10 Fun Things to Do While Stuck at Home During Quarantine LOCKDOWN and Bored

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My list of fun things I've found to do when you're bored and will give you plenty of ideas of what to do while being stuck at home or restricted by Lockdown and Quarantine.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ffoowwlleerr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for this dude, it’s about the only thing I can do here, everything else is shut down.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hackliftguy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yes, I do the slingshot band DIY everyday at home.

and Excuse me, I just couldn't find a way to post youtube video to Reddit, Can you tell me how to do it? thank

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CHICPIECES-COM πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I bought myself a simple shot slingshot. Thank you so much for the videos! Keep them coming. My son, mom, wife and I are in heated shooting matches outside almost every day. God bless you and yours.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BillFromQC πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] I'm Zachary Fowler and this is 10 things to do will stuck at home brought to you by simply safe [Music] oh yes [Music] [Music] I'm Zachary Fowler and you're watching Fowler's Makery mischief who is it Pizza Delivery for mr. Fowler leave it on the doorstep you have to pay for it mr. Fowler how much is it it's 1188 step back buy your car so you can see me from the upper window okay all right my pineapple and anchovy pizza hmm pineapple anchovies hmm all silliness aside my hopes and prayers go out to you and your families during this time of the pandemic and we hope that you find some chances to have fun during this and that's why we came up with this list of 10 fun things to do while being stuck at home so let's get right into it starting off the number 10 blowguns all right I got a couple different kinds of blow guns here in my collection we've got the cold steel blow guns which are a larger bore diameter that's what we're gonna use today right now and then we get the smaller ones which are great for kids my kids aren't old enough yet to be able to shoot a slingshot they get frustrated with it so they end up quitting before we even get started practicing and playing with those so I let my daughter's use the small blowgun here the small diameter they're able to shoot darts with it and just as accurately as I could shoot my slingshot at times so it's really fun for them and I recommend this and they're the cheapest ones you could possibly get on Amazon you can also build your own blowgun just with a piece of electrical conduit and some electrical connectors and some sheetrock screws well we'll take these big more blow guns out Tim Wells is actually even taking a bear with these so they're not just a toy you can do quite a bit with this the quickest way I've found to build a target for a blowgun is simply a cardboard box of any sort and some sort of rags inside and stop the darts from keep going like all the way through and out the other side just make sure whatever rags you're using old sleeping bags you don't mind if they get a little bit of punctures and holes in them cuz they will if you keep shooting it for a while all right we're all set up about 25 beats you're good distance for a blowgun a little less than 20 for kids 15 to 20 and you know you can go up to about 3035 but then the ark is a little higher it's not as fun and just like anything else it's more fun if you're doing it with a friend so bring out Brandon here and a little competition it's always fun and maybe have to blow guns because if you are doing with a friend you don't want to be swapping spit on the same blow so let's see first to take down the squirrel wins I like it and then we'll take out the clown see we got it going on oh my blowgun skills are rusty I guess we're gonna shoot one round and then we gotta sanitize the blow darts we're gonna have to I don't want to get your Dart this is why blowgun is number 10 on our list because unless you're doing it with a spouse you might want to label your darts so you're not sucking on the same dart as the person next to you so we're shooting one round of these and then we're done and on to the next thing on the list look at that grouping beautiful grouping as one hurting clown and number nine reading no better time than the present to catch up on that reading you keep saying you're gonna do and my number one pick of course is the Bible every day with the our daily bread app to assist my reading witchery of archery a book written in the 1800's epic adventures of an archer The Compleat angler I haven't read it but I hear it's the same as the witchery of archery just really epic old book Lords of the bow it's a historical fiction about Genghis Khan and about how their design of the bow gave them supremacy over everybody they came up against and how they were able to take over almost the whole world at the time Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan maybe the best fantasy series outside of The Chronicles of Narnia which is a definite must family read going home by a American a fiction work about societal collapse that is just chocked full of educational bits about survival The Forgotten arts this is a must-have book in your library if you are at all interested in building or making things and just a smart prep should we find ourselves in a more primitive days and of course in that same vein of thought is books on wild edibles I've linked all these books in my Amazon store linked in the description below wild edible plants you pretty much have to go on Amazon to find one that matches your area take it with you on hikes or just look for