Proxmox + TrueNAS Scale + PfSense Mini PC Build - A Beginners Setup Guide

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[Music] hello and welcome back and that is Right today we want to return to the subject of mini PCS and more importantly utilizing a Mini PC for procm the largely open-source freely available virtual machine hypervisor tool that you can install on pretty much any bare metal and then from there really get creative with a deployment within your home lab or as a viable alternative to an affordable but let's be honest still rather expensive turkey now solution and in today's video thanks to the guys at be link who have sent us this this is the SEI it utilizes an so so i7 12 Gen processor with 32 gig of memory we're going to turn this into a combined proxmox uh equipped traz and pfSense system and throughout the course of this video though we are going to keep it light because frankly the the number of variables in this customization uh installation for a number of you are going to be all over the place this is still going to give you a nice grounding understanding of just how easy it is to use both prox Mox and create virtual environments for PF cense and for True Nas scale on this system and then from there really start to put together your own great little setup so what do we need well number one you're going to need yourself a USB the next thing you're going to need is a Mini PC and that's it that's really all you need I know there's going to be contractors there in the comments that are going to say well this is going to be no good for tras where it's your storage going to live and you know what they got themselves a point with this this system's got a couple of M2 mvme slots inside one of which is occupied with the OS Drive where it arrives with Windows 11 more on that later on but ultimately I'm going to Chuck that to the wind but if you do want to maintain the original OS inside your Mini PC or utilizing another device it is highly recommended to utilize another drive by replacing the one that's inside or if if you have an available SATA if you have an available additional M2 take advantage of those there for that but apart from that when it comes to utilizing Nas software like true Nas scale core utilizing unraid which again later in the video we'll talk about why that's not quite so straightforward in this particular setup um I would still state that this isn't really a serviceable alternative to utilizing maybe the John's bow that we talked about in the last few weeks or utilizing a third party NZ like a teram master an ASA store uh a um uh a qap and then installing true nascal on those and you can install props MOX on these we've done guides on those in order to do a not dissimilar setup to this but with the added advantage in those cases of having those storage Bas to take advantage of but at least with this Mini PC we can take advantage of the network capabilities of this this system has Wi-Fi 6 on board it only has one network interface Port there's going to be users out there that may be watching this video CU you've gone ahead and bought yourself a little Topton um um Mini PC there that's got four 2.5 GB internet ports or maybe some of those really banging 10g and 2.5g PF sent and openwrt ready mini PCS coming out valy express whatever your reason for finding this video there are ways and means and I would argue advantages and disadvantages to running Pro MOX with a Nas software and a network management software on this single system but for now again we're going to keep things as simple as possible let's head over to my PC and go through some of the little implements and little tools that we're going to need to download in order to get this turned into our new wacky little home lab device so here we are on the desktop of my PC while I'm going to guide you through the early steps of the proxmox installation on this bitty PC before we go any further though just a few little bits number one do bear in mind although we are looking at this sei2 Mini PC the majority of the steps in today's video can be used on other mini PCS but we're using this one because of that 12 gen i7 so processor inside another thing I'll highlight is this system arrives with an M2 mvme inside that has got that Windows 11 license and Os inside if you intend to continue using that then you're going to need to remove that SSD from this it's very easy to do in the case of this system four screws on the bottom pop out the SSD and stick in a brand new SSD for our proxmox installation but if you're using a Mini PC that's got multiple M2 mvme slots inside then at the very least can install a second SSD drive and later on during the proxmox installation you can go ahead and Target that drive and make that the bootable Drive which I will show you later on in the video but I just wanted to make it clear that although these steps are being conducted on this device there are other mini PCS both from belink and others out there but this just happens to be a very suitable little device for this now the next thing you're going to need is a USB drive again I've already touched this earlier on but you're going to need a USB drive for the proxmox installation at least 16 gig maybe a 32 gig generally if you go higher than that you may encounter problems largely because um with the BIOS how it interacts with natively fat 32 drives um above that scale um of capacity you are going to end up with sometimes file system issues that can present barriers with certain os's and some earlier Legacy bioses on Mini PC so it's recommended to kind of ear no higher than 16 to 32 gig and even then those 2 gigs you're going to need um other applications um even rofer something we'll talk about later on in order to