Synology NAS Buyers Guide - Get It Right, FIRST TIME!

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hello and welcome to the sonology buyers guide but before we start today's video I just wanted to share a quick promotion that's running with sonology UK for the next two months that's November and December 2023 if you're already on the verge of buying a sonology solution you were looking at some of the desktop models and you're going to go pre-populated just before you do so head over to the page linked in the description here for sonology cashback promotion where four of their Solutions the DS 223 the DS 723 plus the DS 223j and the DS1 1522 plus definitely one of my favorites can be purchased now prepopulated on a number of different retailers these include Amazon scan e buyer Broadband buyer and box and if you do buy those devices with Sony's own hard drives again there's a few different capacities there and if you're going to buy prepopulated anyway from one of those stores you can then claim some cash back between 20 and 80 depending on the device you go for it doesn't matter which uh capacity drive you go for all you do is buy buy the device from one of those listed five retailers there then head over to the registered claim area here bung in your details and there'll be out to arrange a cash back directly to your account not vouches not for their own store this is a direct into your bank account refund again if you were going to buy one of those four devices anyway and you were going to buy it prepopulated and techologies plus series SS up your alley that's their own branded hard drives inside a sonology branded device if all of that sounds appealing to you and you were going to buy those shop and you're in the UK it's a bit of an no-brainer really so I'll put the link in the description for this without further Ado let's crack on with today's buyer guide to help you decide the very best sonology NS for your individual [Music] needs now moving away from that promo at the beginning it's worth highlighting that the number of solutions that technology provide is actually surprisingly large right now when you go to their active website and you look at the current generation of solutions you will find 43 different solutions there now you might be thinking okay 43 is a lot for me to be looking for to look for my one perfect solution but still nonetheless it doesn't seem like too much however that is just the current generation and if you look in the marketplace you'll actually find several different generations of sonology unit available to buy in fact to date in the I believe 24 to 25 years that sonology has been in operation they have released something like 400 sorry 343 different Solutions in their portfolio yes I checked and there might have been a few that SLI the net so in that time that is a lot of Solutions in the marketplace and although a lot of them could be considered Legacy and the past there's still going to be a good 100 maybe 120 or so that are still in current circulation that go back as far as 2018 or 19 generation so this video is going to help you decide we've got all of the tabs open which one of those Solutions best suits your needs I would consider this video more of a kind of liked seminar as we go through them cuz I'm going to give you which solution is best for individual user case setups and after that I'll explain why which is going to be really really important on both a hardware and a software level now for entry level and basic level storage users it's always going to be the DS 223j part of their current generation it's not the first time they've released a more affordable kind of low price point solution as a kind of Tipping Point into sonology away from the cloud but with all of the solutions they've ever rolled out for me this is one of the best the hardware configuration that this includes um with it the fact that when you get this device you have access to a lot more of the applications and services available from sonology DSM platform that you haven't received in previous value series Generations including container support I will add is very very good it also arrives with 1 gig of memory when normally every other entrance device that came before it arrived with half a g or even in some cases a quarter of a gigabyte of memory it also arrives with a newest generation of that real Tech CPU available in Nas all of this adds up to a system that not only supports features such as Sony's hybrid raid which then when you expand to larger systems down the line allows you to be more flexible with your rate but on top of that it need to includes that support containers and even btrfs via the software platform there overall with this system knocking around between the 180 to 200 Nick and Mark depending on where you're shopping around and as mentioned earlier on it is one of those devices that is featured in the cashback program so you can potentially if you get Sol's hard drives as well get another 20 quid back on the back of it it's not a terrible proposition and although you will miss out on certain features such as transcoding for things inlex media server virtual machine deployment and of course active backup suite and some of those more aggressive and larger scale business applications you still get access to sonology surveillance station platform techology Drive several key elements of the collaboration suite and Hyper backup and a lot of the day-to-day tools and file management tools and backup and synchronization tools are included with DSM so if you are looking for something to work Abridged with your Cloud uh setup with subscription and then slowly migrate over to it and you just need a data deposit to work out that synchronization and then grow from later perhaps this is a very good entry level solution and one that I have always recommended and still stands out in the J series as probably one of the best economical units the brand has ever released now there are going to be those of you that are moving away from pre-existing cloud services because you want to take advantage of containers containers unlike virtual machines which are full operating systems uh