Sootch00 Personal Vehicle Gear

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guys when you're at home you typically have the gear you need around you when you're in your vehicle you don't necessarily have things out on the road is when you probably will need those things and there have been a number of times where I've used certain items that I'm going to show you and just because I just happen to be prepared so this is an impromptu video I'm just gonna go through and just show you what I actually have in my vehicle now one thing that I've carried for years is the Zulu tactical moly panel that fits on your Sun Shade this is a really cool system I mean they're elastic keepers I can put a lot of stuff in here a big thing too is I can keep all my documents you know whether it's my registration my insurance information I have my range card for my Gun Club and I have it all just set right here and I can get right to it and it's right above my head with that I have a flashlight a knife pins I have my phone cable in case I want to charge my phone of course I have my cigar cutter which is key also have one of the BCM gunfighter charging handles I love these things for self-defense tool this right here I just had this little hook and this is a great little tool that I can just pull out really quickly and this is just for non-lethal but if I just need to get to something quick it's right there one thing I also keep are napkins you know when you go to a restaurant you get too many napkins I like to I don't want to throw them away so I just take them stuff them right here I huge these things all the time and some bug spray I also have a USB that I can charge my phone here in the center console have a little Ruger LCP too and a little sticky holster one of the reasons why I carry this is there are times where you know I just need to be a lot more discreet I may take my standard Glock 26 off my hip and just stick this in my pocket or in my waistband underneath here I have a small little trauma kit and paracord in the glove box I typically keep the papers that I would need if I get pulled over I keep them up in the visor but here I have a little mini trauma kit this is for your pocket I usually keep this on me at the range so I like to keep it at all times and then I have the little Taurus PT 111 g2c just did a review on that one thing I like about having a gun like this is it's inexpensive I mean they're two hundred nine dollars and I think it was on gun buyer got this and if I happen to get broken into and I'll lose it you know I'm not heartbroken so and these are good little reliable pistols now always keep an emergency car kit and keep straps and you know different things for hazard mainly for road stuff keep a few tools in here and in one of these MTM ammo crates I love these things typically keep this in the very back but I just happened to have this behind the driver's seat guys one thing to is to make sure that your spare tire is inflated I have pulled off a spare tire that was flat before it wasn't on my vehicle but just make sure that this is you know ready to go the great thing about this is with the Hummer it's just on the back so it makes it really easy now if you're keeping gear in your vehicle especially something they can look into it's not necessarily in a trunk you know having tinted windows especially in the back is really important not only does it keep the vehicle cooler especially in the summertime but it makes it very difficult to see what's in here and you don't want to advertise if you're carrying some pretty serious gear then here in the back this is where things get serious now one thing I always keep with me is a good pair of boots just some extra boots now I typically wear these tight boots already many of you have seen my one year where I'm still wearing those boots but I keep these in the back until I get ready to start using them you know guys I summertime I wear flip-flops a lot this is really perfect if I ever get into a bad situation and of course keeping an extra pair of socks of course my go bag and this is one of the direct action dust bags it's a great DDC bag it's nice and it's actually a pretty large for an EDC bag but I keep water and keep all the essentials in here one thing that's really important to me of this and I've shown this before but I had this little open a clear panel and I keep a map guys the other day I was using my GPS I kind of got off kilter and the GPS sent me in another direction I was not getting signal I used this map to get me home guys a map is important even if you have your phone plus all the regular survival items and things that I use on a regular basis extra batteries you know different kite chargers extra pens things like that I mean it's just really important to have these things with you I even have a water filtration a knife and so you know again multi-tool of course my suits gear patch from suits gear calm and I keep a lot of essentials a trauma kit again these are just critical head cover I have a rain jacket down in here I also have a fire kit I have my little FLIR thermal this is great bar okay so get hungry get me through a saw pry bar and a little tack bibby case I end up spending the night I can wrap up in this the great thing is about this vehicle is is I can let the seat down I can sleep back here guys having a good quality bag is important but just as important don't rob from your bag get your bag set leave it alone if you need something that you have handy somewhere else don't use the convenience factor keep your things together I've been through that for years and it's really important to keep a solid bag well stocked and I've done some videos on my Minuteman bag this is a vis 'm it's very inexpensive i think they're like 35 40 bucks they're not all that high quality but i don't need it i keep it in one place this is where I keep my rifle extra magazines magazines for my pistol a lot of times I'll keep a pistol in here sometimes I'll take a actual pistol AR pistol and use it's a little easier to travel with a rifle for you know legal and of course guys you need to check your local laws before you do any of this this is serious stuff but have everything ready have another trauma kit I know I'm a little crazy and extra flashlight but this is