I Built the Jonsbo N2 NAS - Better than Synology / QNAP? (Full Build Tutorial) - 100K Sub Special

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hey man how's it going yeah I know right 100,000 subscribers that's insane right no I haven't really got on much of an idea yet I'm still trying to think about what we can do no I I I don't know I think we've done that we've no I'm sure of it we must have done a video where we've built a NZ from scratch that seems really obvious that seems like something we would have done by now you know we you no no look I'm I'm just saying if a Channel about network attached storage had been around for this long and had 100,000 subscribers they would have definitely built a n so that seems like such a no-brainer thing to do look look just I'll show you two seconds I'll send it to you on Skype two sec I'm sure there's something in here let's go through our catalog and have a quick [Applause] look no no it'll be on there don't worry don't worry no definitely you'll be on there don't worry absolutely seriously will we [Applause] never that is right do you know in all the years we've been doing this we've never built a NAS from scratch from the start to the end here on the channel we've done bits of it and shown you guys how to do it and we've compared a bunch of oat and SCE stuff against a bunch of this TurnKey lock but we've never built one from scratch and you know what what better time than to do it here on our 100,000 sub special video here again if you've been following this channel since the beginning it's op green screen Beginnings thank you so much for sticking around and if you're new to the channel trust me it does get interesting when you're talking about a niche within a niche within a niche Tech going into storage going into Nas trust me this is as interesting as it gets and big old italic marks around that myself and Gerald the seag gold here have had a great time but for me and Eddie here at NAS Compares building a NAS from scratch would have been very easy we could have just gone ahead and built anything couldn't we you can you know get old secondhand stuff from ebang go there's a Nas stick true now on it good night 100K but let's have a few rules and the first thing I want to do with building a na from scratch today is I want to see just how little you would have to pay to build one of these I'm looking at these Solutions next to me here that are always sat on the table these are your Intel seller on your pentiums your 1 gig your 2.5 gig I want to see how little I can spend to build one of those but only build one I want to go better I want to upgrade everything about it so I want to be out to put in more memory I want to be to put in more drives I want to put in more Network and ultimately I want to show how to do that affordably and in today's video we are looking at utilizing the popular jbow build let's flick over to the screen let's move the mic and we can have a look look what I mean so in this video we are going to be utilizing this board here now we could have gone for a standard ITX board and built properly from scratch but in terms of time in terms of getting it pre made we've decided to go straight over to Ali and go for one of these pre-made Topton style boards here we're going for the n5105 a CPU that is very popular in a number of different Nas Brands right now and it's available now pre- ready on this uh motherboard here alongside 4 gig of memory on a sodum there on a two sodum so we can scout that up anytime we like it also arrives with 128 gig SSD included and that is where our OS is going to live right now at the time of recording I've not decided if I'm going to go unraid I Haven decided if I'm going to go for an incredibly modest and some might argue underpowered TR server I don't know if I'm going to go pro MOX yet I've not decided but this is the mobile we're going to be going for and on top of that we are going for that John's bow case this is a six Bay technically uh system uh casing here if you include the extra Bay inside but it's really a five bay uh desktop chassis here available in a couple of colors I think we're going to go for the black one there and this is going to be the base for our build and if we have a little look on the invoice here you're able to see that we got this already ordered and hopefully it's going to be coming very very soon it's AliExpress and we've got the turtle there we got the mobile there and that is the 4 Gig 128 uh gig SSD inside there for 149 and we spent 125 there on the chassis all of that including that shipping together alongside that we've gone ahead with the PS inside we're going for a 400 W sfx um um power supply here for 40 nicker on Amazon and of course we're going to need that satus uh fan out cable there for the inside there and that is costing us 11 quid 59 so already our price tag isn't going to be too intimidating there so for now now we've got all of our goodies The Next Step flicking back to camera is going to be the waiting game I'm sure these things will arrive super quick [Music] oh my God I missed the World Cup I've still got that library book oh anyway thank very much and [Applause] you oh not too bad right well there we are I guess we're startu getting this unpacked right okay so I'm looking at all of this stuff the first time right now the same as you and we're going to be as critical as possible about the components we've ordered and the state they have arrived in cuz I'm going to be straight with you I've got some observations number one this cable here this is our sarta multi-lane cable and I'll be sure with you this might be the most overpacked cable I've ever seen arriving this is what we're going to be utilizing for all of those individual s BAS in the sixay case here and that little package there doesn't seem like much does it it arrived in an enormous box environmentally an absolute Downer but we'll move straight on so there's our cable next up we got our PSU it's our big old chunky sfx PSU that we're going to be needing for this build and again arriving fairly standard stuff we got our big chunky PSU and it's got all of the adapters again all of the components I've utilized uh for this uh today's special video are going to be linked below so there is our PSU that brick uh that internal uh PSU block that we're going to be needing there even arrived with a US power connector which is fairly useless to me um and then next up we've got hopefully our our main controller the mobo here so let's get that opened up and inside whoa that is a lot of phone so we got a big old pile of phone there we've got loads of bubble wrap and hopefully inside here will be our prepopulated B again right now this is the one that's arriving with that cellon processor there it should have an mvme inside and it should have the memory included as well so if it's not inside here we're going to have to buy new components and add those to the overall total of our spend but even more foam again sorry Captain Planet it's not really working out for us today uh we've got ourselves and a little back plane there we've got a single Sata cable again nice that they included it incredibly short but it is an angled cable all there and of course there is our board itself so again not too sure I like the packaging but I can confirm if I move that round there not only has this got our memory module there already pre- included and our SSD there that we're going to be utilizing perhaps for our Naas Os or not I still haven't quite decided if I'm going