Test - Pilot paint

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okay trying again one more time okay testing again here i couldn't really get an another [Music] another aspect it's going to be hd or 69 i couldn't really get get it to be any different but seems like the rest is working at least which is good gonna at least sketch a little just to see here how it's working so okay it's working fairly well i think i hope this is also gonna just be like a quick test but i've tested a few things now and it's nice to kind of narrow it down to what's working and what's not working so yeah here's some kids in the background sorry for that but i hope you can hear me a bit more than the kids in the background okay well let's i'm going to show you something fun a fun app very underestimated and i haven't used it in a long time but this little app you see top right not all the way to the right not test flight but the one called siligen i know i i shouted about it before but it's been a long time but uh if you if you want to have some ideas or if you're empty of idea and you just want something this is a very fun app for tails you can generate different sort of shapes and silhouettes just to get you started with something you know just to make those brain synapses flow a bit more you also have pallets you can generate pilots here and then just screen grab and just bring it into procreate for example but you also have tails where you can add different amount of tales or characters or adjectives actions environments that sort of thing so you get this funny sentences like car preparing for the scorpion beloved the bridge you know it's a it's impossible not to get some sort of pictures in your brain brian brian when you read that and down on the right you see generate you can just tap that you know and gazillion times and we see at the lower left trillions of combinations so you're not going to get the same sentence twice airplane clinging to the rat below the bath house this is just fun you know when you don't need to follow the whole sentence but maybe just for a character like journalist scolding the pilot above the platform yeah lots of crazy stuff but then you have a journalist or a pilot you know that could be cool something cool to draw destroyer scanting the quake by the yeah i'm gonna find some words i have no clue what it is but uh manager measuring the men on the highway great yeah so it could be just a good way to to just spark the brain a bit sometimes this kind of bathroom clutching the dictaphone over the space station it's kind of hard to kind of bring a character out of that but uh ambulance looking at the garlic over the bench yeah fun stuff i'm gonna go with pilot i think just for the hell just to have you know some sort of spark for the brain can hear just fine cool no i'm not from the i'm just reading the chat now uh i'm doing this via the mac this time i was kind of fed up trying to get the pro ipad pro working directly with the stream uh what was it called again stream stream labs i couldn't get it to work um it did work on my mini but not on the pro so for some reason but that's how it is sometimes so now but the cool thing is now i could uh connect with my good microphone so i have a uber mic m audio uber ubermake so i hope the sound is at least better than well than it used to be okay so i don't have too much time today but it's nice to at least get one little sketch going so having the word pilot in mind we'll see what kind of pilot we can come up with so i'm just doodling that like trying to find kind of like a hit nice head shape and we're gonna use some sort of helmet here i haven't really decided what kind of pilot it is going to be if it's a classic pilot or more like a sci-fi thing but playing with shapes and i sometimes like to just use like a broader brush to kind of get it darker around so you you used [Music] not not just [Music] the darkest line but also as the background to kind of lock that off to build the shape with darkening around you know reminds me a bit of like the judge dread the helmet here i kind of wish that made like a sequel to the last dread movie i think it's a cool character let me see here we're only seeing his mouth and nose so it's it's kind of the mouth is gonna tell a lot of the expression since we don't get his eyes or maybe we do we'll see but if it's just have like a calm expressionless mouth there's really nothing going on but if it's like a bit of an open mouth like uh then i can tell something about the situation or what he's thinking i think i'm just going to move the whole thing a little scale it up it's also nice to play with a liquify just to try you know sometimes i end up pushing stuff around and then just undoing that just cancelling the liquify part but this is such a good way to rattle the cage a little just to test out something quickly just to see like should that nose be you know further in front can that be kind of more fun or you know you can really be playful with this part and also the adjusting here i think it's such a fantastic and powerful tool yeah maybe maybe something like that so i'm mainly going to use two brushes here today which is the round brush and this rule ah ah just trying to add some details to this helmet maybe something has happened as i see a little blood maybe on this character okay just reading the chat now thanks thanks for the nice comments um hello good stream can you please say hello in russian well yeah some people think i'm russian i'm norwegian but i have a russian name so yeah interesting to see how flat you start yeah now i sometimes really like to just have to block out the silhouette part not really worry about line art at all just bypass that and see where it takes me because shapes it's kind of like the this app here which i showed you see lugin which is a great app you know with the silhouettes here you can just generate a gazillion of shapes and shapes really triggers the brain right and you can you know add all kinds of inputs here even color type mono so it's a bit the same when you're sketching like the silhouette is such it really triggers the brain a clear silhouette it's what we're reading first so sometimes i like to start with that uh and keep it small you know thumbnail thumbnail size in the beginning until you feel like you can't really go much further with this scale level and then you can start zooming in here is the palette it's so nice to be able to move it to the side now to have it here on the screen i'm gonna do some curves adjustment here get a bit more contrast make it a bit darker to also be able to play with the shadow yeah one layer um one layer uh at this point um for now you know i'm just doodling just sketching not too precious about it at least not yet but there's nothing wrong to start to go into new layers either i'm going to give this have you ever tried this in procreate that you have this quick quick shape that you draw a line like this for example and then it becomes this quick shape and then you can edit that shape that is really awesome or just a straight line you know then you can make it go from a to b edit shape and move that around that is pretty darn good so for curves you know you want the perfect curve maybe go up here i'm just gonna test that out on the helmet because when you're sketching loosely if you have something which is kind of like