Procreate Animation Class!

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welcome welcome everybody today we are gonna do a procreate animation class I'm gonna be showing you procreate animation assist tools and we're gonna do a follow along where you guys are going to create a really cool animation along with me so super excited about that animation is so much fun if you ever want to get your creative juices flowing a little bit like try out animation it kind of just it's just super creative and creatively invigorating and it's a lot of fun to do so I'm really excited to show you guys some cool stuff today so let me just start off by saying I am Lisa Bardot I am an artist illustrator all-around creative person I love creativity in many many forms and I try to spread creativity out into the world as much as I can it's a big part of the work that I do I'm a mom I've got two kids and I've got one on the way we're about six or seven weeks away so we're getting there but I also am the owner of Bardot brush I make procreate brushes a lot of awesome different sets so they're they're gonna help you kind of creatively invigorate yourself with with some awesome digital art supplies so that's what I do for Bardot brush and I also teach a lot which is what I'm doing now so all kinds of ways to draw and ways to draw and procreate I also run the making our everyday challenge which is its daily drawing prompts motivational emails tutorials and resources all with the goal of helping you establish a daily art making practice and overcome your creative fears so this so we always have a different theme every month and this last month we did the alphabet so for the month of March we illustrated each letter of the alphabet was kind of the goal of putting it all together into like an ABC kind of thing like a book which I actually did do which I'll be sharing next week I'm super excited about that but I wanted to tell you I haven't told anybody yet what we're doing next month which is the theme is going to be weather so think of weather type things plus art styles so we're gonna be drawing some like weather related things plus the kind of challenge to that is to draw them in different art styles that we're going to explore so I've got some really cool educational resources on that coming out but you can learn more about making art every day at Bartow brush calm /join ma e and i hope you join in because it's a really good way to get yourself a lot of practice drawing so you can improve your skills and become a better artist express yourself and it's awesome so we've got a really great community based around that so I wanted to say really quick also we're gonna be doing well first of all after this class is over I want to email you guys some resources which is going to be like the link to this class as well as some other animation tutorials and resources so if you want to get that you can text animation into five five five I'm sorry that's wrong text animation to five five four four four and if you're outside the US I have a different phone number that you can use it doesn't work in all regions but it's plus one two zero two four one zero four two zero two and it's right there on the screen for you and we're also going to be doing a giveaway at the end for people that sign up through this so we're gonna be giving away we're gonna be giving away a couple of these cool Apple pencil oops Apple pencil decals to make your to make your Apple pencil look like a number two pencil these are from D brand D brand calm so I got a couple of those to give away and then I also have some brush sets that I'm gonna be giving away so where you can choose a brush set of your choice and then I'm keeping away two of my master bundles which have all the brush that's that that I make then you can win that so be sure to sign up we'll be doing that at the end every day you can still text in to enter you double the emails yeah so you'll get so if you're already this will sign you up for an email newsletter which is a great way to get lots of really awesome stuff that I send out all the time including making art everyday stuff but yeah if you're already signed up for that you can still text in and you'll get signed up for the contest and also send you the resources I'm talking about too so I hope you guys do that without further ado thanks for hanging with me through that intro we're gonna go ahead and get started with our animation class so we are going to be we're gonna be illustrating something and then animating it and the thing that we're going to be doing is like a pennant flag so it's like this triangle-shaped flag that you wave around it like sporting events back in the old days and we're gonna be putting a phrase on it and and I'm gonna walk you through it can follow along with exactly what I'm doing or if you wanted to start thinking about your own phrase I have some ideas you're gonna want it to be very short so like one or two words these are just some ideas I'm gonna be doing heck yes but you know stay home also it would maybe be a really appropriate choice right now so kind of think about that for just a second and then I'm gonna pull up procreate alrighty so other ones were high five SuperDuper hell no salty watch me stay home I'm tired so those are just some other ideas alright I'm gonna go ahead and go into procreate and I am using procreate version 5 and that's actually important for this particular class because procreate 5 added all these awesome animation tools which is what I'm going to be showing you today so if you have an earlier version of procreate you probably aren't going to be able to follow along as well because it doesn't have the same tools but you can all you can make animations in previous versions in procreate for if you're if you have procreate for and I have a video on that which I put a link to in the description on youtube so you can find it on my bar tutorials page or in the link of the description on YouTube and that's going to give you some guidance for how to make animation in like earlier versions appropriate okay um so the first thing that we're gonna do when we get started is we're gonna make a new canvas and we're going to make a canvas template specifically to use for animation so we're gonna go ahead and tap the plus sign here and we're gonna create tap this little like box with the plus sign on it at the top and that's going to let us create a brand new canvas template now with animation it's a video format so it doesn't I generally work in a really high resolution files what I'm going to plan on printing something but video is a whole nother beast it doesn't have to be high resolution 1900 1920 pixels on the long end is plenty and then for the height it kind of just depends on what like where you're gonna be posting your animation because you know and Instagram you got very tall animations if it was on a TV screen it would be a certain aspect ratio but don't worry about that too much what we're gonna use is going to be 1920 by 1400 and I wanted you to make sure that pixels is selected not inches or any of the other ones there so again that was 1920 by 1400 pixels and then we're going to name that animation cool alright and then once you've done that go ahead and click create and that'll pull up procreate and we can start working on our illustration that we're going to be animating so what before I continue I just want to see if we had any questions Jeff Jeff my husband is here he's he's the man behind the scenes and he's reading all your comments and questions so he shouts out stuff to me as we yeah we are gonna have like a Q&A session at the end where I can definitely answer some of some of those types of questions if you have questions about stuff that I'm doing right now like that's gonna be kind of what we're looking for as far as questions right now so are there any of those type of questions before we continue workshop you do not thank you for mentioning that Jeff yes I'm just using all the built-in procreate brushes you don't need to have anything special or any like sets that you bought from me or anybody else in order to do this so let's go ahead and get started so we just created a canvas that was 19 1920 pixels by 1400 so 1920 by 1400 is the resolution that we're using today I think for most people you're gonna be fine we're not actually gonna be using a ton of layers deep and dpi is a whole other discussion it doesn't matter for this at all we're working in pixels dpi has no relevance to us right now so just I could get I could go off on a tangent but I won't that's our another video for another day it doesn't matter yeah yeah so if you don't have procreate 5 maybe you can follow along get some ideas and then you can watch my procreate for animation tutorial and you can apply these concepts to that so I'll send out an email in the email that you guys sign up for I'll send that out okay so we're gonna start