to go unraid or tras cuz the CPU on this is a little bit weak there for tras if you know what I mean maybe unraid will be the way to go but nevertheless we've got our 128 gig drive there and of course if it's unraid we're not going to need that for our OS but on on board there we've got underneath there no doubt our CPU but overall it's not too shabby we've got our multiport L we're going to have to double check if those are indeed 2.5g but it's pretty much what I would have expected it's quite nice it's quite cleanly put together even came in an antistatic bag I'm not overly bowled over by the level of uh non-recyclable foam here but still nonetheless not too bad let's move that over there and of course the case now why am i showing this case in all its Glory like this well because look at the state of that dent now again we can blame couriers that's absolutely fine you know it's not down to U this company themselves johnb or the shipping company as well I didn't pay any delivery on this I understand I might have to double check that but still nonetheless got old Hefty Dent there and again I have opened and kind of perished the plastic there but I've not opened this fully so let's have a little look what this looks like in its retail kit okay so we got our jnb box this is what we get included so straight away we have got uh tray guides there so these are what we utilize on our individual drives open those up so we got basically our Drive handles there move those out we've got a cable tie again branded strangely um and we've got all of the rubber sinks there for the individual drives for the tray so it's really a hefty DIY approach we're looking at here on top of that we have more cable ties there and we've got some fixings and seals which I assume Are For The Individual drives we'll have to find that out later on but we can see SSD indicators there inside that box that's all we've got and finally I guess removing more foam uh we can have a look at the system itself this is our case and our handy instructions I cannot wait to read through these I'm sure we've got some f fantastic grammatical erors here but have a little look there is the content of our box again you can see the state of this over here I might take a picture of this for later and finally we have got our johnb case I'm sorry about the crackling there so straight away there is the case let's bring it close to the camera again do you know what not too bad it's going to be light obviously cuz it doesn't have the controller board all the the drives inside we have a little look we've got that rubberized base panel so rather than four individual feet we've got one larger base panel there on the side loads of ventilation on that side loads of ventilation on that side loads of ventilation there on the top you know it's in a pattern here and then on the rear we've got an inclusive fan that the system arrives with again that's a fan that's already PSU equipped and those ports there on the front we've got an audio socket there we've got a USB um C type uh connector and a USB type A I imagine those are standard USB I can confirm inside the case that there are wires protruding through there so we are going to be able to attach that to our controller board there so the front panel there this comes off and it seems to be magnetically sealed so there is our ventilated and mashed front cover so I'll be straight that's quite a nice case thus far and inside that is what greets us there are the controller board inside with those five individual SATA ports there inside on the right hand side there we've got a guide key again we'll be finding out more about that I'm learning this as much as you are with regard to this case at the very least and that's really it at the top there there's not really the means to install an LCD panel and punch that through at the top but I'm sure it's not so bad and on the rear there we've definitely got the means to inst insert our controller board that we mentioned earlier on and of course luckily they included that back plane something I didn't 100% count on there but for now what we're going to do is set up another camera on the right side there or my your right my left let's find out later on and get a closer look at the Assembly of our johnb Nas but te watch straight away earliest hdle so far is where exactly I was going to keep the microphone I've got two cameras running right now one in front of me and one just there so I can do the close-up to the box but I'll be straight with you this mic is a nightmare and I've got my backup mic just off shot here just in case but for now let's crack on so there's our case there at the front as shown and if we remove that front panel there have a look bung that over there and again we're going to be skipping forward back and forward throughout this video inside we've got ourselves our cheeky little Allen key there and this is what we need to get through the first stage of access cuz the first thing we're going to be doing by the way is threading some of the wires but I think it's really important to know that getting this case lid off is what's going to make things infinitely easier there so again we will be fast forward in at times in this video and I'm willing to bet this will be one of our first ones so let's remove that lid we go that's what the inside of the casing looks like there nice and clear all the way around pop that on there we've got our briding cables there pop those out and of course there is the back so the next thing we want to do is remove this bit here so we'll grab ourselves our screwdriver here and start removing our panels so first things first we're taking off the PSU cover for those aren't aware this system arrives with a plate that we need to attach to our PSU the reason being is that's kind of what's going to hold it in that cavity cuz different psus have different sizes so we're going to need to attach this plate that I'm removing now onto the PSU as we go let's have a quick look don't know what the weather like where you are is but it's absolutely boiling here in the UK of a rare treat for us but it's a bit of a nightmare to be wearing a black shirt and hunched over a couple of cameras and about five different lighting rigs still nonetheless we've got our panel off and we also now have to remove the thumb screws there in order to remove the fan the reason being the reason we're removing the fan is we're going to need sorry about that being so close to the mic we're going to need to thread the Sata multi-lane cable and the fan power cable into the back of this back plane pop that there so removing that we can now remove our internal fan so there's our internal fan indeed it is branded jbow there there's the fan just going to pop that there for now so there you can have a good look at the internals so there is our main board we've got the five SATA connectors there at the top alongside the fan connector there and again that's going to be taking advantage of two Molex connectors there that are going to be coming off that PSU and that power is not only going to power each of the individual sta drives but it's also going to be powering uh the fan that's connected via that pass through connector there so again I'm just going to have to remove this lid cuz I'm starting to run out of space ever so slightly um so the next thing we want to do is we get that angle just right is we're going to need our PSU now before this we're just going to leave that there because the next step is going to be threading the