Emergency Car/ Truck Kit

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guys we're out on the road we're very vulnerable vulnerable to a lot of outside influences whether it's accidents on the highway maybe even you run off the road because of wet or snowy conditions and then of course natural disasters that can happen but beside the reason we all realize that there are dangers out on the road and having an emergency kit is really smart and really essential not only can you just break down but you could be in a tough area way out in the wilderness to where you may not even have cell phone coverage great thing is there's a lot of support behind us with you know Triple A and wreckers and with law enforcement to be able to help us but there are times where we're on our own and that's what we're going to look at today is an emergency vehicle or car kit something that you should really have in your vehicle at all times I did make a emergency car kit in fact I did a video on it a couple of years ago which was based on a 50 caliber ammo 10 and I had everything packed in there but it was mainly toward just survival but we're going to look at some ways maybe to get your car back on the road easily and instead of waiting for extended periods of time now guys this is a pretty extensive type kit and there's a number of things that we're going to look at a couple of things that I just keep handy at all times is a small little survival kit or EDC pack and this has a lot of things that I just need on a regular basis I keep one of these in my truck at all times and also I keep a knife AK or this is actually a trauma kit now I carry an eye fat with me wherever I go not only because of accidents that can happen which that is a reason itself to carry one but also because I'm a shooter and I go to the range a lot and I always keep and eye trauma kit close by and that's what this really is the pouch is from Maxpedition is one of their new FRP pouches made for medical specifically designed and I keep a patch right here so anyone would know that this is for medical on the outside I have one of the benchmade cutters and this is really an exceptional little cutter to cut not only for a medical situation but let's say you get stuck in your seatbelt which happens a lot of times with accidents and then I have my from a kit in here with the cat tourniquet and all the things that I need I have upgraded it again with some band-aids and some antibiotic ointment and some things like that but I have a lot of just my trauma kit stuff now this is from skinny Medicom it is the essentials trauma kit and then of course add it in then I also have one of the amp 3 EDC med kits and this just has a lot of things that you can need and what I like to call a boo-boo kit this is one of the little EDC pouches from expedition but it carries all my items in here that I regularly need I do have a multi-tool in here some advil batteries lighter fire-starting chapstick a knife a little first-aid kit back here but this is EDC oriented and just a nice little pack of things that you cut you need on a regular basis and the biggest thing about it is everything is right here in one spot but both of these kits stay in my vehicle at all times where I can get right to them upfront in fact typically in the console having a gas can is just one of those sensible things and the reason why is because if you especially if you have kids teenagers who were in their driving years there's a number of times I've gotten into my vehicle and had barely enough gas to get to the gas station or maybe I just can't find a gas station for whatever reason this is a 2 gallon gas can now one of the things about this can is that it is a brand you can and I just keep it in here because if you need gas and need a gas can you're really supposed to legally put it in a certified gas container and so if I ever need to use this I'll just take it and put it up and get another new one and that way I keep the gas smell down but gas can is super important now keep a gallon of water in my vehicle for two reasons number one is in case I need water water is one of the lists of threes it's something that you can only live three days without and having hydration especially in hot weather is really seriously vital now one of the problems is is when really extreme cold weather this can freeze and there are some things that need to be thought out thought out with that but this also which is the number two and not that far down the list is if you have if you overheat your vehicle's overheating you've got some water disk you could also use antifreeze but with the water I've got redundancy both with drinking and with being able to keep my engine cool to get me to where I need to go and one other thing about water is that if your windshield gets muddy if it gets a lot of debris on it you can take this water and pour it over your windshield and really get it clean you know of course you've got washer fluid but if it's really built up grime it's just going to smear everywhere and this could also be big for that now one thing we've had for years and we've used a lot is an emergency roadside kit that just comes like this one of the big things that has been a godsend to me is having one of these small little compressors and this can actually fill up your tire which we have done a number of times even if you're at home and your tire is low it could be a slow leak but this is going to get you to where you're going and it has an adapter to be able to fit right into your cigarette lighter so this is