with a sketch I always like to start with a sketch so I'm gonna start by choosing like a middle gray and if I if you notice I like double tapped near middle gray and when you do that it'll snap to certain values like in a few different places around the color wheel so that's like an easy way to get like middle gray or pure white so that's what I did there and then we're gonna go ahead and choose a brush to sketch with so we're gonna go into the sketching set and you could use any of these pencil brushes really I'm going to choose Derwent so Derwent is the brush we're using to sketch it's from the sketching set and let's go ahead and do it so a pennant flag is like the triangular shaped Flags so we're gonna draw a big triangle just like that kind of at an angle there we go doesn't have to be perfect it's just a sketch and then we'll draw a line here that'll be like the you know the contrast color to the pennant flag so just draw a line there on this side of the triangle and then we're gonna add those little like ties that you used to tie it onto a stick so that kind of goes something like this a little triangle so kind of draw those in as well like little wavy lines like that and then one more down here down this way okay so those are like the little things that tie it to the stick and then I'm gonna recenter this just a little bit so to do that I'm going to tap the little arrow icon up here which is the transform tool and I'm just gonna move it just a little bit so the whole thing is pretty well centered and now we're gonna add in our text and I'm just gonna do a basic layout of where the text is gonna go it does not gonna add a lot of detail to the text right now and you'll see why in a little bit so as I mentioned the words that I'm gonna do is heck yes you can put in whatever you want but I recommend starting with very few words like one or two because you'll have to like draw it over and over again a few times so let me go ahead and just write that in and I'm leaving some space or on the outside because I'm gonna add some stuff there too so I'm not filling up the entire triangle and I'm just writing it like you know not as block letters but these will be block letters later what you'll see so there we go heck yes and then I can use this so I'm gonna move it around just a little bit to get it exactly where I want it to be so to do that I'm gonna go up to the selection tool which is this little like s-shaped icon and then I have freehand selected that means I can make a freehand selection just by drawing around what I want to select like that and then if I tap the arrow it'll select just that bit and I can move it and make it you know whatever wherever I want to be if I just want it to be a little more centered that's what I made you right there maybe small a little bit smaller and that's perfect for me cool so that's really it for the sketch now we're gonna work on coloring this in so the first thing I do when I move on from sketching is to reduce the opacity of my sketch so I just tap on the layers menu which is this little thing with two squares and then you tap the N icon and then you just take this slider and you move it down to about so you can just barely see it still and then we're gonna change the background color we'll start with that so in the same menu we're gonna tap background color and the color I'm going to choose is gonna be like a reddish reddish orange now you notice when I did that my sketch became almost impossible to see and if you've been following along with me I've been doing live videos like this whole week and all of last week and I always sit and set my sketch to multiply blend mode and I'm glad this is happening cuz now you get to see why so so if I go ahead and go to back to my sketch tap that little n icon again I have all these different options here and if I go up to multiply that basically makes it anything that it Parkins it on top of whatever it's on it's it's a little hard to explain but it just makes it darker in a simple terms so that way I can always see it no matter what color it's on top of the red made it really hard to see so that's why I always set it to multiply it'll make sure it's always visible for me okay so I've got my background color we have any questions before I keep going are we doing good everybody hopefully not good you're here right now if you're not signed up for the email list of course entering the giveaway will sow filth if you're already on the email list go ahead and sign up even still be entered for the giveaway okay so now I'm gonna create a new layer to start adding my color in so I'm just gonna tap that plus sign again here from the layers menu and I'm gonna move the sketch layer up to the top so you just kind of tap and hold it and drag it up and my sketch layer I always have on top of everything else so it's always visible and now we're gonna switch brushes so I'm gonna go over to the brushes menu and the brush I'm gonna be using is gonna be in the inking set and it's called syrup if you were here last week for our procreate workshop we did another live procreate workshop where we just kind of got into like the basics of procreate we use this brush quite a bit which is the brush we're going to be using again so it's called syrup and it's from the inking set and now we're gonna go over to our color picker and we're going to choose a pure white and if you remember if you double tap near white it'll snap to pure white so that's a really great way to you know sometimes you're really good it's like so a little bit gray still it's hard to get it perfect so double tapping is awesome and now we're gonna color in the white triangle so I'm just gonna make a kind of trace fat triangle shape like that and as long as I make sure my whole shape is close I can take the whoops I can take the color picker little circle and drag it out and fill it with color drop and then I'll just fill the whole thing in and I just wanted to mention you can adjust your color drop threshold if it it's like the whites going everywhere or you're getting like a weird outline you can tap in you can drag it out and you just slow drag it out and don't lift your pencil up and you'll get this blue line and you can adjust like how much it's it bleeds out of the edges of the shape you're trying to feel if I go too far see it'll fill the whole page so just so you know that's something that people get stuck on sometimes okay so I've got a triangle and then I'm gonna actually use my eraser tool to make this triangle a little more pointy it is kind of hard to draw like a perfectly pointy edge so I use the eraser tool a lot to kind of help me out with that so if you tap and hold the eraser tool it'll select whatever brush you had selected as your brush so syrup was what I had selected and now syrup is my eraser because I tapped and I hold it that I held that and then I'm just gonna just erase some of it away and that'll give me like a nice pointed shape I can even straighten this whole thing out a little bit it was a little crooked there we go so there's the triangle so that's that's one layer of my drawing and now I'm gonna add the like contrast fabric and little ties so for that I'm going to create a new layer so I'm gonna go to my layers panel this one is selected now I just have to hit plus and that will create a layer right above it and then I'm going to go over to colors and I'm going to choose kind of like a warmish yellow kind of like that if you want to see with the color that I have selected and now we're gonna draw this part and I'm just gonna draw a line there and I'm extending it past where this goes for a reason because I'm gonna be using the eraser tool again to kind of clean it up then I can just you can use color drop or you can just if it's a small area okay and now I'm gonna go back to my eraser tool and just kind of erase a bit of it away I want it to be a little bit bigger than you know the the white part so it looks like it's like another piece of fabric on it so there we go okay so now we have that part and I can even clean this up a little bit if I want to now we have the yellow part and we're gonna add these little ties as well so for that oops stole an eraser didn't mean to do that and if you notice if you're not super familiar with procreate yet I just tapped with two fingers to undo so that's a really handy gesture so two fingers will undo three fingers will redo if you tap it on the screen okay so for these try and draw within those lines but then I am gonna still extend it a little bit past where I drew because if you can already guess I mean use the eraser tool to help me out here it's like someone's at my door and then to get a nice pointed edge I could do that or I could do like a crisscross line to get a nice point there and just color that in I hope that make sense and then I'm gonna go ahead and get my eraser and erase to get a nice pointed into that see there we go