I've Mastered Multi-Pen Drawing?!

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this video is sponsored by 21 draw in a recent video i drew with 21 pens at once or did i i didn't it was all an elaborate skit based on how many views that video got i would do legitimately multiple pens at once drawing now i have a concern because i said for every million views it would be an additional pen so for one million views that's two pounds for two million views that's three pounds three million views that's four pens you hit three million views so i'm gonna start off with one then i'm going to do two and three and then finish off with four now have a little reference here so you can guess in the comments who it is before it's revealed all right i'm drawing a character whose original conception was actually a bald telepathic super villain this is a fictional character he's not hungry ever a bit of trivia there for you this hero doesn't need to eat uh also doesn't need to breathe actually and what's a hero without an enemy and the earliest version of this hero's nemesis was a telepathic ape i'm trying to throw you off with the trivia here because i feel like it's so obvious who you would guess and there's no uh reasonable way to provide clues without giving it away straight away but i will say that his original idea of being a telepathic bald super villain ends up being the super villain in his story by the name of lex luthor that's right you guessed it or you didn't i don't know let me know in the comments did you get it it's superman now the honest truth is drawing like a printer isn't the hardest thing in the world the biggest challenge of it well there's two really one is proportions and if you take it slow and steady and use a reference you can get it the other is the row length and consistency so you can see that at the start i started with pretty short rows which works well for detailed areas and also for the most draw like a printer effect when you speed it up later but i'm an impatient fella and that's why i find this challenging because you know usually a third or halfway through the piece are my rows start getting bigger and then in the last quarter well you'll see they're not really like printer rows more just like you know chunks of the picture thematically appropriate because i drew the ultimate person with one pen but i thought i could follow this theme i'm gonna do the ultimate duo with two pens but to do the two pen thing last time i created a contraption that basically was just a long rod that had two holes in it that the pens go in now the alignment of these pens or these holes has to be basically the same as the two left corners of two pages next to each other so that the pens are always at the same position at any point on the page now this was really straightforward where we get to three and four is going to be difficult but i've already invented one for two because i've used it a couple of times at the last video so let's go cut a couple more [Music] this duo featured in a movie that was accidentally deleted and was only salvaged because one of the animators who was working from home during their i think it was their maternity leave happened to have a replica of the entire server's animation on her home computer or at least up to you know a couple of weeks before so what became one of the most beloved animated franchises of all time was almost accidentally completely lost just really interesting tidbit it is of course toy story and i'm drawing woody and buzz this one's turning out pretty good too i fall into the same pattern of the you know the rows get bigger later on but at least for the start and the more detailed sections pretty much you know pretty narrow and it works out pretty well i have no idea how i'm gonna hold up past this one three and four are gonna be a real challenge but we'll get to that later for now i'm i'm really quite happy with how this one's turning out it's not fun this is not something i would opt in to do if it weren't something you guys bloody well love to sing so let's uh let's see this through to the end and this this is only just the beginning woody and buzz adequately represented through this ridiculously stupid way of drawing it's so difficult and really uncomfortable let's do it again to do three i'm gonna have to invent something for those of you who watch the video that this is a sequel to you'll remember i made this thing to hold 21 pens to draw all at once in that beautifully epic montage we put together the reality is this was never gonna work allow me to demonstrate with three i could get by having the middle one a little lower than the right and left then i've tilt to the left and i'm only drawing with the left one and i tilt to the right and i'm allergic with the right one it's finicky but it's doable but only with three but it's too difficult with it so close on the same axis so i think i'm gonna have to create a new contraption which slits the middle one a further away so i can pivot with a little more extremity to have a lot more control this is stupid because we're doing things the way things are not meant to be done clever people do things the way they are meant to be done which is why i'm proud of this video sponsored by 21 draw those of you who watched the last video remember i promoted their volume 2 of the illustrators guidebook volume 1 was one i participated in but that's