How to TURNED CORNMEAL Properly Recipe

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yeah mom hello my name is Miguel and today I'm gonna make for you earned carne con carne I say you're gonna need two cups of corn refined a 50 gram pack coconut powder 2 cups water or 2 cups of coconut milk mix with one cup of water you need a cup of mixed vegetable out of us out of an onion stock of scallion spring of time out of scotch bonnet pepper 3 garlic cloves and teaspoon to a tablespoon of salt sea salt 2 tablespoons of coconut oil so that's a switch pebbles seasoning to strip them out properly wash them and put them let the garlic a mash it fine dice scallion dice onion and you can have a scotch bonnet pepper Scotch my pepper pepper is optional so you learn in half of the diced onion mash garlic and die scallion Scotch with a pepper and a spring a time and I'm using today mix vegetable so measure out a cup this is the frozen mixed vegetable you can use the can mix vegetable just remember to remove the water and rinse it for rinse the vegetable the frozen one also rinse measure a cup and rinse it one cup like this I'm tempted to use some white vinegar but I don't think it's that dirty so let's rinse with some fresh tap water put in a container put it aside for later all right now put to eat a pot that stews our cooking pan let's choose put your stoves gauge on 6 medium I all right now put put it on 6 I like my onions sauteed some people don't do it this way but I'm doing it - 2 tablespoons of coconut oil I have to water minutes or so started dice onion spring a time the dice scallion this allowed to saute for couple seconds about 20 seconds add for fermented berries dry just stir this in for a little while and the mashed garlic to remember I'll put the stove sketch on six medium I all right so let's took less than a minute minute are two let's turn this off because I don't want it to burn so let's start it off so now I'm going to add the other ingredients so now measure out two cups of cornmeal I think you can use any type of car meal for this now but we're fine we'll give you a smooth and eat well you can use rough Kamiya it's just can use the rough one too as well so either cornmeal and note add two cups of coconut milk I'm using coconut powder but the ingredients come for three cups of liquid and the coconut milk is optional so add two cups of coconut milk and one cup of water so either I'm using coconut powder today so I just add a coconut powder to the to three cups of water but if you are using straight coconut milk you'll use two cups of coconut milk and then add a cup of water so you just add the three cups of liquid and although I've been told numerous times that don't call me you must use coconut milk I did it before and I use water all the way you can use straight water so I use two cups of coconut cornmeal and three cups of coconut milk but either dilute it with one cup for water so you add a tablespoon of salt and you add the one cup of mixed vegetable frozen mixed vegetable now turn the stove flame turn the stove sketch on low turn the stove back on and put a stove skate on low low almost off low and I remember five saatana but add a tablespoon of salt I'm going to look back on this video to see if I add salt or not all right so cover user user parts later and cover it properly seal no like this almost off low it's been ten minutes on low very very low just give it a couple stars like this this is the proper way to make tun Carney's or turned cornmeal also cover the pot and seal it properly so now after 20 minutes then open it kept it close understand that's important it's a Tony know turn it why I can't imagine anything we may usually eat this a lot this is a old-time meal this was I guess before rice and peas I don't know I'm the same the methyl will conjure food here and it's hearty I've been eating this lately I've been eating this a lot lately let's just make a stir I'm sure it's stir properly and then cover your pot again sealed person and allow the stoves gauge and low almost off low it's been 30 minutes been covered I didn't open it within the time and this is why look this is what it looks like let us give it a couple of stir make sure the top you stir the top the bottom to the top so that you get an even cook okay so this is moist end and nice don't call me lightly I didn't grow up Anton karmiel what I find myself cooking it nice so this is 45 minutes so you just turn it off let's give it a couple of stir turn it off and see you that's it you finish I'm getting ready to serve all right so this is my tongue I mean it's difficult to say turned cornmeal I wonder all those office people say turn the quorum you know because I get on my case with when I make a mistake so when all they would say turned cornmeal over the same way turned economy but you know it's difficult is it sound better when I said ton come here so this is what it looks like so I'm going to serve it today with Corey all right the chicken you know what I notice they doing these days take the pouring that that the blood dye in the supermarket on these chickens I don't think it's a good idea it is just you stop doing it I'm wondering if it's cancerous on that that died it's not bloody now you know it's died that they put in a and I know they put it on a chicken but our chicken should map the run blood I'll tell you that if you see blood in the tree something wrong that's why I know they have they there they had the bloody dieting to the chicken as well they should stop it they should ban it this really really really really really bonnet now I'm getting ready to that one was for the picture sake so now this is my one-on-one serve to eat I'm like mud hunger right all right I mean talking about this one market a chicken this is what my card chicken and tony carney look like all right so let's taste this thing some people call me the gravy King and the gravy King on YouTube I get a pack of fun from England and I get attacker from a marker so used to tell cocaine is in my blood I really don't believe that it's in my blood it's just also everything I tell myself that I'm a person I'm a person of the Arts I'm a man of the arts so that tell people a lot because I do I'm good at the eyes I can so I can probably say if I if I was focusing on singing a pop would act if I was focusing on acting anything to do with art am I good at no I'm writing photography fine art graphics video graphics and with a graph fake more and this more but I can't take it right now anyway I am evil right tell about what I do this food enter taste nice it is real good enjoy link in my website Jamaica dinners calm see ya I saw this math uncanny next came from PR guys with with Jamaica's Jamaica's on you sometime and I when I'm in the pub on the bar I talk properly occasionally when I'm talking when I'm working you know from you know which people are business and so forth and then comfort for me because I can but a lot of times when I'm in the pub are with my friends and so forth I don't talk properly middle stock in your team whether the word lock more clear on that I don't hear I'm gonna wanna Bart and I would like for people to carding and I'm in that statement night and make sure tell them to leave if I'm using bad English right drama whatever when I'm this is Jamaica when I'm in my free time I trick lift up from the time you
Channel: MiQuel M. Samuels
Views: 375,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Turned Cornmeal Recipe, cooking video, cooking channel, cooking show, food challenge, food network, food fight, food review, How to cook Jamaican food, How to make Jamaican food, Jamaican food recipes, Jamaican food documentary, Jamaican food kitchen nightmares, Jamaican food taste test, Jamaican food song, Jamaican food (cuisine), Jamaican food truck, Jamaican food market
Id: GQmcLRYNpo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2016
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