and then I'm gonna do the same for the other so I'm just gonna draw those in kind of extend past where I need it to be draw my V in there and then erase oops missed a spot and I go erase can't even erase on this side if I want to have it come over that way a little bit eraser is so valuable I use it all the time to help create shapes and let's do these as well draw the V fill it in and then we'll race realistically is honestly practice practice practice use a lot of references and you really just have to get a feel of how things look you have to be able to see them in your artists eye and and just kind of analyzing how things actually look in real life so it's not my favorite way to make art like I love stylizing things and doing things in a more simple stylized way realism just takes a lot of practice and it takes a lot of time and I'm like more of an instant gratification kind of person so yeah okay so because I kind of know what a pennant flag looks like in my head like I that's just knowledge that I have from looking at them and I've drawn this a few times before this class I can tell you that so if you don't know what something looks like by all means like pull up a reference photo you're like oh if you you might not have even known they have these little like tails on them and if you had a reference photo you'd be like oh that's something that I can add to make it look a little bit more like accurate and true to life but extra you know attention to detail and kind of stuff like that so okay so the other thing that I'm gonna add to this yellow is just a little bit of like stitching to give it just a little bit more detail so I'm gonna choose from that same yellow I'm just gonna go a little bit more orange maybe a teeny bit darker I think that'll be good so if you guys want to see that's the color that I have right now just a little bit darker a little bit more orange than the yellow that I just had and I'm gonna switch up my brushes now so let's go over to brushes and we're gonna get the ink bleed so we're still in the same inking set we're gonna get the ink bleed brush so again that was ink bleed from the inking set and then we're just gonna add little like stitch lines like that little short lines to make it look like it's been sewn so go ahead and add that to yours as well we'll do it on both sides of the little yellow area if it was on this side like over here probably like I've knocked into these a couple times like I try to put some fun stuff over there to keep it interesting but the tea is over there so and I'm what am i right handed so I did not they're on the same layer and I don't I didn't really need them to be on a separate layer they're fine where they're at so so the other thing after the stitch marks that we're gonna add is just a little definition to show where these things like touch each other so I'm just gonna draw a line here like that to show that those tails are like underneath that layer or underneath that bit of fabric and then another one here to separate these two out like that so you can see that one's on top of the other and then the same down here so I draw a line and then a little line there maybe something like that just to give it a little bit of definition so that's the penet the pennants all done and we're gonna move on to now adding in our lettering and I'm gonna show you a really cool technique that I use a lot to do like block lettering style that's really super easy to use so do we have any questions before we continue on can you give some recommendations for color combos I was actually just right enough we've actually got your free color palettes yeah yeah I just gonna pop that into the comments I have a whole article about how to use color palettes with a link to our color palette library on Bardot brush so it has like 60 some-odd color palettes that you can play around with and then also how to apply them to your work and procreate but generally I like look at photos and things like that that inspire me and that's kind of where all those palettes came from we're like things I found on Pinterest or photos and I'm like I love the colors in there and I just sample a bunch and make a color palette so that's how I do it okay so we're gonna keep going now we are but I am gonna change this a second so we're going over to layers and we're going to create a new layer now so just go ahead and tap the plus sign this layer is above the white pennant and the yellow ties and the side thing over there and now we're going to choose a new color as well I'm gonna choose kind of like a warm light pink so something like that so if you guys want to take a peek and see where my little color things are at that's the color pink that I'm gonna choose and then we're gonna switch brushes now so we're gonna go over to our brushes and we're gonna go back to the syrup brush though we're still in the inking set and we're gonna choose syrup so syrup from the inking set okay so now this is my little trick for making fast and easy block letters basically you trace over your letters with kind of a thick brush and if you notice I am a going past like where my sketch was and that is for a reason and I'll show you in just a sec so okay cool I'm actually gonna make my pink a little lighter cuz I know yeah sorry let me do that one more time there we go so I'm drawing over that and again I like I like my list ranges to be a little wonky I'm not going for perfectionist is perfectionism here so that's why they look like that and then there too so now we've got this H and then you take your eraser and we're still on the syrup brush for the eraser and you just erase away at the end and you get these nice sharp corners that are squarish I have created a new layer for the letter e so not the triangle one not the yellow one a whole new one and you just erase and then you've got like super easy block letters instead of like having to go you know like that and did it done and then color it in and it looks kind of weird so yeah that's my easy trick so I'm going to do the e so go ahead and trace over all your letters and then erase away the ends kind of make them more squarish blocky so I'm just gonna go through and do all my letters like that see I would love to hear from you guys if you picked something else if you want to fit in the comments like what you guys picked for your words totally cool if you're doing with me yeah the color palette library is completely free I am pretty much everything that I like as far as educational stuff and resources I try to keep free as much as I can so if you like the best way to support me if you are appreciating all those resources and education and stuff like that is to check out the brushes maybe try some out and I also have I don't know if you've heard of that whole like buy me a coffee thing that some artists have on their websites but I have buy me a doughnut so if you want to like throw a couple bucks my way I'm buy me a doughnut calm you can do that cool a lot of people who are with what they're saying and some of these are just amazing of course stay inside come on you know I've seen a few times we love and appreciate that stay home stay home I almost I went I almost did stay home but I had already like done heck yes a whole bunch of time so I was gonna stick with what a butt did that's a good one relax oh my gosh I can't wait to see all your guys artwork when it's done and I'll share I have a slide that like you can tag me and stuff because I would like I love seeing the artwork that you create from this Bardot brush and mine is Lisa Bardot I look at all those so okay so let's keep going here I'm gonna add another little detail to my lettering just to give it a little extra something something at this point I don't really need my sketch anymore so I'm just gonna turn that off so just kind of uncheck that box and the sketch is no more I'm gonna go over to colors now and I'm gonna choose a darker pink you know the little yeah like a little bit darker you know darker pink to contrast to this lighter pink and now I'm gonna switch brushes and we're gonna go back to the ink bleed brush which is the one we use for all these like stitch marks so that's in this inking set ink bleed so go ahead and if you're done with your letters we're going to switch over to that and this is just for style I guess I'm gonna do like a in line on this lettering so I'm just kind of drawing a line within the center of the block lettering I already drew and I like this because it kind of reminds me of like I don't know like the varsity style lettering and it's a pennant flag what you see at like sporting events and stuff so I don't know I just think it looks kind of cool it's like an interesting way that you can jazz up your letters a little bit so I use this a lot oh so that's easy enough and one thing I forgot I wanted to mention to you guys is we want to save the colors that we're using in a color palette just