multi-length cable the reason we're doing this now is because later on this block is going to be occupied with the PSU and at the top there's going to be that controller board so it's incredibly important that we thread the PS uh the Sata cable I should say the SATA multi Lane now while we've got the chance now given the proximity I'm using um a 50 cm cable here I don't need that much length but still nonetheless I'm just going to filter it down so there's a small cavity there on the side you can see my finger there and that is where we need to filter this so hopefully you're un forwarding through the dll bits here and there it is threaded through that portion there at the back again that's going to be necessary later on um for when we put in the main controller board but for now as you can see these cables are individually numbered there that's because each of those cables you can't lose track of which one of those is going into uh the individual SATA ports and they're numbered 1 2 3 4 five counting downwards so we've just got to make sure that we use the right cables for each one of these let's get those in now as you can see we've attached all four of those to the appropriate connector there and we got one left over cuz I did get a six Port multi-lane just in case I wanted to add an additional s drive somewhere along the line again it normally cost absolutely nothing extra to get that and where possible I would also recommend looking out for angled cables for reasons you can see that as well as on the other end when you connect to the mobo um but we remove that cable and there's going to be a lot of draping over the side I'm sure you're going to see throughout this because the next thing we need to do is add our PSU now it's going to be really critical that we get this right because once we thread this in the main barrier we're going to find while putting this in is separating the individual cables that are most needed now if we block these these three cables here are dedicated PS sorry a controller board cables you've got your main one there and if you're running graphics cards or additional cards that require additional board power or St to card power that's where those three live so we're going to come back to those later on but the ones we care about right now are these two black ones these are called our Molex connectors there these little Molex power are the ones we're going to thread through here but crucially we need to use this cavity here on the side and thread them around so whether we take all of the cable uh we take all of the combined SATA power cable or just the Molex we need to thread that around because all of those have to live over here cuz they're on One Long bind cable all the way through and that means that leaves us to go inside here with our remaining bard board power so the board power cables need to come in here and then we pull them through the top of the cable while that screw is driving me close to Madness there so there we go we've got our Molex power coming out the side here we've got our main board power coming out the top and from there the motherboard can uh the PSU can slot straight in there as needed now before we put that in it's important that we go ahead and attach this adapter uh this little plate while we have the opportunity the reason being because this is what we need to secure this to the inside of that casing so I'm going to go ahead and screw that in now right so now we've attached the plane onto that we can again make sure these controller board cables hang out and the Molex and SATA power also remain out and we can slot that there into slight and then we can go ahead and reattach those other cables uh the other screws from earlier when we removed that PSU it's also worth highlighting while I do this that some of the steps that I'm going through here may be different to the steps that you might take again some users may choose to connect everything the motherboard the main boards all of the storage long before they go ahead and put it inside the case just to double check everything works now if I'm honest that is what I would normally do I would normally go ahead lay everything out on the table and attach and put it together but for the sake of this video and showing the build I thought it best to kind of put it together here on camera for you and there is our first error of the video I've used the alen key screws and what I really wanted to use was these ones here so again I'm probably going to leave in all of the mistakes cuz we're all human right um but let's get this PSU fitted into the case but again remember you don't necessarily have to do that and in most cases if you're not making like a YouTube video or anything it may well be within your interest to build your um Nas on the table before installing it in the case okay so now that PSU is in let's lift that back up to camera the next thing we need to do is get these Molex connectors connected to those molexes there it's not going to matter what all do you put them in it's all going to be delivered from the same power supplier but I do recommend going for the bottom one first because you will find it a lot easier to get the second one in if you install the bottom one first that really only counts for this case cuz a lot of cases you'll use you'll have the bare board looking down on so you've got a full nice blank canvas when it comes to more close-knit systems and close-nit casing like this one it's a lot easier to put the lower connectors in first before you install upper ones now the last thing we're thinking about here with the back of this case if you can just make that out is that small white connector there that is where we need our fan connector to go into so what we're going to do is ever so slightly unthread that and we're going to install that uh fan connector into that white port so we'll pop that in there and now that's connected so the next thing we need to do is bind in those cables into that cavity again you could have used the cavity here at the top cuz they'll be having a narrow amount of space here for us to use but it's not recommended for everyone and their own personal setups but for now we've got our case connectors the fan is in a cage so we don't have to worry about it connecting with the fan at all and we can lower that in and lever it against those cables nice and easily let's threet that over there there we go so now we've reattached we've got the PSU in place we've got the fan reattached and on the top of this case we have got our SATA uh connectors here ready to connect with our controller board we have got on the right hand side our main power to board connectors from the PSU and finally we have got the series of cables here from our front panel now again the front panel is where things are going to get fiddly later on I'm not entirely certain how I'm going to show that to you but for now we're getting on to the next big stage here which is going to be putting in our controller board so what we're going to do here is bring this a lot closer to camera hopefully you're getting a good angle there of what we're about to do we just making sure all of those cables are nicely bound there on that side because what we need to do now is get ready for our controller board there and again there's a closeup of the board already set up sorry if the sound is being dampened uh next thing we want to do is get hold of of our back plane so we've already unpacked the back plane there as you can see and what we need to do is just