containers are kind of like the applications that you would use within that but running on their very own and containers are becoming quite Niche and arguably a lot more popular with every year as people want to run micr processes that are not dependent on any operating system now as an entry point into that and you don't want to really overspend and you want to keep things as minimal as possible the best entry level container system is this this is the DS 223 now much like the DS 223 that came before it is designed to keep things as economical as possible this is considered part of Sony's uh value series and it has a lot of comparison to be made against the DS 223j in terms of Hardware both systems arriving with that same CPU but the difference being that this one arrives with a couple little extras that are worth discussing number one it arrives with uh 2 gig of ddr4 memory there so twice the inclusive memory on day one that it's uh the J series box had that I just mentioned that 2 gig is going to be a lot more to play with in terms of all of your containers just keep in mind that when it comes to those containers and using that memory you can't upgrade the memory on this device a lot of value and J series entry level boxes do not allow the option to upgrade the memory now this isn't sonology being tactical in any way it is quite common across the industry including that memory in a fixed solded state allows them to not only lower the price of the uh device that's getting rolled out but also allows the system to be a lot more efficient in how it's managed internally between the arm CPU and that memory on board so although 2 gig of memory seems like a lot just keep in mind that you can't upgrade it because of that architecture and to remain within that price point now this system rocks r at around 60 to 80 more than the J series we just discussed again it's another one of the units that's part of that cashback promo and this will allow to get another 20 quid if you go for one of those five retailers I mentioned earlier on you don't have to but it's just a nice option to have um now the device itself of course supports everything that the J series does it includes container support of course but it also supports btrfs it also supports technology hybrid rate and that extra memory allows you to use more cameras uh run more active processes and have more active users at any given time now that means that for that small extra spend you're spending on this over the J series yes of course I'm saying this is for entry-level container use but it gives you more resources overall in order to really make the most of the system longterm additionally when you look at the systems Hardware you'll see that it's got a little bit of a change there uh change up there in terms of its physical design and one of the main physical differences is the inclusion of that front removable panel which inside has two Drive Bays now why is that important because this system supports hot swapping it allows you when you got the two drives running s simultaneously to remove one of them if it fails and introduce a new drive on the fly without powering down the system that is something you can't do in the J series box and for home labbers and those that want to not have a system to have much downtime or to take the system completely offline to introduce new drives that is going to be very appealing and once again both of these Solutions like all of the solutions I'm going to talk about today allow you if years down the line you want to migrate to newer and bigger systems all you just lift the drives out and pop them in a new device there again for entry level containers that those that want to experiment in a container uh environment with things like Docker container manager on this will run very very well indeed and of course there are more powerful systems out there for containers but as an entry point into the world of containers and experimentation in the home labbing scam it's a great choice now Plex Media Server PMS it is a growing uh appealing Factor towards a lot of users not only moving away from cloud onto their own private Nas ownership but also for people moving away from streaming platforms now maybe you've got a few decades worth of digital media movies Blu-ray rips and more that you've got knocking around on different hard drives and different CDs and DVDs dotted around your home environment uh running a Plex Media Server will allow you to take all of that has it on your own media server but then give it the swish polished and beautiful slick design that the likes of Netflix Amazon Prime Hulu and more have been doing for ages and Plex Media Server will allow you to slickly cover this de all of your multimedia with uh um uh box art background information reviews trailers um artist description cast members and integrate your entire multimedia environment and allow it to be accessed anywhere in the world by the people that you want to give access to why does a different NZ give you a different experience with this well because of certain ways in which multimedia is handled now much like I describ in the video shown here on screen I'll link to in the description when you are playing multimedia from a Naas the weight of the files that you are playing the compression technique the codec all of these can add up to some files playing better than others and in some cases that means that the people that are streaming this media from your Nas may need your server to convert the file on the fly to a better suited version for their destination device maybe it's an old TV maybe it's a mobile phone that they're streaming from a train station on the other side of the world But whichever way you look at it may they may will be accessing that multimedia and need it changed otherwise known as conversions or transcoding for reasons again of Licensing related to compression such as h.264 versus h.265 and more now the reason this Nas is considered the best entry point into that is for one main factor and that is this CPU the CPU that arrives with integrated Graphics that means the CPU although it's built across four cores with its own performance measures