Sweet And Sour Chicken (Caribbean Best) | Recipes By Chef Ricardo

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well today I'm gonna make us something beautiful and really nice someone requests my and my youtube rested and I'd like to request sweet and sour chicken well I have the idea of making Suzanne show chicken sweet and sour chicken I make it before and I can make it again off so so today I'm gonna give it a recipe of sweet and sour chicken it's a nice recipe and hopefully you guys are like the recipe please visit my website at shop ricotta got cold at UK and please leave your comments if you see anything you like please write it down and let you I don't know if you want to make you something I will definitely make it let's write it in the description box and chef gonna be making for you so today I'm gonna make a sweet and sour chicken enjoy it you gotta bone some plain rice chicken inside of this container right here what what a simple said to you are that one kilos of chicken which is working out to one pound back in your country here in Jamaica in England be said killer but right here this is the chicken breast of chicken I'm using a chicken breast to make a sweet and sour chicken and I very get them a little bit if you know just a little bit thick our condom this is dice according in some very thick sizes and they're looking really nice then I have a video on YouTube ought to clean up the chicken and wash it Oh to wash it you meet I'm gonna put that link below you can also click on that link over here I have some white filling addition so I what I used to wash up my chicken then what we want to say to you guys right inside of this boiler that a medium sized white onion half of a mixed peppers bought pepper one two three pepper red green and gold I use half each and I dice them also and I've cut them a little bit chunky and just like the Orient also dice then second thing of that two eggs we should want to also use we've got some flour plain flour you should also use and chick also over simple do we gotta do you I'm gonna marinate the chicken by put on some seasoning and chicken first of all I got some paprika paprika is really nice to use on your chicken I'm gonna put it straight over it just like this roughly 1 teaspoon 1 tablespoon I'm using um I got some everyday seasoning I'm gonna put 1 spoon or so and also some chicken seasoning that's I'm going to put 1 spoon and I got some on purpose seasoning I'm gonna put some also on top of it really nice if you don't like to use this kind of season you can a simple put a little bit of salt on it or if you got I'm gonna put a little bit of Awesome but if you don't want to use already season if you want to do it natural you can do it natural by the starting flow on an egg and then we're gonna simple do I'm gonna break these 2 egg on top of it like this if you look something right here I've read 2 is on top of it with your kind of a thing if you want to use the gloves you can also use a book to marinate the chicken I'm just going to use my hand if you use and please wash it on very careful after the right here so I'm just finishing rub up my chicken one you're gonna put this on the side inside of this job right here half two and a half cups of pineapple juice but my pineapple juice in England this is the way they look and come with a yellow look ish really I don't know what it's a little bit yellow yellow wish I didn't but it's fine you can use natural pineapple to make a pineapple sauce if you like what I'm just making it more easy you can simple go to a local shop buy a bottle of our carton of pineapple juice and all right over here I have two and a half cups inside of it that's what we're gonna use to make the sauce then you will need some yellow food right here is a yellow food coloring you can also use the liquid one but this one is the poor one so I'm gonna use some yellow food coloring inside of it to get it to be yellow so first of all you don't need some vegetable oil or if you want to use olive oil right front I have roughly twelve cups of flour and I'm using plain flour I'm going to sleep put a little bit more coloring inside of it I'm gonna put some paprika and a little bit some every day season roughly cheek or the spoon of every day season because this season having salt you don't need to add any salt let's combine both of them with the flour and the seasoning mix it up just like this there right in the meantime I want to say to you get your pot under store with a cloth lovely roughly two cups of higher inside of the pot make it to get hot to fry the chicken in the meantime they are marinating chicken and a flower right here I have the fried pot on the stove heart started getting hot right here I have the flower i right over here is the chicken they will be going to do them step-by-step then after we're gonna make that sauce for the chicken it means I