Beginner's Guide: Setting Up Your Synology NAS Easily in 2024!

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to get yourself started with the nas you need a few different things so you need yourself a hard drive and the nas unit itself so the one that I'm demoing today is a senology 923 plus and I'm going to be installing four different drives in there hey everyone my name is Monty and welcome to inside wire this is a quick beginner's guide on how to get yourself set up and how to get your Nas configured in your home environment and also as an additional bonus I'm going to be setting these up as a highly available pair as I do have a second one of these so let's jump straight in inside the Box you get a power lead and inside here you get the other part the adapter and also two ethernet cables you also get yourself a key inside to keep those discs safe and you get yourself some hard drive screws and a quick installation guide in case you're unsure now underneath this is the actual NZ itself so let's pull this out and this is how small the drive is so this fits four discs inside it has some cooling at the back that you can see just here it has two 1 GB ethernet ports an EA and a USB port just here if you want to install some ssds inside here you have two nvme slots just here underneath and you can go ahead and install them in here and finally on the front you have the four Bays that I mentioned to you a USB 3.0 port and also a power button along the side here you have a status light and the four disc lights as well so you know what's going on with your discs at all times now easily enough to install your drives I have four of them just here I have some Western Digital 10 tab drives and we can go ahead and pop them just in here so to install it lift the flap and pull this out these are screwless drives so the one thing you need to do is pull these little tabs on the side so these both come out and there's two of them and then you can go ahead and pop your disc in now if you've installed this correctly which is like so you will see you have the ports on the front which are going to go into the connectivity in the NZ drive and then you have four holes that match up ready for these to go back in and you just press them on like so and we can just repeat the same with the other four drives so once you've placed the four drives in I do have two 10 TB and two 12 tab drives in this configuration so if you wanted to know that we go ahead and take each drive and pop them in until they click in so you just go one by one push it in you'll feel it pushing and just click it into place and we'll just go ahead and put this last one in to there we go that's all done now we just need to put all the connect into the back so for this first part there is just two connections we need on the back we need the 12vt DC power supply and we need an Ethernet cable so we'll go ahead and pop the ethernet cable into Land one and we'll go ahead and pop the DC power in into the port just there so we'll go ahead and stand this up and then I'm going to go ahead and Power on the unit and just so you can see that just there you can see the blue light that's flashing on the front but it is going ahead and powering up just now the next thing we're going to do is head over to the computer where we do all the configuration of this unit itself once you've got that all plugged in you're going to want to go ahead and jump onto your computer and it's really easy and simple to find your NZ nowadays you don't need to type in an IP address we'll find out what it is you just simply type in at the top senology Nas colon 5000 hit enter in your browser and it will find it automatically for you so we're going to let this go off now and set up the Synology and click install and we want it to automatically download the latest version from the web so we click automatically download and it's going to delete all the data of all four discs but it's a brand new NZ so we're not really concerned about this so we click understand and click continue and this probably takes about 10 to 15 minutes so let's leave this going and we'll come back once it's done there we go that's now complete and we have DSM 7.2 installed which is the latest version so let's go ahead and click Start the first thing you want to do is give it a device name so I'm just going to call this Nas one we give it an administrator account you can't can't use the names like admin or administrator so we're going to go ahead and use something else and then you give it a username and password of you're choosing we click next so the first two things I do when I set up my syy NZ is I give it a static IP address so we go to network and at the moment it's got a server name and we can manually configure the DNS and Lan so you can see we have the Lan settings the default gateway just here we can click edit but we want to go to the network interface and click edit on there then we want to use a manual configuration so I'm going to go 1921 1681 12351 the subnet mask is actually 2552552550 and then we have the default gateway and if there's any additional settings you want to set up you can do there once it goes ahead and applies those network settings you're going to have to go ahead and relog in again with the new IP address so at the top of the browser 1 1921 1681 12351 colon 5000 and it will take you back to the login page that is now set up so the IP address the static configuration is just there and and having a quick look along the left hand side you pretty much have all most of the options that you're ever going to need on the syy NZ so you have your folder and file access external access security uh login portal notifications hardware and power etc etc so I'm not going to go through all of these because this is a quick beginers guide but um the next thing we want to take a look at is the security so it's all good setting up the network protection but the next is going to be the security so now that we have the network installed we're going to go ahead and look at the users and groups so that's the first that's the next