format them to Fat 32 so um what we're going to do is connect our USB drive here and with our USB drive connected we can go ahead and the first tool we're going to need to download is of course prox MOX head over to the link in the description or this one here on screen and download uh the VA 8.1 ISO installer for proxmox you can can download that it is an ISO image there uh on top of that you're going to need another application known as rofus we've talked about it here on the channel before this is what allows you to turn an ISO which is a digital representation of a image which is a clo system into a USB executional file now we've already created one here for our installation here in the background which I'll touch on later on but that's what Rufus does it's completely free as is the proxmox iso um another thing I'll touch on later in the video video is you can if you wish also download the other os's to run on this duel Network and Nas set up that we're going to be doing here today so you can download true Nas directly from their own site alternatively you can also download pfSense and you can download uh openwrt if you prefer that over pfSense they do have their own advantages and disadvantages there but you don't necessarily have to download them because you can directly download them from within proxmox but that will require you to make sure after the proxmox installation that you enable network connectivity and therefore internet connectivity VI that wir area network there so bear that in mind that if you want you can upload the isos if you want directly vi from the web browser into proxmox later or if you give this internet connectivity later on in proxmox you can actually just dump the direct download links and it will download those images internally so uh once we got the proxmox um ISO downloaded something I've already done here in the background there is proxmox already downloaded there alongside traz as well what you can do is also download roffers as well something we've done then you just need to run rofus you can either get a portable version of rofus rofus that will just boot on a double click or you can go for the full installer that will install roofers on your Windows machine there next up you're going to need to connect that USB drive as discussed apologies for the break in recording I'm starting to run out of USB port and unfortunately I've had to kill the camera there in the background but as you can see I've connected a USB drive and there it is listed there an 8 gig USB that I've connected there slightly less than I was talking about earlier on but it will still more than sufficiently do the job next up select the select icon here find where you downloaded proxmox earlier and click there and then click open it will highlight that this is going to have to create an ISO hybrid image there so it will go through and get that ready to write and when you are ready to go just go ahead and click Start and it will then turn that USB into a proxmox media bootable drive there now if you have connected this drive and we'll go into the PC settings here and it's not visible although it's visible here there are ways and means to get around that head into the start menu and type in the word dis part or just the word disk and it will appear at the top open up disk part enter the command list dis and from there it will list the connected drives on this system and you'll see your USB drive there it is in mind in the case of 7391 if the USB isn't visible or it has multiple partitions what you can do is select the dis in question in my case it will be dis one and then from dis one type in the words clean and that will completely clean and remove all existing data from that drive allowing that drive to be used in this prox MOX uh ruthless uh installation there if you're still encountering problems then what you can do is go into Disk Management just put in the word disk manage select the top option and then from there your USB drive will be visible and if the USB drive is visible here but it's not visible on your list of available drives you can just go ahead rightclick and give it a an existing Drive letter cuz there is every possibility that it does not have a drive letter but nevertheless once uh Rufus has created that image as described earlier on popping my camera back on there what you need to do is get ready with your USB here's the USB I created earlier on take your Mini PC and make sure it's connected to a USB 3 Port that's not necessarily you know the only ports you can use but generally you're going to need to use those usb2 ports for your KVM your keyboard video Mouse setup you will also need to ensure that you have direct access to the HDMI on this Mini PC in order to interact with it directly now in my case I'm going to be introducing network connectivity as well and I'm going to head back over to OBS here so in order to show this to you I'm going to need to use a capture card here in my case I'm going to be utilizing this capture card here this is a rips or Razor HD so the uh initialization screen of this PC once it's booting will appear for us shortly but that's about it for my site I'm going to go ahead and introduce power to this I've got my keyboard board ready I've got my Mini PC and we're going to boot it like so what you'll need to do when you boot the device is make sure that you're tapping the uh Delete or F2 key depending on the mini PC in order to go into the BIOS menu you need to go into the BIOS menu because we need to make sure this system is going to boot from that USB for our Pro Mark installation that we utilize rofus to create an executional drive this should take anywhere from 10 seconds to 1 minute depending on the mini PC and you'll go to the