treasure in your backyard you'll never know what you find number eight the Daisy Red Ryder BB gun that's a classic right there this is what got me into marksmanship and wanting to plink away at things I made a box or my dad and I made a box for plinking away and all of my GI Joe guys got destroyed because of one of these BB guns I shot every single one of them to pieces and not just like just randomly I'd shoot off like one hand I was like Sid from Toy Story you spelled my name wrong dc8 bb-gun is if you got a basement things like that you can plink away at a simple box like this and a or a pile of cardboard with some rags inside just like the blowgun darts I would still wear glasses if you're inside of a basement with cement walls as your backdrop add a blanket or something first old sleeping bags work great for all this stuff let's have a little competition with a little battleship target we print it up off the internet all right heads I win tails you lose all right perfect all right call it in there all right tails oh you get to go first all right or you get to let me go first up to you uh you go first what really yeah I want to make this I wanna give you a chance so for those you want to leave it the comments below about how we're not social distancing we work every day in the same office together we've kind of resigned the fact that if one person gets sick they all get sick just like your kids bring home all those wonderful things from school and we're gonna go three for three and see who's ships are sunk first wow those are really tiny tired I was just thinking that I'm lucky did you see that like all of a sudden like got really tiny all right revising the plan the targets are just too hard to hit with this thing [Music] there we go 38 seconds 38 seconds I feel like I had like three duds in there yeah there's three or four you think your Call of Duty score is gonna help you I think it's gonna help I think it's gonna have a little bit we'll see on your mark get set go clearly there's some flaws no mostly the glares some flaws into our competitive gaming strategy hit making it was a workout making it not so fair but I think there's some potential there let's move on to the next thing and number seven carving have you been watching my videos for any period of time you're always seeing me carve stuff from a set of chopsticks so I can eat my meal to an entire chess set so I can have some fun and what I'm spending some time out in the woods with my buddy Amazon is full of books on carving as well as YouTube having tons of videos on carving you can look those up there I don't usually get to informative with my carving videos and that reminds me I recommend highly that you get youtube bread should we ever lose the Internet god forbid YouTube bread allows you to while we still have the internet download videos so you could download videos on canning download videos on how to carve how to do any number of things and then should you ever find yourself in a grid down situation where we don't have the internet you could still access those videos on your phone as long as you still had a charge to that phone and for more inspiration on carving check out Marling baits on youtube he's one of my favorites I love watching his one day building catch and number six the sling this is a clip from my old video I'll link it below slingshot vs. sling and it is so easy to build just a solid piece of string shoelace something like that and the scrap a leather or you get a bit fancier and you go ahead and weave yourself one and then there is the staff sling which gives you the chance to become accurate in a matter of it's hitting a 2-foot target but the real beauty of a traditional sling is it fits in your back pocket goes on hikes or whatever and now quick word about our sponsor for this video before we go over the last five go together that's not a combination that's not no that's not gonna never anyway simply say our sponsor reached out to me last month and said would you like to do a sponsored video we think this would be a good fit for you you going away on long protracted adventures what do you do to protect your home because when you go away for long things what do you do you either lock your doors and hope that everything is just the way you left it when you come home or you have a house sitter and they are not afraid to let things get messy please meet Sarah she's back to get the man she wants Sarah what's going on well Jerry you know you guys were like family to me something's always gonna you're gonna come back and gonna find weird things like look at this this was my old apprentice I come back and he says oh by the way yeah there's a couple holes in the window now yeah I shoot a slingshot all around my house all the time and make all kinds of messes but it's another thing we come home and you find Cheetos rubbed into your couch because your house sitter has been having himself a good ol time because it's not his couch so simply safe said they could set me up with a home system that was simple I could install it and they sent it over and we installed it I meant to actually film the installation of this but it went so fast I was like I'm just gonna put one or two of these things up now I would simply say if you have all kinds of different options multiple packages that you can choose from I think the slowest one starts at about two hundred and something dollars comes with your your home unit your keypad here and then you can get all the different things to go along with it for just fifteen dollars a month they will monitor my systems and if the alarm goes off they'll notify the police which some of these they got door sensors here motion sensors here I even have a sensor underneath the sink and over by the washer so that if the pipes freeze and break and water starts running