get that in position so we pop that there face up it's important you have the ethernet cables there on that side and pop that into place and wait till you hear it click like so again I apologize for those listening with headphones for how loud that might have been so next up we go ahead and get our controller board again be sure to match up the ethernet connectors there with the ethernet space there on that board and then very gently slide the board into place now you'll know when you get it connected in correctly cuz you'll hear it click but moreover meet the alignment of the four screw holes at either corner of this controller board that is when you know you've got the alignment correct so now we've got the alignment lined up for those I can go ahead and start attaching those in again make sure everything's in alignment as you can see there it's all connected in [Music] appropriately so there you go we've now got the main controller board in place let's grab those cables out the way there is our main controller board there and if we look on the back there is all of the ports in place so the next thing we want to do is start attaching in our s connectors here so if we elongate these we're going to keep them bound that's not going to damage the cables at all and what we need to do is make sure we attach the correct corresponding cable there numbered 1 to six into the appropriate 1 to6 juncture here so as we can see it's counting in at 1 2 3 4 5 6 so we can go ahead and put those in so starting with number one again we're going to attach that six St connector just because that six SATA connector there although it's not connected to an drive at the moment it's better to get it out the way now so as you can see there is all the connected SATA drives there at the top and again there's a link to a whole article in the description and again we can store that down there we can funnel it back into that cavity if we choose uh but for now next up we're going to attach our individual Powers so for this board really the only connector of serious note is this one at the top so you just make sure it is matching uh with the square with the squares as you can see there so we get that inside that connection Port you'll hear it click that's how you know it in and we' fully connected the power on this device now also make sure that we've got to attach the additional ATX power for the board otherwise all services won't be resumed so we can get that in there some psus have a split where it's a PSU that can be separated across two and some of them have in a single connector so that will change depending on your PSU of choice now one thing I didn't really touch on earlier was the fact that when doing this and we were going through here and looking at the packaging and that incredible arguably environmental disaster that is the way this motherboard is packed one thing I will say it doesn't include any manuals and going online whether you're looking at Toon's own website where Topton you know kind of provides a lot of these motherboards used by others or some of the rebranded Alternatives all of those are going to lead to the pins for your front mounted USB your F panel being different and that becomes something of a problem when you don't have the manuals online even when you download them from online because the range of pins will differ when it comes through different motherboards and the result is there's going to be an element of trial and error as we try to attach the individual power buttons and we try to attach the front USB immediately one of the things that become very apparent in this build is we're going to need an adapter or a converter in order to take advantage of the front USB here something I will have to look into later on with this dual USB M2 casing here but for now what I'm going to do very quickly is just do some trial and error off camera cuz it's going to take way too long on these individual pins with the power connected to see if the power is functioning appropriately so up to this point I'll be St with you things have gone relatively smooth and by one tiny little bump along the road this has actually been an incredibly seamless experience till now because as I was getting ready to do the first initial boot test of this device got the pins also installed incorrectly fun fact when you're trying to get hold of the software manual for this you have to go all the way through to the AliExpress page which will then redirect you to the own manufacturer's page which by the way does not Google very well and does not rank very high at all on page one of Google you eventually find uh the PDF that has the breakdown for the software manual for this to work out which one of the pins is correct and although they are color coded it is always always always important to double check the manual before you go ahead and install pins the front header pins that front panel there those pins generally will not hurt your device if they're installed wrong they control the LEDs for the hard drives the mainline LEDs on the front and of course the power switch and there's a reset pin for certain motherboards however still nonetheless you should always consult the manual particularly when you're going down the road of looking at some of the power connected devices regardless however once i' overcome that hurdle and got the whole thing powered up and put together the PS wouldn't work that's right for those of you that aren't aware when you do get a PSU one of the things you'll notice when you first connect it is a light crackle when you get it installed and you'll also see the fan rotate for the very first time and in the case of this PSU we saw nothing we got it connected in there we saw no LEDs coming on on the motherboard there and regardless of the fact that we installed the additional power needed for the ATX and the main mobo connector there we still didn't see Power so what did that mean well well it meant an RMA we got this device sent back to Amazon and we got a new one sent through in a nice plastic bag so again it wasn't the most protected PSU I think it was a lot cheaper as well but nevertheless it arrived I know it looks like I'm wearing the same shirt for this video and that's what I'm doing for consistency you can already tell from my beard on my hair this is not the same day as the previous part of the recording so we got that PSU installed and I'm pleased to say it's working but just to give you some indication before we seal the case up what we're going to do is get the fan there you'll also notice when I boot this up for the first time just uh the initial fan noise as well but do bear in mind while we're doing this that that fan noise is just an initial test that is not going to be the consistent noise of the fan on this case well let's go we've got our PSU connector and get that connected in put that in there and with our fan connected there we can go ahead and press the button for power so as we can see and here we've got the beep we've got the fan there we've got the device Boot and we've got our PSU fan if we bring that camera in there you're able to see there at the top the PSU fan is kicking off there nicely at the front of the system we've got our LED there showing that our front panel or F panel is connected effectively and on top we have got the full connection as I try to do that there and my um as you can see there from the other camera um this tripod has got an auto gyroscope there that is not enjoying the ride so as you can see there we've