BIOS menu and here we are in the Bios menu here so the next thing we need to do is slowly make our way over to the boot menu here on the top so we make our way in and as you can see there is our USB drive there that I've set up as boot option one don't be surprised if most mini PCS have the first boot option as a USB as they load stuff in if it's not the primary re booot option and the nvme which likely has the OS that the Mini PC arrives with is you can just go ahead and select boot option one and then from there select the drive that you need it to be again in my case that USB now you can overwrite this if you choose you can go directly into the boot override menu if you choose but personally just so you know what's going on and during the restart during the proximo process I personally like to just make sure I know what the primary boot Drive is and change it in between but everyone is different when you're ready to go just go ahead and click save changes and then from there reboot your device and go ahead and it will load into the proxmox ve installation and here we are on the proxmox window here so from here we can go ahead and go with a standard graphical installation here it's going to load up if we press uh return on that main window again bear in mind if you have not replace the M2 mvme that the Mini PC or any PC arrives with there you you are going to be overwriting that SSD so again if you want to maintain that Windows um uh 11 o that this arrives with you can need to install a new SSD as well because you're not able to create a partition within this prox MOX installer window here it doesn't work the same as when you do a Windows installation and you can actually create those partitions but removing my camera to another part of the screen so I can actually see a lot of these menus here as we go through them let pop me up there next thing we want to do is go ahead and agree to the terms and conditions again all fairly standard stuff you can find out more about those on their site again from there click okay next window it's just going to guide you through a lot of the installation we have to select the country we are in so I'm going to go ahead and highlight we are in the good old United Kingdom that one there utilizing a keyboard I'm not used to here for this Mini PC which is super annoying and then from there just click enter I will say if uh depending on the setup you have there is every possibility that the um HDMI output by default will go by 600 by 400 during the installation if that happens for you then do bear in mind that that can be problematic to see some of these lower options down here so do bear that in mind next we need to set up that network connectivity we discussed earlier on in the case of this Mini PC it's only got one network interface a physical network interface so that's going to be the one that I'm connected to there at the top but if you've got multiple try to make sure that you select the correct one or at the very least have it connected so you can see which one is highlighted when you're going in there normally proxmox if you have a live Connection in will show that little green LED light next to the emp3 under management interface there another thing um with the fqdn is worth highlighting you're going to need to have this server name now I'm going to keep it simple and just call it PVE Lan but I do recommend you go for your own server name there and again you can amend this later on the rest of it you can largely keep as default if you're running a fairly barebones Network remember later on when you do install a network managing uh VM again like your pfSense like your openwrt stuff there a lot of this is going to need to be amended to your own personal settings there moving forward it's going to ask you to confirm this settings you've created and you can see we want to automatically reboot after a successful installation at the bottom so just go ahead and at the bottom right there highlight um install and begin the installation now this installation won't take a tremendous amount of time Pro Mark is a surprisingly light application and this is ultimately where the base level of all your system is going to be running from for your VMS on top of which you're going to be installing your true n um your uh pfent you can even go quite deep into some other software running those virtual machines with prox MOX working as ultimately the most open-ended and customizable hypervisor in the market right now for your bare metal Solution that's why it's ideal for turning these many PCs into your own custom server or just general VM server to access remotely and turn a Mini PC that originally was overpowered as all hell for one Windows installation into many but let's fast forward to the completion of this installation as you can see during the reboot there the system is now rebooting we've got our USB removed and now we're just letting this system via the HDMI output there start to boot up to the device and give us our IP now as you can see the screen's pretty small there but what I'm going to do is just make our way in and just get that a little bit more visible for you there with the zoom in because obviously I'm using quite a high resolution there so as we go in a little bit closer it's almost clear enough for us there we can zoom zoom straight in there we can see we're ending on IP 227 now that IP is what we're going to be utilizing now to access our server via the web browser so if we move the web browser up here what we can do is minimize here as you can see I've already entered that IP for us now we could have used the IP via the HDMI output there to enjoy this VI our web browser alternatively you can use a tool Advanced ip scanner which will scan your