also has a dedicated area on board that is used for graphical manipulation graphical data creation and when the system needs those files to be converted and changed if it tried to use raw CPU power to do so it would take longer it would use more CPU resources and in many cases simply wouldn't get the job done whereas integrated Graphics will get the job done but also get the job done with significant less internal resources being used now frankly there are better CPUs in the market that can do this job there are other integrate Graphics CPUs and even raw power CPUs that convert these files however they will cost more they won't include technology DSM and ultimately you will not be getting a compact low noise long running system for your Flex media server media to be enjoyed by family members uh colleagues and more the DS 423 represents the best entry point in the current generation of sonology unit for Plex Media Server and that's why in our reviews we gave it very high marks for that and again you can check out the Plex Media Server guide just so you can see exactly why we think it's as good as it is for Plex Media Server yes there are more powerful sonology systems out there for multimedia but it has to be set of for Plex and for uh transcoding more precisely this is a great system arriving with 2 gig of memory that can be upgraded to six it also has M2 mvme slots built into the base of the system which can be utilized for storage pools for faster storage in the base of the system and do bear in mind that every solution I'm talking about today can do everything that the previous unit can do it's just a specialization so again for Plex Media Server I recommend the DS 423 plus next up photo editors now of all the people that talk about migrating away from cloud and onto Nas I got to say the last 12 12 to 18 months is in a big big market for photo and video editors the reason being that the file site has been generated by even the most basic iPhone or Google pixel have been getting out of control and once you really look at the size of these files in an editing landscape when you're dealing with raw photo or video these sizes are enormous and it ends up being on cloud you end up losing both the performance uh ability to edit those files but the sheer scale of storage to maintain a legacy of your collections either professionally or person personally now for photo editing the best entry point into the sonology portfolio is this the d723 Plus for lots of reasons again lacking the integrated Graphics of the previous n that we talked about some a subject we've covered at length the d723 arrives with a slightly different processor this is an embedded Ryon processor the r1600 it's a dual core 4 thread processor with the system arriving with two gig of memory that can be upgraded to a staggering 32 gig of memory which is going to be very beneficial for editing again both in photo and video but where it really stands out is the fact that not only does it rock out the gate um with all of this um to edit and store all those photos with a huge amount of storage capacity with two drives at the start that can have five more drives added down the line with expansions but on top of that this is one of the newer generation more compact systems from sonology that support a 10gbe upgrade they've got a little module that you can add to the back of the system the adapter in question the E10 G22 uh mini this is a small 10 GB ethernet adapter available for about 130 to 140 niika which will allow you to upgrade this system to 10gb so that means if you are doing some low-level editing at the moment one geek or even using both of those ports together using link aggregation or SMB multi channel to bond them together should be a decent amount of throughput for you to edit fars on the fly but on top of that you can use that 10 gig adapter to really Max things out and indeed we did full performance testing on this very device utilizing both the hard drive Bays built into the front of the system to test performance numbers there but later on we started doing benchmarks using the M2 mvme Bays inside that's right this has got those two m.2 mvme bays like the system we just discussed which can be used as a storage pool inside for faster scratch discs and editing now this is all combined with the sonology DSM platform arriving with a multitude of applications for backups for synchronization across all of your devices you can synchronize with the nas on your local Mac or Windows system using Solly drive and that application will allow you to interact and edit and go back and forth with the NZ using your native operating system your Mac finder your Windows Explorer and never have to deal with techology GUI when you don't want to ultimately it allows you to edit those photos and use things like sonology photos application which in turn will allow you to use AI uh for AI recognition on your photos to recognize F faces recognize things objects and create a wonderful share space if you're a business user to show portfolios if you're a wedding photographer and you've taken a lot of photos and you want to show these to your clients you can use the share facilities and uh password protected and locked link architecture of Sony's photo application to really create a really appealing photo management um interface for them to interact with as well as you having a single storage space which will allow you to edit photos share photos and just ultimately Center your whole business around both this hardware and this software for your photo editing again professionally or personally and on top of that if that's not an off storage although I do recommend the DS 723 it has to be said that if you scale up ever so slightly to the DS 923 you end up with two more Bays of storage there and ultimately a larger storage array at your fingertips but that's not going to be for everyone so if you want to go in at the entry point for a photo edit video if you're a photo editor I cannot recommend the d723 enough both of those systems will run techology photos really really well whether it is that you want to take advantage of just Gallery modes utilizing the share space if