Making a Lo-Fi Looping Gif on Procreate

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hello everyone welcome back to another video  today I've got another cool little procreate   video for you guys so I'm very excited for  today's video we're actually gonna be making   a little cute little lo-fi looping gif like the  ones you see on the low five playlists on YouTube   I've been watching a lot of those as I work so  we're gonna be making one of those today but   before we get into that I'm very glad to say that  today's video was sponsored by paper-like as you   probably noticed from the video I bought a new  iPad which means I needed a new screensaver so   if you don't know who paper-like are they are a  company that makes screen savers for iPads that   feel and mimic the feel of paper so they not only  mimic the feel of paper but they also sound like   you're writing on paper which is great for if you  are an avid ASMR fan so with the new paper like   screen savers you get more control of the Apple  pencil when writing sketching or drawing on it due   to the paper like resistance and roughness that  it gives basically the texture makes your Apple   pencil have a better grip on the iPad when you're  drawing with it and I find it really enjoyable the   new paper like model drastically reduces glare and  fingerprints which is an excellent new improvement   that they've made it's a lot more friendlier to  the Apple pencil tip which basically means it   doesn't wear down the Apple pencil tips so every  package from paper-like includes a set of two   paper light covers and application accessories  and stickers that make application super super   easy they also ship worldwide for free with a  100% satisfaction guarantee so basically paper   like I really recommend them I really enjoy their  products and if you want to buy something off of   their shop you can use my link that's on screen  right now and it won't cost you more a check out   but it will help me out a lot thank you so much  to paper-like for sponsoring today's video so i   actually sketched out the little design that i  wanted to do yesterday and it's of this florist   this flower shop I just did like the rough  sketch of the elements and today what I'm   basically gonna do is I'm gonna take a different  colored pencil and identify on the sketch which   elements are going to be moving and those are  the elements that I'm not going to be drawing   in the illustration part of today's video so I'm  gonna identify which bits I actually intend to   make move in the gif animating part of the video  and everything else I'm gonna draw out as if it   were just a normal Ellis tration so all the bits  that are in blue that you can see here are going   to be moving in some way shape or form and when  we actually take the illustration of the flower   shop into another canvas and actually make it  move so I turn down the opacity of the sketch   layer and went in with my inking pen I'm using  the read pen I like it cuz it's got like some   sort of texture on it and it just makes things  look a little bit more pencil like that makes   any sense I went around and I just started the  inking process over the whole thing and some of   you might be wondering why it's spelt weirdly  over there on the sign it's actually florist in   Portuguese is is what it says on there I don't  know why I just wanted to make it Portuguese   there's this really beautiful flower shop next  to where I live that's also a coffee shop and   it's like one of my favorite places in the world  so I don't know I just felt the need to make it   Portuguese I don't know so I went around and  then started thinking all of the lines and   they're not gonna stay black I intend to make  them into a overlay or a multiply layer once I   actually start coloring but just for the purposes  of seeing what I'm doing it is in black right now I also wanted to illustration to how this really  cute little garden on the outside part and it's   gonna have basically where they plant all the  things for that they sell at the shop and it's   going to have this really cute fence going  around it then I'm going to draw out right   now and I thought I'd you know keep it really cute  and in the low five fashion and add of course some   fairy lights and some cute little hints of light  and just I wanted to play around with lights in   this one because since I'm not having any moving  lights I thought I might as well go crazy with   it so there's gonna be like this little spotlight  over there in the top right corner that's like the   main lighting area of this garden and then there's  gonna be some fairy lights coming out of it and   going into like behind the building and stuff  like that so anyhow this garden bit is probably   my favorite part of the illustration I just think  it looks so so cute and I'd love to have a garden   like this one day and of course you can't have  like a floor a flower shop without having a bunch   of hanging macrame flower pots it's just a given  so I drew a bunch of them out and I left one out   without being drawn because I'm actually gonna  make it like sway in the breeze a little bit and   oh this part was also really fun sketching out all  of the little like gardening tools and just having   them laying down there on the floor and you're  just really fun drawing out all the elements I   don't get to do very detailed drawings like this  but when I do I just I find that I really enjoy   drawing all these like little tiny elements  it's like making a puzzle it's really fun I also drew out a bunch of little rocks and  pebbles and stones to make like a sort of pathway   on the garden there and I think it's ended up  looking adorable it's very you know very stardew   valley very right down my lane and then I drew out  the lights and the little spotlight over there in   the top-right corner I was just basically doing  all the lost details here just drawing out the   name of the shop over there at the top and all the  other tiny little details that I went back to ad and once that was done I deleted a sketch layer  and I lowered the opacity of the line art layer   and then went in and started coloring and the  reason why I lowered the opacity of the line   art layer is because of this reason right here  so I I was intending to turn everything into a   overlay and because I didn't want there to be  like weird uncolored bits underneath the line   art I always lower the opacity just to make sure  that I've properly lined up to the edge of the   line art layer so that once I turn it into  and overlay or multiply layer and there's no   like empty bits if that makes any sense I hope  that made sense but yeah I turned the line art   layer into an overlay and this basically if for  anyone who doesn't know and it basically turns   the colors that are underneath it into just a  darker color yeah I have a whole video where I   explain this technique on my channel if you  guys are interested in seeing that but it's   just one of the one of my favorite things  to do on procreate I can avoid having to   do color line art it just does it for you  and then I colored in the little fence here   I am obsessed with how cute this fence is it's  a very animal crossing so you know just saying   totally not inspired by the games that I'm  playing on my switch recently nope not at all this part is always really fun as well I just  I love doing like coloring in it's like it's   like doing a coloring book it's just always so  relaxing and so fun I just get to like shut off   my brain pretty much and just like color away  it's very very fun I do really recommend it   if you're looking for something to