local area network and you'll be able to find the nas here you just go ahead scan the local area network it's a completely free tool and you'll find an ASAS that way but for now let's make our way in to prox MOX go ahead with the username rout and password you created earlier on and as you can see you can now get into it for accessing your new proxmox server you can go for a subscription if you wish but again you can use proxmox pretty much entirely for free Straight Out The Gate zooming in just a little bit there so we can see things just a little bit clear on the left hand side select the PVE server or whatever you've named that server click the drop down and select local PVE from there select ISO images and this is where you get to choose whether you're going to upload directly from your local PC the isos to this device or you can download them directly to the server so let's go for one example of each if you want to upload um one of those isos we got earlier on here our downloads folder and then from here I can just go ahead and select true N scale lovely and easily then from there I can just go ahead and select upload and now it will upload this ISO into the available range of images which you can then use to deploy into each of your virtual environments there again depending on the speed of your network connectivity and the size of the iso in question the amount of time this take will uh take will differ but if you don't want to have to double down on your storage and you want to just immediately download directly to the server itself uh via proxmox well for that let's use PF sense as a good example from PF senses page here select the download loow tab at the top right from there select the architecture you're going to be going for which is a 64bit architecture in the case of this Mini PC and then we want to choose the iso installer option there and instead of clicking download we can right click click save link address and then from there head back into our proxmox server there as you can see it's finished with true nascal and instead this time select download from URL from download from URL paste in the URL we've just created there and then from there it will we query the URL it will then get the full information that we need and then from there you can just go ahead and click download and then it will automatically download that ISO to our proxmox uh installation here ready for us to deploy our VMS once the isos have either been uploaded or downloaded directly onto the proxmox server we can go ahead and start creating our virtual machines now before we go any further we have to bear in mind that everyone's setup is going to be different I'm utilizing this be Link Drive here it's got a nice little CPU it's got 32 gig of memory to play with but yours is going to be different you might be using a different Mini PC you might be using an old PC that's got multiple SATA port and you're going to be relying on internal storage rather than external storage maybe you got multiple network interface port or Wi-Fi so do bear in mind that the steps I'm going to be showing you in brief apply to this system chances are they going to be very different on yours and I am going to highlight some of those variables as we go with the installation so let's start with the PFC s virtual machine first so the first thing we need to do is head up to the top right here select create VM and we want to give this its name so in this case it's going to be the pfSense VM there again we're using that node the one that we've created here we were running a multiple node VM with failover and high availability things will be slightly different and you can go with the default ID if you choose or if you've got something specific in mind you can now I've enabled the advanced tabs but you can keep it real simple if you choose the reason enabling the advanced tabs it's going to allow us to explain the extent of some of these variables during the installation so click next as you can see we're going to go with local storage again this is something I a device I'm using with an M2 MVM that it arrived with I've overwritten that Windows installation that Windows 11 that arrived with but if you're Mini PC or indeed this one you have an additional drive inside there you can choose to move these virtual machines to live on a completely separate storage space or later on make sure this particular VM has direct access to that drive and not just the base level drive that prox MOX lives within so for this we're going to go with the pfSense installation and for my case I'm going to be running that VM from the same storage area as proxmox there but again you don't have to do that go ahead and click next from there if you do have different graphical sense if you're running a system that's got multiple display outputs you can choose if you wish to en a HDMI out directly for this VM via one of the separate um visual outputs or if you're running a larger scale PC that's got a graphics card or something like that you can take advantage of it there but the hope is with these VMS that you're going to be utilizing them via network connectivity but more on that later on but for now click next now we have to assign storage so again depending on the VM and the complexity the amount of storage you assigned to it is going to wildly differ in the case of pfSense you don't really need hardly any storage at all true now slightly different but at least for um the pfSense installation I'm going to go ahead and just give it 50 GB of space not a small amount but still quite a decent amount of storage for pfSense which you can scale accordingly which I'll show you later on next Up Click next from here we're going to assign CPU power and capabilities to