out I got a a water sensor here and then there's a temperature sensor I can't remember where I put that one actually and then motion sensor in the hallway up here so we have sensors all over the place for different things oh and even over here in the corner there is a glass breaking sensor as well as sensors on the windows and of course my favorite the video doorbell if you have to social distance do it with style so between all that stuff working together and the temperature sensors and the water sensors if something happens for just $15 a month they will notify the police and for $29 a month my camera's my doorbell cameras and my interior cameras will have a continuous recording loop so that if we ever catch something silly happening in the kitchen or a weird encounter or somebody to come to the door and decides to get pushy I'll have it all on film here and feel a little bit more secure all of this can be monitored from your app on your phone I can unlock the door with my phone as long as you have a dedicated deadbolt on your door their system bolts right up to it and the sticky pad number pad goes right on the outside here can't look at this can't see my code I gotta look at it though don't get it oh I did simply save on home and your entire system is monitored through the simply safe little tower here which is connected to your Wi-Fi it was really easy to set up and I like this because that all those little door chimes and things when I am home and I put it on off if somebody goes through the door and it chimes I know that somebody's here and I can take a peek out and I just really its ups and they're dropping stuff off in the sunroom so with the Home Hub piece of it all integrating and connecting everything there's even a panic button which I installed under the desk I don't see myself ever needing that but what do you mean there's a legal issue with my trapdoor and as you explain please take two steps back they all trapped or I was perfectly legal has to be handicap accessible a wheelchair would never fall through the current opening you know I feel like if somebody were to break in they would have to set off at least two or if not three of the sensors to mess around with stuff here they'd have to set off the motion sensors they'd have to set off one of the door sensors and then if they didn't set off the door sensors or whatever they break the glass and then they set off the motion sensors and the cops will be called or the alarms going off and they're already hitting the road before they've even grabbed anything and if they do grab something then the cameras have recorded and I know that simply safe has got my back so let's get on with it the rest of the video here we've got five more things five more fun things to do while you're stuck at home and number five gardening slash yard beautification I guess I built this last year and it is such a cool little area there was just some logs I had laying around up at the land some these were actually came from across the street that before I bought the place the neighbor had milled these and made some planks that's what my kitchen counter is actually made out of these ones were laying around outside so they're half rot and I took the nice pieces of them made the fire pit and this is the garden that came with the place I haven't gardened in a number of years since we read grid from leaving the yurt and off grading and moving here when we lived off-grid in the yurt we grew enough tomatoes with 24 tomato plants that we could can enough tomatoes to have one pasta meal a week and then have enough sauce left to do one Pizza a week for the family and that was just 24 tomato plants a bunch of carrots to use instead of sugar in making your tomato sauce some peppers and onions and all the herbs and spices the kind of oregano basil parsley type spices and rosemary and we made the most delicious tomato sauce except with a couple batches I burnt in the canner but I'm gonna go out and get some more materials we're gonna do some digging in the yard this summer to trench it so it doesn't stay all muddy like this and and then I'll have a beautiful beautiful garden right here and food to be able to prepare at home without having to go out to the grocery store so yeah and number four fishing it kept me alive for 87 days and won me half a million dollars on History Channel's alone show season three definitely the top three must have survival skills to be able to fish with minimal gear and catch enough to provide for yourself so you can go as crazy as printing your own lures on a 3d printer just for the fun of it or you can go as minimal as I did in Patagonia with catching all those fish just on hooks grubs and worms that I found in the earth I'll link three videos in the description below that you can watch to inspire you to challenge yourself on your next fishing adventure first ingredient Goods do butter in there number three cooking perhaps you're not very good at cooking you've never really taken the time to get good at it you just keep making the same mistakes like not taking the package off well you can learn to cook now you got the time or perhaps you've been hearing me talk about the ketogenic diet and your ready to take the plunge the best way to succeed at that is to spend enough time learning new recipes so that you're not finding yourself hungry and tempted to go back to carbs not to mention cooking is a great way to creatively combine some of the earlier activities we talked about like fishing or gardening and especially our last or second-to-last here number two hiking hiking is a great way to go out and do something in the outdoors it's safe and instead of just hiking up to see a view hike for a purpose look for something to carve look for something to cook do some foraging come back with something to add to your