you want to go ahead and share those photos with people or go straight to the album space where you can take advantage again of object recognition where things will be broken down into uh the AI actually analyzing the photos to find out what inside them it doesn't read from the model IDs it will just go ahead and analyze it from the contents of the photo and that goes down to facial recognition as well that'll allow you to recognize both people and objects across the board and finally with Geo um IP tagging on photos you can even break down into locations and again this can be broken down into personal spaces and shared spaces depending on how you want to set up your photography the application is very very deep with intelligent filters which can be built into personal private sharable pH folders if you so choose and just generally is a very capable application for photography and although this application is available on every single one of the solutions that we talked about today so far and indeed all of the other ones we've talked about as a photo editor this um the DS 723 plus is definitely the great entry point and once again with that promo running there in the background if you go ahead and get that with sonology drives inside in November or December and you're based in the UK and you use those five retailers or one of those five you can go ahead and get yourself 40 Nick up in the back pocket as well what's not to like about that now up to this point I have been talking a lot about very specific scenarios whether you're a photo editor whether you're looking at containers whether you're looking at Plex Media Server but what if you're a little bit more General you're a corner shop you're an office space you are just a general business what is the business entry point into the sonology ecosystem what if you can't be pigeon hold in the ways that we've done up to this point hands down across the whole sonology portfolio although there are lower priced entries into the sonology portfolio when it comes to business the best strongest most confident foot forward you can make into toxology platform as a business user is this this is the DS1 1522 plus this 5 Bay device not only includes everything we've discussed so far but it delivers on a lot of them in Spades with a better Baseline Hardware configuration and supporting every every single one of the sonology portfolio there isn't a single app in the entire sonology catalog and service that this doesn't run and dare I say run damn well but back to the uh the system at hand now the 1522 plus is another one of the systems that not only arrives with that AMD riseon processor it also arrives with that memory that can be scared up to 32 gig but the difference is that this system rocks out the gate with support of 8 G immediately also much like the 723 it also arrives with ECC memory error correcting code or error code correction memory that means that when data is being passed through the memory and this is an oversimplification there's an extra bit on the memory module that when the data passes through the memory a little blueprint is taken stalled on that bit in the middle it passes through and at the other end it compares the two and if there's any irregularities it then repairs it and sends the data on its way thereby avoiding things like data inconsistencies in larger long-term storage which for a business user is going to be critical but on top of that thanks to U its era correction uh preventing things like bit rock which is pretty much the same thing but you know largely built that in conjunction with the system supporting btrfs means that you've got several methods there of data self-healing built in natively in the background of the system when in operation on top of that not only did the system arrive with five Bays of storage and again supporting sonology hybrid r on top of that it supports two expansion devices allowing you to add an additional 10 Bays of storage to this system now much like the other ones we've discussed the system also features that 10gbe upgrade option so not only does this system arrive with four ethernet ports there which by the way can be combined if you like trunked Port trunk SMB multi Channel link aggregation call it what you want whatever works for you but the system also support that 10 gig upgrade we talked about so when you're a business user you end up with a system with 8 gig of um ECC memory keeping an eye on everything you got a nice heavy powerered uh processing embedded uh so efficient CPU there that runs all of the techology applications for handling that data in the most efficient way possible and you've got the option to add 10gbe to maximize the throughput as your business grows for more bandwidth to be afforded to all of your individual connected clients and by clients that can be inside or outside of your business and it doesn't stop there because again much like a lot of units we discussed this system also supports those two M2 mvme bays in the base which can be used for uh uh storage pools as well as caching so overall what that means is you have a system with a huge storage potential a huge bandwidth potential a huge performance potential and ultimately for a business just great potential and that is why I consistently recommend the ds-1 1522 plus as the go-to Naas for business when you're moving away from cloud and in to sonology now there are going to be some users that are specifically moving towards Sony's platform because of surveillance they've heard about sonology surveillance station software and indeed it is included with every single sonology Nows every Singley n at least for the last seven or eight years has rolled in with their surveillance software I did a massive review it went on for like 35 minutes it covered pretty much all the features of that software from the alert system to utilizing recognition and in conjunction with a lot of their AI recognition on some of their systems as well as some of their bc500 tc500 I hate seagulls and um AI uh recognition cameras there that recognize faces that recognize some objects but of course of course if you want the full length and breadth and abilities