this VM so in the case of this VM here we're going to uh give it two calls which may seem a bit aggressive for pfSense but given this is a 10 to 12 core system and again we can even get into the subject of virtual cuse as well if we choose thanks to CPUs in some cases having twice the number of threads as they have CPUs the scalability open to us is going to be wildly different depending on the mini PC you are utilizing but for me I'm going to keep it simple and go with two CS there for utilizing virtual threads next up the amount of memory that we're going to assign I'm going to assign just 2 gig memory to pfSense although you could probably stand to give it a little bit more depending on the complexity of your network interface there from there with the network bridging this is um something that is wildly going to different depending on your own PF sense or open wrt installation there if you do have multiple ports if you want to bond um your network virtual machine to a very specific Port this is where you would do that but more on that later on when we start signing the Wi-Fi connectivity and when it comes to the MTU that is to give you the ability to uh be more more flexible with the packets of data being exchanged and in the case of greater than gigabit network connectivity 2.5 to 10 GBE you will see benefits increasing that to 9,000 and then from there rvm is ready to be created but I recommend not clicking start after created for a reason that will become abundantly clear very quickly the VM should be created very very quickly as you can see it's already done and if we click on the left hand side of the screen there is our new VM but for PF since you may want to assign um uh control over certain things such as the Wi-Fi connectivity um here in the case of this Mini PC and for that click add and then select PCI device this allows you to see the uh whole conjunction of devices listed much like Device Manager on Windows and allows you to assign Direct Control and um access to certain variables in this case I want to make sure it's got access to that Wi-Fi 6 um wireless adapter there so we're going to make sure it's got access to that likewise although it should have network connectivity I am going to make sure it can still take advantage of uh the uh main Network Port there at the bottom there our real Tech ethernet adapter again if you got multiple ports that is something to take uh to take on board as well so now our VM is ready to roll so just go up there to the top right of the screen and click Start the VM will begin just click the console option there which you can see here we're now going directly into the PF sense in ster if we don't touch anything we'll immediately load into PF sense now I'm just going to move my camera around the screen here to we don't block anything more than it already has and now the PF installer is getting itself ready and unpacked and from there we can go ahead and start beginning our installation so we're just going to go ahead and install pfSense um if you don't know what you are doing and you're looking for a more customized setup go ahead with the majority not all of the default options here then go ahead with the proceeding of the default Z FS configuration there but again if you do have very bespoke setups there uh you may want to take a little look at those if you're going to go for a more um rugged or more robust setup for a lot of users there if you do have multiple discs and you want to make sure that you've got some kind of redundancy for this installation for recovery and you've got the storage Bays um available to you you can go ahead and use them there next up tap the space bar to allocate the storage space you can use to the VM that was that 50 gig I created earlier on and you can see it will overwrite that inside there so let's go ahead and select that just accidentally selected that there and we're going to go ahead and create our pfSense uh virtual machine running here which is now going to instruct and install within that virtual machine environment as you can see it is now done um we can choose if we want to reboot and of course we want to so we're just going to reboot now and this should now be accessible also by the way via the local area network CU we've given it access to that local network Port again you can config that later and that is kind of the whole nature of PF sense as you can see prop marar now going to go into the reboot there as it reboots that virtual machine and we can choose to either let that time out cuz it won't go directly back into um the install All We Can Make A Way directly into pfSense again configuration of your landan and the specifics to pfSense are going to differ wildly depending on your own PC setup and definitely with mini PCS unless you're going to go down the Topton route where you can get some of those fantastic uh two uh 2.5 gig Time 4 ports those wonderful Intel n5105 N600 systems the majority of Mini PC users are only going to have one or two lands to be getting on with but while PF s does its thing there in the background what we can do now while this is going on is go and create ourselves that VM for True NS so we're going to leave that to do its thing we can come back to that at any time if we choose and from here we're going to create a brand new V M for this one this is going to be true Nas the VM why not we're just going to put scale VM and then from there go through largely the same steps as before with a few small exceptions obviously we're going to be selecting a completely different um ISO disc for the installation moving forward the default uh uh visibility settings are the same but we want to give this just a wee bit more storage for the TR installation it still doesn't even