got everything connected up while it's doing the test there and we've got the fan on the table so the next thing I want to do flick into the other camera is of course we want to go ahead and reassemble the parts of this case and get this booted up for our unraid installation that's right I decided to go for unraid on this I debated long and hard about whether to go with traz whether to go with unraid as I move that mic away from the fan ultimately because of that CPU I just thought with true now we would be buckling oursel very early doors but bear in mind we can also go if we wanted to than a prox MOX route so we're going down and unraid for the Simplicity and also the efficiency of this six BAS system so let's get this case put back together let's disconnect that power there get that powered down get that powered off now just before we do put the lid back on I should touch on another thing that I encountered during the course of this build that will definitely affect some of you out there and may require you to spend another 10 to 20 nicker depending where you are in the world but also I'm not going to do it for this video but it is worth highlighting and it is to do with those front USBS because this case the N2 does utilize uh different connectors you can see here on screen bring that Clos to the other camera different connectors than those found traditionally on your motherboard there and the result is you're going to be needing adapters to get these connected with your main board the case uh the board I'm going with here this uh Topton board here unfortunately as you can see and again we're probably going to Overlay a video that's going to be a lot clearer on this we've got our fusb connector on the main panel there but of course it doesn't match either one of these two so we're going to need to use that adapter but also use a splitter in order to take advantage of both of them but nonetheless if you do want to take advantage of that that is a thing you can do but just bear in mind that by doing so you're going to need to spend that little bit extra on those adapters which have hopefully arrived on screen but otherwise we're going to bind those back into the little pouch that I created there on the side for those cables we've also got the cable ties being applied so what I'm going to do is get the top of this case now reapplied it on there and then what we're going to do is get our unraid USB key ready and get this installed with unraid I'm just going to fast forward to the connection of the visual output the keyboard and the mouse and get on with the unraid installation so next up we're going to need to put unraid on this bad boy aren't we and straight away it's worth highlight and the other reason we went for unraid is just because it's got such a low footprint but it's surprisingly very very user friendly something we talked about in the channel before if you've seen my other videos I'm going to skim over this a lot because we have gone over the installation methodology for unraid several times but I will skim over it very very briefly first thing you're going to need of course is a USB drive I'm going for the same SanDisk 32 gig SSD that we've used for other R raid installations here on the channel uh but again if you do want to get a hold of that it will be linked in the description But ultimately pretty much any USB is going to be useful you want something with a modicom of speed we're talking 100 Megs or so um try to go for a reliable brand there because this is ultimately where uh unraid is going to be loaded from onto the memory of the system there now with unraid there's actually several different methods of installing unraid and again we're going to go over it very very quickly cuz I've gone over it in a lot more detail in other videos otherwise check out space invaded one he's done a whole bunch of guides on unraid installations to check him out but um the main reason uh the main methodology I should say that people normally use is to use the USB Creator tool make sure your USB is already pre-installed something I've already done and make sure it's connected to the PC you're using and you can download the USB creator for your host uh client system you're utilizing in this case a Windows system alternatively and you might need this later on you can download a zip version of the latest version of unraid there and another tool that we're going to talk about later on is of course rofus and of course if you want to go through any of the guides during the installation today there is a link to the manual installation method and there's uh custom installation methods as well but say you wanted to go with installing unraid in the most express way possible for that that is where you want to use the first tool that we talked about there which was the unraid creator uh the ra Creator let's get that opened up there you might have seen a black screen there and the UNR Creator there what it's going to do is scan your system for USB drives there as you can see it's found my USB that I've connected there that's s disk one but it is stating it is incompatible some USB drives due to Moody ssds in the market or just not passing certain thresholds will be listed as uncompatible if your USB doesn't appear by the way uh a quick method you can go for is go into the search at the bottom and search for the word disk part once you search for the word disk part you may see a black screen there because of admin rights there then put in the command list disk from list disk it will list the drives that are on your system and if the USB you're looking for is listed here but not listed on the general layout you can select the disk in question in my case disk 2 and if you need to format a drive remember it will delete uh the index for that and pretty much stop you accessing the data on it uh effectively formatted just type the word clean and tap enter but make sure you've selected the correct dis that you are using I've already done that for this video now if your USB is showing as compatible it's nice and simple just select the latest version you want give the name of your system that you want to give it it's Tower by default select the version of UNR that you want generally you can select between uh stable or you can go ahead with local zip downloads if you choose or the most recent available version you can flick between them and if your USB is supported you'll be to access it there but what if it's not supporting what if just like my one it is showing as incompatible well that is where that tool rofus comes in cuz when you use rofus what you can do is ultimately um create any USB is a bootable USB something we're going to need to do here for unraid now there are two different ways to do it the first way you can do it if you're using an OS that is supplied to you and an i ISO form that's a digital disc you you can use that option select the dis in question it will be like a a bin and a q file normally in uh a kind of contained folder there and you'll be able to use those in there and go ahead and format them but what if you don't much like unraid have an ISO there is isn't really an ISO 4 UNR readily accessible well that was why earlier on we went ahead and downloaded that version of unraid when you download that version of unraid it appears here and what we need to do the first thing we need to do is use rofus once again go into rofus from there select a drive you might have a drive that says no name or SanDisk or whatever on there select the option for