not what i'm sharing with you today what i'm sharing with you is their online resources and subscription they work with famous artists from disney marvel and dreamworks etc with drawing guides and videos to take you from a beginner to being more advanced and professional and the online courses complement the book so if you have a subscription you can dive even deeper one of the cool ways they do this is in their physical books they actually have qr codes scan the qr code and it'll take you to their website and there we go everybody my name is rodrigo gonzalez how cool is that like a personal immediate connection with the illustrators and authors who have amazingly professional backgrounds and careers that you can follow along with to learn how to draw like a pro you don't have to just take it from me you can take it from their happy customers this course is really complete for beginners who want to create this is the first course i've taken on 21 draw and i'm very impressed i really had to stop one of the videos to make a good review i highly recommend for everyone you can join 21 draw they have a monthly or a yearly subscription option available and they are giving a special offer just for you guys it is only available for a limited time so go click on it and a huge thank you to 21 for sponsoring this video and making awesome resources you guys are gonna love it go check it out but what i'm not going to love is doing the next one with three but before we do that i need to investigate how other people do this stuff and how i can make the next contraption so this is just uh electrical tape and two sticks how do you control the height of the pen though from the stick the giveaway for the the rocking thing like it looks like it's all three drawing at once but the giveaway is actually the swing as i go through you can see the side pens if it's drawing in the middle are sort of moving forwards and backwards quite a bit and that happens in my footage in fact if we go back to the drawing with two pens at once whichever one i'm not drawing with tends to move a little more wildly which is fine but it's just sort of an indicator that you're really drawing with one pen at a time in different places i'm gonna do i'm gonna make some prototypes before i do my funky laser cutting so the tricky thing is going to be the height of this one in the middle so that we can rock back and forth on the side to side ones he's doing the same thing three pins at once he's not doing it like a printer though he's doing it wherever he bloody well likes i mean it's pretty cool he's got the same contraption though which i think i think needs improving upon let's just draw a little smiley face in the middle now just draw a smiley face on the left side oh it's pretty uncomfortable to hold got to be honest there's no way around it this is gonna be incredibly uncomfortable i'm gonna hate every second so far i've been thinking linearly like a line of pen imagine with me if we had a design where the center of motion and weight distribution were centered to the hands but realistically we spread out like this with one two three now if we did that way of holding it would be from the center maybe if it were like that maybe if i created a three winged propeller that i held in the center [Music] it's about to get heated in here three pens at once now we've established at this point that is not really at once it's kind of one at a time in rapid succession and over a long enough time period that when it's squeezed together it looks like they're all drawn at once so having broken that illusion down it's also worth mentioning that while i've drawn like a printer so far in this video all of the videos where i see people draw with three or more pens at once i don't see this draw like a printer thing happening they're just drawing pictures and thank goodness because i don't think i can continue to adhere to that standard i mean it's going to be pretty difficult as it is but without any further ado three pins at once i think the ultimate team of three i've got it now how does drawing with three pens differ from drawing with two well honestly two was reasonably easy compared to this with two there were only two things to look at at once and in one access they were just side by side with three not only is it dividing my attention further which makes it even harder not even just by one multiplier but it feels significantly harder the extra spread of the pens means that i'm more accurate with some and less with others in fact the bottom right pen the one sort of side and behind where my wrist always ends up going it's really hard to draw with it's super super difficult to get any sort of shading or any sort of accurate pen work here and i'm sure you can see by now the ultimate team of three is shrek fiona and donkey from well shrek i don't know if you agree with me so feel free to let me know in the comments if you would have picked another group of three for now i'm actually pretty happy with how my team of threes turned out the results are getting less and less polished i'm gonna be honest they're much more scribbly and when i did the draw like a printer thing obviously it ends up looking a lot neater but i am so glad i didn't do this drawing as a printer because oh my god i can't even like it was hard enough just with three but yeah no not a not a fan of doing this so let's do it again with more i'll