of sonology software you got to go for their surveillance optimized devices and although there are two of them available across their whole portfolio with a few older generation devices out there specifically the entry point into surveillance at its best on the technology platform is the DVA 1622 now the DVA 1622 is comparable in a number of ways to a system we talked about earlier on namely the DS4 23 plus it's got the same CPU it's got the same kind of memory and it's very similar so why on Earth am I suggesting the DVA 1622 knocking around about 500 nicker give or take 5 to 600 Quid is a better option given it's a 2bay there well several reasons not withstanding that it rocks out the gate with the maximum 6 gig of memory uh supported by that Hardware configuration if not the CPU it also arrives with eight camera licenses straight away included there so those camera licens camera licenses cuz you get two included with enology will allow you to have a bunch of other cameras but it doesn't stop there because it also supports the use of um deep video analysis that is when you've got things happening on camera where it's one thing to say I want the camera to tell me when there is motion such as we've got sonology surveillance station here running in an office and if I show you one of the cameras that's running here inside we've got this camera here running and if I move over here and wave my hand you can see that this system is running here nice and neatly in the background now we could set this device up to tell me about Motion in that area I could go into the history of these cameras and I could use this great software which again I strongly recommend you check out that software review um to really make the most of and get the alert for that motion that was detected but it's not just going to be about motion you may be want to know when cars are pulling up outside your building you want to know when certain people into the building and certain other people don't so you get an alert for when it's people that aren't known you want to have areas of effect perhaps you want counting of people maybe a licensed plate registration all of these things are only possible by either one or both of these devices they're not supported on other sonology n systems and given that the 2bay DS 723 that we talked about earlier on that DS 723 knocks around again for about 4 to 500 nicker if you want to go for a surveillance system this one has all of the AI assisted processes and those extra camera licenses and Superior Hardware under their Bonnet and it runs DSM so you can use Sony's DSM platform with all of its applications for Plex Media Server for backups for cloud synchronization for multi-tier backups for active backup Suite all of these things are included and it's a surveillance deep system indeed I said all of this in both my review and before you buy it and AI comparison video where I talked about the difference between going for a sonology camera and a sonology surveillance system all of this is covered along with the reviews of the DVA 1622 as we zoom in here which again is why I classify the very best sonology 2bay in the market there and overall if you're a surveillance user unless you want to go big and you want to run a specifically larger amount of these AI supported Services when it comes to surveillance if you're already in the bag with sonology surveillance platform the DVA 1622 is an absolute no-brainer for surveillance in their platform now earlier we shun the spotlight on photo editors and that is both photographers and those that want to edit directly on the as or distribute and share their photos personally or professionally and this time is the time of the video editors arguably a much higher Hill to climb not withstanding that video particularly in more recent generation of 4 6 and even 8K video has become particularly dense and complex to both edit and store also when it comes to video editing directly from a Naas you need a certain amount of internal Hardware resources to push the job through and external bandwidth to get the job done and for that most users will immediately jump onto an 8 BAS system now I am going to highlight that there is technically two choices here at different ends of the spectrum there is the D s821 and the DS1 1823 xs+ these are quite similar systems but needless to say the xs+ is the beefier of the two and it should be cuz it's going to cost you a grand more so there there are two kinds of video editing user here and both of these Solutions are going to suit both of you but the good thing is that the a21 which is what I'm going to choose as my pick by the way for video editors right now yes of the two it's the more entry level by a margin in but it can be upgraded manually towards this in every count it every single way you can turn this into this later on so if the extra, or dollars that the 1823 XS plus costs puts you off just know that you can save yourself a grand and then spend that grand gradually over time to reach this point anyway but on to the system itself not withstanding it's got eight bits of storage which means taking advantage of um flexible raid Solutions allows you to really improve that performance because every single drive you add results in more drives being read and written to thereby enhancing the performance over time not only that but you can go ahead and add two more expansion devices thanks to this system having two expansion ports on the rear which means you can add a further 10 drives of storage there and you got the four land port but you've also got a pcie upgrade slot here that allows you to add both one and two uh 10 GB ethernet port giving you an external two um up to one or two gigabytes not bits gigabytes 2,000 megabytes per second of performance back and forth and the system supports those two M2 mvme Bays we mentioned earlier to create that scratch disc internally so that means this system not only provides you with the internal performance measures that you're going to want in terms of hard drive storage but also in terms of SSD storage internally you can even upgrade as it says here to a 25 gig Port externally and open up an external