5 reasons you DO NOT need a NAS

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all right how's it going you know so today we're actually going to be talking about five reasons why you do not need an ass now coming from this channel you might be very surprised I'm having this video but in all honesty numerous times I've had clients who come to me because they have some I.T guy who says oh you absolutely have to have this Nas which honestly complicates the system and so in all reality a Nas is not really the end-all be-all solution for every single person there's a lot of key reasons why a Nas might just be wrong for you and that's kind of why I've thrown together a list of them because in all reality you should ask yourself do I need an ass before buying one as you may have seen on this channel I absolutely love Nas I use them for everything I've got tons of them running I've got an entire server Rack in there running them and it's crucial to my business and how I run everything but for a lot of people you can get by without one and if you can in some ways it's going to be a lot better of experience so let's go ahead and get started all right so now to keep me on track I've got a list that I wrote up right here and I've also got some lovely props to kind of demo some things so this right here is the new Synology 1522 plus awesome Nas has 10 gigabit capability absolutely love the thing great starting ass and this right here is actually a eight terabyte gas so before we get into this let's go over what a Das is and what a Nas is because that's kind of the Crux of this entire thing so a Das stands for direct attached storage and a Nas stands for network attached storage and so those are really the two different big differences in these things so for something like a Das you have essentially just a hard drive that communicates directly with your computer your computer controls everything it tells it where to write data it does everything for you when you've got a Nas a Nas is actually a server there is a CPU in here there's an entire another computer in this box which is controlling the data your computer only requests files and things like that from the nas you can make a Nas look like a dash with iSCSI but that's out of the scope of this video but essentially whenever you've got a Nas you have an entire server running which is great there's a lot of really powerful things you can do with it but it also adds complexity and that's one of the key reasons here and just to clear something up here you can also buy a dash that looks very much like this box right here where you've got five hard drive Bays eight hard drive base and your computer sees it as one big hard drive and it handles the rate itself so you're absolutely able to do that you can buy those this right here is just an easy explanation and a company sent me this and I've been having a lot of fun testing it out all right so now starting the top of the list number five is you have programs that will not run on that this is actually really common to have programs that do not allow you to store their files on a Nas you can get around this in most cases but for most time they say nope you can only store them locally the easiest one that comes to mind is Adobe Lightroom Adobe Lightroom will not let you store the lrc that Lightroom catalog file on a Nas that's for two reasons one they want to make sure that two people are not editing the exact same catalog at the exact same time just because Adobe cannot handle that and two you do get some latency issues especially when you've got a database stored on an ass and I'm going to get to that in a little bit here but Adobe will not let you and there are a lot of programs that simply will not allow you to store your files on a Nas Steam for a while there would not let you store your programs on an ass they've since allowed that and there's always ways to get around these things using stuff like iSCSI but you lose a lot of the benefits of a Nas when you do those things so number five is pretty simple you have programs that simply will not support it then number four you want a simple setup I absolutely love NASA they're great they're complex they are not TurnKey get data on the drive easy this you plug into your computer your computer sees data you put data on there that's it that's really all there is when you're setting up a dash at most you may have a little pop-up program that you install and it's gonna say hey I want to set up this raid 5. really can be done in 10 minutes maybe 20 minutes if you don't really know what you're doing and it's just there it's simple to understand you know the data is just there and that is it for Nas it involves setup you have to do a lot of configuration to get it to a normal place it probably would take most users maybe 45 minutes to get a Bare Bones Nas If they don't really know what they're doing and that's a lot of time and then there's a lot of pieces on there that add in and in a lot of cases it may be easier just not to get an ass and instead just stay with hard drives because there is a huge advantage to that so yeah for number four it's pretty easy you want a simple setup the number three is you want and need the fastest possible speeds so this right here a Nas is a server that means every single time your computer wants a file or any data from it at all it's got to go through a series of protocols it's got to go over the network it's got to have the Nash request to file from the hard drives and so essentially there's an entire extra layer there's an entire another system added on in between your computer and the hard drive or whatever you're storing the data on and so because of that for equivalent Hardware a Nas will always be slower than a Das there are some things that a Nas can do to kind of cheat that there are things such as nvme caching that's called SSD caching where you've got hard drives in your Nas but you also have nvme ssds very fast ssds and what the Nast can do since it's an entire server and it's got its own CPU is it can intelligently say hey we've recently used that file let's go ahead and keep it in that really fast SSD and then when he needs it next time we'll return it from the SSD rather than having to go to the slow hard drives so there are some things that a Nas can do to speed itself up but if you implemented that caching on your local computer with a Das no this is normally a lot more complex than it is with an ass the Das would outperform the Nas and so if you need the fastest possible speeds especially with the lowest possible latencies a dash will always be faster this right here out of the box can do 2.7 gigabytes per second pretty much all day that would require a 25 gigabit setup for your computer which would cost thousands of dollars and it'd be very hard to actually get those speeds the maximum possible speeds I've really been able to get out of a Nas using the SMB protocol which is how the vast majority of users will be interfacing with an ask is about 2.2 gigabytes per second with a 25 gigabit setup for a video production house and that's fast but that took a lot of tuning and still gets beat by this it's always going to be slower having a Nas than a Das so if you need Crazy Fast speeds a Das is going to give you those speeds much much much quicker all right and so that was number three now two is pretty simple you only need to access your files on a single computer if you only ever have to access your files on a single computer and that's just how you live your life and basically you've got one desktop at your house or one laptop then a Das May really just be the easiest thing for you you don't have to have any additional configuration and by only needing access your files from a single computer you do really lose one of the biggest benefits of a Nas and that's for the ability for multiple computers at multiple locations all to be able to be accessing the exact same files in numerous different ways but if you don't need that at all the real benefits of a Nas kind of go by the wayside in the downsides really start to add up so if you only ever need to access your files from a single computer you may really want to ask yourself do I need a Nas or will a Das work just fine all right so now number one is something a lot of people really do not think about until it goes time and they've actually implemented an ads and it's actually a huge cost savings and that is if you have a dance you can back up your entire dash for seven dollars a month from backblaze so backblaze has not paid me to do this or anything they don't know I'm doing this video at all I think I've got an affiliate program it's never paid me any money with them but I'll leave a link to the description below but backblaze has the ability to back up any computer with any amount of hard drive space on it with any amount of external hard drives hooked up to it for a single seven dollar a month fee so that is something that is really really beneficial to having a Das because you should be backing up your data so with a Das you can back up 50 terabytes for seven dollars a month even if you just had 10 terabytes on an ass and you wanted to back that up to back Blaze that would cost you 50 a month it is one of those things where there is a huge cost savings if you are planning on using backblaze to stick with a Das because you can really save a lot of money in those fees it is one of those things where I don't know if backbways is going to continue to do this because you can pretty easily buy a 100 terabyte raid and stick it right into your computer and that is going to be costing them a lot of money and they're only going to be making seven dollars a month but having that ability is absolutely huge and it really is one of those things where it can be a turning point to making a NASA very expensive because you need to make sure you're backing it up and so those are the five reasons why before you buy a Nas you should really think about hey can this just be a dash now that being said these downsides are outweighed by a ton of unbelievable features there's a reason why a ton of people buy NASA's but before going straight into an ass ask yourself if a Das is worth it for you if you'd like to hire me for a project I've got a link for that in the description below do this professionally now full time and if you have any other questions or what your opinions are put them in the comments below all right have a going bye [Music]
Channel: SpaceRex
Views: 117,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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