for easy access as we're redrawing parts of this so we're gonna I'm gonna go ahead and show you how to do that right now so we're gonna go to our color picker we're gonna go to the palettes panel down at the bottom so it's when it says palettes and then just tap the plus sign and that's going to create a brand new untitled palette so we'll start with brush with a new one and then if you go back over to disk we have a blank color palette that we can start to store our colors in now if you're you might have this history thing here which is another easy way to go back and access colors but not all iPads have this like the smaller ones don't so in our case we're just going to save the colors we're using here so that dark pink will just tap on one of these open spots and we'll save it and then I'm going to select the other pink the lighter pink and save that there and now we're gonna add one more color so if everybody we're good to move on any questions it'll be lost if I'm going too fast let me know yeah so we're gonna basically save some it we're gonna be using these colors multiple times again and again and going back and forth so we're saving them in a color palette so to create a new color palette you go to palettes right in your color picker you tap the plus sign and that'll create a new palette it'll pop up over here it'll be blank and then if you just tap into any of these squares it'll add a color and I'm gonna delete that by tapping and holding hey delete okay okay what brush real quick did you use for the dark detail that was ink bleed from the inking set and we're going to be using that again right now so make sure you still have that one ink bleed so far we've only used syrup and ink bleed okay so we're gonna switch colors now and I'm gonna get like a like a nice aqua blue so if you guys want to take a peek at the color I'm picking I'm about right here and about right there so you can choose a color similar to that or if you're doing your own colors like that's fine too and then I'm gonna save that color in my color palette just by tapping and now I want to add some kind of like fun sparkles around this whole thing to fill in this extra space and I kind of draw like a mix of three different shapes to it when I make like sparkly shapes one of them is like a six-pointed asterisk like that or a little like plus sign or kind of this like squished up diamond shape so just kind of like go around and add a few of those around the edges until you think it looks filled in enough for you and you're happy with that look over here and you can kind of vary the sizes of them if you want we'll be playing with these when we animate so so go ahead and just add some fun little sparkles all the way around you'll add one more diamond there a plus uh maybe a plus over there yeah I think that looks pretty good maybe one more diamond okay cool so that is it as far as like adding to this illustration before we move on to animation so go ahead and finish up adding around you know add your sparkles in or you could do a dot or something like that and then we're gonna move on and I'm gonna start showing you the animation tool so we'll get into the nitty-gritty now any questions before we continue I think we're doing okay just real quick text yeah I'll throw that up so while you guys are finishing up adding those little sparkles and stuff to your animations our illustrations this is the number to text the word animation - if you want to be entered into the giveaway and also I will email you guys all the resources and things from this class so again the number for the US is 5 5 4 4 4 and then if you're outside the US although it doesn't work in all regions so hopefully it works for you +1 2 0 2 4 1 0 4 2 0 2 1 we cannot guarantee that the service works with you guys I apologize thank you for just being there but you could maybe try 0 0 instead of the plus 1 so if you're having an issue you should get a message back asking for you to enter your email address once we get that email address that's how I'll actually be doing a random drawing for all the others so you can always try 0 0 and then the number of 202 so 0 0 to replace plus 1 try it out you know but again we can't guarantee you and if you do I mean it wouldn't work for the giveaway but if you do want to get that email with the resources and stuff and you can't sign up for some reason just shoot me a message like yeah wherever like Bardo brush comm slash contact you can send me a message there Lisa at Bardo brush comm is my email so contact me I want to make sure you guys get the resources you come through into the giveaway like you're signed up yeah doesn't matter where you were located we are not able to send the deep brand stickers internationally it's the only thing we can't do but all the free pressure is the master bundles brush sets that we're giving away all of that is for anyone anywhere if you are international and you win this will make sure you get something else don't worry yeah we won't leave you high and dry we'll take care of you okay let's I think we're ready to go back in animation now so let's gonna go back to procreate yes good question this the heck yes they like darker pink line and the sparkles are all on the same layer and that is important so if you did am on separate layers I would just go ahead and merge them together and you could merge two layers by tapping on the layer and choosing merge down and it will merge with the layer below it or you can pinch them together like that which I'm not gonna do because I don't want those two things on there we go okay so this is what my layers look like white triangle yellow this part and then the like lettering and sparkles are on their own layer okay so now finally time to get to the animation part so we're gonna go over to the Actions menu and then we're gonna go to canvas and here you will see animation assist and it's a little button that you just toggle on so turn it on and then at the bottom this toolbar will come up which is essentially a timeline so if we just press play right now it's gonna look absolutely crazy and not like anything what we want it to look like so hit pause so the way that animation works in procreate is it takes every layer that you have created and interprets and it interprets that as a frame of animation so that's why it's like just playing them sequentially all three layers which is not what we want so we're gonna do some stuff to manipulate this into what we do want so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to go to the layers panel and I want procreate to interpret the the yellow part I can't have a name that yellow fabric part with the ties and the white triangle all as one frame and to do that all I have to do is group them together into a layer group so if I select both layers by tapping one and then swiping on one to the right they'll both be selected and then I can tap group don't merge unless you're ready to commit like don't merge and move on because undo is the only other way to get things apart once you've merged them together that's a great question okay so we've we've put these two into a group I'm gonna show that one more time just in case you guys missed it so I'm gonna tap the white triangle layer and the yellow fabric and oops I'm sorry to tap the white triangle layer and then swipe to the right with the yellow layer and then I'm gonna hit group and procreate will recognize a group as one frame it's not going to interpret these as two separate frames now so I can even close that group and if you look down in the timeline at seeing those as one group yes so that was in the actions menu which is the wrench under canvas and then you have to turn on animation assist so actions menu canvas animation assist I want to make sure you guys can all follow along everybody's doing good okay so the other thing I want to manipulate about this illustration is I want this triangle to always be my background I'm not gonna redraw it for every frame I want it to be static in every frame and all I'm gonna animate is the like letters and the sparkles so to do that I can set a layer or layer group to be the background and it has to be the first frame in your animation that's important but if you tap on that little frame down here you can toggle background and now as I continue adding frames that will be in every single frame so it'll always be set as my background through the entire animation so go ahead and do that make sure you tap on that frame and then turn on background okay and now we've got our the heck yes layer selected the one with the text we're gonna add a new frame now so tap add frame and it should appear right in front or to the to the right of your previous layer previous frame and if you notice when I did that it dimmed kind of dimmed everything that was there so I'll do it again so you can do so so first of all I'm gonna select this frame that has the lettering down