something that we have used over the years that I highly recommend now right here in the front we have another compartment and in here are tools these tools are kind of essential tools and it says fix it but these are just they're not super high quality but they'll definitely get you to where you need to go hopefully inside here we have some jumper cables which jumper cables are an important element here in this in this kit also we have a lot of tools and screwdrivers and sockets and things like that to be able to to get you going even a little bit of tape if you need to take down a hose or a valve and then we have a little small Road Atlas if your GPS is out if you're not getting cell service this could be a lifesaver and just some gloves one thing I think this overlooked a lot of times is being able to get through debris if you have a fallen tree or there's a lot of things in the middle of the road and you need to be able to cut through a good way to do it is having an axe and this is one of the Zippo three and one tools this is a great little thing in fact this came in the battle box I did a review on it and I was really impressed with this tool it is an axe at the front and then inside here or saw blades that can connect and you can even use a saw and then there's a hammer right here on the end to be able to drive stakes in so this is a great tool to have in fact after I did the review I put this in my truck because it's just one of those handy things that you can use for a lot of reasons and if you want the demonstration on this again it is in the my battle box opening and I did a whole demonstration of that box I'm really thinking about doing a whole separate video just on this because I think it's such a useful tool now one thing that I found and actually I was at Palmetto State Armory the other day and I came across these ammo crates they are just the perfect size to go into the seat of my truck and I really like the compactness this is from MTM it's a from case guard which they make the reloading cases for ammunition and things like that but this is a neat little box and again I got two of them what's really cool about this box is it has grab handles here but then you have some levers to be able to open this up and even a place to put a lock on here if you want inside I have a tarp a tarp is really smart and plus this one has the reflective material so this is also can be used as a space blanket or a shelter so having a good tarp is something that I need a lot anyway and so here we just got a good tarp then I have one of these heavy meal trash bags which I like to keep in all my survival bags they're inexpensive you can buy a big box of them they're contractors bags I buy the heaviest meal that I can get they're a lot more expensive than your standard bags but still very inexpensive for what they're used for and one of the things I love about this is that if I'm changing a tire or I have some kind of problem I have to get on the ground I can lay this down or I can also use this as a rain poncho or whatever there's a lot of uses for these kind of things to supplement with your tarp you can actually lay this down put your tarp up a shelter and then you've got a floor so just a great item now to go along with my axe of the Zippo axe I have this wicked assault and being able to solve things that I need to and this is a great little item has a little button right here to open up this cuts like you would not believe I do have a little bit of emergency lifeboat food here just in case and this is more toward the survival side but also I have a small little water filter system and this is one of the sawyer little water filters little pump with a little bag and i just having a way to filter water especially after you get to that first gallon this is just on the survival side as well now i have a rain dedicated rain poncho in here this is a little bit redundant because I can use my tarp or this can be used as the tarp but I tend to use a tarp a lot so having a small rain jacket to me is just smart I have a battery backup here and this is one of the dark energy back battery backups this is a great little system I'm working on a review right now but this thing lasts forever and I've used this not only for my phone but for my GoPros and other electronic devices the cable here also has paracord so if you need it this actually plugs into USB and you need to have your cable to put into here for whether it's a phone or whatever right in here there's also a light on this as well so there's some redundancy there it's pretty cool and then I have one of these bastion this is a different charger for different type of applications and my iPhone goes right in here but I can also do other things I do keep some paracord definitely in here I can do a lot of tie downs and things like that and I have a small lighter this is on the spool tool and if you guys have seen this a number of times this is one of the best paracord organizers that I know of it even has the cutter right here and of course the lighter to burn the ends also have one of the flare guns and I've got a couple of flares in here this is for if you're off the road if you're somewhere where you need to be found this is a great item and I have one of the little military shovels there's a lot of different ones you can get but the military shovels are just made to built like tanks and this is something of course getting you out of maybe you're stuck somewhere and this will help a lot of other things now here we have the second box same thing there's some