dinner table you never know what you might find when you step out that door to explore the world around you and finally my number one pick of fun things to do while you're stuck at home slingshots you can go down the rabbit hole as deep as you want to go I've got some really expensive slingshots I've got some production sling shot simple shot that you may have seen me out there hunting with during my survival challenge to the recent one 30-day survival challenge Canadian Rockies and they operate excellent but my favorite sling shot is one that I carved to fit my hand and I took sixth place in the East Coast link shot tournament two years ago and then second place this last year with it if you practice with it enough you can become good with it it doesn't take much to build a shooting range you can have a simple curtain and this is another loop curtain right here so that the ammo that hits this curtain ends up in there and we can collect it back out of there or you can go as simple as a cardboard box stuffing an old sleeping bag in it just like we're doing for the darts and you can tie a rope to these putting some cool paper targets on it hang it from the tree let's go ahead out in the yard and I'll show you some more fun stuff muddy out here there's our outdoor range pretty much the same as our indoor range it's just a little bit bigger back drop and catch area fun thing about the outdoor range is we can add spoons onto here the ammo tends to ricochet a little further off of it always behind the target range so it's safe enough but you can add things that clang things like cans you can hand hand cans from here and one of my favorite new tire gets the little pheasant head here and the beauty of this is you could put it anywhere you want and that's one of the favorite my favorite things about slingshots is because the ammo doesn't cost a fortune when you lose an arrow you're like ah that darn it you know that cost me uh that cost me some wages but with slingshot ammo you get it in bulk and so you can afford to do wild shots so we're gonna take this throw this around and do some wild shooting waste some ammo we'll play a game a pig yeah just like with basketball you throw your target whether it's a can and you pick a spot to shoot it from if the person who calls the shot hits it they get the other person has to match that shot or they get a letter let's do it let's do it I'll let you go first and make the first call alright since I got to go first last time can't take it easy on me picking a 20 foot distance to start so what if you get three shots then what do I get do you get two did something I get two yeah alright that's fair enough so I spotted you one basic you spotted me one yeah okay points do they roll over to a next turn that's the end of your turn but you get to pick a new a new spot for the target how far back you're gonna go right here it's like that's a good 33 feet I'm warmed up now so oh that NICTA does that count did you hit it I nicked that it didn't move I didn't see it move I'll move the GoPro got it fans watching I missed getting cocky and I go a Miss oh there we go there it is pheasant on the burn pile Larry pheasant on the burn pile on you just jinxed yourself didn't you yeah this one's too easy he says Oh nailed it alright ready first shot I'm gonna move back yeah no you got to pick a longer shot no I'm still warming up I know you don't want to miss but like if you don't pick a longer shot you're never gonna throw me off my game unfortunately that wasn't supposed to be the end of the video but it is today we found out that evening that the governor was declaring a lockdown on the state of Maine so we moved all of our shipping facilities so Brandon can ship from home and I'm here editing alone my two guys are all working from home now so we're ending the video there for more slingshot resources check out the link in the description below for my how to shoot a slingshot video there's also a link down there for the slingshot mastery course which is a very extensive course that goes way beyond what my how to shoot sling shot video has and I'm gonna be doing some courses with them and there's a new free one we're putting together right now which will be out in a couple of days if not right now depending on when you're watching the video called the joy of slingshot shooting am I getting that right yeah the joy of slingshots and since Maine is doing this whole lockdown thing I decided to do a season three of the 30 day survival challenge right here at home I've been filming for it while finishing the Edit on this and that'll be available April 10th Friday evening at 9:00 p.m. I think will be the first episode 30 day survival challenge right here at home it'll be very different than anything I've ever done before because we're gonna be posting new episodes every single day those links in the description below I put little links and/or places to answer any of your questions for each of the ten things down below and a link especially right at the top for our sponsor simply safe thank you guys very much for sponsoring this video and thank you guys for watching see you next time Fowler out
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 745,851
Rating: 4.8098178 out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, fowler alone, 10 things to do during lockdown, lockdown, 10 fun things to do when your bored, Lockdown ideas, things to do when your bored, things to do during lockdown, fun things to do, things to do at home, 10 things to do when your bored, 10 things to do when your stuck at home, LOCKDOWN Quarantine and Board, quarantine, quarantine lockdown vlog, quarantine lockdown funny videos, things to do during quarantine
Id: 5Fv15avjErk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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