here so this one has the flag this one has the lettering and then I'm going to tap add frame and it'll put another little blank frame right here and at the same time it also dims out what you've got well it dims out the previous frame and what this is called is onion skin and it basically is acting as a guide to help you draw your next frame and animation so that's what it is so any so if if I merge these two things together one I can never unmerge them this it's not a very complex illustration so I probably don't need to have them on separate groups but if I ever wanted to go back here and I'm like oh this needs to be bigger or something like that I can I have that option but so if I merge them together I wouldn't be able to do something like that so it lets me still manipulate these items separately there will be reasons where you'll want to keep parts of your like part like you can you can make frames as layer groups too and you can get really complex with your animations we're doing really simple this time but um that's why okay so I'm going to that new frame that I selected and now I'm going to basically redraw everything on here I'm doing a technique of animation which I call wiggle animation but there is a Nicolle term called boiling line and it's basically taking the same thing and making it kind of look Wiggly so I'll show you that so I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna pick my light pink that I've saved in my color palette and that's why we created a palette because now I can't so easily select it because it's dimmed out and I can't get the same color so that's why it was that's why we put it into a color palette and now I'm gonna go get my syrup brush from the inking set both brushes we've been using today are in the inking set syrup is the one we're getting now and then I'm just gonna trace over this and do the exact same thing that I did before and you want to get it kind of close but it's it doesn't have to be exactly the same because the more different it looks the more movement you're gonna get in your animation so go ahead and just trace over all your letters for a second time on this new layer so that's what I'm doing now takes a quiet minute is there any questions I can answer while I'm doing this absolutely you're gonna get a second - to be able to do that I do apologize for any international folks out there having any issues with the texting we just can't guarantee it because it's international you know we just want to make sure that we can support as many people as we can with the giveaway so thank you for signing up for everyone who have so far let's just go through someone's asking is the background flattened into the pendant no the background is set by choosing the background color so the pendant the pendant is on separate layers so yeah you can see the pendant layer you can see the background there when she brought up the layers menu okay and if it's hard for you to see like where to erase to get it close to where you the previous layer is you can always go into your layers and go to adjust the opacity of that layer so you can see it a little bit better so I just went to my layers I'm on my new layer for lettering the new frame tapia and reduce the opacity and now I can see where I ended the previous frame and now once I'm done I can make sure to turn that opacity back up alright me okay so hope you guys are still following along then the next thing that I'm gonna do is add in that dark pink line so I'm going back to my colors I'm gonna choose that dark pink color and I'm gonna switch back to the ink bleed brush so we're only going to be using syrup and ink bleed for this drawing so I'm using ink bleed now and I'm just oops doing like an in line down the center of my drawing and one of the great things about animation is that it's greater than the sum of its parts like each individual frame like if this is just a static animation I probably spend more time making everything perfect and you know to my liking and stuff but because it's a frame and an animation like it's gonna go so fast through the different frames that it doesn't really matter if like one frame is a little bit off so that's kind of one thing I like about it it's very forgiving okay so I've done my lettering I have done the block letters I've added the in line with the dark pink and now the next thing I want to do is add the Stars and are we doing okay you guys hanging in there or going too fast double tap feature no not for that reason I actually turned that feature off because if I found it really annoying some people really like it but I would inadvertently switch to eraser and be like ah and it would bother me this feature though being able to charge with the magnet and have it always be charged and not sticking out of your iPad like a spear that is worth it and also if it's like time to upgrade your iPad because your old ones slow that's probably the best reason but you have to have a particular iPad to go with that the gen - one which is the one that has the magnetic so ok so I'm going to do the stars now so I'm gonna grab my blue oops and delete that one I'm gonna grab my blue color from my pallet and I'm still using the same brush which is ink lead and so for these little stars I kind of want to vary the size of them in each frame of the animation so I might go over and like make some a little bit bigger some smaller maybe and I'm just kind of like varying the size of them a little bit maybe I'll make this one bigger maybe I'll make this one smaller and it when I do this it's gonna make it look a little twinkly instead of just Wiggly it will make this one smaller I'll make this one bigger I'm just kind of randomly deciding to make them bigger or smaller make that a little bit bigger okay so I'm just going over and tracing all of my little sparkles and making them a little bit bigger or a little bit smaller a little bit bigger and I think that's all of them okay that is a possibility he was asking if we could just duplicate it and then change it but I wouldn't in this case because all these little imperfections of redrawing it are what are going to make the movement so if you just duplicate it and like change things a little bit you're not gonna see as much of that movement the more that you can like redraw stuff in an animation the more I think lively it's going to be and there are types of animation that you can just like duplicate a layer and then move it across the screen move it across the screen you know that's definitely something that you could do it's just not what we're doing today so any more questions will people catch up just in case you missed it and while people are finishing drawing that layer you go to the actions menu which is the wrench canvas and animation assist you're watching thanks like you might be drawing something else or doing something else at the same time like thanks for being here I hear from people all the time that just like to watch the videos and maybe it it make you feel inspired to make a different kind of art I don't know it just might make inspire you to be creative that's all I could ever hope for okay so we're gonna move on now and do another layer of animation and this will be the last layer or sorry the last frame of animation so we're gonna just tap add frame to add another frame in our animation and then that's gonna dim the the previous two layers and you can if this is like making it hard for you to see you can't adjust make adjustments to your onion skin settings so again onion skin what's where it dims the previous layer to use as a guide in your next layer so if you go to settings here there's a little slider that says onion skin frames and if you turn it to just one it's only going to show you the previous layer I turn it to two it's going to show the previous two layers with the like this this one is going to be dimmed more than this one so you can adjust it that way you can also change the opacity on it so you can't adjust those settings if it's easier for you to see and easier for you to work I'm just gonna leave it at two for now that's fine and since I already have my blue color and the ink bleed brush selected I'm just gonna start with the sparkles the order in which I do things doesn't really matter so I'm just gonna start there so I'm still on the ink bleed brush in the inking set and I'm just doing my sparkles again that's hard for me to answer I'm just using the default settings if you might have changed your settings on that brush you can go into the brush settings you can tap it go to about this brush and choose reset all settings but you know use with caution if you've customized it for you that's going to take all that away but to set it to the way procreate made it you can choose that and the brushes that as I'm updating my brushes to procreate five they have a feature like this too so that's how you can reset it so maybe that may help so that