Survival Lessons from the Amish

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Hey [Music] the Amish are known for being self-sustaining self-reliant and not dependent on technology using pretty much low-tech if any for their daily lives one of the big things about the Amish is that they are very devout and they have very strong beliefs and that really makes a very strong and tight community and to me one of the biggest things with the Amish as far as in shtf situation is that they do have that really tight community they're very social in their own circles and they're pretty much you know pretty autonomous in their communities now there are about 250,000 Amish in the United States from what I've found in 28 different states and but one of the things about the Amish is they typically have a lot of children so the Amish community doubles every 20 years and that even includes people that leave the Amish communities and which a lot of people do you know there's it's a very strict code and people really love the conveniences the modern conveniences you know one of the big things about technology to the Amish is that it creates a very lazy kind of atmosphere it makes people you know dependent on other things instead of just really hard work and that's one of the big things about the amish is that hard work is valued I mean that is one of their strict codes and humility and then we're also gonna talk though about to me the biggest liability for the Amish in a survival situation as far as shtf is that they are passive they do not believe in self-defense so we're going to take a look at what the Amish do right and see if we can incorporate some of those things into our preparedness plan now one of the big things that the Amish are very famous for are their buggies and of course most do not believe in cars so they have these buggies and their horse drone and they take them wherever they need to go and of course you know in those areas if you live in Amish country you've seen the buggies going up and down the roads but they also use bicycles and scooters and I even saw one girl that was using skates line skates to get around and again it's all low technology these are things that are not powered and you know it goes in line with that hard work ethic but now there are Amish that will hire people to drive them around and especially if they're going on long trips and they're doing things like that some groups allow it some don't but the big thing is guys is when it comes down to learning from the Amish is can any of us really afford to keep a buggy and horses on hand so having alternate sources to be able to get around you know again you know low powered whether it's a bicycle having bicycles keeping them up having maybe some kind of scooter or a buggy I've even seen people a lot of times have bicycles with you know a cart put on the back to be able to take things to and from places it's a lot faster than walking and of course you can carry more course one of the big things with the Amish is they do produce their own food and they have vast farms it's one of the reasons why the Amish chose Pennsylvania and of course a lot of surrounding areas in Ohio Indiana those areas because they're just really right to have large farms but one of the things about having a farm which is great because you can produce food they use low technologies so they're using horses they're using plows they're using different kind of technology to harvest that's mostly man-made but also they use generators which is kind of interesting diesel generators are allowed now one of the things about the Amish is there are different sects there are different degrees of what they will allow and what a lot of them use and so a lot of these farms have really kind of stepped it up a little bit so they can produce more but they're still very limited in the technology that they use but with diesel fuel they do keep diesel fuel on their farms and things like that to be able to run those generators and so this is one thing is having the equipment if you have a horse and a plow you've got to have the plow not just the horse and you've got to have ways to harvest and to bring that food in and so that's one big thing that the Amish have especially with gardening and farm is that they have the tools and equipment and they don't rely on again modern technology now over the years of course land has gotten very expensive and a lot of people that are from the Amish community really can't afford land and a farm and so a lot of them have gone into industry one of the big ones is furniture making the Amish are really incredible furniture makers they're craftsmen and they make really high-quality furniture using very low technology now a lot of times they do use compressors which would require a generator and they don't have a problem using air compressors at least a lot of the Amish groups and so that really aids them but they still have the know-how and the hand tools to be able to produce furniture in the skill and so that's one thing that's important now is to gain knowledge to be able to produce things that you might need is to look around and think these are some things that I could probably need to know a lot of people have basic woodworking skills and for me I do I love to work with wood I like to make things but I rely very heavily on power tools and so being able to know how to dub cut you know do a dovetail cut and to be able to join things together and use pegs I mean that is a skill that's really lost and it's something that you know we need to consider not that we're in an shtf situation gonna be necessarily making furniture but a lot of times there may be something you need to produce in a survival situation they've also opened up restaurants they do quilting they make mats hats rugs I mean you name it if you can it can be handmade the Amish are making it and creating a business out of it and you know one of the things about shtf which a lot of people have just in their mind that it's going to be the zombie apocalypse that doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to be that way and a lot of times it's just an economic downturn you know crime begins to rise and you know just like it happened in Argentina I mean it wasn't a mass civil unrest it was more of just different things that just life itself begin to drop and people had to start really looking for ways very inexpensively to do things and so being able to barter being able to have a skill to make something could really come in handy in an shtf situation because typically things start to kind of level out after a while and people start getting back to a somewhat normalcy even though it may be a lot less than what it was originally and so being able to trade and to barter I mean that's one of the things that mankind has always done even from the beginning and as far as business goes with the Amish a lot of times they have lumber mills sawmills they have gristmills that are run by horses they know how to produce different products once they get the raw materials but the big critical key to this whole thing is that you've got to have the equipment you know there are some small things that we just don't have a lot of times and being able to kind of at least have some of those basics but to be able to produce food and to produce wood and furniture and whatever you need sawmills again you know the having a big waterwheel I mean that is a lot and I think that's one of the things that the Amish have going for them is they've got a lot of that stuff already set into place and as just regular people living in day to day lives in modern technology we have not only lost the skill we don't even have the tools to be able to use the skill if we had it knowing where these old mills are around us could possibly be a resource in an shtf situation we can only live three days without water and of course one of the things that the Amish do is they drill wells and they have hand pumps and they can pump the water out and be able to use it not only for you know living and drinking and bathing but also for you know watering the fields and you may live near a water source but that water source may be tainted and you need to make sure that if you're drinking that water that you have a way to purify it and when it comes to power