A Ubiquiti UniFi NAS Is Coming...

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[Music] hello and welcome back and do you know what after spending nearly two decades with my feet well and truly dipped in the world of data and networking I have come to learn three major things number one there is no such thing as too much data storage number two there is no such thing as too much memory and number three unify users are always going to be annoyed at ubiquity for never releasing a n solution and you know what you might actually not have to worry about that third one anymore because we have found out and treat this with a pinch of salt treat it with a pinch of speculation treat this and ER on the side of doubt it is looking increasingly like ubiquity is going to launch a Nas system in the UniFi series now again Trier pinch of salt but [Music] [Applause] so yeah there's a decent amount of information floating around right now and today's video is about asking three simple questions number one why would ubiquity launch a UniFi NZ number two what do we know about this system if indeed it is real and not vaporware or something that's not going to cross the finish line and three when do you think we would see something like this and for how much so let's attack that first one straight away why would y bity launch a unify Nas nice and simple people have been asking for a Nas for the UniFi ecosystem for a considerable length of time you been could close to 20 years old and UniFi I think is coming up on 10 years maybe even 12 years at this point it was launched in the mid teens and during that time they have rolled out all manner of solutions into that ecosystem in that ecosystem there is NVR there is network switch there is significant Poe devices there is Network management the whole USP of this platform is that is meant to be one seamlessly integrated throughout two very easy to sell and three all works together all the time that is the big appeal and lots of users that have been managing a UniFi uh equipped ecosystem Network there even though you've got that great single software portal to deal with all of this when it has come to network storage and particularly high profile Nas storage they have traditionally ER towards those third parties because there's not big in a you know ubiquity Le or just unified branded Nas solution in that ecosystem they've been using Technologies and qaps and to ubiquity you know credit they have not denied access to that they have integrated their systems via significantly well documented protocol for a number of years but nevertheless there are users that want a Nas system that lives within that ecosystem they don't want to learn a new GUI a new user experience a ux there they want something that looks like their other devices works like their other devices and is efficiently absorbed into that ecosystem in the most efficient way possible let's not dick around there is absolutely no way that ubiquity has not over the last few years looked at their ecosystem looked at user demands and feature request are not gone you know what we need a central storage system uh for 321 backups and also integration to the rest of this ecosystem that you know is utilized for surveillance utilized for office management utilized for management of your data which brings us to our second point there what do we actually know on the information that has appeared online again pinch of salt a lot of that information that we've seen either leaked online or referen from other pages on official UniFi Pages by the way uh indicates that there is a desktop Nas server and a rackmount to you nas server that we don't know a lot about the storage capabilities of them but we do know um that at least the rack mount is arriving at the gate with a Cod core arm processor at 1.7 GHz there and 4 gig of DD R for memory we know nothing of scalability on that and I think there are going to be a contingent of let's say Nas veterans that would look at Hardware specifications like that and think that is quite an underpowered processor now we have to again sit there and look at this from the fence and go we are basing a lot of this on that document product data sheet that was Leed on Reddit but at the same time I can totally imagine an ecosystem as focused and inhouse and um very specific to uniformity and efficiency as um the UniFi system is it would make a lot of sense to go down that road they will be looking at a processor that can be a lot more targeted but still remain very power efficient over the days weeks months and years that it is in operation when you look at the general Hardware set of a lot of the products that you Bally have launched into the UniFi catalog efficiency does go through there in terms of power consumption also when we look at BR light sonology with their DSM platform DSN 7.2 if they have a more efficient CPU it actually can lead to more targeted development of certain apps and features within that ecosystem because rather than give you overpower and then oversaturation of that power if you work from an efficiency St to particularly on a 24/7 system and you're running with a preset ecosystem of devices it can work out actually quite beneficial for development that said again we are basing this on a document that may be out of date that may not even be legit when we look at external network performance it looks like both the rackman and the desktop if legit are going to be 10g be when we saw references to the desktop system on official UI Pages um for a 5port 10gbe switch we could see that it was rolling directly into what they themselves are labeling as a n server there at 10gbe so at least it's going to be 10gbe and the documentation that was leaked on Reddit for the rack mount indicated an SFP connection so again if real I'm going to have to keep adding that Cav out there haven't I um that SFP connection there is going to give good distance for the larger networks that I know when you look at UniFi systems and the coverage they can have and that's not even digging into the idea that if your bit was to release a n storage solution that what add-ons what extras they would roll in we've already seen on their website that they have got storage drives for both surveillance and Enterprise storage already listed with certain part numbers cropping up and disappearing but alongside that drive there we'd have to look at potentially in a Nas solution different network adapters this one an SFP to Copper adapter is becoming quite commonplace these days and perhaps something that a unify NZ would in uh inject in there now that's really it in terms of what we know about the hardware there's a little bit more and again it's all Linked In the description below on an article on NAS Compares with all of it consolidate into one thing but one of the things that really sounds out is that design aesthetic in the case of the desktop that we could see there it looks super UniFi it looks insanely on brand so much so if it is a knockup it's an incredibly impressive knockup there and again we're seeing an LCM touchcreen panel list did there on the description of the data sheets as well which you can sort of make out something like that on the desktop um I would say in terms of design aesthetic they are banging straight on here this is a legit product and then of course we have to rate a subject of software this system is it going to run its own bespoke network attached storage solution software for like file and object level storage as well as backups there and client tools and everything that is part of the nas ecosystem or is this going to be an extension of the existing UniFi software platform there with the whole centralized management basically adding this on and expanding upon the already existing assets of that GUI we simply don't know but at the very least with everything we're seeing here this is definitely a product at the very least that UniFi are or at least were at some point engaged with and given its presence in one form or another on official UI paces and the fact that a lot of this information has been appearing online Rel ly recently I'm talking in the last few weeks it becomes pretty abundantly clear that if this is a real solution it is a solution for 2024 and I would argue Q3 Q4 perhaps now we don't know much more than that we don't know anything about pricing but I think most people would agree that pricing on UniFi Solutions always has that slightly higher price tag to it because of that centralized ecosystem um but again that's not unusual apart from that that's really it if this solution is real and not just something that ubiquity have worked on and then slowly shelv we'll have to wait and see but otherwise I'm just pleased to see that this is a nice crumb on the road towards a potential unify Nar stay with me on this there is a link in the description as mentioned where we'll go for an update as more information appears on this and if you've got a POV on this or you think or know more or perhaps you disagree completely let me know in the comments below but apart from this thank you so much for watching enjoy the rest of your week and I'll see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 44,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: U-NAS Pro, unas, unas pro, UNASP, Unifi, UNiFi 10GbE NAS, UNiFi 10Gbps, UNiFi 2024, UNiFi Cloud, UniFi DRIVE, UniFi drive nas, UNiFi Hard Drive, UNiFi NAS, UNiFi nas 2024, UniFi NAS CPU, UniFi NAS Hardware, UniFi NAS Pro, UNiFi NAS Product, UniFi NAS Professional, UNiFi NAS Rackmount, UNiFi NAS Server, UNiFi Server, UNiFi SSD, UNiFi U-NAS, UniFi U-NAS Professional, UniFi UNAS, UniFi UNAS Professional, UniFi UniFi Drive UNAS PRO, UNiFi vs QNAP, UNiFi vs Synology
Id: uEysZRk1470
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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