thing I would go to so making sure the relevant people have the access that they require so if we jump straight in we have admin and guest which are automatically disabled which is what you want we don't want to keep them active because again they're very prone to be attacked if they are easily compromised so we want to keep that out of the way so any new users that you want to create you go ahead and create them here uh you can send them an email so they can actually log in remotely if you have that configuration set up the next part is the most important thing so we will come back to users and groups shortly just because we want to allocate some permissions in a little while but the next thing is the storage manager itself so we have all the drives installed and we need to get them configured so we go ahead to the storage creation of pools and volume so we click Start so a list down here is a full options of all the different raids you can choose now I'm going to actually be choosing raid five I'm not going to go into the different levels of raid it depends on your configuration setups probably a little bit more for this video than you required but I have four drives installed and I only ever want the option if I lose one drive I can replace it so this needs a minimum number of three drives and theault tolerance is one so I can lose one disc at any point now if I go ahead and click next it's going to select all the drives that we want now I have four different sizes in there or two different sizes of two different discs but it will always choose the minimum size so you can see the estimated capacity is 27.3 terabytes which is 9.1 9.1 and one of them it's taken down to 9.1 as well so that's 27.3 so keep that one in mind when you are choosing uh diss for your Naz drive as well we're going to click next and it comes up saying some of the drives are not on the Synology compatibility list but that's fine we can go ahead and click continue and then it's going to ask you how much data do you want to allocate to this volume uh we're going to go with the full amount so let's go ahead and click Max and it's the full volume so we go ahead and click next and then we have to select the file system so we're going to keep this as the default as btrfs because that is the most wide range of compatibility for everything that you could possibly be using it for um I am actually going to be setting this up as a highly available pair so we do want the replication also as well uh you can choose to encrypt the volume if you want so I'm going to leave that unticked but I would suggest you encrypt the volume when you are setting this up and we go ahead and click apply so again it's going to erase all the discs again they're empty anyway so we can go ahead and do that and we'll come back once the volume has been created and just as I'm talking it's gone ahead and created it so you can see down here the storage pool is is processing and the volume is creating so we'll come back once it's done let's go ahead and make your file shares now so there's file station that you can click on on the screen and we click okay and there's nothing set up at the moment so it's going to say hey let's let's set something up so let's call this um backup volume um just for the sake of this video once you've done that you can click next so just looking at the settings down here you can hide it from my network places or hide sub folders from users that don't have permissions so good one to have if you do have uh areas of folders that you don't want everyone to have access to uh you can always go ahead and hide them automatically so they're not visible I would highly recommend you enable the recycle bin and restrict that to administrators only as well so click next if you want some additional Security in there uh protecting the encryption or protecting the shared folder you can go ahead and select those if not you can just click next in the advanced settings we don't need to worry too much about this one we can go ahead and click next and that will go off and create the volume for you or equate the SMB share and right here we're going ahead and we're choosing whether we want to give people options or not so we can say no access to inside wire no access to admin so admin has full read and write at the moment and so does inside wire and if you had additional users in there you could do that as well or if you've created groups we can say okay any users can have read and write access to this as well but that's not what we want at the moment we just want those two users to have those so we click apply and there we go that's now created and set up for you and it's literally as easy as that to set up a file share and that is the file share complete and you can see that there we can click on file station and we can see the backup folder here and if we want to create any new folders and you can go ahead and click create and it will create a folder within there or if you want to make an additional sub share you can go ahead and click create shared folder and it will go through the process of the wizard again so really easy and simple to set up that's how that's done final thing I want to show you in terms of files is the file Services now within here there's so many different options you can set up SMB AFP NFS FTP so there's loads of different things you can set up here so you can go ahead and enable the SMB service all the others are disabled automatically so if you want to create them you can do uh one thing I would tell you is just to make sure smb2 is your minimum best to use smb3 if you can um but on here you can set smb2 as your minimum and that would be the minimum protocol that you'd be using to connect to this it's just a little bit more Ure and you're not able to read the data that gets sent across between it further down here it shows you how to access the NZ so if you're using a PC and you have Windows Explorer open you can type in backback slnas backup one or backup Nas One whatever the name is and it will pop up with the folder however if you do have network discovery turned