non bootable from there CU you won't have to select an image go down and give the volume name unraid it's got to be in capitals no spaces no brackets just a word unraid and we're doing that cuz we need to format our dis to Fat 32 and if a drive is larger than 32 gig then your system will have difficulty formatting it to Fat 32 if you're particularly if you're a Windows user and therefore rofus will allow you to format that drive to Fat 32 very easily if you've got a drive under 32 gigs you'll be fine but over 32 you can use this method so I've already formatted this drive that is why I have a USB here that's listed as the word unraid I've already used rofus already to format this drive if you want to go ahead with it click Start what it will give you is a USB drive like this one called unraid so what you need to do is go back to that downloaded version of unraid that we saw earlier on select extract files from there select the unraid USB the one that we've created there and then click okay it will now extract the content of that zip folder onto our USB but before we remove the USB and plop it inside are into uh system here what we need to do is make a couple of very quick changes to that USB to make it bootable for the system it's extracting it there so we can go ahead now and go into that USB as you can see now it's full of files so depending on the motherboard you are using you may need to change this here this bootable EFI uh and most cases you need to delete that minus symbol there again I strongly recommend you check out that guide I mentioned earlier on this is the one we've highlighted in previous videos and it does go into whether if you need to enable e um sry ufi boot depending on the default settings of your motherboard you may need to make that change um the other thing you need to do in a Windows environment and again depending on your other environments you'll have to use them appropriately because they'll be supported go ahead and double click that file make bootable and then click enter and now that USB is ready to go for an unraid installation there so again we're just going to go ahead go to the bottom safely disconnect that drive right click safely disconnect to our SanDisk USB and now I'm going to move over to getting some hard drives installed inside this system getting this USB installed and then trying to get the boot up of our UNR and fingers crossed make our way over to our new homegrown Nas so let's move this USB just over here cuz we will be needing that later on and make our way over to the hard rid for this build I've decided to go absolutely Rogue because we're going to be using unraid I decided why stay uniform why stick with the same drives why not take advantage of unrate ability to use different drives down the road so again we've got a 20 TB we've got a 10 TB we got a 4 TB and we got a 14 TB I know this is madness you wouldn't normally use such differing drives but I just wanted to really focus on the fact that unraid allows us to do that now three of these drives I've already prepped but I wanted to save the last prep for you guys just to show you exactly how these going cuz of all the things about this build in this case I think the fan is a little noisier than I would like but I will say that the drive installation I really do miss real trays and that's one thing about this device I'm not overly keen on there so what we need to do with this is we go ahead and prepare and I'll move over to the other camera these small rubber sealers right so these screw on in four separate corners of our drive we go ahead and we screw them into individual Corners now bear in mind that the top of the drive is going to need sorry the top of the drive here is going to have our rubber handle so do leave those ones alone so you go ahead and you screw these into the individual plots now the other thing you have to do is not go too tight carry on and screw in until the screw is flush with the seal no more than that the reason for that will become clear later on so we go ahead and we install those in we can fast forward and pop those in we need to get ready to put in our weird little seal now again with the seals at the top I will say the reason I miss having trays inside this is although certainly the kind of uh install and removal of drives is still very firm inside this I'm not over really keen on this weird little strap from johnb not a fan of that now you put a seal in each one of those ends and just like before we install it here at the top we pop it there again the direction might change uh in terms of where you want the handle we pop that on the top and we pop that on the bottom again we'll do a quick tighten with a screwdriver afterwards particularly on these handles but that's really how we install our handles not overly keen on that but apparently that is the done way so we do a very quick tighten for those make sure there flush pop that there and there you go that is our handled Drive good to go so let's move that there rotate our mic a little bit so we removed there's our handle there on the side it's slightly magnetized filter panel and there is our individual Baye there so let's go ahead and start installing our drives so again as you can see the alignment there at the bottom if we bring that closer you can see the alignment there are those SATA ports there at the base so we can go ahead and pop those in fast forward a moment and this is where those rubber seals come into play because you're meant to meet the alignment of those little grooves and then hear the drive click in there is our first drive so let's fast forward and install the rest of our drives and we've still got a spare drive there for later down the line and there's additional rubber sealed hooks inside the casing with a spare as well I'm not overly keen on these and removal doesn't feel great this feels like this is elastic sorry about the lighting there let's resolve that but overall still happy with them going in there and now we can reinstate our casing cover and boom that is it we've got our case ready to go let's plug over to the other camera and now we go ahead and grab our USB drive which I'm going to connect into one of the rear ports cuz the last thing I want to do is ever accidentally remove that again we've got USB 2 or USB 3 Port I'm just going to use that one there we got it installed inside so next thing we're going to do is set this device up with our HDMI out connected through install our power and start beginning our unraid installation okay so I think it's time to to boot our system I've already done a provisional test as you can see there on screen and everything seems to be booting fine at least until the um beginning boot sequence for the motherboard but before we go any further we have to get a few things out of the way one we've got a USB keyboard connected to this system but just so I can record everything here on screen I am using a capture card here that allows me to capture this into the laptop you're watching here unfortunately that means that everything is in pretty close proximity right now we've got around about 70 CM between the laptop and the Naas and I'm going to be straight with it you are definitely going to hear the 20tb drive inside this system but for now let's go ahead and boot this up and we'll make our way into BIOS in the case of this motherboard we need to use the delete key here so we're just going to go ahead and just get ready to go into the setup there using the delete and what that'll do is allow us to