need that much for just the base level true now if you're going to be using different containers Within in tras or you're going to be utilizing some of those extra features there it is kind of recommended additionally if you're using a larger scale mvme and you intend to use an internal SSD for the whole of the traz installation which would be weird then you can go ahead and assign more storage to that or if you've been uh later on you can attach and have access to more storage controllers within um uh the VM of uh true Naas via the PCI allocation that we showed earlier on for now I'm going to give it 120 gig for the OS drive for trunz I'm definitely going to give it a little bit more power comparative to that of pfSense it can be quite aggressive and I'm leaving a lot more of the available CES to one side for this in case I want to install some other VMS later for another video but from there we'll definitely give it more storage true Naas by its nature generally is recommended to use at least 8 gig but you can really have the most smooth stable experience with at least 16 gig um I'm going to be giving this 8 gig for now but again this um Mini PC arrived with 32 gig out of the gate so it would have allowed us to assign more if we needed I'm only doing it here in case we want to assign other VMS to the available resources afforded to us here same goes for the network interface you can choose whether you don't want it to have any network connectivity at all and later on we can Bridge pfSense and true Nows later on if we choose as soon as pfSense has more control over the wide area network but again this Mini PC only has the one Lan so we don't don't really have a lot of that flexibility that we'd like to see there again do not start the VM after it's created go ahead and click finish and then from there with our new VM that's being created right now we can go into the summary we've got all of that Hardware there for our brand new tras VM and from here go into the hardware and again if you have got other storage controllers a storage card that's running into a desktop PC or you've attached localized storage that you want to make sure that the true now VM can access make sure you assign those options here via the pcie but of course there are other options that you can add not just PCI devices for storage which will then be allowed by traz to take advantage of them again it's going to be very different depending on your own personal setup but at the very least you've got that flexibility there if you do have those storage um uh devices connected once you've got that all set up just like the previous VM go ahead and on the traz scale in this case VM go ahead and click Start and of course head over to the console there in order to see the full installation like you would if you were connected via KVM on a local PC keyboard video Mouse what you can do is let the um installation screen time out or go ahead and click enter this will bring you into the traz scale installation there it's going to unpack the installer and then from there I can guide you through the installation of tras in this virtual environment there we can go ahead we're going for a brand new fresh installation there is that one 120 gig we created earlier on from there it's telling us that we are of course going to proceed with the installation it will wipe this imaginary storage that we've just created and you can choose whether you're going to go for a root user or just a general admin in my case I'm going to go with a root user just cuz I'm used to it but again that does allow me to have superpowers within TR nascal that not everyone is going to appreciate use or have the security nowe in order to take advantage of and again I'm aware I'm skipping over a lot of of security and setup options here but it's very hard to create any kind of installation that's generic for everyone without skipping over a lot of those things go ahead and create yourself your password there and in most cases you are not going to need to create a swap partition especially in this setup here and again this is where a lot more of the Integrity of the proxmox SSD and may be creating some sort of parity raid for the VM um hypervisor proxmox installation there it will be more beneficial so now we're going ahead with the installation of um uh traz here as you can see it's going to allow us right now if we want to take advantage of EFI boot why not it's always useful in more modern PCS and again most modern mini PCS are always going to have the option afforded to us there so as you can see true n is now extracting now when it does that in the background why don't we take a little look and see how our pfSense installation got to as you can see it is now fully unpacked and installed there we've got all of the options and if we choose we can manage RPF sense installation pretty easily here via the command line but most users don't really want to use that do though they want to go in and configure it with that lovely little GUI and as you can see there the IP is 1921 16812 48 so what we've done is immediately type that in to our local web browser and boom there is our GUI we're accessing that VM via the web browser on our local machine which is living on proxmox as a virtual machine the default admin login there and pfent one word is the default password it will invite us to change that password later on but now as you can see we are now in the full setup for pfSense we can go ahead and start setting up our pfSense uh system within that virtual machine there again we can attach a lot of those remote access credentials all of that can be set up to our tailored needs I'm not going to go beyond this largely because every step I would take from here is going to get