different type items in here for one thing I have a watch cap and this will just keep your head warm especially with winter coming have a small rag especially even when you're changing your oil and being able to check your dipstick there's a lot of reasons to have a good rag one thing is when you're out on the road having something about some way to identify you a lot of people get hit and so this actually has reflective material on it and then it's this bright yellow so this to me is something that's really great to have tucked away I have a pair of nitrile gloves these are just good mechanics gloves and you know gloves obviously have a use now one of the things I have in here is fix-a-flat and this can really help you to get out of an area in an emergency situation there's a lot of guys that do work on tires that don't like for you to use fix-a-flat this is something that you know you just have to weigh it out but we've used fix-a-flat for years and had it in our vehicles and loved this stuff now I do have one of the glow sticks one of the things that I had failed to get for this video were some flares and road flares but having some of these in hand are really good just the glow sticks they can warn people you can have them out really I would add a couple more of these to this have a nice fixed blade knife and this is one of the Robert Paltrow DPX and just a great knife but any kind of fixed blade knife would really could come in handy especially in a survival situation pair of safety glasses an ice scraper which I keep one in my door but I just have one back here because ice scrapers you know can get pulled out of your vehicle and this is a great something that you definitely need in the winter have a good flashlight and flashlights are important and I also have a headlamp this is hands-free so I can if I have a flat tire at night I can put this on my head shine and I can see what's going on now I have some duct tape this can be used for a bazillion reasons and that goes without saying but one of the things that I really like about duct tape is that if I have a leak in a hose or have some kind of problem duct tape can help get me where I'm going also a couple of screwdrivers flathead and a Phillips head have a good solid sturdy wrench and some bug repellent have a bunch of zip ties and I have a pry bar and this is one tool that I've been adding to a lot of packs not necessarily this type but different kinds and of course if you have a crowbar that also works as well here we have some ratchet straps and these can be bought pretty inexpensively these are pretty decent ones but I have a whole set here and especially with a truck that's important but if you're in a vehicle and you need to for some reason need to tie something down onto your vehicle you can use this to do so also have a number of bungee cords in different sizes and I have a toe strap and a toe strap these have obviously have a lot of reasons but toe straps I have had to have one of these a while back and it would have been good to have one so I want to make sure I had it my vehicle one thing too that I really like about these containers is there's a gasket seal in the lid and so this keeps it somewhat waterproof and that could be very vital as well guys I realize this is a lot of gear and there are some things that are redundant here but this is just what I like to put together and I think that it's important to look at a kind of a large kit that may be a little bit overkill to give you different ideas on what you should put in your kit having a kit is not really an option you really need one to be able to handle those situations not only for yourself but for your family as well if you have them with you but this is just to show you a lot of different things you can do and hopefully down in the description below just list some things if you see some things that I might have missed or that you think may not even be necessary you know definitely leave it down there because a lot of guys read those comments and it really helps a lot to you know for us to think through these things and that's one of the biggest things is to think ahead to plan ahead and life just gets a lot easier now everybody's kits going to be different you have different space limitations you have different type vehicles and you know and what you feel like you may need but over the experience of the past few years I put a lot of thought into this and I think I've covered a lot of the bases it's a pretty extensive kit but something that I think that it'll least get you to thinking about certain items that you want to care with you so guys I hope this has inspired you to put together your emergency kit if you don't already have one you know your trunk even under the seat of your vehicle you know having some things set aside just to be able to keep you safe and to get you home be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] you on the outside I have one of the Maxpedition on the outside this is one of the able to get through debris and guys if you're hearing a lot of noise in the background my sons and their cousins are playing basketball so just FYI it's less in a medical situation [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 637,554
Rating: 4.9167261 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Car, vehicle, trouble, roadside, flat tire, wreck, accidents, stranded, rush hour, truck, towing, trapped, medical, kit, set up, DIY, how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2016
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