they are very against electricity but they do use a lot of different ways to be able to have power one thing that they do are a lot of the groups do with their homes or kerosene lamps and so they use oil lamps for having lighting in the evening but they also can use propane lamps and so they have in fact I even saw one where they had a big propane tank with a lamp attached to it in their home and so they used those kind of things they also use diesel generators so they keep diesel fuel there and this gives them some sort of electricity here and there but you know cell phones things like that they don't have but they do use cell phones for business and so there are some discrepancies or things or you know variations of what each group does of course wood stoves are a big part gives some heat they can actually cook on it in fact with cooking they use stoves wood-fired stoves which you know I have a good friend of mine that has one just for that purpose and being able though to know how to cook with a wood-fired stove especially in your home coal is one thing that the Amish use solar power they use kerosene and of course kerosene has a lot of different uses for it for kerosene heaters and for lamps they also use batteries and they charge those batteries and then you also would need to have inverters but thinking about things that are none dependent one of the things about a diesel generator is you've got to store up enough diesel fuel same thing with kerosene same thing with coal same thing well I guess wood would be the biggest sustainable way to be able to keep heating cooking and have some kind of power but as far as lamps and having light being able to store up you know kerosene but of course you need to be able to store that safely and so doing a lot of research on really how to do that it's just smart now one of the big liabilities to me as far as shtf for the amish is that they are passive and they don't believe in self defence they believe that thou shalt not kill means that you can't kill someone now one of the big things though also that the Amish have going for them is they're hunters they love to hunt they have their guns and from what I understand a lot of them have a really extensive gun collections they like really quality guns and so but they use them and they teach that those are for hunting and so they provide a lot of their food through and so that's something that you know if they're very accurate with their firearms they're very good with them and they target practice and I'm speaking in general terms but you know that is one thing that the Amish though have is a downside is if they are faced with a violent encounter you know they're not going to be able to defend themselves against their own moral code but there are some that feel that if they have to face a situation with their families that they will defend their family I found it interesting that some business owners actually have concealed carry permits and carry a weapon on them that are Amish if they have a business and so there are some variations and again guys in an shtf situation where things are really going bad you know sometimes people have to make decisions that might go contrary to their core beliefs and so hopefully you know they would at least defend their families and children but one thing I think that would really happen in an shtf situation or the communities that are around the Amish would protect them one of the big reasons is is because the Amish are gonna be producing food they're gonna have you know livestock they're gonna have you know vegetables and things like that but they can barter and trade with plus the skills that they have and that needs to be protected because it's gonna benefit the people in the outlying communities as long as the Amish are able to keep producing food even in an shtf situation and so for me if I lived on the outskirts of an Amish community or had Amish neighbors I would be willing to protect them not only because I just want to protect people and care about people but because it would be advantageous to me that that Amish community could continue to produce food that I would be able to get and be able to use and maybe barter and trade with and so I think that a lot of people that live in the Amish country would kind of band together and really protect them and to just like they hire people to drive them around they can hire people to be able to protect them now some Amish will not agree with that just like a lot of times they don't really to cooperate with police when police are looking at crimes against the Amish but I think that a lot of people will step up and protect them and of course there will be areas that will just be wiped out but one of the great things about the Amish is that it is real rural and it's out from most of your urban environments and so for people to actually get from there to the Amish could take a long time to do so and so they may be isolated and insulated somewhat and then take the community surround them that are willing to protect them and again guys no one knows what a grid down shtf situation would really pan out to be and like I said community is one of the strongest suits of the Amish people one big thing they do is barn raising they all come together and they'll build a barn and then they'll build another barn and they kind of help each other because that's a really big expense and so they get together as a community they make it a big event it draws people together it makes stronger ties and they're very willing to help one another you know it's one of the big things about the Amish is they try to stay very humble humble people and you know and there are some bad apples and there are in every culture but one of the things about the Amish community is they're tight and that's really a critical thing to have in survival and so unfortunately today in the world we live in a lot of times you can't trust but you know in the Amish community they built that trust and they built those relationships I think one thing that's important as far as building a group or a community is finding people that are like-minded that have some kind of moral code similar to your own I mean for us our prepper group most of those people either came out of our church or they store they believe pretty much the same way we do and it really builds a strong bond and so we all can agree when things are wrong we can look and say well that's wrong and we kind of all agree that it's wrong sometimes if you get people that are from the outside that come in they may not see your moral code and so they may disagree and that can really cause a lot of problems down the road so having a really strong knit community that you're depending on really is important but sometimes you're thrown together with people and so one of the things that for foul said was when down in Argentina people that really survived the best were people that drew to get in communities and work together and helped each other and I think that's one of the strongest lessons that we can learn from the Amish is like-minded people joining together making a community and then being better for it and being able to depend on each other because again guys lone wolf is out of there I mean you are not gonna make it long in a lone wolf environment and so having people and depending on people it's just the way we've always been I mean no man is its own island and it's just as important in a survival situation so guys if you're serious about prepping and survival check out survival dispatch insider it is the most comprehensive resource for prepping and survival using some of the top names in the survival world and we upload one video a week that's exclusive to the insider so I'll have a link down below in the description check it out be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] [Music] in the united states prep prepper prep prep work because the better that my neighbors prepared the better i'm prepared and if i can look at the Amish they'd make good neighbors
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 391,913
Rating: 4.8768125 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper, Survival Dispatch Insider, Amish
Id: tNJdimyPWEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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