go ahead and go and sort out the BIOS because inside we've got an MV andme drive as well right remember so it's going to be interesting to see what exactly the brand did with that nbme did they format it in advance does it have a provisional OS on it does it have their proprietary OS something I really really doubt but for now let's go ahead and make our way into BIOS we'll make our way along to the top come out as we can see we've got the USB drive there as our primary boot but that mvme appears to have free BSD on it so I think it'll be remiss of us right not to see what's on it right we should definitely see what's on it so let's do an override let's override and boot directly into that 120 gig uh nvme SSD and I can see we've got two um we got a partition B into that as well so do you know what you can skip ahead if you choose but I'm going to find out just what is on this let's go ahead and override that boot and see what exactly ah we've got pfent so let's go ahead and see so we got pfent by default already pre-installed on this which is pretty sweet but I think for now let's go ahead and return to that USB boot we already know it's the initial boot there so again I wouldn't advise you do it that way normally you should safe boot out of that pfSense but for now let's go ahead and restart the screen will reflash and this time I'm not going to use the USB keyboard here I'm not going to go into BIOS cuz we could already see that that USB drive was the default boot option so what I'm going to do is quickly move that mic there so hopefully it's not too close the can hear that 20tb right not my phone going off I'll leave that to go into the unraid boot sequence there and hopefully with that either the USB will boot immediately or we can make a way through the setup option so there we go we've got our option there with what we want to go ahead with we're going to skip the auto Boot and I think for now we're not going to do a memory test we've only got 4 gig to play with on this let's go ahead and initialize our unraid OS on our N2 system there leaving it to do its thing while it boots into unraid for us there we make our way into the primary desktop and what we're going to do after that is we're going to skip away from the HDMI output and use uh Advanced ip scanner to find a on the device on our local area network or hopefully we'll get an idea of the IP here appearing via the HDMI output that will allow us to find the unraid nas for us to play with once it publishes the IP for us there and then from there we can have a little look at unraid running on this have a little check that everything is running fine that it sees all of the drives and ultimately start wrapping up this video there we have we have ourselves our IP so I'm just going to rotate this here so I can make my way in hopefully there won't be too much noise for you I'm trying to do as fewer Brakes in recording as possible as the system boots up there is our OS version there is our ipv4 identity we haven't set up a V6 and now we're just going to wait for the tower login to present itself it should be root uh by default that's the usual default um password there so let's make our way in there we go let's head our way in go back into that browser from earlier it was 1 192.168.1 do was it 233 did we see there let's double check wrong one there it was no 22 7 my mistake so we go into 227 and boom now we're logged into unraid on the n two here so let's give ourselves a quick password and there you go we got ourselves our un raid server it is that straightforward again always a big fan of this software again you can carry on with the trial pretty much straight away and you get that for 30 days using the trial of all the services but of course you can register and get yourself a key again we could open up another tab we've already talked about it before it's a one-off payment right so now we've activated our license we've got it all set up on there for our trial key all the way through and ultimately it does look like this thing is running great two of the drives that I have used are very old drives that we've used here on the channel one of which was actually featured in our data recovery episode a little while ago the WD purple there so when we were looking at this system and what it could do well even immediately those drives were clearly being recognized because when we went into the storage area for this system and started assigning drives it automatically started clocking that these drives had sector problems so again when it comes to unraid as you can see all the drives were recognized immediately we can just go ahead right now let's say that 20tb drive is going to be our par disc we can go ahead and start banging in some of all of these drives and just have them all in that lovely mixed capacity we can even utilize the caching Drive there's the uh health issues that I mentioned earlier on related to those individual drives that older Generation Um 4 tbwg purple that we used in our data recovery episode that went live earlier this week I understand so again we can assign ourselves a lovely little mvme there and then straight after that we've assigned those we can start playing with our pools and again all of this oh we can't call it that of course um we can go ahead and just give it a name and start ass signing data to these PS and start assigning these drives and just going ahead and creating our perfect UNR server on this just like we would a turnkey now solution within its own software and if you're worried about apps and plugins again head to the plug-in section cannot recommend enough nerd tools it is it should always be the first app that any unraid user goes ahead and installs in go to the App Center just search for the word tools and you will find it it's one of the earliest tools you will find nerd tools go ahead install it in there make sure you pin it in head to the tool section and then from there you will be able to find some some lovely lovely abilities within this application there go to installed tools there go to nerd tools go to actions going to settings and boom you have a huge range of things you can do with this that I would argue puts it in rivalry with turny now Solutions just looking at some of these features and functions that you're able to take advantage of with this one plug-in in unraid is pretty darn good and of course when we're looking at this now we to know that everything's working and we can look at the system devices is look at the CPU how it's dealing with it looking at those 2.5 gig Nicks each of the individual drives and from what I can see everything barring those front USBS because of the adapters needed for this particular board is functioning there all the LEDs are working there we can even look at fan control and more it's all functioning the way we'd want to see it and ultimately for me that is why this build as an unraid build with that slightly more modest CPU is tremendously desirable but let's focus on things let's wrap things up and go go back to the original question of this video of a build uh do it yourself NZ versus that of a turnkey so when it comes to the amount of money we have spent unsurprisingly the johnb into build that we opted for in this video today landslides turn key now Solutions in terms of what you are paying let's take a real moment to think about what the cost of that was the motherboard with that CPU if you didn't go for the memory upgrade you didn't go for adding an M2 mvme it would have cost 127 nicker 20 uh 