want a simple if you want to know if you're flowe if your heart is being getting hot simple put a little flour inside of it say see mahai is hot and we're gonna simply dip the chicken inside of the flower and put the straight inside up if you have a deep fryer is even even better to fry your chicken so I'm just put it in this array right now steaks on at the time or that's fine make sure yeah you can put some more file inside of it just for it to cover the chicken on it a little bit more in the easy but that's fine I can sing with us turn it over and fry them for roughly until I see they get that nice beautiful gorgeous look on the stirring on some of them the reason why I'm using this leg lifter because is a nonstick front for another one I'll scrape off my front one so you can notice what I'm doing lovely so I want to simply say you can also add more egg you can use up to three eggs okay I need to get it a little bit fluffy but that's fine it to egg rather than C then looking lovely but uh put some more inside you pull the legs some more as you can see that beautiful color and what medicine to do I'm just going to put them in a container now I'm going to take off these water fry right layer up this one can see these one is fry now you going to put them in that sauce and that sauce when I give them a little bit more cook so you don't want to over to Matt they get too too much stuff as I can see this one is ready looking lovely I'm nice and also this one is ready beautiful well you can see for they're looking nice finish down that's so Moorish I'm gonna put it in a now again I think I can see one doing so this is the last set of the chicken it's gonna put this inside of it now lovely and nice as you can see and after this we're gonna make that lovely sweet and sour sauce that is the most important part at the whole process of making sweet and sour chicken bus find out the chicken is very easy as that's prime is likely making KFC stylish and but the sauce is very important to make and this is sauce is the key so I'm gonna make that love this sauce for you guys as I can see this is what I put them in I put over that piece of Peter he's a napkin inside of it Austria and now I put them inside of it just to get someone rid of the grease and now I'm gonna take off this set wish I did put in it earlier let's take on these one where they can see and look really lovely and nice and after this we're gonna make a nice wonderful sauce 20 sweet and so on so right here I have a meet-up sighs Frank part of the stove what can I do I'm going to put this nice panel but putties are really little bit hot but as fine that's the pineapple juice and that's one of cups of pineapple juice what would I do understand itís top it up for chewy cups so I took a little bit more inside of it that's three cups of pineapple right here pineapple juice right here I'm just making it a little bit more easy you can make it another way by using the fresh pineapple but I'm gonna take a longer process this is a quick way and this is an easier way then make simple leave it until he stopped as you get hot then we're going to move to the next nice so as you can see the water is even start to get boiled it's sorry guys the pineapple juice start to get boil so one on a simple doodle I'm gonna put a pinch of yellow coloring food coloring inside of it make sure it's just a little pinch you Chi is really strong that's under the pinch then take the time and with it just like this and the next one are simple do now as I can see the color of the water is really yellow looking really nice I'm yelling I'm using the yellow food coloring the next I'm using our cups right here I'm gonna put some sugar inside of it so sweetly as it goes around aunt Ayse it was in my wish I just wish it no Ganassi but taste it you see all sweetness nice one perfect that's perfect alright that's really nice so let's say Sweden auntie's as it goes alone now water is simple do next no that's some current flow you know current flow you can get it at any local shop supermarket anywhere you can simple go and buy some corn flow I'm gonna pick me now by this I need some corn flour inside of it if you got sliced pineapple fresh pineapple you can also put pine nuts on the side that is a little bit start to get any born again then what I see below I'm just gonna hide in the con flow too far to get thick so take it at the time and audit team just like that so much a little bit splash all over that's fine as you can see it's time to get thick right put a little bit more inside of it don't use too much cut it probably if you too thick you have to go hard more lift with to eat for it not too thick so I'm just gonna leave this far up you wanna two more second for it to us get a little bit more boy other right yeah it's start of Y so this sauce is finished now that's what you need this sauce is finished now we're gonna