my setup one thing I will recommend is have a way to carry your magazines and your pistol you don't want to be carrying them of course if you have cargo pockets you can sometimes slip them in there but this gives you a great way to be able to put this and you it in the right configuration if you ever need it guys do I think I'm gonna need this no I think I'll never need this but again I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it and if you want to be a weenie and have your head in the sand guys things can happen now one thing I want to make a special note about guys this isn't your vehicle you're riding around you're leaving it unattended at times you know these things can be stolen and it's part of being prepared make sure that you have your serial numbers on your firearms especially the ones you keep in your vehicle in case they are stolen you can report those quickly to law enforcement guys if you have your firearms in a loose bag they can cut that and get to it but there are mesh nets that you can put over there chains that you can actually run or cables run through your firearms to secure them so they can't just get to them yeah they could take bolt cutters or whatever but making it as difficult as possible it's just a smart move in fact to the point that after making this video which was an impromptu video I need to secure my bags in fact I'll have down in the description below the link how to secure your your valuables in your vehicle and you know and obviously there are safes that you can get in fact that's one of the things I'd like to put in here something that I can place my rifle in it's all locked down nobody can get to it but if I need it I can the number one security is just keeping your vehicle locked even when you're home that means I'm locked the guys I want to talk about having firearms for self-defense in your vehicle one of the things about that is is it keeps you from being vulnerable to whatever you may face at least you have an option having your concealed carry permit is really good here in South Carolina you don't have to have a concealed carry permit to keep a firearm loaded in your glove box or your console and then when you wherever you are if you're out on the road you've got it when you go into a hotel you can take it with you into the hotel you know and then when you get home you can bring it inside your house if you choose to do that but one of the big things that hit me was I read through the South Carolina gun laws just recently and I advise everyone to do that know your state see what laws are going and then if you're passing different states you know look at those laws check them because you don't you want to be in compliance you want to be lawful one thing though that I did read about it really kind of got me to thinking was in South Carolina if you do something to escalate a problem let's say you have a road rage incident somebody pulls in front of you they're acting crazy and you pull up next to them you start yelling at them guys that is a big no-no if you're planning to use this firearm in a self-defense situation you know when you're carrying a gun there's a huge responsibility and because of that you need to be even-tempered you need to be cool-headed and you need to just to let things go escalating a problem can endanger you in court you may end up having to use that firearm but if you were to kept your mouth shut the situation never would have happened in the first place you know making hand gestures you know doing whatever showing you're aggravated the best thing to do is just to let people go and guys to be honest with you it's the best way to act anyway you know road rage is ridiculous when you really think about it getting upset with people because you know they're just driving and for whatever reason you know they're just being dumb believe me I've been there but after reading a lot of the law I've realized that if I ever need to use my weapon for self-defense I better have had a cool head and been cool as a cucumber before the situation started because you don't want to be painted as someone this hot-headed that was looking for a confrontation especially when they open up your vehicle and you have an ar-15 in the back guys there have been a number of times where I've used the items in this bag for different situations and you know it's always great to be able to get to a multi-tool to get to duct tape you know your paracord things like that that can just make repairs if you need them but also if you ever get yourself in a self-defense situation you'll be good to go now one thing I do want to talk about is the Minuteman bag I mean it is over-the-top it's a little overkill and I don't ever see ever needing that but here's the thing guys over the past five years we have seen things happening in this country that never happened before or at least in the past hundred years and with violent uprisings happening left and right you know guys you don't know what's going to happen in the next five years so being prepared especially if you have your family with you is the best thing to do being ready for whatever faces you you don't need it great but if you do you got it guys if you're serious about prepping and survival check out survival dispatch insider it's one of the best resources on the web to get you prepared I upload one video a week exclusively to the survival dispatch insider and plus it brings together a whole community of some of the top names in the survival world I'll have a link down below in the description be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] [Music] this is typically what I have in my vehicle you know to some and maybe across state lines and different Carolyn backup have a Waller the Walter of course have all the regular stuff in here yours ever there in the survival wilderness and heat retention self defense and where you are ineligible to you well there's the water dude our waters gone you
Channel: undefined
Views: 463,755
Rating: 4.8737893 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper, Vehicle, Truck, Car, Hummer, Go Bag, Get Home Bag, Prepared, Security, Travel, On the road, Sensible Prepper
Id: zulw6rft20o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2018
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