potential Network bandwidth of up to 50 gigabit or 5 gigabytes yes you're still going to need enough hard drives and ssds to get through that but that's just something you can scale to later now the internal Hardware architecture of the 1821 arrives with a quad core embedded riseon processor that's four cores and eight threads that's a lot of virtual CPUs to play with it also has of course ECC memory for the error correcting code we mentioned earlier on which when it comes to video particularly if you're dealing with like GoPro raw type stuff as we go into again the four the six and the 8K Arena small inconsistencies can completely screw up archival footage so having support of btrfs and ECC memory Straight Out The Gate is going to be appealing as all hell along with support up to 32 gig of memory longterm there now in terms of applications needless to say it runs everything it runs every single sonology application indeed every single um device we're talking about from this point on supports everything so that means if you're a photo video editor you've got lots of different tools here at your disposal to really make the most of your Nas system we'll talk about these in a lot more detail in a few more of the examples coming soon for higher-end business but I will say straight away that if you are looking to for example synchronize with a cloud backup server with numerous different Cloud platform supported you can add it there with all of these different providers supported to bolt on and synchronize that Storage off site you can go ahead if you choose to utilize synology's hyper backup application hyper backup will allow you to create those backup routines for your 32 1 backup solution both locally and remotely very very easily whever you want to back up the entire system and entire data layout all the way down to just files and folders if you choose and you can even back up those targeted ice scy Lun storage in case you need to convert your storage on the nas to be more accessible and compliant with your photo video editing Suites Final Cut Pro um elements that sort of thing and again the range of supported Services be they remote or local from USB to other nases on the local area environment to remote nazes and remote cloud storage is all supported here on top of that if you want to edit again as mentioned in the photo editing Suite with your uh Native file um uh file manager such as Windows Explorer here for example you can use the sonology drive application to create folders or synchronize with pre-existing folders on your Mac or Windows system to then synchronize with the nas in question and then create a synchronized backup of these folders where for example if I go back in time a million squillion years and select a folder here we go to properties we can see that I've got 863 megab of data on the nas but I've got zero being stored on the PC it allows me to go in and explore the files and folders that I know are on the Nas and not local and if I wish right click them and pin them to my local system if I choose or SC stream them live from the NZ pin them locally and then cash it and get uh get rid of the cash later on there's lots of back and forth that you can do but ultimately allowing you to concentrate more on the editing of your big video projects for both personally and professionally and let the nas keep doing its Nas stuff in the background and we'll go through more of these applications in our next section there but ultimately if you are looking for a Nas 4 video editing the ds821 plus allows you to provide a great middle ground between larger storage larger performance and overall expandability for external bandwidth down the line and again there is a beefier system in the form of the DS1 1823 XS what makes this system beefier it arrives with a 10 gig ethernet port there on the rear it also arrives with a slightly BP a CPU it also arrives with more memory and it's default model State there arriving with 8 gig when that previous unit the 1821 only had 4 gig it also arise with 5 years of warranty when this other unit only arrives with 3 years of warranty but do bear in mind of course that this system not only can have its uh warranty upgraded um to another 5ye with a small extension of the warranty but you've got a pcie slot on the rear there that allows you to upgrade towards 10gb memory upgrade slots at L to upgrade that memory different and ultimately closing the gap between these two systems so once again if you're a video editor you can choose to spend the extra Grand now or save yourself a th000 quid then later down the line maybe upgrade a lot of those extras instead of spending that extra money now giving you a nice viable option to how you're going to spend your budget on this new video editing NZ now up to this point you may have noticed that we've exclusively concentrated on desktop units and Fair Play Des anology they do have a lot of rack mount Solutions and later on we are going to talk about one of those but the reason I want to talk again about desktop storage even though we're talking about mass storage is when you're in the rackmount sector you already kind of know that you're going for busy level Enterprise but when it comes to mass storage some users simply don't want to have a rack cabinet they don't have rack server storage they're worried about the noise of these systems in close proximity and they're thinking a lot about the power consumption and often when it comes to a desktop unit you can get lower power consumption due to the cooling systems not needing to be as over the top but on top of that just a more compact system with a much more centralized uh approach towards internal temperature management while still giving you a large amount of storage now remember the 1821 that I just talked about there well this is kind of I'm sorry this is kind of the 12 by version this system gives you 12 Bays of storage it supports that technology hybrid rate system it gives you the option to upgrade to 10gb there on the rear it's got the memory expansion there it's got the four land port it's got the option to scale up its storage and add a further 12 storage Bays of storage with the