is a speaker from D brand yep it's a decal or a skin as they call it yeah so again I'm just going through and doing my sparkles I'm a varying the size on them a little bit some are bigger some are smaller there we go and now I'll go ahead and do my lettering so I'm going to go to that length light pink color that I have select or saved in my color palette and I'm going to syrup debate I'm doing the exact same thing I did in the previous frame essentially just one more time and I'm just gonna draw these so animation can be a little tedious but I promise it's worth it and you can do you know you can do really simple stuff and this is fairly simple like right now you can do pretty simple stuff and it looks really awesome I can take a couple more questions while I'm going through and doing this part you've got any Jeff just gonna get Instagram back Owen guys aren't missing anything don't worry mm-hmm welcome back Instagram we got cut off we'd only get an hour there thanks for sticking with me there for an hour everybody a lot of work that one's gonna be like a lot of redrawing like a character in different poses to get the like dance movement and and one thing I should note like if you're looking for resources about how to do animation don't limit yourself to how to do animation in procreate you're probably there I mean animations been around for ages so you're gonna find a lot of really good resources that aren't specific to procreate but maybe you know are specific to like traditional animation where you actually use paper but you can apply those same concepts to procreate so look up all kinds of references and not references but resources expand expand your I don't know I'm trying to think of the right word but I can't okay why did that mean oh that's when I erased I I it it worked yeah the settings like by default I've never had to really I don't think change any of the settings if you don't have an Apple pencil you might get that problem but I jet like it's it's designed to work where you could have your palm on this and it doesn't drawl or mess things up like I've got my palm rubbing on it right now but there are settings in the preferences I think it's under gesture controls I haven't used them so I don't know these well I think I've gotten asked that before so maybe I should look it up but um but yeah there are ways that you can do like palm rejection and stuff if you don't have an Apple pencil and now I'm just using the ink bleed brush to add that in line and then I'll be done so everybody doing good keeping up working on yours this is why I told you to do a short phrase because you have to redraw them all like over and over again and if it's a lot of letters it's a lot of time so absolutely do that one cool okay so I've got three frames of animation now I just want to check in with you guys make sure we're all good so I can keep going maybe one more question if we have it layers are grouped accidentally that's a good question just tap the group oh no there's I thought that was ascending uh losing my voice so you just can pull them out of the group and then like delete the group there should be an ungroup feature that would be handy but there isn't so just pull them out of the group and then they'll be ungrouped but I need them to be grouped are you okay so now I've got my I'm gonna go ahead and move on now I've got my three layers of animation I've got my background set so now I'm ready to animate it so I'm gonna hit play and we've got like animation happening and it's a little like whoa little crazy but that's okay because you can adjust like how fast the animation goes so if you go to Settings here there's this frames per second and you can slide it to be really high and it'll be going it's just basically like playing the frames really really fast or you can slow it down and it's a little more home I'm gonna go to like five or six maybe yeah I think six looks pretty good and now you can see my let me hit play sorry you can see my letters are kind of wiggling a little bit the sparkles are kind of like they're sparkling and so that's the that's the animation that's what I'm exactly what I was going for I do want to add one more little element to this so hopefully you guys I just want to make sure you guys picked up on all that and adjusting the settings nobody has any questions about that and we're gonna add like one more fun element to this illustration or to this animation any questions very good so for who was asking for hey what's on the first few layers I'm just trying to catch up the beauty of this is is this will always be available on YouTube yeah and I'll send you guys a linked you know if you sign up with with this yes a few texts send your send the texts and then you are asked and you entry in your email address will send you the link to this YouTube will also put it in Facebook will put it in and you can always find them on YouTube as well ok so I'm gonna add my last little fun element which is kind of like like a marquee style like lights around the edge just so we could add something a little bit more fun more interesting so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to the very first well not the very first frame but the first frame of animation we have our background which is the first one so really it's the second one the first heck yes so we're selecting that one I'm gonna select a color I'm gonna select the background color and then I'm going to choose a color that's like lighter a little more Orange so I have like a lighter orange than what what the background color is and then I'm gonna go over to my brushes I'm gonna switch it up now we're getting a third brush we're gonna use dry ink it's from that same set if you just want to see what my layers look like I have my layer group which is the background the penet and I have three layers which are the three frames of animation and then I also have my sketch up here which is turned off so appropriate will ignore anything that is that has the village visit visibility turned off if I turn that back on it would treat that as a frame which I don't want so there's the layers okay so we just got a lighter orange than the background and we're switching to the dry ink brush and we're gonna go around we're on that same frame the first frame and we're gonna just add some dots and I want you to make sure there's a good amount of space in between each dots because we're gonna be like moving them forward so about this much space is probably good just don't put them too close or it won't work quite as well so just add some dots all the way around your flag kind of over over here - okay recently harsher and/or softer when you're erasing you just have to choose the right brush so make sure you have a brush that matches the hardness and texture that you want you can customize this eraser to be any brush in your entire library okay so we've added dots all the way around now we're gonna go to the next frame there like I saw I chose this background color and then I just chose like a lighter or our yellower version of that to get this like lighter orange so it's just a lighter orange than the background go back okay so on so now I'm gonna go to the second frame it's gonna dim all those dots I just drew and I'm gonna move it over about a third of the way we've got three frames we got to do so the next frame it's gonna be there so we're just gonna draw the dots moved up just about like a third of the way over so go around and draw your dots in move it move them about a third of the way over that one probably would be behind there so I'm just going to nor it this was dry ink from the inking set and one there okay so I've redrawn my dots each of them about a third of the way between the next dot so there's still some space in between and then we're gonna go to the last frame and I bet you can guess we're gonna fill in the last little area here if you turned your onion skin down to one frame you might not see that so go to settings that make it be at least two frames and then you can see where to fill in that last dot and then we're just gonna fill it in everywhere that it's not basically there and there and right there so now throughout these three frames we've filled up the whole area the whole line around it with dots now if we press play done - done we've got this cool like marching ants like marquee light situation happening that it looks like they're just constantly moving around the outside which I think looks really really cool so that's it for the for the I'm actually creating the animation the next thing I want to show you guys is how to export it so that you can put it on Instagram and stuff like that we just want to make sure that we didn't have any questions about any of this that we've done so far if it's about something else we can maybe save that for later but actually make sure you guys are following along and well then let's go ahead and do it so