mechanical or something which is factory made like this helmet you can kind of lose a bit of that authenticity if all the lines are kind of crooked and sketchy it's nice to give some super clear crisp lines i'm gonna have some shadow from that is it called device here in english get a bit of that nose back yeah i've been testing this uh streaming last couple of days and yesterday i managed to get my ipad pro straight onto youtube eventually but today i couldn't it just didn't work but i tried with the mini that worked or i could get the ipad pro to work but it was only with a camera and that i need the screen to show my screen if it should be any helpful some light on the underside of that nose maybe some some tubes and stuff that always works really well cords tubes wires hello max my youngest son just came home yeah let me see i'm just gonna read some of the chats here again thank you moto for putting in some links and stuff um i got course both on at schoolism and at gumroad thank you for putting in the link nice just trying to get some more of that reflective stuff on the helmet let me show you a little trick let's say that i want this helmet to be to have some reflectivity all around i'm just gonna nail sort of just the shape of it here and make a new layer and then i'm going to use a brush here just to get some dots and stuff maybe we can just use this one something like that and then we erase with the same brush i just want to have like a few dots so it looks kind of like this now and then let's uh push this into add mode blur it a little maybe duplicate it blur it a little more let's see where this goes and then we i'm gonna combine that squeeze these two layers together and i'm gonna use these as reflections on the helmet so you can either use liquify or warp so you can go into advanced mesh and then kind of make that follow the shape so that's a neat little trick so just make that outer transform warp gizmo follow your shape then you can use these middle ones to kind of move your reflection around like that so it's not really like the ones down here maybe a little misplaced but we can try to push them a bit up here but it you can really push really perspective you can also do it with straight lines you know if you're standing under like a light sources that are these long straight lines for example and now we can uh to see here it kind of gives that nice little detail i'm just going to erase a little hair in there so it's not all over the place but i kind of like it on the visor on the lower right there now but maybe not on his face here so kind of give it a bit more life to it okay let's add some color to this dude one way is to put a layer behind now because i if i adjust the background color you see how much is just transparent so that could be a good start to just have [Music] just a basic color behind so i just fill this layer with the color and just add some so i'm just painting on this background layer here now i kind of want to have if i switch to airbrush i'm gonna have a couple of different color themes here but i don't want to be like i was thinking not to go to like a typical warm cold palette this time it's very easy to go in this direction but to kind of have his skin tones a bit more yellow and then the light is a bit more like a green cyan sort of light to more darker blue we can also add that to the to the background here just to get a bit more sort of feeling of space but you see this layer now the sort of the main layer with the the sketch in it now we can also go in and because we have like gray like under his nose and and stuff um so let's go in and adjust the curves on that so i'm going into the red channel so if you go up now you're gonna get red but if you go down you're gonna get cyan i'm just gonna see you can also add like if i go up with the darkest value i push that into red and then if i go down with a brighter value you can sort of get this pretty cool yeah you can have a very playful palette but i'm just gonna push this down for now but also get some of that yellow in and the blue channel push a blue some blue up i can also like alpha lock this it's hard to see it on the thumbnail but it is alpha locked and uh yeah but it's so much in it here let me go to my overlay it's the same as the airbrush but it's in overlay mode is this alpha locked sort of don't feel like it just giving a little of that glow around to kind of give a bit more atmosphere to the scene here we don't really know where he is see in space or under water or so we also have this glow here so some on the nose i'm going to erase that but maybe to give that a nice color so it's kind of reflecting something of what he's seeing sometimes i just push it so now it's just yellow but then i open up the hue saturation brightness um because i gave it a color now i can just drag this hue wheel to kind of find a bit more interesting color saturated maybe some of that purple is kind of cool but then i also want to bring some of that back also on his helmet uh i'm just gonna check if this overlay brush is really set to overlay because it's yeah it is you got it here at the bottom on the middle there blend mode overlay just felt a bit weird when i used it that's kind of nice with this sort of burned out blue over kind of get the feeling he's stepped out of his uh capsule or space thing and he just takes his first sort of look around where he landed yeah so i'm just gonna read a little on the um managing time for art study it's a good question now i don't really have an efficient way to manage time for art study to sort of like self-develop it's always there in the back of my mind to to learn new stuff and to kind of keep on sketching drawing so it's i don't know you kind of have to see look at it as uh going to the gym right if you if you don't like it's it's like workout your body needs workout every second day or so that's ideal um and the same to your uh your art skills so if you can set off a same amount of time you would to the gym that would that's a good way to start i think and even more maybe if you but at least don't don't spend one whole sunday doing it and then you wait another week i would rather do 20 minutes every day or so same goes for the gym actually okay i'm gonna stop there um it's been a good little test just gonna give this a little little signature it's important to assign your stuff like this and then i usually squeeze that little like that put it in a dark place here but thank you guys for watching uh this little test um uh yeah it was fun it's gonna be more of this in the future so now i feel like i at least found one way to do this without tech crap falling apart around me so that's good so more of this and don't forget lightbox online event at the weekend 11th to the 13th of september so very soon less than a month hawaii okay cool take care and keep on
Channel: Nikolai Lockertsen
Views: 12,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ipad drawing course, procreate tutorial, nikko, nikolai lockertsen, art study online, drawing course, procreate, app, ipad, draw, drawing, timelapse, speed paint, tutorial, learning, concept, how to, art, artist, paint, painting, free, nikkoart2014, study, online, course, courses, learn, inspire, lesson, lessons
Id: hrJOygOLwW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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