uh 12 Bar expansion even the CPU again they four core eight threaded rise on there arriving with 4 gig of memory that can go up to 32 gig and it's ECC this is largely considered the ultimate desktop storage device in terms of mass storage now you may have seen it I flick to it earlier there is another unit that's very very similar but this system arriving at $1200 more also includes a lot of power and if you not looking at a Powerhouse system then chances are the DS 2422 as a mass storage desktop device there's none finer in desktop circles on the sonology platform and again AL liveing with support of all the applications we've talked about th far but also arriving with additional options in the storage volumes and storage manager area such as taking advantage of faster raid rebuilding if you do have a drive failure it can be really useful to take advantage of things like Fast repair and that is when even though you may have 12 storage hard drives inside this system and one fails and you got to introduce a new one when the system is rebuilding your storage known as a raid degradation into a raid repair when it does that raid repair that can take an extended period of time and you will see lower performance during that period also you may be concerned that another Drive might fail during that raid Recreation so one of the ways in which technology can make this process a great deal quicker alongside giving you an option to improve the raid resync and raid rebuild performance leveraging the internal performance in favor of that is also give you the option for fast repair fast repair is when say for example you've got 12 Bay uh 12 Drive of storage a total 100 TB of potential storage but you've only got about 20 taby of data on there fast repair knows the difference and it will only go ahead and build the areas on each disc where the data resided and then for the rest of the drive across the whole array in the raid layout where there was no data it would just null that out rather than having to rebuild on a bit by bit level that means that your raid will be built rebuilt significantly faster but just bear in mind if you've already got a system was already at nearly Max um storage capacity in terms of the data that was on it you wouldn't really feel those benefits but ultimately with this system also supporting a number of those applications for uh archival storage Cold Storage taking advantage of presto file server taking advantage of a lot of the internal storage management and drive Health Management options it's just a solid solution for mass storage on Sony's portfolio and if you are coming to sonology from enormous storage Amazon S3 just giant Scout storage this is the system for you where you're yes you're going to have to outl a lot of more money out the gate but this is a system where if you try to get that scale of storage on the cloud you would spend two to three to four times this amount in 5 years than just buying the hardware on day one something that if you have on the cloud in 5 years time and you've spend that money anyway where was that data going to go well you're probably going to put it on a server anyway so why not just buy the server now and that is pretty much why the DS2 422 plus exists it is large desktop storage for users that prioritize data now another thing that a lot of users may be utilizing with cloud storage is virtual machines because virtual machines and cloud storage have become completely intertwined in recent years uh with Improvement in Virtual machines on the cloud running on Virtual super computers uh which are run of course on bare metal hypervisor somewhere in the out there in the world now having your own utilizing something like the DS 3622 is going to be insane not withstanding again the hardware architecture inside with a six core CPU that's 12 thread arriving with 16 gig of memory ECC that can be scalled up to 48 gig and again 12 Bays of internal storage a um 5 years of Manufacturers warranty and just an insane level of throughput potential and two 10gb ports included on the Baseline model and 5 years of warranty this thing is an absolute Behemoth in terms of internal storage power and network output outside and it still has an upgrade slot that can be used for adding MVM or even further Network ports towards 10 25 and 40 gabit ethernet cards out there in the wild this system is a monster and if you are someone that's migrating away for your uh VMware your hyperv or any of your uh Cloud uh virtual machines and you want to get them inhouse in a closed Network environment for virtual machines as well as obviously day-to-day storage operations this thing is a great sh it ain't cheap it's one of the most expensive if not the most expensive desktop solution from sonology but it has it for a reason and for virtual machine deployment again Windows Linux or custom or even just a handful of containers as well at the same time running test beds and uh if you're running uh applications and you've got to run multiple os's to double check that it works squeaky clean across all of them this is a great choice for that with son's own uh Virtual Machine Tool out there that allows you to deploy numerous different kinds of virtual machine again with uh driver support for Windows Virtual machines out the gate uh conversion tools that allow you to convert your existing uh virtual machine which may be a virtual hard drive or a vdk or MK you can Port them all over but it doesn't stop there cuz you can also utilize this to synchronize with pre-existing uh VMS running on hyperv VMware clouds you know with third parties you can synchronize with them and in the event that connection is lost to those they can be mounted into the sonology virtual machine manager I want you integrate that and there'll be more on this in a moment in the next section but if you integrate that with some Technology's active backup Suite of applications U for Google workspace for Office 365 and just a general backup agent uh I'm sorry the backup for business and the agent on other sonology n devices and the desktop clients as well the result is that you can create a system where all of these virtual machines that