we've got our animation finished and we're ready so how many friends do you have just three this is just a three frame animation and then we have one it is technically a frame but we've set it as our background so that it's consistent through the whole thing so the background won't move at all I would just hit play okay there are also other options such as like ping pong which goes back and forth it just doesn't really look any different for this animation but it can be useful for other types of animation but we're using loop which is the default one okay so to export your animation we're gonna go to the actions menu which is a little wrench and then we're gonna go to share which is the arrow icon and then we're gonna choose there's a few different so these down here there's three different animation settings animated gif is the one we're going to be using some people call jiff I call gif fight me on it animated PNG you might use if you I don't really know why you would use animated PNG honestly and then an animated mp4 that one will treat it like a video file and which is ultimately what we're going to want to put it on Instagram but there's a reason why I'm not going to just go ahead and choose that and that's because procreate will only export out one loop of your animation so we'll play these three frames and that's the end of the video which is like I don't know a third of a second or something it's very very very short and Instagram requires three seconds or longer for you to be able to post it and this is definitely not three seconds so I'll show you my method that I use to post my gifts to Instagram so I'm going to start by exporting as an animated gif there are some settings you can further adjust your frames per second if you want you might notice that the color of your animation is a little altered and that's just due to the gif format it's only lets you have 256 colors and it interprets color is a little funny but I'm not going to worry about it to my you can also do it with a transparent background like that which is actually looks kind of cool so if you were which I might do a video on it one day about like making stickers for Instagram to use in stories we're like learning about that right now I'm like trying to get our own stickers in the Instagram but that would be why you might use that but we're not gonna do that I'm going to keep it that way so I'm not really changing any of the settings I'm using max resolution web-ready will really scale it down a lot a lot more than it's gonna look good on Instagram so we're not going to use that so max resolution and then I'm going to tap export and then I'm going to save the image save image to my camera roll okay so now I've exported it out of Instagram and like I said Instagram doesn't support a gif so I have to do a little something to make it ready to post on Instagram and I use the app gif vid so that's a gift vid it's about a dollar in the App Store so you might not be able to do this right now if you don't have that app so just kind of come back and watch this part again later so you go to gifted gif VI D you can just search for it in the App Store it's like a buck or whatever currency you're have you have I'm in America or United States I'm gonna hit create and then I'm gonna choose gift to video you can also convert videos to gif but I'm gonna convert my gift to a video and I'm gonna choose the animation I just exported well she's the highest resolution possible and so here this is the awesome part you can change the the number of times your video loops and it will tell you how many seconds that's going to make the video so I usually set it to 15 seconds because that's like the max you can put in Instagram stories and your feed will just play it over and over and over over again anyway so it doesn't really matter it has to be more than three seconds but less than one minute and 15 seconds is perfect so that's usually what I choose and then I'll keep my file size down and stuff too so 15 seconds about thirty one loop so I have to loop that animation 31 times to make it be 15 second video then I'll hit this little arrow and then this is like the share icon so I can save it and then I can just hit save video and that's gonna be saved to my camera roll and there's the video the quality does go down a little bit when you use this unfortunately the gif is gonna be a little bit more higher quality you can post a gift straight to Facebook I just tried that out today actually and I was able to do that but Facebook also reduces the quality unfortunately too so so you don't need to do this if you're posting it to Facebook but Instagram you do so gif vid gif VI D gift vid we could put it in the comments for you guys so yeah now I can share this to Instagram I I usually just use airdrop to drop it to my iPhone and then I can post away no I'll post it later but yeah I want you guys to share and post your chance while we do QA we'll get that all going but I wanted to just put this up there because I want to see what you guys made so please tag me our hashtag Bardot brush you can tag at Bardo brush or at least of our dough or both a level of love to see what you guys are creating see what cool like phrases you put in your pennant if you change the colors or whatever like I love to see all that creativity from you guys so so yeah please do that I would love to see it we're gonna take I'm gonna put up I'm gonna take a question I'm gonna put up the slide well we'll just put that up for now so we can close we can close this out alright we're gonna be closing out the giveaway entry you can still sign up for this afterwards to get the resources emailed to you but if you want to enter the giveaway go ahead and do that right now either text animation - if you're in the u.s. animation - five five four four four or outside plus one or maybe zero zero two oh two four one zero four - OH - and we're gonna take a couple questions well give you guys a chance to do that really quick I think it would - thank you I want to illustrate your eye that is like one of my big goals is to illustrate a children's book I love children's book so much and I am actually working on co-writing like co-authoring and then I'll be doing the illustrations a children's book with a friend of mine who's a psychologist and it's all about children's emotions and their needs and I I don't want to get too much into it but I'm so excited about it and I think it's gonna be really helpful to a lot of kids and parents and humans but yeah that that I'm gonna be working on I'll probably talk more in detail about it we're still in pretty early stages right now but but yeah and then maybe like I have my own books I want to write - and stuff so yeah thank you I hope one day to see my illustrations in like published book that would be so awesome yeah so the problem with just set just doing it as an mp4 is that you'll only get one loop of animation which would be the very very short video and it's not long enough to really post anywhere it would just if you post if you notice you post your animation it's just like a little blip and it's over that's because you haven't looped it enough and that's really why I use that app is to loop it there might be other apps to loop a video make it longer just like basically playing it over and over again making that a video but that's the one that I use so okay I think we're gonna close the giveaway so Jeff can get the winners picked so we're closing the giveaway now thank you guys to all who entered internationally we apologize if it was not working hundreds of entries a few hundred entries to give away and so the biggest thing is what you can do to enter if you want to get if you want to get the resources reach out to me on Instagram or you can send me a contact inquiry from my website at Bardo brush comb slash contact if you want to get those resources my email is Lisa at Bardo brush comb so if you want to get that but you weren't able to sign up just let me know I'm happy to make sure that you get those resources so Jeff right now is downloading the list so we can pick some random winners to win the stuff that we're going to give away so I guess he can't shout out questions to me because he's gonna be busy but I feel like through Instagram yeah I just posted a gift there this morning actually to talk about this class and it worked I don't post a lot to Facebook so I don't as much experiences Instagram but it worked for me today so I'm not sure why only the background is kind of cool I mean I probably have to see exactly what you're doing unfortunately that's a good question so as far as my background goes I have been creative like my whole life that's a big part of my my life and my childhood and growing up like I've always just done whatever creative thing that you could possibly think of like I've always either done it or wanted to try it I when I went went to college I double majored