifics about applications and services within the app center but that's really enough for the primary setup in this part of this series I hope you found this video helpful and if you have let me help you a little bit more if you head over to NAS Compares now on the right hand side of the screen not only have you got access to our new Nas Builder tool that will help you refine and choose the right Nas solution for your needs which allows you to select the number of users the network speed add bonds and utilities as well as the number of Bays the amount of storage you need the amount of failover redundancy and your budget it will allow you to find the perfect NZ for your needs and help you get it right first time alternatively you can head over on the right and side to our free advice section in our free advice section not only do we recommend other alternate sources for free publicly accessible information on public forums as well as our own Discord and official forums too but on top of that you can ask us directly directly via our completely free service there it may take 3 to 5 days and if you're in a rush use our expediated service here on Kofi we've also got our community ask Forum here and finally if you go over to coile patreon you can go ahead and join our membership tiers for Expedia it's support every month if you need it as well as monthly zooms and seminars seminars alternatively you can hire myself or edit a web guy for a zoom consultation I recommend you check those out but apart from that thank you so much for watching as you can see here our storage pool and volume are now complete and good to go and I look forward to seeing you on the next part in this series I'll see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
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Keywords: NAS Server, NAS Drive, NAS Guide, Synology NAS, QNAP NAS, SYNOLOGY DSM, QNAP QTS, QNAP vs Synology, Synology vs QNAP, Synology or QNAP NAS, Synology Rackstation, Synology 2023, QNAP 2023, Synology compare, QNAP Compare, NAS drive review, Synology QNAP, Synology 2024, Synology NAS 2023, SYNOLOGY, QNAP, QNAP NAS 2023, QNAP vs Synology 2023, Synology vs QNAP 2023, DSM vs QTS, DSM vs QuTS, EXT4 vs ZFS, BTRFS vs ZFS, NAS comparison
Id: TDV6uCH-4Ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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