are either running on uh Google on uh Amazon uh cloud services running on hyperv running on Microsoft services or running on bare metal around you can all be syn with the Nas and more importantly as mentioned be mounted onto the nas when connection with that synchronized Cloud alternative fails as fail over there it's hugely appealing and again all with inhouse tools ultimately if you're looking for somewhere for your inhouse virtual machines as well as synchronizing with those clouds the DS 3622 XS so expensive is by far the best desktop option out there now the difficulty in choosing just one of the best rack mount solutions for business and Enterprise users is just not possible on the technology portfolio there was a time 3 to four maybe 5 years ago when Technology's reputation in the rackmount server Market although it wasn't bad it was not really keeping up with a lot of the hyperscale users out there as well as some of their competitors were concentrating a great deal more on rack mount Endeavors now that has changed substantially in the last few years and now their rack mount portfolio is pretty darn extensive and this is just the current generation and picking a specific good and the best Enterprise rackmount solution it's just not possible because Enterprise finds itself in different forms so for example if you are looking for SSD flash storage you know fabric stuff like that that's where the flash day and solutions all rolling with Enterprise level Solutions uh and CPUs that actually Scout all the way down to quite affordable devices like the fs 2500 then you you've got high density scale Solutions which I believe are going to be spinning out into their own subdivision of new deep deep um petabyte ready Solutions very very soon but right now you can get the 60 by rack mount solution the HD 6500 then you have the sa series which is again scalable SAS storage optimized devices there which again scale up in storage quite significantly Each of which allowing you to take advantage of SAS based drives which can run at 12 and even 24 gig um gigabit connections there thanks to the Improvement in SAS on top of that you've got the XS series which again prioritizes high performance Le CPUs inside and the F uh the RS 4021 XS plus is by far the best of those in terms of Hardware architecture and more then you've got the plus series which is kind of the leaping in point arguably the entry point into Sony's rack mount solution and remember everything we talked about today supports that full range of applications and services we've discussed and when we move back to those products and services we can go to the bottom the UC series now these are unified controllers which have active active controllers there are ultimately two Nazis running inside a single chassis sharing that storage and in the event that the CPU the memory the motherboard basically one of those brains fails the other one picks up immediately thanks to active active fail over there on those unified controller systems there ultimately selecting the right rack now is a bigger ask and don't worry I will be doing a dedicated video just on rackmounts very very soon cuz I think it's so big it's too big to tap into this video but just bear in mind if you are an Enterprise level user you can use the uh this breakdown here to separate it into the kind of optimized use that you need and ultimately when it comes to the applications and services again thanks to the active backup um the active backup Suite of tools there the Virtual Machine Tools we've discussed the surveillance tools we've discussed and the full range of apps in the collaboration Suite from sonology all of those R Mount Solutions are going to service any Mainline business to the extent which you want to utilize it if you want internal storage media performance if you want uh large scale storage if you want the hardware architecture to be as high as possible if you are looking for scalability and network performance if you are looking for price and affordability into an entry point or if you're looking for failover supportting Ultimate Way each of the Rat Mount Solutions there and the groups that we talked about there can service you in one or all of those ways and there you go those are the best sonology solutions for each different kind of user and I really hope you found this video helpful once again that promo from sonology is going to knock around for a couple of months and although is only for UK residents I got to say five retailers there's a lot of viability there and let's not forget a little Black Friday around the corner there's a way to double dip and get yourself a bit of cash back you know but nevertheless if you do need further assistance on this there should be a full written guide link below over to NAS Compares also we got our free advice section uh on the right hand side of every page on NAS compar our Discord where we can arter some of your qer along with other users as well as the larger Community Support Forum alternatively if you want early access to these videos access to our monthly seminars um uh come some of our content polls and overall just get more expediate support from myself and Eddie head over to Kofi or patreon and sign up to the nas compar in a circle there's a bunch of tear there whichever suit you need other than that thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed this video
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 21,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Synology NAS, Synology, Synology NAS Drive, Best Synology, Best Synology 4-Bay NAS, Best 4-Bay NAS, Best NAS, Best 4 HDD NAS, Best backup nas, Best NAS for Mac, Best NAS for Android, Best Photo Backup NAS, Best Surveillance NAS, Recoommended Synology NAS, Recommended NAS, DS420j, DS418, DS423+, DS424, DS923+, DS924+, DS424play, DS423, DS424j, DS423j, DS423slim, DS424slim, RS424, RS824+, RS1623XS+, RS1624XS+, DVA3224, DS3224XS+, Synology SSD NAS, Synology NAS Guide, Synology Buyers Guide
Id: JTi_hr_hJvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 33sec (2913 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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