Swig - Procreate anim and How it was made

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hey everybody happy new year we're finally finished with 2020. uh i have a little animation i did here that i want to show you and a little making up video so the environment first here's a time lapse where i do the little foreground outlining first the drawing of the barrel and the sign right now i'm painting the mid ground which will be behind the character and i want it to be sort of like outskirts city area so you see the city in the background but it's gonna be more a bit more fitting area to the character and now i made a layer like a silhouette layer for each each illustration um so i can block the silhouette now you know i have the the silhouettes and i can work with the value putting in some windows on the background there so it's three main depth layers so it's the background with the windows the mid ground where the big fence there and then the foreground with a barrel and there were two layers each one for outline one for silhouette which i probably merged down at this point and then i used layers in between to kind of paint the light here to see to find the right value to make the each foreground background mid-ground layer stand out compared to the other so i used curves now to give them the the first sort of color push them in a certain direction and now it's sort of me just playing around with color and value to see how i want it to look and snow layer now this is going to be a nice little winter scene so i'm painting the snow in a separate layer so i can always alpha lock that and paint the light and shadow and color separately on the snow and it's a bit stylized the look of this i didn't want it to be like a perfect uh perspective or straight line so it's a bit sort of good old-fashioned background cartoon look on it in a way so i'm jumping a bit to the background making some snow there it's all kind of the same value now except for the snow on the sky so i i want to separate it so i make like the haze layer now in the foreground between the foreground and the mid ground and then the play with the light to separate the background there so that this is pretty much the finished background and now it's the character design i didn't do a separate sort of session with just character design testings on this one i kind of just jumped in on top of my background often when i do concept art and stuff i i want to have the environment before i paint the character or narrative it was a bit similar on this one and i i knew i wanted that sort of big coat um and the bottle and then it was sort of the character with that sort of with the hat some sort of hat and a little later came the scarf so just figuring out his eyes it was important for me to have kind of big eyes so they light up a bit from the fire he's looking down in the flames and taking a swig from his bottle so here comes the scarf which is a bit interactive the scarf in case of the animation so when his hand comes up to to dry his mouth the scarf sort of follows a bit i was very inspired by the klaus movie not that this looks like that at any of any sort but just the animation of klaus and the character design and the environment everything was so beautiful i totally love that so here is the the key positions the key drawings key frames sort of the extremes in his movement that you sort of need to find in the beginning and then it's about doing the in-betweens after that and also having sort of arcs with the movement so when the bottle comes up it's not a straight line it's arcing the way you would lift the bottle is more a circular movement and i'm using my uh the guy on the left is like a reference so i see that all the time when i'm drawing the other faces i have a the main character there so here is the the key shots the key frames and now it's about in between and if you want to learn how to draw paint and do animation i have a full nine video course at schoolism i'm to put the link in the description many many hours of character design environment design animation how to make brushes in procreate everything you need to know in procreate basically so i do recommend that so everything done here you will see in a way not the same video but learn how to use the tools also like you see the the frame before is green and the frame after is red that's a setup you can do in procreate by the timeline when you're putting on animation assist so here is pretty much all the frames where they should be so now i need to fill that silhouette you know i need to fill the outline so for all the the environment is going to be a loop of eight frames so i need the whole animation to to be uh multiplicable if that's a word with 8 so it's all 64 frames the whole animation so i need to fill 64 frames with this silhouette the blue one and then it's the outline it's a separate layer the silhouette is a separate layer and they're both in a group so that's one frame and i want to keep the as long as possible i want to keep the silhouette and outline separate layers i don't merge down until the very end after coloring so to show you a bit about the snow so this is a eight frame loop so i basically just need to draw the snow each snowflake falling through eight frames but so the space between the dots you see now needs eight uh dots between so each snowflake is going to follow that line down so when one eight frame loop is done the next one underneath starts in a way and it's a continuous thing so uh i'm doing the in between of that now so now it's twice as many and then i do the in between between that again so at the end i have eight frames between aim eight dots [Music] and then that happens many times below like you see now and then i duplicate it i flip it i scale it so all together it's four layers of that with so here you see them and that's a loop that works uh indefinitely time-wise so nice to have an environment like that that just keep keeps on playing basically so the flames now kind of rough painted flames are moving pretty fast so you don't need to be too accurate in case of in-betweens and stuff and then some sparks flying in addition to that so i did that on separate layers also eight frame loop on the flames because i wanted to match up with the snow and then the glow at the end so also painting the snow alpha locked and gave it the same warm color and here is the finished environment animation so putting it together and then coloring believe me coloring 64 frames with the i don't know five different colors or so that took some time actually and you see now i have kind of more saturated shady look on top and that's a overlay layer that i clip masked and that's a layer i'm going to duplicate for each layer when i'm done with the color because now you see the color is very flat but i want it to be a bit more colored by where he's standing like the warm light from the from the flames and stuff so you're gonna see a more saturated uh contrasty and nice color when it's done but before that you need to do the the coloring so i'm duplicating each silhouette layer over to the next group and then i'm whatever is not fitting i will paint that correctly and then i keep doing that for each frame so this is the finished guy with the overlay sort of interactive light and then here together with the snow and last little detail is a reflection animation on the on his bottle and some chromatic aberration on the environment and on the animation at the end and every time you do that you have to do that 64 times so this is the finished stuff check out my schoolism course have a kick-ass creative year hope it's better than last year and see you soon bye foreign
Channel: Nikolai Lockertsen
Views: 480,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y7J86ilVlZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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