tell you what i'll opt in for even more pain if this video gets i'm gonna say 250 000 likes i think that's a lofty goal 250 000 likes and i'll do five pens at once and i'll let you pick what i draw let me know in the comments let's do our research and see how fall is gonna work and make a thing to do for now someone has already done this is the same person that we last watched the video who did three this is the same contraption except obviously it's extended beyond this to have one more and i think that's pretty doable the way by necessity that that would have to work is and i'm just gonna amplify this so it's clearer the height difference between all of these in fact this would have to be a height difference too would have to be amplified enough that one of them would be lower than all of them and then you could tilt to draw on any of them so basically like this one has to be lower than this two and this two on that axis this one has to be lower and this one this one on that axis and then otherwise the outside ones you're pretty well safe because you can just tip the whole thing in one direction so if i actually drew with 21 pens at once it would have to follow the same rule where every pen that i could feasibly draw with has to have a lower point than the two and all of the other ones by their side so if i actually drew with 21 at once it would have to be a contraption that looked more like this and then i could anchor on this one then this one then this one but by the time you're drawing with this and it's flat to the page without hitting the other pen you can see how far the other pens end up having to be for the page in fact i believe the same person does five at once and look at that it's it's even more amplified it's the exact same thing that i just pointed out but you can see for him to draw with this pen the other pen is a foot off the page i think the best way to draw with four pens at once is actually quite simple hand holding in the middle with an even weight distribution and pivot point all of the pens can actually have the same distance to the page because if i'm resting this end down on the page i only need to have these points lifted by a centimeter or so and then this point is lifted by two centimeters automatically it's a lot less motion and pivoting all of the pens are closer to my hand and i should be able to draw relatively comfortably given the stupidness of this challenge with four pins at once let's invent a contraption [Music] so [Music] this is it people it's game time this is what you all clicked for four at once let's see if i can keep up the pace as before leave your guess as to what the team of four is and i'm gonna give you a clue it's not a team of four it's four people from a bigger team because i'm gonna be honest i can't think of a team of four worthy of being drawn like this i mean what could we come up with there's like the a team which no one knows but i was tempted to do because of the i.t crowd quote of the team team team team there's of course the fantastic four which is one of the first thing that comes to mind but uh it doesn't feel particularly relevant or exciting so i i sort of got a bit stumped here i'm sure you can sort of guess by now who i've started to draw and what team they're from but you know what let me know in the comments if you can think of a better team of four if there is the ultimate team of four but for now i've picked my choice of the ultimate avengers from the event so far so good but i'm gonna be honest this is not comfortable and it's not fun i did it it's done one i want to get your thoughts as to which one is your favorite obviously number one is the most refined most polished outcome i'm really happy with two i think is really impressive it's pretty polished it's not as polished as number one but it's still good enough that it feels and looks polished then we start to get a little messier with number three they're pretty scribbly but to be honest i feel like there's a bit of a charm to that they feel like i mean i think the most important thing to me is i got the proportions right so the characters feel like the characters that that's pretty hard to do and i'm really proud of the result there last and certainly not least the four characters drawn at once same deal here there's a clear trend much more scribbly but i feel pretty accurate for the characters let me know down in the comments which you think comes out on top just this wall is very intensely red oh you know what else is intensely red the subscribe button all right i'll i'll change it but i said it's intensely red but i didn't tell you to click it i probably should tell you to click it click the subscribe button there you go now i'm going to change the color ah that's so much more calming thank you so much for supporting the other video to the degree that i was pushed this far so cool that you guys were into that and i really hope you were into how i tackled this challenge let's see if you can challenge me enough to tackle the next step goodbye civilians i mean goodbye partner oh infinity handbee i hope you live happily ever after dunk and i am also singapore farewell from asgore and your friendly neighborhood youtuber
Channel: Jazza
Views: 505,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: 9yKt24_pSs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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