further and further from your own individual set up but at the very least now you can set up pfSense easily back in proxmox we can head over to Tres and see how our Tres installation is getting on it's around about halfway so why don't we fast forward now to the completion of that installation and then I'll guide you through the access to tras here from virtual machine onto your local machine now the tras installation has completed much like PF s we're going to have to go ahead and go with a reboot so we can go ahead and go and reboot the system now even though the original installation media still lives within the virtual machine as loaded ISO disc it should recognize that it does have the uh now full installation here on that virtual disc we created earlier on so we let it time out and now it will Fast Forward into the full true Naas installation there again it will start unpacking it and eventually via that network interface it will give us our IP with which to access true Nows via the web browser on our local machine there alternatively we can still use the command line via the VM window within Pro MOX relatively straightforwardly but in the meantime if we head over to pfSense I've gone ahead and set up some very basic level uh setup there for pfSense running in our virtual machine here and it's running like an absolute dream again PF Center has got a tremendous amount of configuration open to it and unfortunately that does mean that showing what I would set up on this rather Mega Mini PC one port system is definitely not going to be reflective of your own Mini PC deployment there but I will add is if you want uh the traz installation to live within uh the confines of pfSense managing the the network there that is something you can do but you will have to amend some of the settings of setting up pfSense in advance of the network controller meanwhile here we can see that our Tres installation has completed and our IP ending 194 so let's go ahead and put 1 192 16811 94 let's actually type that correctly not like some kind of Dingus who doesn't know how to type on a npad and there we are we are straight into that installation now we can enter our credentials that created earlier on to take us into traz and there we'll go we'll get onto the main desktop there and be able to configure our system if I could learn to type a fraking password correctly here we are on the desktop of true as and boom there we go we've assigned it we've got our virtual cores here that four core system there at the bottom we've got our memory that assigned to the device and if we make our way into the storage and go into the data sets we can go ahead and configure our true installation but of course this will differ wildly depending on the storage that you've actually equipped available to your Mini PC now USB drives do not play that well with true now if you're going to to try and mirror them it's just not going to be an option there again the Mini PC or even the larger scale PC you use or the storage controller will open these things up for you but as you can see here with no options currently available within my setup I have not utilized any further of the M2 mvme slots inside this system or attached any further external storage via the Thunderbolt connection there or any of the USB connectivity so that's kind of the limitations of utilizing true NS within this scale but at least with our home lab and experimentation there is still an option open to you but there you go that is how straightforward it is to install prox MOX on a Mini PC and start deploying virtual environments for both um very comprehensive and capable open- Source network monitoring tools as well as that of network attached storage tools such as true Scout true n core open media Vault even unrate can run from that USB but just bear in mind with unrate you are still going to be loading and keeping things in memory so the way you assign it within proxmox is going to be very very different and not quite as smooth running as that of traz within this uh virtual machine environment once again as mentioned in the introduction this is a very basic introduction into how to deploy uh these virtual environments within the proxos Hy visor on a Mini PC like the Mini PC bear in mind that for your own network setup depending on the number of network interface ports that you have as well as the complexity of that Network set up whether you want prox MOX to have uh Pro marks and the uh pfSense or even open wrt installation to have a broader control of the network doorways before you install other VMS this video is going to be nowhere near complex enough for you for that I recommend our friends over at wondertech and of course Tom over at Lauren systems has got some great guides on how to set up a lot of these things so we recommend those channels for that but thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed this video do let me know in the comments if you have we should have some guid linked below as well otherwise have yourselves a fantastic weekend and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: NASCompares
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Keywords: diy nas case, custom nas enclosure, unraid nas build, truenas nas build, custom nas case, custom nas, byo nas, How to turn a mini pc into a nas, how to turn a pc into a nas, how to turn a pc into a server, how to make a nas from an old pc, mini pc into a server, mini pc nas, mini pc nas guide, nas pc conversion, pc into a nas, make your own nas, nas made from old hardware, Beelink PC Review, Beelink SEi12, I7 MINI PC, beelink pc review, beelink review
Id: Dya5sow-cdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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