72 if you include that 4 gig of memory and the 128 gig SSD you might want it for an OS drive you might want it for cashing now it's 149 nicker 37 now the case was 74 nicker 60 um the S multi-lane cables £59 and although the original PSU that we saw retailed at 40 quid that one bust and we bought the new one at 250 wats it only cost us 25 quid now now overall that means as a Bare Bones build it set us back £ 23890 if you include the memory and the M2 mvme and that USB drive it retails we would have spent £260 56 there again include 5 to 10 nicked it's kind of leeway for the USB there which again means on the wallet that is pretty darn good now that of course didn't include delivery that did include tax but the delivery was £ 2940 and on top of that if we wanted to go down the road of adding more into MVM Bay via a pcie slot maybe a converter there in the middle it would have cost a little bit more but at the moment for the physical build it's 260 nicker but we still got to talk software so on top of that 260 nicker we of course had to add UNR now we went for the trial one but so we'd gone for it long term that would have set us back an additional $59 if we we'd gone for just a simple six Bays there to go on the storage but if we want to take advantage of an additional SATA drive with the S Bay that was available inside if we want to use M2 Bas for storage we' have had to scout things up which means we would have had to gone for the plus license from unraid which would have set us back $89 so again taking into account conversions and more I think we're still looking at somewhere in the region of about 320 330 quid we would have spent on this so again that's the complete package if you wanted to add those USB adapters there to take advantage of those on the front which no doubt you would that's another 12 15 nicker total so again let's go nuts and just say 350 nicker to get this with the Intel seller on n5105 with 4 gig memory with the software with all of it call it 350 quid give or take cuz shipping's going to differ for a lot of you how does that scale against likewise system systems like this and again we're going to look at six Bas systems cuz that's what that board inside allowed us to do so if we look at again five to six Bas systems if we started with qap that would put us in the range uh of the TS 664 uh their 2020 um 2 gen 2022 2023 generation of releases that retails for 699 quid so again we are looking at Double the price that we expect up for this if we look at sonology they don't have an Intel seller on system of like this so which means you'll even have to go for the ds920 or the DS 423 stuff like that which again would have been smaller system or you go for their sixpack the DS1 1621 plus which has a PCI upgrade slot which has M2 MV upgrade slots but that would have set you back 894 so close to £900 for ACA store it would been the is 67 uh 0 6t that is the Gen 2 Locker store series of six M although that does have four M2 slots for a PCI upgrade card let's bear that in mind that still would have set you back £819 at the time of recording and finally of course teram Master we talked about before that would be the T6 423 6 B we've reviewed on the channel same CPU M2 slot inside as well two 2.5 gig slots there and that would set you back £699 so in pretty much £700 none of those including delivery all of them being at least 4 gig of memory with the a store being 8 gig and all of them either 2.5 gig or the option to scale up with a PCI upgrade card what are we saying this is going to be half in some cases even more of a saving than all of those Solutions we've talked about however there's no denying that unraid on this is going to require more skills with this this oh alongside unraid there is the physical time and energy that goes into building there is having multiple warranties with which to have to consider that PSU failed US during the course of this recording that PSU yeah I'm going to get my money back but that PSU I've had to waste time on this and time for a lot of users is money the setup getting the whole device together and the peace of mind that comes from a closed ready to go system cannot be over estimated now is that piece of mine worth 3 to 400 nicker that's really up to you but ultimately what I've learned from this video and indeed when we've done any of our comparisons between DIY uh an open source or op Source adjacent Solutions and TurnKey is it comes down to how much is your time worth cuz although for you you have watch this video which be must be rolling in for about 50 minutes to an hour I've not done the editing yet the time spent researching for this Bild to get the bits together getting the device here going through the back and forth some of the testing yes I've had to do in a very specific way to be shown to you but the time I spent finding uh that PDF of the um the motherboard manual that this arrived with the back and forth and of course the time that was spent waiting for this system in its components to arrive from AliExpress and other vendors that is going to eat away into the whole time is money profit margin now if I was a poor uh money poor time Rich a disgusting sentence but here we are then it would make sense for me um to go for a turnkey now solution to throw money at the problem but if I've got time and I don't have a lot of buns to play with this is still a great solution it is a very nice case I'm not too sure I like these on the front here I'm not too sure how I feel about those trays but with the exception of those it is a very well put together system I think the fan is a little noisy not too bad but the rest of it I really really like and it was not a complex build by any measure now I've taken lots of photos throughout this and hopefully in the next week or two I'll have a detailed article below with every single step so if you decide to go down the J the jnow um into Nas route and you want to go for some of the beefier Topton cards out there some of your i3s and particularly we're seeing some rather advanced stuff coming out from the East which you'll see an Ali Express alongside those cards this may perfectly be the system for you with a beefier um PSU of course but this has been DIY with the johnb in 2 versus TurnKey and of course this is our 100K special thank you once again I won't labor it too much more thank you so much for watching if you subscribe from the beginning thank you so much if you subscribe very recently thank you so much and ultimately if you stayed here through to the end of the video you are my guys you are the people that helped me and help Eddie and just help us at NZ Compares just the two of us get it done and thank you so much for that thank you so much watching I won't labor it I will see you next time for
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 98,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: $250 NAS, Best NAS Case, Custom NAS build, HOW TO BUILD A nas, Jonsbo, Jonsbo Build, Jonsbo N2, Jonsbo N2 Build, Jonsbo N2 Build with TopTon, Jonsbo N2 Build with TopTon NAS Board, Jonsbo N2 NAS Build, Jonsbo NAS Build, Jonsbo Topton Build, JONSBO TOPTON NAS, Jonsbo TrueNAS, Jonsbo UnRiad, NAS Build Guide, Topton, TopTon Board Build, Topton NAS Board, TopTon TrueNAS, TrueNAS NAS, TrueNAS vs QNAP, TrueNAS vs Synology, UNRAID NAS, UnRAID vs QNAP, UnRAID vs Synology
Id: C6hf3ddtNCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 39sec (3819 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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