off you will need to use the IP address so keep that one in mind when you are doing that and then once you've made all your changes you can go ahead and press apply now as I showed you back earlier with the group so if I go ahead and and make a new group so file user we can type in a password we can send a notification to the user if they do have a login or if they have an email address Associated to it and you click next and then within there you can put them into different groups so the users will be standard access to all the files that are within there so we can go ahead and click next and do you want to give them access to the shared folder so you can say no access read only or read and write depending on what you want to give them so you can create the granularity within each user that you're setting up so if you want separate files for each of your family m members or different areas of your business you can do that this way the one feature that probably stands theology away from the other competitors now they do have something similar but it's not quite as comprehensive I believe is all the packages that you have enabled within here so it's not just used for use files and folders and photos there is a lot more that you can do in this and you can see by all these packages within here what you can do so DHCP server DNS server identity managers file stations is already installed if you want to hybrid share the Vault backups if you want that Media Services proxy services so there's so much that you can actually do within this rather than just a file share now as I mentioned earlier as a bonus I am going to set up a high availability pair and to do that what we need to do we just replicate the exact same setup that we have done on this one on a second as so I have a secondary 923 plus which I'm going to set up and then we want to actually install one application which is called syy high availability and that allows you to set them both up as a cluster or a pair and so we go ahead and click install if I click on the top left hand corner just here you can see we have the Synology High availability so we can configure a high availability pair now to set these up you have your two Synology nazes set up side by side both plugging into the network so they both have their individual IP and you have a network cable running between them as well so you make sure you have them connected in between and that will then send the heartbeat through knowing which one they need to use so we've installed the high availability application now and you can see I have two nazes set up I have NZ n backup one and Nas backup 2 and they're both set up with 52 and 51 as their respective IPS so once you go into the high availability you quickly click next and it will say do you have your network cable plugged into L one yes do you have your heartbeat connection which goes to the other Nas import to yes I do so we click next and then there you go you can swap these around if you need to but we don't need to at this point because that's how it's set up and then that's going to go off and do any checks that it needs to do at this point so we'll give that a minute and then we'll come back to this so it's already got the credentials of the NZ 2 cuz I've logged into it so NZ backup 2 we click connection and it doesn't show up on here but actually I just need to type in the username and password once you've popped in the username and password of this you'll see it'll start loading and doing its relevant check so it will check the IP it will check the disc configuration so you want these to match exactly the same in terms of disc configuration and how you've got them set up as well and then you want to give it a cluster name so you have 51 and 52 and then you give it a cluster I P which basically sits on top and basically chooses one or the other as a high high availability configuration so we'll go with 53 and now backup and this is where it's going to now verify all the requirements so system information is fine the volumes are fine network setup is fine the Network Services fine and the interface so we click next after that and it's saying this is the IP address this is the heartbeat interface this is the primary and this is the passive server so we click done and then what it's going to go do now it's going to off everything that we've done so yes everything we have done till now we will lose and you're going to come back with a single IP of 53 and that will work as a high availability cluster in terms of NAS Drives and there you can see right there we have the cluster set up with the high availability you can see it's a healthy connection between the two and there's a transfer speed you have some manager options here so you can switch over so you can move the primary server if you want while you're upgrading or update a certain package you can remove the passive server or you can remove the cluster also as well if we scroll down you can see the performance of each of them so 20% and 10% how much memory is being used and any log informations or any recent events as well so this just gives you a quick idea this was a bit of a bonus clip just to show you how to set up the high availability if this is something you are looking for let me know down in the comments if you want to see something specific on the nazes or if you found this tutorial useful for now this inside wire and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: InsideWire
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Keywords: how to set up synology nas, how to set up your synology nas, first time set up synology nas, synology nas beginners guide, synology nas setup 2024, set up and configure synology nas step by step, synology setup guide, synology nas setup guide, synology nas, nas setup, synology nas setup, nas setup guide, synology nas tutorial, synology beginners guide, synology tutorial, synology dsm 7 setup guide, nas setup tutorial, synology nas review
Id: XUF_pP_29GQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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