move to part three but one finish this is part two finish so now I'm gonna turn off my stove and let's go to party legacies get a clean pad like this one right here simple protein a little bit of foil and a vegetable I our olive oil whatever you like but apart really hot then next we're gonna simple do those vegetable which I'd be cutter before right here is the bench the pepper and the mixed pepper and the white on it I'm gonna put them straight inside of it like this so we're going to fire them off looking nothing and see already looking lovely inside of the front bun then what we're gonna do in Excel but I got a beautiful sauce inside of it like this take it at a time and mix it up beautiful and nice then what you're going to simply do know we all do all the process and everything already then know we reached up to this bit which we need to do something to turn it into sweet and sour sauce if you have lima can use lime at the oven vinegar you can also use vinegar I'm gonna put out a cock-up white vinegar inside of it like this and then simple just mix it up just like this as I can see all the color and as I said before if you got fresh pineapple you can also add a fresh pineapple inside of it the only reason why I didn't because I don't have any at the moment so I'm just doing it just like this and this is the easiest way automate sweetened soy sauce now I'm gonna taste it ah nice also you can add lemon I'm gonna Ari I'm gonna of the vinegar inside of it it's a good clock of the vinegar inside of it also then also you can put lime because it will see looking really lovely it's just really good but you know is the vinegar makes the difference so I got one more car cup vinegar inside of it so three of vinegar is enough for it now we're gonna simple you know I'm gonna put those chicken wish fry just now inside of it just like this by the simple I love those chicken inside of it just like this looking really lovely and nice the pinnacle time and mix it up a cost you want to see those beautiful color with their chicken the prep on the white onion inside of it is all the things inside of it is just a pineapple but as I say if you do have pineapple when you're making yours you can also heart it inside of it and this is just our really nice and sweet and sour chicken as you can see looking lovely and this is the quickest way and the easiest way and that's why I'm making this way for you guys I'm not making it complicated because I could go the natural way by getting a pineapple remove the skin cut the top and all those way more that's takes a little longer so right here you can see the sweet and sour chicken right here so now I'm gonna simple do mister cover it and leave it for cooked on for another of the five more minutes see o it looking really lovely and nice as I can see all the sweet and sour chicken is looking really good and I want to tell you something this is one a Jamaican that's not only Jamaican but word do like sweet and sour chicken cars just beautiful it's just really nice and there is something about sweet and sour chicken why people do love it and sweet and sour chicken also can go with anything you like you can go with rice plain rice you name it rice and peas Google so as you can see it looking lovely and nice let's look at that beautiful sweet and sour chicken so someone did ask for it on YouTube and I did deliver so right here this is finished I don't need to put any more further with it this is finished and now we're gonna share taught that's it guys can see the let's see I've just shared a sweet and sour chicken with the rice and I put a little bit of the veg on top of it just as garnish it make it really nice but as I can see looking really lovely a nice another I'm going to say if you've got pine up a fresh pineapple at home you can also dice pineapple and put on top of it it just really nice recipe so please enjoy the recipe and subscribe my youtube channel we have a lot more recipe for you guys visit my website shuffle called a duck call at UK please write the comments and if anything you do I see you like let me know and I will make it for you so enjoy my recipe today from chef ricotta sweet and sour chicken
Channel: Chef Ricardo Cooking
Views: 245,615
Rating: 4.8459525 out of 5
Keywords: Chef, Ricardo, Cooking, Sweet And Sour (Dish), Food, Best, Chicken (Animal), Ever, Kitchen, Chicken Meat (Food), Worst, Friend, Moments, Friend (Musical Album), Recipe, Best Friend, Best Friend (Composition), Restaurant, Greatest, Jack, Johnny, Pirates, Caribbean, Sparrow, Orlando, Captain, Captain (Job Title), Tenacious, Johnny Depp (Celebrity), Elizabeth, End, Chef Ricardo Cooking, Jamaican, Caribbean Food, Book, BBQ, How To, London, UK, Barbecue Cuisine, Dinner, Cookbook Literary Genre
Id: ZjaRmvXLr88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 05 2014
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