I have a degree in photography and graphic design so both creative things and after college well at the end of college is when I met Jeff and we started a wedding photography business around that time so as utilizing that but also like all the graphic design to like help build the business and the branding and I I love really love graphic design and branding and stuff like that too that's another passion of mine but as far as like getting into drawing I've always you know drawn a little bit here and there never thought I was really good at it but I had never really spent a lot of time doing it until I got my iPad and that's why I'm so passionate about teaching this because it really can open a lot of doors for people creatively um Jeff bought me my first iPad right after my first son was born and it was a gift and I've discovered after a few weeks or whatever the procreate app and all that I could do with it and it was just like changed my world and then when the Apple let's see the Apple iPad pro the first iPad pro came out with the first Apple pencil he got me that for Christmas I was like oh that's so cool but like didn't want to spend money myself and he's such a sweetie and he got it for me for Christmas and then the year like at that New Year's I decided I would draw everyday for a year and that would be like a goal of mine and that I that there was really what changed everything for me like really helped me not only just like develop my skills and kind of start working towards a style of my own that I was you know trying to build towards but it showed me that I was able to express myself through art I was I became pregnant that year and it was really hard pregnancy and and because I had already committed to drawing every day I had to draw something and so the stuff that came out of me then was a lot of pregnancy related stuff sometimes I just write I am tired and that would be my drawing for the day I was tired a lot so yeah just drawing every day and come - that can really just make such a big difference not just in your skills but in your life so I highly highly recommend it making art everyday is a good challenge to draw to join because it gives you the prompts so you're not just sitting there like oh would I draw I don't know I'm just not gonna do it like I'm trying to overcome that so okay here's what you draw and you draw that so I hope you guys can join that - that's a really good thing to do how are we doing back there Jeff I get that question a lot and it's a really hard one for me to answer because I can't tell you what's gonna be the best for you I can tell you what's popular which is the gouache paint box is probably one of my most popular sets and then like the copycat market markers which I did a tutorial on this week which are supposed to be like alcohol style markers like Copic markers those are really popular but I would look at the sets look at the kind of art that's that I created with them the kind of art that's been created with them on like the Bardot brush Instagram account and see what appeals to you and try one of those that's what my best advice procreate just relieved released a care package I think they're calling it and it's like drawing prompts so they have a whole list of drawing prompts I think three weeks worth of drawing prompts and a free brush set with a lot of really cool brushes in it so if you go to their Instagram account they have a link in their bio maybe they have it on their website too but it's like a free thing and I thought that was so cool that they released it so I'd definitely check that out come on yeah so for next month I've got definitely one free brush set that I'm gonna be talking about and releasing a tutorial to go along with it and I'm really excited about it it's in the realm of I know we talked about the theme I announced what the themes gonna be for next month which is weather weather related things Plus art styles so we're going to be exploring a lot of different art styles so I've got something really fun and the pipe works for that so if you guys signed up for the email newsletter that's the best way to get info about that you have to like press that little button that makes it not be square yeah you should be able to do not not square like rectangular videos just fine what was it like going into digital art for college did you enjoy it did you love your work hmm I don't I wouldn't say that I did any digital art in college I mean I've never been like a yeah I went to like a state school so it wasn't like an art school I was a Sacramento State I live in Sacramento I'm losing my voice so I yeah I do have some formal formal education so but I've learned more since college photographers for ten years I know whenever I decided to call myself professional that's how long [Laughter] thank you for bearing with us guys I'm so excited okay so are we ready you people absolutely okay all right hold on hold on I made some slides giveaway time yay so the first thing we're gonna be giving away is you like that you guys that's pretty good we're gonna be giving away these decals for the Apple pencil we have them for Apple pencil Gen 1 and Gen 2 so will email you and ask you which one you have and make sure you get the right one we can't ship these internationally unfortunately so if you're not in the US we will make sure we get you something else good if you're a winner so I'll be sending you like something like this so it's these little stickers that you can put on your Apple pencil and they're from D brand so we're gonna pick two winners and we're using like the first part of your email so if that's you Ashley Jan Clark you are a winner we will be contacting you by email to get you your decals and we're gonna be one more person Laura that's not probably gonna help a lot of people if your name is Laura you could be a winner if you get an email from us you're definitely a winners congratulations Laura cool so that's it for the decals the next thing we're gonna be giving away is a brush set of your choice so these are all the different brush sets that I offer so you get to pick whichever one you want and we're gonna announce two people to win a brush set of their choice JK's 33 congratulations you will we'll e-mail you and you can pick a brush set and we'll make sure that you get that and we're gonna do one more person for that okay all right Jim only three Laury Laury at something calm congratulations Lori we will email you with all the details and stuff and one more s Mason congratulations you have won I brush that of your choosing we will email you with the details and then our last giveaway is the big one which is the master bundle so this is basically all of these sets altogether so that's what like 13 sets and and it even cludes the magic paper which is like a cool texturized canvas we did a video using it earlier this week so let's get our two winners for the karin Knoller congratulations you've won a master bundle we will email you with the details I think you have a lot of fun with that and then we're gonna do one more big black dog studio I bet you have a big black dog congratulations you've won the master bundle so you guys are both beginning like all the brush sets that we offer as a part of the master bundle thank you so much for tuning in again I'm Lisa Bardot I'm the owner of Bardot brush I make awesome brushes for procreate and lots of educational content about drawing and drawing with procreate and I also run them making our everyday project which is a daily drawing challenge to help you overcome your creative fears and establish a daily art-making practice so you can learn more about that at these links here and we are gonna be going live again next week so for the past two weeks we've been going live every weekday and next week we're gonna be doing it three days instead of five because it is a lot to keep up so Monday when stay in Friday of next week we will be live at 10:30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time it's the time we've been doing it all of this week it's the time we started today so I hope you guys can join us I'll be talking about what I'm gonna be drawing like on social media but if you have any requests like feel free to reach out to me and drop in your requests for what the heck I should draw but I'm excited to start exploring what we're gonna be doing and making art everyday with these live videos so make sure you are subscribed to the YouTube channel everyone out there yeah that's probably the best way to make sure you don't miss it is is on youtube so thank you thank you so much I hope you guys have a great weekend and we will see you next week bye bye
Channel: Bardot Brush
Views: 282,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 22OEtWzw3x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 46sec (5446 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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