get your mind  off of things at the moment doing something like   this is really fun and you know it's it's very  happiness inducing because it's very colorful just coloring in all the elements here bit  by bit and then I added an extra layer for   all the glasses all the glass windows and  doors and lowered the opacity of that and   then added another layer on top where I'm  going to be adding the glass highlights   like this and that one's also going to  be at a lower opacity but at a higher   opacity than the actual glass layer if that  makes any sense just so it actually shows up and then I went into coloring in all the little  elements on the rooftop area here I drew out some   seed bags and some extra tools and stuff like that  over at the top and I just I just find it really   cute I I really like how it ended up looking  I did different colors for the handles of the   different tools and I found that it was very fun  and it just looked really colorful and that's also   where the cat is going to be once I actually get  into animating this this little thing that's where   there's gonna be a little sleeping cat at the top  there who's gonna be wagging its tail in its sleep I also added in all the macrame / macrame /  however you want to say it strings for all   of the floating flower pots as well  as coloring in all the really cute   little gardening utensils and the pebble  stone pathway in the garden out there and this is where all those years of designing  my own rock paths in Animal Crossing are going   to come in handy because it's when I'm going to  actually be highlighting and shading these and I'm   absolute pro at doing those so just saying then  of course I did the as you can see the spotlight   over there at the top I lowered the opacity and  made it fade out and then with that light source   in place I started adding all the highlights and  the shadows in the rest of the drawing so it's   good to identify your light source before you  start adding the shadows just so everything is   like in cohesion and so everything makes sense  together because sometimes you'll forget what   you're doing and then you just like all of a  sudden shadows over in the opposite place and   it's just a mess so it's I always find it  helpful identifying my light source first so once the base illustration was done completed  I duplicated that canvas so I had a duplicate   of the illustration and I flattened down  everything on the duplicate so that I had   just a basic flat illustration so then what I  did is I brought back my set my sketch layer   so I could have a semi transparent plan for  where I'm going to add the animated objects so   I basically have three layers in in this kind  of us right here I have got the illustration   the sketch layer and then I added another  layer where I'm going to be adding all of   the moving assets and if you remember from  my other animation procreate videos every   layer is a different frame on procreate  once you turn on the animation assist I'm just adding all of the moving assets onto the  same frame so that I have so it just makes it a   little bit easier because none of the animated  things are touching so there isn't really no   problem in having them all on the same layer  so then I just went through my sketch layer and   added in all of the things that I want it to be  moving so little flowers in the trows over there   at the front trouser troughs and the macrame  plants swinging in the breeze and the cat over   there on the rooftop area and basically what  I did was just draw out the first frame of the   animation then deleted my sketch layer and turned  off animation assist and this gives you a little   timeline at the bottom if you're not aware of how  procreate animate works it gives you a timeline at   the bottom and every layer that you create and  drawn is another frame in your animation so I   turned the base illustration into our background  so that it is visible in every frame throughout   the looping animation I then went in and added  all the extra details on our first frame here and   once I was happy with how all the animated assets  looked I duplicated that layer so that I basically   don't have to redraw everything I just take the  same layer and duplicate it and then I move or   erase the bit that's going to be moving and change  it a little bit with every frame so here with the   cat I just moved its tail a little bit and then  when I will go over to the plant pot over there   and I highlight that area and move it a little bit  and because as I said none of our animated assets   are touching I can just go around the frame and  highlight what I want to move at a time so yeah   that way everything is still on the same on the  same layer but I can still move them individually   as I want to just making the flowers sway in  the breeze as well and then also the macrame   dangling pot over here and I just kept doing this  duplicating the layer moving things a little bit   here and there and then I made I wanted two things  to like do a sort of a ping-pong so going back and   forward and so I just did the first motion until  it stopped and I made the frames stay where they   were for a few frames just so it pauses there the  movement stops and then made everything swing back   in the opposite direction I really hope this makes  sense it's very hard to explain this but hopefully   you can see what I'm doing here and kind of  understand what I am saying so I made everything   kind of sway to the to the left and then pause  there for a second and then sway back to the   right and then once there everything's done I can  actually set the animation to looping or ping-pong   and it will all look really seamless and sway back  and forth without a little wear that was a little   gap in between now what I did I used the warp  tool as well in some of the moving assets just   to make things like move a little bit more and not  look so stiff that's like a little pro tip if you   don't want to redraw something you can always  try and warp it but with the flowers I ended up   redrawing them in some of the frames because I  wanted them to open up a little bit in some of   the frames and then close back down depending on  the perspective so it's really up to you and how   much you're wanting to you know put into it but  I want it to look really nice and simple and calm   yeah that was pretty much it as you can see here  I had it on loop but I actually later on changed   it to be ping pong so yeah here we go that's what  it looks like I'm very happy with how it turned   out it's very simple very calm very chill which is  what we wanted so then once you're happy with what   you've got you can actually export it either as a  gif or as an mp4 and you can here's where you can   also play around with the framerate you can also  do this before you export it but I always like   seeing it like in the exporting page and mess  around with the frame rates here just because   it's a final look at things and once you're done  here it is it is the final looping lo-fi gift that   we made here it's very chill very calm a very  nice little flower shop I hope this helped I   hope you guys enjoyed watching this video thank  you again too paper-like for sponsoring today's   video and yeah hope everyone's doing ok and  I will see you guys in my next video bye bye
Channel: Pypah's Art
Views: 648,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art, drawing, speed, painting, paint, how, to, tutorial, artist, sketch, sketchbook, bullet, journal, journaling
Id: 9QuNhDFCiYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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